Amit Pillay &Ravi Mattani
Instructor: Dr. Roger Gaborski
Course: 405.757
The aim of this project was to develop an algorithm that detects human facial
features like the mouth, nose and eyes in a full frontal face image. We adapted
a multi-step process in order to achieve the goal. To detect the face region a
skin-color segmentation method was used. Morphological techniques were
used to fill the holes that were created after the segmentation process. From the
skeletonization process, a skeleton of the face was obtained from which face
contour points were extracted. Facial features can be located in the interior of
the face contour. We used several different facial-images to test our method.
We achieved a detection rate of over 90%.
Face feature extraction is considered to be a key requirement in many
applications such as Biometrics, Facial recognition systems, video surveillance,
Human computer interface etc. Therefore reliable face detection is required for
the success of these applications.
The task of human facial feature extraction is not easy. Human face varies from
person to person. The race, gender, age and other physical characteristics of
an individual have to be considered thereby creating a challenge in computer
Facial feature detection aims to detect and extract specific features such as
eyes, mouth and nose.
Previous work & Research in the field of face recognition
There are many face extraction methods reported by researchers in the field of
face recognition. To combine image information and knowledge of the face is
the main trend.
In order to discriminate face candidates from the neck, ears and the incorrect
segmented parts, shape analysis of the color segmentation result is necessary.
One method (Saber and Tekalp, 1998; Lee et al., 1996) involves first filling an
ellipse to the segmented face for registration. Most of them do not take into
consideration the misalignment caused by ear and neck.
Ian-Gang Wang, Eric sung in their article have proposed a morphological
procedure to analyze the shape of segmented face region. This is an
unexplored approach in face detection research. We have incorporated some
of the methods proposed in this article. Several rules have been formulated for
the task of locating the contour of the face. These rules were primarily based on
the facial skeleton and knowledge of the face. The searching region of the face
features reduces. The facial features such as mouth, nostrils and eyes can be
more accurately located within the face contour.
Terrillon et al., 1998 mentions the problem of how other body parts such as neck
may lead to face localization error. A different approach was presented in
(Sobottka and Pitas, 1998) where the features are first detected and then the
contour was tracked using a deformable model. Brunelli and Poggio,1993 use
dynamic programming to follow the outline in a gradient intensity map of
elliptical projection of face image.
Haalick and Shapiro, 1993 demonstrate how morphological operations can
simplify the image data while preserving their essential shape characteristics
and can eliminate irrelevances.
Face feature detection is a multi step process. We have incorporated several
methods and suggestions proposed in the articles mentioned in the above
section. We tried several methods for each step and the one that gave the best
results was selected.
In our project in order to detect the face region a skin-color segmentation
method was used. This method was developed by Yang and Waibel(1995) This
method is described in section 2.1.
To segment the face region we used morphological processes of dilation and
erosion. Section 2.2 describes them in detail.
The skeletonization process was used to extract face contour points. This process
is described in section 2.2.
The Skeleton thus obtained is used in the process of line segmentation which
includes line tracing and line merging. Facial features can be located in the
interior of the face contour. The process of Facial feature extraction is described
in section 2.3.
Flowchart depicting the entire process
skin color
and contour
Facial feature
extraction using
facial geometry.
Section 2.1: Skin Segmentation
This is one the important steps in face feature extraction process. The efficiency
of the color segmentation of a human face depends on the color space that is
selected. We used the finding by Yang and Waibel (1995,1996) who noted that
the skin colors of different people are very closely grouped in the normalized r-g
color plane. So we took some seed pixels from the face area obtained the
normalized r-g spread and classified the pixels that were close enough to this
spread as belonging to the face. The Figures below demonstrate our results.
Fig1 : Skin color segmentation a)Original image b) Skin color segmentation
Section 2.2 Morphological Image Processing
(Process of filling interior holes of the face region and extraction of the face
skeleton for determining contour points)
Morphological image processing is a collection of techniques for digital image
processing based on mathematical morphology. Since these techniques rely
only on the relative ordering of pixel values, not on their numerical values, they
are especially suited to the processing of binary images and grayscale images
whose light transfer function is not known. [2]
Definitions of some morphological operations that we used in our project:
Erosion: Erosion is an operation that thins or shrinks the objects in the binary
image.Erosion are performed by IPT function imerode().
Dilation: Dilation is an operation that grows or thickens the objects in the binary
image. Dilation is performed by IPT function imdialate().
For successful facial feature extraction the accurate computation of the
contour points is very important. This helps in locating searching regions. Both
neck and ears have the same color as that of the face. Hence they are
connected to the face region. Therefore we need to separate them so as to
better locate the facial features.
In order to detect the skeleton, the face region was filled by applying multiple
morphological dilation operations. Then the same number of erosion operations
was applied. There exist holes that corresponds to the eyes, nose and mouth
etc. We fill these holes using the dilation operation. The erosion operation is
applied to the dilation result in order to restore the shape of the face.
