delovni priročnik in navodila za veterinarje




Plan of Measures in Case of Onset of

Avian Flue (AI) in Bosnia and






This document contains the plan of measures in the case of an outbreak of AI, compiled for Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2005.


Plan of measures in the case of an outbreak of AI in Bosnia and Herzegovina

1. Legal Grounds

2. Financial Provisions

3. Plan of action of the service in case of an outbreak of AI

4. State level center for disease surveillance

5. Surveillance on local levels

6. Expert group for AI

7. Human resources and equipment

8. Permanent instructions

9. Diagnostic laboratories

10. Training programmes

11. Attachments:

I State level center for disease surveillance – address

II/1 AVI centers – addresses

II/2 Laboratories – addresses 14

II/3 Authorized veterinary organizations – addresses and telephone numbers 15

II/4 EU Reference laboratory for AI – address 16














III/1 Map showing AVI areas

III/2 Map showing the laboratories

IV Forms and announcements for AI

V Human resources and equipment





VI Instructions for veterinarians

VII Instructions on measures for determination, prevention and eradication of individual communicable diseases of poultry



Terms used in this document have the following meanings:

MFTER is the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations,

OVBiH is the Office for veterinarian Medicine of Bosnia and Herzegovina,

AVI – the Authorized Veterinarian Institution in entities and Brcko District,

Official veterinarian is a veterinarian employed in the OVBiH and AVI,


Official veterinarian for inspection surveillance is an official veterinarian, competent to determine measures in the field of communicable animal diseases (hereinafter: the veterinarian inspector)

1. Legal Grounds

1.1 Legal grounds for AI surveillance is found in the following:

Law on Veterinarian Medicine ("Official Gazette of BiH", issue No. 34/02),

Decree on Communicable Diseases ("Official Gazette of BiH", issue No. 44/03) - hereinafter the Decree,

Compulsory Instructions on Measures for Determination, Prevention and

Eradication of Avian Influenza of the Office for Veterinarian Medicine of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 01-1-27-692-44/05 dated October 26 th 2005 - hereinafter the


1.2 Destruction of infected animals and those that were in contact with them and the payment of compensation

Law on Veterinarian Medicine (Article 78) and bylaws adopted on the grounds of that

Law grant the Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations (hereinafter: The

Minister) the authority to order the destruction of all poultry within the infected holdings and on holdings for which there is a suspicion of being infected.

The eradication of the disease has to be undertaken in a fast and effective manner, and has to be carried out on the grounds of the Instructions and the approved Plan of

Measures in the case of an outbreak of AI in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Pursuant to provisions of Article 46 and 47 of the Law on Veterinarian medicine, the authorized bodies of the entities and the Brcko District have to pay to the owner of the poultry the compensation for poultry that is slaughtered or destroyed, as well as for objects and raw materials that are damaged, destroyed or put out of order in the course of the implementation of measures for eradication of communicable diseases, except f the diseases had appeared in the course of import or in quarantine.

1.3 Announcement of suspicions concerning AI, Veterinarian and health related measures on infected holdings, destruction of carcasses, control of movement

The Decree requires the owner of the poultry suspecting AI to inform on that, immediately, the authorized veterinarian organization performing basic veterinarian activities, to carry out the isolation of poultry, constrain the movement of the poultry, the dislocation of products and other objects, with which the diseases might be transferred and to insure that none of the people leave the holdings, and that no one enters the holdings under suspicion.


If the authorized veterinarian organization, upon performing a clinical examination, confirms the suspicion that there is an outbreak of AI, it is under obligation to immediately confirm or reject suspicions and to inform on all suspicions, immediately, the authorized official veterinarian, who then informs the AVI, which then informs the

Office for Veterinarian Medicine of Bosnia and Herzegovina (OVBiH). OVBiH shall convene, as soon as possible, the State Level Center for Disease Surveillance (SCDS), which manages and supervises the measures for determination, reduction and eradication of disease. Upon the notification on suspicions concerning the disease, the authorized veterinarian organization shall undertake measures in compliance with instructions, ordered by the SCDS, that are in connection with measures referred to in

Article 4 of the Instructions, such as the following:


Closing down the infected holdings (measures referred to in Article 4 of the



Taking and sending samples;


Epidemiological investigation;


Safe destruction and disposal of carcasses of dead poultry.

The veterinarian inspector shall determine the measures referred to in Article 6 of the

Instructions, including the killing of poultry and safe disposal of carcasses.

1.4 Determination of infected and threatened areas

Article 7 of the Instructions stipulate that the veterinarian inspector shall, according to the instructions of the SCDS and the Expert Group for AI, issue a decision determining the borders of the infected area with the radius of 3 kilometers at least from the source of contagion, and the borders of the threatened area with the radius of 10 kilometers at least from the source of contagion and determine the necessary measures that have to be performed on that area.

1.5 Vaccination

Pursuant to the current legislation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, vaccination against AI in

Bosnia and Herzegovina is not allowed.

In urgent cases, if there is a outbreak of AI of a larger scope, the SCDS may, upon consulting with the Expert Group, decide to perform the vaccination of poultry against

AI with inactivated vaccine.

1.6 Assistance of Police and Civilian Defense

Pursuant to Article 91 of the Law on Veterinarian Medicine, the veterinarian inspectors have the authority to demand the assistance of police and civilian defense in cases of urgency.


2. Financial Provisions

The following costs shall be covered from the budget of AVI, pursuant to provisions of the Law on Veterinarian Medicine and the Instructions:

For the payment of compensations,

For taking samples from and examining animals without owners,

Compensations have to be paid as soon as possible. The procedure for compensation payment is described in Chapter J of Attachment VI (Instructions for Veterinarians), while the form for damage assessment in enclosed in Attachment IV (form 6).

The following costs shall be covered from the budget of OVBiH, pursuant to provisions of the Law on Veterinarian Medicine and the Instructions:

For engaging additional staff, if necessary for the purpose of eradication of the disease;

 For small inventory and expendables, used in the course of eradication of AI;

For killing poultry, destroying carcasses and contaminated material and for health protection;

3. Plan of Action of the Service

3.1 Pursuant to Article 78 of the Law on Veterinarian Medicine, the Minister shall authorize the director of the OVBiH to manage the strategy of implementation of measures envisaged by this plan.

3.2 Pursuant to Article 78 of the Law on Veterinarian Medicine, the Minister shall authorize the director of the OVBiH to act as the presiding members of the SCDS (Name and address of the Center are stated in Attachment I).

In case of an outbreak of the disease, the SCDS is under obligation to harmonize its activities with the recommendations of the director of OVBiH.

The veterinarian inspector is responsible for surveillance of AI (infected holdings and constraining in the area of his activity).


Minister of External Trade and Economic Relations

Director of the Office for Veterinarian Science of BiH



State level Center for disease surveillance (SCDS)

Reference laboratory


Veterinarian organizations Local Center for disease surveillance (LCDS)

4. State Level Center for Disease Surveillance (SCDS)

4.1 SCDS is responsible for the following:


Issuing instructions to local centers for disease surveillance;


Contacts with diagnostic laboratories;


Ensuring financial resources allocated for measures planned;


Compiling training programmes and appointing persons for training programmes;


Preparation of awareness raising activities in regards to the disease;


Direction of state level strategy in case of an outbreak of the disease;


Allocation of persons and resources to local centers for disease surveillance;


Determination of infected and threatened areas;


Closing down border crossings;


Negotiating on financial provisions in cases of emergency for the coverage of costs connected to epizootic;


Contacts with MFTER, Chamber of Commerce, agricultural associations and the media;


Reporting of AVI;


Informing the European Commission and other state members of EU on suspicions concerning AI.


5. Surveillance on the Local Level

5.1 Preparedness and surveillance of AI at the local level is the responsibility of veterinarian inspectors, who are working with other persons in local centers for disease surveillance (LCDS). Each LCDS is managed by an official veterinarian, appointed by the authorized institution. The head of the LCDS reports to the SCDS. There are 3 centers of

AVI, 1 reference laboratory for AI in Sarajevo (NRL) and 5 regional laboratories for the diagnostics of AI.

5.2 In case of an outbreak of the disease, the SCDS may establish a temporary center for disease surveillance in the area of the outbreak of the disease.

5.3 AVI centers are equipped with all necessary equipment and they have compulsory inventories enabling them to react to outbreaks of the disease without any delay.

Inventories are supplemented when necessary.

5.4 In cases of emergency, the procurement of the necessary equipment may be carried out directly from independent entrepreneurs.

5.5 Pursuant to legal authorities, the responsibilities of authorized services in the entities and Brcko District are the following:


To raise awareness on the disease and the level of preparedness of the veterinarian services in their area;


To perform activities for getting acquainted with the disease;


To perform the drills of the level of preparedness for the diseases and to participate in them;


To maintain contacts with the NRL for the purposes of diagnostics, sampling and transport of samples;


To maintain contacts with the police, agricultural and trade organizations, fairs, markets, abattoirs and pounds;


To direct and execute local surveillance strategies in case of an outbreak of the disease;


To implement epidemiological examinations together with the expert group for AI and the transport of samples to diagnostic laboratories;


To maintain contacts with the SCDS with the objective of determination of the scope of infected and threatened areas;


To maintain contacts with the police, with the objective of isolation of infected holdings and assistance in surveillance of transport and all forms of gatherings;


Surveillance over the limitation of movement and all other measures and actions within inflected holdings, including the assessment, killing and eradication of infected poultry and poultry that was in contact with it;


Disinfection and cleaning within infected holdings and in other locations in infected and threatened areas;



Ensuring resources for compensation of damages to owners of animals;


Surveillance over all holdings with poultry in infected and threatened areas. The

Instructions demand that examinations are performed on all holdings with poultry. (All holdings for which it is assessed that they represent a special risk are examined in compliance with the recommendations of the Expert Group).

5.6 Other institutions have the following responsibilities in the case of an outbreak of the disease.

State Border Service, the Police, the Army, the Civilian Defense – assist in the provision of security of infected holdings, limitation of movement and participate in other ways in the reduction of the disease.

The following are informed:

Institutions of local communities;

 Chamber of Commerce;

Poultry farmers' associations;

Agricultural advisory service;

Organizations of bids cultivators and aficionados;

 Abattoirs and poultry industries within the stricken area;

Cooperative members;

Authorized organizations for performing disinfection, eradication of insects and rodents,

Fodder producers and suppliers;

Hunting associations,

Center for information.

5.7 The following are working in LCDS:


Veterinarian technicians,

Administrative workers.

In case of an outbreak of the disease, the head of the local center may engage other persons in cooperation with the SCDS, too.

5.8 LCDS provides support to the Expert Group for AI in the implementation of examinations and is in contact with that group with the objective of determining the local strategy for disease surveillance.

6. Expert Group for AI


6.1 The SCDS shall establish a special expert group comprising of experts with specific qualifications in the fields of epizootiology.

6.2 Veterinarians from various areas shall be trained in specialist courses in Bosnia and Herzegovina and abroad in regards to all types of AI, with special emphasis on epizootiology.

6.3 In case of an outbreak of the disease, the expert group shall immediately be mobilized and sent into the field with corresponding equipment. The equipment of the expert group is kept in the premises of the OVBiH and is described in Attachment V. The primary task of the group is to ensure to state level and local centers for disease surveillance full reports on the outbreak, the possible source and possibilities for disease expansion.

Together with the staff of the LCDS, they shall compile diagnostic samples and send them to the NRL, and, if that is determined, to the reference laboratory for AI of the

European Union, through it.

The Group shall supervise and provide advice in connection with the cleaning and disinfection and safe disposal of carcasses.

6.4 Members of the expert group shall participate in training programmes for staff in

AVI centers.

7. Human Resources and Equipment

In case of an outbreak of a communicable disease, all veterinarians report to the director of the OVBiH directly (Article 78 of the Law). The SCDS shall maintain the list of persons that may be engaged in case of an outbreak of AI.

The expert group, having experience in regards to procedures for eradication of AI (or having experience with AI) is listed in Attachment V.

Pursuant to the Law on Veterinarian Medicine and the Rulebook on Methods of Safe

Disposal of Animal Carcasses and Waste of Animal Origin and Conditions that have to be met by Facilities and Equipment for Collection, Safe Disposal and Determination of

Causes of Demise and Transport Means for the Transport of Animal Carcasses and Waste of Animal Origin („Official Gazette of RBiH“, issues NO. 2/92 and 13/94), the transport of animal carcasses and waste is the responsibility of AVIs.

Pursuant to the provisions of the State Plan of Protection and Action in Case of Outbreak of Communicable Diseases in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the case of an outbreak of AI,


official veterinarians have access to equipment necessary for burying carcasses or to fuel, in case of incineration of carcasses.

8. Permanent Instructions

An excerpt from the operating manual for AI for veterinarians is provided in Attachment


9. Diagnostic Laboratories

There is one reference laboratory in Sarajevo and 5 regional laboratories for AI in Bosnia and Herzegovina, that are in regards to staff and materials resources equipped fir the performance of pathomorphological and microbiological examinations. 24 hour preparedness has been prescribed in all the laboratories.

The reference laboratory in Sarajevo performs the tasks of the national reference laboratory for AI and undertakes the following activities: a) Performing super-analysis of all examinations for which it is the reference laboratory; b) Performing expertise and providing final opinions on results of examinations of other laboratories at the demand of the Office, the course, the inspections and other judicial persons, c) Processing and interpreting all results of examinations performed within international cooperation; d) Performing domestic and international inter-laboratory comparison examinations; e) Performing performance assessment of authorized laboratories upon an order of the Office; f) Providing professional assistance for the application of modern equipment and operating methods for quality performance of activities in laboratories; g) Improving methods of examinations and operations in laboratories; h) Coordinating and supervising the training and performing the training of experts for working in laboratories; i) Encourages the design of norms for testing individual indicators and compiling proposals for their adoption, j) Exercising control of diagnostic and immune-biological preparations for which it is the reference laboratory.

The laboratory is equipped with staff and materials and has 24 hour preparedness prescribed.

9.1 National Reference Laboratory for AI


Veterinarski fakultet (Faculty of Veterinarian Medicine)

Centar za peradarstvo i kunićarstvo (Center for Poultry and Rabbit Raising)

BA-71000 Sarajevo, Zmaja od Bosne 90

In case of a demand for a higher number of examinations for AI, the laboratory may organize the performance of diagnostics in other authorized laboratories, too.

The National reference Laboratory shall send its samples for confirmation to the EU

Reference Laboratory, described in Attachment II/4. the procedure of sending and packaging of samples is described in the Plan of measures in case of an outbreak of AI in

Bosnia and Herzegovina for laboratories.

10. Training Programmes

A seminar on avian influenza was held at the Faculty of Veterinarian Medicine in

Sarajevo on October 29 th 2005.

 A series of lectures on avian influenza for veterinarian inspectors and veterinarians was held in the course of October of 2005.






II/3 numbers,



State level center for disease surveillance – address,

AVI centers – addresses,

Diagnostic Laboratories – addresses,

Authorized veterinary organizations – addresses and telephone





EU Reference laboratory for AI – address,

Map showing areas covered by individual centers of AVI and locations of laboratories,

Forms and announcements for AI,

Human resources and equipment,

Instructions for veterinarians,

Instructions on measures for determination, prevention of outbreaks and eradication of individual communicable diseases of poultry (No.

01-1-27-692-44/05 dated October 26 th 2005),




State Level Center for Disease Surveillance



Address: RADIĆEVA 8/II; 71000 SARAJEVO

Telephone: +387 33 258 840

Telefax: +387 33 265 620


The head of the Center is the director of the Office for Veterinarian Medicine of BiH.

The hot line number (in operation 24 hours per day) of the SCDS for veterinarians:

061 484 546



List of AVI Centers


Ministarstvo poljoprivrede, vodoprivrede i šumarstva Federacije


Bosne i Hercegovine sektor za veterinarstvo

(Ministry of Agriculture, Water

Management and Forestry of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Sector for Veterinarian Medicine)

Ministarstvo poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srpske sektor za veterinarstvo

(Ministry of Agriculture, Water

Management and Forestry of the Republic of Srpska,

Sector for Veterinarian Medicine)

Vlada Brčko Distrikta

Bosne i Hercegovine odjel za poljoprivredu

(Government of Brcko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Department of Agriculture)

Titova 15

71000 Sarajevo

Miloša Obilića 51

76300 Bijeljina

Bulevar mira 1

76000 Brčko


055 226-410

055 211-539


033 445-258 033 445-258

055 203-508

055 211-539

049 217-591 049 217-591





Veterinarski fakultet

Zavod za peradarstvo i kunićarstvo

(Faculty of Veterinarian


Institute for Poultry and

Rabbit Raising)

Veterinarski institut

(Veterinarian Institute)

"Dr Vaso Butozan"

Banja Luka

Veterinarski Zavod

(Veterinarian Institute)


Veterinarski Zavod

(Veterinarian Institute)


Veterinarski Zavod

(Veterinarian Institute)

"Dr Vaso Butozan"


Veterinarski Zavod

(Veterinarian Institute)


List of Veterinarian Laboratories


Address and telephone number

Zmaja od Bosne 90


Telephone: 033 618-832

Telefax: 033 610-908

S. O. Vuka 93


Postal number

Telephone: 051 211-048 / 051 212-269

Telefax: 051 212-269

Vukovarska bb, pp 62

88000 MOSTAR

Telephone: 036 350-209

Telefax: 036 350-209

Slavka Mićića 28

75000 TUZLA

Telephone: 035 252-343

Telefax: 035 252-343

Račanska 56


Telephone: 055 221-480

Telefax: 055 221-480

Sarajevska 77b

72000 Zenica

Telephone: 032 285-781

Telefax: 032 285-781

Hot line number

033 618-832

051 211-048



AUTHORIZED VETERINARY ORGANIZATIONS – addresses and telephone numbers

Municipality Address Telephone

Banja Luka

Authorized Veterinary


Veterinarska stanica (Veterinarian Station)


Veterinarska ambulanta (Veterinarian

Surgery) "MEGAVET-S"

Veterinarska ambulanta (Veterinarian

Surgery) "ANIVET" Ltd

Veterinarska ambulanta (Veterinarian

Surgery) "VETLEK"

Veterinarska ambulanta (Veterinarian

Surgery) "POPOVIĆ"

Veterinarska ambulanta (Veterinarian

Surgery) "SLAVEN" Ltd

Knjaza Miloša 23

Zalužani, Nenada

Kostića br. 478

Braće Kukrika 1 A

Barlovci br. 14.

Ranka Šipke br. 95

Kralja Petra II br. 7 a

Branka Majstorovićalamela IV br. 17

051/303-113; 051/303-042



065/527-761; 065/909-662


051/429-242; 051/316-217;


051/211-144; 051/211-674





Veterinarska ambulanta (Veterinarian

Surgery) |MIM SOOR

Veterinarska stanica (Veterinarian Station)


Veterinarska stanica (Veterinarian Station)


Veterinarska stanica (Veterinarian Station)

"VON" (old name DOO "INTERVET")


Veterinarska ambulanta (Veterinarian


Veterinarska ambulanta (Veterinarian

Surgery) "ZDRAVLjE"

Veterinarska ambulanta (Veterinarian

Surgery) "PERO-VET"

Veterinarska ambulanta (Veterinarian

Surgery) "PRIMA VET"

Veterinarska ambulanta (Veterinarian

Surgery) "BIOVET" Ltd

Veterinarska ambulanta (Veterinarian

Surgery) "VS"

Veterinarska ambulanta (Veterinarian

Surgery) "NINA"

Veterinarska ambulanta (Veterinarian

Surgery) "NOVAVET"

Veterinarska ambulanta SA APOTEKAMA

(Veterinarian Surgery including Pharmacy)


Veterinarska stanica (Veterinarian Station)


Veterinarska stanica (Veterinarian Station)


Veterinarska ambulanta (Veterinarian

Surgery) "VETA"

Veterinarska ambulanta (Veterinarian

Nikole Bjelice Brede 22

Račanska 56

Srpske Vojske 296

Trnjaci b.b.

Glavičorak b.b.

Gornje Crnjelovo bb.

Dvorovi, Karađorđeva b.b.

Đorđa Vasića 2, Janja

Velika Obarska br. 115

Dvorovi, Karađorđeva b.b.


Kojčinovac b.b.

Velika Obarska b.b.

Nikole Bjelice Brede 22

Gavrila Principa b.b.

Trg Miloša Obilića b.b.

