Psychology 677-101 Introduction to Psychology

Women’s Studies 210
University of Wisconsin-Marinette
3 Credits Summer 2012
Monday through Thursday 1:00 pm. - 4:30 pm.
M 110
Instructor: Crystal L. Hendrick Ph. D.
Office: Library 112
Phone: (715) 735-4319
Office Hours: Monday through Thursday 12:00pm -12:50pm and by appointment
Text: Worcester, N. & Whatley, M. H. (Eds.). (2009). Women's Health: Readings on
Social, Economic, and Political Issues (5th Edition). Debuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt
Publishing Company.
ISBN: 978-0-7575-5968-6
Course Description: This course will offer basic facts about the structure and
functioning of the female body; issues in women's health and sexuality will be
approached interdisciplinary and will include physical, mental, emotional, and social
health and wellness topics and will be framed by discussions of race, class, and other
cultural identities. Cultural, social, economic and political contexts will be explored.
Course Goal: This course is designed to introduce students to women’s health and
sexuality. Specifically this course will highlight the sex and gender based inequalities in
the healthcare system. In order to fully understand these inequalities students will
explore how sex, gender, race, sexual orientation and class all intersect to influence
healthcare inequalities for women. Students will attempt to understand the inequalities in
the healthcare system through scientific, psychological, social, historical, political and
economic lenses. Finally students will analyze their individual understanding of the
healthcare system from their own individual experience through a global context.
Course Requirements:
 Assigned readings
Students are responsible for reading the assigned material before coming to class.
There will be one final exam. The exam will be worth 100 points. The final
exam will be a take home cumulative essay exam. Missing the exam earns a
grade of zero. The exam is worth 100 points and is due August 3rd, 2012 at 11:59
p.m. You can submit your exam via e-mail.
Final Project: Educating Others
Choose one problem/issue of interest from this class. You will create original
educational materials that could serve to educate others about the problem or
issue you identified. You will create a poster, pamphlet, handout, video, song
etc. that could educate the local community, friends, doctors, or coworkers about
the problem/issue. You will also write a 1- 2 page paper discussing your
education materials. The materials and the paper will be worth 100 points and
will be due on the last day of class, August 2, 2012
Article Presentation & Summary
Each student will select an article of their choosing to present to the class. The
article will be from outside the reading list. The article presentations will be
informal and will last approximately 15 minutes. Each presentation must also
include a brief activity or a discussion question. The article presentation will be
worth 50 points. Presentation days will be selected on the first day of class.
In Class Essays and Quizzes
Every day there will be a brief in class essay or quiz on the days readings. The
essays and quizzes will be worth a total of 50 points.
Fishbowl Discussions
During each class there will be a fishbowl discussion of the day’s readings. Each
student must participate in at least 3 fishbowl discussions. Fishbowl discussions
will be worth 50 points.
Attendance and Participation
Attendance and participation for this course are mandatory and good attendance
and participation will earn students 50 points. You are allowed one unexcused
absence, in order to have your absence be excused you need to speak with me
before the missed class or provide documentation of illness or emergency. Not
participating in classroom activities, persistent tardiness or rude interruptive
behavior (texting during class) in the classroom will result in a loss of
participation points.
Educating Others
Article Presentation
Fishbowl Discussions
Essays and Quizzes
Attendance & Participation
100 pts
100 pts
50 pts
50 pts
50 pts
50 pts
400 pts
Final grades will be based on the following distribution. To calculate your percentage,
divide your total number of points by 400 and multiply by 100.
Below 60
Final Grade
Important Note: The syllabus as presented is a general course guide. The dates of
readings and exams are subject to change. Changes will be announced in class and will
be posted on D2L.
Availability Policy: The instructor for this course is happy to meet with you or answer
your phone calls and e-mails. However, basic respect needs to be used in all of our
interactions. If you make an appointment, keep it or notify that you will be unable to
make the appointment. Additionally, when corresponding via e-mail, do not expect an
immediate reply especially if it is 2:00 am. on a Saturday. E-mailing your instructor is a
formal e-mail. I need to know who you are as I do not memorize your e-mail address.
Tell me who you are. I will pay you the same respect.
Assessment: A UW-Colleges-wide assessment program has been put into place to
enhance the quality and effectiveness of the curriculum, programs and services of the
institution. For more information, go to This class will
not be assessed this semester.
UW-System Policy: Policies that govern the UW-System will be enforced in this class.
These policies can be found at
Students are responsible for knowing and abiding by these policies which are not limited
 Cheating and Plagiarism
 Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated, and students caught
cheating could earn a score of zero on the assignment or exam. This
includes copying from others work and using notes on exams.
 Religious Accommodations
 If a student needs special accommodations for class, or an assignment the
student is to notify the professor within the first two weeks of the
semester. Accommodations will be made that will meet the needs of the
student and the professor.
 Disability Accommodations
 If a student requires special accommodations to participate to their full
potential, it is the student’s responsibility to meet with the professor to
discuss accommodations.
Schedule of Readings, Lectures, Discussions and Assignments
Day 1
July 16
 Introductions
 Syllabus
Sign up for Readings
 Class Expectations
Chapter 1
Day 2
Chapter 2: Inequalities and Health
July 17
 Daily Check In
Article Presentation
 Readings 22 -29
Class Reading
 Fishbowl Discussion
Day 3
Chapter 3: Sex, Gender Roles, and Health
July 18
 Daily Check In
Article Presentation
 Readings 42, 43, 45-46, 49-51
Film: Middle Sexes
 Fishbowl Discussion
Day 4
Chapter 4: Medicalization, Marketing, and the Politics of Information
July 19
 Daily Check In
Article Presentation
 Readings 53-54, 57-58, 60, 64
Class Reading
 Fishbowl Discussion
Marketing Activity
Day 5
Chapter 5: Menstruation
July 23
 Daily Check In
Article Presentation
 Readings 65-69 & Handout & 77
Puberty Activity
 Fishbowl Discussion
Day 6
Chapter 9: Sexuality
July 24
 Daily Check In
Article Presentation
 Readings 105, 108-110 & 113
Film: Let’s Talk About Sex
 Fishbowl Discussion
Day 7
Chapter 10: Reproductive Justice, Fertility and Infertility
Daily Check In
Article Presentation
Readings 118, 121-123, 130-137
Fishbowl Discussion
Day 8
Chapter 11: Childbirth and Lactation
July 26
 Daily Check In
Article Presentation
 Readings:142-148 & Handout
Film: The Business of Being Born
 Fishbowl Discussion
Day 9
Chapter 6: Mental Health & 7: Violence Against Women
July 30
 Daily Check In
Article Presentation
 Readings: 70-72 & 79-84
To Be Announced
 Fishbowl Discussion
Film: War Zone
Day 10
Chapters 7: Violence Against Women & 8: Body Image
July 31
 Daily Check In
Article Presentation
 Readings: 88, 91-94, 101-104
Film: Killing Us Softly
 Fishbowl Discussion
Day 11
Chapters 12: Aging
August 1
 Daily Check In
Article Presentation
 Readings:152-155, 158
 Fishbowl Discussion
Day 12
August 2
Chapter 13: Politics of Disease, Prevention, and the Environment
Readings: 162, 167, 171, 179-180
Educating Others
Day 12
August 3
 No Class
 E-mail Final Exam by 11:59pm
Class Wrap Up