Then we obtained the skeleton of the face. We used the IPT function bwmorph()
in MATLAB to extract the skeleton. The ears and the neck can be separated
from the segmented face region by analyzing the skeleton.
The figures on the next page show the output we obtained after performing
a) The output after performing skin color segmentation
b) The output after filling the interior holes of the face region using dilation and
erosion operations.
c) Overlay skeleton with face region.
Contour Tracing
Some vertices of the skeleton lines can fit the contour of the human face while
excluding the points that lie on the ears and the neck. The fitting points can be
found using the set of rules.[1]
Rule 1. Some face contour fitting points can be found from the line tracing as a
result of the skeleton. The contour points should satisfy
Rule 1.1 The contour fitting points should be the vertices of the roughly horizontal
skeleton line segments that are long enough (the threshold is set proportional to
the longest skeleton line segment).
Rule 1.2 The left vertex will be selected as candidate for contour fitting if most of
the horizontal line segments are positioned at the left of the symmetry axis.
Rule 1.3. The right vertex will be selected as candidate for contour ftting if most
of the horizontal line segments are positioned at the right of the symmetry axis.
Rule 1.4. The contour points should be above a vertical position that is set at 3/4
of the height from the top of the symmetry axis
Rule 1.5. The points satisfying the above conditions are separated into two sets
(left and right contour points, respectively). They are each sorted from top to
bottom, respectively.
Rule 1.6. If the difference between the horizontal coordinates of a point from
right sorted points set and any one of its previous and succeeding point is large
enough (a threshold is set), then the
Rule 2. The point set satisfying the above will be doubled using symmetry axis,
i.e., for a left fitting point there exists a right point that can be calculated using
the symmetrical axis and vice versa.
All the resulting skeleton lines are checked form Rules 1 to 2 in turn. The points for
fitting the contour of the human face can be collected while excluding the
points that lie on the ear and neck.
Section 2.3 Feature extraction within the ROI
After the contour has been found we obtained the Region of interest. Features
such as eyes, nose and mouth can be found within the ROI. We locate the
mouth first. Once the mouth is detected we can determine the eyes and nose
For finding the lips we tried several methods. We performed edge detection
using Sobel operator that finds the horizontal line within the ROI .Finding vertical
position of the line between the lips was done by using horizontal integral
projection ph of the binary image in the search region. ph is obtained by
summing up the pixels values in each row of the search. Because lip line will
have the longest horizontal line, its vertical position can be located where ph
has maximum value.
We also used some prior knowledge about the face in order to determine the
lips. We knew that lips are centered horizontally in the lower half of the face and
are isolated .We took advantage of this information in order to constrain the
vertical position of the search area.
Once we have located the lips finding the eyes and nose was done in similar
fashion, each time constraining the search area in vertical direction.
Figure: Contour points extracted from earlier process
Figure: Edges removed for detecting FF.
Figure : The Region of Interest
Figure: Final Results
Results & Analysis :
Number of images tested: 30
Success: 90%
The following Table shows the results of the first 13 images.
Image no
The Results and analysis of the experiments conducted are demonstrated in the
next page.
One of the experimental results with steps is shown in figures below.
The experimental face images were downloaded from www.faceresearch.org
site. A total of 30 images of different people were selected randomly. The
experimental results shown above illustrate that our method is quite good. A
correct recognition rate of 90% is obtained using out method. There were some
images which showed wrong detection of facial features. An analysis of these
images shows that our method failed to extract enough contour points from
these images which resulted from ill skeleton-extraction. Lack of contour points
resulted into restricted ROI in which needed features failed to appear.
One way of improving the skeleton extraction could be to more generalize the
face region extraction process followed by sufficient dilation and erosion
process. Better the effect of skin-region extraction process, better will be the
resulting skeleton obtained and thus better will be the contour points extracted.
Other issue that limits given experiment is the image size. Since the experiment is
performed using MATLAB IPL toolbox, running time of the program is a major
issue. Therefore large size images take longer time to compute the result and
some may not give desired results cause of image complexity.
Figure: a) Original Face Image
b) Skin Color Segmentation
Figure: c) After Dilation & Erosion
d) Skeleton of the image
Figure: e) Contour points
f) ROI
Figure: g) After applying Edge Detection
to the ROI
h) Final image with features detected
[1]Frontal-view face detection and facial feature extraction using color and
morphological operations by Jian-Gang Wang, Eric Sung *
[2] A Model-Based Gaze Tracking System by Rainer Stiefelhagen, Jie Yang,
Alex Waibel
[3] Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB by Gonzalez, Woods &Eddins,Prentice
[4] Images taken from : www.faceresearch.org
[5] Prof. Gaborski’s lecture slides.
[4] www.wikipedia.com