Eta Chapter Constitution - Sigma Iota Epsilon

October 4, 2000
April 18, 2001
Nov. 7, 2001
Article I
Sigma Iota Epsilon (SIE), The National Honorary and Professional Management Fraternity, is the
student division of the Academy of Management. Chartered by SIE, Eta Chapter is sponsored by
the Management Area and a registered student organization at Texas Tech University.
Article II
The purpose of SIE and Eta Chapter is to recognize and encourage scholarship and
professionalism in management. The Chapter shall work with the faculty of the Management
Area to stimulate interest and achievement in the academic programs in the Area of Management;
to stimulate scholarship in management; to facilitate contacts between students and practicing
managers; to recognize persons who have made contributions to the field of management; and to
gain recognition of the contribution and value of scholastic achievement in the discipline of
Article III
Both undergraduate students who have completed at least 30 hours and graduate students can be
nominated and elected to membership in Eta Chapter—SIE. Nominations are based on scholastic
achievement, evidenced by a 3.0 GPA for undergraduates and a 3.25 GPA for graduate students,
and commitment to the field of management, evidenced by majoring in programs offered by the
Management Area. Once initiated into Sigma Iota Epsilon, a student can remain an active
member of Eta Chapter by maintaining a major in management and 3.0 GPA and by paying the
annual Chapter dues.
As allowed by the National Constitution, instructional, research and administrative staff
members at Texas Tech may be elected to active membership in Eta Chapter, as may professional
managers who have demonstrated an interest in the Eta Chapter (Professional Member) and
others who make outstanding contributions to the Chapter or the field of management (Honorary
Member). Members of Sigma Iota Epsilon in good standing may transfer from another chapter to
Eta Chapter with all rights and privileges. Alumni continue membership in an inactive status.
Nominations to membership shall be made by a Nominations Committee consisting of the
President, Vice President and Secretary-Treasurer and are subject to the approval of the Faculty
Advisor. Election to membership shall be by a two-thirds affirmative vote of those members
present at a duly called meeting of Eta Chapter.
Article IV
Officers of Eta Chapter shall include a President, Vice President, and Secretary- Treasurer.
Officers are elected by majority vote of active student members present at a duly scheduled
meeting at the end of spring semester and serve for the coming academic year. To be eligible to
run for office and to serve a term of office, the SIE member must be a currently enrolled student
at Texas Tech, an active member of Eta Chapter, and maintain a management major and 3.0
GPA. All candidates for office must be available to serve for the entire term of office, the
academic year.
The Nominating Committee will present a slate of candidates for the three offices. Additional
nominations will be taken from members present at the duly scheduled meeting. Election is by
majority vote of active student members attending the meeting.
If the office of President becomes vacant, the Vice President will fill the remainder of the term of
office. If the office of Vice President or Secretary/Treasurer becomes vacant, the Nominating
Committee will nominate a replacement who will serve until the next duly scheduled meeting.
This replacement shall be subject to confirming vote of the membership at the next duly
scheduled meeting.
The duties of the officers are as follows:
Working closely with the Faculty Advisor and other officers, the President plans and oversees the
Eta Chapter program for the academic year and presides at all formal meetings and functions of
the Chapter. The President serves as liaison with the National Office of SIE and represents Eta
Chapter in all inter-organizational student functions at Texas Tech University. The President
trains the Chapter Vice President to take over the reins of leadership should the President be
unable to finish the term of office or to perform the functions expected of the office, recruits and
initiates new members, and develops members for future leadership positions. With the Faculty
Advisor, the President has signatory power over the SIE checking account and develops
budgetary plans for the year.
Vice President
The Vice President serves as the second-in-command to ensure the accomplishment of all
Chapter activities during the academic year. Should the Chapter President be unable to serve his
or her term or preside at a function, the Vice President assumes the Presidential role and exercises
the required leadership. The Vice President should become completely familiar with all strategic
and annual Chapter goals and activities; and relationships with the SIE National Office, Texas
Tech, the College of Business Administration and other organizations.
