curriculum vitae - The Department of Surgery | Wayne State University

Curriculum Vitiae
Mark Anthony Mattos, M.D.,
University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, Utah, M.D
Weber State College, Ogden, Utah, B.S. (Zoology, cum laude)
San Marcos High School, Santa Barbara, California, Diploma
Fellow, Vascular Surgery, Division of Vascular Surgery, Southern Illinois University
School of Medicine, Springfield, Illinois
Resident, General Surgery, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Iowa City, Iowa
Intern, General Surgery, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Iowa City, Iowa
Assistant Program Director Vascular Surgery Fellowship Training Program, Division of Vascular
Surgery, Department of Surgery, Wayne State University, School of Medicine/Detroit Medical
Center, Detroit, Michigan
Educational Planner, Department of Surgery, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit,
Clinical Professor of Surgery (Volunteer), Department of Surgery, Wayne State University School
of Medicine, Detroit, Michigan
Professor of Surgery (Clinical/Educator), Division of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery,
Department of Surgery, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, Michigan
Director/Chief of Endovascular Services, Division of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery,
Associate Program Director Vascular Surgery Fellowship, Wayne State University School of
Medicine, Detroit, Michigan
Associate Director Noninvasive Vascular Laboratory, Harper University Hospital/Detroit Medical
Center, Detroit, Michigan
Associate Professor of Surgery, Department of Surgery, University of Washington School of
Medicine, Seattle, Washington
Chief, Section of Endovascular Surgery, Division of Vascular Surgery, University of Washington
School of Medicine, Seattle, Washington
Associate Professor of Surgery, Department of Surgery, Southern Illinois University School of
Medicine, Springfield, Illinois
Director of Vascular Research and Education, Division of Vascular Surgery, Southern Illinois
University School of Medicine, Springfield, Illinois
Assistant Professor of Surgery, Department of Surgery, Southern Illinois University School of
Medicine, Springfield, Illinois
Attending Surgeon, William Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, Michigan
Attending Surgeon, Harper University Hospital, Detroit, Michigan
Attending Surgeon, Detroit Receiving Hospital, Detroit, Michigan
Attending Surgeon, Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, Seattle, Washington
Attending Surgeon, University of Washington Medical Center, Seattle, Washinton
Attending Surgeon, Harborview Medical Center, Seattle, Washington
Curriculum Vitae
Mark A. Mattos, M.D.
Attending Surgeon, Memorial Medical Center, Springfield,Illinios
Attending Surgeon, St. John's Hospital, Springfield,Illinois
First Place Oral Presentation-Medical Student, Variability of Fundamentals of Laparoscopic
Surgery (FLS) Results In Fourth-Year Medical Students By Choice of Specialty-, Forry, C., Mattos,
M.A., Edelman, D., Bouwman, D.L..: (Presented by Chelsey Forry), 43rd Annual Midwest
Student Biomedical Research Forum, February 18, 2012, Omaha, Nebraska,
Second Place, Oral Presentation ($5000), 6th Annual David Fromm Research and Wayne State
Surgical Alumni Day, October 6, 2011, Detroit, Michigan
Excellence in Teaching Award for Surgery Residents, Department of Surgery, Southern Illinois
University School of Medicine, Springfield, Illinois
Excellence in Teaching Award for Medical Students, Department of Surgery, Southern Illinois
University School of Medicine, Springfield, Illinois
Elected as Honorary Member of the Australia and New Zealand Chapter of the International
Society for Cardiovascular Surgery, Brisbane, Australia
Inducted into the Weber State University Athletic Hall of Fame, Ogden, Utah
First Place Recipient of the Robert J. Patton Award - Resident Presentation, American College of
Surgeons Meeting - Illinois Chapter, Peoria, Illinois
Alpha Omega Alpha, Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Springfield, Illinois
First Place, Recipient of the Robert J. Patton Award - Resident Presentation, American College of
Surgeons Meeting - Illinois Chapter, Galena, Illinois
First Place, Residents Research Award, Iowa Academy of Surgery Annual Spring Meeting,
Dubuque, Iowa,
Inducted into the San Marcos High School Athletic Hall of Fame, Santa Barbara, California.
Recipient of $2000 NCAA Postgraduate Scholarship
Weber State College Scholar Athlete of the Year
Academic All-American Basketball Player, 2nd team, University Division, Weber State College
Captain, Weber State College Basketball Team, Ogden, Utah
Patient care:
Volunteer physician, HealthFirst Community Clinic ("Free Clinic"), Springfield, Illinois
Professional consultation: Public presentations 2000
‘Gold Club Symposium’ - Memorial Medical Center, Springfield, Illinois, “Brain Attacks: Early
Diagnosis and Treatment to Prevent Crippling Strokes”
National Association of Disability Examiners, Great Lakes/Great Plains Bi-Regional Conference,
Springfield, Illinois, June 3, 1996, “Peripheral Arterial Disease and Disability”
Medical Updates TV Talk Show, WICS Channel 20, Decatur, Illinois, December 24, 1994,
“Percutaneous Balloon Angioplasty”
Journal/Editorial activity: 2006
AVForum 2005-2006 Winter Issue, Guest Editor
Advisory Panel Member, Genentech-Vascular Surgery Advisory Panel
Editorial Board Member, Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
Reviewer, Annals of Surgery
Reviewer, Doody, Publishing, Inc.
Reviewer, Journal of Vascular Surgery
Curriculum Vitae
Mark A. Mattos, M.D.
National and international boards and committees:
American College of Phlebology Annual Congress, Abstract Committee
Midwestern Vascular Surgical Society, Education Committee
Association of Program Directors in Vascular Surgery (APDVS), Committee Member,
Fundamentals of Vascular Surgery (FVS) Curriculum,
Association of Program Directors in Vascular Surgery (APDVS), Co-Chair, Committee for
Development of Vascular Surgery Surgical Skills and Simulation Training Curriculum, March 2013
Meeting, Chicago, IL
International Union of Phlebology, (IUP) Co-Chair, Planning Committee for “Hands-On” Venous
Simulation and Skills Training
American Venous Forum, Chairman, Venous Surgical Skills and Simulation Training Curriculum
Development Committee
American Venous Forum, Invited Participant: “Mapping the Future of Venous Disease – an
International Summit”
American Venous Forum, Executive Council-Councilor, Co-Chairman - Endovascular Symposium,
“Symposium on Endovascular Techniques in Venous Disease”, Chairman and Co-Moderator American Venous Symposium at the American College of Phlebology Meeting, “Endovascular
Techniques for the Treatment of Venous Disease”
American Venous Forum, Executive Council-Councilor
Co-Chairman “Symposium on Endovascular Techniques in Venous Disease”
American Venous Forum, Executive Council-Councilor
Midwestern Vascular Surgical Society, Executive Council – Senior Councilor, Industry-relations
representative, Co-Chairman, Endovascular Issues Committee, Auditor Committee, Industry
Advisory Committee
American Venous Forum, Chairman, Program Committee
Peripheral Vascular Surgical Society, Program Committee
American Venous Forum, Program Committee
Midwestern Vascular Surgical Society, Executive Council – Recorder, Membership Committee
Auditor Committee, Chairman, Endovascular Issues Committee
American Venous Forum, Program Committee
Midwestern Vascular Surgical Society, Executive Council – Councilor-at-large, Membership
Committee, Chairman, Endovascular Issues Committee
Midwestern Vascular Surgical Society, Executive Council - Councilor-at-large
Society for Vascular Surgery/International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery, Vascular Surgery
RVU Survey Team
State and local boards and committees:
Southeast Michigan Center for Medical Education (SEMCME), Planning Committee5th Annual SEMCME Review of Selected Topics in General Surgery
Southeast Michigan Center for Medical Education (SEMCME), Surgery Committee
Wayne State University School of Medicine Surgery Representative
4th Annual SEMCME Review of Selected Topics in General Surgery
Southeast Michigan Center for Medical Education (SEMCME), Surgery Committee
Wayne State University/Detroit Medical Center Surgery Representative, Simulation Group
Committee, Wayne State University/Detroit Medical Center
Southern Illinois University School of Medicine
Chairman, Department of Surgery Undergraduate Education Committee
Faculty mentor – Sophomore Mentor Program, Class of 2002
Alpha Omega Alpha - Resident Nominating Committee
Professional Enrichment Design Committee
Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Chairman, Department of Surgery Undergraduate
Education Committee, Curriculum 2000 Steering Committee – Resource Group on Student
Research Pathways
Curriculum Vitae
Mark A. Mattos, M.D.
Memorial Medical Center, Surgical Procedure and Review Committee, Subcommittee on General
Surgery Privileges
Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Springfield Committee for Research Involving
Human Subjects, Faculty Development Committee
Memorial Medical Center, Surgical Procedure and Review Committee, Subcommittee on General
Surgery Privileges
Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Continuing Education Advisory Committee
Springfield Committee for Research Involving Human Subjects, Coordinator Surgical Grand
Rounds Conference, Coordinator Surgical Morbidity and Mortality Conference
Memorial Medical Center, Surgical Procedure and Review Committee, Subcommittee on General
Surgery Privileges
Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Infectious and Environmental Hazards Committee
Springfield Committee for Research Involving Human Subjects
SIU School of Medicine Radiology Curriculum Task Force
Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Research Committee, Wound Care Committee
Resident Education Committee
Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Instructor: Senior Medical Student - Clinical
Anatomy Elective, Instructor: Senior Medical Student - Operative Techniques Elective
Years at other colleges/universities:
Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, Michigan
University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, Washington
Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Springfield, Illinois
Essays/Thesis/Dissertations directed:
Andrea R. Bedway, Postgraduate Student, Wayne State University, Clinical Research Project High Feedback Interval Training Enhances Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery Performance”.
April Jackson, Second Year Medical Student, Southern Illinois University School of Medicine
Clinical Research Project – “The natural history of mild (16% to 49%) internal carotid artery
stenosis in symptomatic, nonhemispheric, and asymptomatic patients”.
Jeff M. Lehman, Fourth Year Medical Student, Southern Illinois University School of Medicine,
Clinical Research Project – “Technical success and anatomic patency of percutaneous
transluminal angioplasty and stent placement for renal artery disease”.
Sarah L. Davies, Diagnostic Medical Sonographer, Vascular Ultrasound, Southern Illinois
University School of Medicine, Clinical Research Project – “Prevalence of acute deep venous
thrombosis and appropriate indications for the use of color-flow duplex scanning in patients with
suspected pulmonary embolism”
Jason Flemming, Second Year Medical Student, Southern Illinois University School of Medicine
Clinical Research Project – “Etiology, prevalence, and distribution of upper extremity deep
venous thrombosis”
Travis Webb, Fourth Year Medical Student, Southern Illinois University School of Medicine,
Clinical Research Project – “Prevalence of carotid artery stenosis in patients undergoing coronary
catheterization and/or revascularization: A color-flow duplex study”.
Stacy L. Stratmann, Fourth Year Medical Student, Southern Illinois University School of Medicine,
Clinical Research Project - “The prevalence and patterns of carotid artery disease in patients with
nonhemispheric cerebrovascular symptoms: A color-flow duplex study”
Julie A. Margenthaler, Fourth Year Medical Student, Southern Illinois University School of
Medicine, Clinical Research Project - “The prevalence and patterns of carotid artery disease in
patients with nonhemispheric cerebrovascular symptoms: A color-flow duplex study”
Gail Melendres, Fourth Year Medical Student, Southern Illinois University School of Medicine,
Clinical Research Project - “Incidence and distribution of calf vein thrombosis in patients with
symptomatic deep vein thrombosis: A color-flow duplex study”
Curriculum Vitae
Mark A. Mattos, M.D.
Course Participation and/or Curriculum Development:
Polidocanol Endovenous Microfoam (PEM) Physician and Clinical Specialist Internal Simulation
Training Program. BTG International, West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania.
Endovascular Surgical Skills Simulation Training Curriculum, Department of Vascular Surgery,
Henry Ford Health Systems, Detroit, Michigan
Vascular Surgery Surgical Skills Training Seminars Detroit, Michigan.
Venous Disease and Venous Ablation using the ClariVein® Infusion Catheter, Vascular Insights
LLC, Distributor Internal Training Course, Englewood, New Jersey
Venous Simulation Curriculum-Fellows’ Course in Venous Disease (American Venous Forum),
Englewood Hospital and Medical Center, Englewood, New Jersey
Venous Simulation Curriculum-Fellows’ Course in Venous Disease (American Venous Forum),
University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California
MS2 Surgical Skills Curriculum-Open Surgical Skills Night, Department of Surgery, Wayne State
University School of Medicine, Detroit, Michigan
Certified Testing Proctor for the Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons
(SAGES) of the Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery (FLS) program, Department of Surgery,
Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan
Inferior Vena Cavagram/IVC Option Filter Placement and Recovery Training Curriculum,
Angiotech, Inc., Dallas, Texas
Endovascular Surgical Skills Simulation Curriculum, Detroit, Michigan
Vascular Surgery Surgical Skills Laboratory Modules Curriculum, Detroit, Michigan
General Surgery PGY-1 Surgical Skills Laboratory Modules Curriculum, Department of Surgery,
Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, Michigan
MS4 Advanced Surgical Skills Elective Curriculum, Department of Surgery, Wayne State
University School of Medicine, Detroit, Michigan
Vascular Surgery Fellowship Handbook of Guidelines and Responsibilities, Division of Vascular
Surgery and Endovascular Surgery, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit,
Vascular Surgery Fellowship Handbook of Clinical Protocols and Patient Care Pathways, Division
of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit,
Basics of Endovascular Surgery: Principles and Techniques, Division of Vascular Surgery,
Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Springfield, Illinois
TOPAS Study - Recombinant Urokinase (UK) vs. operative intervention as initial therapy
for acute lower limb arterial occlusion - SCHRIHS Protocol #93.
Principal Investigator - Kim J. Hodgson, M.D. (2 years)
Co-Investigator - Mark A. Mattos, M.D.
Phase III Clinical Study - Safety and efficacy of Propionyl-L-Carnitine in peripheral
arterial disease (intermittent claudication). A multi-center dose-ranging study.
Protocol #ST-93301.
Principal Investigator - David S. Sumner, M.D. (2.5 years)
Co-Investigator - Mark A. Mattos, M.D.
A Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Vasoprost (Alprostadil)
in the Treatment of Patients with Severe Intermittent Claudication due to Peripheral Arterial Occlusive
Disease (PAOD). KU 610-004/F-9014.
Principal Investigators - David S. Sumner, M.D., Mark A. Mattos, M.D.
Curriculum Vitae
Mark A. Mattos, M.D.
A Controlled Phase II Evaluation of the Safety and Efficacy of the ANEURX Endovascular Prosthesis
System in the Treatment of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms (AAA) Compared to Open Surgical Repair.
Protocol #97-002-A and #97-002-B
Principal Investigator - Kim J. Hodgson, M.D.
Co-Investigator - Mark A. Mattos, M.D.
A Multi-Center Prospective Randomized Study Comparing Atherectomy with the Omnicath Device vs.
Balloon Angioplasty to Treat Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease.
Principal Investigator - Kim J. Hodgson, M.D.
Co-Investigator - Mark A. Mattos, M.D.
A Phase II Dose-Ranging Trial of Intraarterial Recombinant Prourokinase (ABT-187) Versus Urokinase
(ABT-790) in the Treatment of Peripheral Arterial Thromboembolic Occlusions, M97-642, PURPOSE
Protocol #
Principal Investigator - Kim J. Hodgson, M.D.
Co-Investigator - Mark A. Mattos, M.D.
Symphony Nitinol Stent for Treating Iliac Artery Stenoses
IDE Study #G970171/A1
Boston Scientific Corporation
Principal Investigator - Kim J. Hodgson, M.D.
Co-Investigator - Mark A. Mattos, M.D.
A Phase II Clinical Trial of the Passager Nitinol Supported Endoluminal Graft for the Treatment of
Peripheral Vascular Occlusive Disease.
Protocol #
Meadox Medicals, Inc.
Principal Investigator - Kim J. Hodgson, M.D.
Co-Investigator - Mark A. Mattos, M.D.
A Phase II Clinical Trial of the Passager Nitinol Supported Endoluminal Graft for the Treatment of
Peripheral Arterial Aneurysms.
Protocol #
Meadox Medicals, Inc.
Principal Investigator - Kim J. Hodgson, M.D.
Co-Investigator - Mark A. Mattos, M.D.
A Randomized, Multicenter Study Comparing Use of the HEMOBAHN Endovascular Prosthesis to
Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty (PTA) in the Treatment of Superficial Femoral Artery
Obstructive Disease.
Protocol #98-094
W.L. Gore & Associates, Inc.
