Read Short Biographies and Complete a Comparison

Read Short Biographies and Complete a Comparison of Character Traits for Inventors
Instructions for the Teacher:
Have students visit:
and read at least 3 short biographies of inventors before choosing 2 to do a
comparison/contrast Venn Diagram for. This will tie together student understanding of
product comparison with reading skills. Here is a list of the biographies on the website:
Acheson , Edward Goodrich
Edward Acheson's discovery of carborundum, a highly effective abrasive . . . .
Adler , Robert
Television Remote Control
Robert Adler invented the first practical, wireless television remote . . . .
Affel , Herman A.
Concentric Conduction System
Herman Affel and Lloyd Espenschied invented coaxial cable at AT&T Bell . . . .
Alexanderson , Ernst F. W.
Inventor Ernst Alexanderson was the General Electric Company engineer . . . .
Alford , Andrew
Localizer Antenna System
Andrew Alford invented and developed antennas for radio navigation sys . . . .
Allen , Samuel Leeds
Flexible Flyer Sled
Alvarez , Luis Walter
Radio Distance and Direction Indicator
Luis Walter Alvarez invented a radio distance and direction indicator. . . . .
Anderson , Mary
Windshield Wiper
While touring the city of New York in a trolley car on a snowy day in . . . .
Armat , Thomas J.
Motion Picture Projector
Thomas J. Armat was a pioneer of early cinema best known for the co-in . . . .
Armstrong , Edwin Howard
His crowning achievement (1933) was the invention of wide-band frequen . . . .
Atalla , Martin (John) M.
Semiconductor Devices Having Dielectric Coatings
John Atalla is one of the inventors of the metal-oxide-semiconductor f . . . .
Babcock , Alpheus
Cast-Iron Piano Frame
Babcock , George
Steam Generator
Baekeland , Leo Hendrik
Leo Hendrik Baekeland is cited for his research in electric insulation . . . .
Baer , Ralph
Television Gaming and Training Apparatus
Engineer Ralph Baer, a pioneer in the field of interactive video games . . . .
Bagley , Rodney D.
Catalytic Converter
Bagley developed the extrusion die and process that made a thin-walled . . . .
Baldwin , Matthias
Steam Locomotive
Matthias Baldwin built America's first great locomotive. The nation's . . . .
Banks , Robert
HDPE and Polypropylene Plastics
Robert Banks and fellow research chemist Paul Hogan were working for P . . . .
Banting , Frederick
Isolated, Purified Insulin
Millions of diabetics owe their lives to Frederick Banting's idea and . . . .
Baran , Paul
Digital Packet Switching
Paul Baran developed a fundamental concept behind today's advanced com . . . .
Bardeen , John
Physicists John Bardeen, William B. Shockley, and Walter Brattain shar . . . .
Bateman , C. Donald
Ground Proximity Warning System
C. Donald Bateman has saved the lives of countless airplane passengers . . . .
Beard , Andrew
Jenny coupler for railroad cars
Beckman , Arnold O.
pH Meter
Arnold O. Beckman invented a pH meter for measuring acidity and alkali . . . .
Begun , S. Joseph
Magnetic Recording
Semi Joseph Begun was a pioneer of magnetic recording. He developed t . . . .
Bell , Alexander Graham
Telephone / Telegraphy
Alexander Graham Bell's invention of the telephone grew out of his research into ways
to improve the telegraph. On April 6, 1875, Bell was granted the patent for the multiple
telegraph, which sent two signals at the same time. In September 1875 he began to
write the specifications for the telephone. On March 7, 1876, the . . . .
Benerito , Ruth
Wrinkle Free Cotton
Method for Producing Cotton Fabrics Through partial Esterification
Bennett , Willard H.
Radio Frequency Mass Spectrometer
Willard Harrison Bennett pioneered the field of plasma physics and inv . . . .
Berliner , Emile
Gramophone / Microphone
Emile Berliner invented the microphone that became part of the first B . . . .
Bessemer , Henry
Bessemer Process
Best , Charles
Purified Insulin
Bigelow , Erastus
Power loom
Binney , Edwin
Manufacturing Lamp Black
Binnig , Gerd Karl
Scanning Tunneling Microscope
Since the invention of the first microscope, scientists have searched . . . .
Bird , Forrest M.
Respirator / Ventilator
On television every week in the 1960s, Dr. Kildare committed himself t . . . .
Birdseye , Clarence
Frozen Foods
In 1924 Birdseye launched General Seafoods to sell frozen fish. Two ye . . . .
Biro , Laszlo Josef
Ballpoint Pen
Black , Harold Stephen
Negative Feedback Amplifier
Research engineer Harold S. Black revolutionized telecommunications by . . . .
Blake , Eli Whitney
Machine for Crushing Stone
Blanchard , Helen
Zig Zag sewing machine
Blanchard , Thomas
Pattern lathe
Thomas Blanchard devised a machine that transformed gun manufacturing . . . .
Blodgett , Katharine Burr
Langmuir-Blodgett films
Blum , Samuel
LASIK Eye Surgery
Samuel Blum was working with Rangaswamy Srinivasan and James Wynne at . . . .
Blumberg , Baruch S.
Vaccine for Hepatitis B
Baruch Blumberg discovered an antigen in 1963 that detected the presen . . . .
Bogardus , James
Iron Buildings
Bohlin , Nils I.
Safety Belt
Borden Jr. , Gail
Process for condensing milk
Bosch , Karl
Process of Producing Ammonia
Bose , Amar
Feedback Control
Feedback Control
Bower , Robert
Field-Effect Device with Insulated Gate; Self Aligned Gate MOSFET
Robert Bower invented the Field-effect Device with Insulated Gate know . . . .
Boyden , Seth
Process for making malleable iron
Boyer , Herb
Genetic Engineering
Herb Boyer was with the University of California, San Francisco when h . . . .
Boyle , Willard
Charge-coupled device
Willard S. Boyle and George E. Smith invented the charge-coupled devic . . . .
Bradley , Milton
Game board
Brandenberger , Jacques
Brannock , Charles F.
Foot Measuring Device
Brattain , Walter H.
Physicists John Bardeen, William B. Shockley, and Walter Brattain shar . . . .
Brill , Yvonne C.
Electrothermal Hydrazine Resistojet
Yvonne Brill is known for her innovations in rocket propulsion. Her mo . . . .
Brown , Rachel Fuller
Nystatin (Antifungal / Antibiotic)
The world's first useful antifungal antibiotic, nystatin, was developed through a longdistance scientific collaboration.
Working as researchers for the . . . .
Browning , John Moses
Breech-Loading Firearm
Brush , Charles
Arc lamp for street lighting
Bundy , Francis P.
