English Cathedrals

Optional Homework: English Cathedrals
Traditionally, a city was defined as somewhere with a cathedral. More recently though,
this is no longer the case as towns such as Preston have been made into cities, despite
not having a cathedral. Rochester does have a cathedral but is not considered a city.
Below are twelve English cities which have a cathedral. Some of the letters are missing –
fill in the gaps and write the complete name of each city. CAPITAL LETTERS NEEDED
AS THESE ARE NAMES!!! Please number each question, just write the full name of each
city as your answer.
S a_ _ s _ _ r _
2. C_ _ c _ e _ _ e r
3. _ l _
4. _ h _ _t _ r
5. _ i n _ _ e _ t _ r ________________________
6. D _ _ h _ m
7. _ e _ l s
8. _ i n _ _ l _
9. T _ _ _ o
10. _ _ c _ f _ e _ d
11. _ o _ c _ _ t _ r
12. _ o r _
13. Which city’s cathedral was badly damaged in a bombing raid on 14 th November
1940 during World War 2? __________________
14. What shape is Ely Cathedral’s main tower? __________________
15. One of the cathedrals you’ve found is called a ‘Minster’ as opposed to a
cathedral. Which one? ________________
16. Many cathedrals were built hundreds of years ago – the skill and bravery of the
people who built them is amazing. The architects who designed them had to
address the problem of how to support such high, heavy walls. The system they
came up with was first used in France and was then copied by many English
architects. What did they use to solve the problem and support the walls?