ECONOMICAL ANALYSIS OF GASEOUS AND LIQUID HYDROGEN STORAGE AND TRANSPORTATION Zehra Yumurtacı* and Nur Bekiroglu** * Yildiz Technical University Mechanical Engineering Faculty, TR 34349, Besiktas Istanbul ** Yildiz Technical University Electrical and Electronics Engineering Faculty, TR 34349, Besiktas Istanbul ABSTRACT In this study, we studied production, storage and transportation costs of gaseous and liquid hydrogen. Sea water is distilled by reverse osmosis for obtaining pure water, and then electrical energy is produced in small hydroelectric power plants. By using this electrical energy in electrolysis system gaseous hydrogen is obtained. And by adding liquefaction system to above system liquid hydrogen can be obtained. Costs of storage of gaseous and liquid hydrogen in tanks, underground and within metal hydrid are calculated and results are compared. Storage of gaseous hydrogen within metal hydrid gives the most appropriate result and storage of liquid hydrogen has been found the most expensive way. Costs of transportation of gaseous and liquid hydrogen by highways, railways, sea and via pipelines and cost of transportation of metal hydrid by highway and railway have been calculated. Transportation of gaseous hydrogen by highway, liquid hydrogen by railway and metal hydrid by highway have been found the most appropriate results. Finally all the obtained results are compared. Keywords: Hydrogen Energy, Gaseous Hydrogen, Liquid Hydrogen, Economical Analysis NOMENCLATURE D Storage capacity for GH2 (kg) Ft Annual production (kg/year) E Energy (kWh) Sw Cooling water (lt/h) Ck Compressor capital cost ($) Ct Tank capital cost ($) Ctotal k Ak Ek E ky Total capital cost ($) Amortization ($) Energy cost ($) Annual energy cost ($) Sk S ky Cooling cost ($/h) Annual cooling cost ($) Ck A bk Total annual cost ($) Unit capital cost ($/kg) Eb Unit energy cost ($/kg) k S bk Unit cooling cost ($/kg) C bk Total unit cost ($/kg) Tr n Required train/wagon quantity ________________________________________________ Corresponding Author: Z.Yumurtacı Phone: +90 212 2597070/2540 Fax: +90 212 2616659 Cm Cave capital cost ($) Ch a Af Hydrid capital cost ($) Area (m2) Current (kg/m2sn) FB CL CD D T Tı k M Ys Boiling loss (kg/h) Liquidities capital cost ($) Tank capital cost ($) Transportation way (km) Annual total number of transportation TIR capacity of gas hydrogen (kg) Total distance (km) Transportation duration (h) Ss Driving duration (h) S yb Loading/unloading duration (h) S tı TIR operation duration (h) Tı n Required TIR quantity Drv n Number of drivers required S tr Nre Pg C r Train operation duration (h) Reynold's number Input pressure (Pa) Annual cost ($/year) Discountratio(%) Subscripts SHP Small Hydroelectric Power Plant EL Electrolysis DIS Distillation GH2 Gaseous Hydrogen INTRODUCTION Hydrogen is an ideal energy source that would not pollute the environment, that would satisfy energy requirements of developing technologies from ovens to spacecrafts so it must be used as soon as possible in all feasible application areas [1]. Hydrogen has may advantages; it is relatively easy to produce, is appropriate for transportation sector, obtained energy can be transformed into other energy forms without difficulty, has high efficiency and does not pollute as it is recycled into water [6]. Therefore in this paper we studied production, storage and transportation costs of gaseous and liquid hydrogen. In the first step, electrical energy is produced in small hydroelectric power plant and then sea water is distilled by reverse osmosis for obtaining pure water. In the second step, by using this electrical energy in electrolysis system gaseous hydrogen is obtained. Storage methods of gaseous hydrogen in compressed form, underground and within metal hydrid have been determined and cost calculations have been obtained. Costs of transportation of gaseous hydrogen by highways and railways have been calculated. By adding liquefaction system to above system liquid hydrogen can be obtained. Costs of storage of liquid hydrogen in tanks and transportation of liquid hydrogen by highway, railway, sea and via pipelines have been calculated. In addition transportation of metal hydrid by highway and railway have been determined. Finally all the obtained results are compared. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION In this study we assumed that the system has been established nearly sea level because of shortening the pipeline which has been lay down between the sea and the system. So the cost of the system can be decreased. The block diagram of the system is shown in Figure 1. Costs of storage and transportation for gaseous and liquid hydrogen are obtained by using this system. LH2 c m e Liquid Hydrogen Investment Operating and maintenance Electricity Sea Water Distillation Pure Water Electrical Small Hydroelectric Energy Power Plants Electrolysis Gaseous Hydrogen - Compressed - Underground - Metal Hydrid Gaseous Hydrogen Storage Liquefaction - Highway - Pipeline - Railway Gaseous Hydrogen Transportation Liquid Hydrogen Storage Liquid Hydrogen Transportation - Highway - Pipeline - Railway - Sea Figure 1. The flow chart of the system SIMULATION MODEL The simulation model consists of the following models: - To calculate pure water cost from distillation unit - To calculate the electrical energy cost from hydraulic power system - To calculate gaseous and liquid hydrogen production and cost from electrolyser system - To calculate gaseous and liquid hydrogen storage and transportation cost - To determine product cost and economics These models are reviewed in the following section. Hydrogen production by electrolysis Hydrogen production by electrolysis of water is the salt solution classical technique. As water is stable under room temperature, its electrolysis requires considerable energy. Hence, electrolysis costs largely depend on energy costs. Water is the most abundant raw material for hydrogen production on this planet; 99% of it is salty and in Polar Regions it is in ice form [1]. Use of an electrolyte as sea water is important in the context of cost reduction [2]. Distillation method for salty water Because of the problems mentioned above, salty water is distilled by reverse osmosis. Reverse osmosis is a membrane process. It is based on the behaviour of potable water and salty water on the different sides of a semi-permeable membrane. Pure water passes thru the membrane and rarefies. Water behaves as it is under pressure and this is called osmotic pressure. Osmotic pressure is a function of the differences between the salt concentration and solution temperatures. By applying pressure to the salt solution, the process can be reversed [4]. Small hydroelectric power plants (SHP) As electrolysis and desalination systems require large amounts of energy, a small hydroelectric power plant is to be constructed in order to reduce costs. Therefore, energy costs for SHP are calculated. A SHP is described as having a total power inferior to 10 MW, producing small amounts of electricity by using one or more turbine generator or a group of generators. SHPs are appropriate for local consumption of electrical energy [13]. Liquefaction of Hydrogen In order to obtain liquid hydrogen, gas hydrogen is compressed under high pressures, and then the compressed gas is cooled with liquid nitrogen and finally is dilated in turbines [9]. As liquefaction process is realized by cooling the gas to the point where it becomes liquid, compressors, heat exchangers, turbine and reduction valves are required. The simplest liquefaction process is Linde Conversion or Joule-Thompson dilatation conversion where the gas is compressed until the pressure equals the atmospheric pressure, then it is cooled in a heat exchanger and goes to a reduction valve where a certain quantity of liquid is obtained (Joule-Thompson dilatation comes about). This liquid is extracted and cold gas is sent back to compressor via heat exchanger. However, gases