WCHN - Animal Care Facility. GUIDELINES FOR THE TRANSPORT OF SMALL LABORATORY ANIMALS (e.g. mice and rats) Author: Lynn Marsden Date: 24/10/11 SOP: Op-0012 These guidelines are written with reference to The code of practice for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes as well as the Guidelines for the transport , storage and disposal of GMOs Animal welfare must be the priority at all times when handling, transporting and dealing with animals. OGTR = Office Gene Technology Regulator GMO = Genetically Modified Organism PC1 = Physical containment level 1 – accredited by OGTR PC2 = Physical containment level 2 – accredited by OGTR ACF = Animal Care Facility NB - For all transport of animals ensure communication is established between institutions to facilitate the smooth transport of the animals i.e. animal transport itinerary must be made aware to both sending and receiving facilities and animal transport movements tracked accordingly. When transporting animals please consider the varying requirements of individual animals in regards to health, gender, experiments etc. E.g. male mice are not to be regrouped for transport even over short distance. Ill or weak animals please consult with ACF staff. LOCAL TRANSPORT (within South Australia) 1. PC1 & conventional housed animals 1.1 animals are not to be transported if the ambient temperature is forecast to be above 30C. 1.2 animals are to be transported in approved containers. 1.3 containers are to have adequate ventilation, comfortable bedding material and environmental enrichment. 1.4 containers are to be appropriately labelled to identify content and senders & receivers details. 1.5 containers are to be sealed appropriately to prevent escape of the animals whilst in transit. 1.6 animals are to be transported in air-conditioned vehicle. If only being transported a short distance they may be carried and ‘walked’ to their destination see point 1.7 1.7 containers and animals must be handled with care at all times. They must be handled in a way as to not increase the stress levels of the animals. LOCAL TRANSPORT cont. 2. PC2 animals 2.1 PC2 animals are to be transported in the same manner and following the same guidelines as set out for PC1 animals above with the addition of the following points. 2.2 containers are to be labelled to show that they contain a GMO product. 2.3 If transported animals are not returning to facility, appropriate forms for GMO transporting must be completed and sent to the receiving facility. Forms and instructions are available from the ACF manager. INTERSTATE TRANPORT 3. PC1 & PC2 animals 3.1 animals are not to be transported if sending and/or receiving facility’s forecast temperature is to be above 30C. 3.2 animals are to be transported over night via air express and by an approved and accredited laboratory animal transport company e.g. Jetpets or World Courier. 3.3 animals are to be transported in containers and labelled in the same manner as set out for local transport above. 3.4 in addition to bedding and enrichment as stated in 1.3 they are also to be supplied with appropriate amount of food and moisture gel packs to sustain them in their journey. INTERNATIONAL TRANSPORT 4. All animals 4.1 As a general rule all international transport is organised through SA Pathology (IMVS) or Adelaide University. These institutions have regulations, approval permits and guidelines in all areas required for this type of transport.