Kosovska b.b.,

059/372-201; 065/904-101

055/204-324; 055/209-826

055/201-250; 065/664-729


065-980-570; 065/517-502


055/350-737; 055/209-414;



055/240-271; 065/521-191


055/321-477; 065/595-832

055/480 008; 065/569-772


059/372-201; 065/904-101

056/881-269; 056/881-266

065/800-613; 056/885-568

056/881-232; 065/691-569;






Donji Žabar



Han Pijesak




Kotor Varoš

Surgery) "ŠARENAC"

Veterinarska ambulanta (Veterinarian

Surgery) "ČAJNIČE"

Veterinarska stanica (Veterinarian Station)


Veterinarska ambulanta (Veterinarian

Surgery) "ZELjKOVIĆ"

Veterinarska stanica (Veterinarian Station)


Veterinarska ambulanta (Veterinarian

Surgery) "JELISIĆ"

Veterinarska ambulanta (Veterinarian

Surgery) "JELIĆ"

Veterinarska ambulanta (Veterinarian

Surgery) "SVETI LUKA 11"

Veterinarska ambulanta (Veterinarian

Surgery) "TATIĆ"

Veterinarska stanica (Veterinarian Station)


Veterinarska ambulanta (Veterinarian


Veterinarska ambulanta (Veterinarian

Surgery) "SVETI LUKA"

Veterinarska ambulanta (Veterinarian

Surgery) "STANARI"

Veterinarska ambulanta (Veterinarian

Surgery) "STANOVI"

Veterinarska stanica (Veterinarian Station)


Veterinarska ambulanta (Veterinarian

Surgery) "KREŠIĆ"

Veterinarska stanica (Veterinarian Station)


Veterinarska ambulanta (Veterinarian

Surgery) "LANE"

Veterinarska stanica (Veterinarian Station)


Veterinarska stanica (Veterinarian Station)


Veterinarska ambulanta (Veterinarian

Surgery) "KALABA" tpp

Veterinarska ambulanta (Veterinarian


Veterinarska ambulanta (Veterinarian

Surgery) "SUBOTIĆ"

Veterinarska ambulanta (Veterinarian

Surgery) "HAN PIJESAK" p.o.

Veterinarska ambulanta (Veterinarian


Veterinarska stanica (Veterinarian Station)


Veterinarska stanica (Veterinarian Station)


Veterinarska stanica (Veterinarian Station)



Zanatsko-tržni centar, lokal br. 3

Velibora Jakšića 33

Kralja Petra I

Karađorđevića 105

Milana Ličine b.b.


058/315-353; 065/683-964

051/551-203; 065/612-741

051/852-450; 065/533-668

Srpske vojske b.b.

Srpske Vojske b.b.


Cara Lazara br. 47.


053/331-709; 053/334-478

053/339-958; 065/530-933

Pojezna b.b.


Marije Bursać b.b.

Trnjinskih srpskih

|brigada b.b.

Podnovlje b.b.

053/334-288; 053/833-818

053/242-059; 053/224-651;



Brestovo b.b.

Cara Dušana br. 80

051/675-617; 065/672-599

Stanari b.b.

Rajka Dukića b.b.


Stanovi b.b.

Lukavica b.b.


Njegoševa b.b.

054/611-253; 065/589-260

Donji Žabar b.b.


Stojana Kovačevića b.b.


Herceg Stjepana br. 10

059/463-432; 065/583-898

Urije b.b.

Svetozara Markovića b b.

Dušanovo b.b.




Nova Topola


Vojvode Bojovića br. 21

Solunskih dobrovoljaca


Cara Dušana b.b.

051/816-997; 065/483-889




051/894-645; 051/891-977

051/782-121; 065/675-621

Srpski Stari




Srpsko Novo


Srpsko Trnovo



















Veterinarska ambulanta (Veterinarian

Surgery) "KRŠIĆ"

Veterinarska stanica (Veterinarian Station)


Veterinarska stanica (Veterinarian Station)


Veterinarska stanica (Veterinarian Station)


Veterinarska ambulanta (Veterinarian

Surgery) "ILIDŽA"

Veterinarska ambulanta (Veterinarian

Surgery) "MASTINO"

Veterinarska stanica (Veterinarian Station)


Veterinarska stanica (Veterinarian Station)


Veterinarska stanica (Veterinarian Station)


Veterinarska stanica (Veterinarian Station)


Veterinarska stanica (Veterinarian Station)


Veterinarska ambulanta (Veterinarian

Surgery) "SRNA" Ltd

Veterinarska stanica (Veterinarian Station)


Veterinarska ambulanta (Veterinarian

Surgery) "MILE VET" Ltd

Veterinarska stanica (Veterinarian

Station)"VIŠEGRAD" Inc

Veterinarska stanica (Veterinarian Station)


Gavrila Principa b.b.

Srpskih ratnika 82

Rogatičke brigade b.b.

Lukavica b.b.

Gornji Kotorac br. 100

Vojkovići b.b.

Njegoševa b.b.

Josipa Kovačevića 10

Svetosavska br. 9

Karađorđeva 3

Kralja Petra I

Oslobodioca 47

Luke Vukalovića br. 33

Modran b.b.

Hilandarska b.b.

Vojvode Stepe 10

Ustanička 22


057/223-180; 057/227-180;

057/238-647; 065/520-327



057/676-611; 065/926-677

057/351-156; 065/531-397

054/611-253; 065/589-260

056/743-614; 065/603-885


053/431-188; 053/434-128;

065/524-443; 065/915-667


059/221-274; 065/529-178

055/772-223; 055/771-237

055/771-673; 065/616-212



Veterinarska stanica (Veterinarian Station)


Vojvode Stepe

Stepanovića b.b.

Veterinarska stanica (Veterinarian Station)


Veterinarska ambulanta (Veterinarian


Veterinarska ambulanta (Veterinarian

Surgery) "DRINA-VET"

Veterinarska ambulanta (Veterinarian

Surgery) "TOMIĆ"

Veterinarska stanica (Veterinarian Station)


PVA "Litva vet"

JP Veterinarska stanica (Public Company

Veterinarian Station) Bihać

JP Veterinarska stanica (Public Company

Veterinarian Station) B. Krupa

JP Veterinarska stanica (Public Company

Veterinarian Station) B.Petrovac

SVP B. Petrovac

JP Veterinarska stanica (Public Company

Veterinarian Station) Breza


Braće Jugovića 41

Kozluk, Podrinjska b.b.

Roćević b.b.

Karakaj b.b.

Braće Ćuskića bb

Mušici bb

Sadika Sadikovića 3

Safeta Hidića bb

Ulica Založje bb

053/820-970; 053/810-935;

053/820-971; 053/811 -155;


056/210-400; 056/210-785;


056/310-654; 065/667-654;


056/599-398; 065/890-031

























Donji Vakuf





Gornji Vakuf-





JP Veterinarska stanica (Public Company

Veterinarian Station) Bugojno

JP Veterinarska stanica (Public Company

Veterinarian Station) Busovača

JP Veterinarska stanica (Public Company

Veterinarian Station) Bužim

PVS "Merdžan"

JP Veterinarska stanica (Public Company

Veterinarian Station) Cazin

JP Veterinarska stanica (Public Company

Veterinarian Station) Čapljina

VS "Vita Vi"

JP Veterinarska stanica (Public Company

Veterinarian Station) Čelić

JP Veterinarska stanica (Public Company

Veterinarian Station) Doboj-lstok

Veterinarska stanica (Veterinarian Station)

"Concentrana Vett

Veterinarska stanica (Veterinarian Station)


JP Veterinarska stanica (Public Company

Veterinarian Station) Donji Vakuf

JP Veterinarska stanica (Public Company

Veterinarian Station)Drvar

JP Veterinarska stanica (Veterinarian

Station) Fojnica

JP Veterinarska stanica (Public Company

Veterinarian Station)Glamoč

JP Veterinarska stanica (Veterinarian

Station) Goražde

JP (Public Company) Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje

Terzići 70

Nikole Šubića Zrinskog


Kasima Ljubijankića-

Čaruge 15

Stolački put 4


208 Brdske brigade 10









Klokotnica Samarić bb

035/722-041; 035/720-043

Svete Ane bb

14.septembra bb


Kraljice Katarine 2 ul.Branilaca BiH bb

030/837-579 dr. Ante Starčevića bb


Ibrahima Popovića 60


Paločki put bb


JP Veterinarska stanica (Public Company

Veterinarian Station) Gračanica

PV Ambulanta (Surgery) Gračanica

VSI Koka produkt

JP Veterinarska stanica (Public Company

Veterinarian Station) Gradačac

JP Veterinarska stanica (Public Company

Veterinarian Station) Grude

Veterinarska stanica (Veterinarian Station)


Veterinarska stanica (Veterinarian Station)


Veterinarska stanica (Veterinarian Station)


JP Veterinarska stanica (Public Company

Veterinarian Station) Jablanica

JP Veterinarska stanica (Public Company

Veterinarian Station) Jajce

JP Veterinarska stanica (Veterinarian


JP Veterinarska stanica (Public Company

Veterinarian Station) Kalesija

VSI PP Spreča

JP Veterinarska stanica (Public Company


Žrtava fašizma 2

Omladinsko šetalište bb

Antuna Kneževića 18

7 muslimanske 26

Halisinska bb

Radićeva 6























Novi Grad

Novi Travnik

Novo Sarajevo





Sanski Most








Široki Brijeg



Veterinarian Station) Kiseljak

SVP Komšić Zoran

JP Veterinarska stanica (Public Company

Veterinarian Station) Ključ

JP Veterinarska stanica (Public Company

Veterinarian Station) Konjic

PVS Kreševo

Veterinarska stanica (Veterinarian Station)


JP Veterinarska stanica (Public Company

Veterinarian Station) Kupres

JP Veterinarska stanica (Public Company

Veterinarian Station) Livno

JP Veterinarska stanica (Public Company

Veterinarian Station) Lukavac

PVS Tiavet

JP Veterinarska stanica (Public Company

Veterinarian Station) Maglaj

Veterinarska stanica (Veterinarian Station)

Ехр.-imp. Mostar I

Veterinarska stanica (Veterinarian Station)

Ехр.-imp. Mostar II

PVS "Gilić"

Veterinarska stanica (Veterinarian Station)


JP Veterinarska stanica (Public Company

Veterinarian Station) Novi Travnik

Veterinarska stanica (Veterinarian Station)


Veterinarska stanica (Veterinarian Station)



JP Veterinarska stanica (Public Company

Veterinarian Station) Olovo

Veterinarska stanica (Veterinarian Station)


SVP Jasmin

VSI Posavina Koka

JP Veterinarska stanica (Public Company

Veterinarian Station) Prozor-Rama

JP Veterinarska stanica (Public Company

Veterinarian Station) Sanski Most

PVS Sapna vet

Veterinarska stanica (Veterinarian Station)


JP Veterinarska stanica (Public Company

Veterinarian Station) Srebrenik

Veterinarska stanica (Veterinarian Station)

Stari Grad

JP Veterinarska stanica (Public Company

Veterinarian Station) Stolac

Veterinarska stanica (Veterinarian Station)

Široki Brijeg

JP Veterinarska stanica (Public Company

Veterinarian Station) Teočak

JP Veterinarska stanica (Public Company


M.Džanića 4

29.Novembar 180

Kranjčevićeva 8

Teočak Brane 55

Dobropolje bb

Gromiljak bb


Mostarska 96

Fra Grge Matica bb

Stojčići bb



Put ljekovitog bilja 1


Splitska bb


Rudnička bb


Fikreta Dedića 56




Bišće polje 106/b


Kneza Višeslava 63


Husnije Repca 9 061/203-063


Stjepana Tomaševića 91


033/611-631; 033/521-861


Brodska bb

Sarajevska bb




Ugljarska 172

IX brigade 6

Ugljara bb

Kralja Tomislava bb





Krkojevci bb ul.Viteške brigade

Alipašina 37/I
















Velika Kladuša







Veterinarian Station) Tešanj-Jelah

Veterinarska stanica (Veterinarian Station)


JP Veterinarska stanica (Public Company

Veterinarian Station) Tomislavgrad

JP Veterinarska stanica (Public Company

Veterinarian Station) Travnik

PVP"Salkić Alen"

Veterinarska stanica (Veterinarian Station)


JP Veterinarska stanica (Public Company

Veterinarian Station) Tuzla

PVS "Trivet"

PV Apoteka (Pharmacy)

JP Veterinarska stanica (Public Company

Veterinarian Station) Usora

PVS Ramljak Veledar Aida

VS Veterinarska medicina (Veterinary


JP Veterinarska stanica (Public Company

Veterinarian Station) Vareš

JP Veterinarska stanica (Public Company

Veterinarian Station) Velika Kladuša

JP Veterinarska stanica (Public Company

Veterinarian Station) Visoko

VSI Brovis

JP Veterinarska stanica (Public Company

Veterinarian Station) Vitez

Veterinarska stanica (Veterinarian Station)


JP Veterinarska stanica (Public Company

Veterinarian Station) Zavidovići

PV Apoteka (Pharmacy)

JP Veterinarska stanica (Public Company

Veterinarian Station) Zenica

SVP "Zevet" Nemila

JP Veterinarske stanice (Public Company

Veterinarian Stations) Zivinice

Kralja Zvonimira bb

Aleja Konzula 9

Bosanska 111




21.decembar 4

Moračani-Ljubače bb

Sivša bb

Pilipovići bb

Planinarska 9

Zuhdije Zalića bb

Musala 25

Dobrinja bb

Stjepana Radića bb



Abdul Vehaba llhamije bb

Goraždanska 36

Patriotske lige bb

Partizanska 10










038/518-480; 038/518-103





VLA Weybridge

New Haw, Addlestone

Surrey KT15 3NB


Tel: (44.1932) 34.11.11

Fax: (44.1932) 34.70.46

EU Reference Laboratory for AI



Map showing the areas covered by individual AVI centers and veterinarian diagnostic laboratories


AVI Centers









Laboratories for AI Diagnostics

Srpska Kostajnica

Velika Kladuša

Kozarska Dubica



Krupa na Uni

Bosanska Krupa


Novi Grad

Srpski Sanski Most

Sanski Most

Bosanski Petrovac



Srpski Drvar









Kotor Varoš


Srpski Brod


Domaljevac - Šamac

Vukosavlje Šamac Orašje



Srpsko Orašje



Brčko Town


Brčko BJ


Doboj Istok



Doboj Jug
















Mrkonjić Grad Dobretići














Bosansko Grahovo


Donji Vakuf

Srspki Kupres


Novi Travnik



Kakanj Vareš






Han Pijesak





Tomislav Grad

Gornji Vakuf





Stari Grad


Sokolac Kiseljak



Srpski Stari Grad


Srpska Ilidža


Srpsko Trnovo Pale






Srpsko Goražde


Srpsko Trnovo Foča






Široki Brijeg

Srpski Mostar

Old Town




South East















List of forms and announcements used in centers

FORM 1: Epizootiological examination (Attachment 2 of the Instructions),

FORM 2: List for transport of dangerous goods,

FORM 3: Announcement on opening a local center for AI surveillance,

FORM 4: Services rendered at infected holdings – daily report of veterinarians,

FORM 5: Report of the expert group,

FORM 6: Form for damage assessment,

ANNOUNCEMENT 1: Poster: Entrance Prohibited,

ANNOUNCEMENT 2: Poster: Road Closed,

ANNOUNCEMENT 3: Poster: Infected Area,

ANNOUNCEMENT 4: Poster with basic information on the disease,




Chicken Plague



Maximum incubation period

21 days

Clinical symptoms

- death-rattle

- Inflammation of sinus mucous membrane and conjunctivitis

- cyanosis and edema of the crest and under crest

- diarrhea

- poor coordination while walking

- high mortality




Authorized Veterinarian Organization:

Veterinarian from the Authorized Veterinarian Organization:


Date of determination of suspicion of the disease:

Date of confirmation of the disease:

Name and surname/designation of the owner or poultry:

Size of holdings (ha):

Cartographic references:

Closing down of the holdings was prescribed on date ______________.

Number and categorization of poultry within the holdings

Category of poultry facility 1 facility 2 facility 3 yard pastureland other

Number and categorization of infected poultry within the holdings

Facility 1

Infected Died Killed Type Receivable

Facility 2

Type Receivable Infected Died Killed




Facility 3

Type Receivable


Type Receivable




Type Receivable Infected

With which poultry did the first changes occur (description)

Samples were / were not send to the NRL

Who delivered them and when

Who transported them and when

Does a public road, a street, a highway, a brook, a river etc. pass through the holdings (description)


- Which type of food / bedding is used

- where is it stored (for each type)

- where was it produced

- was it delivered into the infected area in the last ______ days (the period of the longest incubation period fir the disease), before the appearance of the first clinical symptoms of the disease

- when and in which quantity

- by what means of transport

- where from

- has it been used (for which poultry)

- where was it stored

Method of waste disposal from the holdings

Are waste or remains of food used for feeding poultry?











(for which poultry, origin of waste/remains, sterilization by cooking)


Name and surname


Job Description

Name and surname


Job Description

Name and surname


Job Description



- date of transport

- Type and number of poultry, identification number of poultry

- health passport number

- means of transport, transporter

- place of origin


- date of transport

- Type and number of poultry, identification number of poultry

- health passport number

- means of transport, transporter

- place of destination

(description of all movements of poultry in the course of the period of _______days

(the longest incubation period for the disease) prior to the onset of the clinical symptoms of the disease)



To the holdings

- date

- purpose

- name, surname and address of the person

- contact with animals

- method of entry

- date

- purpose

- name, surname and address of the person

- contact with animals

- method of entry date

- purpose

- name, surname and address of the person

- contact with animals

- method of entry

From the holdings

- name of the person

- visiting a fair (where and when)

- visiting other holdings (which and when)

- contact with animals

- method of exit

- name of the person

- visiting a fair (where and when)

- visiting other holdings (which and when)

- contact with animals

- method of exit

- name of the person

- visiting a fair (where and when)

- visiting other holdings (which and when)

- contact with animals

- method of exit




By which the disease might be transferred were:

· transported from/taken from

· transported into/brought into

(which, when, means of transport, where, ... )


By which the disease might be transferred were:

· transported from/taken from

· transported into/brought into

(which, when, means of transport, where, ... )



(Address, number and type of animals, distance, who is taking care of animals, .... )







THERE ARE: abattoirs, milk processing facilities, more significant cultivation facility for other animals, enclosed pen for wild animals, other .........

(Address and description)




Date: Signature and seal

Time: Veterinarian from the Authorized Veterinary Organization







Type of dangerous goods: infectious substance (animal carcasses/animal waste) ,

Dangerous to animals, intended for processing / destruction.




Tel. No.…. ……….

Fax No………..….

Route of transport IS, IS NOT determined:





Stops during transport ARE, ARE

NOT allowed

The door of the freight space ARE,

ARE NOT sealed


a) CZ

Unit: ……………

Address: …………………….




Tel. No…………….....

Tel. No………..

Fax No……..…

Fax. No…………….…

Date: ……………..


Reg. No of the vehicle:…………….. Signature of receiver:…………

Date of departure:………….

Hour of receipt:……………

Hour of departure:…………….

Signature of the driver:…………..

ANIMAL CARCASSES / WASTE FOR PROCESSING / DESTRUCTION (pursuant to the Directive (EU) No. 90/667/EU)

Dangerous substances pursuant to Articles 2 Freight:(for example. ___ pieces of poultry and 3 of the Directive No. 90/667/EU, that may pose a threat on animal health carcasses)

Location of loading:

"Animal carcasses / waste are infected with the chicken plague virus, which is dangerous to animals



That the freight may be transported by road.

That the conditions pursuant to the Law on Veterinarian Science are met.

That the driver was offered assistance in loading.

W A R N I I N G : : t t h e v e h i i c l l e h a s t t o b e d i i s i i n f e c t t e d t t h o r r o u g h l l y u p o n u n l l o a d i i n g !






Date: Stamp: Signature of sender:







Office for Veterinarian Medicine of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Radićeva 8/II, 7100 Sarajevo,

Bosna i Hercegovina

Telephone: +387 33 258 840,

Telefax: +387 33 265 620

E – mail:



Due to an outbreak of an exceptionally dangerous disease – chicken plague, the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations, the Office for Veterinarian Science of Bosnia and Herzegovina hereby issues the following



Because of an outbreak of the chicken plague in

_______________________________________, the local center was opened in

______________________________, tel. No. __________________, and the head of the

Center is __________________.

At the aforementioned address all information on measures, limitations, trading of live animals and products and all other necessary data in regards to chicken plague shall be available. Maps of areas that limitations apply to are also available for review.

Signature and stamp of the veterinarian inspector:







Office for Veterinarian Medicine of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Radićeva 8/II, 7100 Sarajevo,

Bosna i Hercegovina

Telephone: +387 33 258 840,

Telefax: +387 33 265 620

E – mail:




Address of holdings:

Owner and code of holdings:


Contractor Number of workers:


Name of contractor:

Time of arrival:

Time of departure Working hours

Time of departure:

Notes Number of workers Time of arrival

Type of machine


Name of contractor:

Hours of operation Hours of waiting Notes

Number of workers Time of arrival Time of departure Working hours Notes

Type of machine Hours of operation Hours of waiting Notes

4. MATERIALS ACQUIRED (bills of lading attached)

5. GENERAL NOTES (Including the number of people and data on equipment provided by the owner of holdings and damages that occur in the course of implementation of measures)







Time of beginning of activities:………. Time of ending:………

Group leader: ………………………………………………………………………….………….

Members in the field:……………………………………………………………………………….

Professional and technical assistance to the group:



Holdings visited (owner,

Suspicion confirmed /

Epizootiological examinations Number of

Type of samples address,) suspicion rejected carried out yes/no samples taken

Transport of samples:…………………………………………………………………………






Signature of the group leader:

Attachments: - photo copies of epizootiological examinations (Form 1)







Office for Veterinarian Medicine of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Radićeva 8/II, 7100 Sarajevo,

Bosna i Hercegovina

Telephone: +387 33 258 840,

Telefax: +387 33 265 620

E – mail:












INSPECTOR No. ________

Type and category of animals

Age of animals

Number of animals killed

Average weight (in kg)

Number of animals slaughter ed

Meat conditionall y adequate


Price in


Assessment of value

(in KM)









Equipment, products, raw materials

Destroyed number of units / quantity

Price in KM Damages in KM Notes











Assessment Committee or Assessor Damaged party

1. _________________________

2. _________________________


3. _________________________








Office for Veterinarian Medicine of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Radićeva 8/II, 7100 Sarajevo,

Bosna i Hercegovina

Telephone: +387 33 258 840,

Telefax: +387 33 265 620

E – mail:

A T T E N T I I O N !