Principal Investigator - Kim J. Hodgson, M.D.
Co-Investigator - Mark A. Mattos, M.D.
A Clinical Study Comparing Use of the Bifurcated EXCLUDER Endovascular Prosthesis to Open Surgical
Repair in the Primary Treatment of Infrarenal Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms (AAA)
W.L. Gore & Associates, Inc.
Protocol #AAA-98-03
PrincipalInvestigator - Kim J. Hodgson, M.D.
Co-Investigator - Mark A. Mattos, M.D.
A Phase III Evaluation of the Safety and Efficacy of the AneuRx Stent Graft System in the Treatment of
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms (AAA)
AneuRx, Inc.
IDE Number G960016
Protocol Number CS-9803
Principal Investigator - Kim J. Hodgson, M.D.
Co-Investigator - Mark A. Mattos, M.D.
Curriculum Vitae
Mark A. Mattos, M.D.
A Controlled Phase I Evaluation of the Safety of The AneuRx Stent Graft in the Treatment of
Descending Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms
AneuRx, Inc.
IDE Number G980115
Protocol Number TCS-9701
Principal Investigator - Kim J. Hodgson, M.D.
Co-Investigator - Mark A. Mattos, M.D.
Concurrent Control Clinical Trial of the Baxter Endovascular Graft System
Baxter Health Care Corporation
SCHRIHS Protocol Number 98-007A
Principal Investigator – Kim J. Hodgson, M.D.
Co-Investigator – Mark A. Mattos, M.D.
A phase III, multi-center randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of the ex vivo treatment with
CGT003 of peripheral vein grafts in patients undergoing peripheral arterial bypass graft procedures
Corgentech, Inc.
Principal Investigator –
Co-investigator – Mark A. Mattos, M.D.
May 2002 Refinement of genetic susceptibility loci for abdominal aortic aneurysms
Sponsor-Molecular Medicine and Genetics
Wayne State University School of Medicine
Principal Investigator – S. Helena Kuivaniemi, MD
Co-Principal Investigator – Mark A. Mattos, MD
December 2005 –June 2006
Carotid Revascularization Endarterectomy vs. Stent Trial (CREST)
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke-National Institutes of Health (NINDS-NIH)
Principal Investigator – Mark A. Mattos, M.D
Wayne State University School of Medicine/Detroit Medical Center
January 2006 –June 2006
Endovascular Simulation Training using the Mentice VIST Endovascular Simulator Trainer
Mentice, Inc., Gothenberg, Sweden
Grant support - providing use of VIST Endovascular Simulator Trainer
August 2008 – September 2011
Original observations in refereed journals:
Mattos, M.A., Shamma, A.R., Rossi, N.R., Meng, R.L., Godersky, J.C., Loftus, C.M., Corson, J.D.: Is
duplex follow-up cost-effective in the first year after carotid endarterectomy? Am. J. Surg. 156:91-95,
Mattos, M.A., Londrey, G.L., Leutz, D.W., Hodgson, K.J., Stauffer, E.S., Sumner, D.S.: Color flow duplex
scanning for the surveillance and diagnosis of acute deep venous thrombosis. J. Vasc. Surg. 15:366376, 1992.
Mattos, M.A., Hodgson, K.J., Barkmeier, L.D., Ramsey, D.E., Sumner, D.S.: Identifying total carotid
occlusion with colour flow duplex scanning. Eur. J. Vasc. Surg. 6:204-210, 1992.
Mattos, M.A., Hodgson, K.J., Londrey, G.L., Barkmeier, L.D., Ramsey, D.E., Sumner, D.S.: Carotid
endarterectomy: Operative risks, recurrent stenosis, and long term stroke rates in a modern series. J.
Cardiovasc. Surg. , 1992; 33:387-400.
Curriculum Vitae
Mark A. Mattos, M.D.
Mattos, M.A., Barkmeier, L.D., Hodgson, K.J., Ramsey, D.E., Sumner, D.S.: Internal Carotid Artery
Occlusion: Operative risks and long-term stroke rates after contralateral carotid endarterectomy.
Surgery, 1992; 112:670-680
Mattos, M.A., van Bemmelen, P.S., Hodgson, K.J., Ramsey, D.E., Barkmeier, L.D., Sumner, D.S.: Does
correction of stenoses identified with color duplex scanning improve infrainguinal graft patency? J. Vasc.
Surg., 17(1):54-66, 1993.
Mattos, M.A., van Bemmelen, P.S., Barkmeier, L.D., Hodgson, K.J., Ramsey, D.E., Sumner, D.S.:
Routine surveillance after carotid endarterectomy: Does it affect clinical management? J. Vasc. Surg.,
1993;17: 819-31.
Mattos, M.A., van Bemmelen, P.S., Hodgson, K.J., Barkmeier, L.D., Ramsey, D.E., Sumner, D.S.: The
influence of carotid siphon stenosis on short and long term outcome after carotid endarterectomy: Fact or
fiction? J. Vasc. Surg., 1993;17: 902-11.
Collins, J.L., Mattos, M.A., Barkmeier, L.D., Hodgson, K.J., Ramsey, D.E., and Sumner, D.S.:
Traumatic posterior tibial artery pseudoaneurysm: Diagnosis with color-flow duplex scanning
and treatment without angiography. J. Vasc. Tech., 1993;17(5):263-66.
Faught, W.E., van Bemmelen, P.S., Mattos, M.A., Hodgson, K.J., Barkmeier, L. D.,
Ramsey, D.E., and Sumner, D.S.: Presentation and natural history of internal
carotid artery occlusion. J. Vasc. Surg. 1993; 18: 512-24.
van Bemmelen, P.S., Mattos, M.A., Hodgson, K.J., Barkmeier, L.D., Ramsey, D.E., Sumner, D.S.: Does
air plethysmography correlate with duplex scanning in patients with chronic venous insufficiency. J. Vasc.
Surg., 1993;18: 796-807.
Hodgson, K.J., Mattos, M.A., Sumner, D.S.: Canine or chameleon: The vascular surgeon's role in
percutaneous endovascular therapy. Vascular Forum, 1993; 1(4): 237-247.
Raymond, D.L., Mattos, M.A., Hodgson, K.J., Barkmeier, L.D., Ramsey, D.E., and Sumner, D.S.: A case
of radial artery pseudoaneurysm: Diagnosis and treatment with color-flow duplex scanning-guided
compression. J. Vasc. Tech., 1994; 18(1): 41-43.
van Bemmelen, P.S., Mattos, M.A., Faught, W.E., Barkmeier, L.D., Hodgson, K.J., Ramsey, D.E.,
Sumner, D.S.: Augmentation of blood flow in limbs with occlusive arterial disease by intermittent calf
compression. J. Vasc. Surg., 1994;191052-58.
Faught, W.E., Mattos, M.A., van Bemmelen, P.S., Hodgson, K. J., Barkmeier, L.D.,Ramsey, D.E., and
Sumner, D.S.: Color-flow duplex scanning of carotid arteries: New velocity criteria based on ROC analysis
for threshold stenoses used in the symptomatic and asymptomatic carotid trials. J. Vasc. Surg.,
Mattos, M.A., Hodgson, K. J., Faught, W.E., Mansour, M. A., Barkmeier, L.D., Ramsey, D.E., and
Sumner, D.S.: Carotid endarterectomy without angiography: Is color-flow duplex scanning sufficient?
Surgery 1994;116:776-83.
Mansour, M.A., Mattos, M.A., Faught, W.E., Hodgson, K. J., Barkmeier, L.D., Ramsey, D.E., and
Sumner, D.S.: The natural history of moderate (50% to 79%) internal carotid artery stenosis in
symptomatic, nonhemispheric, and asymptomatic patients. J. Vasc. Surg., 1995;21:346-57.
Mattos, M.A., Modi, J.R., Mansour, M.A., Mortenson, D., Karich, T., Hodgson, K. J., Barkmeier, L.D.,
Ramsey, D.E., and Sumner, D.S.. Evolution of carotid endarterectomy in two community hospitals:
Springfield revisited - 17 years and 2243 operations later. J. Vasc Surg 1995;21:719-28.
Curriculum Vitae
Mark A. Mattos, M.D.
Hodgson, K.J., Mattos, M.A., Hood, D.B., Mansour, M.A., Barkmeier, L.D., Ramsey, D.E., Sumner, D.S..
Incorporation of endovascular training into a vascular fellowship program: Vascular surgeons teaching
vascular surgeons. American Journal of Surgery, 1995; 170:168-173.
Mansour, M.A., Mattos,M.A., Hood, D.B., Hodgson, K.J., Barkmeier, L.D., Ramsey, D.E., Sumner, D.S..
Detection of the carotid string sign by color-flow duplex scanning. American Journal of Surgery, 1995;
Mattos, M.A., Sumner, D.S., Carotid Endarterectomy: Age is no factor in success. Internal Medicine
News, International Medical News Group, April 1995.
Hood, D.B., Mattos, M.A., Mansour, M.A., Hodgson K.J., Barkmeier, L.D., Ramsey D.E., Sumner D.S..
Prospective evaluation of new duplex criteria to identify 70% internal carotid artery stenosis. J. Vasc.
Surgery, 1996; 23:254-62.
Hood, D.B., Mattos, M.A., Douglas, M., Hodgson, K.J., Barkmeier, L.D., Ramsey, D.E., Sumner, D.S..
Determinants of success of color-flow duplex guided compression repair of femoral pseudoaneurysms.
Surgery, 1996;120:585-90.
Mattos,M.A., Melendres G., Sumner D.S., Hood D.B., Barkmeier, L.D., Hodgson K.J., Ramsey D.E..
Prevalence and distribution of calf vein thrombosis in patients with symptomatic deep venous thrombosis:
A color-flow duplex study. J Vasc Surg, 1996; 24:738-44.
Barkmeier, L.D., Hood, D.B., Sumner, D.S., Hodgson, K.J., Mattos, M.A., Ramsey, D.E.. Local
anesthesia for infrainguinal arterial reconstruction: A safer alternative. Amer J Surg 1997;174:202-204.
Hodgson, K.J., Mattos, M.A., Sumner, D.S.: Access to the vascular system for endovascular procedures:
Techniques and indications for percutaneous and open arteriotomy approaches.
Seminars in Vascular Surgery, 1997;10:206-221.
Hurlbert, S.N., Mattos, M.A., Barkmeier, L.D., Hodgson, K.J., Henretta, J.P., Ramsey, D.E., Sumner,
D.S.: Long-term patency rates, complications, and cost-effectiveness of polytetraflouroethylene (PTFE)
grafts for hemodialysis access: A prospective study comparing Gore versus Impra. Cardiovascular
Surgery 1998;6(6):652-656.
Henretta, J.P., Hodgson, K.J., Mattos, M.A., Karch, L.A., Hurlbert, S.N., Sternbach, Y., Ramsey, D.E.,
Sumner, D.S.: Feasibility of endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms with local anesthesia with
intravenous sedation. J Vasc Surg 1999;29:793-798.
Henretta, J.P., Karch, L.A., Hodgson, K.J., Mattos, M.A., Ramsey, D.E., McLafferty, R.B., Sumner, D.S.:
Special iliac considerations during aneurysm endografting. Am J Surg 1999;178:212-218.
Karch, L.A., Henretta, J.P., Hodgson, K.J., Mattos, M.A., Ramsey, D.E., McLafferty, R.B., Sumner, D.S.:
Algorithm for the diagnosis and treatment of endoleaks. Am J Surg 1999;178:225-231.
McLafferty, R.B., Dunnington, G.L., Sumner, D.S., Karch, L.A., Henretta, J.P., Mattos, M.A., Ramsey,
D.E., Hodgson, K.J.: Factors affecting the diagnosis of peripheral vascular disease prior to vascular
surgery referral. J Vasc Surg 2000;31:870-879.
Karch, L., Mattos, M.A., Henretta, J.P., McLafferty, R.B., Ramsey, D.E., Hodgson, K.J.: Clinical failure
following percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of the femoropopliteal artery. J Vasc Surg 2000;31:880888.
Mattos, M.A., Hodgson, K.J, Ramsey, D.E., Sumner, D.S..: Clinical outcome of patients developing
transient ischemic attacks following carotid endarterectomy. Vascular Surgery 2000;34(5):471-4.
Karch, L.A., Hodgson, K.J., Mattos, M.A., Bohannon, W.T., Ramsey, D.E., McLafferty, R.B.: Adverse
consequences of internal iliac artery occlusion during endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms.
J Vasc Surg 2000;32:676-683.
Curriculum Vitae
Mark A. Mattos, M.D.
Karch, L.A., Hodgson, K.J., Mattos, M.A., Bohannon, W.T., Ramsey, D.E., McLafferty, R.B.:
Management of ectatic, nonaneurysmal iliac arteries during endoluminal aortic aneurysm repair.
J Vasc Surg 2001;33:S33-8.
Davies, S.L., Mattos, M.A., Markwell, S.J., McLafferty, R.B., Ramsey, D.E., Hodgson, K.J.: Prevalence of
acute deep venous thrombosis and the appropriate indications for the use of color-flow duplex scanning in
patients with suspected pulmonary embolism. J Vasc Tech 2001;25(2):69-76.
Crouch, D.S., McLafferty, R.B., Karch, L.A., Mattos, M.A., Ramsey, D.E., Henretta, J.P., Hodgson, K.J.,
Sumner, D.S.: A prospective study of discharge disposition after vascular surgery. J Vasc Surg
McLafferty, R.B., Church, M.P., Oltman, T.T., Liesen, D.P., Mattos, M.A., Ramsey, D.E., Hodgson, K.J.:
Trends in non-invasive vascular test ultilization. J Vasc Tech 2001; ??(?):??-??.
Mattos, M.A., Sumner, D.S., Bohannon, W.T., Parra, J., McLafferty, R.B., Karch, L.A., Ramsey, D.E.,
Hodgson, K.J.,: Carotid endarterectomy in women: Challenging the results from NASCET and ACAS.
Annuals of Surgery 2001;234:438-446.
Mattos, M.A.: Current Status of Carotid Artery Stenting in the Prevention of Stroke. Springfield Clinic
Medical Bulletin 2001;28(1):26-30.
Bohannon, W.T., McLafferty, R.B., Chaney, S.T., Mattos, M.A., Gruneiro, L.A., Ramsey, D.E., Hodgson,
K.J.: Outcome of venous stasis ulceration when complicated by arterial occlusive disease. Eur J Vasc
Endovasc Surg 2002 Sep;24(3):249-54.
Bohannon, W.T., Hodgson, K.J., Parra, J.R., Mattos, M.A., Karch L.A., Ramsey, D.E., Solis, M.M.,
McLafferty, R.B.: Endovascular management of iliac limb occlusion of bifurcated aortic endografts. J
Vasc Surg 2002;35:584-8.
McLafferty, R.B., McCrary, B.S., Mattos, M.A., Karch, L.A., Ramsey, D.E., Solis, M.M., Hodgson, K.J.:
The use of color-flow duplex scan for the detection of endoleaks. J Vasc Surg 2002;36:100-4.
Nehler, M.R., Mueller, R.J., McLafferty, R.B., Johnson, S.P., Nussbaum J.D., Mattos, M.A., Whitehill,
T.A., Esler A.L., Hodgson, K.J., Krupski, W.C.: Outcome of catheter-directed thrombolysis for lower
extremity arterial bypass occlusion. J Vasc Surg 2003;37:72-8.
Karmy-Jones, R., Hoffer, E., Meissner, M.H., Nicholls, S., Mattos, M.: Endovascular Stent Grafts and
Aortic Rupture: A Case Series. J Trauma 2003 Nov; 55(5):805-810.
Meissner, M.H., Moneta, G., Burnand, K., Gloviczki, P., Lohr, J.M., Lurie, F., Mattos, M.A., McLafferty,
R.B., Mozes, G., Rutherford, R.B., Padberg, F., Sumner, D.S.. Chapter 1. The Hemodynamics and
diagnosis of venous disease. J Vasc Surg 2007:46:4S-24S.
Edelman, D.A., Mattos, M.A., Bouwman, D.L.: FLS skill retention (learning) in first year surgery residents.
J Surg Res. 2010;163:24-28.
Edelman, D.A., Mattos, M.A., Bouwman, D.L.: Impact of Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery training
during medical school on performance by first year surgical residents. J Surg Res. 2011 Sep;170(1):6-9.
Mattos, M.A.: Endovascular Simulation Training and The Venous System – Initial Observations. VEIN
Summer 2011;3(3):42-48.
Edleman, D.A., Mattos, M.A., Bouwman, D.L.: Value of Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery (FLS)
Training in a Fourth-Year Medical School Advanced Surgical Skills Elective. J Surg Res 2012
Curriculum Vitae
Mark A. Mattos, M.D.
