Security Issues in Networks with Internet Access This paper can be considered as a good base for future work in the field of security in internet. This paper discusses the security issues in a network with internet access. It does not deal with the security problems in Internet as a whole. But the work by the authors can be easily extended to the broad spectrum of security issues in Internet. The paper gives a set of rules that the networks should follow in order to make sure that there will be no security breaches. It gives the example of a theoretical networks that is integrated with internet in five stages, adding a new component to the design in each stage. The major shortcomming of the analysis is that the network considered is theoretical network. Such analysis cannot consider all the problems associated with a practical network. The analysis will be directed only towards the apparent problems in the network. The authors say that the analysis of theoretical network is based on experience, but do not specify what kind of experience. The analysis is not directed towards a particular kind of network, but towards a general network. This is a drawback as each network has its own set of security problems, all the rules mentioned may not be applicable for a network. Therefore each kind of network has to be analysed seperately to recognize all the problems associated with the network. A comprehensive network security plan must encompass all the elements that make up the network and provide important services like Authentication, Confidentiality, Integrity and Non-repudiation. Also, this paper does not provide technical details of encryption methods. Inspite of above flaws paper serves as a good base for future work in this area. It neatly classifies the various kinds of problems and threats associated with a general network, and gives a direction to think to solves those problems. Additional Information : How to generate public and private keys using RSA ? Choose two large prime numbers, p,q and compute n=pxq Randomly select an encryption key, e, such that the following are relatively prime ( have no common factors other than 1) : e, (p – 1) x (q – 1) The decryption key is computed by solving the following d : e x d = 1( mod (p –1) x (q –1) ) d = e –1 (mod (p –1) x (q –1) ) Encrypt a message blocks m as shown : c = me ( mod n) To Decrypt m = cd ( mod n) Example : Choose the primes p, q to be 47 and 71. Then n = p x q = 3337 Choose an encrypted key e and (p – 1) x (q –1) = 3220 have no common factors other than 1 ( there are algorithms that do this ). We’ll randomly pick e = 79 We can now calculate the decrypted key d. d = 79 –1 ( mod 3220) = 1019 The public key is (e,n) = (79, 3337) The private key is d = 1019 If we want to encrypt a block of message m = 688 ( assume it to be a part of message) then, 688 79 (mod 3337) = 1570 = c To decrypt this cipher (c ), 1570 1019 (mod 3337) = 688 = m