C h i i c k e n P l l a g u e


E N T R A N C E P R O H I I B I I T E D !









Office for Veterinarian Medicine of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Radićeva 8/II, 7100 Sarajevo,

Bosna i Hercegovina

Telephone: +387 33 258 840,

Telefax: +387 33 265 620

E – mail:

A t t t t e n t t i i o n !


C h i i c k e n P l l a g u e


C L O S E D !









Office for Veterinarian Medicine of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Radićeva 8/II, 7100 Sarajevo,

Bosna i Hercegovina

Telephone: +387 33 258 840,

Telefax: +387 33 265 620

E – mail:

A T T E N T I I O N !


C h i i c k e n P l l a g u e

Y o u a r r e n e a r r i i n g a n i i n f f e c t t e d a r r e a ( ( 3 k i i l l o m e t t e r r s i i n r r a d i i u s ) ) , , i i n w h i i c h s p e c i i a l l m e a s u r r e s h a v e b e e n i i n t t r r o d u c e d b e c a u s e o f f a n o u t t b r r e a k o f f t t h e d i i s e a s e








Office for Veterinarian Medicine of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Radićeva 8/II, 7100 Sarajevo,

Bosna i Hercegovina

Telephone: +387 33 258 840,

Telefax: +387 33 265 620

E – mail:

Chicken Plague

A d a n g e r o u s d i i s e a s e c a l l l l e d c h i i c k e n p l l a g u e h a s a p p e a r e d i i n y o u r r a r r e a .


T h a t t i i s a h i g h l y i i n f f e c t t i i o u s d i i s e a s e a f f f f e c t t i i n g p o u l l t t r r y a n d o t t h e r r b i i r r d s p e c i i e s .


P e o p l l e a r r e u s u a l l l l y n o t t a f f f f e c t t e d .


T h i i s d i i s e a s e i i s c a u s e d b y a v i i r r u s .


T h e d i i s e a s e a p p e a r r s i i n m a n y d i i f f e r e n t t f f o r r m s , , i t d e v e l l o p s q u i i t t e r a p i d l y a n d i i n m o s t t c a s e s r e s u l l t s i i n t t h e d e a t t h o f t t h e b i i r r d .


A f f f f e c t t e d a n i i m a l l s f f i i n d i i t t h a r r d t t o m o v e , , t t h e r r e i i s d i i a r r r r h e a a n d n e u r r o l l o g i i c a l l d i i s t t u r r b a n c e s .


T h e d i i s e a s e s p r e a d s r r a p i i d l l y a n d c a u s e s e n o r r m o u s e c o n o m i i c d a m a g e .


I I t t i i s t t r a n s f e r r e d f f r r o m a f f e c t e d a n i i m a l l s , , t h e i r f f e a c e s , , m e a t t a n d e g g s .

T h e v i i r u s c a u s i i n g t t h e d i i s e a s e c a n a l l s o b e t r a n s m i i t t e d m e c h a n i i c a l l l y , , b y p e o p l e a n d a n i i m a l l s .


I I t i i s t t r r a n s f f e r r r r e d b y i n f e c t e d o b j j e c t t s , , e q u i i p m e n t t , , t t r a n s p o r r t t m e a n s a n d f f o d d e r .


B e c a u s e o f t t h e a f f o r r e m e n t t i i o n e d , , t t h e s t t a t t e i i s u s i i n g t t h e s t t r r i i c t t e s t t p o s s i i b l l e m e t t h o d o f f e l l i i m i i n a t t i i o n o f f t t h i i s d i i s e a s e , , a n d t t h e m a i i n m e a s u r r e i s t t h e i i m m e d i a t e k i i l l l l i i n g o f a l l l l p o u l l t t r r y a t t t t h e h o l l d i n g s o n w h i i c h t t h e d i s e a s e h a d a p p e a r r e d , , a n d t t h e d i i s p o s a l l o f f c a r r c a s s e s i i n a s a f f e w a y .


T h e c o s t t s o f f e l l i i m i i n a t t i i o n o f t t h e d i i s e a s e s h a l l l l b e c o v e r e d b y t t h e b u d g e t t .


I n t t h e c o u r r s e o f f t t h e p e r r i i o d o f f e l l i i m i i n a t t i i o n a n d e r r a d i i c a t t i i o n o f f t t h e d i i s e a s e i i n y o u r r a r r e a , , y o u s h o u l l d a b i i d e b y t t h e f f o l l l l o w i i n g g e n e r a l l i i n s t t r r u c t t i i o n s : :

All domestic poultry in your holdings should be locked in chicken houses, poultry houses and enclosed pens.

Trading poultry and birds within the infected area is prohibited (except directly to the abattoir, which is within the infected area, or under strict supervision of the abattoir in the infected area).

It is prohibited to transport meat and meat products and eggs from the infected holdings.

Limit the entry and exit of people in and from your holdings and minimize it to the lowest level possible and implement all recommended measures at the same time.

Abide by the prescribed measures of the veterinarian inspector listed in the published order for the infected or threatened area strictly.


For any additional information, do not delay to contact the local center for disease surveillance (the address is published in a separate announcement).

Office for Veterinarian Medicine of Bosnia and Herzegovina



Human Resources and Equipment

State Level Center for Disease Surveillance:

Director of the OVBiH;

Assistants for veterinarian medicine of AVIs;

Chief veterinarian inspectors of AVIs;

Head of the Department for Internal Inspection of OVBiH;

Head and member of the Department for Veterinarian Epidemiology, OVBiH;

Head of the Department for International Relations, OVBiH;

Head of the NRL.

Expert Group, that might be mobilized in case of an outbreak of AI: a) Specialist for the virusology laboratory, b) Specialist for poultry diseases, c) Epidemiologist, d) Specialist for pathology of domesticated animals, e) Veterinarian from the authorized veterinarian organization, f) Authorized veterinarian inspector.

Equipment of the Expert Group:

A: Personal equipment

1 Protective cloth overalls

1 Protective disposable overalls

1 Protective water resistant suit, resistant to chemicals

1 Pair of rubber boots

B: Common equipment

Box of disposable masks

Box of disposable gloves

PVC bags (50 liters) for disposal of suits and boots and a rope

Means for euthanasia

50 Sterile cotton wool sticks

50 Vial with transport media for the virus

100 Vials for blood

100 Syringes and needles for taking birds' blood

Bag for storage

2 Battery lamp with batteries

2 Scissors

2 Tweezers

3 Blocks and pencils

Disinfection agent for preparing 100 liters of dissolved fluid

1 Atomizer, polyethylene

1 Burner for incineration of surfaces


Paper tissues

Mobile telephone









State Center for Disease Surveillance

AVI Centers

Expert Group for AI

National Reference Laboratory



1. Etiology

2. Animal species potentially affected

3. Diagnosis

4. Differential diagnosis

5. Active immune condition and vaccination

6. Epidemiology

7. Incubation

8. Virus resistance

9. Methods of transmission of the virus

10. Public health


1. Information

2. Introduction of measures in case of suspicion

3. Veterinarian examination and report of the expert group in case of suspicion

4. Termination of measures


1. Equipment for sampling

2. Sampling and types of samples

3. Sending samples to the laboratory

4. Receiving materials and/or bird carcasses under suspicion of AI




1. Measures upon confirmation of the disease within infected holdings

2. Determination of infected and threatened areas

3. Measures in infected areas

4. Measures in threatened areas

5. Duration of measures

6. Measures at the border in case of an outbreak in a neighboring state

7. Opening local centers for disease surveillance

8. Information

9. Serving


1. Establishing LCDS

2. Staff of the center

3. Allocation of staff

4. Establishment of sub-centers

5. Information on establishment of centers and sub-centers

6. Information – general

7. Contacts with media

8. Reporting to SCDS

9. Office equipment and forms

10. Staff related accidences

11. Reserves for cases of emergency

12. Supply of equipment and maps

13. Limitation of low fly overs of airplanes over the infected area

14. Fairs

15. Information on closing down centers


1. General

2. Announcement and counseling

3. Visits to holdings in the infected area

4. Military institutions in infected areas – safety measures and warnings

5. Transport of animals – infected area

6. Transport of animals – threatened area

7. Agents for disinfection of vehicles for the transport of animals in infected and threatened areas

8. Abattoirs

9. Manures and bedding in infected areas


10. Limitations and protective measures in infected and threatened areas

11. Limitations of movement of persons on roads for pedestrians in the area in immediate vicinity of infected and threatened areas

12. Processing activities – pounds located in infected areas or receiving raw materials from infected areas


1. Tasks

2. Meteorological data

3. Flow of activities of the expert group

4. Accommodation of the expert group

5. Assistance to the expert group


1. General

2. Measures in case of suspicion of the disease

3. Measures upon determination of the disease



1. General

2. Basic equipment for dissection

3. Protective equipment

4. Patho-anatomical changes that lead to suspicion of AI

5. Procedures for pathologists in case of suspicion

6. Taking samples for additional diagnostic examinations

7. Procedures with waste

8. Disinfection

9. Treatment of waste water



1. Measures in case of suspicion

2. Measures upon determination of disease

3. Interrogation on the origin of birds

4. Killing birds


5. Destruction




1. General

2. Authorization for killing

3. Procedure in the course of killing

4. Killing birds

5. Destroying carcasses

6. Protective clothing

7. Delays in destroying carcasses

8. Destroying animal carcasses of animals that died because of other reasons


1. General

2. Protective clothing

3. Equipment ensured by the contractor

4. Leasing machines from the owner of infected holdings


1. Measures on holdings for poultry multiplication

2. Measures in hatching

3. Measures in infected and threatened areas


1. Disinfection procedures

2. Procedures in cleaning and disinfection on holdings

3. Safety measures

4. Clothing

5. Disinfection of surfaces on which animals are killed

6. Disinfection barriers and obstacles on roads

7. Disinfection of vehicles

8. Confirmation on disinfection executed



1. Tasks of AVI managers

2. Training of staff

3. Planning of possible locations for local centers

4. Equipment

5. Equipment for sampling




Veterinarian legislation in Bosnia and Herzegovina stipulates legal authorizations granted to the minister competent in the field of veterinarian medicine and, consequentially, in the surveillance of AI.

This manual contains guidelines and instructions for veterinarians who are active in the surveillance over the onset of the disease.

The disease is officially confirmed or excluded by the OVBiH on the grounds of clinical symptoms and results of diagnostic examinations.

State Level Center for Disease Surveillance (SCDS)

The SCDS is a group of experts established for the surveillance of measures for determination, prevention and eradication of AI, appointed by the Minister within the


Responsible veterinarian services

Responsibilities of the OVBiH:


Performing drills for preparedness for the disease;


Maintaining connections with the EU Reference Laboratory in regards to delivery and transport of samples


Directing and executing local surveillance strategies in case of an outbreak of the disease;


Disinfection and cleaning of infected holdings and other locations within the infected and threatened area;

Responsibilities of AVIs:


Organization of permanent education on the disease on the local level;


Maintaining connections with veterinarian diagnostic laboratories within the country in regards to delivery and transport of samples;


Maintaining contacts with the police, local institutions, economic and trading organizations, the market, abattoirs and pounds;


Maintaining contacts with the police in regards to desertion of infected holdings and regulation of surveillance over movements and closing down markets and fairs;



Surveillance of quarantine and other procedures on infected holdings, including evaluation, slaughtering and destruction of infected poultry and dispossessed animals that were in contact with it;


Regulating compensation for owners from whom the animals were taken away;


Surveillance in holdings and farms within the infected and threatened area,

Expert Group for AI

Responsibilities of that group include the following:


immediate investigation of the onset of AI on location;


providing full reports to SCDS on the onset of the disease, its potential source and possibilities for expansion;


collection of all additional diagnostic samples and their sending to the NRL.

National reference Laboratory (NRL)

Responsibilities of the NRL include the following:


isolation and typing of isolated viruses;


communication with the European Union Reference Laboratory,


communication with OVBiH,

State Border Service, Police, Army and Civilian Defense

The State Border Service, the Police, the Army and the Civilian Defense are under obligation to assist in the provision of security for the infected holdings, limitations and control of movements from and into the infected area.




1. Etiology

Chicken plague or chicken flue or avian influenza (AI) is caused by influenza viruses of type A that fall into the family of Orthomyxoviridae. In regards to chemoglutinine, there are 15 sub-types of the influenza virus A, and in regards to neuraminidase activities, there are 9 sub-types. Due to differing pathogenic levels of the virus, the definition of avian influenza, according to the Council Directive No. 92/40/EEC is as follows: "Avian influenza means contagion of poultry, caused by influenza virus type A, having an intravenous pathogen index in 6 weeks old chickens exceeding 1.2 or any contagion with influenza virus type A subtype H5 or H7. with which the implementation of the method of determination of the sequence of nucleotides demonstrates the presence of ,multiple elementary animo-acids at the location of branching of chemaglutinine".

The cause of AI is a RNA virus, whose size equals 80 – 120 nm. The virus may be cultivated on chicken embryos and on cell cultures.

2. Animal species potentially affected

All types of poultry (chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, wild ducks, partridges, pheasants), pigeons, ostriches, wild and decorative birds, some mammals and humans are sensitive to infection with AI viruses. Chickens, turkeys and ostriches are most often affected, while water surface poultry and water birds are, in most cases, only carriers.

3. Diagnostics

3.1. Clinical symptoms

The first clinical signs of the disease may appear in as little as few hours and up to 21 days following the contact with the virus. The clinical signs are extremely variable. The disease may affect respiratory, digestive, reproductive and nerve systems. In animals, one may notice depression, decreased appetite, decreased number of eggs laid, subsurface skin edema of the head, cyanosis of skin in the area of the head and on legs, sneezing, coughing, discharge from the nose, conjunctivitis, sinusitis and diarrhea. The death occurs in a couple of days from the beginning of the disease. The mortality rate can be as high as 100%.

In contagion with the low virulent source, the symptoms are less pronounced, intensive respiratory signs are present, with swollen sinuses and edema of the head.

3.2. Pathology


In the per-acute form, there are no patho-anatomic changes. In the acute form, spotted bleeding is often discovered in the mucous membrane, connective tissues and below the serose membranes of organs, along with bleeding of muscles, necrosis on the liver, spleen and lungs, inflammation of sinuses and air bags, peritonitis, ooforitis, enteritis, pancreatitis and pneumonia.

Patho-histological changes that may be determined in the brain, for example the perivascular lymphocyte encephalitis, necrosis of neurons and gliosis, are diagnostically significant, but are not pathognomonic for AI. Other changes, that may also be determined in AI, are necrosis on parenchimatozal organs, necrosis on the heart muscle and myocarditis.


3.3. Laboratory diagnostics

3.3.1. Sampling

In order to insure correct diagnosis, it is necessary that samples are selected in a correct manner for the examination (testing). The samples need to be sent to the diagnostic laboratory in a cooling bag at the temperature of +4°C within 24 hours from taking.

Samples of blood are taken from animals at the holdings or in the course of euthanasia, in the dissection hall.


SERUM: the blood is taken and put in a sterile vial without adding anticoagulants.

Samples of swabs and faces are taken from animals at the holdings or in the dissection hall:


cloacae swab: swabs are taken with a cotton wool stick and into a sterile vial containing sterile physiological solution or nutritious base (MEM or equivalent),


tracheal swab: same as aforementioned,


feaces or contents of the intestinal tract

Samples of organs are taken in the course of dissection in the dissection hall. Dissections are not carried out at the holdings. Organs are put in containers, that can be closed tightly, then they are marked and transported to the laboratory in the cooling bag at the temperature of +4°C.

The following samples are taken

 brain,

 trachea,

 lungs,

 liver,

 pancreas,

 digestive tract (glandular part, part of intestines, ileocekal tonsils) and

 other organs, that are microscopically acceptable.

3.3.2. Diagnostic methods a) Direct proof of AI virus

1.) Isolation of AI virus on chicken embryos

Isolation of the virus is based on incubation of samples for testing on 9-11 days old chicken embryos that originate from flocks free of anti-bodies against AI. Samples recommended for virus isolation are all the aforementioned organs, swabs, faeces or contents of the digestive tract. If the virus is present in the sample, it shall multiply in the alantois liquid of the inoculated egg. The presence of the virus may cause the death of the embryo. Inoculated eggs are incubated for at least 6 days. After that, the alantois liquid is


gathered and tested to the presence of chema-glutination activity. In case of negative results, second and third passage of the virus are carried out.

All insulates with chema-glutination activity have to be tested in immune-diffusion tests with positive poly-clonal sera for influenza A and in inhibition tests for chemaglutination with specific poly-clonal anti-sera for sub-types H5 and H7 of the virus of influenza A, and an intravenous test of the pathogenic level has to be carried out on 6 weeks old chickens free of AI anti-bodies. On the basis of the calculated pathogenic index, the presence of avian influenza is confirmed.

All insulates of avian influenza and all insulates of H5 and H7 are sent to Central

Veterinary Laboratory, New Haw, Weybridge, Surry KT 15 3NB, UK for further typing and identification.

Origin of chicken embryos and chickens

The NRL always keeps a flock of chickens free of AI anti-bodies in case of suspicion on

AI. Embryonic eggs must be at the disposal at all times. b) Indirect proof of AI virus

In indirect tests we determine the presence of anti-bodies against the AI virus in the animal serum.

1.) Proving the presence of anti-bodies against the influenza A virus by testing immunediffusion in gel

The test is based on determination of anti-bodies against the influenza type A virus in the examined serum. Group-specific antigen of influenza A virus is used as antigen. The reaction is visible with the appearance of the precipitation line within 72 hours.

2.) Proving specific anti-bodies by using the inhibition chema-glutination test (IHA)

This test is based on the determination of anti-bodies against the influenza A virus, subtypes H5 and H7 in the serum of the examined animal. It is recommended for serology examinations for individual animals and on the entire flock cultivated. If the flock comprises of less than 20 animals, all animals are examined, and if it is larger, the test is carried out on the sample of the serum taken from 20 animals. IH titar is the highest concentrated solution of the serum, causing total inhibition of 4 units of the virus.

The laboratory has to have reserves of reagents for examination of at least 400 blood samples to the presence of anti-bodies against the AI virus, at all times.


4. Differential diagnosis

Clinical: chicken plague, clamidiofilosis, micoplasmosis, infections with avian pneumovirus, all bacterial infections with high mortality, intoxications

Laboratory: infection with other influenza viruses is possible

5 Active immune condition and vaccination

Vaccination against AI is not allowed in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

6. Epidemiology

The contagion spreads through the respiratory tract, conjunctives and by faeces. As the faeces contains high concentrations of the virus and it can contaminate water, equipment, fodder, in fact everything it gets in contact with, the possibility of horizontal transmission of the cause is extremely high. Transmission between individual species of birds is often seen – from ducks to chickens, from pheasants to turkeys and from pigs to turkeys.

Vertical transmission is possible only in the case of contamination of the shell of the egg or the contents of the egg.

Infected animals may spread the virus even before the clinical signs of the disease become evident, especially in the case of contagion of water surface poultry that is the most frequent carried of the contagion.

In the course of the disease, the animals secrete the virus in all their secretions and execrations, especially expectoration and faeces.

Various types of AI virus spread at various speeds. As a rule, more virulent types spread more and faster and they affect a higher number of animals. Often the pathogenic level of the virus increases in the course of its expansion (at the beginning the pathogenic level is low, and then it becomes high).

The disease may also be transmitted by humans. Especially farmers and veterinarians, on their shoes, clothing and instruments.

7. Incubation

The incubation of AI lasts for between a couple of hours and 21 days (2 to 30 days).


8. Virus resistance

Because of their capsule, they are sensitive to all lipid dissolvent, ether, detergent and formalin. They are also sensitive to high temperatures, at +4oC they are infective for a number of weeks (30 – 35 days), at 20oC for seven days. In frozen meat they can survive for years.

9. Methods of transmission of the virus

9.1. Live animals

 transmission between individual species of poultry: from ducks to chickens, from turkeys to chickens, pheasants, ostriches etc),

 entry of contagion from wild birds – most often water birds and migratory birds,

 transmission fro mammals to poultry (pigs -turkeys)

 from infected exotic birds (birds in cages).

9.2. Wind

Transmission by wind is possible especially within cultivated flocks or at a short distance.

9.3. Water

Transmission is possible by water in case it is inhabited by infected wild birds.

9.4. Poultry products and fodder

All products and side products are a possible source of contagion, just as the fodder.

9.6. Mechanical transmission/spreading out

Mechanical transmission is possible on clothes, footwear and instruments and means of transport.

10. Public health

Influenza viruses are usually adjusted to a certain type of host, and therefore the disease is most often transmitted between the units of the same species. The AI virus is easily transmitted between similar species, for example between chickens and turkey, water


birds and turkey. Transmission between birds and mammals occurs rarely, even though such cases are also known. For example, besides getting infected with the pig influenza virus, pigs may be infected with both human and avian influenza virus.