Goltz, C., Bachusz, R., Mancini, E., Rits, Y., Mattos, M.A., Rubin, J.R.: Medical Student Career Survey:
Vascular Surgery Awareness Initiative. Annals of Vascular Surgery February 2013; 27(2):225-31.
Review articles –
Hodgson, K.J., Mattos, M.A., Sumner, D.S.. Letter to the Editor. American Journal of Surgery, 1996;
Mattos, M.A..: Invited Discussant – Inappropriate use of venous duplex scans: An analysis of indications
and results. J Vasc Surg, 1996;23:885.
Mattos, M.A..: Invited Discussant – Appropriate indications for venous duplex ultrasound examinations.
Surgery, 1996;120:730-31.
Mattos, M.A.: Invited Discussant – Defective Fibrinolysis occurs following infrainguinal reconstruction. J
Vasc Surg, 1997;25:865.
Mattos, M.A.: Book Review – Year Book of Vascular Surgery 1997. J Am Coll Surg 1996;186(2):264.
Books and chapters:
Sumner, D.S., Mattos, M.A., Londrey, G.L., Hodgson, K.J., Barkmeier, L.D., Ramsey, D.E.: Clinical
application of color Doppler in venous problems. Yao, J.S.T. and Pierce, W.H. (eds): Technologies in
Vascular Surgery. W. B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, 1992, pp. 185-200.
Sumner, D.S., Mattos, M.A., Londrey, G.L.: Does color-flow imaging improve the accuracy of duplex
scanning in carotid disease or elsewhere? In Veith, F.J. (ed): Current Critical Problems in Vascular
Surgery, Volume 4, St. Louis, Quality Medical Publishing, Inc., 1992, pp. 273-280.
Sumner, D.S., Mattos, M.A.: Diagnosis of deep venous thrombosis with real-time color and
duplex scanning. In Bernstein, E.F. (ed): Vascular Diagnosis, 4th Edition, St. Louis, Mosby-Year Book,
1993, pp. 785-800.
Sumner, D.S., Mattos, M.A., Hodgson, K.J.: Surveillance program for vascular reconstructive
procedures. In Yao, J.S.T., Pearce, W.H. (eds): Vascular Surgery: Long-Term Results,
Norwalk, CT, Appleton and Lange, 1993, pp. 33-59.
Sumner, D.S., Mattos, M.A.: Duplex scanning for surveillance and diagnosis of deep
venous thrombosis: Is color necessary or helpful? In Veith, F.J. (ed): Current Critical
Problems in Vascular Surgery. (Volume 5), St. Louis, MO., Quality Medical Publishing,
Inc., 1993, pp. 325-332.
Mattos,M.A., Sumner, D.S.: Management of chyloperitoenum and chylothorax following
aortic reconstruction. In Ernst, C.B., and Stanley, J.C. (eds): Current Therapy in Vascular Surgery, 3rd
Edition. Philadelphia, PA, Mosby-Yearbook, Inc., 1994, pp. 426-31.
Sumner, D.S., Mattos, M.A., and Hodgson, K.J.: When is correction of vein graft stenosis
detected by duplex necessary to maintain patency and when is it not? In Veith, F.J. (ed):
Current Critical Problems in Vascular Surgery. (Volume 6), St. Louis, MO., Quality
Medical Publishing, Inc., 1994, pp. 78-82.
Sumner, D.S., and Mattos, M.A.: Influence of surveillance program on femorodistal graft patency. Yao,
J.S.T., and Pearce, W.H. (eds): The Ischemic Extremity: Advances in Treatment. East Norwalk, CT,
Appleton & Lange, 1995, pp. 455-474.
Curriculum Vitae
Mark A. Mattos, M.D.
Sumner, D.S., Mansour, M.A., Mattos, M.A.: Natural history of moderate internal carotid artery stenosis in
asymptomatic and symptomatic patients. Goldstone J.(ed): Perspectives in Vascular Surgery. (Volume
8). St. Louis, MO, Quality Medical Publishing, Inc., 1995, pp. 67-76.
Hodgson, K.J., Mattos, M.A.: Starting an Endovascular Therapy Program. In Ahn SS (ed):ISCVS/SVS
Handbook on Endovascular Procedures. R.G. Landes Company, Austin, 1996, pp. 7-15.
Hodgson, K.J., Mattos, M.A.: Needle punctures. SCVS Handbook of Basics of Endovascular
Management of Peripheral Vascular Disease. 1996, pp. 6-11.
Hodgson, K.J., Mattos, M.A.: Contrast Agents. SCVS Handbook of Basics of Endovascular Management
of Peripheral Vascular Disease. 1996, pp. 11-14.
Mattos, M.A., Hodgson, K.J.: Guidewires. SCVS Handbook of Basics of Endovascular Management of of
Peripheral Vascular Disease. 1996, pp. 14-16.
Hodgson, K.J., Mattos, M.A.: Guiding Catheters. SCVS Handbook of Basics of Endovascular
Management of Peripheral Vascular Disease. 1996, pp. 16-19.
Hodgson, K.J., Mattos, M.A.: Hemostatic Sheaths. SCVS Handbook of Basics of Endovascular
Management of Peripheral Vascular Disease. 1996, pp. 19-21.
Hodgson, K.J., Mattos, M.A.: Angiography Catheters. SCVS Handbook of Basics of Endovascular
Management of Peripheral Vascular Disease. 1996, pp. 22-25.
Mattos, M.A., Hodgson, K.J.: Thrombolytic Therapy. SCVS Handbook of Basics of Endovascular
Management of Peripheral Vascular Disease. 1996, pp. 26-28.
Sumner, D.S., Mansour, M.A., Mattos, M.A.: Natural history of moderate (50-79%) internal carotid artery
stenosis in asymptomatic and symptomatic patients. In Veith, FJ (ed): Current Critical Problems in
Vascular Surgery, Volume 7, St. Louis, MO, Quality Medical Publishing, 1996, pp. 359-364.
Hodgson, K.J., Douglas, M.G., Mattos, M.A.: Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty. In Ahn SS (ed):
ISCVS/SVS Handbook on Endovascular Procedures. R.G. Landes Company. Austia, 1996, pp. 46-61.
Hodgson, K.J., Mattos, M.A.: Starting an Endovascular Therapy Program. In Ahn, SS (ed): SVS/ISCVS
Handbook on Endovascular Procedures. 1997, pp. 7-15.
Hodgson, K.J., Douglas, M.G., Mattos, M.A..: Percutaneous balloon angioplasty. In Ahn, SS (ed):
SVS/ISCVS Handbook on Endovascular Procedures. 1997, pp. 59-76.
Hodgson, K.J., Mattos, M.A., Sumner, D.S.: Angiography in the Operating Room: Equipment, Catheter
Skills, and Safety Issues. In Yao, JTS and Pearce WH (eds): Techniques in Vascular and Endovascular
Surgery, Stamford, CT, Appleton and Lange, 1997, pp. 25-45.
Mattos, M.A., Sumner, D.S.: Vein Mapping for Infrainguinal Bypasses. In Yao, JTS and Pearce WH
(eds): Practical Vascular Surgery, East Norwalk, CT, Appleton and Lange, 1998, pp. 79-90.
Hodgson, K.J., Mattos, M.A.: Starting an Endovascular Therapy Program. In Ahn, SS (ed): SVS/ISCVS
Handbook on Endovascular Procedures. 1998, pp. 9-18.
Mattos, M.A., Hodgson, K.J., Hurlbert, S.N., Henretta, J.P., Sternbach, Y., Douglas, M.G., Mansour, A.M.,
Hood, D.B., Sumner, D.S.: Vascular Stents. In Wells, SG (ed): Current Problems in Surgery.
St. Louis, MO, Mosby-Year Book, 1999;Vol 36 (12), pp. 909-1056.
McLafferty, R.B., Mattos, M.A., Sumner, D.S.: Intracranial Arterial Occlusive Disease and Aneurysms:
Influence on Carotid Endarterectomy Outcome. In Ernst, C.B., and Stanley, J.C. (eds.): Current
Therapy in Vascular Surgery, 4th Edition. St. Louis, MO., Mosby-Yearbook, Inc., 2000, pp.65-68.
Curriculum Vitae
Mark A. Mattos, M.D.
Mattos, M.A., Sumner, D.S.: Direct noninvasive tests (duplex scan) for the evaluation of chronic venous
obstruction and valvular incompetence. In Gloviczki, P., and Yao, J.S.T. (eds): Handboook of Venous
Disorders. Guidelines of the American Venous Forum, 2nd Edition. London, England, Arnold Publisher,
2000, pp.120-131.
Mattos, M.A.: Gaining access in hostile situations; It pays to know your options. SVS/ISCVS Handbook
- Postgraduate Course I, Endovascular Surgery Symposium 2000, pp. 16-23.
Rohrer, M., Hodgson, M.A., Mattos, M.A.: Basic Endovascular Consideration and Surgical Techniques.
Greenfield LJ, Mulholland MW, Oldham KT, Zelenock GB, Lillemoe KD (eds): Surgery: Scientific
Principles and Practice (3rd edition). Philadelphia, Lippincott-Williams & Wilkins Publishers, 2001.
Mattos, M.A., Londrey, G.L., Hodgson, K.J., Barkmeier, L.D., Ramsey, D.E., Sumner, D.S.
Carotid endarterectomy: Operative risks, recurrent stenosis, and long-term stroke rates
in a modern series. J Cardiovasc Surg 1991;32:114.
Mattos, M.A., Londrey G.L., Hodgson K.J., Leutz, D.W., Stauffer, E.S., Sumner D.S.:Color-flow duplex
scanning for the surveillance and diagnosis of acute deep venous thrombosis. J Vasc Surg 1991;13:911.
Mattos, M.A., van Bemmelen, P.S., Hodgson, K.J., Ramsey, D.E., Barkmeier, L.D., Sumner, D.S.: Does
correction of stenoses identified with color duplex scanning improve infrainguinal graft patency? J Vasc
Surg 1992;15:1059.
Leutz, D.W., Stauffer, E. S., Sumner, D.S., Hodgson, K.J., Mattos, M.A. Deep venous
thrombosis in patients undergoing total hip and knee arthroplasty: Incidence and diagnostic accuracy
of color-flow duplex Doppler scanning. Orthopaedic Transactions 1992, 16(2):329.
Mattos, M.A., VanBemmelen, P.S., Barkmeier, L.D., Hodgson, K.J., Ramsey, D.E., Sumner,D.S.
Routine surveillance after carotid endarterectomy: Does it affect clinical management? J Vasc Surg
Mattos, M.A., vanBemmelen, P.S., Hodgson, K.J., Barkmeier, L.D., Ramsey, D.E., Sumner, D.S.
The influence of carotid siphon stenosis on short and long-term outcome after carotid endarterectomy:
Fact or fiction? J Vasc Surg 1992;16(3):475-76.
Faught,W.E., Mattos, M.A., Sumner, D.S., Ramsey, D.E., Hodgson, K.J., Barkmeier, L.D.: Presentation
and natural history of internal carotid artery occlusion. J Vasc Surg 1993;17:244.
vanBemmelen, P.S., Mattos, M.A., Hodgson, K.J., Barkmeier, L.D., Ramsey, D.E., Sumner, D.S.
Does air plethysmography correlate with duplex scanning in patients with chronic venous insufficiency?
J Vasc Surg 1993;432-433.
Faught, W.E., Mattos, M.A., vanBemmelen, P.S., Hodgson, K.J., Barkmeier, L.D., Ramsey, D.E.,
Sumner, D.S. Color-flow duplex scanning of carotid arteries: New velocity criteria based on ROC analysis
for threshold stenoses used in the symptomatic and asymptomatic carotid trials. J Vasc Surg
Mattos, M.A., vanBemmelen, P.S., Barkmeier, L.D., Hodgson, K.J., Ramsey, D.E., Sumner, D.S.: Routine
surveillance after carotid endarterectomy: Does it affect clinical management? JAMA, 1994, 271(4):264D.
Mattos, M.A., et al. Internal carotid artery occlusion: Operative risks and long-term
stroke rates after contralateral carotid endarterectomy. (Surgery 1992, 112: 670-680)
(Abstracted) In Porter, J., et al. (ed). 1994 Year Book of Vascular Surgery, Chicago,
IL, Mosby-Year Book, Inc., 1994, pg. 303.
Curriculum Vitae
Mark A. Mattos, M.D.
Mattos, M.A., et al. Does correction of stenoses identified with color duplex scanning improve
infrainguinal graft patency? (J. Vasc. Surg. 1993;17:54-66) (Abstracted) In Porter, J., et al (ed). 1994 Year
Book of Vascular Surgery, Chicago, IL, Mosby-Year Book, Inc., 1994, pg. 100.
Mattos, M.A., et al.: Routine surveillance after carotid endarterectomy: Does it affect clinical
management? (J. Vasc. Surg. 1993;17: 819-31) (Abstracted) In Porter, J. et al (ed). 1995 Year Book of
Vascular Surgery. Chicago, IL, Mosby-Year Book, Inc., 1995, pg. 312.
Mattos, M.A.., Sumner, D.S.: Carotid endarterectomy: The influence of age on perioperative
complications and long-term mortality and stroke rates. Stroke 1995;26:171.
Mattos, M.A.. et al.: Evolution of carotid endarterectomy in two community hospitals: Springfield revisited
- 17 years and 2243 operations later. (J. Vasc. Surg. 1995;21:719-28) (Abstracted) In Porter, J. et al (ed).
1997 Year Book of Vascular Surgery. Chicago, IL, Mosby-Year Book, Inc.,1996, pg. 350.
Mattos, M.A., Sumner, D.S.: The influence of diabetes mellitus on short and long-term outcome after
carotid endarterectomy. Diabetes 1997;46(suppl 1):150.
Hurlbert, S.N., Mattos, M.A., Barkmeier, L.D., Hodgson, K.J., Henretta, J.P., Ramsey, D.E., Sumner,
D.S.: Long-term patency rates, complications, and cost-effectiveness of polytetraflouroethylene (PTFE)
grafts for hemodialysis access: A prospective study comparing Gore versus Impra. Cardiovasc Surg
Karch, L.A., Mattos, M.A., Henretta, J.P., McLafferty, R.B., Ramsey, D.E., Sumner, D.S., Hodgson, K.J.:
Accuracy of color-flow duplex for the detection of restenosis following carotid endarterectomy. Cardiovasc
Surg 1999;(Sept):35.
Karch, L.A., Mattos, M.A., Henretta, J.P., et al.: Clinical failure after percutaneous transluminal
angioplasty of the superficial femoral and popliteal arteries. JVIR 2001;12(1):124-125.
Karch, L.A., Hodgson, K.J., Mattos, M.A., Bohannon, W.T., Ramsey, D.E., McLafferty, R.B.: Adverse
consequences of internal iliac artery occlusion during endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms.
JVIR 2001;12(5):670-671.
Edelman, D.A, Mattos, M.A., Bouwman, D.L.: FLS skill retention (learning) in first year surgery residents.
J Surg Res 2010;158(2):315-316.
Mattos, M.A., Rits,Y., Rubin, J.R., Baigorri, B., Brown, O.W.: Venous Endovascular Simulation Training –
Initial Observations. JVS 2012;55(1):298.
Edelman, D.A., Mattos, M.A., Bouwman, D.L.: Value of Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery (FLS)
Training in a Fourth-Year Medical School Advanced Surgical Skills Elective. J Surg Res 2012;172(2):190.
Roeter, D., Mattos M.A., Edelman, D., Bouwman, D., Forry, C., Triest, J.. Fundamentals of Laparoscopic
Surgery Training in Urology Residents: Performance, Retention, and Comparison to Untrained Residents.
J. Urology 2013;189(4S):e363.
Steffes, C., Mattos, M.A.: Faculty Led Senior Medical Student Skills Course Effectively Prepares Students
for Surgery Residency. Accepted October 13, 2013 to the 9th Annual Academic Surgical Congress,
February 4-6, 2014, San Diego, CA.
Curriculum Vitae
Mark A. Mattos, M.D.
Invited and/or refereed international or national meetings:
Mattos, M.A.: Is Duplex Follow-Up Cost-Effective In The First Year After Carotid Endarterectomy?
Presented at the 6th Annual Meeting for the Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery, April 6, 1988, Maui,
Mattos, M.A.: Recurrent Carotid Stenosis and Duplex Scanning: Is It Cost Effective In The First
Postoperative Year? Presented at the Iowa Academy of Surgery Annual Spring Meeting, June 10, 1988,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Mattos, M.A.: Color Flow Duplex Scanning for the Surveillance and Diagnosis of Acute Deep Venous
Thrombosis. Presented at 45th Annual Meeting of the Society for Vascular Surgery, June 5, 1991,
Boston, Massachusetts.
