Grace M. Wilkinson

Grace M. Wilkinson
Clark Hall
291 McCormick Road
Charlottesville, VA 22903
Tel. 651.442.1045
PhD Candidate
University of Virginia, Dept of Environmental Sciences
Advisor: Dr. Michael Pace
Saint Olaf College
BA in Biology, concentration in Environmental Studies
Research and Teaching Assistant- University of Virginia
Research Technician- Angelo Coast Range Reserve
Summer 2010
Teaching and Mentoring Experience
Fundamentals of Ecology
GIS Methods
Terrestrial Ecology
Principles of Ecology (St. Olaf College)
Fall ’10, Spring ’11,
Spring ‘13
Spring 2012
Fall 2011, 2012
Fall ’09, Spring ‘09
Undergraduate Students Mentored:
- Brooke Weigel (2010), St. Olaf College
- Carol Yang, (2011-2012), Univ. of Virginia, Distinguished Majors Program
- Maxwell Kleinhans, (2012-2013), Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison
- Joshua Whelan (2012-2013), Univ. of Virginia
- Jonathon Torres (2013- ), Univ. of Virginia
- Loretta Anderson (2013), Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison
Research Awards
Wilkinson, G.M. , R.D. Batt. 2013. Allochthony in an increasingly autochthonous world:
Investigating shifts in consumer resource use during a cyanobacteria bloom.
Moore Research Award, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of
Virginia. $5,000
Batt, R.D., G.M. Wilkinson. 2013. Can ambient stable isotopes trace cyanobacteria
through a lake food web? Dr. and Mrs. Carl A. Bunde Graduate Research Grant,
Department of Zoology, UW- Madison. $3,000
Batt, R.D., G.M. Wilkinson. 2013. Can ambient stable isotopes trace cyanobacteria
through a lake food web? Anna Grant Birge Award, Center for Limnology, UWMadison. $1,500
G.M. Wilkinson. 2013. Are fish made of trees? Investigating Terrestrial Support of
Aquatic Food Webs across a Gradient of Lakes. Exploratory Research
Award, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia.
Wilkinson, G.M., M.L. Pace & J.J. Cole. 2013. Terrestrial dominance of organic matter
in north temperate lakes, 27, Global Biogeochemical Cycles,
Wilkinson, G.M., S.R. Carpenter, J.J. Cole, M.L. Pace & C. Yang. Terrestrial support of
pelagic consumers among lakes: Patterns and variability revealed from a multilake study. Freshwater Biology 58: 2037-2049.
Wilkinson, G.M., S.R. Carpenter, J.J. Cole & M.L. Pace. In prep. Metalimnetic 13C
addition reveals minor support of metalimneitc resources to pelagic consumers.
Target Journal: Limnology and Oceanography.
Yang, C., G.M. Wilkinson, J.J. Cole, S.A. Macko, & M.L. Pace. In prep. Determining
the isotopic values of resource end members in freshwater food web studies.
Target journal: Inland Waters.
Greiner, J.T., K.J. McGlathery, G.M. Wilkinson. In prep. Identifying carbon source
contributors to restored seagrass sediment. Target Journal: Marine Ecology
Progress Series.
Presentations and Seminars
Wilkinson, G.M., S.R. Carpenter, J.J. Cole, M.L. Pace and C. Yang (2013 ) Terrestrial support
of pelagic consumers among lakes: Patterns and variability revealed from a multi-lake
study. Ecological Society of America 98th Annual Meeting. Minneapolis, MN.
Wilkinson, G.M., R.D. Batt, J. Kurtzweil. 2013. Terrestrial support of aquatic food webs.
University of Notre Dame Environmental Research Center Undergraduate Seminar
Wilkinson, G.M., J.J. Cole and M.L. Pace. 2013. Terrestrial dominance of organic matter in
north temperate lakes. Association of the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography
Winter Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Wilkinson, G.M., S.R. Carpenter, J.J. Cole, and M.L. Pace. 2013. Patterns of Allochthonous
Resource Use by Aquatic Consumers in Lakes. EnviroDays, Univ. of Virginia.
Wilkinson, G.M., J.J. Cole and M.L. Pace. 2012. Terrestrial dominance of organic matter in
north temperate lakes. American Geophysical Union Fall Conference, San Francisco,
CA. [Invited].
Wilkinson, G.M., S. Dunn, A.P. Hinrich, M. Marty, S.N. Schmidt and J. Schade. 2010.
Nitrogen dynamics along a moisture gradient in a restored wetland. ASLO-NABS Joint
Meeting. Santa Fe, NM.
Wilkinson, G.M. 2010. The effect of ice cover on lake processing of nitrogen. St. Olaf College,
Biology Department Seminar.
Professional Activities and Affiliations
Reviewer for: Ecology
Member of: Ecological Society of America (ESA), Association for the Sciences of
Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO), American Geophysical Union (AGU)
Recent Outreach Activities
Graduate Student Association Treasurer
Introduction to GIS: Trout Lake Station Summer Workshop Series
UW Trout Lake Station Open House, Volunteer
2012, 2013
2012, 2013