Diamond Synthesis
Francis Bundy, along with Tracy Hall, Robert Wentorf and Herbert Stron . . . .
Burbank , Luther
Peach and Fruit
During a lifetime devoted to plant breeding, Luther Burbank developed . . . .
Burckhalter , Joseph H.
Isothiocyanate Compounds (Antigen)
Antibodies are the body's protectors. When antigens, such as bacteria . . . .
Burroughs , William Seward
William Seward Burroughs invented the first practical adding and listi . . . .
Burton , William Meriam
Catalytic Cracking
Chemist and oil industry executive William Meriam Burton recognized th . . . .
Bush , Vannevar
Differential Analyzer
Calahan , Edward
Stock ticker
Campbell , Donald L.
Catalytic Cracking
Donald Campbell was one of four Exxon Research & Engineering Co. (ER&E . . . .
Campbell , George A.
Loading Coil
George Campbell was a leader in applying mathematical methods to the p . . . .
Camras , Marvin
Magnetic Recording
Marvin Camras' inventions are used in modern magnetic tape and wire re . . . .
Carlson , Chester F.
Electrophotography (Xerox) / Instant Copying
Physicist Chester F. Carlson, the father of xerographic printing, was born in Seattle,
Washington. Plagued by needs for copies of patent drawings and specifications, Carlson
investigated ways of automatic text and illustration reproduction, working out of his
apartment. While others sought chemical or photographic solutions to 'instant copying'
problems, Carlson turned to electrostatics and in 1938 succeeded in obtaining his first
'dry-copy' and the first of many patents two years later. It took presentations to more
than 20 companies before Carlson was able to interest the . . . .
Carothers , Wallace Hume
Synthetic Rubber
Wallace Hume Carothers, who has been called one of the most brilliant organic
chemists ever employed by . . . .
Carrier , Willis Haviland
Air Conditioner
American engineer and inventor Willis Haviland Carrier developed the formulae and
equipment that made air conditioning possible. The world's first spray type air
conditioning equipment was Carrier's 'Apparatus for Treating Air,' which he correctly
predicted would be used to enhance comfort as well as improve industrial processes
and products. In 1911 Carrier disclosed his basic 'Rational Psychrometric Formulae' to
the . . . .
Carruthers , George R.
Far Electrograph Ultraviolet Camera
With the Naval Research Laboratory since 1964, Carruthers has been a d . . . .
Carver , George Washington
Peanut Products
Agricultural chemist George Washington Carver developed . . . .
Cepollina , Frank
Satellite Servicing Techniques
When it comes to furthering innovation in space and technology, Cepoll . . . .
Cerf , Vinton
Internet Protocol
Vinton Cerf and Robert Kahn designed the architecture of the Internet . . . .
Chapin , Daryl M.
Silicon Solar Cell
Solar Energy Converting Apparatus
Chappelle , Emmett M.
Bioluminescence Techniques
Charnley , John
Acetabular Sockets
Acetabular Sockets
Cho , Alfred Y.
Optical Devices Utilizing Single Crystal GaP or GaAs Films Epitaxially Grown on CaF
Substrates and Method of Fabricating Same
Alfred Cho is considered "the father of molecular beam epitaxy," a pro . . . .
Claude , Georges
Neon Tubing
Cochran , Josephine
Cohen , Stan
Genetic Engineering
Herb Boyer was with the University of California, San Francisco when h . . . .
Collip , James
Isolated, Purified Insulin
The process for producing enough pure insulin for clinical trials was . . . .
Colt , Samuel
Revolver with Interchangeable Parts
Colton , Frank B.
Oral Contraceptives
Frank B. Colton developed Enovid, the first oral contraceptive. Colto . . . .
Conover , Lloyd H.
Lloyd H. Conover invented the antibiotic tetracycline, which became th . . . .
Coolidge , William D.
Vacuum Tube (X-Ray)
William D. Coolidge's name is inseparably linked with the X-ray tube-p . . . .
Cooper , Peter
First steam locomotive built in America
Coover , Harry
Harry Coover's discovery of cyanoacrylates, a class of chemicals with . . . .
Corliss , George
Improvements in the steam engine
Coston , Martha
Signal flares used by ships
Cottrell , Frederick G.
Electrostatic Precipitator
As industrial smokestacks became a common sight at the turn of the cen . . . .
Coulter , Wallace
Coulter Principle
One of the giant corporate players in the field of medical technology . . . .
Cousteau , Jacques-Yves
Diving Unit
Jacques Cousteau and Emile Gagnan together invented the modern demand . . . .
Cowen , Joshua Lionel
Toy Train
Coxe , Eckley
Traveling grate furnace
Cray , Seymour
Seymour Cray unveiled the CRAY-1 in 1976, considered the first superco . . . .
Crompton , George
Curtiss , Glenn
After establishing the G.H. Curtiss Manufacturing Company in 1902, Cur . . . .
Cushman , Wayne
Daimler , Gottleib
Design of automobile and motorcycle engines
Damadian , Raymond V.
Raymond Damadian invented the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner . . . .
Davies , Donald Watts
Digital Packet Switching
de Mestral , George
In 1955, George de Mestral patented VELCRO® hook and loop fasteners, a . . . .
Dean , Mark
Mark Dean and his co-inventor Dennis Moeller created a microcomputer s . . . .
Deere , John
John Deere developed the first American cast steel plow. The implemen . . . .
Deforest , Lee
In the early 1900s, the great requirement for further development of r . . . .
Dennard , Robert
Robert Heath Dennard invented one-transistor Dynamic Random Access Mem . . . .
Devol , George
Industrial Robot
In the 1930s, George Devol began realizing the value of factory automa . . . .
Dick , Albert B.
Duplicating Machine
Albert Dick, who founded the ABDick Company in 1883, invented the mime . . . .
Diesel , Rudolf
Internal-Combustion Engine
Though best known for his invention of the pressure-ignited heat engin . . . .
Diffie , Whitfield
Public-Key Cryptography
In 1976, Whitfield Diffie, Martin Hellman, and Ralph Merkle developed . . . .
Disney , Walt
Multiplane Camera
Seldom has an individual become so intrinsically linked to a concept a . . . .
Djerassi , Carl
Oral Contraceptives
Carl Djerassi is recognized for his breakthroughs in chemistry and for . . . .
Dolby , Ray
Dolby Noise Reduction
Ray Dolby revolutionized the audio industry in the 1960s by inventing . . . .
Dow , Herbert Henry
Bromine Extraction
Herbert Henry Dow, founder of the . . . .
Draper , Charles Stark
Stabilizing Gyroscpic
Aeronautical engineer and university professor Charles Stark Draper de . . . .