Mattos, M.A.: Accuracy of Color Flow Duplex Scanning In The Diagnosis of Acute Deep Venous
Thrombosis. Presented at the 41st Annual Meeting of the Illinois Chapter of American College of
Surgeons, June 7, 1991, Galena, Illinois.
Mattos, M.A.: Internal Carotid Artery Occlusion: Operative Risks and Long-Term Stroke Rates After
Contralateral Endarterectomy. Presented at the 49th Annual Meeting, Central Surgical Association, March
5, 1992, Madison, Wisconsin.
Mattos, M.A.: The Influence of Carotid Siphon Stenosis on Short and Long Term Outcome After Carotid
Endarterectomy: Fact Or Fiction? Presented at 42nd Annual Meeting of the Illinois Chapter of American
College of Surgeons, May 22, 1992, Peoria, Illinois.
Mattos, M.A.: Does Correction of Stenoses Identified by Color Duplex Scanning Improve Infrainguinal
Graft Patency? Presented at the 46th Annual Meeting of the Society for Vascular Surgery, June 8, 1992,
Chicago, Illinois.
Mattos, M.A.: Routine Surveillance After Carotid Endarterectomy: Does It Affect Clinical Management?
Presented to the 16th Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Vascular Surgical Society,
September 11, 1992, Cleveland, Ohio.
Mattos, M.A.: The Influence of Carotid Siphon Stenosis on Short and Long Term Outcome After Carotid
Endarterectomy: Fact Or Fiction? Presented to the 16th Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Vascular
Surgical Society, September 12, 1992, Cleveland, Ohio.
Mattos, M.A.: Diagnosis of Carotid Artery Disease with Color Duplex Scanning. Presented at Advances
in Chinese and American Medicine: Cardiovascular Sciences. November 6, 1992, Guangzhou, China.
Mattos, M.A.: Femoral-Tibial Bypass Grafts. Presented at Advances in Chinese and American Medicine:
Cardiovascular Sciences. November 6, 1992, Guangzhou, China.
Mattos, M.A.: Balloon Angioplasty and Laser-Assisted Balloon Angioplasty. Presented at Advances in
Chinese and American Medicine: Cardiovascular Sciences. November 6, 1992, Guangzhou, China.
Mattos, M.A.: Diagnosis of Carotid Artery Disease with Color Duplex Scanning. Presented at Advances in
Chinese and American Medicine: Exchange program, Fu Wai Cardiovascular Hospital. November 13,
1992, Beijing, China.
Mattos, M.A.: TIA's, Stroke-Carotid Artery Disease. Current Diagnosis and Management. Presented at
Radiology for the Clinician. An Update On Newer Imaging Modalities. November 13, 1993, Carbondale,
Mattos, M.A.: Carotid Endarterectomy without Angiography: Is Color-Flow Duplex Scanning Sufficient?
Presented to the 51st Annual Meeting of the Central Surgical Association,
Curriculum Vitae
Mark A. Mattos, M.D.
March 5, 1994, Chicago, Illinois.
Mattos, M.A.: The Role of Color-Flow Duplex Scanning in the Selection Of Patients for Carotid
Endarterectomy. Presented at the 44th Annual Meeting of the Illinois Chapter of the American College of
Surgeons, April 15, 1994, Quincy, Illinois.
Mattos, M.A.: Evolution of Carotid Endarterectomy In Two Community Hospitals: Springfield Revisited 17 Years And 2300 Operations Later. Presented at the 18th Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Vascular
Surgery Society, September 23-24, 1994, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Mattos, M.A.: Benefits of Carotid Endarterectomy Opposite an Occluded Internal Carotid Artery: A MetaAnalysis. Presented at the 18th Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Vascular Surgery Society, September
23-24, 1994, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Mattos, M.A.: The Clinical Implications of the Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Carotid Trials: “Who,
When, Where (And By Whom?)” Presented at the 45th Annual Meeting of the Illinois Chapter of the
American College of Surgeons, April 21,1995, Peoria, Illinois.
Mattos, M.A.: Natural History of Transient Ischemic Attacks Following Carotid Endarterectomy.
Presented at the 19th Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Vascular Surgery Society, September 22-23,
1995, Chicago, Illinois.
Mattos, M.A.: Clinical Evaluation of the Patient with Peripheral Vascular Disease and Deep Venous
Thrombosis. November 9, 1995. Presented at Medicine for Today. Illinois Academy of Medicine and
Family Practice, Springfield, Illinois.
Mattos, M.A.: Vascular Disease and Diabetes. Presented at the Southern Illinois University School of
Medicine, Third Annual Diabetes Symposium: The Chronic Complications of Diabetes, February 10, 1996,
Bloomington, Illinois.
Mattos, M.A.: The Incidence and Distribution of Calf Vein Thrombosis in Patients with Symptomatic Deep
Venous Thrombosis: A Color-Flow Duplex Study. Presented at the 8th Annual Meeting of the American
Venous Forum, February 24, 1996, San Diego, California.
Mattos, M.A.: Evaluation and Revascularization of Lower Extremity Ulcers. Presented at The Clinical
Management of Problem Wounds Symposium, March 1, 1996, Springfield, Illinois.
Mattos, M.A.: Endovascular Therapy: A Survey of The Society For Clinical Vascular Surgery. Presented
at the Endovascular Symposium - Basics of Endovascular Management of Peripheral Vascular Disease.
(Sponsored by the Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery), March 20, 1996, Rancho Mirage, California.
Mattos, M.A.: Guidewires. Presented at the Endovascular Symposium - Basics of Endovascular
Management of Peripheral Vascular Disease (Sponsored by the Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery),
March 20, 1996, Rancho Mirage, California.
Mattos, M.A.: Thrombolytic Therapy. Presented at the Endovascular Symposium - Basics of
Endovascular Management of Peripheral Vascular Disease (Sponsored by the Society for Clinical
Vascular Surgery), March 20, 1996, Rancho Mirage, California.
Mattos, M.A.: Endovascular Case Presentations: Presented at the ISCVS/SVS Endovascular Surgery
Workshop. June 7, 1996, Chicago, Illinois.
Mattos, M.A.: Infrainguinal Graft Surveillance. Presented at the Greater Kansas City Society of
Ultrasonographers Fall Symposium, August 17, 1996, Kansas City, Kansas.
Mattos, M.A.: Dialysis Access Graft Surveillance. Presented at the Greater Kansas City Society of
Ultrasonographers Fall Symposium, August 17, 1996, Kansas City, Kansas.
Curriculum Vitae
Mark A. Mattos, M.D.
Mattos, M.A.: Correlation of Early Angiographic Success and Hemodynamic Changes on Long-Term
Success Rates after Balloon Angioplasty of the Femoral-Popliteal Artery. Presented at the 10th Annual
Meeting of the European Society for Vascular Surgery, September 13, 1996, Venice, Italy.
Mattos, M.A.: The Influence of Various Endovascular Reporting Standards on Short and Long-Term
Success Rates: A Femoropopliteal Balloon Angioplasty Study. Presented at the 20th Annual Meeting of
the Midwestern Vascular Surgical Society, September 28, 1996, St. Louis, Missouri.
Mattos, M.A.: Guidewires. Presented at the J&J/Cordis Palmaz Iliac Stent Course and 7th Annual Winter
meeting of the Peripheral Vascular Surgery Society, January 17, 1997, Breckenridge, Colorado.
Mattos, M.A.: Diagnostic and Guiding Catheters. Presented at the J&J/Cordis Palmaz Iliac Stent Course
and 7th Annual Winter Meeting of the Peripheral Vascular Surgery Society, January 17, 1997,
Breckenridge, Colorado.
Mattos, M.A.: Iliac Artery Stenting. Presented at the J&J/Cordis Palmaz Iliac Stent Course and 7th Annual
Winter Meeting of the Peripheral Vascular Surgery Society, January 17, 1997, Breckenridge, Colorado.
Mattos, M.A.: Carotid Endarterectomy Based on Ultrasound Alone. Presented at the 6th Annual
University of Washington Symposium, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Approaches to Vascular Disease.
Kauai, Hawaii,
Mattos, M.A.: Vein Graft Surveillance - The Springfield Experience. Presented at the 6th Annual
University of Washington Symposium, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Approaches to Vascular Disease.
January 28, 1997, Kauai, Hawaii.
Mattos, M.A.: Endovascular Surgery and the Vascular Surgeon: Training, Credentialing, and Education
for the 21st Century. Presented at the Greater Cincinnatti Vascular Society Spring Meeting, April 16,
1997, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Mattos, M.A.: Endovascular Surgery in the United States: Training, Credentialing, and Education in 1997.
Presented at the III Curso Internacional Teorico - Practico de Cirugia Endovascular (“3rd International
Course on the Treatment and Practice of Endovascular Surgery”). June 19-21, 1997, Guadalajara,
Mattos, M.A.: Endovascular Treatment of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms: A Modular Stent-Graft
Approach. Presented at the III Curso Internacional Teorico - Practico de Cirugia Endovascular (“3rd
International Course on the Treatment and Practice of Endovascular Surgery”). June 19-21,1997,
Guadalajara, Mexico.
Mattos, M.A.: The Influence of Endovascular Reporting Standards on Short and Long-Term Success
Rates. Presented at the III Curso Internacional Teorico - Practico de Cirugia Endovascular (“ 3rd
International Course on the Treatment and Practice of Endovascular Surgery”). June 19-21, 1997,
Guadalajara, Mexico.
Mattos, M.A.: The Influence of Diabetes Mellitus on Short and Long-Term Outcome After Carotid
Endarterectomy. Presented at the 57th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions of the American
Diabetes Association. June 23, 1997, Boston, Massachusetts.
Mattos, M.A.: Diagnostic Studies: Cerebrovascular Disease, Symposium IV. Presented at the
International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery, 23rd World Congress. September 24, 1997, London,
Mattos, M.A.: Endovascular Credentialing, Training, and Education for the Vascular Surgeon in the 21st
Century. Presented at the Allegheny Vascular Surgery Society Meeting, January 26, 1998, Pittsburg,
Curriculum Vitae
Mark A. Mattos, M.D.
Mattos, M.A.: Stents, Angioplasty, and Endarterectomy for the Prevention of Stroke. Presented at the
Southern Illinois University School of Medicine 16th Annual Neurology Symposium - Advances in
Therapeutics - 1998. March 27, 1998, Springfield, Illinois.
Mattos, M.A.: Should endovascular techniques be used to treat small abdominal aortic aneurysms?
Stanford University Medical Center 4th Annual Endovascular Interventional Techniques “Hands On”
Workshop. April 18, 1998, Palo Alto, California.
Mattos, M.A.: Appropriate indications for colour-flow duplex scanning for lower extremity deep venous
thrombosis. Presented at the ISCVS 16th Annual Scientific Meeting on Vascular Disease, Australian and
New Zealand Chapter of the International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery. October 10, 1998, Gold
Coast, Queensland, Australia.
Mattos, M.A.: Duplex for the diagnosis of carotid disease: Accuracy, criteria and protocols for
investigation. Presented at the ISCVS 16th Annual Scientific Meeting on Vascular Disease, Australian
and New Zealand Chapter of the International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery. October 11, 1998,
Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.
Mattos, M.A.: Stenosis, string signs and siphon disease: The natural history of carotid disease as a basis
for therapeutic recommendations. Presented at the ISCVS 16th Annual Scientific Meeting on Vascular
Disease, Australian and New Zealand Chapter of the International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery.
October 13, 1998, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.
Mattos, M.A.: Is CEA as safe as the major trials indicate? Community data from Illinois. Presented at the
ISCVS 16th Annual Scientific Meeting on Vascular Disease, Australian and New Zealand Chapter of the
International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery. October 13, 1998, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.
Mattos, M.A.: Endovascular training, teaching, and credentialing issues for vascular surgeons in the 21st
century. Presented at the ISCVS 16th Annual Scientific Meeting on Vascular Disease, Australian and
New Zealand Chapter of the International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery. October 13, 1998, Gold
Coast, Queensland, Australia.
Mattos, M.A.: Current status of renal artery duplex scanning. Presented at the South Australian Section
of Vascular Surgery, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons. October 17, 1998, Adelaide, South
Australia, Australia.
Mattos, M.A.: Vein mapping for Infrainguinal bypasses. Presented at the Northwestern University Medical
School, Vascular Surgery Symposium: Practical Vascular Surgery. December 10, 1998, Chicago, Illinois.
Mattos, M.A.: Renal Artery Angioplasty and Stenting. Presented at the Society for Clinical Vascular
Surgery, 27th Annual Symposium on Vascular Surgery: Symposium on Endovascular Therapy &
Endoscopic Venous Surgery. March 24-25, 1999, Orlando, Florida.
Mattos, M.A.: Accuracy of Color-Flow Duplex for the Detection of Restenosis Following Carotid
Endarterectomy. Presented at the 24th World Congress, International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery,
September 12-16, 1999, Melbourne, Australia.
Mattos, M.A.: Training of vascular fellows and academic junior faculty in endoluminal procedures by
vascular surgeons in an academic institution. Presented at the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Midwestern
Vascular Surgery Society, September 24-25, 1999, Chicago, Illinois.
Mattos, M.A.: Prospective validation of the SVS/ISCVS risk factor assessment score and clinical criteria
for the diagnosis of acute deep venous thrombosis. Presented at the 12th Annual Meeting of the American
Venous Forum, February 3-6, 2000, Phoenix, Arizona.
Mattos, M.A..: The management of renal artery lesions with angioplasty and stenting: Are they durable
and what is the best technique to do it? Presented at the Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery, 28th
Annual Symposium on Vascular Surgery: Endovascular therapy and endoscopic vascular surgery
workshop. March 15-17, 2000, Rancho Mirage, California.
Curriculum Vitae
Mark A. Mattos, M.D.
Mattos, M.A.: Peripheral Arterial Stents. Presented at Endovascular Surgery 2000, Southwestern Center
for Minimally Invasive Surgery. April 14-15, 2000, Dallas, Texas.
Mattos, M.A.: Gaining access in hostile situations: It pays to know your options. Presented at the 2000
NA-ISCVS/SVS Postgraduate Course I, Endovascular Surgery Symposium 2000. June 10, 2000,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Mattos, M.A.: Detection of thrombosis with color-flow duplex scanning. Presented at the 3rd Biannual
Meeting, Chicago Vascular Forum – Advanced topics in vascular disease and ultrasound. August 24-26,
2000, Chicago, Illinois.
Mattos, M.A.: Endovascular treatment of aneurysmal disease. Presented at the 3rd Biannual Meeting,
Chicago Vascular Forum – Advanced topics in vascular disease and ultrasound. August 24-26, 2000.
Mattos, M.A.: Endovascular training of vascular surgery fellows, academic faculty, and vascular surgeons
in the new millennium. Presented at the Annual Fall Meeting of Chesapeake Vascular Society.
September 12, 2000.
Mattos, M.A.: Impact of an academic surgical-based endovascular training program on the operative
surgical experience of general surgery residents and vascular surgery fellows. Presented at the
Association of Program Directors in Vascular Surgery 2000 Fall Meeting, October 22, 2000, Chicago,
Mattos, M.A..: Selecting the best diagnostic tests for vascular problems: Symptomatic Carotid Stenosis.
Presented at the 86th Annual Clinical Congress of the American College of Surgeons, October 26, 2000,
Chicago, Illinois.
Mattos, M.A.: Endovascular Training Challenges and Opportunities. Presented at the 24th Annual
Meeting of the Midwestern Vascular Surgical Society, Panel Discussion – Endovascular Surgery – Current
Issues, November 8, 2000, Scottsdale, Arizona.
Mattos, M.A.: Impact of an academic surgical-based endovascular training program on the operative
surgical experience of general surgery residents and vascular surgery fellows. Presented at the 24th
Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Vascular Surgical Society, November 8, 2000, Scottsdale, Arizona.
Mattos, M.A.: Cerebral salvage using TPA thrombolysis following acute embolization after carotid
stenting. Presented at the 10th Anniversary Meeting International Endovascular Symposium 2000,
December 7-9, 2000, Sydney, Australia.
Mattos, M.A.: Correlation of early angiographic success and hemodynamic changes on long-term
success rates after balloon angioplasty and stenting of the femoro-popliteal artery. Presented at the 10th
Anniversary Meeting International Endovascular Symposium 2000, December 7-9, 2000, Sydney,
Mattos, M.A.: Carotid endarterectomy in Women: Challenging the results from NASCET and ACAS.