such as azotes that are used in Linde conversion get cooler under room temperature beyond a certain dilatation point. Hydrogen, on the other hand, becomes hotter beyond that point. Hence, it is crucial to keep hydrogen below the inversion temperature of 202 0 K. Modern hydrogen liquefaction processes, in order to reach the desired temperature, hydrogen temperature is cooled down to around 78 0K before it reaches the first dilatation valve. This is realized by Linde conversion with pre-cooling where azotes is utilized. HYDROGEN STORAGE - Storage of compressed hydrogen gas: This is storage method is the most applied and simplest one as it only requires a compressor and compression tank. On the other hand, high levels of compression mean higher investment and operation costs [3]. Storing small quantities of hydrogen in compressed tanks is simple and low cost but as the hydrogen quantity to be stored increase, the costs increase as well; hence this is not a cost effective method for storing large quantities of hydrogen. - Underground hydrogen storage: This is another form of storing hydrogen in compressed gas state and leads to lowest storage costs for high quantities. Natural and man-made underground caves can be used. Underground gas reservoirs require a minimum investment cost but a 5% loss in terms of gas volume is a disadvantage [7]. - Storing hydrogen within metal hydrid: Hydrogen has capacity to be absorbed within metals. Metal hydrids are formed in this manner. This is an exothermic process and as hydrogen is diffused from metal hydrid, a reverse process, i.e an endothermic reaction occurs. Absorption and diffusion of hydrogen depend on certain parameters: hydrogen pressure, metal temperature and hydrogen leaking proportion [5]. This storage method consists of attaching hydrogen chemically on metal, metalloid elements and alloys. Metal hydrids consist of metal atoms with cage-like structures and hydrogen atoms captured in intervals within these cage-like structures. - Storage of liquid hydrogen: Hydrogen becomes liquid under a relatively low temperature of 200K. Hence, liquidification process requires approximately 30% of hydrogen ignite energy in electrical energy form. The main problem in the production and storage of liquid hydrogen is loss due to vaporization. As the capacity of the tank where liquid hydrogen is stored increase, the losses diminish. Vacuum is used for isolation purposes between inner and outer walls of tanks[12]. Liquid hydrogen can be stored in small and large quantities but cylindrical tanks for natural gas are not feasible as this leads to large amounts of vaporization losses [14]. HYDROGEN TRANSPORTATION Hydrogen can be transported under compressed gas, liquid or solid (within metal hydrids) forms. Transportation cost minimization depends on the quantity to be transported and the distance of transportation [3]. Transportation methods to be examined in this present paper are: highway, railways, sea and pipelines. High pressure cylinders, tube trailers or pipelines can be utilized for transportation. In order to maximize tank capacity, very high levels of compression are required. Liquid hydrogen should be transported in special isolation tanks that have two walls to minimize vaporization. Some tankers have liquid nitrogen based heat shields that cool the outer wall of their tanks in order minimizes heat transfer [11]. TIR tanks' capacity ranges from 360 to 4300 kg whereas 2300 to 9100 kg. of liquid hydrogen can be transported in a single train wagon tank. For both cases, daily vaporization losses vary between 0.3% and 0.6%. Tanker ships are suitable for long distance transportation. Daily vaporization losses for ships vary between 0.2% and 0.4%. Another way of liquid hydrogen transportation is using pipelines [15]. These are isolated lines and contain super conductor wires. As liquid hydrogen acts as a cooler for super conductor wire, high levels of current loss in long distance transmission as in the case of