Drew , Richard Gurley
Adhesive Tape
Drinker , Philip
Respiration Apparatus
Dunlop , John
Pneumatic tire for cycles
Durant , Graham John
Tagamet - Cimetidine
Graham J. Durant, John Colin Emmett, and C. Robin Ganellin led the Smi . . . .
Eastman , George
Eastman began his search for a transparent and flexible film in 1884. The first
commercial film, put into production a year later, was cut in narrow strips and wound
on a roller device patented by Eastman and Walker. Film rolls sufficient for 100
exposures were mounted in a small box camera-the . . . .
Easton , Roger
TIMATION Satellite Navigation System
TIMATION is an acronym of TIMe navigATION, proposed by the U.S. Naval . . . .
Eckert , J. Presper
Edgerton , Harold E.
Pioneering research in stroboscopic photography by Harold E. Edgerton . . . .
Edison , Thomas Alva
Electric Lamp
One of the outstanding geniuses in the history of technology, Thomas Edison earned
patents for more than a thousand inventions, including the incandescent electric lamp,
the phonograph, the carbon telephone transmitter, and the motion-picture projector. In
addition, he created the world's first industrial research laboratory. In September 1878,
after having viewed an exhibition of a series of eight glaring 500-candlepower arc
lights, Edison boldly announced he would invent a safe, mild, and inexpensive electric
light that would replace the gaslight in millions of homes; moreover, he would
accomplish this by an entirely different method of current distribution from that used
for arc lights. To back the lamp effort, some of New York's leading financial figures
joined with Edison in October 1878 to form the Edison Electric Light Company, the
predecessor of today's . . . .
Einhorn , Alfred
Einthoven , Willem
Receiving of Wireless Signals
Elion , Gertrude Belle
Anti-Leukemia drugs
Gertrude Belle Elion invented the leukemia-fighting drug 6-mercaptopurine and drugs
that facilitated kidney transplants. Hired by Burroughs-Wellcome (now . . . .
Ellis , Carleton
Carleton Van Staal Ellis was an inventor who used his knowledge of org . . . .
Emmett , John Colin
Tagamet - Cimetidine
Graham J. Durant, John Colin Emmett, and C. Robin Ganellin led the Smi . . . .
Engelbart , Douglas
Computer Mouse
Douglas Engelbart's patent for the mouse is only a representation of h . . . .
Ericsson , John
Screw Propeller
John Ericsson invented the ship propeller and incorporated the landmark device into his
design for the Civil War ironclad the Monitor. In 1826 he moved to London, where he
showed the breadth of his engineering genius by developing or improving transmission
of power by compressed air, new types of steam boilers, condensers for marine steam
engines (so ships could travel farther), placing warship engines below the water line
(for protection against shell fire), the steam fire-engine, the design and construction of
a steam locomotive (which competed with the historic Rocket, the first steam powered
locomotive), an apparatus that made salt from brine, superheated steam engines, the
flame or 'caloric' engine. His most enduring invention was the screw propeller, which is
still the main form of marine propulsion. Early methods of applying steam power at seasteam-driven oars, paddle wheels-were inefficient and, for warships, vulnerable to
enemy attack. In 1839 Ericsson introduced propellers to vessels on the canals and
inland waterways and commenced building a 'big frigate' for the . . . .
Espenschied , Lloyd
Coaxial Cable
Evans , Oliver
Steam Engine
Evinrude , Ole
Outboard Motor
Faget , Maxime
Space Capsule Design
Beginning his career designing supersonic aircraft as a part of the Na . . . .
Faggin , Federico
One of the most important developments of the last half of the 20th ce . . . .
Farmer , Moses
Electric fire alarm system
Farnsworth , Philo Taylor
Cathode-Ray Tube
Farnsworth's basic television patents covered scanning, focusing, sync . . . .
Fergason , James
Liquid Crystal Display
James Fergason holds a series of patents that form the foundation of t . . . .
Fermi , Enrico
Nuclear Fission
While studying the creation of artificially radioactive isotopes in th . . . .
Fessenden , Reginald
Reginald Fessenden is known for discovering amplitude modulation (AM) . . . .
Firestone , Harvey
Pneumatic rubber tires
Fitch , John
Flanigen , Edith
Molecular Sieves
In 1956, Edith Flanigen began working on the emerging technology of "m . . . .
Fogarty , Thomas
Embolectomy Catheter
In 1963, Thomas Fogarty received a patent for his Fogarty® balloon . . . .
Folkman , M. Judah
Angiogenesis Inhibition
Physician and researcher Judah Folkman introduced the idea that tumors . . . .
Ford , Henry
Pioneering automotive engineer Henry Ford held many patents on automot . . . .
Forrester , Jay W.
Random Access Memory
Jay W. Forrester was a pioneer in early digital computer development a . . . .
Fossum , Eric R.
CMOS Active Pixel Image Sensor Camera-on-a-Chip
Eric Fossum led the team at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory that crea . . . .
Franz , John E.
Glyphosate Herbicide
Free , Alfred
Glucose Detection for Diabetes
In the mid-1940s, Alfred Free and Helen Murray were both chemists work . . . .
Free , Helen
Glucose Detection for Diabetes
In the mid-1940s, Alfred Free and Helen Murray were both chemists work . . . .
Freeman , Ross
Configurable electrical circuit having configurable logic elements and configurable
Ross Freeman invented the field programmable gate array (FPGA), a comp . . . .
Frohman-Bentchkowsky , Dov
Erasable programmable read only memory array
Dov Frohman-Bentchkowsky invented a computer chip that could be erased . . . .
Fry , Arthur L.
Post It Notes
Art Fry was a new product development researcher at 3M when he learned . . . .
Fuller , Calvin
Silicon Solar Cell
Solar Energy Converting Apparatus
Fulton , Robert
Gagnan , Emile
Diving Unit
Emile Gagnan and Jacques Cousteau together invented the modern demand . . . .
Gallo , Robert
HIV Virus Isolation and Diagnosis
Robert Gallo played a key role in identifying the cause and detection . . . .
Ganellin , Charon Robin
Tagamet - Cimetidine
Graham J. Durant, John Colin Emmett, and C. Robin Ganellin led the Smi . . . .
Germer , Edmund
Fluorescent Lamp
Germer received the Frank P. Brown Medal from the Franklin Institute i . . . .
Getting , Ivan
Global Positioning System
The technological triumph known as the Global Positioning System of sa . . . .
Gibbon , John Heysham
Heart-Lung Machine
Gillette , King Camp
Safety Razor
Ginsburg , Charles P.
Video Tape Recording
Charles Ginsburg led the research team at Ampex Corporation in develop . . . .