Presented at the 121st Annual Meeting of American Surgical Association, April 26-28, 2001, Colorado
Springs, Colorado.
Mattos, M.A.: How and why you should be performing diagnostic angiography. Presented at the 2001
SVS/AAVS Postgraduate Course I – Endovascular Surgery Symposium. June 9, 2001, Baltimore,
Mattos, M.A., McLafferty, R.B., Karch, L.A., Bohannon, W.T., Ramsey, D.E., Hodgson, K.J.: A
prospective comparison of the diagnosis, prevalence, and distribution of acute deep venous thrombosis in
outpatients and inpatients. Presented at the 25th World Congress, International Society of Cardiovascular
Surgery, September 9-13, 2001, Cancun, Mexico.
Curriculum Vitae
Mark A. Mattos, M.D.
Mattos, M.A., Jackson A., Markwell, S.J., McLafferty, R.B., Karch, L.A., Ramsey, D.E., Hodgson, K.J.:
The natural history of mild (16% to 49%) internal carotid artery stenosis in symptomatic, nonhemispheric,
and asymptomatic patients. Presented at the 25th Annual Meeting of Midwestern Vascular Surgical
Society, September 21-22, 2001, Chicago, Illinois.
Mattos, M.A.: Endovascular stenting for major vascular repair. Presented at the 2002 Annual Spring
Meeting of the Washington State Society of Anesthesiologists, April 6, 2002, Seattle, Washington.
Mattos, M.A.: Credentialing in endovascular surgery for the vascular surgeon. Presented at the 2002
Annual Spring Meeting of the Puget Sound Vascular Surgery. May 7, 2002, Seattle, Washington.
Mattos, M.A.: Small Aortic Aneurysms – Is earlier intervention justified?. Presented at the 5th International
Congress of the Asian Vascular Society. May 24, 2002, Singapore, Singapore.
Mattos, M.A.: Carotid Revascularization: Is surgery still the gold standard? Presented at the 5th
International Congress of the Asian Vascular Society. May 24, 2002, Singapore, Singapore.
Mattos, M.A.: Models for closer collaboration between interventional radiologists and vascular surgeons.
Presented at the 5th International Congress of the Asian Vascular Society. May 26, 2002, Sinapore,
Mattos, M.A.: Carotid Revascularization: Is surgery still the gold standard? Presented at A Symposium
on Carotid Revascularization. May 27, 2002, Manila, Phillipines.
Mattos, M.A.: Small Aortic Aneurysms – Is earlier intervention justified? Presented at A Symposium on
Carotid Revascularization. May 27, 2002, Manila, Phillipines.
Mattos, M.A.: Carotid Stenting: Coming from a vascular interventionalist near you. Presented at the 17th
Annual Conference for Vascular Diagnostic Ultrasound, September 28-29, 2002, Portland, Orgeon.
Mattos, M.A.: Debate: Endovascular management is the future of carotid therapy – Pro. Presented at the
9th University of Washington Symposium on Diagnostic and Therapeutic Approaches to Vascular Disease.
January 13, 2003, Maui, Hawaii.
Mattos, M.A..: The role of IVUS in the evaluation of AAA for endovascular repair. Presented at the 9th
University of Washington Symposium on Diagnostic and Therapeutic Approaches to Vascular Disease.
January 16, 2003, Maui, Hawaii.
Mattos, M.A..: Update on aortic stent graft devices and trials. Presented at the 9th University of
Washington Symposium on Diagnostic and Therapeutic Approaches to Vascular Disease. January 16,
2003, Maui, Hawaii.
Mattos, M.A..: Starting an endovascular program: Are you ready? Presented at the 9th University of
Washington Symposium on Diagnostic and Therapeutic Approaches to Vascular Disease. January 16,
2003, Maui, Hawaii.
Mattos, M.A.: Management of chronic venous obstruction. Presented at the International Congress XVIEndovascular Interventions. February 12, 2003, Phoenix, Arizona.
Mattos, M.A.: “Endovascular management of deep venous thrombosis. Presented at the GenentechVascular Surgeons Advisory Board Meeting. May 17,2003, Santa Monica, Calfiornia.
Mattos, M.A.: How to get trained well for carotid stenting. Presented at the 30th Veith Symposium:
Vascular and Endovascular Issues, Techniques, Horizons. November 23, 2003, New York, New York.
Mattos, M.A.: Is aggressive screening for renal artery disease appropriate? Presented at the 29th Annual
Meeting Midwestern Vascular Surgical Society Meeting - Endovascular and New Technologies for Chronic
Peripheral Arterial Disease. September 16, 2005, Chicago, Illinois.
Curriculum Vitae
Mark A. Mattos, M.D.
Mattos, M.A.: Direct Noninvasive Test (Duplex Scans) for the Evaluation of Chronic Venous Obstruction
and Valvular Incompetence. Presented at the Pacific Vascular V – Mapping the Future of Venous
Disease. An International Summit. January 20, 2006, Hawai’i, Hawaii.
Mattos, M.A.: Educational Challenges for Vascular Surgery Training Programs: An Initial Proposal for a
Skills Module-based Open Vascular and Endovascular Surgical Skills Curriculum. Presented at the 32nd
Annual Meeting Midwestern Vascular Surgical Society. September 11, 2008, Madison, Wisconsin.
Mattos, M.A.: Performance (Learning) Curves and Other Observations in a Structured High-Volume
Endovascular Simulation Training Program. Presented at the 34th Annual Meeting Midwestern Vascular
Surgical Society. September 9, 2010, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Mattos, M.A.: Venous Endovascular Simulation Training – Initial Observations. Presented at the 24th
Annual Meeting American Venous Forum. February 8, 2012, Orlando, Florida.
Mattos, M.A.: Current Vascular Surgery Surgical Skills and Simulation Training Experience-Wayne State
University Experience. Presented at the 2013 Vascular Surgery Simulation Summit (VS3), Association of
Program Directors in Vascular Surgery (APDVS) Meeting. March 22, 2013, Rosemont, Illinois.
Mattos, M.A.: Curriculum Design and Development; Assessment Instruments and Metrics-Wayne State
University Experience. Presented at the 2013 Vascular Surgery Simulation Summit (VS3), Association of
Program Directors in Vascular Surgery (APDVS) Meeting. March 22, 2013, Rosemont, Illinois.
Mattos, M.A.: Venography is an Important Tool in Modern Vein Practice. Presented at the 4th Annual
Venous Symposium. April 11, 2013, New York, New York.
Mattos, M.A.: Performance and Discussion of Live Simulation – Inferior Vena Cavagraphy and Inferior
Vena Cava Filter Placement. Presented at the 4th Annual Venous Symposium. April 11, 2013, New York,
New York.
Mattos, M.A.: The Hemodynamic Basis of Diagnostic Tests in Chronic Venous Disease. Presented at the
XVII World Meeting of the International Union of Phlebology. September 10, 2013, Boston,
Invited and/or Refereed local/regional meetings:
Recurrent Carotid Stenosis. Neurology Clinical Conference, March, 1988, University of Iowa
Hospitals and Clinics, Iowa City, Iowa.
Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome, January 16, 1989, General Surgery Grand Rounds
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Iowa City, Iowa.
Special Problems in Cerebrovascular Surgery, June 17, 1989, General Surgery Grand Rounds
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Iowa City, Iowa.
Fibromuscular Dysplasia of the Carotid Artery. January 19, 1991, General Surgery Grand
Rounds, Southern Illinois University, Springfield, Illinois.
Color Flow Duplex Scanning for the Surveillance and Diagnosis of Acute Deep
Venous Thrombosis. May 18, 1991, General Surgery Grand Rounds, Southern Illinois
University, Springfield, Illinois.
Carotid Endarterectomy: Operative Risks, Recurrent Stenosis, and Long Term Stroke Rates in a Modern
Series. November 16, 1991, General Surgery Grand Rounds, Southern Illinois University, Springfield,
Curriculum Vitae
Mark A. Mattos, M.D.
Carotid Endarterectomy: The Southern Illinois University Experience, 1976-1991. December 17, 1991,
Neurology and Neurosurgery Grand Rounds, Southern Illinois University, Springfield, Illinois.
Deep venous thrombosis and color flow Doppler. March 16, 1992, Vascular Surgery Conference,
Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois.
Recurrent Carotid Stenosis: Long-term results following carotid endarterectomy. September
1992, General Surgery Grand Rounds, Southern Illinois University, Springfield, Illinois.
Carotid body tumors. October 16, 1993. General Surgery Grand Rounds, Southern Illinois University,
The role of color-flow duplex scanning in the selection of patients for carotid endarterectomy. March 12,
1994. General Surgery Grand Rounds, Southern Illinois University, Springfield,Illinois.
Peripheral Arterial Disease and Disability. June 3, 1996. National Association of Disability Examiners,
Great Lakes/Great Plains Bi-Regional Conference. Springfield, Illinois.
Current Evaluation and Treatment of Carotid Artery Disease. September 16, 1997. Internal Medicine
Grand Rounds, Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Springfield, Illinois.
Obtaining Vascular Access. November 3, 1997. Basics of Endovascular Surgery: Principles and
Techniques. Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Springfield, Illinois (Sponsored by
Educational Design and Meadox Medical).
Diagnostic Catheters and Guidewires. November 3, 1997. Basics of Endovascular Surgery: Principles
and Techniques. Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Springfield, Illinois (Sponsored by
Educational Design and Meadox Medical).
Thrombolysis Equipment and Techniques. November 4, 1997. Basics of Endovascular Surgery:
Principles and Techniques. Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Springfield, Illinois
(Sponsored by Educational Design and Meadox Medical).
Endovascular Procedure Reimbursement. November 4, 1997. Basics of Endovascular Surgery:
Principles and Techniques. Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Springfield, Illinois
(Sponsored by Educational Design and Meadox Medical).
Assessment of Results and Endovascular Reporting Standards. November 5, 1997. Basics of
Endovascular Surgery: Principles and Techniques. Southern Illinois University School of Medicine,
Springfield, Illinois (Sponsored by Educational Design and Meadox Medical).
Obtaining Vascular Access. January 20, 1998. Basics of Endovascular Surgery: Principles and
Techniques. Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Springfield, Illinois (Sponsored by
Educational Design and Meadox Medical).
Diagnostic Catheters and Guidewires. January 20, 1998. Basics of Endovascular Surgery: Principles and
Techniques. Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Sprinfield, Illinois (Sponsored by Educational
Design and Meadox Medical).
Thrombolysis Equipment and Techniques. January 21, 1998. Basics of Endovascular Surgery: Principles
and Techniques. Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Springfield, Illinois (Sponsored by
Education Design and Meadox Medical).
Endovascular Procedure Reimbursement. January 22, 1998. Basics of Endovascular Surgery: Principles
and Techniques. Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Springfield, llinois (Sponsored by
Educational Design and Meadox Medical).
Curriculum Vitae
Mark A. Mattos, M.D.
Assessment of Results and Endovascular Reporting Standards. January 22, 1998. Basics of
Endovascular Surgery: Principles and Techniques. Southern Illinois University School of Medicine,
Springfield, Illinois (Sponsored by Educational Design and Meadox Medical).
Lower Extremity Vein Graft Surveillance. January 28, 1998. Department of Surgery Grand Rounds,
Western Pennsylvania Hospital, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Obtaining Vascular Access, Guidewires, Diagnostic and Guiding Catheters. May 18, 1998. Basics of
Endovascular Surgery: Principles and Techniques. Southern Illinois University School of Medicine,
Springfield, Illinois (Sponsored by Educational Design and Meadox Medical).
Thrombolysis Equipment and Techniques. May 19, 1998. Basics of Endovascular Surgery: Principles
and Techniques. Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Springfield, Illinois (Sponsored by
Educational Design and Meadox Medical).
Assessment of Results and Endovascular Reporting Standards. May 19, 1998. Basics of Endovascular
Surgery: Principles and Techniques. Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Springfield, Illinois
(Sponsored by Educational Design and Meadox Medical).
Endovascular Procedure Reimbursement. Application of Clinical Skills to Practice. May 20, 1998. Basics
of Endovascular Surgery: Principles and Techniques. Southern Illinois University School of Medicine,
Springfield, Illinois (Sponsored by Educational Design and Meadox Medical).
Surgical Management of Small Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms. June 27, 1998. General Surgery Grand
Rounds, Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Springfield, Illinois.
Vascular Access, Guidewires, and Diagnostic Catheters. August 24, 1998. Basics of Endovascular
Surgery: Principles and Techniques. Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Springfield, Illinois
(Sponsored by Educational Design).
Thrombolysis Equipment and Techniques. August 25, 1998. Basics of Endovascular Surgery: Principles
and Techniques. Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Springfield, Illinois (Sponsored by
Educational Design).
Assessment of Results and Endovascular Reporting Standards. August 26, 1998. Basics of
Endovascular Surgery: Principles and Techniques. Southern Illinois University School of Medicine,
Springfield, Illinois (Sponsored by Educational Design).
Endovascular Coding and Billing for Reimbursement. August 26, 1998. Basics of Endovascular Surgery:
Principles and Techniques. Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Springfield, Illinois
(Sponsored by Educational Design).
Vascular Access, Guidewires, and Diagnostic Catheters. December 1, 1998. Basics of Endovascular
Surgery: Principles and Techniques. Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Springfield, Illinois
(Sponsored by Educational Design).
Thrombolysis Equipment and Techniques. December 2, 1998. Basics of Endovascular Surgery:
Principles and Techniques. Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Springfield, Illinois.
(Sponsored by Educational Design).
Endovascular Coding and Billing for Reimbursement. December 2, 1998. Basics of Endovascular
Surgery: Principles and Techniques. Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Springfield, Illinois.
Assessment of Results and Endovascular Reporting Standards. December 3, 1998. Basics of
Endovascular Surgery: Principles and Techniques. Southern Illinois University School of Medicine,
Springfield, Illinois.
Surgical Treatment of Stroke. May 1, 1999. Stroke Awareness Program, Department of Neurology,
Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Springfield, Illinois.
Curriculum Vitae
Mark A. Mattos, M.D.
Carotid Artery Stenting: Separating Fact from Fiction. November 19, 1999, Department of Surgery Grand
Rounds, Boone County Memorial Hospital, Columbia, Missouri.
Carotid Artery Disease. July 21, 2000, Emergency Medicine Series, Department of Internal Medicine,
Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Springfield, Illinois.
Diagnosis and Treatment of Deep Venous Thrombosis. August 16, 2000, Emergency Medicine Series,
Department of Internal Medicine, Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Springfield, Illinois.
Brain Attacks: Early diagnosis and treatment to prevent crippling strokes. August 28, 2000, Memorial
Medical Center “Gold Club Symposium”, Springfield, Illinois.
Current status of carotid artery stenting in the prevention of Stroke. October 28, 2000, Springfield Clinic
17th Annual CME Symposium, 2000 Update in Vascular Surgery, October 28, 2000, Springfield, Illinois.
Current status of carotid endarterectomy and carotid stenting. January 18, 2001, Department of Surgery
Grand Rounds, Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Springfield, Illinois.
Carotid Stenting vs. Carotid Endarterectomy: Why a randomized trial is needed! October 10, 2002,
Neurology Grand Rounds, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, Washington.
The Role of the Vascular Surgeon in Endovascular Surgery. November 13, 2002, Department of Surgery
Grand Rounds, University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, Galveston, Texas.
The Role of the Vascular Surgeon in Endovascular Surgery. November 16, 2002, Department of Surgery
Grand Rounds, Henry Ford Hospital Systems, Detroit, Michigan.
Case Presentation: Thrombolysis for Effort Vein Thrombosis. June 8, 2003, Genentech Wine Tasting
Scientific Social, 57th Annual Meeting for the Society for Vascular Surgery and 51st Scientific Meeting
American Association for Vascular Surgery, Chicago, Illinois.
Peripheral Vascular Disease Treatment - Part II. Diabetes – Wound Care and Surgical Complications .
September 24, 2005, Detroit Medical Center Podiatric Surgical Program Annual Seminar, Detroit,
New Innovative Endovascular Approaches to Aneurysmal Disease. November 9, 2005, Surgery Grand
Rounds, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit Michigan.
Endovascular Repair of Thoracic and Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms. November 30, 2005, Anesthesia
Grand Rounds, Wayne State University/Detroit Medical Center, Detroit, Michigan
Vascular Surgery Emergencies: Part I – Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms. December 1, 2006, Emergency
Medicine Grand Rounds, Wayne State University/Detroit Receiving Hospital, Detroit, Michigan.
Common, Uncommon, Controversial, and Research-based approaches to the Management of Carotid
Artery Disease. February 3, 2006, Department of Neurology Grand Rounds, Wayne State
University/Detroit Medical Center, Detroit, Michigan.
Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease: Evaluation and Management Principles. February 21, 2006,
Ambulatory Medicine Grand Rounds, Wayne State University/Detroit Medical Center, Detroit, Michigan
Clinical Challenges of Endovascular Procedures. March 24, 2007, Wayne State University Nurse
Anesthesia Graduating Class 2007, 25th Annual Anesthesia Seminar, Dearborn, Michigan.
Arterial and Venous Anatomy, Venous Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism. Angiotech Interventional
Training Course, October 14, 2010, Chicago, Illinois
Curriculum Vitae
Mark A. Mattos, M.D.
Incorporation of Endovascular Simulation Training into an Accredited Vascular Surgery Fellowship.
October 14, 2010, 5th Annual David Fromm Research and Wayne State Surgical Alumni Day, Detroit,
Score Curriculum – Vascular: Venous Disease. August 3, 2011, Surgery Grand Rounds, Wayne State
University School of Medicine, Detroit Michigan.
Score Curriculum – Vascular: Arterial Disease. August 17, 2011, Surgery Grand Rounds, Wayne State
University School of Medicine, Detroit Michigan.
Endovascular Simulation Training and The Venous System - Initial Observations. October 6, 2011, 6th
Annual David Fromm Research and Wayne State Surgical Alumni Day, Detroit, Michigan.
Simulation Training for Inferior Vena Cava Filter Placement. Fellows’ Course in Venous Disease
(Sponsored by the American Venous Forum). December 2, 2011, University of California at Los Angeles,
Los Angeles, California.
Arterial Access. April 20, 2012, Endovascular Solutions to Complex Vascular Injuries, William Beaumont
Hospital. Royal Oak, Michigan.
Simulation Training for Inferior Vena Cava Filter Placement. Fellows’ Course in Venous Disease
(Sponsored by the American Venous Forum). May 6, 2011, Englewood Hospital, Englewood, New Jersey
Retention and Comparison of Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery Skills in Urology Residents
Following PGY-1 Training. October 11, 2012, 7th Annual David Fromm Research and Wayne State
Surgical Alumni Day, Detroit, Michigan.
Invited guest Lecturer:
Advances in Chinese and American Medicine:Cardiovascular Sciences. Sun Yat-Sen University of
Medical Sciences. November 5-6, 1992, Guangzhou, China.
Advances in Chinese and American Medicine:Exchange Program. Fu Wai Hospital, Chinese Academy of
Medical Sciences. February 13, 1992, Beijing, China.
Radiology for the Clinician:An update on Newer Imaging Modalities. November 13, 1993, Carbondale,
Medicine for Today:Illinois Academy of Medicine and Family Practice. November 9, 1995, Springfield,
3rd Annual Diabetes Symposium:The Chronic Complications of Diabetes (Sponsored by the Southern
Illinois University School of Medicine). February 10, 1996, Bloomington, Illinois.
Clinical Management of Problem Wounds Symposium (Sponsored by the Southern Illinois University
School of Medicine). March 1, 1996, Springfield, Illinois.
Endovascular Symposium: Basics of Endovascular Management of Peripheral Vascular Disease
(Sponsored by the Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery). March 20, 1996, Rancho Mirage, California.
SVS/ISCVS Endovascular Surgery Workshop: Endovascular Case Presentations. June 7, 1996,
Chicago, Illinois.
Greater Kansas City Society of Ultrasonographers Fall Symposium:Graft Surveillance. August 17, 1996,
Kansas City, Kansas.
Curriculum Vitae
Mark A. Mattos, M.D.
7th Annual Winter Meeting Peripheral Vascular Surgery Society:Palmaz Iliac Stent Course. January 17,
1997, Breckenridge, Colorado.
6th Annual University of Washington Symposium:Diagnostic and Therapeutic Approaches to Vascular
Disease. January 26-31, 1997, Kauai, Hawaii.
Visiting Professor, Greater Cincinnati Vascular Society Spring Meeting. April 16, 1997, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Visiting Professor, III Curso Internacional Teorico - Practico de Cirugia Endovascular
“3rd International Course on the Treatment and Practice of Endovascular Surgery”. June 19-21, 1997,
Guadalajara, Mexico.
23rd World Congress, International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery: Diagnostic Studies:
Cerebrovascular Disease, Symposium IV. September 21-26, 1997, London, England.
Basics of Endovascular Surgery: Principles and Techniques. November 3-5, 1997, Springfield, Illinois.
Basics of Endovascular Surgery: Principles and Techniques. January 20-22, 1998, Springfield, Illinois.
Visiting Professor, Allegheny Vascular Surgery Society Meeting. January 26, 1998, Pittsburgh,
Visiting Professor, Department of Surgery, Western Pennsylvania Hospital. January 28, 1998,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
16th Annual Neurology Symposium: Advances in Therapeutics. Southern Illinois University School of
Medicine. March 27, 1998, Springfield, Illinois.
Stanford University Medical Center 4th Annual Endovascular Interventional Techniques” Hands On”
Workshop. April 17-18, 1998, Palo Alto, California.
Basics of Endovascular Surgery: Principles and Techniques. May 18-20, 1998, Springfield, Illinois.
Basics of Endovascular Surgery: Principles and Techniques. August 24-26, 1998, Springfield, Illinois.
Gore Visiting Professor, ISCVS 16th Annual Scientific Meeting on Vascular Disease: Australian and New
Zealand Chapter of the International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery. October 10-13, 1998, Gold
Coast, Queensland Australia.
Visiting Professor, South Australian Section of Vascular Surgery, Royal Australasian College of
Surgeons: Imaging in Vascular Surgery. October 17, 1998, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia.
Northwestern University Medical School, Vascular Surgery Symposium: Practical Vascular Surgery.
December 10-12, 1998, Chicago, Illinois.
Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery, 27th Annual Symposium on Vascular Surgery: Symposium on
Endovascular Therapy & Endoscopic Venous Surgery. March 24-25, 1999, Lake Buena Vista, Florida.
Stroke Awareness Program, Sponsored by the Department of Neurology, Southern Illinois University
School of Medicine, May 1,1999, Springfield, Illinois.
23rd Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Vascular Surgery Society: The Training of Vascular Surgeons in
an Era of Endoluminal Procedures. September 24, 1999, Chicago, Illinois.
Visiting Professor, Department of Surgery, Boone County Memorial Hospital, November 19, 1999,
Columbia, Missouri.
Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery, 28th Annual Symposium on Vascular Surgery: Endovascular
Therapy and Endoscopic Vascular Surgery Workshop. March 15-17, 2000, Rancho Mirage, California.
Curriculum Vitae
Mark A. Mattos, M.D.
Endovascular Surgery 2000, Southwestern Center for Minimally Invasive Surgery. April 14-15, 2000,
Dallas, Texas.
2000 NA-ISCVS/SVS Postgraduate Course I – Endovascular Surgery Symposium 2000. June 10, 2000,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Chicago Vascular Forum, Advanced Topics in Vascular Disease and Ultrasound. August 24-26, 2000,
Chicago, Illinois.
Visiting Professor, Chesapeake Vascular Society, September 12, 2000, Baltimore, Maryland.
Visiting Professor, University of Maryland, Division of Vascular Surgery, September 12, 2000, Baltimore,
Association of Program Directors in Vascular Surgery 2000 Fall Meeting, October 22, 2000, Chicago,
86th Annual Clinical Congress of the American College of Surgeons, October 22-27, 2000, Chicago,
Springfield Clinic, 17th Annual CME Symposium, 2000 Update in Vascular Surgery, October 28, 2000,
Springfield, Illinois.
24th Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Vascular Surgical Society, Endovascular Surgery – Current
Issues, November 6-8, 2000, Scottsdale, Arizona.
10th Anniversary Meeting International Endovascular Symposium 2000, December 7-9, 2000, Sydney,
2001 SVS/AAVS Postgraduate Course I – Endovascular Surgery Symposium. June 9, 2001, Baltimore,
Annual Spring Meeting of the Washington State Society of Anesthesiologists. April 6, 2002, Seattle,
Annual Spring Meeting Puget Sound Vascular Surgery. May 7, 2002, Seattle, Washington.
5th International Congress of the Asian Vascular Society – Challenges in Vascular & Endovascular
Surgery. May 23-26, 2002, Singapore, Singapore.
Phillipine Association of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons, INC. – A Symposium on Carotid
Revascularization. May 27, 2002, Manila, Phillipines.
17th Annual Conference for Vascular Diagnostic Ultrasound, September 28-29, 2002, Portland, Oregon.
Visiting Professor, University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston. November 13, 2002, Galveston,
Visiting Professor, Henry Ford Hospital Systems. November 16, 2002, Detroit, Michigan.
9th University of Washington Symposium on Diagnostic and Therapeutic Approaches to Vascular
Disease. January 13-17, 2003, Maui, Hawaii.
International Congress XVI-Endovascular Interventions. February 9-13, 2003, Phoenix, Arizona.
Genentech-Vascular Surgeons Advisory Board Meeting. May 15-17, 2003, Santa Monica, California.
Curriculum Vitae
Mark A. Mattos, M.D.
Genentech-Wine Tasting Scientific Social. SVS 57th Annual Meeting/AAVS 51st Scientific Meeting, June
8, 2003, Chicago, Illinois.
30th Veith Symposium: Vascular and Endovascular Issues, Techniques, Horizons. November 20-23,
2003, New York, New York.
29th Annual Meeting Midwestern Vascular Surgical Society Meeting - Endovascular and New
Technologies for Chronic Peripheral Arterial Disease. September 15-17, 2005, Chicago, Illinois.
Diabetes – Wound Care and Surgical Complications. Detroit Medical Center Podiatric Surgical Program
Annual Seminar. September 24, 2005, Detroit, Michigan.
Pacific Vascular V – Mapping the Future of Venous Disease. An International Summit. January 20,
2006, Hawai’i, Hawaii.
Wayne State University Nurse Anesthesia Graduating Class 2007, 25th Annual Anesthesia Seminar
Clinical Challenges of Endovascular Procedures. , March 24, 2007, Dearborn, Michigan.
Angiotech Interventional Training Course,Arterial and Venous Anatomy, Venous Thrombosis and
Pulmonary Embolism. October 14, 2010, Chicago, Illinois.
Argon Medical National Sales Meeting Training Course Simulation Training-Option IVC Filter Placement
and Retreival. , April 16, 2011, Dallas, Texas.
Vascular Insights, LLC, European Distributor Training Course. Mechanical and Chemical Ablation
(MOCA)-Everything I Need to Know about Great Saphenous Vein Ablation Using the ClariVein Catheter,
May 24-25, 2012, Englewood, New Jersey.
Michigan Vascular Center. Current Vascular Surgery Surgical Skills and Simulation Training, Curriculum
Design and Development, Assessment Instruments and Metrics-Wayne State University Experience,
March 25, 2013, Flint, Michigan.
XVII World Meeting of the International Union of Phlebology The Hemodynamic Basis of Diagnostic
Tests in Chronic Venous Disease, September 10, 2013, Boston, Massachusetts.
Henry Ford Hospital, Department of Vascular Surgery Tuesday Morning Conference. Introduction to
Endovascular Simulation Training, Henry Ford Department of Vascular Surgery Endovascular Simulation
Training Program, Diagnostic Aorta-Iliac-Femoral Artery Angiogram with Bilateral Lower Extremity
Runoff. September 3, 2013, Detroit, Michigan.
Henry Ford Hospital, Department of Vascular Surgery Tuesday Morning Conference. Diagnostic
Nonselective Abdominal Aortagram, Selective Bilateral Renal Artery Angiography. October 1, 2013,
Detroit, Michigan
Mentice, Inc., First Annual User Meeting. Utilization of Vascular Surgery Curriculum with Vascular
Surgery Fellows – Wayne State University Experience. October 3, 2013, Evanston, Illinois.
Invited Faculty Instructor:
Faculty Instructor at Stanford University Medical Center 2nd Annual Endovascular Interventional
Techniques “Hands-On” Workshop. April 11-12, 1996, Palo Alto, California.
Faculty Instructor at SVS/ISCVS Endovascular Surgery Workshop. June 7-8, 1996, Chicago, Illinois.
Clinical Instructor/Preceptor for placement of Palmaz stents. Johnson & Johnson/Cordis, 1996-1997.
Curriculum Vitae
Mark A. Mattos, M.D.
Faculty Instructor at Stanford University Medical Center 3rd Annual Endovascular Interventional
Techniques “Hands On” Workshop. April 11-12, 1997, Palo Alto, California.
Faculty Instructor at the Second Annual SVS/ISCVS Endovascular Surgery Workshop. June 4-6, 1997,
Boston, Massachusetts.
Faculty Instructor at lll Curso Internacional Teorico - Practico de Cirugia Endovascular, “3rd International
Course on the Treatment and Practice of Endovascular Surgery”. June 19-21, 1997, Guadalajara,
Faculty Instructor at Basics of Endovascular Surgery: Principles and Techniques. November 3-5, 1997,
Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Springfield, Illinois.
Faculty Instructor at Basics of Endovascular Surgery: Principles and Techniques. January 20-22, 1998,
Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Springfield, Illinois.
Faculty Instructor at Stanford University Medical Center 4th Annual Endovascular Interventional
Techniques “Hands On” Workshop. April 17-18, 1998, Palo Alto, California.
Faculty Instructor at Basics of Endovascular Surgery: Principles and Techniques. May 18-20, 1998,
Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Springfield, Illinois.
Faculty Instructor at Basics of Endovascular Surgery: Principles and Techniques. August 24-26, 1998,
Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Springfield, Illinois.
Faculty Instructor at 27th Annual Symposium on Vascular Surgery: Symposium on Endovascular Therapy
& Endoscopic Venous Surgery, March 24-25, 1999, Lake Buena Vista, Florida.
Faculty Instructor at the SVS/ISCVS 4th Annual Endovascular Surgery Workshop. June 9-11, 1999,
Washington, D.C.
Faculty Instructor at 28th Annual Symposium on Vascular Surgery: Endovascular Therapy and Endoscopic
Vascular Surgery Workshop. March 15-17, 2000, Rancho Mirage, California.
Faculty Instructor at Endovascular Surgery 2000, Southwestern Center for Minimally Invasive Surgery.
April 14-15, 2000, Dallas, Texas.
Faculty Instructor at Endovascular Surgery Symposium 2001: Mechanical Thrombectomy Devices. June
9, 2001, Baltimore, Maryland.
Faculty Teaching Proctor at W.L. Gore & Associates, Inc.. Excluder aortic endograft training course.
May 17, 2002, Phoenix, Arizona.
Faculty Instructor at Endovascular Workshop – Basic Endovascular Course, 5th International Congress of
the Asian Vascular Society – Challenges in Vascular & Endovascular Surgery. May 23, 2002, Singapore,
Faculty Oral Examiner – MS3 Surgical Clerkship Final Examination 2008-2012, Department of Surgery,
Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, Michigan.
Faculty Instructor/Speaker at the 2011 Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery (SCVS) 39th Annual
Symposium, Fellows Program. March 16-19, 2011, Orlando, Florida.
Faculty Instructor/Simulation Training-Option IVC Filter Placement and Retreival. Argon Medical National
Sales Meeting Training Course, April 16, 2011, Dallas, Texas.
Faculty Instructor/Course Director – Venous Simulation Training and Assessment. Fellows’ Course in
Venous Disease (Sponsored by the American Venous Forum). December 2-4, 2011, University of
California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California.
Curriculum Vitae
Mark A. Mattos, M.D.
Faculty Instructor - Simulation Training: Inferior Vena Cava Placement. Endovascular Solutions to
Complex Vascular Injuries, April 20, 2012, William Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, Michigan
Faculty Instructor/Course Director – Venous Simulation Training and Assessment. Fellows’ Course in
Venous Disease (Sponsored by the American Venous Forum). May 6-8, 2012, Englewood Hospital,
Englewood, New Jersey.
Faculty Instructor/Course Director - Mechanical and Chemical Ablation (MOCA)-Everything I Need to
Know about Great Saphenous Vein Ablation Using the ClariVein Catheter. Vascular Insights, LLC,
European Distributor Training Course, May 24-25, 2012, Englewood, New Jersey
Faculty Mentor / Instructor – 2012 Vascular Annual Meeting, Scholarship Program Open and
Endovascular Simulation Training. June 6, 2012, National Harbor, Maryland.
Faculty Mentor / Instructor – 2012 Vascular Annual Meeting, General Surgery Resident / Medical Student
Program Breakfast/Surgical Skills Competition. June 8, 2012, National Harbor, Maryland.