traditional power lines is not a problem. The main problems are special isolation requirements and pumping and cooling losses [3]. Transportation costs for gaseous and liquid hydrogen are obtained as following; —Compressed gas hydrogen transportation by highways —Compressed gas hydrogen transportation by railways —Liquid hydrogen transportation by highways —Liquid hydrogen transportation by railways —Liquid hydrogen transportation by sea —Liquid hydrogen transportation via pipelines —Metal hydrid transportation by highways —Metal hydrid transportation by railways long distance energy transmission. The cost is lower when hydrogen is transported via pipelines [3]. Hence, producing hydrogen and transporting it with pipelines to a location that requires heat or electrical energy has a low cost as energy losses are minimal [10]. Results of cost calculations for four hydrogen storage methods are presented in Fig.2. Calculated transportation costs are presented in Fig. 3. Cost comparison among various methods for liquid hydrogen transportation is presented in Fig. 4. Cost comparison for metal hydrid transportation methods are presented in Fig. 5. 1,48 1,6 1,4 1,2 1 $/kg 0,8 0,6 0,29 0,197 0,4 0,116 0,2 0 Compressed Gaseous Hydrogen Underground Hydrogen Within Metal Hydrid Liquid Hydrogen Figure 2. Storage costs per unit for different forms of hydrogen storage 2,34 2,5 2 COST COMPARISON FOR HYDROGEN ENERGY Main factors affecting a transportation method decision are application, quantity and the distance between the production plant and the user. For short distances and small quantities, compressed gas form is the most appropriate [4]. If hydrogen is required in liquid form, it must be transported to application location in liquid form. When large quantities are concerned, pipelines are the most convenient in terms of cost. If oceans must be crossed, tanker ships are the obvious choice. Operational costs for pipelines are the lowest when compared to other methods but capital investment cost is very high. On the other hand, operational costs are high but capital investment cost, depending on hydrogen quantity and transportation distance is low for liquid hydrogen. Pipelines are not profitable for small quantities of hydrogen as capital investment cost is very high. Hence, a choice among compressed gas and liquid forms of hydrogen depend solely on the distance. For long distances, high liquidification costs are prohibitive. For short distances and small quantities, compressed gas form is the most appropriate. Transportation cost of compressed gas form for long distances exceed transportation cost of liquid hydrogen including liquidification costs. A special issue concerning hydrogen is 1,5 0,88 $/kg 1 0,5 0 Highway Railway Figure 3. Transportation cost of gas hydrogen for highway and railways 3,2 3,5 3 2,5 2 $/kg 1,5 1 0,8 0,373 0,5 0 By highway 0,067 By railway By sea Via pipeline Figure 4. Transportation costs of liquid hydrogen 0,927 1 0,9 0,8 0,7 0,6 $/kg 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0 0,336 Highway Railway Figure 5. Metal hydrid transportation cost for highway and railways. CONCLUSION In this present research, total cost of gas hydrogen production is found to be about 0.35 $/kWh, total cost of liquid hydrogen production is found to be 0.65 $/kWh. Compressed gas hydrogen is obtained by electrolysis of desalinated sea water. Three methods for storage of gas hydrogen were chosen and cost analyses were carried out. Storing hydrogen within metal hydrid is the most cost effective form of storing in terms of per unit costs (about 0.116 $/kg). Four methods for transportation of gas hydrogen were chosen and cost analyses were carried out. Metal hydrid transportation by highways is the most cost effective form of transportation in terms of per unit costs (about 0.336 $/kg). However, the crucial point is that the most cost effective form of transportation depends on quantity and distance and the requirements of the end user. Four methods