Even through it is unusual for humans to get infected with influenza viruses directly from animals, sporadic infections of humans in focus points, caused by individual types of avian influenza virus type A, are known. In 1997 and 2003, the Ministry of Health of

Hong Kong reported on infection of humans with the avian influenza virus type A

(H5N1). At the time of the outbreak in 1997, eighteen persons were hospitalized, of who six died. Studies have shown that the H5N1 virus spreads from poultry to humans, but not from humans to humans. In February of 2003, two cases were again confirmed in humans infected by avian influenza virus type A (H5N1) in a family that had previously been traveling in the province of Fujian in China. One person died.

In February 2003, officials in the Netherlands also reported on an outbreak of avian influenza type A (H7N7) in poultry. In April, the officials in the Netherlands reported on

83 confirmed cases in humans infected by influenza type H7N7, amongst workers on poultry farms and their families. Most of the infected showed signs of conjunctivitis and mild signs of influenza like disease. Regardless of that, one 57 year old veterinarian, who visited one of the infected farms, died.

Both types of influenza A (H5N1 and H7N7) had not circled amongst humans in a more significant scope in the past, so that the population has very few cases of immunity or no immunity at all against that type of avian influenza A. If a new type of virus were to appear, that humans would be open to also, the situation would be drastically changed due to the potential onset of influenza pandemics and spreading of the disease from human to human.

On the basis of the aforementioned, certain safety measures are necessary in the treatment of poultry infected by AI virus. All personnel participating in the performance of epidemiological examination, killing and destroying sick and dead birds, has to wear protective clothing, protective goggles and protective masks.

On the grounds of the current legislation in BiH, mutual information on possible onsets of zoonozes is compulsory.




1. Information

The owner of animals who suspects that his poultry have gotten the AI has to report on his suspicions to the authorized veterinarian organization that carries out primary veterinarian activities. The veterinarian has to visit the holdings immediately, carry out examination and take care that suspicions are confirmed or rejected. The veterinarian has to inform the authorized official veterinarian on the suspicion of the disease immediately, and he, in turn informs the AVI, which informs the OVBiH.

In case of suspicion, the OVBiH has to summon the SCDS immediately, with representatives of the veterinarian service. The veterinarian who stated suspicions and the AVI shall undertake all further measures in compliance with the instructions of the


2. Introduction of measures in case of suspicion

The veterinarian who suspects that the poultry has caught AI has to determine immediately the corresponding measures stipulated in Article 4 of the Instructions.

3. Veterinarian examination and report of the expert group in case of suspicion

When it receives its task from the SCDS, the expert group for AI shall examine the suspicion of the outbreak of the disease and has to visit the suspicious holdings immediately, and carry with itself the equipment and materials listed in Attachment V.

The expert group shall carry out detailed examinations, assess the situation at the holdings and take samples. It is necessary to examine the suspicious poultry and animals that had been in contact with it. The group reports to the SCDS on the examination. Prior to the first examination it is necessary to examine all animals that are sensitive to that disease within the holdings. If, because of the size of the unit, or the time, the detailed examination would mean that the report would be delayed for to long, an „introductory“ report may be sent. If the report is a negative one, the SCDS shall demand an additional report on the results if the detailed examination of all other animals, before it proposes the termination of measures listed in Article 4 of the Instructions.

4. Termination of measures


Suspicion of disease is not confirmed: on the grounds of data collected and instructions of the SCDS, the veterinarian inspector shall issue a decision, terminating all measures, prescribed by professional instructions of authorized veterinarian organizations and/or the decree issued by the veterinarian inspector.

Suspicion of disease is confirmed: on the grounds of instructions of the SCDS, the veterinarian inspector shall issue a decision, prescribing measures stipulated in Articles 6,

7, 8 and 9 of the Instructions.

All persons and organizations that were informed on the introduction of measures have to be informed on the termination of measures as soon as possible.




1. Equipment for sampling

In the course of sampling, the equipment from the list of equipment of the expert group for AI is used. Equipment and instruments used by the expert group are kept in the premises of the OVBiH, Radićeva 8/II, Sarajevo. The equipment must be allocated in such a way that the personal kit for one member of each group contains instruments and clothing listed in Attachment V.

All equipment for sampling and transport of samples has to be adequately maintained and in condition suitable for immediate utilization.

2. Sampling and types of samples

In order to determine the correct diagnosis, it is necessary that samples are selected in a correct manner for the examination (testing). The samples need to be sent to the diagnostic laboratory in a cooling bag at the temperature of +4°C within 24 hours from taking.

Samples of blood are taken from animals at the holdings or in the course of euthanasia, in the dissection hall.

Serum: the blood is taken and put in a sterile vial without adding anticoagulants.

Samples of swabs and feaces are taken from animals at the holdings or in the dissection hall: cloacae swab: swabs are taken with a cotton wool stick and into a sterile vial containing sterile physiological solution or nutritious base (MEM or equivalent) tracheal swab: same as aforementioned feaces or contents of the intestinal tract

Samples of organs are taken in the course of dissection in the dissection hall. Dead animals or animals subjected to euthanasia are not dissected at the holdings. Organs are put in containers, without mixing the samples of various organs. It has to be possible to close the containers tightly, and upon closing they are marked and transported to the laboratory in the cooling bag at the temperature of +4°C.

The following samples are taken






of blood are taken if necessary.

The transport of poultry or carcasses from the holdings to the dissection hall is carried out by the hygienic services. The veterinarian inspector takes care of the transport of carcasses into the dissection hall. Prior to leaving the farm, it is necessary to ensure a vehicle that can be shut tightly. It is necessary to prevent any discharge of liquids from the vehicle and to carry out disinfection before leaving.

3. Sending samples to the laboratory

Samples must arrive to the diagnostic laboratory immediately upon being taken. In the course of transport, safety measures have to be taken into account, in order to prevent the spreading out of the infection in the course of transport and to prevent the contamination of samples.

3.1. Packing samples

As a rule, samples are packed in three–layer packaging.

1- First layer of packaging:

Samples have to be stored in sterile, water resistant and impermeably closed containers.

Each container has to be marked clearly with a label, on which data on cultivation and sample is stated. Water resistant label and pens have to be used for marking. Containers must be shut impermeably and each has to be wrapped individually in order to prevent contact with other containers. Contact edges of the lid and the container, and the plug and the vial have to be additionally glued by adhesive strips.

2- Second layer of packaging:

The second layer of packaging is a larger container, in which all containers with samples are put. It can be made of plastic or metal and has to be resistant to mechanical damage.

The inside has to be covered with an absorbent material that may absorb liquids that may be discharged from smaller containers with samples.

3- Third layer of packaging:


The second (group) of containers with individual samples has to be put in an additional transport container (cooling bag with ice), whose external part has to be disinfected in the course of packing. A label has to be attached to the transport container indicating the addressee and the sender.

3.2. Supplemental letter

All samples sent must be followed by a supplemental letter. The following data has to be included in the supplemental letter:

- name and surname of the owner of animals,

- disease that is suspected,

- description of patho-anatomical changes,

- medicines and vaccines that were given to the animals,

- list of samples being sent to examinations,

- the sender.

If the sender has other data available (method of killing of the animals, if they were killed, animal species being cultivated, introduction of new animals into cultivation, method of cultivation, symptoms of the disease), the data in question is included into the supplemental letter.

Samples for patho-morphological and microbiological testing and isolation and typing of viruses are sent to the following address:

Nacionalna Referentna Laboratorija za AI (National Reference Laboratory for AI)

Veterinarski fakultet (Faculty of Veterinarian Medicine)

Centar za peradarstvo i kunićarstvo (Center for Poultry and Rabbit Raising)

BA-71000 Sarajevo, Zmaja od Bosne 90

4. Receiving materials and/or bird carcasses under suspicion of AI

When taking over the poultry carcasses or other contagious materials, coming to be examined under suspicion of AI into the laboratory, the NRL shall fill out the form for

Minutes of Testing, which has to contain the following data

– the sender,

– the owner,

– data on the animal and the cultivation (type of species, age, sex, weight, characteristic signs),

– data on the history of the disease (symptoms of the disease, how long had the disease lasted, how many poultry or birds are sick, how many had died, whether they had been vaccinated, how many animals being cultivated are open to the


disease and in which category, whether the poultry house was populated with new birds – when and how many of them, where do they originate from, whether the birds were at a fair, whether the birds were transported, what were they fed with etc.),

– when did the information on suspicion arrive (date, hour), who had delivered it and who took over the report,

– date of entry into the protocol ledger,

Equipment for taking and transport of samples is available to the expert group and the

LCDS from the inventories of the OVBiH and it has to be kept in condition adequate for immediate utilization.




1. Measures upon confirmation of the disease within infected holdings

When the disease is officially confirmed, the veterinarian inspector, upon the instructions of the SCDS, has to issue a decision, determining, in addition to measures referred to in

Article 4 of the Instructions, additional measures stipulated by Article 6 of the

Instructions, on the infected holdings.

The measures prescribed for infected holdings are the following:

 closing down the focus of the disease – infected holdings (prohibition or trading and movement of animals from the holdings and into the holdings) and placing a table with a warning;

 inventory of animals on the holdings, that has to be filled out immediately;

Killing and safe destruction of all poultry within the infected holdings;

Safe destruction of waste – fodder, manure, bedding, that the disease may be transmitted with;

 Fertilized eggs that were laid and taken from the infected holdings in the course of the incubation period, have to be found and destroyed safely, i.e. already hatched chickens have to be put under special surveillance;

Consumable eggs that were laid and taken from the infected holdings in the course of the incubation period, have to be found and destroyed safely, unless they were adequately disinfected in advance;

Setting disinfection barriers at the entry into the holdings and in individual facilities;

Ensuring the disposal of poultry and other dead birds in a safe way;

Disinfection, eradication of insects and rodents in all facilities in the infected holdings.

In principle, the entry and the exit on the infected holdings have to be limited to all persons, except in cases of extreme urgency.

2. Determination of infected and threatened areas

Immediately upon the official confirmation of the disease, the veterinarian inspector has to issue a decision, in compliance with instructions received from the SCDS, determining the borders of the infected areas, with the radius of at least 3 kilometers and the threatened areas, in the radius of at least 10 kilometers.

The size of the infected and the threatened area may be changed, but the following has to be taken into account:


– Geographic location and environment related factors,

– Meteorological conditions,

– Presence, expansion and type of the disease vector,

– Results of epizootiologic examinations,

– Results of laboratory testing,

– Measures introduced.

3. Measures in infected areas

Pursuant to Article 8 of the Warning, the veterinarian inspector shall determine the following measures on the infected area immediately.

Inventory of holdings with poultry.

– Regular examinations of all holdings on the infected area, clinical examinations of poultry and other birds and, if necessary, taking of samples for laboratory testing.

– Prohibition of fairs, exhibitions, competitions and other gatherings of birds.

– Prohibition of movement and trading of birds.

– The following may be allowed i: o Transport of birds without stopping; o Transport of birds to the abattoir, if the abattoir is within the infected area, or transport of birds under strict surveillance to an abattoir in the threatened area, if the veterinarian within the authorized veterinarian organization has, upon examining the animals (clinical examination, epizootiological situation, laboratory examination on a sample of animals – proof of anti-bodies or antigens) determined that there is no suspicion of disease for those animals. The official veterinarian within the abattoir has to be informed on the arrival of such animals; o Transport of one day old chickens to holdings in the threatened area, where there is no other poultry; o Transport of laid eggs to the hatchery determined by the veterinarian inspector under the condition that the eggs and their packaging have been adequately disinfected.

The measures prescribed that concern the infected area, remain in effect for at least 21 days, after the poultry was safely destroyed at the final infected holdings and after final disinfection, eradication of insects and rodents had been carried out on the holdings.

Upon the abrogation of measures in the infected area, measures that apply to threatened areas are introduced

4. Measures in threatened areas


Pursuant to Article 9 of the Instructions, the veterinarian inspector shall determine the following measures on threatened areas immediately:

– Prohibition of fairs, exhibitions, competitions and other gatherings of birds;

– Inventory of holdings with birds, open to disease;

– Prohibition of movement and trading of birds for the first 15 days;

Prohibition of the transport of eggs laid in the threatened area, except to the hatchery, determined by himself, under the condition that the eggs and their packaging have been adequately disinfected;

– Prohibition of trading with animals, open to disease, outside of the threatened area;

The following may be allowed:

Transport of birds without stopping;

– That the poultry, open to disease, are transported from holdings under strict surveillance to abattoir determined in advance outside of the threatened area, if the veterinarian within the authorized veterinarian organization has, upon examining the animals (clinical examination, epizootiological situation, laboratory examination on a sample of animals – proof of anti-bodies or antigens) determined that there is no suspicion of disease for those animals.

The official veterinarian within the abattoir has to be informed on the arrival of such animals into the abattoir

– In exceptional cases, the inspector may allow the transport of animals open to disease within the threatened areas;

5. Duration of measures

Measures in the infected area have to remain in effect for at least 21 days after the performance of the final disinfection and eradication of insects and rodents in infected holdings. Upon the termination of current measures in the infected area, measures that apply in threatened areas are introduced.

Measures in the threatened area have to remain in effect for at least 30 days after the performance of the final disinfection and eradication of insects and rodents in the last infected holdings.

6. Measures at the border in case of an outbreak in a neighboring state

If the disease appears in a border area of a neighboring state, in all municipalities that border with the neighboring state, in which the disease has onset, measures are


determined that apply to infected or threatened areas, depending on the distance between the focus of the disease and the state border.

7. Opening local centers for disease surveillance

With the objective of ensuring the successful performance of surveillance of AI at the local level, depending on the demands, the SCDS shall establish LCDS. As a rule, LCDS is managed by the authorized official veterinarian, appointed by the authorized institution.

8. Information

The following have to be informed immediately on all measures introduced: heads of all police stations that are situated in the region or partially in the radius of 10 kilometers from the location of the disease and local governmental institutions of the region

(municipalities) that are located within that radius. The authorized official veterinarian is responsible for information at the local level.

The authorized official veterinarian has to ensure that the following services are informed of the decisions: the AVI, the OVBiH, the NRL, regional laboratories, privately owned veterinarian surgeries with concession in the area covered and in neighboring areas and veterinarian inspectors in neighboring areas.

Information on measures also has to be sent to other persons and organizations that have to be informed on limitations on movement. Persons and organizations that have to be informed are the following:

Local communities;

Managers of road networks (companies for roads and utilities);

All known transporters of animals;

Organizations of cultivators and producers;


Processing facilities;

All veterinarians (even without concessions);

Trading organizations within the area;

Organizers of fairs active in the area;

 Cooperative members;

Authorized organizations for carrying out disinfection and eradication of insects and rodents;

Producers and suppliers of fodder;

Hunting associations.


The competent ministry shall, upon the proposal of the authorized official veterinarian, determine the borders of infected and threatened areas. Announcement on the decision published, i.e. the excerpt from the decision itself also has to be sent to the representatives of all police stations that are either fully or partially located in the wider infected or threatened area and to institutions of local governments that are either fully or partially located in the wider infected or threatened area. Persons and organizations that are informed on the introduction of limitations in compliance with the description above, are informed on the area to which the limitations apply and on possible expansion of limitations.

In case the area, for which the limitations shall start to apply, is already infected with AI, the following announcement is added to the decision:

"The measures introduced do not apply to regions that are included in already existing areas infected with poultry plague"

One excerpt from the decision, that prescribes measures referred to in Articles 6 and 7 of the Instructions, needs to be sent to the SCDS.

9. Serving

The Decision referred in Article 6 of the Instructions has to be served to the owner of animals immediately. The serving is carried out in compliance with the Law on

Administrative Proceedings.




1. Establishing LCDS

The authorized veterinarian inspector is responsible for preparedness and surveillance of

AI at the local level and he is participating in the operations of the LCDS together with the others. The LCDS is established by the SCDS, when necessary, and is managed by the authorized official veterinarian appointed by the authorized institution.

2. Staff of the center

Upon the confirmation of an outbreak, the manager of the center must ensure that the center is given adequate veterinarian, technical and administrative staff. The report stating the date and the time and staff that contacted the center has to be sent to the

SCDS. The staff that was given instructions to contact the center has to ensure that the center is informed by telephone on the envisaged time of their arrival, so that measures can be taken for ensuring their accommodation. They have to report to the manager of the center immediately upon arriving.

Staff participating in the reduction of AI within a local center must not have or care for animals open to AI.

Staff living in the vicinity of the center may return home at night is that does not disturb the operations of the center (in regards to the need to ensure continuous operations in the infected area) and if it does not cause additional costs.

In the course of long period of being on duty, the manager of the center has to ensure that there is an agreed system of rotation of the free time and rest for the staff.

3. Allocation of staff

The manager of the center has to take care that the allocation of staff is exhibited on a visible place within the center. That ensures that all the staff know what their place within the team is. The schedule had to be updated regularly and it has to show the allocation of duties for all the staff coming into the center or leaving the center.

4. Establishment of sub-centers


If necessary, the manager of the center may ensure the establishment of sub-centers; consultations with the SCDS on their establishment must be held.

5. Information on establishment of centers and sub-centers

The entire region covered by the center has to be informed on the establishment of the center. If that concerns a center, then the manager has to take care that local governmental institutions, heads of police stations, economic organizations and local organizations of road transporters are informed of the address of the center, the name of the manager of the center and on addresses of all sub-centers that were established. The information is sent on the following form:

Poultry Plague

Because of the outbreak of the poultry plague in____________________________________, the Ministry for ______________________________________________ has opened a local center for disease surveillance in __________________________________________, tel. No.

__________________, and the manager of the center is ______________________________.

All data on the types of limitations of movement of animals and other items is available on this address. Maps of the areas to which the limitations apply may also be given for review.

6. Information – general

The manager of the center has to ensure the following:

– To inform the local governmental institutions and the police on the existence of posters that may be acquired in the LCDS; if the adequate number of posters is not available, they shall be sent from the SCDS upon demand;

– That the local authorities take care of the location for information of citizens

(notice boards, information on public information places);

For the positioning of the poster reading Poultry Plague – „Information for all in the public location“ at public places such as libraries, post offices etc;

– That, in regards to the situation and measures, abattoirs, plants for destruction of carcasses and animal waste, pounds and economic organizations are informed.

7. Contacts with the public

The manager of the center has to establish an information center, if possible in the center itself, as soon as the center is established. The center in question shall process all local


issues. Veterinarian inspectors have to be informed at all times and have to transfer information to public media.

Information of the press, television and radio stations is of vital importance and should be used whenever possible.

The data is transferred in compliance with the Law on Preserving Personal Information.

8. Reporting to SCDS

In case the disease is confirmed, the report on epizootiological testing is sent on a form prescribed in the Instructions of the SCDS on the same day on which the disease is confirmed. In case it is impossible to acquire full information, they are sent subsequently.

The final report has to cover data on the date and hour of the beginning and the location of the killing of infected poultry and methods and the date of destruction of carcasses.

Reports sent are the following:

– Epizootiological examination, Attachment 2 of the Instructions (Attachment

IV/form 1);

– Report of the manager of the center on the situation in the field;

– Report of the veterinarian on the infected holdings;

– Report on measures undertaken on infected holdings.

Veterinarian reports:

The veterinarian has to submit daily reports on his work and other activities on the infected holdings to the manager of the center. Reports have to be brief, as the full data is given on forms for reporting on epizootiological examination (Attachment IV, form 1) that are submitted following each examination].

Report on measures undertaken on infected holdings (Attachment IV, form 4):

The veterinarian on the infected holdings has to submit to the manager of the center the report on measures undertaken on the infected holdings on form 4 (the reports have to have a copy – the original is submitted to the manager of the center and is kept in the archives of the center; the copy is sent to the accounting department, where it is included in the file of the contractor for utilization in the course of confirmation of the invoice of the contractor, due to potential claims of the owner of infected holdings regarding the provision of services) with data on equipment used, number of workers, number of active economic entrepreneurs, course of killing, burying or incineration etc, with precisely stated time of the killing or destruction of carcasses. All unusual occurrences on infected holdings are also reported on.

Report of the expert group for AI:

The expert group prepares a report on its activities for each day, and it has to contain the following data, at least:


– The date and the hour of the beginning and the end of activities,

– Members of the group in the field on that day,

– Staff that participated in the operations of the group as professional or technical assistance (veterinarians, technicians, administrative staff....),

– Number of holdings visited, addresses of holdings,

Number and addresses of holdings for which suspicions were verified,

– Number and addresses of holdings for which suspicions were not verified,

– Samples taken and sent, the method of transport of samples to the laboratory,

– Epizootiological examinations and testing performed.

Report of the manager of the local center:

The manager of the center has to submit to the SCDS daily reports in written form on the situation in the field. The report has to cover the following:

– data on the progress of the spreading of the disease (poultry killed, destruction etc),

– data on assessment of killed and destroyed poultry,

– data on inspection examinations, issuance of permits,

– data on introduced and withdrawn measures,

– data on staff that participates in the execution of measures,

– data on participation with other organizations,

– all other relevant information.

Copies of all reports and forms sent to the SCDS have to be kept in the center. All reports sent to the SCDS have to be signed by the manager of the center.

9. Office equipment and forms

In the course of confirmation of the disease, the manager of the center is ensured with small scale inventories of equipment and forms.

10. Staff related accidences

The manager of the center has to keep a ledger of accidents and record in it all accidents that happen to staff.