Faculty Mentor – 2012 Society for Vascular Surgery/Vascular Annual Meeting Faculty Mentor Program,
Medical Student/General Surgery Resident Travel Scholarship Program, June 6-10, 2012, National
Harbor, Maryland.
Faculty Training Proctor – Mechanical and Chemical Ablation (MOCA), ClariVein® Occlusion Catheter,
Vascular Insights, LLC, Charing Cross Hospital, December 3-4, 2012, London, England.
Faculty Instructor – Fundamentals of Vascular Surgery. Hosted by Louisiana State University Health
Sciences Center, February 14-16, 2013, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Faculty Instructor – Introduction to Academic Vascular Surgery (IAVS): Fundamentals of Vascular Surgery
Skills Workshop. Hosted by University of South Florida, Center for Advanced Medical Learning and
Simulation. April 4-6, 2013, Tampa, Florida.
Faculty Instructor – “Hands-On” Simulation Training Sessions: IVC Filter Placement and Retreival. XVII
World Meeting of the International Union of Phlebology. September 10, 2013, Boston, Massachusetts
Faculty Instructor - Endovascular Simulation Training, Henry Ford Department of Surgery Endovascular
Simulation Training Program. September 2013 – June 2014
Papers presented at major meetings (joint authorship, presenter in bold):
Mattos, M.A., Hodgson, K.J., Londrey, G.L., Barkmeier, L.D., Ramsey, D.E., Sumner, D.S.: Carotid
endarterectomy:Operative risks, recurrent stenosis, and long-term stroke rates in a modern series.
Presented at the 18th World Congress of the International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery, September
20, 1992, Copenhagen, Amsterdam.
Mattos, M.A., Hodgson, K.J., Barkmeier, L.D., Ramsey, D.E., Sumner, D.S.:Identifying total carotid
occlusion with color-flow duplex scanning. Presented at the 5th Annual Meeting of the European Society
for Vascular Surgery, September 12, 1992. Warsaw, Poland.
Faught, W.E., van Bemmelen, P.S., Mattos, M.A., Hodgson, K.J., Barkmeier, L.D., Ramsey, D.E., and
Sumner, D.S.: Presentation and natural history of internal carotid artery occlusion. Presented at the 17th
Annual Meeting of the Southern Association for Vascular Surgery, January 29, 1993, Fort Lauderdale,
Faught, W.E., Mattos, M.A., van Bemmelen, P.S., Hodgson, K.J., Barkmeier, L.D., Ramsey, D.E., and
Sumner, D.S.: Color-flow duplex scanning of carotid arteries:New velocity criteria based on ROC analysis
for threshold stenoses used in the symptomatic and asymptomatic carotid trials. Presented at the 17th
Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Vascular Surgical Society, September 10, 1993, Chicago, Illinois.
Curriculum Vitae
Mark A. Mattos, M.D.
Mansour, M.A., Mattos, M.A., Faught, W.E., Hodgson, K .J., Barkmeier, L.D., Ramsey, D.E., and
Sumner, D.S.: The natural history of moderate (50% to 79%) internal carotid artery stenosis in
symptomatic, nonhemispheric, and asymptomatic patients. Presented at the 48th Annual Meeting of the
Society for Vascular Surgery, June 7, 1994, Seattle, Washington.
Hodgson, K.J., Mattos, M.A., Hood, D.B., Mansour, M.A., Barkmeier, L.D., Ramsey, D.E., Sumner, D.S.
Incorporation of endovascular training into a vascular fellowship program: Vascular surgeons teaching
vascular surgeons. Presented at the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery,
March 24, 1995, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Mansour, M.A., Mattos,M.A., Hood, D.B., Hodgson, K.J., Barkmeier, L.D., Ramsey, D.E., Sumner, D.S.
Detection of the carotid string sign by color-flow duplex scanning. Presented at the 23rd Annual Meeting
of the Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery, March 24, 1995, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Hood, D.B., Mattos, M.A., Mansour, M.A., Hodgson K.J., Barkmeier, L.D., Ramsey D.E., Sumner D.S.
Prospective evaluation of new duplex criteria to identify 70% internal carotid artery stenosis. Presented
at the 49th Annual Meeting of the Society for Vascular Surgery, June 12, 1995, New Orleans,
Hood, D.B., Mattos, M.A., Douglas, M., Hodgson, K.J., Barkmeier, L.D., Ramsey, D.E., Sumner, D.S.
Determinants of success of color-flow duplex guided compression repair of femoral pseudoaneurysms.
Presented at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Central Surgical Association, March 8, 1996, Minneapolis,
Melendres, G., Mattos, M.A., Sumner D.S. Incidence and distribution of calf vein thrombosis in patients
with symptomatic deep vein thrombosis: A color-flow duplex study. Presented at the 37th National
Medical Student Research Forum, April 4, 1995, Galveston, Texas.
Barkmeier, L.D., Hood D.B., Sumner D.S., Hodgson K.J., Mattos M.A., Ramsey D.E. Local anesthesia
for infrainguinal arterial reconstruction: A safer alternative. Presented at the 25th Annual Meeting of the
Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery, March 16, 1997, Naples, Florida.
Margenthaler, J.A., Stratmann, S. L., Sumner D.S., Mattos, M.A. The prevalence and patterns of carotid
artery disease in patients with nonhemispheric cerebrovascular symptoms: A color-flow duplex study.
Presented at the 39th National Medical Student Research Forum, April 16, 1997, Galveston, Texas.
Hurlbert, S.N., Mattos, M.A., Barkmeier, L.D., Hodgson, K.J., Henretta, J.P., Ramsey, D.E., Sumner,
D.S.: Long-term patency rates, complications, and cost-effectiveness of polytetraflouroethylene (PTFE)
grafts for hemodialysis access: A prospective study comparing Gore versus Impra. Presented at the
International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery 23rd World Congress, September 23, 1997, London,
Henretta, J.P., Mattos, M.A., Hodgson, K.J., Hurlbert, S.N., Sternbach, Y., Ramsey, D.E., Sumner, D.S.:
Treatment of acute external iliac artery dissection and retroperitoneal hemorrhage with the Wallstent
(Case Presentation). Presented at the 8th Annual Winter Meeting of the Peripheral Vascular Surgery
Society, January 16-18, 1998, Breckenridge, Colorado.
Webb, T., Mattos, M.A.: Prevalence of carotid artery stenosis in patients undergoing coronary
catheterization and/or revascularization: A color-flow duplex study. Presented at the 1998 Southern
Illinois University School of Medicine Research Symposium, April 15, 1998, Springfield, Illiniois.
Fleming, J., Mattos, M.A.: Etiology, prevalence, and distribution of upper extremity deep venous
thrombosis. Presented at the 1998 Southern Illinois University School of Medicine Research
Symposium, April 15, 1998, Springfield, Illinois.
Sternbach, Y., Mattos, M.A., Hodgson, K.J., Henretta, J.L., Hurlbert, S.N., Ramsey, D.E., Barkmeier,
L.D., Sumner, D.S.: Practice patterns in vascular surgery at SIU: Evolution following establishment of a
Curriculum Vitae
Mark A. Mattos, M.D.
comprehensive program in endovascular therapies. Presented to the 48th Annual Meeting of the Illinois
Chapter of the American College of Surgeons. Galena, Illinois, June 5-6, 1998.
Henretta, J.L., Hodgson, K.J., Mattos, M.A., Hurlbert, S.N., Sternbach, Y., Ramsey, D.E., Sumner, D.S.:
Endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms - The SIU experience. Presented to the 48th Annual
Meeting of the Illinois Chapter of the American College of Surgeons. Galena, Illinois, June 5-6, 1998.
Sternbach, Y., Mattos, M.A., Hodgson, K.J., Henretta, J.L., Hurlbert, S.N., Ramsey, D.E., Sumner, D.S.:
Clinical impact of endovascular surgery on the practice patterns of vascular surgeons. Presented at the
22nd Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Vascular Surgical Society. Dearborn, Michigan, September 25,
Henretta, J.L., Hodgson, K.J., Mattos, M.A., Hurlbert, S.N., Sternbach, Y., Ramsey, D.E., Sumner, D.S.:
Feasibility of endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms under local anesthesia. Presented at the
22nd Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Vascular Surgical Society. Dearborn, Michigan, September 25,
Henretta, J.L., Hurlbert, S.N., Mattos, M.A., Hodgson, K.J.: Endovascular repair of ruptured abdominal
aortic aneurysm. Presented at the 9th Annual Meeting of the Peripheral Vascular Surgery Society, January
16, 1999, Park City, Utah.
Henretta, J.L., Mattos, M.A., Karch, L.A., Sumner, D.S., Hodgson, K.J.: Prospective patient analysis for
endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. Presented at the 23rd Annual Meeting of The Southern
Association for Vascular Surgery, January 30, 1999, Naples, Florida.
Webb, T., Markwell, S., Mattos, M.A.: Prevalence of carotid artery stenosis in patients undergoing
coronary catheterization and/or revascularization: A color-flow duplex study. Presented at the 29th Annual
Midwest Student Biomedical Research Forum XXX, February 19, 1999, Omaha, Nebraska.
Henretta, J.L., Karch, L.A., Mattos, M.A., McLafferty, R.B., Ramsey, D.E., Hodgson, K.J.: Special iliac
considerations during aneurysm endografting. Presented at the 27th Annual Symposium on Vascular
Surgery at the Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery, March 28, 1999, Lake Buena Vista, Florida.
Karch, L., Henretta, J.L., Mattos, M.A., McLafferty, R.B., Ramsey, D.E., Hodgson, K.J.: Algorithm for
diagnosis and treatment of aortic graft endoleaks. Presented at the 27th Annual Symposium on Vascular
Surgery at the Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery, March 28, 1999, Lake Buena Vista, Florida.
Webb, T., Markwell, S., Mattos, M.A.: Prevalence of carotid artery stenosis in patients undergoing
coronary catheterization and/or revascularization: A color-flow duplex study. Presented at the 40th
National Medical Student Research Forum, April 9, 1999, Galveston, Texas.
Flemming, J., Mattos, M.A.: Etiology, prevalence, and distribution of upper extremity deep venous
thrombosis. Presented at the 40th National Medical Student Research Forum, April 9, 1999, Galveston,
Karch, L., Mattos, M.A., Henretta, J.P., Ramsey, D.E., McLafferty, R.B., Hodgson, K.J.: Clinical failure
following percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of the femoropopliteal artery. Presented at the 23rd
Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Vascular Surgery Society, September 24-25, 1999, Chicago, Illinois.
McLafferty, R.B., Dunnington, G.L., Mattos, M.A., Henretta, J.P., Ramsey, D.E., Karch, L.A., Markwell,
S.J., Hodgson, K.J., Sumner, D.S.: Factors affecting diagnosis of peripheral vascular disease (PVD) prior
to vascular surgery referral. Presented at the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Vascular Surgery
Society, September 24-25, 1999, Chicago, Illinois.
Hodgson, K.J., Mattos, M.A., Henretta, J.P.: Critical iliac artery considerations during endovascular AAA
repair: Tips on management. Presented at the 26th Annual Symposium on critical problems, new
horizons, and techniques in vascular and endovascular surgery, November 18-21, 1999, New York City,
New York.
Curriculum Vitae
Mark A. Mattos, M.D.
Bohannon, W.T., Mattos, M.A., Flemming, J, Markwell, S.J., Karch, L.A., McLafferty, R.B., Ramsey, D.E.,
Hodgson, K.J., Sumner, D.S.: Etiology, prevalence, and distribution of upper extremity deep venous
thrombosis. Presented at the 12th Annual Meeting of the American Venous Forum, February 3-6, 2000,
Phoenix, Arizona.
Karch, L.A., Mattos, M.A., Bohannon, W.T., McLafferty, R.B., Ramsey, D.E., Hodgson, K.J.: Internal iliac
artery occlusion during endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms. Presented at the Society for
Clinical Vascular Surgery, 28th Annual Symposium on Vascular Surgery, March 15-19, 2000, Rancho
Mirage, California.
Karch L.A., Mattos, M.A., Bohannon, W.T., Ramsey, D.E., McLafferty, R.B., Hodgson, K.J.: Technical
considerations in the angiographic delineation of endoleaks following endovascular abdominal aortic
aneurysm repair. Presented at the Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery, 28th Annual Symposium on
Vascular Surgery, March 15-19, 2000, Rancho Mirage, California.
Karch L.A., Hodgson, K.J., Mattos, M.A., Bohannon, W.T., McLafferty, R.B., Ramsey, D.E.: Management
of ectatic non-aneurysmal iliac arteries during endoluminal aortic aneurysm repair. Presented at the 48th
Annual Meeting of the NA-ISCVS/54th Annual Meeting of the SVS, Breakfast session – Endovascular AAA
repair II, June 13, 2000, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Davies S.L., Mattos M.A., Markwell S.J., McLafferty R.B., Ramsey D.E., Hodgson K.J.: Prevalence of
acute deep venous thrombosis and appropriate indications for the use of color-flow duplex scanning in
patients with suspected pulmonary embolism. Presented at the Society for Vascular Technology 23rd
Annual Conference, August 5, 2000, Orlando, Florida.
McLafferty R.B., Church M.P., Oltman T.T., Liesen D.P., Mattos M.A., Ramsey D.E., Hodgson K.J.:
Trends in non-invasive vascular test utilization. Presented at the Society for Vascular Technology 23rd
Annual Conference, August 3, 2000, Orlando, Florida.
Crouch, D.S., McLafferty, R.B., Henretta, J.P., Karch, L.A., Mattos, M.A., Ramsey, D.E., Hodgson, K.J.,
Sumner, D.S.: A prospective study of discharge disposition after vascular surgery. Presented at the 24th
Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Vascular Surgical Society, November 8, 2000, Scottsdale, Arizona.
Bohannon W.T., McLafferty, R.B., Chaney, S., Mattos, M.A., Karch, L.A., Ramsey, D.E., Hodgson, K.J.:
utcome of venous stasis ulceration when complicated by arterial occlusive disease. Presented at the
13th Annual Meeting of the American Venous Forum, February 23, 2001, Ft. Myers, Florida.
Bohannon, W.T., Hodgson, K.J., Parra, J.R., Mattos, M.A., Karch, L.A., Ramsey, D.E., McLafferty, R.B.:
Endovascular management of iliac limb occlusion of bifurcated aortic endografts. Presented at the
Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery 29th Annual Symposium on Vascular Surgery, April 6, 2001, Boca
Raton, Florida.
Lehman, J.M., Mattos, M.A., McLafferty, R.B., Karch, L.A., Hodgson, K.J.: Technical success and
anatomic patency of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty and stent placement for renal artery disease.
Presented at the Midwest Student Biomedical Research Forum XXXII, February 17, 2001, Omaha,
Jackson, A., Markwell, S.J., Mattos, M.A.: The natural history of mild (16% to 49%) internal carotid artery
stenosis in symptomatic, nonhemispheric, and asymptomatic patients. Presented at the 31st Annual
Midwest Student Biomedical Research Forum XXXll, February 17, 2001, Omaha, Nebraska.
Lehman, J.M., Mattos, M.A., McLafferty, R.B., Karch, L.A., Hodgson, K.J.: Technical success and
anatomic patency of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty and stent placement for renal artery disease.
Presented at the 2001 National Student Research Forum, Galveston, Texas, April 9, 2001.
McLafferty, R.B, McCrary, B.S., Errandi, J., Mattos, M.A., Karch, L.A., Ramsey, D.E., Hodgson, K.J.:
The utility of color-flow duplex scanning for the detection of endoleaks. Presented at the 55th Annual
Meeting of SVS/49th Annual Meeting of the AAVS, Breakfast Session – Using the vascular laboratory for
surgical decision making. June 11, 2001, Baltimore, Maryland.
Curriculum Vitae
Mark A. Mattos, M.D.
Solis, M., Mattos, M.A., Hodgson, K.J., Karch, L.A., McLafferty, R.B.: Secondary interventions in the
management of endoleak. Presented at the 25th Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Vascular Surgical
Society, September 22, 2001.
Bohannon, W.T., Mattos, M.A., Karch, L.A., McLafferty, R.B., Ramsey, D.E., Hodgson, K.J.: Management
of proximal common iliac artery stenoses using “kissing balloon” percutaneous transluminal angioplasty.
Presented at the 25th World Congress, International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery, Cancun, Mexico,
December 1, 2000.
Brown, O.W., Mattos, M.A., Granke, K., Rubin, J.: Role of endovascular simulation in the training of
vascular surgery fellows. Presented at the 2009 Association of Program Directors in Vascular Surgery
Spring Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 1, 2009.