Glidden , Joseph
Barbed wire
Goddard , Robert Hutchings
Solid Fuel Rockets
Robert Hutchings Goddard pioneered modern rocketry and space flight an . . . .
Goddard , William A.
Magnetic Disk Drive
Godowsky Jr. , Leopold
Color Photography
Created a practical film for color photography, and its ease of use an . . . .
Goldmark , Peter Carl
Phonograph Record
Goodwin , Hannibal
Transparent, flexible nitrocellulose film
In the late 1870’s, Hannibal Goodwin developed a method for making tra . . . .
Goodyear , Charles
Vulcanization of Rubber
Natural or India rubber, as it was then known, was of limited usefulness to industry.
Rubber products melted in hot weather, froze and cracked in cold, and adhered to
virtually everything until the day in the mid-19th century when inventor Charles . . . .
Gore , Robert
ePTFE, known by the GORE-TEX® brand name
Gould , Gordon
Gordon Gould coined the word laser and patented optically pumped and d . . . .
Gramme , Zénobe
Direct current dynamo
Gray , Elisha
Telegraphic Instruments
Greatbatch , Wilson
Implantable Pacemaker
Wilson Greatbatch invented the cardiac pacemaker, an innovation select . . . .
Greene , Leonard Michael
Aircraft Stall Warning Device
Leonard Michael Greene has patented dozens of inventions in aviation t . . . .
Grumman , Leroy
Retractable Landing Gear; Folding Wing
After serving as a mechanic, flight instructor, test pilot and enginee . . . .
Gundlach , Robert
Modern Photocopier
Gundlach devoted over three decades to the task of transforming the ma . . . .
Haber , Fritz
Production of Ammonia
Hall , Lloyd
Sterilizing Foodstuffs Food Preservatives
Lloyd Hall was a pioneer in the field of food chemistry, creating many . . . .
Hall , Charles Martin
Charles Martin Hall discovered the electrolytic method of producing al . . . .
Hall , Robert N.
Robert Hall invented the version of the magnetron that operates most m . . . .
Hall , Thomas Seavey
Improvement in Electrical Signals
Hall , H. Tracy
Synthetic Diamond
The GE Research Laboratories announced on February 15, 1955 that H. Tr . . . .
Hallidie , Andrew
Cable car
Hammond Jr. , John Hays
Radio Control
John Hays Hammond, Jr. became interested in the new study of radio wav . . . .
Hanford , William Edward
William Edward Hanford and Donald Fletcher Holmes invented the process for making
the multipurpose material polyurethane.They teamed up at . . . .
Hawkins , W. Lincoln
Polymer Cable Sheath
By finding a way to stabilize the polymers used to coat communications . . . .
Hazen , Elizabeth Lee
Nystatin (Antifungal / Antibiotic)
The world's first useful antifungal antibiotic, nystatin, was developed through a longdistance scientific collaboration.
Working as researchers for the . . . .
Heilman , M. Stephen
Implantable Heart Defibrillator
Stephen Heilman co-invented the automatic implantable defibrillator, a . . . .
Heilmeier , George H.
Electro-Optic Liquid Crystal Device
George Heilmeier discovered four new electro-optic effects in liquid c . . . .
Hellman , Martin E.
Public-Key Cryptography
In 1976, Whitfield Diffie, Martin Hellman, and Ralph Merkle developed . . . .
Hennebique , Francois
Reinforced-concrete Construction
François Hennebique devised the pioneering technique of construction w . . . .
Henry , Beulah
Various inventions for daily use
Beulah Henry became known as “Lady Edison” for the number and variety . . . .
Hewitt , Peter Cooper
Mercury-vapor Lamp
Peter Cooper Hewitt patented the mercury vapor lamp which was widely u . . . .
Hewlett , William R.
Audio Signals
Cofounder of the electronics giant . . . .
Higonnet , Rene Alphonse
Photo Composing Machine
Louis Marius Moyroud and Rene Alphonse Higonnet developed the first pr . . . .
Hilleman , Maruice Ralph
Hillier , James
Electron Microscope
Physicist James Hillier is recognized for his contributions to the dev . . . .
Hoe , Richard M.
Printing Press
Hoerni , Jean A.
Method of Manufacturing Semiconductor Devices
Early in 1959 while at Fairchild Semiconductor, Jean Hoerni invented t . . . .
Hoff Jr. , Marcian E. (Ted)
In the late 1960s, many articles had discussed the possibility of a co . . . .
Hoffman , Felix
Hogan , Paul
HDPE and Polypropylene Plastics
Paul Hogan and fellow research chemist Robert Banks were working for P . . . .
Holland , John Phillip
Hollerith , Herman
Punch Card Tabulator
Herman Hollerith invented and developed a punch-card tabulation machine system that
revolutionized statistical computation.
Hollerith began working on the tabulating system during his days at MIT, filing for the
first patent in 1884. He developed a hand-fed 'press' that sensed the holes in punched
cards; a wire would pass through the holes into a cup of mercury beneath the card
closing the electrical circuit. This process triggered mechanical counters and sorter bins
and tabulated the appropriate data.
Hollerith's system-including punch, tabulator, and sorter-allowed the official 1890
population count to be tallied in six months, and in another two years all the census
data was completed and defined; the cost was $5 million below the forecasts and saved
more than two years' time.
His later machines mechanized the card-feeding process, added numbers, and sorted
cards, in addition to merely counting data.
In 1896 Hollerith founded the Tabulating Machine Company, forerunner of Computer
Tabulating Recording Company (CTR). He served as a consulting engineer with CTR
until retiring in 1921.
In 1924 CTR changed its name to . . . .
Holley , Alexander
Steel making process in America
Holly Jr. , Birdsill
Modern day fire hydrant
Holmes , Donald Fletcher
William Edward Hanford and Donald Fletcher Holmes invented the process for making
the multipurpose material polyurethane.
Holmes teamed up with Edward Hanford at . . . .
Holonyak Jr. , Nick
First LED in the Visual Spectrum
Holt , Benjamin
Hood , Leroy E.
DNA Sequencer
Hoover , Erna
Computerized Telephone Switching
Electronic Switching Central Processor Overload Control
Hornbeck , Larry J.
Spatial Light Modulator and Method
Larry Hornbeck is the inventor of the Digital Micromirror Device, an a . . . .
Houdry , Eugene
Catalytic Cracking
Eugene Houdry discovered a revolutionary method for cracking low-grade . . . .
Hounsfield , Godrey Newbold
CT Scan
Howe , Elias
Sewing Machine
Elias Howe invented the first practical sewing machine. Born in Spence . . . .