11. Reserves for cases of emergency


Equipment from the following list has to be kept in reserve in the center of the AVI for utilization in cases of emergency:

100 Disposable protective overalls

50 Protective cloth overalls

50 Protective water resistant suits, resistant to chemicals, with hoods

25 Pairs of rubber boots of various sizes

200 Disposable facial masks

50 Plastic protective goggles for disinfection

5 Burners for surface incineration

10 Back atomizers, poly-ethylene, resistant to chemicals

2 Cleaners with hot water under pressure

15 Cooling bags

25 Scissors, tweezers

2 Sets of maps of scales 1:50.000 and 1:100.000, covering the entire area

Detergent and disinfectant for the preparation of at least 1000 liters of operating solution

Sets of forms for AI

Poultry sedatives

Mobile telephones

12. Supply of equipment and maps

It is necessary to keep records on admission and consumption of equipment and instruments within the local center, including the records of all expendables, such as disinfectant and fuel.

The center shall receive from the SCDS the block of order forms for ordering goods. The veterinarian inspector shall certify the correctness of invoices and ensure that there is no multiple payment of invoices. For that purpose, it is necessary to use the order forms in the following way:

1) the original (excerpt) is delivered to the supplier;

2) the first copy is attached to the invoice and sent to the center of the SCDS;

3) order forms should be returned to the SCDS once the center is closed down.

The manager of the LCDS takes care of the correctness of invoices.

Once the center is closed down, the unused inventories have to be returned into central inventories.

In the case of an outbreak of the disease, the SCDS shall order six maps in scale 1:25.000, that cover the area in the radius of 3 kilometers around the infected holdings and six maps of scale 1:50.000, that cover the infected area and shall send them to the manager of


the center in the fastest way possible. If the infected area is expanded, additional maps shall be ordered.

The following method has to be used for the entry of results of examination into the map:

Infected holdings Marked with a red dart and the number of cases, for

Infected area

Suspicious holdings example 10/1

Circled by a red line

Marked with a green dart and the number of suspicious cases, for example 20/1.

Holdings with animals or humans that were in contact cases, for example 30/1. with the disease, outside of

Marked with a blue dart and the number of suspicious the infected and threatened areas

Threatened area Circled by a green line

A map of the area 3 kilometers in radius around the infected area in the scale of 1:25.000 has to be kept in the center and regularly updated. As soon as all the birds in the area are examined, it is necessary to sent the map to the SCDS, which shall study the map and return it to the center in the fastest way possible.

13. Limitation of low fly overs of airplanes over the infected area

Low flying objects, specifically helicopters, used to gather information and photograph, may disrupt the eradication of the disease, i.e. the staff carrying out the measures. The local center must inform the SCDS on such cases, and it shall attempt to reach an agreement with competent ministries to limit air traffic on lower altitudes above the infected area.

The SCDS shall in such cases inform the competent ministries on the termination of measures in the infected area and they shall withdraw the limitations in regards to fly overs above the infected area.

14. Fairs

In case the disease is confirmed and the local center for eradication of AI has already been established, the organization of fairs and exhibitions (i.e. any gathering of animals open to disease) in the infected and threatened area is prohibited. If the fair had been organized prior to the confirmation of the disease and determination of the infected and he threatened area, the veterinarian inspector shall, upon the confirmation of the disease, issue a decision prohibiting the dislocation of animals from the fair. The manager of the


LCDS has to take care of special disinfection of the fair and to inform the SCDS on all the details immediately, and the SCDS shall, on the basis of facts, determine the examination of the origin of birds. In the case that the origin of birds at the fair is examined, the veterinarian inspector has to ensure the list of owners of birds. The copy of the list has to be sent to the SCDS immediately.

Seeking for and examination of birds that had already left the fair and the introduction of measures have to be carried out immediately. If it concerns an already infected area, it is done by the manager of the LCDS, and in some cases by the authorized veterinarian inspector. Reports on measures have to be sent immediately to the veterinarian who is managing and coordinating the search for the birds from the fair. When the search is over, copies of lists on the search are sent to the SCDS. The report on the overall search has to be kept in the LCDS, too.

The veterinarian inspector who receives a request for the search from the LCDS has to examine all reports and, if necessary, supplement them and take into account all specifics

(transporters, contacts...). The veterinarian inspector has to sign the report.

15. Information on closing down centers

Once the manager of the center closes down the LCDS, he has to inform in person the local governmental institutions and the head of the police station on the date of closing down and on the address to which future reports should be sent. He also has to warn them on the implementation of increased surveillance of the infected holdings, until the

SCDS recalls all limitations introduced.

Reports, announcements, maps etc. need to be delivered and archived.




1. General

Infected area

Te infected area covers the circle of at least 3 kilometers in radius around the infected holdings, and its size may exceed that limit in order to cover the necessary abattoirs or to enable good definition of borders. The infected area is determined by the reference to topographical and easily recognizable physical objects, that may be found on specialized maps of Bosnia and Herzegovina of scale 1:50000. The movement of poultry within that area needs to be as limited as possible and other limitations in compliance with Article 8 of the Instructions are also taken into account. The borders on the infected area remain in effect for the duration of the longest incubation period of the disease (21 days) after the poultry on the last infected holding gas been killed and safely removed and after the final disinfection and eradication of insects and rodents has been carried out. After the termination of current measures, measures applied in threatened areas are introduced.

The scope of infected area may be changed in accordance with information acquired by the expert group, in view of the possibility of spreading the virus.

Threatened area

The threatened area is of a much larger scope than the infected area, and the radius of the circle is at least 10 kilometers from the infected holdings and it is declared when there is justified suspicion that general spreading of the disease might occur. The main purpose of establishing this area is to enable the veterinarians to monitor an easier way the birds that were in direct or indirect contact with infested birds, to examine them, to demand their isolation and to introduce certain limitations in suspicious holdings. The movement of animals open to disease within the threatened area is controlled and is carried out under specific conditions pursuant to Article 9 of the Instructions. Measures on the threatened area remain in effect for at least 30 days after all the animals open to disease within the infected area are either killed or safely disposed of and after the final disinfection and eradication of insects and rodents has been carried out.

2. Information and counseling

Information of veterinarians within the infected area:

After the disease is confirmed and as soon as the address and the telephone number of the LCDS are known, it is necessary to inform all veterinarians working in the infected area from the centers of the AVI – first by telephone and then, as soon as possible, in


writing. It is necessary to inform all veterinarians, both those with concession and those without it. They also have to be sent a number of excerpts from posters with basic information on the disease (see forms and announcements – Attachment IV).

The poster with basic information on the disease is exhibited within the infected area on police notice boards, village halls, libraries, post offices etc. When disseminating the posters, assistance is demanded from the police and local governmental institutions.

Marking roads: Local governmental institutions should take care of placing road signals next to roads, at adequate points. It is necessary that it is ensured that the signals are returned to the warehouse once the limitations concerning movement in the infected area are out of force.

General advice in regards to people leaving the infected area:

We would advise persons living within the infected area not to visit people outside of the infected area who hold poultry and to abstain from visiting bird exhibitions, fairs etc.

Persons living in infected holdings within the infected area have to avoid any contact with poultry and have to limit going to the fields or to work, where birds might settle consequently, and before leaving the infected are, they have to:

– disinfect all footwear used;

– wear a suit that was not in contact with poultry at the holdings – if there is any doubt, the suit has to go to dry cleaning;

– wash with a lot of hot water and soap and do not forget to wash their hair;

– disinfect the surface of all objects that might have been in contact with other objects that are in use at the holdings.

3. Visits to holdings in the infected area

Visits of veterinarians

All routine duties (examination of milk, herds, visits to holdings in regards to the execution of annual systematic examinations) need to be discontinued temporarily.

Visits of other persons

All visits that are not absolutely urgent should be discontinued.

For the purposes of informing persons, a map is exhibited and updated within the LCDS showing the situation in the infected and in the threatened area.

4. Military institutions in infected areas – safety measures and warnings


Ranges that are located within the infected area or border with it must not be used for military drills or maneuvers. If movement on the infected area or through it is absolutely necessary, vehicles and staff may move only on roads and have to abide by all the limitations stipulated by the MFTER.

When the outbreak of AI is confirmed, the OVBiH has to inform the BiH Ministry of

Defense , responsible for the information of units that might be threatened, immediately.

In the course of information, the address of the infected holdings has to be given, together with the location on the map and the scope of the infected area.

The same persons have to be informed by telephone and in writing on all subsequent outbreaks of the disease, or when the area is expanded or reduced, i.e. when it is phased out.

5. Transport of animals – infected area

Once the infected area is declared, the veterinarian inspector shall issue a decision prohibiting the movement and trading of animals open to disease. The veterinarian inspector may allow the transport of other animals without stopping, but their movement is limited to the necessary minimum and to cases of emergency only.

Transport within the infected area

Animals open to contagion must not leave the infected areas. Pursuant to the regulations, permits may be issued only for the transport of poultry directly to the abattoir within the same infected area or, in exceptional cases and under strict surveillance, to an abattoir within the threatened area.

Transport through the infected area

By rail: Animals open to contagion may be transported through the infected area by rail, if they do not make stops or get unloaded within the infected area. If the animals are unloaded within the infected area because of any reason, they must not leave the borders of the infected area.

On highways: Animals open to contagion may be transported through the infected area on highways, if they do not make stops or get unloaded within the infected area. If the animals are unloaded within the infected area because of any reason, they must not leave the borders of the infected area.

The manager of the center has to take care that the traffic police is informed on all permits that have been issued so that they may check whether the conditions prescribed by permits are being abided by.


6. Transport of animals – threatened area

Once the threatened area is declared, the veterinarian inspector shall issue a decision prohibiting the movement and trading of animals open to disease. The veterinarian inspector may allow the transport of other animals without stopping, but their movement is limited to the necessary minimum and to cases of emergency only.

Transport within the threatened d area

Animals open to contagion must not leave the threatened area, except in exceptional cases under conditions prescribed to an abattoir determined in advance that is located outside of the threatened area.

Poultry must not be transported within the threatened area without a special permit.

Any gathering of animals open to contagion within the threatened area is prohibited.

Permits may be issued for the transport of poultry from holdings within the threatened area directly to the abattoir within the same area. In exceptional cases and under strict surveillance, transport to an to an abattoir outside of the threatened area is allowed.

Transport through the threatened area

By rail: Animals open to contagion may be transported through the threatened area by rail, if they do not make stops or get unloaded within the threatened area. If the animals are unloaded within the threatened area because of any reason, they must not leave the borders of the threatened area.

On highways: Animals open to contagion may be transported through the threatened area on highways, if they do not make stops or get unloaded within the threatened area.

If the animals are unloaded within the threatened area because of any reason, they must not leave the borders of the threatened area.

The manager of the center has to take care that the traffic police is informed on all permits that have been issued so that they may check whether the conditions prescribed by permits are being abided by.

7. Agents for disinfection of vehicles for the transport of animals in infected and threatened areas

Local governmental institutions and units of civilian defense within infected and threatened areas (where equipment for vehicle disinfection is available) have to be asked


to allow the utilization of that equipment for all transporters within that area, in the interest of disease surveillance.

The manager of the center must ensure that the organization of road transporters is informed of the location of equipment for disinfection that is available within the area for general disinfection of vehicles transporting animals.

8. Abattoirs

Cleaning and disinfection of vehicles for transporting poultry has to be carried out strictly in abattoirs within the infected area.

The condition for the issuance of the permit for slaughtering poultry is that the poultry is slaughtered as soon as possible upon arrival to the abattoir.

Destroying secondary products of slaughtering within infected areas:

The transport of secondary products of slaughtering and all material from processing plants within the infected area has to be allowed by a special permit issued by the veterinarian inspector. The permit prescribes the conditions that have to be abided by in the course of the transport. Those conditions cover the following:

– Products are transported by the shortest route possible and without unnecessary delays to the destination stated in the permit (the pound);

– Products have to be delivered in closed not permeable means in order to prevent spillage;

– Each time the vehicles are used to transport products the external side of the vehicle, the vessels and equipment have to be cleaned thoroughly and disinfected with a registered disinfectant prior to leaving the abattoir or the processing plant.

– All vehicles, vessels and equipment have to be cleaned thoroughly and disinfected with a registered disinfectant prior to any transport of products and after it.

If the slaughtering of poultry from holdings within the radius of 3 kilometers from the infected holdings is allowed, it is necessary to process the secondary products of slaughtering within the infected area, so that the danger of spreading out the disease is minimized.

If the material is temporarily stored over night or for a longer period of time at a disposal site or in a vehicle, it has to be closed in impermeable containers.

The veterinarian inspector has to keep records of all abattoirs in his area. The records have to list the methods of destroying all products not intended for human consumption.

It is also necessary to visit the premises for collection of animal waste in order to check whether the waste is adequately protected.


Destroying secondary products of slaughtering within the threatened area

The conditions are equal as the ones that apply to infected areas.

9. Manures and bedding in infected areas

Manures and bedding must not be transported from the infected area.

10. Limitations and protective measures in infected and threatened areas

The following general instructions apply within infected areas:


Visits to farmers have to be limited only to those that are absolutely necessary, and routine disinfection has to be performed at that time.


Persons from infected areas should not enter facilities in which poultry is located.


Representatives of enterprises should be warned not to enter holdings in infected areas.


Gatherings of farmers, workers on holdings and other persons having contact with animals open to contagion must not be organized.


Hunting and fishing within infected areas need to be limited as much as possible.


Farmers in infected areas need to be warned that they must not participate in fairs organized within areas that are not infected.

11. Limitations of movement of persons on roads for pedestrians in the area in immediate vicinity of infected and threatened areas

In order to minimize the danger from the spreading out of the disease, the local inhabitants, living within the infected area should be warned that the disease may be transmitted by persons if they are in contact with sick or infected poultry. Therefore it is necessary to limit, as much as possible, the movement on public roads for passengers walking on the infected areas, for example from the neighboring holdings or from suspicious holdings.

12. Processing activities – pounds located in infected areas or receiving raw materials from infected areas

For plants for processing of animal waste (pounds) located within the infected area, i.e. receiving raw materials from the infected area, special limitations apply, requiring the following:


– All persons have to wear protective clothing, rubber boots, impermeable coat or overalls in the course of performing their tasks, and that clothing has to be disinfected. If the persons are not wearing impermeable clothing, they have to put on clean overalls every day and wash the suit used once prior to using it again.

– All persons participating in the collection of dead birds in the infected area have to wear rubber boots and impermeable coats or overalls. Clothing and footwear has to disinfected regularly whenever entering holdings with animals open to disease and whenever leaving such holdings.

– Facilities need to be cleaned and disinfected at the end of each working day.

– Vehicles need to be cleaned and disinfected prior to each drive and prior to leaving the plant again.

In the duration of an outbreak of the disease, the responsible person managing the pound has to be informed that he has to abide by the highest standard of protection from contagion in his work. Prior to collecting animals, carcasses or waste he has to check whether there is suspicion or an outbreak of AI within the holdings. The drivers of vehicles for collection must not enter facilities with animals open to the disease.

Responsible persons in pounds, furnaces for incinerations have to be informed of measures and regime of transport that apply to animals from the infected and the threatened area.

The veterinarian inspector has to carry out regular periodic visits to the pound, i.e. the processing plant and carry out surveillance of the performance of exceptional measures caused by the outbreak of AI. The examination also needs to be carried out each time prior to the termination of exceptional measures.




1. Tasks

The tasks of the expert group are the following:

To determine the scope of contagion within the holdings, especially in regards to the spreading out of the contagion on different species of animals open to the disease,

To gather information on possible sources and date of arrival of the contagion,

To assess the potential risk connected to the infected holdings as a source of contagion for the entire area, in view of the number of sick animals and local meteorological conditions,

To advise the manager of the center in preparing the assessment on the basis of the above data gathered in regards to sampling from the neighboring and other flocks.

2. Meteorological data

Local meteorological data from the entire state are forwarded to the Hydro-

3 meteorological institute in Sarajevo, which is under obligation to sent all information necessary to the expert group.

Method of operations of the expert group

When measures are introduced because of suspicion of the disease in a state free of AI, the expert group is activated.

The expert group is appointed by the director of the OVBIH as soon as the suspicion of

AI appears. If the case is a negative one, the SCDS informs all experts mobilized on that.

At the time of their arrival to the center of AVI or to an LCDS for AI, the professionals within the group inform the SCDS of their presence in the center and collect the most recent data on the focus. They carry out the epozootiological examination in the field.

When the members of the expert group are transported to the infected holdings, the veterinarian who posed, i.e. confirmed the suspicion of the disease informs them of the most recent information. At the holdings the expert group assesses the signs, the severity and the expansion of the disease, and takes samples, in compliance with instructions in

Chapter C. This act must not disrupt the execution of the assessment of value and killing of poultry. Once the group gathers the samples and sends them to the NRL, the manager of the group returns to the LCDS (if it exists) or to the center of SCDS, and reports to the


manager of the center. Members of the group limit their activities on infected holdings, but are advised by the manager of the expert group and the manager of the center on taking samples from the neighboring and other flocks. The manager is responsible to the organization of operations within the group and for coordination and recording of all information for long term epizootiological examinations. He has to ensure that group members get all the assistance necessary for performing examinations, and at the same way he has to take into account the necessity of avoiding any delay in the course of execution of procedures of disease surveillance.

4. Accommodation of the expert group

The had of the LCDS shall be informed on the envisaged time of arrival of the expert group and must take care that the group has at its disposal official premises and facilities for overnight accommodation.

5. Assistance to the expert group

The expert group should have enough staff, but. However, at times it shall require veterinarian assistance in the course of examination of carcasses and collection of samples, or assistance in transport and sending of samples to the NRL, in the case of appearance of multiple simultaneous focuses of the disease to which the group cannot get fast enough, it may ask a veterinarian, trained for taking samples, to collect samples from the infected holdings. In that, he is advised by the group on the scope of sampling.

After being gathered from the infected holdings the samples are held on ice for a short period of time,. So that the potentially present viruses are kept. The manager of the expert group shall issue further instructions in regards to samples.




1. General

When considering the suspicion and confirming the suspicion of AI, abattoirs act depending on the size and structure of rooms within the abattoir, the number of suspicious animals, the number of animals waiting to be slaughtered etc. Even though certain principles always apply, instructions given are intended only as guidelines, and in the case of as outbreak the SCDS shall suggest the sequence of activities taking into account each individual case. In order to get assistance in understanding the structure of rooms within the abattoir, it is necessary to send to the SCDS by fax a graphical rendering or a full design of the abattoir, immediately upon the confirmation of the disease.

2. Measures in case of suspicion of the disease

2.1. Suspicion in the course of examination prior to slaughtering

Upon suspecting the disease, the official veterinarian has to:

1) Prevent access to the abattoir and exit from it, and limit entrance and exit from the plant;

2) Order the prohibition of slaughtering of suspicious poultry until all the meat of the poultry slaughtered earlier is stored in refrigerators; the slaughtering of suspicious poultry is allowed under special conditions (surveillance over waste and separate storage of carcasses of suspicious poultry);

3) Inform the chief veterinarian inspector of AVI;

4) Sent samples of suspicious poultry for testing;

5) In case suspicion occurs for poultry on one of the transport means, all poultry coming from the holdings of origin is treated as suspicious;

6) Further transport of poultry into the abattoir is prohibited – only suspicious poultry may be transported into the depot of the abattoir, which was already loaded, i.e. on the road to the abattoir, while other poultry is redirected to another abattoir;

7) Limit the movement of staff within the abattoir and demand compulsory disinfection, changing footwear and clothing.

The vehicle that transported the suspicious animals and the platform for unloading have to be disinfected by a trained employee of the incumbent of activities.

After the slaughtering, the line for slaughtering, the equipment and the butchers; instruments have to be disinfected.


The staff working in the abattoir shall disinfect their footwear, too, and the working clothes are disinfected and sent to be washed.

Carcasses and organs of suspicious poultry are held in the refrigerator until the final decision of the SCDS is issued.

2.2. Suspicion in the course of examination at the line for slaughtering

Upon suspecting the disease, the official veterinarian has to:

1) Discontinue further slaughtering of suspicious poultry, end the slaughtering of poultry that is already on the line for slaughtering and wait for further instructions;

2) Order, i.e. perform measures referred to in Items 1 to 7 of Point 2.1;

3) Order separate storage for carcasses and giblets of suspicious poultry (all poultry with the same origin – coming from the same holdings – is treated as suspicious) – the separate storage shall be performed until the suspicion is rejected, i.e. until the final decision of the SCDS is issued;

4) Order thorough cleaning of the abattoir and changing of clothing and footwear before the slaughtering of other poultry still waiting in the depot of the abattoir.

3. Measures upon determination of the disease

In compliance with the instruction of the SCDS and after the disease is officially confirmed, the official veterinarian has to:

– Order that the meat of the poultry coming from the infected area and slaughtered in the course of the incubation period (21 days) is found and safely destroyed;

– Select an assessor for assessing the compensation for animals, objects and raw materials destroyed, prior to the execution of the safe destruction.

Vehicles used to transport infected poultry into the abattoir should not be used for transporting animals open to contagion, regardless of adequate disinfection.





Suspicion of AI may be confirmed in the dissection hall in the course of implementation of the dissection of animals, or it can be confirmed by the veterinarian who sent the animals to be dissected.

