PSLC Letter of Intent (LOI) Reviewer Form Project name: Project lead: Reviewer name: Please try to keep your answers to questions 1-4 brief but informative (e.g., about 3 sentences or a paragraph each). Your answer to question 5 can be as long as you like. 1. PSLC relevance: How is this project relevant to the PSLC's goals (e.g., as expressed in the most recent strategic plan)? To what extent does this project contribute to the PSLC theoretical framework? To what extent does it add to the coherence of the PSLC portfolio? Rate PSLC relevance: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (1 is very low, 7 is very high) 2. Overall scientific merit: How interesting and important is this project to advancing the science of learning? Does it address an important problem in the learning sciences? Rate scientific merit: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (1 is very low, 7 is very high) 3. Novelty: To what extent does the project break new ground for the PSLC in directions that are consistent with our mission? Rate novelty: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (1 is very low, 7 is very high) 4. Soundness and feasibility: Will this project team achieve their stated goals using sound methods and produce a high quality scientific outcome? To what extent does it promise to contribute to a solution the stated problem? To what extent is the project likely to produce clear results within its time frame? Rate soundness & feasibility: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (1 is very low, 7 is very high) 5. Any suggestions for improving the project in terms of its PSLC relevance, scientific importance, novelty, or soundness and feasibility? 6. Overall: Overall recommendation for presentation before the EC. Rating Overall: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (1 is very low, 7 is very high)