Edelman, D.A., Mattos, M.A., Bouwman, D.L.: FLS skill retention (learning) in first year surgery residents.
Presented at the 5th Annual Academic Surgical Congress, San Antonio, Texas, February 5, 2010.
Bedway, A.R., Curtis, B., Bouwman, D.L., Edelman, D.A., Mattos, M.A.: Optimizing training efficiency for
fundamentals of laparoscopic surgery skills: Preliminary results using a novel learning curriculum.
Presented at the Kalamazoo College Chemistry Senior Winter SIP Symposium, Kalamazoo, Michigan,
February 19, 2010.
Watkins, D., Edelman, D.A., Mattos, M.A., Bouwman D.L.: Does variation in performance by novices on
standardized laparoscopic tasks mean anything? Presented at the 2010 Detroit Surgical Association
Meeting, Detroit, Michigan, April 26, 2010.
Watkins, D, Mattos, M.A., Bouwman, D.L., Edelman, D.A.: Variation in performance by novices on
laparoscopic virtual reality simulators. Presented at the 6th Annual Meeting of the Academic Surgical
Congress, Huntington Beach, California, February 1, 2011.
Edelman, D.A., Mattos, M.A., Bouwman, D.L.: Impact on FLS training during medical school on
performance by first year surgical residents. Presented at the 6th Annual Meeting of the Academic
Surgical Congress, Huntington Beach, California, February 3, 2011
Bedway, A.R., Curtis, B., Bouwman, D.L., Edelman, D.A., Mattos, M.A.: High feedback interval training
enhances fundamentals of laparoscopic surgery performance. Presented at the 37th Annual EasternAtlantic Student Research Forum 2011, Miami, Florida, February 24, 2011.
Mattos, M.A., Bedway, A.R., Bouwman, D.L., Edelman, D.A.: High feedback interval training enhances
FLS performance. Presented at the 2011 Surgical Education Week, Association for Surgical Education,
Boston, Massachusetts, Wednesday March 23, 2011.
Alpendre, C., Edelman, D.A., Mattos, M.A., Bouwman, D.L.: Impact on FLS training during medical school
on performance by first year surgical residents. Presented at the Michigan Chapter American College of
Surgeons 58th Annual Meeting & 60th Annual Resident Surgeon Competition, Grand Rapids, Michigan,
May 20, 2011.
Olson, A., Edelman, D.A., Mattos, M.A., Bouwman D.L.: Variation in performance by novices on
Laparoscopic Virtual Reality Simulators. Presented at the Michigan Chapter American College of
Surgeons 58th Annual Meeting & 60th Annual Resident Surgeon Competition, Grand Rapids, Michigan,
May 20, 2011.
Bedway, A.R., Curtis, B., Bouwman, D.L., Edelman, D.A., Mattos, M.A.: High feedback interval training
enhances fundamentals of laparoscopic surgery performance. Presented at the Wayne State University
XV Graduate Student Research Day, Detroit, Michigan, September 29, 2011.
Edelman, D.A., Mattos, M.A., Bouwman, D.L.: Value of Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery (FLS)
Training in a Fourth-Year Medical School Advanced Surgical Skills Elective. Presented at the 7th Annual
Meeting of the Academic Surgical Congress, Las Vegas, Nevada, February 15,2012.
Curriculum Vitae
Mark A. Mattos, M.D.
Forry, C., Mattos, M.A., Edelman, D., Bouwman, D.L..: Variability of Fundamentals of Laparoscopic
Surgery (FLS) Results In Fourth-Year Medical Students By Choice of Specialty
Presented at the 43rd Annual Midwest Student Biomedical Research Forum, February 18, 2012, Omaha,
Edelman, D.A., Mattos, M.A., Forry, C., D., Bouwman, D.L..: Variability of Fundamentals of Laparoscopic
Surgery (FLS) Results In Fourth-Year Medical Students By Choice of Specialty.
Presented at the 7th Annual David Fromm Research and Wayne State Surgical Alumni Day,
October 11, 2012, Detroit, Michigan
Roeter, D., Mattos M.A., Edelman, D., Bouwman, D., Forry, C., Triest, J.: Fundamentals of
Laparoscopic Surgery Training in Urology Residents: Performance, Retention, and Comparison to
untrained Residents. Presented at the 2013 Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association,
May 6, 2013, San Diego, California.
Invited Discussions and Panel Participations at Major Meetings:
Mattos, M.A.: Invited discussant of Wright, J.G., et. al.:An improved generalized method for reporting
carotid duplex studies without the need for categories. 18th Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Vascular
Surgery Society; September 23-24, 1994, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Mattos, M.A.: Invited discussant of Fowl, R.J., Strothman, G.B., Blebea, J., Rosenthal, G.J., Kempczinski,
R.F.: Inappropriate use of venous duplex scans: An analysis of indications and results. 19th Annual
Meeting Midwestern Vascular Surgical Society. September 22-23, 1995, Chicago, Illinois.
Mattos, M.A.: Invited discussant of Glover, J.L., Bendick, P.J.: Appropriate indications for venous duplex
ultrasound examinations. 53rd Annual Meeting, Central Surgical Association. March 8-10, 1996,
Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Mattos, M.A.: Invited discussant of Killewich, L.A., Macko, R.F., Cox, K., Lilly, M.P., Flinn, W.R.: Defective
fibrinolysis occurs following infrainguinal reconstruction. 20th Annual Meeting Midwestern Vascular
Surgical Society. September 27-28, 1996, St. Louis, Missouri.
Mattos, M.A.: Moderator: Watson, W.B., Glickerman, D.J., Kohler, T.R., Sumner, D.S.: Peripheral Arterial
Disease. 6th Annual University of Washington Symposium. Diagnostic and Therapeutic Approaches to
Vascular Disease. January 29, 1997, Kauai, Hawaii.
Mattos, M.A.: Invited discussant of Blebea, J., Bacik, B., Daniels, J.: A prospective study in symptomatic
patients of unilateral duplex scanning for deep venous thrombosis. 21st Annual Meeting Midwestern
Vascular Surgical Society. September 11-12, 1997, Chicago, Illinois.
Mattos, M.A. (Panelist), Gurry, J.F., Whittemore, A.D., Beebe, H.G., Raithel, D., Smith R.B. (Moderator),
Thompson, J.E. (Chairman).: Cerebrovascular Disease, Symposium IV. International Society for
Cardiovascular Surgery 23rd World Congress. September 21-26, 1997, London, England.
Mattos, M.A.: Invited discussant of Bradbury, A.W., Evans, C.J., Lee, C.A.J., Ruckley, C.V., Fowkes,
F.G.R.: The relationship between gender, symptoms and signs of venous disease and venous reflux on
colour flow duplex scanning: A population based study. 10th Annual Meeting of the American Venous
Forum. February 21, 1998, Orlando, Florida.
Mattos, M.A.: Invited discussant of Muluk, S.C., Muluk, V.S., Makaroun, M.S., et al.: Progression of
asymptomatic carotid stenosis: A natural history study in 1004 patients. 46th Scientific Meeting of the
North American Chapter, International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery. June 8, 1998, San Diego,
Curriculum Vitae
Mark A. Mattos, M.D.
Mattos, M.A. (Panelist), Bandyk, D.F., Silva, M.B., Strandness, D.E., Sumner, D.S. (Moderator).: Practical
Application of the Noninvasive Vascular Laboratory. Northwestern University School of Medicine,
Vascular Surgery Symposium, Practical Vascular Surgery. December 10-12, 1998, Chicago, Illinois.
Mattos, M.A. (Panelist), Clair, D., Sullivan, T.M., Sicard G.A.(Moderator): The Training of Vascular
Surgeons in an Era of Endoluminal Procedures. 23rd Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Vascular Surgery
Society, September 24, 1999, Chicago, Illinois.
Mattos, M.A. (Co-moderator), Coleridge-Smith, P.: Session VII - Chronic venous insufficiency. 12th
Annual Meeting of the American Venous Forum, February 3-6, 2000, Phoenix, Arizona.
Mattos, M.A.: Invited discussant of Fairman, R.M., Velzaquez O., Carpenter J.P., et al.: The complicated
aortic neck is not a contraindication to successful endovascular repair. Society for Clinical Vascular
Surgery, 28th Annual Symposium on Vascular Surgery, March 15-19, 2000, Rancho Mirage, California.
Mattos, M.A. (Panelist), Hodgson, K.J. (Chair), Lumsden, A.B., Silva, M.B.: Advanced Problem Solving in
Endovascular Surgery: Getting in & out of trouble I. 2000 NA-ISCVS/SVS Postgraduate Course I –
Endovascular Surgery Symposium 2000, June 10, 2000, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Mattos, M.A.: Invited discussant of Wain, R.A., Kishnevsky, A, Berdejo, G.L., et al.: Can a simple risk
stratification scheme improve the treatment of patients with suspected deep venous thrombosis when
duplex testing is not readily available? 48th Scientific Meeting of the North American Chapter of the
International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery, June 11, 2000, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Mattos, M.A., (Moderator), Borge, M.A.: Abdominal Session – 3rd Biannual Meeting, Chicago Vascular
Forum – Advanced topics in vascular disease and ultrasound, August 24-26, 2000, Chicago, Illinois.
Mattos, M.A. (Panelist), Matsumura, J.S., Ascher, E., Comerota, A.J., Flinn, W.R. (Moderator).: Selecting
the best diagnostic tests for vascular problems, 86th Annual Clinical Congress of the American College of
Surgeons, October 26, 2000, Chicago, Illinois.
Mattos, M.A. (Panelist), Beebe, H.G., Seabrook, G.R., Whitehouse, W.M. (Moderator): Endovascular
Surgery – Current Issues, 24th Annual Meeting of Midwestern Vascular Surgical Society, November 8,
2000, Scottsdale, Arizona.
Mattos, M.A. (Moderator), Bray, A: Session 6 – Peripheral Angioplasty Technology, 10th Anniversary
Meeting International Endovascular Symposium, December 7-9, 2000, Sydney, Australia.
Mattos, M.A. (Moderator): Femoral distal reconstruction in lower limb ischemia: The Albany Experience.
5th International Congress of the Asian Vascular Society, May 24, 2002, Singapore, Singapore.
Mattos, M.A. (Co-Moderator), Teoh, Ming-Keng (Co-Moderator): Symposium: Lower Limb Ischemia. 5th
International Congress of the Asian Vascular Society, May 24, 2002, Singapore, Singapore.
Mattos, M.A. (Co-Moderator), Jordan, W.D.: Session II - Peripheral Vascular Surgery Society, 27th Annual
Spring Meeting. June 8, 2002, Boston, Massachussets.
Mattos, M.A. (Chairman): Poster session - 15th Annual Meeting of the American Venous Forum. February
22, 2003, Cancun, Mexico.
Mattos, M.A.: Perspectives on Various Thrombolytic Agents. Genentech-Vascular Surgery Advisory
Panel. May 15-17, 2003, Santa Monica, California.
Mattos, M.A., Bandyk, D.F., Hopkins, N.L., Bergeron, P.F., Hobson, R.W., Chang, D.B., Yadav, J.S.,
Perler, B.A.: Session XXV: New Developments in Carotid Stenting. November 23, 2003, New York, New
Curriculum Vitae
Mark A. Mattos, M.D.
Mattos, M.A..: Invited discussant of Tefera, G., Hoch J.R., Turnipseed, W.D.: Limb Salvage Angioplasty
in Vascular Surgery Practice. Endovascular Forum I: Expanding Endoluminal Care From Stem to Stern.
2004 Vascular Annual Meeting, June 4, 2004, Anaheim, California.
Mattos, M.A.: Co-Chairman, 19th Annual Congress American College of Phlebology-American Venous
Forum Symposium. November 12, 2005, San Francisco, California.
Mattos, M.A.: Moderator, 5th Annual Southeast Michigan Center for Continuing Medical Education
(SEMCME) Review of Selected Topics in General Surgery. January 10, 2008, Detroit, Michigan.
Mattos, M.A.: Moderator, Symposium on Endovascular Solutions to Complex Vascular Injuries, William
Beaumont Hospital. April 21, 2012, Royal Oak, Michigan.
Mattos, M.A. (Co-Moderator), Marc Passman: Session V: Venous Mix I. 4th Annual Venous Symposium.
April 12, 2013, New York, New York.
Mattos, M.A. (Panel discussant): Hemodynamic Considerations in Venous Disease (Chair Byung-Boong
Lee MD, Phd, FACS0. XVII World Meeting of the International Union of Phlebology. September 10, 2013,
Boston, Massachusettsx.
Exhibits and Poster Sessions:
Shamma, A.R., Mattos, M.A., Corson, J.D.: Pseudo-occlusion of a mesenteric bypass. Society for
Clinical Vascular Surgery, April 6-10, 1988, Maui, Hawaii. (Poster)
Raymond, D.L., Mattos, M.A., Sumner, D.S.: Radial artery pseudoaneurysm: Diagnosis and treatment
with color-flow duplex scanning guided compression. 16th Annual Conference of the Society of Vascular
Technology, June 2-6, 1993, Washington, DC. (Poster)
Collins, J.L., Mattos, M.A., Barkmeier, L. D., Sumner, D.S.: Traumatic posterior-tibial
artery pseudoaneurysm: Diagnosis with color-flow duplex scanning and treatment without angiography.
16th Annual Conference of the Society of Vascular Technology, June 2-6, 1993, Washington, DC.
Mattos, M.A., Sumner, D.S., Mansour, M.A., Hood, D.B., Hodgson, K.J., Barkmeier, L.D., and Ramsey,
D. E. Carotid endarterectomy: The influence of age on perioperative complications and long-term
mortality and stroke rates. 20th International Joint Conference on Stroke and Cerebral Circulation.
February 9-11,1995, Charleston, South Carolina. (Poster)
Douglas, M.G., Mattos, M.A., Hood, D.B., Hodgson, K.J., Barkmeier, L.D., Ramsey, D.E., Sumner, D.S..
Duplex criteria for identifying external carotid artery stenosis. 51st Annual Meeting of the Society for
Vascular Surgery/45th Annual Meeting North American Chapter, International Society of Cardiovascular
Surgery, June 2-4, 1997, Boston, Massachusetts. (Poster)
Mattos, M.A., Sumner, D.S., Douglas, M.G., Hodgson, K.J., Barkmeier, L.D., Hurlbert, S.N., Henretta,
J.P., Ramsey, D.E.: The Influence of Diabetes Mellitus on Short and Long-Term Outcome After Carotid
Endarterectomy. 57th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association,
June 21-24, 1997, Boston, Massachusetts. (Poster)
Hurlbert, S.N., Mattos, M.A., Henretta, J.P., Hodgson, K.J., Sternbach, Y., Ramsey, D.E., Sumner, D.S.:
Natural history of polytetraflouroethylene (PTFE) hemodialysis access grafts after the first thrombotic
event. Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery 26th Annual Symposium on Vascular Surgery. March 25-29,
1998, Coronado, California. (Poster)
Henretta, J.P., Hodgson, K.J., Mattos, M.A., Hurlbert, S.N., Sternbach, Y., Ramsey, D.E., Sumner, D.S.:
Prospective patient analysis for endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm. Society for Clinical
Vascular Surgery 26th Annual Symposium on Vascular Surgery, March 25-29,1998, Coronado, California.
Curriculum Vitae
Mark A. Mattos, M.D.
McLafferty, R.B., Dunnington, G.L., Mattos, M.A., Henretta, J.P., Ramsey, D.E., Karch, L.A., Hodgson,
K.J., Sumner, D.S.: Factors affecting the diagnosis of peripheral vascular disease prior to vascular
surgery referral. 53rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Vascular Surgery/47th Annual Meeting of North
American Chapter of the International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery, June 6-9, 1999, Washington,
DC. (Poster)
Karch, L.A., Mattos, M.A., Bohannon, W.T., Ramsey, D.E., McLafferty, R.B., Hodgson, K.J.: Technical
considerations in the angiographic delineation of endoleaks following endovascular abdominal aortic
aneurysm repair. Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery, 28th Annual Symposium on Vascular Surgery,
March 15-19, 2000, Rancho Mirage, California. (Poster)
McLafferty, R.B., Church, M.P., Oltman, T.T., Liesen, D.P., Mattos, M.A., Ramsey, D.E., Hodgson, K.J.:
Trends in non-invasive vascular test utilization. Society of Vascular Technology 23rd Annual Conference,
August 2-6, 2000, Orlando, Florida. (Poster)
Esco, M., Rits, Y., Mattos, M.A., Brown, O.W., Rubin, J.: DVT clinical scoring criteria: The Socioeconomic
impact. 23rd Annual Meeting of the American Venous Forum, February 23-26, 2011, San Diego,