In case of suspicion of AI on the basis of clinical examination, it is necessary to send at least five dead animals to be dissected. Carcasses of animals that died have to be as fresh as possible and have to be packaged in at least two sealed impermeable plastic bags. The packaging has to be disinfected prior to taking in from the holdings. The supplemental letter has to be attached to the sample, stating the following data:

– the sender,

– the owner,

– data on the animal and the cultivation (type of species, age, sex, weight, characteristic symptoms),

– data on the history of the disease (symptoms of the disease, how long had the disease lasted, how many poultry or birds are sick, how many had died, whether they had been vaccinated, how many animals being cultivated are open to the disease and in which category, whether the poultry house was populated with new birds – when and how many of them, where do they originate from, whether the birds were at a fair, whether the birds were transported, what were they fed with etc.),

– that the suspicion of AI has appeared.

Samples have to be delivered to examination as soon as possible.

2. Equipment in the dissection hall

Equipment in the dissection hall and conditions that have to be met by the dissection hall are listed in the Rulebook on Methods of Safe Disposal of Animal Carcasses and Waste of

Animal Origin and Conditions that have to be met by Facilities and Equipment for

Collection, Safe Disposal and Determination of Causes of Demise and Transport Means for the Transport of Animal Carcasses and Waste of Animal Origin („Official Gazette of

RBiH“, issues NO. 2/92 and 13/94).

3. Protective equipment


In the course of working in the dissection hall, the following protective equipment is used:

– gown or overalls (or similar disposable protective clothing),

– rubber or plastic apron,

– rubber gloves,

– protective mask,

– protective hat,

– rubber boots.

4. Patho-anatomical changes that lead to suspicion of AI

In the case of AI, there are no patho-gnomonic pathomorphological changes.

In case of per-acute infection and sudden death of the animal, it may happen that there are absolutely no pathomorphological changes!

In the course of dissection, the suspicion of AI arises if, in chickens or hens, one or more of the following pathomorphological changes are established:

– strong presence of blood in skeletal muscles,

– dehydration,

– sub surface skin edema of the head and neck;

– edema and presence of blood / cyanosis of the crest and under beak,

– inflammation of air bags,

– inflammation of sinuses,

– strong presence of blood in eye conjunctions or spotted bleeding in eye conjunctions,

– discharge from nose or mouth,

– significant presence of mucous exudates in the trachea or a strong hemorrhagic inflammation of the trachea,

– spotted bleeding and ecchymosed of fat in the stomach cavity and below the serose membranes,

– spilt gall in the bodily cavity and inflammation of the peritoneum and air bags,

– strong presence of blood in kidneys, possibly combined with uricosis,

– bleeding and necrosis in ovaries,

– bleeding in the mucous membrane of the stomach, especially at the connection between the stomach and mlins,

– bleeding and erosions below the mlin cuticle,

– inflammation or bleeding of the mucous membrane of bowels, especially in ileocekal tonsils,

– yellow necrotic focuses in pancreas, liver, spleen, kidneys and lungs.

Suspicion of AI appears when in the course of dissection the following macroscopic changes are noticed, and the clinical condition is characteristic for this disease. In infected


water poultry it is possible that no pathomorphological changes are discovered, even through they are discharging the virus.

Differential diagnoses:

– atypical poultry plague (Newcastle disease),

– poultry cholera,

– micoplasmosis,

– contagious laringotracheitis,

– contagious crust,

– turkey rinotracheitis,

– acute poisoning,

– technological mistakes that cause high levels of mortality (suffocation, heat shock, dehydration...).

5. Procedures for pathologists in case of suspicion

Upon determining the suspicion of AI, the pathologist has to inform the head of the NRL

(i.e. his deputy) immediately by phone and by fax, on a form that has to contain the data prescribed, and the head of the NRL (i.e. his deputy) shall inform the OVBiH.

Data that has to be included in the fax report on the suspicion of the extremely contagious disease from the A list is the following:

– designation reading URGENT!

– Subject of the report: (disease) - SUSPICION

– Sender:

– Date of confirmation of the suspicion;

– The suspicion is confirmed:

– On the basis of which the suspicion was confirmed:

– Location of the confirmed suspicion:

– Address of the holdings – origin:

– Number of animals exposed to the disease at the holdings (species, number):

– Number of suspicious animals at the holdings:

Other animals at the holdings:

– Sampling:

– Notes:

– Signature and seal of the person filing the report:

Further actions of the pathologist depend on the instructions of the expert group for AI

(to either wait or collects samples for additional diagnostic examinations and to take care that they are immediately submitted to the laboratory in the adequate manner).


6. Taking samples for additional diagnostic examinations

Equipment necessary for taking, storing and sending samples is the following:

– Paper and water resistant pen,

– Protective equipment,

– Knife or scalpel, tweezers and scissors,

Paper tissues,

– Impermeable containers,

– Sterile cotton wool on sticks,

– 10% puferated formalin,

– Impermeable and water resistant plastic bags,

– Disinfectant,

– 2.5 ml syringes and needles,

Smaller plastic bags,

– Adhesive strip,

– Cooling bag with cold insertions.

For any additional diagnostic examinations, the best solution is to take samples from fresh carcasses or slaughtered animals and to send them to the laboratory immediately upon harvesting.

The following is taken for additional examinations:

The serum, acquired in such a way that the blood is put in a sterile vial without adding anti-coagulants.

Common samples of the brain, the trachea, lungs, liver, spleen, faeces and the contents of the digestive tract of at least five animals for the isolation and typing of the virus; the samples are packaged in such a way that samples of different organs are not mixed.

Samples for virus isolation are held at the temperature of +4º C. If immediate transport is not possible, the samples may be kept in the refrigerator at the temperature of +4° C, but only for 48 hours. The samples have to be stored at the temperature of -80° C if they are to be kept for longer than 48 hours.

Samples of the brain, the trachea, the lungs, the heart and skeletal muscles, the liver, the kidneys, the spleen, the stomach, the mlin, the ileocekal tonsils and other organs or tissues, on which patho-anatomical changes are determined, are kept for the pathohistological examinations; samples for patho-histological examinations are fixed in 10% puferated formalin.

7. Procedures with waste

Waste and parts of carcasses and organs are thrown in the container for animal waste, from which they are transported into the pound. In the document following the transport of cadavers signed by the pathologist it is necessary to state that the transport in question is the transport of cadavers with suspicion of AI.


All packaging and other potentially infected inorganic material is packaged in impermeable plastic bags, that are disinfected from the outside and sent to the autoclave.

8. Disinfection

After the finalization of activities, operating surfaces, instruments and the room have to be cleaned mechanically, with clean water and detergent and then disinfected.

All rubber or plastic parts of the protective equipment have to be cleaned and disinfected.

Disposable clothing have to be packaged in impermeable packaging, disinfected from the outside and sent to the autoclave. Upon the finalization of thermal processing, they are thrown into ordinary waste. Washable working clothing are packaged in impermeable packaging, disinfected from the outside and sent to the autoclave. Upon the finalization of the procedure in the autoclave the clothing may be sent to be washed.

Upon the finalization of activities, hands need to be washed with disinfectant and showers have to be taken.

The following disinfectants are effective against the AI virus:

– natrium hypochlorite,

– calcium hypochlorite,

– natrium hydroxide or caustic soda (NaOH),

– natrium carbonate (NaHCO3 or Na2CO3 x 10H2O),

– chlorated isocyanides

– chloramines,

– chloral-nitrogen or saline acid (HCl),

– creosol acid,

– quarter ammonia compounds,

– glutaraldehide,

– formalin,

– all registered commercial disinfectants that affect the AI virus.

Disinfectants are used in compliance with instructions provided by their producers.

9. Treatment of waste water

Waste water is collected in flux channels. Valves of the flux channels have to be closed tightly until being filled. In case of suspicion of contagious diseases, i.e. prior to each discharge, it is necessary to carry out disinfection by means that affect the AI virus.

Disinfectants are used in compliance with instructions provided by their producers.





1. Measures on the grounds of suspicion

The veterinarian of the authorized veterinarian organization supervising the fair, i.e. the exhibition, shall inform the AVI urgently on the suspicion of the disease, and the AVI shall inform the OVBiH and the NRL. The veterinarian has to remain at the fair until the arrival of the expert group and/or the veterinarian inspector and has to ensure that no one gets in contact with suspicious animals. Suspicious animals must not be moved.

In all cases of determination of suspicion of the disease, the following is necessary: a) the veterinarian of the authorized veterinarian organization also has to act in compliance with Article 4 of the Instructions and to issue professional instructions including the prescribed measures. The measures cover the entire area of the fair, although the area might be corrected on the basis of knowledge and discretion based assessment of the veterinarian inspector, so that the administrative offices, business premises etc. are excluded; b) demand from the police / institutions of local communities to ensure sufficient number of people for the surveillance of movements; c) determine the origin of suspicious animals; if it not possible to get that information, report on the suspicious case; d) prevent entry to animals open to the disease to the fair and to exit the fair, and seal the area in which the suspicious animals are located; e) prevent all vehicles from leaving the fair; f) announce around the fair that the suspicion of an outbreak of AI is being examined and that additional information shall be provided once the results are known; g) close all entrances and exits from the fair and collect and record names and addresses of owners of animals at the fair or of those who have been in contact with the animals at the fair; h) all persons (especially the owners of animals brought) wishing to leave the fair should be informed on the necessity of implementation of personal disinfection and on other protective measures.

The SCDS has to be informed immediately of the data from the report and all relevant information, once the veterinarian inspector and/or the leader of the expert group informs on his findings.


In regards to certain indicators, for example the nature of reporting and the expected time that shall pass from the receipt of the report to the moment when the suspicious animals shall be examined by the veterinarian within the expert group, the veterinarian inspector shall assess the possibility for the clinical examination of the flock from which the suspicious animal originates to be carried out. The SCDS has to be informed on measures proposed.

Upon arriving at the fair, the veterinarian within the expert group shall examine the suspicious animals and report his findings to the SCDS immediately.

It is necessary to ensure urgent clinical examination of the flock the animal originates from, and if it has not been carried out yet, the measures prescribed by Instructions should also be introduced at the holdings from which the animals originate.

Feeding and watering of animals retained is the responsibility of those who are owners of animals at the time of introduction of measures. The owner may request assistance for the benefit of animals retained.

At entrances and exits from the fair, disinfection barriers should be set with a registered disinfectant for utilization against AI and equipment for washing hands. Exits should be minimized and staff of the police and/or local governmental institutions should be located there, to record data on all persons leaving the premises of the fair.

2. Measures upon confirmation of disease

Upon the confirmation of the disease, the veterinarian inspector has to issue a decision prescribing measures envisaged by Article 6 of the Instructions. Infected animals and animals that were in contact with them need to be killed as soon as possible. It is necessary to assess the value of animals open to contagion and caught at the fair, as soon as possible, and after that those animals have to be killed within the area in which the manifestation was held. All procedures have to be finalized within 48 hours from the confirmation of the disease in birds at the fair. After the elimination of all animals it is necessary to clean and disinfect the area of the fair (also see Point 7 and CHAPTER O).

3. Knowledge on the origin or animals open to disease

In case of both suspicious and positive cases, it is necessary to undertake measures immediately to determine the destination of animals that had left the fair prior to the introduction of the measures and for all of them to be found. It is urgently necessary to examine the activities of retailers who appeared at the fair and to introduce urgent measures for prevention of any bird that had left the fair prior to the introduction of the measures to be sold on another fair. If there are records of identification data on vehicles


in which they had left the fair, they are, if possible, returned to the fair with the assistance of the police, i.e. if they are transporting poultry for slaughtering, they are redirected to the closest adequate abattoir.

In case the animals sought have already reached their destination (and it is not an abattoir), it i necessary to introduce at the destination holdings the measures stipulated in

Article 4 of the Instructions, to isolate the animals right until the suspicion of the disease is either rejected or confirmed.

Veterinarian inspectors, veterinarians within authorized veterinarian organizations receiving demands for examination of origin of animals from the LCDS have to check whether the reports on examinations undertaken are full and comprehensive, for example, do they contain data on vehicles and on animals that were in contact on vehicles, after which they sign the report and forward it to the local center.

In suspicious cases it is necessary to introduce prescribed measures at the holdings from which the animals originate.

In confirmed cases the veterinarian inspector shall, after consulting with the SCDS, issue a decision on measures prescribed in Article 6 of the Instructions.

4. Killing animals

Veterinarians have to be prepared to ensure urgent execution of the killing birds and all birds open to contagion that were in contact with infected birds. Authorized workers shall kill the animals within the infected area. Unless it is impossible to avoid, the killing is not carried out in public places (see CHAPTER L).

5. Destruction

In principle it is best to take the animals to the pound, where they are safely destroyed.

Carcasses have to be transported in covered, adequately equipped and impermeable vehicles that have to be followed with prescribed documentation – identification document on transporting dangerous goods (Attachment IV/Form 2).

One of the obligations of veterinarian inspectors, together with local governmental institutions, is to find possible locations for the implementation of safe destruction in case the transport to the pound is impossible, because of various reasons. If, in the complex of the fairground, there is adequate space, the carcasses may be destroyed (burned) there. In such cases it depends on local conditions and the environment whether the carcasses shall be burned or buried.





Pursuant to Articles 46 and 47 of the Law on Veterinarian Medicine, the owner of animals is entitled to compensation for the animals that had died or were slaughtered and for objects, i.e. raw materials that were destroyed as a result of measures for eradication of communicable diseases. The compensation has to be paid as soon as possible.

The compensation level is determined on the grounds of the value of animals, objects, i.e. raw materials.

It is necessary to assess the animals, objects, i.e. raw materials before they are destroyed.

The form of minutes for damage assessment is attached in Attachment IV (Form 6). The market value is determined by the assessor, who is appointed by the veterinarian inspector by issuing a decision.

The slaughtering, i.e. killing of animals, destruction of objects and raw materials is carried out under the surveillance of the veterinarian inspector. Minutes are compiled on those procedures and all more significant statements and it represents evidence of the fact that the measure was not just ordered, but also implemented.

The minutes have to contain the following: a) personal information concerning the owner (name and surname, exact name of the residence, number of the transaction account, tax identification number), b) compensation requested for the damages and description of damages that occurred as a result of measures ordered, c) value based report on the market value of the poultry, raw materials or objects, d) certificate on potential sale of animals, raw materials or objects and their value, e) evidence on slaughtering or destroying of animals, destruction of infected objects, equipment or raw materials.

Throughout the procedure, the veterinarian inspector has to carry out the determination, in parallel, whether the owner of animals has met all conditions for the payment of the compensation.

The procedure for the payment of compensation starts at the request of the owner of animals. Whether the compensation shall be paid or not is decided by the authorized AVI by issuing a decision.

An appeal may not be lodged against the decision on the level of compensation, but it is allowed to initiate an administrative dispute. The party has the right to appeal against the


decision of the veterinarian inspector on whether the conditions for the payment of the compensation are met or not within 8 days from receiving the decision.




1. General

The manager of the center has to ensure a sufficient number of veterinarians and workers with whose assistance it is possible to ensure an adequate method of killing by humane methods and surveillance over implementation. Workers have to receive instructions to start with the killing until a veterinarian is present.

It is usual that one veterinarian is accountable for three workers at most, as the veterinarian has to be present at each location of killing. Workers that may be engaged for those purposes are veterinarian technicians, veterinarian technicians from veterinarian organizations, and workers working in abattoirs.

When there is more than one veterinarian at the infected holdings, one of them has to be appointed as the responsible veterinarian.

The killing has to be executed in such a way that it is done at daylight.

If the work has to extend over night, it can be done only with adequate lighting.

A sufficient number of workers and aids has to be available with the objective of preventing any delay in execution.

The responsible veterinarian shall decide whether the animal shall be killed in a closed area or in the open. Whenever possible the killing is carried out on an impermeable surface.

The killing always has to be executed in a humane way. Equipment for humane killing has to be regularly maintained.

Before the veterinarian leaves the infected holdings, he has to be convinced that all animals are dead.

Workers have to be equipped with protective clothing and rubber boots.

After the killing and the destruction of carcasses, Form 4 provided in Attachment IV– the daily report of the veterinarian – has to be filled and immediately forwarded to the

LCDS, i.e. the SCDS.

2. Authorization for killing


The killing of animals is ordered by the veterinarian inspector by issuing a decision in which he prescribed measures stipulated in Article 6 of the Instructions. The decision is made on the grounds of the official confirmation of the disease and consultations of the

SCDS. If it transpires subsequently that it is necessary for more animals open to contagion to be killed, the veterinarian inspector has to acquire prior consent of the

SCDS. If the authorized veterinarian inspector is not the manager of the local center at the same time, the veterinarian inspector has to harmonize the measures with the manager of the local center also.

In order to prevent further spreading out of the virus, it is of vital importance to assess and kill all sick poultry and poultry in the same group or unit as soon as possible.

3. Procedure in the course of killing

The killing is executed by workers trained for that task, who have to be selected especially on the basis of their effectiveness and competence.

Veterinarians do not kill the animals themselves, except in the following cases: a) if there are no trained workers available, or they are not available fast enough, b) if the SCDS has issued instructions that the poultry is killed for diagnostic purposes.

When it is necessary to kill poultry in barns, the windows and doors of barns have to be shut and ventilators sucking the air from the barn have to be turned off.

4. Killing birds

The following methods may be used for killing poultry:

 killing with electricity (the utilization of this method in the field is still not feasible);

 decapitation and neck dislocation;

 suffocating with carbon dioxide;

 mechanical devices for destruction of eggs and one day old chickens.

Other methods:

 for flocks with a smaller number of birds, one can use the intra-pulmonary application of agents for euthanasia (for example, T 61);

 for large flocks one can use gas poisoning in closed space; if the number of birds does not exceed 150 (of average weight of 1.8 kilograms).

Gases used for suffocation:


carbon dioxide (CO


) 17.5 kg/1000 m 3 : the space has to be saturated for 30 minutes, the animals are killed in 15 minutes;



carbon monoxide (CO) 8 kg/1000 m 3 : the space has to be saturated for 30 minutes, the animals are killed in 15 minutes;


hydrogen cyanide (HCN) 3 kg/1000 m 3 : the space has to be saturated for 30 minutes, the animals are killed in 4 minutes (extremely toxic, only experienced persons may use it).

Procedure of poisoning by gas with CO


Carbon dioxide is an alternative method for killing the majority of poultry species if a large number of animals is involved.

The animal has to be exposed to the atmosphere with at least 30% of CO


, in order for the lack of consciousness to occur; the saturation of at least 70% CO


is necessary for the death of animals to occur. In order to achieve that, the animal is put in a container which is closed down and then CO

2 is supplied in such a way that the concentration of CO

2 reaches at least 70%. in order for the death of animals to occur, they are exposed for at least 20 minutes, but for younger animals that are more tolerant, the period of exposure is expanded to at least 30 minutes.

The animal is left in the container until rigor mortis occurs, or the animals that are unconscious are killed by neck dislocation. After that, the carcasses of killed animals are disposed of in an adequate way (burying, incineration).

Address of CO

2 supplier

5. Destroying carcasses

Carcasses need to be destroyed in the fastest way possible, ideally at the infected holdings. The most adequate method of destroying is executed in compliance with the instructions of the SCDS. Burying, incineration or transport to the pound are available alternatives. If anyway possible, carcasses for burying or incinerations should be transported by mechanical means. Members of the expert group have to have an opportunity to examine carcasses before destruction and to take adequate samples if necessary.

In compliance with the provision of the national plan of protection and action in case of an outbreak of communicable diseases in Bosnia and Herzegovina, official veterinarians shall in case of AI have access to all equipment necessary for burying carcasses, i.e. fuel in the case of incineration of carcasses.

5.1. Destroying carcasses by burying


It is necessary to check with the local governmental institutions whether, with the objective of protection of water sources, the burying of animal carcasses is possible. The place for burying has to be chosen carefully in such a way that it does not affect field drainage and water supplies. The veterinarian inspector has to maintain contacts with all enterprises in charge of supply of drinking water, so that the maps are regularly updated and prepared and that the veterinarian staff can always contact the responsible person within the authorized service without wasting any time. If the location for burying is in the vicinity or in the area of the watershed, a river channel or another source of public supply of water, the veterinarian planning the burying has to acquire prior consent of local authorities responsible for the supply of drinking water and other authorized services in that area, prior to the digging of the pit for the burying.

The owner of the poultry, i.e. of holdings on which the poultry is buried, should be asked whether there are any special sources for water supply in the vicinity. If the owner is not absolutely sure, consultations on that should be held with the local authority for the area.

The location has to be far enough from the road and slopes should be avoided. If it is necessary to dig in the area of surface drainage they should be renewed after the land has settled down again. The place of burying has to be marked clearly on a map if scale

1:25000. the photocopy of the map has to be kept in the local file in connection with the appearance of the focus and data on the location on the map has to be delivered to the

SCDS. The SCDS keeps records of all locations of burying animal carcasses. It is also possible to burry poultry in registered burial places, cemeteries or locations in which waste burying is possible. The transport of animal carcasses and waste has to be carried out in impermeable transport means with adequate identification papers on transport of dangerous goods (Attachment IV/Form 2).

The veterinarian inspector has to compile and maintain the list of craftsmen and equipment necessary for the implementation of burying.