for transportation of liquid hydrogen stored in tanks were chosen and cost analyses were carried out. Railways are the most cost effective form of transportation in terms of per unit costs 0.067 $/kg. However, the crucial point is that the most cost effective form of transportation depends on quantity and distance and the requirements of the end user. Hydrogen energy has a high cost today but as it has many advantages over traditional energy forms, further research and development is necessary. By replacing polluting energy forms, hydrogen energy can lead to a safer/ healthier environment for every occupant of this planet. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The transportation dataset for this paper by Catoni Persa Ltd. Sti. is acknowledged. 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APPENDIX 1 Values utilized for cost calculations [3,8] Hydrogen F 100 kg/h Storage period Operation pressure Energy quantity spent by the compressor Compressor pressure Compressor cost T 1 day P Ke Kp Km 20.10 Pa 2,2 kWh/kg (20 Mpa) 20 Mpa 1000 $/kW Compressor power Tank cost for gaseous hydrogen Kg Tm 4000 kW 1323 $/kg Tank capacity for gaseous hydrogen Compressor cooling Underground storage capital cost Tank pressure Tp Ks Ym Tp 227 kg 50 lt/h 9 $/kg 20 Mpa Metal hydrid heat Hk 23260 kj/kg Metal hydrid cooling water Hs 209 lt/kg Metal hydrid cost Steam cost Power required for liquidification Boiling rate Liquidifier cost Liquidifier capacity Tank cost for liquid hydrogen Tank capacity for liquid hydrogen Compressor factor Compressor pressure factor Tank factor Tank pressure factor Lifespan for SHP Cost of electrical energy Liquidification factor Tank factor for liquidification Hm B Lp BT Lm Ls Dm Ds n ge 2205 $/kg 3,79 $/Gj 9.9 kWh/kg 1% 44093$/kg 2205 kg/h 441$/kg/h 220 kg/h 0,80 0,18 0,75 0,44 22 years 0.08$/kWh 0,65 0,70 Transportation way The capacity of GH2 for TIR D Tı k 200km 181 kg Mean speed Ht 80 km/h (for TIR),40 km/h (for train),16 km/h (for ship) Loading/unloading duration per transport Operation duration per day for TIR Hydrogen capacity T1s T1a Trk Train hydrogen gas tank cost Train carrier cost Train lifespan Cost of transportation by train Daily vaporization rate TIR hydrogen gas tank cost TIR carrier cost Ship hydrogen gas tank cost Ship carrier cost Ship lifespan Cost of transportation by ship Diameter Viscosity Roughness ratio Friction coefficient Cgtrain Cctrain ntrain Ctrain VR CgTIR CcTIR Cgshir Ccship nship Cship r Vi Rr f 2 hours 24 hours 453 kg (GH2 for train),4082 kg (LH2 for TIR) 9072 kg (LH2 for train),4082 kg (LH2 for ship) 200.000 $ 100.000 $ 15 years 400 $ 0.3% 100.000 $ 60.000 $ 350.000 $ 100.000 $ 6 years 3000 $ 0,25 m 8.62x10-6 kg/m.sec 0.000184 0.005 6 ge C C m (t ) 1 r c (t ) n E 1 r APPENDIX 2 Formulas t F C L = Lm xLs x B Ls t D (t ) t 1 D = F.t (kg) F t = F x 360 x 24 (kg/year) (The system is assumed to operate 24 hours a day for 360 days) P ln 6 0 , 1 x 10 E = F x Ke x (kWh) 6 20 x 10 ln 0,1x10 6 P ln 6 Sw = F x Ks x 0,1x10 (lt/h) 6 ln 20x10 0,1x10 6 E P C k = ( Km x Kg) x x Kg Kp C t = (T m x T g ) x Tp Sx P T g Ak = F T = t Tık M = T x D (km) Ys = D Ht (h) S s = T x Y s (h) S yb = T x Tı s (h) St S tı Tı n = Sdrv= Drv a x 360 (h) ($) Tp ($) Drv n = St S drv Af = E k = E x 0,08 ($) E k y = E k x 24 x 360 ($) S k = S su x 0,00000002 ($/h) S k y = S k x 24 x 360 ($) Y VR s 2 a= F a xr 2 Nre = Pg = Ak Ft Eb k = S bk = ($/kg) Ek F Sk (m2) 4 r x Af Vi 4 xfxD xA E = F x Kg x ($/kg) ($/kg) C b k = A b k + E b k +S b k ($/kg) E = F x Hh Sw= Fx Hw C h = D x Hh T p P ($) (kWh) (lt/h) ($) F B = F x 1 1 e 1 2 f BT (kg/h) x( RH 2 xTe ) r Pg ln 0,1x10 6 20 x10 6 ln 0,1x10 6 C k = (K m x K g ) x F C m = Ym x Dx (kg) (kg/m2sn) Ck = A k + E k + S k ($) A bk = (The driver is assumed to work for 12 hours a day for 360 days a year) F T= t Tr k Fd = Ft x e ($) C D = Dm xDs x ($) Ds P x ($) S tı = Tı a x 360 (h) Ctotal = C k + C t ($) Ctotal n Pi 2 (Pa) ln Pi 6 0,1x10 6 ln 20 x10 0,1x10 6 E Kg Pg x Pi (kW) ($)