Hulett , George
Loading and unloading machine
Hunt , Walter
Safety pin
Hyatt , John
Hyde , J. Franklin
Transparent Silica
A periodic chart that Franklin Hyde once designed had the element sili . . . .
Ingersoll , Simon
Steam powered rock drill
Ives , Frederic E.
Color Photography
Frederic Ives was a pioneer of color and stereoscopic photography, and . . . .
Javan , Ali
Helium-neon laser
Jeffreys , Alec
Genetic Fingerprinting
Alec Jeffreys invented genetic fingerprinting, a powerful technology t . . . .
Jenkins , Charles F.
Motion Picture Projector
Charles Jenkins was an innovator of early cinema and one of the first . . . .
Joel Jr. , Amos
Mobile Communication System
Switching Concept for Cellular Phones
Johnson , Clarence
Afterburning Means for Turbo-Jet Engines
Jones , Frederick McKinley
Air Conditioner for Vehicles
Julian , Percy Lavon
Percy Lavon Julian synthesized physostigmine for treatment of glaucoma and . . . .
Kahn , Robert
Internet Protocol
Kahng , Dawon
Electric Field Controlled Semiconductor Device
Dawon Kahng was an inventor of the first practical field-effect transi . . . .
Kaman , Charles
Rotor Control Mechanism for Helicopter
In 1940 Kaman began working as an aerodynamicist with renowned helicop . . . .
Kamen , Dean
Insulin pump
Dean Kamen's first major innovation was the AutoSyringe®, a class of a . . . .
Keck , Donald B.
Optical Fibers
Corning Glass researchers Robert Maurer, Donald Keck, and Peter Schult . . . .
Kellogg , John
Breakfast cereal
Kelman , Charles
Cataract Surgery
Charles Kelman is widely acknowledged as the leading innovator in the . . . .
Kemp , Clarence M.
Passive Solar Water Heater
In 1881, Clarence Kemp founded the C.M. Kemp Manufacturing Company in . . . .
Kettering , Charles Franklin
Charles Franklin Kettering invented the first electrical ignition syst . . . .
Kies , Mary Dixon
Process for weaving straw with silk or thread
Kilby , Jack S.
Integrated Circuit
In 1959 electrical engineer Jack S. Kilby invented the monolithic integrated circuit,
which is still widely used in electronic systems. In 1958 he joined . . . .
Kingsbury , Albert
Thrust Bearing
Kleist , Dale
Knight , Margaret
Machine for making flat bottom paper bags
Kolff , Willem J.
Artificial Heart
Medical researcher Willem J. Kolff invented the artificial kidney dial . . . .
Kollsman , Paul
Kollsman's altimeter gives the pilot the ability to set the existing a . . . .
Kroll , William
In 1932, Luxembourg native William Kroll invented a process to produce . . . .
Kurzweil , Raymond
Optical Character Recognition
Kwolek , Stephanie Louise
Kwolek's earliest work pioneered low-temperature processes for the pre . . . .
Lachman , Irwin M.
Catalytic Converter
Working at Corning, Irwin Lachman co-invented the ceramic substrate fo . . . .
Land , Edwin Herbert
Physicist, manufacturing executive, and inventor Edwin Herbert Land de . . . .
Langer , Alois A.
Implantable Heart Defibrillator
Langer , Robert
Controlled Drug Delivery
Langmuir , Irving
Electric Lamp
Irving Langmuir's work led to two major inventions: the high-vacuum el . . . .
Langstroth , Lorenzo Lorraine
Lanza , Vincent L.
Polymer Cable Sheath
By finding a way to stabilize the polymers used to coat communications . . . .
Latimer , Lewis
Filament for electric light bulb
Lauterbur , Paul Christian
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Lawrence , Ernest Orlando
Ernest Orlando Lawrence invented the cyclotron, a device that greatly . . . .
Lear , William P.
Car Radio
Though his name is most often associated with corporate jet airplanes, . . . .
Ledley , Robert S.
CAT Scan
Robert S. Ledley invented the whole-body CT (computerized tomographic) . . . .
Leland , Henry M.
Interchangeable Parts for Automobiles
Henry M. Leland was an inventor, machinist, engineer and automotive en . . . .
Lewis , Ronald M.
Catalytic Converter
Ronald Lewis is co-inventor of the ceramic substrate found in catalyti . . . .
Link , Edwin A.
Link Trainer / Simulator
Link received his pilot's license in 1927 and purchased his first airp . . . .
Lodge , Oliver Joseph
Electric Telegraphy
Lumière , Auguste-Marie
Lumière , Louis
Lynott , John Joseph
Magnetic Disk Drive
Macdougall , John D.
Method of Making Insulated Gate Field Effect Transistor with Controlled Threshold
John Macdougall is one of the inventors of the first commercially viab . . . .
Macomber , Stanley
Open Web Joist
In 1912, Stanley Macomber became city engineer for Centralia, Washingt . . . .
Maiman , Theodore Harold
Physicist Theodore Harold Maiman invented the first operable laser.
While employed at . . . .
Manchester , Kenneth E.
Method of Making Insulated Gate Field Effect Transistor with Controlled Threshold
Kenneth Manchester is a pioneer in the development of ion implantation . . . .
Mannes , Leopold
Color Photography
Created a practical film for color photography, and its ease of use an . . . .
Mansfield , Peter
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Marconi , Guglielmo
In 1895 Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi built the equipment and tra . . . .
Marrison , Warren
Frequency Control System
In the early 20th century, as telephone wires carried more messages an . . . .
Martin , Homer Z.
Catalytic Cracking
Homer Martin was with Exxon Research & Engineering Co. (ER&E) . . . .
Mason , John
Mason jar
Matzeliger , Jan
Shoe-lasting machine
Mauchly , John
Maurer , Robert D.
Optical Fibers
Corning Glass researchers Robert Maurer, Donald Keck, and Peter Schult . . . .
Maxim , Hiram
Maxim gun; smokeless gunpowder
Maybach , Wilhelm
Explosion and Combustion Motor
Mazor , Stanley
In the late 1960s, many articles had discussed the possibility of a co . . . .
McCormick , Cyrus Hall
Mechanical Reaper
Cyrus Hall McCormick invented the mechanical reaper, which combined al . . . .
McCoy , Elijah
Automatic Engine Lubricator
Elijah McCoy received his first patent for an automatic lubricating de . . . .
McIntire , Otis Ray
Styrofoam Brand Foam
Manufacture of Cellular Thermoplastic Products
McLean , Malcom
Containerized Shipping
Apparatus for Shipping Freight
McMaster , Harold
Tempered Glass
Glass Tempering System Including Oscillating Roller Furnace
Mead , Carver A.
