April 2015 - Middlebury

enewsletter April 2015
May 9th Volunteer Day
Volunteers weeding at Krider Garden 2014
The Northridge 8th graders have their annual community volunteer day, scheduled for Saturday May 9th. It
is from 10 AM to noon meeting at Krider Garden. There could be 100 to 120 students attending and we
need team leaders to help direct work groups! The main job will be spreading mulch at Krider Garden and
the Habitat Garden.
Please contact Dick Cook if you can help – phone 574-596-3802 or email rockfish45@live.com.
Mark Your 2015 Calendar
June 20 – Pumpkinvine Bike Ride
July 11 – Trails of Middlebury Celebration
August 14 and 15 – Summer Festival
August 29 - Riverfest
September 18 and 19 – Fall Festival
November 6 – Mini Golf, Friday Night T time
November 7 – Mini Golf @the Library
A really big improvement!
New waterwheel on the Krider Garden Mill House
The wooden waterwheel on the Mill house in Krider Garden has rotted away over the years with the
continuous flow of water. Dick Cook had the great idea to have an aluminum laminated wheel
manufactured that will last for years. Gary Lambright owner of Silvercraft LLC of rural Middlebury
manufactured the wheel in the photo and donated one half of the over $600 cost. Thanks to Dick, Friends
of the Parks and Silvercraft for this really big improvement!
Old Mill Park Update
Over 200 dead or dying Ash Trees have been removed from the park so that trails and boardwalks can be
built in safe areas. The park staff has pulled out lots of tree tops and limbs that have then been cut for
firewood. The challenge is, there are lots more to be removed! If you or you know someone that needs
FREE FIREWOOD, please call Tom Enright 536-2305 and sign a waiver to cut firewood.
The Festival Rose returns to Krider Garden!!
Rex Krider planting roses in Krider Garden, April 2015
Roses and particularly the Festival thornless rose contributed to Krider Nurseries’ business
growth in the early years. Roses were planted in what now is Krider Garden for years before
and after the 1933/34 “Century of Progress” Chicago World’s Fair. There haven’t been roses
in Krider garden since the 1960’s.
After 50 years there will be a rose garden in Krider World’s Fair Garden!
Led by Rex Krider a rose garden has been planted in the lower garden. Even more special,
three years ago, Rex located one Festival thornless rose, the variety that made Krider
Nurseries famous! Since then he has propagated the original rose into three plants!
Rex said “This is a really special day when the Festival Rose is growing again in Krider
World’s Fair Garden. Grandfather Vernon would be proud!”
The three Festival roses are planted along with ten other varieties in the new, but old Krider
Rose garden!
Thanks to Rex for having the vision of a rose garden returning to Krider Garden, locating a
surviving Festival rose, the donation of all the new roses and helping plant the new rose
Breaking News!!!!
A new playground is coming soon to Riverbend Park!!!
For years the Park and Recreation Board has a Master Plan for Riverbend Park
improvements that includes a new playground, replacing the current almost antique
equipment. The Board has proposed and the Town Council approved funding for a new
playground with a nature theme. Construction will start this summer!
More news in coming enewsletters!!!