View Heilmann CV - BioTechnology Institute

Ciriculum Vitae
Dr. Steven M. Heilmann
Steven is an organic chemist by academic training and a polymer chemist by
experience, having spent more than 34 years in the Central and Corporate
Research Laboratories of 3M. He ascended in the technical ranks at 3M,
ultimately being appointed in 1994 to Corporate Scientist which is the highest
technical position at 3M. He also received the Carlton Society Award in 1997
which is a lifetime achievement award for technical and business excellence and
the highest award for technical merit given by 3M. Throughout his 3M career, he
has been exclusively involved with research operations, either directly or with a
group of up to 16 Ph.D. level employees. He is listed as inventor on 100 issued
US Patents and author and co-author of 76 research publications. In addition, he
enjoyed a previous association with the University of Minnesota and the
Department of Chemistry by teaching the “Chemistry of Industry” course from
1984-2003. He retired from 3M on 1 Jan 08 and accepted a position as
Research Associate in the Biotechnology Institute of the University of Minnesota
in mid February. In his association with the BTI, he has particularly interested in
the transformation of biomass, especially algae and other low cellulosic
materials, into higher value materials.
Educational Background:
University of Iowa
University of Northern Iowa
Ph.D. (Organic Chemistry – 1973)
B.A. (Chemistry - 1969)
Research Interests:
Electroorganic chemisty, especially in aprotic media; Crown ether modified and
phase transfer catalyzed organic reactions; Synthetic organic chemistry in
general; Organosilicon chemistry; Photocuring and photopolymerization reactions;
Adhesive technology, especially pressure sensitive adhesives; Heterocyclic
polymer chemistry; Reactive polymers and polymer modifications; Azlactone
chemistry; and Syntheses conducted using enzymes. Hydrothermal
carbonization has been of recent interest at the University of Minnesota.
Honors and Professional Societies (Partial Listing):
Golden Step Award* - 1982 - "Isotac Adhesives"
(* Golden Step Awards are present to personnel responsible for products that
generated more than $10 million in sales in the product’s first year of introduction)
Adjunct Professor of Chemistry - University of Minnesota (1984 to 2003)
Appointed to the selection committee for the Applied Polymer Science Award
given by the American Chemical Society 1989-1992; Chairman - 1992.
Golden Step Award for "TECS" Product - 1995
1997 3M Carlton Society Award
Industrial Advisory Board Member to the College of Natural Sciences, University
of Northern Iowa, 1998-2000. Re-appointed for another three year term.
Leland Wilson Chemistry Lecturer, University of Northern Iowa, September 14,
Invited participant for the Central Regional Workshop on Biomass Research and
Development, Technical Advisory Committee’s Roadmap for Biomass
Technologies in the United States, 11-12 Apr 06, Argonne National Laboratories,
Chicago, IL.
Technical lectures given at 19 universities, 8 American Chemical Society
functions, 5 Gordon Conferences, and other miscellaneous functions.
Appointment as Research Associate, Biotechnology Institute, University of
Minnesota, 2008 to present.
US Patents Issued (five most recent):
96. US 7,342,047 (11 Mar 08); “ Crosslinkable hydrophilic materials from
reactive oligomers having pendant unsaturated groups”
97. US 7,459,489 (2 Dec 08); “Reactive hydrophilic oligomers”
98. US 7,557,177 (1 Jul 09); “Ring-opened azlactone initiators for atom transfer
radical polymerization”
99. 101. US 7,598,298 (6 Oct 09); “Reactive hydrophilic oligomers”
100. US 7,659,323 (9 Feb 10); “Hydrophilic Gel from Reactive Hydrophilic
Research Publications (five most recent full papers):
72. Biotechnol. & Bioeng. 2009, 103 (5), 920-929; “Design of salt-tolerant
membrane absorbers for viral clearance”
73. Biotechnol. Prog. 2009, 25 (6), 1695-1702; “Salt tolerant membrane
absorbers for robust impurity clearance”
74. Biomass & Bioenergy 2010, 34, 875-882; “Hydrothermal carbonization of
75. Applied Energy 2011, 88(10), 3286-3290; “Hydrothermal carbonization of
microalgae. II. Fatty acid, char and algal nutrient products”
76. Biomass & Bioenergy 2011, 35, 2526-2533; “Hydrothermal carbonization of
distiller’s grains”