Processor Which Sequences Externally of a Central Processor
Carver Mead is an inventor, chip designer, entrepreneur, and universit . . . .
Mergenthaler , Ottmar
Ottmar Mergenthaler's invention of the linotype composing machine in 1 . . . .
Merkle , Ralph
Cryptographic Apparatus and Method
Ralph Merkle realized public-key cryptography (PKC) was possible in 19 . . . .
Metcalfe , Robert M.
Michelson , Gary K.
Apparatus for Use in Inserting Spinal Implants
Orthopedic spinal surgeon Gary Michelson has a portfolio of over 250 U . . . .
Midgley Jr. , Thomas
Ethyl Gasoline
Knock was a destructive phenomenon that occurred in internal combustio . . . .
Miles , Alexander
Improved Method for Opening and Closing Elevators
Miller , Lewis
Combine harvester
Millman , Irving
Vaccine for Hepatitis B
Baruch Blumberg discovered an antigen in 1963 that detected the presen . . . .
Mirowski , Michel
Implantable Heart Defibrillator
Michel Mirowski conceived of the automatic implantable cardioverter de . . . .
Moeller , Dennis
Dennis Moeller and Mark Dean together created a microcomputer system w . . . .
Molloy , Bryan B.
Bryan Molloy and Klaus Schmiegel co-invented a class of aryloxyphenylp . . . .
Montagnier , Luc
HIV Virus Isolation and Diagnosis
Dr. Luc Montagnier is best known for his 1983 discovery of the Human I . . . .
Moore , Gordon E.
Method for Fabricating Transistors
As a cofounder of both Fairchild Semiconductor and Intel, Gordon Moore . . . .
Morgan , Garrett
The Gas Mask and the Three-way Traffic Signal
Garrett Morgan invented the gas mask and three-way traffic signal in t . . . .
Morse , Samuel F. B.
Morse developed 'lightning wires' and 'Morse code,' an electronic alph . . . .
Mower , Morton
Implantable Heart Defibrillator
Morton Mower co-invented the automatic implantable cardioverter defibr . . . .
Moyer , Andrew J.
Andrew J. Moyer's discoveries provided the foundation for the industri . . . .
Moyroud , Louis Marius
Photo Composing Machine
Louis Marius Moyroud and Rene Alphonse Higonnet developed the first pr . . . .
Mullis , Kary
Polymerase Chain Reacton
The polymerase chain reaction, which was devised by Kary Mullis, has r . . . .
Murphree , Eger V.
Catalytic Cracking
Eger Murphree, former president of Exxon Research & Engineering Co . . . .
Murphy Jr. , William
Disposable Medical Trays
Disposable Medical Trays
Murray , Thomas E.
Improvements in Electric System Safety
Thomas E. Murray was an American inventor, entrepreneur, and influenti . . . .
Muybridge , Eadweard
Method and Apparatus for Photographing Objects in Motion
Eadweard Muybridge made three major achievements in photography: first . . . .
Nernst , Walther H.
Metallic Filament Incandescent Lamp
Walther Nernst developed a new form of electric lighting, the Nernst l . . . .
Nieuwland , Julius
Synthetic Rubber
Rev. Julius Nieuwland, C.S.C., was the inventor of the first synthetic . . . .
Nobel , Alfred
Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite, was also a great industrialist . . . .
Nobile , Arthur
Northrop , John
Flying Wing Plane; All-Metal High-Wing Monocoque Airplane (Vega)
Northrop began his career in 1916, when he joined the Loughead Brother . . . .
Noyce , Robert N.
Integrated Circuit
Robert N. Noyce, cofounder of . . . .
Oliver , Bernard
Pulse Code Modulation
Bernard Oliver, one of the most prolific and influential inventors of . . . .
Olsen , Kenneth H.
Magnetic Core Memory
Kenneth H. Olsen, described by . . . .
Ondetti , Miguel Angel
Otis , Elisha Graves
Elevator Brake
Elisha Graves Otis didn't invent the elevator, he invented something p . . . .
Otto , Nicolaus August
Gas-Motor Engine
Engineer Nicolaus August Otto invented the first practical alternative . . . .
Owens , Michael Joseph
Glass Shaping Machine
Page , Charles
High-voltage induction coil
Painter , William
Bottle cap
Pall , David Boris
Leukocyte Reduction Filter
Device and Method for Depletion of the Leukocyte Content of Blood and . . . .
Palmaz , Julio
Intravascular Stent
Parker , Louis W.
Louis W. Parker invented the intercarrier sound system for television . . . .
Parkinson , Bradford
Global Positioning System
Parsons , John T.
Numerical Control
John Parsons changed the control of machines and industrial processes . . . .
Pasteur , Louis
French chemist Louis Pasteur was the founder of microbiological scienc . . . .
Paul , Les
Solid-Body Electric Guitar
His innovations led to his first solid-body electric guitar in 1941. C . . . .
Pearson , Gerald L.
Silicon Solar Cell
Silicon Solar Cell
Pelton , Lester
Phillips , Henry
The significance of the crosshead or Phillips screw lies in its self-c . . . .
Pickering , Thomas R.
Improved Velocipede
Pierce , John
Communications Satellite
In 1936, Pierce joined Bell Telephone Laboratories in Murray Hill, New . . . .
Pincus , Gregory G.
Oral Contraceptive
Plank , Charles J.
Catalytic Cracking
Charles J. Plank and Edward J. Rosinski invented the first zeolite cat . . . .
Plunkett , Roy J.
Chemist Roy J. Plunkett discovered tetrafluoroethylene resin while researching
refrigerants at . . . .
Poulsen , Valdemar
Method of Recording and Reproducing Sounds or Signals
Danish engineer Valdemar Poulsen demonstrated magnetic recording in 18 . . . .
Pullman , George
Pullman car
Pupin , Michael
Apparatus for Reducing Attenuation of Electrical Waves
Michael Pupin, born Mihailo Pupin, was a Serbian physicist and physica . . . .
Rabinow , Jacob
Optical Character Reading
Jacob Rabinow patented over 200 inventions, including his optical char . . . .
Renault , Louis
Reno , Jesse Wilford
Richardson , Ken
Rillieux , Norbert
Automated Sugar Refining
Norbert Rillieux revolutionized the sugar industry by inventing a refi . . . .
Rines , Robert H.
High Resolution Radar and Sonar
Robert H. Rines' contributions to the technology of high-resolution image-scanning
radar and sonar began in the era of the . . . .
Ritty , James J.
Mechanical Cash Register
Brothers James and John Ritty invented a working version of a mechanic . . . .
Ritty , John
Mechanical Cash Register
Brothers James and John Ritty a working version of a mechanical cash r . . . .
