Chapter 23 The Evolution of Populations Darwin and Mendel Population genetics - genetics which emphasizes the extensive genetic variation within populations and recognizes the importance of quantitative characters Modern synthesis - a comprehensive theory of evolution that integrated ideas from paleontology, taxonomy, biogeography, and population genetics Population - a localized group of individuals belonging to the same species Species - a group of populations whose individuals have the potential to interbreed and produce fertile offspring in nature Alleles in Populations Gene Pool - the total aggregate of genes in a population at any one time Allele frequency - the relative proportion of alleles in the gene pool Genetic structure - a population’s frequencies of alleles and genotypes Hardy-Weinberg Hardy-Weinberg Theorem - frequencies of alleles and genotypes in a population’s gene pool remain constant over the generations unless acted upon by agents other than Mendelian segregation and recombination of alleles (Fig 23.3) Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium Hardy-Weinberg Equation - p2 + 2pq + q2 =1 Hardy-Weinberg Assumptions Very large population size No migration No net mutations Random mating No natural selection Microevolution Evolution is a generation-to-generation change in a population’s frequencies of alleles or genotypes - a change in a population’s genetic structure Causes of Microevolution Genetic drift - Changes in the gene pool of a small population due to chance (Fig 23.4) The Bottleneck Effect (Fig 23.5) Founder Effect Gene flow Mutation Nonrandom Mating Inbreeding - mating between closely related partners Assortative mating - individuals select partners that are like themselves in certain phenotypic characters Natural Selection Genetic Variation Polymorphism - two or more contrasting forms are each represented in a population Geographical variation - differences in genetic structure between populations Cline - a graded change in some trait along a geographic axis (Fig 23.8) What Causes Genetic Variation? Mutation Sexual recombination What Preserves Genetic Variation? Diploidy Balanced polymorphism - the ability of natural selection to maintain diversity in a population Heterozygous advantage Hybrid vigor Frequency-dependent selection - the reproductive success of any one morph declines if that phenotypic form becomes too common in the population Neutral variation Adaptive Evolution Fitness Darwinian fitness - the measure that is critical to selection, is the relative contribution an individual makes to the gene pool of the next generation Relative fitness - the contribution of a genotype to the next generation compared to the contributions of alternative genotypes for the same locus Selection (Fig 23.12) Stabilizing Directional Diversifying Sexual selection - selection based on variation in secondary sex characteristics Sexual dimorphism - the distinction between the secondary sex characteristics of males and females (Fig 23.16) Why Not Perfection? Organisms are locked into historical constraints Adaptations are often compromises Not all evolution is adaptive Selection can only edit variations that exist