The Chapter Secretary-Treasurer is responsible for all Eta Chapter records and correspondence.
The Secretary-Treasurer insures that letters are sent to those nominated for membership at the
beginning of each semester in a timely fashion, maintains membership information, and collects,
records and deposits National initiation fees, local dues, and other monies into the Chapter bank
account. He or she notifies members of and keeps records of duly scheduled meetings and
maintains an accessible Chapter filing system comprised of current membership data, alumni
data, past correspondence, suspense items, and National Office materials.
Article V
Sigma Iota Epsilon—Eta Chapter is an active member of the National Sigma Iota Epsilon, a
management honorary and professional fraternity, sponsored by the Academy of Management.
On initiation, a new member pays a one-time fee to the National plus local Chapter dues. Local
Chapter dues must be paid annually by active members.
Article VI
Programs may include:
1. Encouraging knowledge and scholarship in management by sponsoring guest lectures and
seminars with prominent faculty.
2. Assisting the Management Area in promoting interest in management among undergraduate
and graduate students. This may include academic counseling of students interested in
management, providing information on classes and faculty; peer tutoring; or sponsorship of or
participation in forums for management majors
3. Joint sponsorship of academic or professional programs with other Texas Tech student
organizations such as guest speakers, workshops on job search skills or business ethics, or field
trips to major business or public service organizations.
4. Participation in institutional student organizations such as the COBA Leadership Council.
5. Participation in National SIE, Texas Tech and other scholarship programs.
6. Presentation of special academic awards to students and/or faculty.
Article VII
The Executive Committee and the Nominating Committee, shall consist of the President, Vice
President, and Secretary-Treasurer.
Article VIII
The Faculty Advisor is designated by the Area Coordinator in Management from the
Management Area tenure-track faculty.
Article IX
Amendments to the Eta Chapter Constitution must be approved by majority vote of the members
at a duly scheduled or specially called meeting and by the Faculty Advisor. A written draft of the
changes shall be presented for member consideration.
Article I
The purpose of these Bylaws is to state the ways in which the provision of the Constitution shall
be applied to the government of Sigma Iota Epsilon—Eta Chapter, and to establish rules and
procedures for Chapter operations within the limits set forth by the National and Chapter
Constitutions. These Bylaws interpret and amplify the Constitution. Provisions of the
Constitution shall be applied literally to all matters not covered by these Bylaws.
Article II
Changes to the Bylaws must be approved by majority vote of the members present at a
regular or specially called meeting and by the Faculty Advisor. A written draft of changes shall
be presented for member consideration.
Article III
The Chapter officers and Faculty Advisor, acting as a Judicial Committee, shall determine the
validity of any action taken or proposed which may be referred to them by a vote of the Chapter,
or brought to them by a minority who challenge an action as not conforming to the Constitution
and Bylaws.
Article IV
The Nominating Committee shall consist of the President, Vice President and SecretaryTreasurer. In the second week of each long semester, the Nominating Committee shall seek lists
of students majoring in Management Area programs with appropriate GPA from the
Undergraduate (3.0 GPA) and Graduate (3.25 GPA) Programs Offices. A letter of nomination
inviting an application and announcing a Chapter meeting will be sent to each identified student
early in each long semester. All officers and members of SIE-Eta Chapter are expected to act in a
business-professional manner in representing the organization.
Article V
The President, in consultation with the Faculty Advisor, shall appoint such other committees as
deemed necessary for transaction of Chapter business.
Article VI
First time members must pay the National initiation fee. The Eta Chapter annual dues are $35.
Dues for renewing members with one semester until graduation are $20. Initiation fees and
Chapter dues are to be paid by the end of the 7th week of the semester.
Article VII
Eta Chapter shall have at least one initiation meeting and three meetings of an academic or
professional nature in each academic year. Normally, there should be an organizational meeting
at the beginning of each long semester and 2 academic/professional meetings each semester. An
initiation meeting at which National certificates and pins are distributed may be combined with an
academic/professional meeting each semester. Meetings are normally held on Tuesday or
Wednesday evenings, but can vary as necessary to meet Chapter objectives.