Roebling , John
Suspension Bridge
In 1841, John Roebling invented a wire rope in order to improve upon t . . . .
Rogers , John Raphael
Matrix for Linotype-Machine
Rohrer , Heinrich
Scanning Tunneling Microscope
Since the invention of the first microscope, scientists have searched for improved ways
to explore the microscopic world. Optical systems were limited by the wavelength of
light (roughly 2,000 times the diameter of an atom). Later, electron microscopes
achieved much higher resolution by taking advantage of the much shorter wavelength
of electrons in forming images. The most recent revolution came with Heinrich Rohrer
and Gerd Karl Binnig's scanning tunneling microscope (STM), invented in 1981, which
provided the first images of individual atoms on the surfaces of materials. The STM can
image atomic details as tiny as 1/25th the diameter of a typical atom, which
corresponds to a resolution several orders of magnitude better than the best electron
The STM's significance was quickly recognized throughout the world, and it has been
used in fields as diverse as semiconductor science, metallurgy, electrochemistry, and
molecular biology.
Only five years after Binnig and Rohrer built the first STM, they were awarded the Nobel
Prize for Physics. Binnig and Rohrer began their STM work at the . . . .
Rosen , Harold
Spin Stabilized Synchronous Communications Satellite
In 1957, the United States was facing a problem. The Russians had succ . . . .
Rosinski , Edward J.
Catalytic Cracking
Charles J. Plank and Edward J. Rosinski invented the first zeolite cat . . . .
Rubin , Benjamin A.
Pronged Vaccinating Needle
Microbiologist Benjamin A. Rubin ground the eyelet of a sewing machine . . . .
Sabine , Wallace
Device for Preventing the Transmission of Sound
Wallace Sabine was an American physicist who created the field of arch . . . .
Sarett , Lewis Hastings
Chemist Lewis Hastings Sarett prepared a synthetic version of the hormone cortisone,
which was soon demonstrated as an effective treatment against rheumatoid arthritis.
Sarett prepared the first synthetic cortisone in 1944, when Merck & Co. was a
participant in a government effort to improve military medicine. Four years later the . .
Sasson , Steven
Electronic Still Camera
In 1974, Kodak supervisor Gareth Lloyd asked electrical engineer Steve . . . .
Saxton , Joseph
Measuring instruments
Schawlow , Arthur
Arthur L. Schawlow was co-inventor of the laser. He worked with Charle . . . .
Schmiegel , Klaus K.
Klaus Schmiegel and Bryan Molloy co-invented a class of aryloxyphenylp . . . .
Schultz , Peter C.
Optical Fibers
Corning Glass researchers Robert Maurer, Donald Keck, and Peter Schult . . . .
Seaborg , Glenn T.
Plutonium Isolation
Glenn T. Seaborg was a central figure in the effort to develop atomic . . . .
Seeberger , Charles D.
Seiwald , Robert J.
Isothiocyanate Compounds (Antigen)
Antibodies are the body's protectors. When antigens, such as bacteria . . . .
Sellers , William
Improvement in Boring-Mills
Semon , Waldo L.
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
In 1926 Waldo Semon, newly employed in the research department at . . . .
Sessler , Gerhard M.
Electret Microphone
Gerhard Sessler and James West invented the foil electret microphone w . . . .
Shannon , Claude
Pulse Code Modulation
Claude Shannon produced one of the great conceptual breakthroughs of h . . . .
Sheehan , John C.
Sir Alexander Fleming's 1928 discovery of penicillin in bread mold was a tremendous
breakthrough for medical science. Unfortunately, Fleming's process for harvesting the
antibiotic took months to generate a small amount. During World War II, as demand for
penicillin rose, researchers worked feverishly to synthesize the penicillin molecule. More
than a thousand scientists in 39 U.S. labs became involved in the project. But when the
war ended and the molecule still had not revealed its structure, the funds for research
ended. From 1948 to 1957 only one laboratory of continued the research-John
Sheehan's. In March of 1957, while a professor at the . . . .
Sherman , Patsy
Scotchgard (TM) Textile Protector
Chemist Patsy Sherman and colleague Sam Smith were working at 3M Compa . . . .
Shockley , William Bradford
Physicists John Bardeen, William B. Shockley, and Walter Brattain shar . . . .
Sholes , Christopher
Christopher Sholes invented the first practical typewriter and introdu . . . .
Sickels , Frederick Ellsworth
Valve for Steam Engines
Sikorsky , Igor I.
Igor I. Sikorsky designed the world's first successful multimotor airplane and the
world's first true production helicopter. From 1925 to 1940 he created a series of
increasingly successful aircraft which gained for America numerous world records for
speed, range and payload. The famed Sikorsky flying 'Clippers' helped pioneer transAtlantic and trans-Pacific commercial passenger services.
Despite the success of the flying boats, Sikorsky continued studying the helicopter. His
U.S. Patent 1,994,488, filed June 27, 1931, marked the crucial breakthrough. In late
1938, United Aircraft management (now . . . .
Silver , Bernard
Classifying Apparatus and Method
Bob Silver and Joe Woodland invented the first optically scanned barco . . . .
Silver , Spencer
Post It Notes
In 1968, Spencer Silver was a senior scientist working to develop new . . . .
Slater , Samuel
Spinning Machine
Slayter , Russell Games
Smith , Samuel
Scotchgard (TM) Textile Protector
Chemist Patsy Sherman and colleague Sam Smith were working at 3M Compa . . . .
Smith , George
Charge-coupled device
Spangler , James
Portable electric vacuum cleaner
Spencer , Percy Lebaron
Percy Spencer, while working for the Raytheon Company, discovered a mo . . . .
Sperry , Elmer Ambrose
Gyroscopic Compass
Elmer Ambrose Sperry invented gyroscope-guided automatic pilots for sh . . . .
Sprague , Frank
Electric street car
Srinivasan , Rangaswamy
Excimer Laser Surgery
In 1981, Rangaswamy Srinivasan discovered that an ultraviolet excimer . . . .
Stanley Jr. , William
Alternating Current
In the 1880s every system for distributing electricity used direct cur . . . .
Steinmetz , Charles Proteus
Alternating Current
In 1893, Steinmetz joined the newly organized . . . .
Sternbach , Leo H.
Leo H. Sternbach is known throughout the scientific world for the disc . . . .
Stevens , John
Steam powered transportation
Stevens , Louis
Data Storage Machine
Data Storage Machine
Stibitz , George R.
Digital Computer
George R. Stibitz is internationally recognized as the father of the m . . . .
Stookey , S. Donald
Glass Ceramics
Donald Stookey invented glass ceramics, materials that embodied import . . . .
Strong , Herbert M.