The pit in which animal carcasses and other materials are buried is most effectively dug by dredgers, but bulldozers, loaders etc. may also be used. The pit has to be long enough, deep and with vertical walls. The size of the pit depends on the quantity of material that needs to be buried. Carcasses are thrown into the pit from the truck or are pushed into the pit by bulldozers and loaders. The layer of earth reaching to the soil level has to be at least 1 meter thick, on which soil is put into a heap around 1 meter thick. The additional heap acts as a load to prevent the movement of carcasses due to appearance of gases, prevents vultures to dig out the carcasses, helps in the filtration of the smell and absorption of the liquid that results from the decomposition of carcasses. Prior to the burying, the carcasses have to be disinfected with a disinfectant that is effective against the cause of the AI.

When destroying carcasses by burying it is necessary to take samples of buried carcasses in regular time intervals to determine the presence of the AI virus.


5.2. Destroying carcasses by incineration

Incineration of carcasses is acceptable only if we decide against transporting them to the pound or if burying carcasses is impossible.

The essence of incineration is that the carcasses are placed on a sufficient quantity of inflammable material, and, at the same time, access to sufficient quantity of air under the heap is possible, to achieve the highest temperature of flames in order to enable as effective as possible burning in as short a period of time as possible. Prior to being incinerated, the carcasses are drizzled with the corresponding registered disinfectant.

Special issues to note when choosing the location for incineration:

choice of location: it is necessary to take into account possible influences of the heat, smoke and smell on facilities in the vicinity, to roads and areas for housing; as a rule, the location for incineration is at a level lower than the carcasses at the place of killing;

access to the place of incineration: for the equipment for forming the heap and keeping the fire and delivery of fuel, carcasses and other materials for incineration, the access needs to be the easiest possible;

surroundings of the heap: it is necessary to ensure an adequate barrier for the flames around the heap – in regards to that it is necessary to be in contact with the fire department, to ensure equipment for quenching the fire and to supervise the incineration;

fuel: enough fuel is necessary for the heap so that there is full incineration; sufficient quantities of fuel have to be prepared before the beginning of incineration.

The heap of carcasses for incineration may be prepared on the ground or elevated from the ground. If the heap is on the ground, trenches are dug under it (30 cm x 30 cm), positioned in the prevailing direction of the wind, acting as ventilation channels. The heap may also be elevated from the ground on bales of straw or logs, positioned in parallel with the prevailing direction of wind. One additional layer of logs is placed on that layer, and those logs should be separated by around 20 cm. The remaining fuel is put on top of that, for example logs or bales of straw.

Carcasses are put on the heap with a dredger or a loader, and tractors may also be used.

Once the carcasses are on the heap and if weather conditions are favorable, the heap with carcasses is drenched in diesel oil or heating oil (not petrol) and points of firing are placed lengthwise on the heap. The firing points may be made of rags drenched in petroleum.

All vehicles, all persons and other equipment are displaced to a safe distance from the flames. The lames must be supervised at all times and, if necessary, fuel has to be brought in by tractors with front loaders set. It is necessary to put back any carcass or part of it that falls from the flames. On a well built heap, the carcasses shall burn for up to 48


hours. The ashes are buried and the place of incineration is arranged in the best way possible.

5.3. Rehabilitation of land used for destroying carcasses

When the burying or incineration of carcasses is carried out on soil, it is necessary to reestablish the initial condition of the soil upon implementing the procedure.

5.4. Destroying carcasses in an incinerator

The process of destroying carcasses has to be supervised by a veterinarian.

Pursuant to the Law on Veterinarian Medicine and the Rulebook on Methods of Safe

Disposal of Animal Carcasses and Waste of Animal Origin and Conditions that have to be met by Facilities and Equipment for Collection, Safe Disposal and Determination of

Causes of Demise and Transport Means for the Transport of Animal Carcasses and Waste of Animal Origin („Official Gazette of RBiH“, issues NO. 2/92 and 13/94), the transport and destroying of animal carcasses and waste are the responsibility of AVIs.

Vehicles used in the course of transport of carcasses have to be covered, water resistant and adequate for full disinfection. All measures necessary have to be undertaken to avoid the spreading out of the contagion in the course of transport. The transport of carcasses from the infected holdings to the pound has to be with escort.

When transporting especially dangerous waste to the pound or for incarceration, the delivery has to be accompanied by identification papers on the transport of dangerous goods, which is, in this case, filled out by the veterinarian inspector, who determines the method of elimination and transport of carcasses (Attachment IV/Form 2).

6. Protective clothing

Persons working with carcasses have to wear adequate overalls and footwear that is can be disinfected. Upon finalizing the destruction of carcasses, thorough disinfection of persons, vehicles and tools has to be undertaken immediately.

7. Delays in destroying carcasses

If there is any delay in the process of destroying carcasses, they need to be drizzled with a registered disinfectant or another adequate disinficient (for example, peroxiocet acid).

Poultry carcasses are put in a closed barn, so that access of wild birds and other species of animals is prevented. In order to deter them, head lights and reflectors may also be used.


8. Destroying animal carcasses of animals that died because of other reasons

Animal carcasses that were not destroyed upon an order or the veterinarian inspector due to the outbreak of AI< but had died because of any other reason, not connected with the outbreak of AI, are destroyed by the owner of animals at the infected holdings at his own expense, together with other carcasses.




1. General

Pursuant to Article 3 of the Law on Protection and Rescue of People and Tangible Assets from Elemental and Other Accidents ("Official Gazette of FBiH", 39/03) and Article 2 of the Law on Civilian Defense ("Official Gazette of RS" 26/02), outbreaks of communicable diseases in animals are included in elemental accidences and therefore, in the course of their eradication, units of civilian defense are engaged, as they represent a purposefully organized part of the system of protection from elements and other types of accidences.

Within the units of civilian defense (municipal, regional, state level), there are also units for technical rescue that have at their disposal a vehicle fleet and workers to manage machines. Therefore it is possible, at the request of the manager of the local center for prevention of AI, to request technical assistance in the safe disposal of carcasses.

The process of mobilization of units starts through the Center for Information of Bosnia and Herzegovina, from the territory of the Republic of Srpska, at telephone number 121, and from the territory of the Federation of BiH at the telephone number 033 767-530 which is active for 24 hours a day 365 days a year. They have all data available on the responsible persons for individual units of civilian defense, and that data is not an integral part of the Manual because of the provisions of the Law on Secrecy of Personal


2. Protective clothing

Persons who come in contact with infected poultry on infected holdings have to wear at all times water resistant overalls, rubber boots and hats. The overalls are given to workers as a loan from the inventory of the LCDS. It is necessary to keep records on equipment loaned, and each worker has to sign a receipt from the equipment received.

Upon the mobilization it is necessary to inform the workers that the overalls they have taken over are intended to protect their clothes from being damaged and contaminated and that the BiH budget shall not pay any compensation for damages caused to their clothes by disinfectants.

On each day, after the finalization of the work, the veterinarian managing the infected holdings has to ensure that the workers return the overalls and rubber boots and hats they have taken over and to wash and thoroughly disinfect their hand and their footwear before leaving the holdings.


3. Equipment ensured by the contractor

Besides the equipment necessary for the burying or burning of carcasses, the contractors have to ensure the following equipment also: a) hand held tools; it is not possible under any condition to take over the responsibility for the tools issued by the contractor to its workers. The veterinarians must not take those tools to hold and must not issue them to workers; b) equipment for elevation, which might be necessary to elevate the carcasses to the surface for incineration; c) lighting, in order to enable the work to continue in evening and at night; d) materials for fences; e) pumps with low and high pressure, f) portable toilets.

4. Leasing machines from the owner of infected holdings

Sometimes it is more convenient and faster to rent smaller machines that are already located at the infected holdings, immediately from the owner. In that case, it is necessary to reach an agreement with the owner on the lease (calculated per hour) before the utilization of the machine. The amount agreed upon represents only the basic lease and is not connected with the bill delivered by the contractors.




1. Measures in holdings for poultry raising

On holdings on which the veterinarian within the authorized veterinarian organization has suspected the presence of AI, he has to issue professional instructions that, inter alia, orders the prohibition of transport of eggs for hatching from the holdings. If at the suspicious holdings there is no adequate storage, the veterinarian inspector shall determine an adequate storage for eggs for hatching.

Once the disease is officially confirmed. The veterinarian inspector has to issue a decision ordering that eggs fro hatching that were laid and transported from the infected holdings in the course of the incubation period (21 days) are found and safely destroyed.

At infected holdings in which the flock are separated (two or more separate flocks), the veterinarian inspector may allow that the aforementioned measures are not abided by for the healthy flocks. The exception is allowed under the condition that the expert veterinarian worker of the authorized veterinarian institution confirms that the flocks are totally separated in regards to the space, raising and feeding in such a way that the spreading of the disease from one flock to the other is prevented. In case the inspector allows such a exception, certain measures refer only to the part of the holdings on which infected flocks are accommodated.

2. Measures in hatching

In case there is suspicion of the disease in one of the holdings that supply a hatching facility with eggs for hatching, the veterinarian has to issue professional instructions for the hatchery. The following has to be stipulated by those instructions:

 prohibition of hatching and separate storing of eggs for hatching that were laid on suspicious holdings and had not been put into the hatchery yet;

 separate collection and separate gathering of one day old chickens hatched from eggs that originate from the suspicious holdings;

 limitation of settlement of one day old chickens: one day old chickens that originate from suspicious flocks are put in the facility determined by the instructions of the veterinarian inspector and are under official surveillance;

 strengthened measures of disinfection in the hatchery: thorough disinfection of the space for placing eggs and the space for dispatching chickens upon their leaving the hatchery is especially significant, for eggs and chickens originating from suspicious flocks;

 strengthened measures of disinfection of transport vehicles and packaging for eggs, especially those in which eggs from suspicious holdings were transported;


 utilization of disinfectants in compliance with instructions of the SCDS (disinfectants not damaging for the equipment are used in the hatchery).

After the disease is officially confirmed, the veterinarian inspector has to issue a decision determining that eggs for hatching that were laid and transported from the infected holdings in the course of the incubation period (21 days) are found and destroyed, i.e. that already hatched poultry is officially supervised.

3. Measures in infected and threatened areas

Once the disease is officially confirmed, the veterinarian inspector has to issue a decision ordering the following measures, inter alia, on the infected area:

 regular control of holdings (the SCDS shall order regular clinical, pathological and anatomical and laboratory examinations), in order for the implementation of measures for prevention of spreading of the disease to the initiated as soon as possible;

 limitation of trading with eggs for hatching: eggs for hatching may be transported only to certain hatching facilities;

 compulsory disinfection of eggs for hatching and of their packaging prior to transport;

 limitation of transport of one day old chickens: one day old chickens may be transported within the infected areas only to holdings in which there is no other poultry. In case it is impossible to transport the poultry to holdings within the infected area, transport to holdings within the threatened area on which there are no other poultry may be allowed by a decision issued by the veterinarian inspector, and it all has to be carried out under official supervision.

The veterinarian inspector shall also issue a decision ordering the execution of the following measures on the threatened area:

 limitation of trading with eggs for hatching: eggs for hatching may be transported only to certain incubator stations;

 compulsory disinfection of eggs for hatching and of their packaging prior to transport.

The veterinarian inspector has to inform all veterinarian surgeries within those areas on the introduction of measures on infected holdings and on the introduction of measures on infected and threatened areas.




Upon an outbreak of the AI, large quantities of disinfectants are necessary for cleaning and disinfection of spaces and equipment. Disinfectants may be acquired from the inventories of AVIs and, if necessary, from the SCDS also.

1. Disinfection procedures

Disinfection comprises from the introductory (preliminary) disinfection, which is followed by mechanical cleaning and final disinfection. The veterinarian has to remain within the infected holdings and supervise the preliminary disinfection. Mechanical cleaning, further disinfection and final disinfection of holdings are supervised by the veterinarian himself, or the supervision is entrusted to another trained person.

When the infected holdings are in a poor condition, dirty or in disarray, the disinfection is limited to preliminary disinfection only, and that is followed by mechanical cleaning and disinfection of highly contaminated parts and those parts of holdings that can be disinfected immediately and in a satisfactory manner; further cleaning and disinfection are delayed until after the owner has brought his holdings into an acceptable condition. It is vital that preliminary disinfection is carried out immediately!

Disinfection has to be a continuous procedure, and infected holdings have to be disinfected as thoroughly and as fast as possible, as soon as possible after the killing of animals. The surroundings also have to be thoroughly cleaned.

One has to take care that in the course of disinfection unnecessary destruction of parts of facilities and equipment is avoided. In case certain mounting and wooden parts of facilities or equipment cannot be disinfected in a satisfactory manner, it is necessary to conclude a written agreement with the owner on the value of the equipment that shall be destroyed safely.

In holdings in which running water is naturally directed into a brook, one has to take care that liquids used in the course of disinfection are collected into a temporary reservoir and then disposed of safely.

The SCDS shall determine the type of disinfectants and ensure that disinfection may be carried out at the expense of the budget of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Certificates on disinfection are issued upon successful implementation of the final disinfection of holdings.

1.1. Properties of the virus


For the purposes of successful, effective and cautious disinfection, it is necessary to take into account the properties of the AI virus and the period of its life in differing environments. The virus is, because of its lipid-protein casing, sensitive to numerous detergents and disinfectants, such as oxidants, acids, alkali and aldehides. It is inactivated by high temperatures (30 minutes at 60°C) and acid pH. The virus is stabile in pH area between 5.5 and 8.0.

The environment has a high effect on the life of the virus. The life of the virus in aerosol is longer at lower relative humidity and lower temperatures, while the life of the virus in mud is longer at high humidity and low temperatures.

The period of life of the virus:

 in faeces, at least 35 days at the temperature of +4°C,

 in the hen house up to 5 weeks,

 in powder up to 14 days after the performance of depopulation of the hen house,

 in lake water at the temperature of 0ºC more than 30 days and at temperature of +22ºC up to 4 days,

 in carcasses at the temperature of +4ºC it survives for 23 days,

 in carcasses at room temperature it survives for several days.

The virus can persist in meat products made of poultry. In meat products the virus is inactivated by the following processing:

 temperature of for 30 minutes at least or

 temperature of for 5 minutes at least or

 temperature of for 1 minutes at least.

In the early phases of the disease, eggs may contain the AI virus. The following processing inactivates the virus in eggs:

 whole eggs – processed at the temperature of

 yolks - processed at the temperature of

 whites - processed at the temperature of for 2.5 minutes at least, for 3.5 minutes at least, for 9.5 minutes at least.



Disinfectant agents containing the following compounds are especially effective for disinfection in the case of an outbreak of AI:

 natrium hypochlorite,

 calcium hypochlorite,

 natrium hydroxide or caustic soda (NaOH),

 natrium carbonate (NaHCO3 or Na2CO3 x 10H2O),

 chlorate isocyanides

 chloramines,

 chloral-nitrogen or saline acid (HCl),

 lemon acid,


 glutaraldehide,

 formalin,

 all registered commercial disinfectants that affect the AI virus.

Concentrations, minimum period of exposure necessary and warnings in regards to the utilization of individual disinfectants are given in Table 1.

The quantity of disinfectants that are necessary depends on the poorness of the material that is being disinfected. The disinfection of smooth and nonporous surfaces, 100 ml of active solution of disinfectant per square meter is sufficient. For porous surfaces, such as concrete or wood, the volume of disinfectant two or three times higher is necessary.

Table 1: Concentrations, minimum period of exposure and warnings in regards to the utilization of individual disinfectants

Type of disinfectant

Recommend ed quantity of disinfectant

Final concentration of disinfectant

Minimum necessary period of exposure

Notes natrium hypochlorite calcium hypochlorite

Vircon natrium hydroxide natrium carbonate dehydrated



) natrium carbonate hydrated (Na









30 g/l

20 g/l

20 g/l

40 g/l

100 g/l

2-3% active chlorum 10 – 30 min

2-3% active chloral 10- 30 min

2% (w/u)*

2% (w/u)*

4% (w/u)*

10% (w/u)*

10 min

10 min

10 min

30 min

Less applicable in the presence of organic material.

Less stabile at temperatures above 15° C.

Must not be used on surfaces and products made of aluminum and its alloys

Recommended for utilization in presence of high concentration of organic materials.

Chloro-hydrogen acid

Lemon acid glutaraldehide formalin

Formalin vapor


2 g/l


2% (w/u) *

0,2% (w/u)*

2% (w/u)*

8% (u/u) *

10 min

10-30 min

15-24 hours

Used only is other disinfectants are not available. Corrodes metals and concrete.

30 min

10-30 min

Safe disinfectant for disinfection of clothing and personal disinfection.

Formalin vapors are irritating and toxic.

Formalin vapors are toxic and corrosive for certain metals; used only if other disinfectants cannot be used.


(w/u)* means weight/volume (for example 2 g/100ml)


1.3. Setting up disinfection barriers

Upon receiving a report on the suspicion of disease, the veterinarian organization has to issue professional instructions and order that disinfection barriers are set up at entrances to the holdings and to individual facilities at the suspicious holdings.

2. Procedures in cleaning and disinfection on holdings

The veterinarian of the authorized veterinarian organization is under obligation to insure immediate supervision of procedures and successfulness of disinfection implemented.

The execution of measures specified in the decision, including disinfection, is controlled by the veterinarian inspector.

2.1. Preliminary disinfection

 disinfection (for example with the solution of NaOH and chloramines) is initiated in phases in individual parts of facilities and the yard immediately after the poultry is eliminated from them;

 it is necessary to eliminate mechanically all the remains of poultry and eggs that pollute the facilities, yards and equipment;

 the disinfectant that is being used has to remain on the surfaces for at least 24 hours.

2.2. Mechanical cleaning and final disinfection

 first oils and dirt have to be eliminated from all surfaces – agents for removal of oils

(detergents) are used and then washed by water under high pressure;

 after that, disinfection is carried out (for example, with NaOH and chloramines) – the disinfectant is sprayed under pressure;

 after seven days the facilities have to be processed with detergent again, washed by water, disinfected and again washed with water;

 bedding and manure used have to be processed in a way that guarantees the destruction of the virus – which is carried out by one of the procedures listed below:


incineration or processing with steam at the temperature of at least 70º C;


burying deep enough to prevent the access of rodents and wild birds;


placing on a heap (to facilitate fermentation) for at least 42 hours and covering

(to ensure the temperature of at least 20º C and to prevent the access of rodents and wild birds).

2.3. Instructions


As can be concluded on the basis of the procedure presented above, the disinfection needs to be initiated as soon as possible. Within the infected facility one needs to close down all openings, elevate equipment and spill the disinfectant on all the surfaces, and the bedding needs to be literally drenched in the disinfectant. After a certain period of time, mechanical cleaning and final disinfection may be initiated in compliance with the principles described in this chapter. One has to take into account, at the same time, that the disinfection is effective only is thorough mechanical cleaning is carried out before it.

Impurities of organic origin have a strong adverse effect on the effectiveness of disinfection. If the floors of the facility are made of clay, i.e. water permeable, they need to be scraped down to the clean part, and the surfaces need to be drenched in the solution of natrium hydroxide. The material scraped from the ground needs to be incinerated or buried. Wooden parts that are not solid enough for satisfactory disinfection to be possible, need to be incinerated and buried.

The practice has shown that it is best to use combined disinfection with the solution of natrium hydroxide (2% NaOH) and chloramines. Disinfectants are applied by spraying under high pressure. The disinfection is more effective is the working solution is warmed up. One has to take care that in the course of disinfection unnecessary destruction of parts of facilities and equipment is avoided. At the same time, one has to keep in mind that natrium hydroxide is highly corrosive. Sometimes it is necessary to destroy certain mounting or wooden parts that cannot be disinfected satisfactorily. In that case it is necessary to conclude a written agreement with the owner on the value of the equipment that shall be destroyed.

In holdings in which running water is naturally directed into a brook, one has to take care that liquids used in the course of disinfection are directed in a different way and collected into a temporary reservoir and then are disposed of safely.

Manure in the yard, i.e. on surfaces below the hen house has to be thoroughly disinfected

(for example, with a solution of natrium hydroxide). If there are small quantities of manure and bedding, they are incinerated or buried and the surface of the yard is cleaned and disinfected. If the quantities are large, it need to be placed in a heap (packed) in order for it to get hot, and the surface of the heap needs to be thoroughly disinfected. The manure and the bedding have to remain packed in the heap for at least 42 days. In the course of the self-rehabilitation of the manure and bedding, it is necessary to take samples with the objective of controlling the effectiveness of eradication of the virus.

Manure that cannot be disinfected has to be incinerated or buried.

The authorized organization for the execution of disinfection and eradication of insects and rodents issues a confirmation on disinfection executed after the performance of the final disinfection of the holdings.


2.4. Personal disinfection of workers and disinfection of clothing

All the staff needs to go through the procedure of personal disinfection before leaving the infected or the threatened area. The staff has to wash and get disinfected in a special place for disinfection. Disposable gloves need to be disinfected before they are taken off.

Equipment intended for incineration and clothes that goes to further disinfection and cleaning are put in separate plastic bags.

Protective equipment made of plastic or rubber needs to be washed and put in disinfectant. If the person is supposed to use that equipment in the course of the following period, the equipment may remain in the place for disinfection. Otherwise the equipment had to be packaged into a plastic bag, and then the external side of the bag has to be disinfected.

Clothes that is washed is drenched in disinfectant and packaged into a plastic bag, and then the external side of the bag is disinfected. The clothes are put in an autoclave or boiled (95° C in a washing machine is acceptable). If the clothes cannot be disinfected and was in contact with contagious material, it needs to be incinerated.

