Group Names __________________________________________________ Date ____________________________ PowerPoint on Use of Washington State Taxes Rubric Small Group Project Criterion Organization Content Graphics Screen Design Exemplary Proficient Information presented in logical, interesting sequence Information in logical sequence Demonstrates full knowledge by explaining & elaborating in the text Explain and reinforce screen text and presentation Explains but does not elaborate Includes a variety of graphics, text, and animation that exhibits a sense of wholeness Includes a variety of graphics, text, and animation Relate to text and presentation Emerging Incomplete Difficult to follow presentation-information jumps around Provides only rudimentary information Cannot understand presentation--no sequence of information Does not have a grasp of the information. Occasionally uses graphics that rarely support text and presentation Includes combinations of graphics and text, but buttons are difficult to navigate Uses superfluous graphics or no graphics Group Names __________________________________________________ Either confusing or cluttered, barren or stark Date ___________________________ Prezi on Branches of Government Rubric Small Group Project Criterion Organization Content Graphics Screen Design Exemplary Proficient Information presented in logical, interesting sequence Information in logical sequence Demonstrates full knowledge by explaining & elaborating in the text Explain and reinforce screen text and presentation Explains but does not elaborate Includes a variety of graphics, text, and animation that exhibits a sense of wholeness Includes a variety of graphics, text, and animation Relate to text and presentation Emerging Incomplete Difficult to follow presentation-information jumps around Provides only rudimentary information Cannot understand presentation--no sequence of information Does not have a grasp of the information. Occasionally uses graphics that rarely support text and presentation Includes combinations of graphics and text, but buttons are difficult to navigate Uses superfluous graphics or no graphics Either confusing or cluttered, barren or stark Names __________________________________________________ Date _________________________ Cascade Curtain Controversy Rubric Small Group Project Criterion Content Proficient Emerging Focus on issue is purposeful throughout the paragraph Exemplary Focus on issue remains specific throughout the paragraph Focus on issue is general throughout the paragraph Focus on issue is not apparent in the paragraph Proposal is a relevant and elaborated solution Proposal is a reasonable solution Proposal does not adequately solve the issue Proposal is missing Names _________________________________________________ Incomplete Date _______________________ Initiative Rubric Small Group Project Criterion Exemplary Proficient Emerging Incomplete Initiative addresses “real world” situations Authenticity Initiative addresses “real world” situations; adults are likely to be interested in this issue Initiative attempts to address “real world” situations Initiative has little or no connection with the outside world Content There are plenty of specific details that more than adequately explain the topic There are some specific details that explain the topic There are details, but they may be wrong or they may not clearly explain the topic There are not enough details to explain the topic Name______________________________ Date_________________________ Tribal Sovereignty Rubric Individual Project Criterion Content Requirements Exemplary Proficient Evidence of detailed research that is consistently woven into the answers; the reader is able to learn a great deal about tribal sovereignty All requirements are complete; student extends beyond the minimum requirements Evidence of research that is woven into most of the answers; the reader is able to learn about tribal sovereignty All requirements are complete Name__________________________________ Emerging Evidence of limited research that is inconsistently woven into the answers; the reader learns little about tribal sovereignty Most requirements are complete Incomplete Evidence of little or no research; the reader does not learn about tribal sovereignty Many requirements are incomplete and/or missing Date______________________ Citizenship Rubric Individual Project Criterion Exemplary Proficient Emerging Incomplete Organization Ideas are purposely arranged in a logical pattern that clearly fit together Ideas are arranged in a logical pattern to show the position Ideas are loosely patterned to outline the position Ideas are randomly or illogically ordered Elaboration is significant, purposeful/relevant and elaborated to fully support the topic Elaboration is significant, relevant and elaborated to support the topic Elaboration is connected but does not adequately support the topic Elaboration does not support the topic; is missing Content