Krakatoa pp

1. Rd 209-215 -- 1 vocab word per paragraph w/ definition--must go 7 out 12 on
vocab on qz on Monday.
Answer these Questions for 218-222
1. Who is Captain Lindeman and the Loudon? What does the phrase … “ All three
were deluged with pumice…” mean?
2. Why was Captain Watson caught in a perilous situation?
3. At what time and day was the first explosion apparent?
4. Pick a line or 2 from Captain Watson’s diary (pp. 220-222) which captures what
ship went through.
Krakatoa Qz – 226-231, 232-234-Honors
1. a. From p. 226 on, what force was causing most of the destruction inland?
b. Give 2 specific example of this.
2. How was Mrs. Beyerinck prescient?
3. What did you notice about the map on p. 229?
4. What happened at 10:02 am on Sunday?
Questions for Krakatoa pp. 239-249 --The Effects
1. Define pyroclastic flow.
2. Were most of the 36,000 inhabitants who died victims of the pyroclastic flow or from
a tsunamis (immense waves)?
3. When did the greatest of the waves strike the coasts of Sumatra and Java?
4. What traveled around the world a remarkable seven times?
5. Tsunamis travel faster in shallow or deep water? How does this effect the size of the
6. Explain why a ship would rather be in deep water then near shore during a Tsunamis?
Rding Qz 260-26, 264, 271, 290-293—H and HH
1. Why is Rodriguez island important in the story of Krakatoa?
2. Under the impact of Krakatoa's explosion, __________of the Earth's surface
vibrated audible, and millions who lived there heard it.
3. On p. 290, what did Batavians notice about the temperature at dawn on Monday
3b. (HH) – Using paleoclimate indicators, what was precise affect of Krakatoa's
on global temps?
4. Cite 2 pieces of evidence from the infamous explosion of Tambora in 1815.
Krakatoa pp. 298-316
1. Given 3 facts supporting the statement, “..that despite her seemingly cruel caprices,
this planet in fact enjoys by and large an extraordinary fortunate situation”.
What other planets and moons have plates that move?
3. Describe in detail a subduction factory.
4. 94% of all volcanoes reside in the following countries . ( these countries will be listed
in order of volcanic abundance).
5. The Andes in South America extend from Columbia to southern Chile. How
frequent are volcanoes? Is this impeccable or colossal?
6. How volcanically active is Indonesia?
7. Where does Krakatoa rank on the 5 greatest volcanoes in historic times? How
does it compare to Tambora?
8. Does oceanic crust go under or over continental crust?