Ch 6 Language CRQ




Language and politics often become issues together. Answer the following:

1. What is an official language?

2. What is the difference between a monolingual and bi- or multi-lingual state?

3. Compare and contrast the ethnic, linguistic, and politico-linguistic geographies of TWO of the following countries. How is each categorized as far as questions 1 and 2 are concerned?

 BELGIUM (Case Study)

CANADA (look at video online)

NIGERIA (Case Study)



Most European countries speak Indo-European languages. Some, however, do not.

1. Identify the three main branches of Indo-European languages spoken in Europe and broadly describe

their distribution.

2. Identify 2 regions or countries in Europe where Indo-European languages are NOT predominate a. what type of languages are spoken there? b. where do these languages appear to have come from?

3. Identify 2 different regions (or two countries, each in a different region) outside of Europe, which do speak an

Indo-European language and explain how this came to be.


Indo-European languages are arguably the most important in the world today.

1. Explain how geographers have determined a common ancestor and hearth site for Indo-European


2. There are two competing theories regarding the origin and spread of the original Indo-European

language. Contrast these theories by identifying the following for each of them: a. location b. predominant way of life of the first Indo-European speakers c. method by which these first speakers spread their language

3. Illustrate your answer by sketching in and labeling the 2 hearths, routes of diffusion, and major

branches of Indo-European languages on the map. (map is below)