After leaving the holdings, the staff must not have any contact with species sensitive to the disease for the next two days.

3. Safety measures

In all places on which dangerous chemicals are being used, a first aid kit must be available.

Before the beginning of activities, the veterinarian responsible for disinfection has to inform the staff participating in the disinfection and the owner of the holdings on measures of protection at work, and on harmful effects of chemicals being used on humans, animals and the environment.




The responsible person has to ensure that staff participating in the disinfection wears full protective clothing. If the spraying is carried out in closed spaces, they have to wear protective glasses and respirators. The staff also has to wear protective glasses when working with, mixing and spraying acid or strong alkali solutions.

When mixing concentrated acids/alkali, addition of acid/alkali is always done into water

– water is never added to acid/alkali.

In case that concentrated solution of acid/alkali is spilt on skin, it needs to be washed out immediately with a solution for neutralization or with a large quantity of clean water.


When spaces with branching electrical installations are being disinfected, it is necessary to take care, always, that the installations are prior to the disinfection checked and assessed by a trained expert.

When working with concentrated alkali and acids, it is necessary to take into account the danger they present to staff and machines; besides the usual protective clothes, it is necessary to wear protective goggles and rubber gloves.

Veterinarians responsible for disinfection have to take care that all the staff on the infected holdings are familiar with safety rules.

4. Clothing

Washing clothes that might be contaminated is highly significant. Clothes that belong to the farmer, his family, employees and persons that were on the infected holdings after the confirmation of the disease or somewhat before that, have to be washed with detergent and boiled (95° C in the washing machine is acceptable). If the clothes cannot be disinfected, it needs to be incinerated.

5. Disinfection of surfaces on which animals are killed

When the killing of animals is carried out in the open, it is necessary to carry out the disinfection of floor surfaces with a solution of natrium hydroxide or chloral-hydrogen acid.

6. Disinfection barriers and surfaces on roads

Disinfection barriers or surfaces on public roads are not necessary in the majority of cases, if the disinfection at the entrance to the holdings is carried out effectively. When it is assessed that it was not effective enough, because of the vicinity of other households or similar circumstances, whenever necessary, disinfection barriers are set up on roads leading from the infected area.

7. Disinfection equipment for transporters of animals in the infected area

Vehicles used for the transport of live animals and products need to be cleaned and disinfected in compliance with the Rulebook on the Method of Disinfection of Vehicles

Used to Transport Deliveries of Animals, Products, Raw Materials and Waste of Animal

Origin ("Official Gazette of RBiH" issues No. 2/92 and 13/94).


8. Confirmation of disinfection executed

Once the disinfection is finalized, the responsible veterinarian shall sign a confirmation of the disinfection executed. The manager of the center shall examine the infected holdings, including the pit for burying or the location of incineration. If the disinfection was carried out properly, he can sign the confirmation himself and then send it to the SCDS.




This Chapter contains the summary of procedures carried out by professional services and veterinarian professionals in the preparation for a potential outbreak of the disease.

This chapter refers to issues that are described in more detail in other chapters of this


1. Tasks managed by AVIs a) the AVI plans the measures; b) holdings that may pose special problems are recorded and adequate plans are prepared for their solution; c) training drills are carried out regularly at the local level; d) the equipment in the AVI is reviewed regularly, on annual basis; e) sedatives are kept adequately secured, are regularly checked and adequate records are kept on them; f) keeping the list of services that are of significance and are used in the case of AI outbreaks, as well as persons offering those services; g) keeping and regular updating of the list of data on fairs; preparation and regular updating of plans for measures on fairs and in abattoirs; h) keeping and updating "the list of announcements"; i) keeping the set of maps in scales of 1 : 25.000 and 1:50.000; j) keeping the list of holdings with approximate number of poultry; k) detailed information on each abattoir; l) training of staff in abattoirs; m) management of LCDS.

The AVI has to keep records for each organization with a special role in the organization of fairs or in working with sensitive species of animals and issues of significance for the transmission of the disease. For example: retailers, representative agents, transporters, owners of abattoirs and managers of processing plants.

Veterinarian inspectors also have to exchange all information that refers to other areas, continuously.

2. Training of staff

The OVBiH and the NRL have to ensure that technical and professional staff is adequately trained so that it is prepared for the execution of tasks that they would have to carry out in case of suspicion / confirmation of the disease


3. Planning of possible locations for LCDS

Centers always have to be located in the vicinity of the infected area; centers cannot be located within fairs where sensitive animals are located.

When selecting adequate facilities, one needs to consult with the regional center for protection and rescue, which, in compliance with the plan of protection and rescue from mass outbreaks of communicable diseases, ensures facilities for local centers and all adequate support. It is necessary to also ensure direct telephone contact of the LCDS with the SCDS.

If anyway possible, the following is taken into account: a) excluding guesthouses, it is necessary to assess the option of using halls and all adequate empty spaces; b) sufficient parking has to be available; c) equipment for washing cars is desirable; d) there has to be a sufficient number of telephone connections and a fax installed; e) spaces have to be equipped with toilets and the minimum of kitchen appliances; f) spaces have to be adequate for fast expansion by setting up emergency facilities; g) equipment for washing protective clothing must be available; h) a dryer must be available; i) a room that can be locked must be available.

4. Equipment

It is necessary to prepare plans of measures for mobilizing the necessary equipment that is not available in the inventory of the OVBiH or in AVI centers (CHAPTER D/Point 11).

OVBiH and AVI have to ensure that inventories are renewed.

Inventories have to contain a metal locker for keeping forms, recording cards and office equipment for fast delivery to LCDS. In case of an outbreak of the disease the SCDS shall ensure that the inventories are renewed.

The AVI center has to have set of state maps in scale 1:50000. In case of an outbreak of the disease the SCDS shall renew the inventories and sent maps in scale 1:25000. The maps are used for the surveillance of the disease.

The inventory of sedatives for utilization in case of exceptional circumstances is organized within commodity reserves. They have to be kept in accordance with


conditions prescribed. Veterinarian inspectors have to ensure that the inventories are checked regularly and that timely renewal of inventories that are close to expiry of their shelf life is ensured. Any issuance of sedatives needs to be recorded and the records always have to be in line with the balance of inventories.

5. Equipment for delivery of samples

Equipment for delivery of samples is issued by the NRL and it has to be prepared for immediate utilization at all times. Details are available in Attachment V.





The discontinuation of measures in holdings that were infected is ordered by the veterinarian inspector by issuing a decision upon receiving a recommendation from the SCDS.


The veterinarian inspector shall carry out the final examination of the infected holdings and submit a report on that, which has to be signed and kept together with the excerpt from the decision of the terminations of measures for SCDS.


Before the agreed date, the files are sent to the veterinarian inspector, who takes care of the examination of the infected holdings and all holdings in the vicinity, for which measures were ordered and prepares the report which is submitted to the manager of the LCDS and to the SCDS.


(After the final cleaning and disinfection) the measures are recalled after the expiry of the period that applies to infected and threatened areas. The owner of the infected area has to be informed on that. If an outbreak of a more significant scale occurs in the neighborhood, the timeframe for the discontinuation of limitations is adjusted to the timeframe for the discontinuation of measures for the final outbreak; the SCDS groups cases after consultations with the veterinarian inspector.

Measures in infected areas have to remain in effect for at least 21 days upon the finalization of the final disinfection and eradication of insects and rodents. After the termination of validity of measures in infected areas, measures that apply to threatened areas are introduced.

Measures in threatened areas have to remain in effect for at least 30 days upon the finalization of the final disinfection and eradication of insects and rodents (Articles

8 and 9 of the Instructions).


Guidelines that apply to the prevention of a repeated outbreak of the disease on the infected holdings and that are finally confirmed by the SCDS, are the following:

Newly procured animals can be introduced into the hen house only upon the termination of measures in the infected and threatened area, if the holdings were the last or the only infected holdings;

If there was more than one infected holdings, repopulation of poultry is possible only after the termination of measures that apply to the infected and the threatened area that are related by time to measures implemented in the last infected holdings.


The SCDS may order the collection of blood samples for serological testing to the disease from sensitive animals in the infected area with the objective if disease surveillance.



The veterinarian inspector has to take care that those who were informed of the outbreak of the disease are also informed of the discontinuation of measures.


The veterinarian who carried out the final examination in the infected area prior to the discontinuation of measures has to take care of the elimination of announcements and posters.


Pursuant to Article 84 Point 1 and Article 82 Point 1 of the Law on Veterinarian Medicine in Bosnia and Herzegovina ("Official Gazette of BiH", issue No. 34/02), the Office for

Veterinarian Medicine of Bosnia and Herzegovina hereby issues the following


on Measures for Determination, Prevention and Eradication of Avian Influenza

Article 1

These instructions stipulate measures for determination, prevention and eradication of chicken plague (Pestis avium) in poultry, pigeons and other cultivated birds.

Clinical signs and the incubation period for avian influenza are provided in Attachment I to these Instructions.

Article 2

Terms used in these instructions have the following meanings:

- Poultry – chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, pheasants, partridges and ostriches

(Ratitae) in cultivation or kept for the purposes of cultivation, production of meat or eggs for consumption or for the renewal of population of wild animals;

- Eggs for hatching – eggs that are incubated and originate from poultry;

- One day old chicks – all poultry younger than 72 hours that has not been fed yet.

Brazilian ducks (Cairina Mochata) or species crossed with them may be fed;

- Flock – poultry with identical health status cultivated in the same space or in the case enclosure and representing one epizootiological unit. For poultry cultivated in covered facilities, a flock means all poultry sharing the same air space;

- Holdings – any facility in which poultry is cultivated;

- Quarantine station – is a facility in which the poultry is fully isolated from other poultry, which enables long term observation and testing to avian influenza;

- Suspicious poultry – is poultry for which there us suspicion that it was either directly or indirectly exposed to the virus of avian influenza;

- Owner of poultry – is the judicial or the physical person who owns the poultry or takes care of it;


- Incubation period – is the period of time from the exposure to the cause of contagion and until the appearance of clinical signs of the disease;

- Authorized veterinarian organization – is an organization that, pursuant to the

Law on Veterinarian Medicine in BiH is responsible for the implementation of veterinarian activities in a certain area;

- Safe disposal – is a procedure that is implemented in case of an outbreak of the disease stated in the instructions, according to which it is necessary to kill all poultry in the holdings that is open to the disease within the holdings. The dead and the killed poultry is transported to the pound or, if possible, incinerated and buried within the holdings themselves. The procedure is the same for waste and materials that may be contaminated. The burying has to be carried out deep enough in order to prevent it from being dug out by live carnivores and to prevent the dissipation of carcasses and waste, in a manner that takes into account the geographic and geological properties with the objective of preventing environment pollution;

- DDD – means disinfection and eradication of insects and rodents.

Article 3

In case of suspicion of an outbreak of avian influenza, the Authorized veterinarian organization is under obligation to immediately confirm or reject the suspicion and, in both cases, to inform immediately the Office for Veterinarian Medicine of BiH, the authorized bodies of entities and the reference laboratory in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Article 4

In regards to each report of suspicion of existence of the disease, the Authorized veterinarian organization is under obligation to act as follows:

- Send the carcasses of died poultry and blood samples of suspicious poultry to be tested;

- Carry out epidemiological examination in the area in which suspicious cases were reported and, in compliance with the Instructions, carry out the measures for preventing the spreading out of the disease;

- Carry out safe disposal of carcasses of dead poultry.

Upon receiving a report on the suspicion of an outbreak of the disease, the Authorized veterinarian organization also is under obligation to act as follows at the suspicious holdings:


- Carry out the closing down of the suspicious holdings;

- Carry out the inventory of all categories of poultry that has to include the number of dead poultry for each category separately, as well as the number of poultry showing the signs of the disease and poultry without the signs of the disease. The inventory has to be updated regularly by inputting the newly hatched and perished poultry;

- Order the isolation of poultry and issue a prohibition of movement of poultry within the holdings;

- Issue the prohibition of trading and movement of poultry from the suspicious holdings and into the suspicious holdings;

- Issue the prohibition of trading and movement of animals that are not open to the disease and transport means into the holdings and from the holdings, poultry meat and animal carcasses, food, equipment, waste, manure and other items on which the disease may easily be transmitted, lacking a special permit issued by the veterinarian inspector;

- Issue the prohibition of trading and taking away eggs from the holdings except for the eggs that are sent to processing, in compliance with the orders of the veterinarian inspector.

- Order the setting up of disinfection barriers at the entrance into the holdings and into each separate facility within the suspicious holdings;

- Carry out epidemiological examination in compliance with Attachment II of these Instructions;

- Order other measures for the prevention of spreading out of the disease.

Measures referred in the preceding Paragraph may be implemented on all the holdings for which there is a suspicion of contagion.

Measures referred to in the first and the second sub-paragraph of this Article remain in effect until the suspicion of an outbreak of the disease is ruled out.

Article 5

The presence of any disease referred to in these Instructions is confirmed or ruled out by the Office on the grounds of clinical signs and results of analyses executed. Regardless of the preceding Paragraph, the Office shall, in the case of a pandemic, confirm the presence of the disease referred to in these Instructions on the grounds of clinical signs and/or results of epidemiological examinations.


Article 6

Once the disease has been confirmed, the veterinarian inspector is, pursuant to provisions of Article 4 these Instructions, under obligation to order the following in infected holdings:

- prohibition of trading of poultry, poultry meat, animal s, raw materials, waste, food and other items on which the disease may easily be transmitted;

- safe destruction of all poultry on the holdings;

- safe destruction of the waste – food, manure, bedding, on which the disease may be transmitted;

- that the poultry meat originating from the infected holdings slaughtered in the course of the period of incubation for the disease in question is found and destroyed safely;

- that eggs for hatching that were laid and taken from the infected holdings in the course of the incubation are found and immediately safely destroyed, and that hatched poultry is kept under supervision;

- that eggs for consumption that were laid and taken from the infected holdings in the course of the incubation are found and immediately safely destroyed after being disinfected in an adequate manner

- DDD of all facilities, surroundings, transport means and all equipment that was in contact with the infected or suspicious poultry;

- Poultry may be repopulated or moved in after the expiry of the 21 st day from the execution of the DDD.

In case there are two or more separate flocks at the holdings, the veterinarian inspector may allow exceptions from the measures listed in Paragraph 1 of this Article for healthy flocks at the infected holdings, under the condition that professional, veterinarian from the authorized veterinarian organization, confirms that the aforementioned flocks are totally separated from one another in regards to the space, holding and feeding, so that the spreading of the cause of the disease from one flock into another is made impossible.

If the professional, veterinarian from the authorized veterinarian organization, justifiably suspects that the poultry in certain holdings is infected due to the movement of people, animals, transport means or in some other way, the veterinarian inspector may, in such holdings, order official surveillance and prohibition of transporting the poultry from the holdings, except directly to the abattoir for slaughtering, prior to which the veterinarian from the authorized veterinarian organization should carry out the clinical examination


of all poultry and rule out the presence of the disease. The limitation of transport shall remain in effect for v, but in any case for not less than 7 days.

If the professional, veterinarian from the authorized veterinarian organization, justifiably suspects that competitive pigeons or the pigeon house are infected with the virus of avian influenza, the veterinarian inspector has to undertake all the aforementioned measures, including the prohibition of movement of competitive pigeons outside of the suspicious pigeon house for 21 days from the last day of possible contamination.

Article 7

The veterinarian inspector has to issue a decision determining the borders of the infected area in the diameter of at least 3 kilometers from the infected holdings and the borders of the threatened area with the diameter of at least 10 kilometers from the infected holdings.

In doing so, he has to take into account the geographic, administrative, environmental and epizootiological factors in regards to the disease over which the surveillance is being carried out.

The size of the infected and threatened area may change in regards to:

- their geographic position and environmental factors;

- meteorological conditions;

- presence, expansion and type of the disease vector;

- results of epidemiological examinations;

- results of laboratory analysis;

- implementation measures.

Article 8

The veterinarian inspector shall act as follows in the infected area:

- order the inventory of all holdings within poultry within the infected area;

- order regular examinations of the holdings, clinical examinations of the poultry and, if necessary, sampling for laboratory analyses;

- order the isolation of the poultry and the prohibition of the movement of poultry within the holdings;

- order the setting up of disinfection barriers at the entrance into the holdings and into each separate facility within the suspicious holdings;


- prohibit the movement of people who come in contact with poultry, poultry carcasses and eggs, as well as transport means for poultry, poultry carcasses and eggs;

- prohibit movement and trading of poultry;

The transport of the following may be allowed:

- poultry intended for slaughtering in abattoirs within the infected area. Where that is not possible, transport to an abattoir outside of the infected area may be allowed;

- one day old chickens to holdings in the threatened area on which there is no other poultry;

- eggs for hatching to the hatchery determined by the veterinarian inspector, under the condition that eggs and their packaging are properly disinfected;

- prohibit the transport or dissipation of manure;

- prohibit the organization of fairs, exhibitions, competitions or other forms of gatherings of poultry and other birds;

Measures within the infected area have to remain in effect for 21 days from the date of implementation of final measures of DDD.

Upon the termination of effectiveness of measures that are implemented in infected areas, measures that apply to threatened areas are introduced.

Article 9

The veterinarian inspector shall act as follows in the threatened area:

- order the inventory of all holdings with poultry within the threatened area;

- order the control of trading with poultry and eggs for hatching within the threatened area;

- prohibit the transport of poultry from the threatened area for the first 15 days, except from the transport to the abattoir that is located outside of the threatened are, determined by himself;

- prohibit the transport of eggs for hatching from the threatened area, except in a hatchery determined by himself, under the condition that eggs and their packaging are properly disinfected before that transport;


- prohibit the organization of fairs, exhibitions, competitions or other forms of gatherings of poultry and other birds.

Measures within the threatened area have to remain in effect for 30 days from the date of implementation of final measures of DDD.

Article 10

Procedures of determination of the level of compensation and the procedure for the payment of the compensation for eliminated animals from the herd are implemented pursuant to Articles 46 and 47 of the Law on Veterinarian Medicine in Bosnia and


Article 11

These instructions shall become effective as of the date of their adoption.




Jozo Bagarić, M.Sc, Doctor of

Veterinarian Medicine


Chicken Plague

Attachment I.

Maximum incubation period

21 days

Clinical symptoms

- death-rattle

- Inflammation of sinus mucous membrane and conjunctivitis

- cyanosis and edema of the crest and under crest

- diarrhea

- poor coordination while walking

- high mortality


Attachment II.


Authorized Veterinarian Organization:

Veterinarian from the Authorized Veterinarian Organization:


Date of determination of suspicion of the disease:

Date of confirmation of the disease:

Name and surname/designation of the owner or poultry:

Size of holdings (ha):

Cartographic references:

Closing down of the holdings was prescribed on date ______________.

Number and categorization of poultry within the holdings

Category of poultry facility 1 facility 2 facility 3 yard pastureland other

Number and categorization of infected poultry within the holdings

Facility 1

Infected Died Killed Type Receivable

Facility 2

Type Receivable Infected Died Killed




Facility 3

Type Receivable


Type Receivable




Type Receivable Infected

With which poultry did the first changes occur (description)

Samples were / were not send to the NRL

Who delivered them and when

Who transported them and when

Does a public road, a street, a highway, a brook, a river etc. pass through the holdings (description)


- Which type of food / bedding is used

- where is it stored (for each type)

- where was it produced

- was it delivered into the infected area in the last ______ days (the period of the longest incubation period fir the disease), before the appearance of the first clinical symptoms of the disease

- when and in which quantity

- by what means of transport

- where from

- has it been used (for which poultry)

- where was it stored

Method of waste disposal from the holdings

Are waste or remains of food used for feeding poultry?











(for which poultry, origin of waste/remains, sterilization by cooking)


Name and surname


Job Description

Name and surname


Job Description

Name and surname


Job Description



- date of transport

- Type and number of poultry, identification number of poultry

- health passport number

- means of transport, transporter

- place of origin


- date of transport

- Type and number of poultry, identification number of poultry

- health passport number

- means of transport, transporter

- place of destination

(description of all movements of poultry in the course of the period of _______days

(the longest incubation period for the disease) prior to the onset of the clinical symptoms of the disease)



To the holdings

- date

- purpose

- name, surname and address of the person

- contact with animals

- method of entry

- date

- purpose

- name, surname and address of the person

- contact with animals

- method of entry date

- purpose

- name, surname and address of the person

- contact with animals

- method of entry

From the holdings

- name of the person

- visiting a fair (where and when)

- visiting other holdings (which and when)

- contact with animals

- method of exit

- name of the person

- visiting a fair (where and when)

- visiting other holdings (which and when)

- contact with animals

- method of exit

- name of the person

- visiting a fair (where and when)

- visiting other holdings (which and when)

- contact with animals

- method of exit




By which the disease might be transferred were:

· transported from/taken from

· transported into/brought into

(which, when, means of transport, where, ... )


By which the disease might be transferred were:

· transported from/taken from

· transported into/brought into

(which, when, means of transport, where, ... )



(Address, number and type of animals, distance, who is taking care of animals, .... )







THERE ARE: abattoirs, milk processing facilities, more significant cultivation facility for other animals, enclosed pen for wild animals, other .........

(Address and description)




Date: Signature and seal

Time: Veterinarian from the Authorized Veterinary Organization