Synthetic Diamond
Herbert Strong, along with Tracy Hall, Francis Bundy, and Robert Wento . . . .
Strowger , Almon
Automatic telephone dialing system
Sullivan , Eugene C.
PYREX Brand Cookware
Eugene C. Sullivan left the U.S. Geological Survey and came to Corning . . . .
Sundback , Gideon
Modern zipper
Swasey , Ambrose
Szilard , Leo
Neutronic Reactor / Nuclear Fission
Leo Szilard, along with Enrico Fermi, was awarded a patent for the nuc . . . .
Tabern , Donalee L.
Pentothal / Anesthesia
Ernest H. Volwiler and Donalee L. Tabern discovered the general anesth . . . .
Tainter , Charles
Sound recording instruments
Takeuchi , Esther S.
Preparation of Silver Vanadium Oxide Cathodes Using Ag(O) and V2O5 as Starting
Energy storage expert Esther Takeuchi led efforts to invent and refine . . . .
Teal , Gordon Kidd
Method of producing a semiconductor element
Gordon Teal began his career in 1930 concentrating on better vacuum tu . . . .
Terry , Eli
Tesla , Nikola
Alternating Current
Nikola Tesla invented the induction motor with rotating magnetic field that made unit
drives for machines feasible and made AC power transmission an economic necessity.
In 1887 and 1888 Tesla had an experimental shop at 89 Liberty Street, New York, and
there he invented the induction motor. He sold the invention to . . . .
Thomas , John
Thomson , Elihu
Electric-Arc Lamp
Tiffany , Louis Comfort
Glass Tile, Mosaic
Timken , Henry
Tapered Roller Bearings
Henry Timken invented the Timken® tapered roller bearing. H . . . .
Tishler , Max
Organic chemist Max Tishler developed methods for synthesizing the essential vitamin
B2 as well as a poultry disease antibiotic that opened the door to broad expansion of
the poultry industry.
In 1937 he joined . . . .
Townes , Charles Hard
Charles Townes' invention of the maser, a device that amplifies electr . . . .
Tyson , Charles W.
Catalytic Cracking
Charles "Wes" Tyson and his three co-inventors at Exxon Rese . . . .
Upjohn , William Erastus
Dissolvable Pills
Van Kannel , Theophilus
Revolving Door
Volwiler , Ernest H.
Pentothal / Anesthesia
Ernest H. Volwiler and Donalee L. Tabern discovered the general anesth . . . .
von Kármán , Theodore
Von Kármán began his research in aerodynamics while teaching at the Un . . . .
von Ohain , Hans J.P.
Jet Engine
In August 1939, at Heinkel Airfield near Rostock, Germany, von Ohain's . . . .
Waksman , Selman
Selman Waksman revolutionized medicine and saved the lives of countles . . . .
Wang , An
Magnetic Core Memory
An Wang made many notable contributions to the advancement of computer . . . .
Wanlass , Frank
Low stand-by power complementary field effect circuitry
Frank Wanlass invented the complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CM . . . .
Waterman , Lewis
Fountain pen
Watson , Thomas A.
Improvements to the Telephone
Thomas Watson is best known for working as Alexander Graham Bell’s ass . . . .
Welsbach , Carl A. von
Improvements to Gas Lighting
Carl Auer von Welsbach, an Austrian scientist and inventor, had a tale . . . .
Wentorf Jr. , Robert
Synthetic Diamond
Robert Wentorf, along with Tracy Hall, Francis Bundy, and Herbert Stro . . . .
West , James E.
Electret Microphone
In 1962, James West and Gerhard Sessler patented the electret micropho . . . .
Westinghouse Jr. , George
Alternating Current
George Westinghouse invented a system of air brakes that made travel by train safe
and built one of the greatest electric manufacturing organizations in the United States.
After briefly attending . . . .
Weston , Edward
Portable voltmeter
Whipple , Squire
Iron Truss Bridge
Whitcomb , Richard
Supercritical Wing
In the years after World War II, military aviators found it so hard to . . . .
White , Rollin Henry
Steam Generator; Controlled Differential
Rollin H. White contributed to the development of steam generation in . . . .
Whitney , Eli
Cotton Gin
American inventor, pioneer, mechanical engineer, and manufacturer Eli Whitney is best
remembered as the inventor of the cotton gin. He also affected the industrial
development of the United States when, in manufacturing muskets for the government,
he translated the concept of interchangeable parts into a manufacturing system, giving
birth to the American mass-production concept. Whitney saw that a machine to clean
the seed from cotton could make the South prosperous and make its inventor rich. He
set to work at once and within days had drawn a sketch to explain his idea; 10 days
later he constructed a crude model that separated fiber from seed.
After perfecting his machine he filed an application for a patent on June 20, 1793; in
February 1794 he deposited a model at the . . . .
Whittle , Frank
Jet Engine
Inheriting an inventiveness and love of things mechanical from his fat . . . .
Wichterle , Otto
Soft Contact Lens
Widlar , Robert J.
Biasing scheme especially suited for integrated circuits
Bob Widlar is considered the father of the analog monolithic integrate . . . .
Wilcox , Stephen
Steam Generator
Stephen Wilcox worked with George Babcock to invent the water tube ste . . . .
Williams , Robert R.
Robert R. Williams, Jr., was a telephone company researcher who in his spare time
developed ways to synthesize vitamins that helped fight malnutrition and vitamindeficiency diseases.
The vitamin research was conducted in his spare time with the aid of grants and space
provided by . . . .
Williams , Sam
Small Fan-Jet Engine
"It's interesting to look back and see what the pioneers did and see h . . . .
Winslow , Field H.
Polymer Cable Sheath
By finding a way to stabilize the polymers used to coat communications . . . .
Winton , Alexander
Automobile, bicycle, and diesel applications
Woodland , N. Joseph
Classifying Apparatus and Method
Joe Woodland and Bob Silver invented the first optically scanned barco . . . .
Woods , Granville
Railway Telegraphy
Wozniak , Steve
Personal Computer
Wozniak's Apple II personal computer - introduced in 1977 and featurin . . . .
Wright , Orville
Orville and Wilbur Wright, American inventors and aviation pioneers, a . . . .
Wright , Wilbur
Orville and Wilbur Wright, American inventors and aviation pioneers, a . . . .
Wynne , James J.
LASIK Eye Surgery
James Wynne is co-inventor of a process using a short pulse ultraviole . . . .
Yale , Linus Jr.
Door lock
Zamboni , Frank J.
Ice-Rink Resurfacing Machine
Zeppelin , Ferdinand von
Rigid airship
Zworykin , Vladimir Kosma
Cathode-Ray Tube
Most people think of television as a development of the mid-20th centu . . . .