APPENDIX 8: Guidance for patients that require Specific Nutritional Requirements Guidance for Patients that require Specific Nutritional Requirements Implement and document appropriate interventions within the Ongoing Nursing Record of Care or Continuation sheets. Re-assess nutritional risk each shift or if condition changes. FLUID BALANCE Unable to maintain adequate fluid intake: If over 60 years of age – 30 mls/kg x body weight If 18-60 years of age – 35 mls/kg x body weight RECOMMENDATIONS Calculate fluid requirements per 24 hours Consider prescribed fluids Commence fluid balance chart Give regular mouth care Refer to Medical Management of Dysphagia in FFNC policy Encourage small meals little and often Encourage whole milk Commence on 3 day food chart Record portion size Follow Oral Care Standard Operating Procedure in FFNC policy For Urgent dental problems refer to Urgent Dental Care Pathway in FFNC policy POOR APPETITE Poor appetite or patient/carer concerned with oral intake MOUTH CARE Problems with mouth/dentures e.g. dry mouth, oral thrush, taste changes SWALLOWING DIFFICULTIES Problems swallowing Textured Modified Diet Thickened Fluids B (thin puree) Stage 1 (Syrup) C (thick puree) Stage 2 (Custard) D (pre-mashed) Stage 3 (Paste) E (fork mashable) Refer to Medical Management of Dysphagia in FFNC Policy Refer to Speech and Language Therapy (if appropriate) Refer to dietitian (if appropriate) Commence on 3 day food chart Commence on fluid balance chart Coloured tray requested Give regular mouth care EQUIPMENT Requires specific equipment to help with eating and drinking Occupational Therapy referral ( if appropriate) Patients own equipment brought in Offer support to eat and drink Offer assistance to cut up food Copyright © 2012. Nursing & Midwifery Directorate, NHS Tayside. This publication can be used or reproduced including photocopying, for noncommercial purposes. We request that the source and Copyright owners be acknowledged and that the material is not substantially altered in any way. Applications for use outwith these terms should be forwarded in writing to the Nursing and Midwifery Directorate, Level 9, Ninewells, Dundee.. COGNITIVE FUNCTION Request coloured meal tray (if applicable) Offer picture menu Check if patient has 'This is Me' document, if no, refer to 'This is Me' guidelines for hospital staff Give assistance to eat and drink Consider carer involvement Commence 3 day food chart Commence fluid balance chart Consider or offer finger food if appropriate Cognitive Impairment/Dementia ELIMINATION Diarrhoea/Constipation Consider laxatives/anti diarrhoeal medication Encourage oral fluids Consider prescribed fluids Complete fluid balance chart Consider dietary modification Consider anti-emetic Encourage regular oral fluids/ light diet Prescribed Fluids Commence 3 day food chart Give regular mouth care Provide encouragement with meals /drinks Consider appropriateness of mealtime environment Protected mealtimes Consider carer involvement at mealtimes Assist with menu choices Offer picture menu Consider carer involvement NAUSEA & VOMITING Nausea/Vomiting PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS Psychological aspects of nutrition e.g. anxiety, depression NUTRITIONAL SUPPORT Unable to make food choices independently Receiving artificial nutritional support or oral nutritional supplements at home/care home Refer to dietitian Document route/type of feed/volume/rate/frequency within the ongoing nursing record of care Copyright © 2012. Nursing & Midwifery Directorate, NHS Tayside. This publication can be used or reproduced including photocopying, for noncommercial purposes. We request that the source and Copyright owners be acknowledged and that the material is not substantially altered in any way. Applications for use outwith these terms should be forwarded in writing to the Nursing and Midwifery Directorate, Level 9, Ninewells, Dundee..