1 DIRECTION DE L’ENERGIE NUCLEAIRE COMMISSARIAT A L'ENERGIE ATOMIQUE DEN/SAC/DIR/CM/02/263 SACLAY, LE 7 MAI 2002 PRESENTATION OF THE WORK DONE IN THE FIELD OF PARTITIONING IN THE FRAME OF THE 5 th FWP OF THE EUROPEAN UNION DURING THE ADOPT MEETING HELD AT ITU ON MARCH, 14, 2002 by Charles MADIC DEN/SAC/DIR CEA/Saclay DIRECTION DE l’ENERGIE NUCLEAIRE, SAC/DIR, Bt 523, CEA/Saclay, 91191 Gif-s-Yvette, France Charles MADIC TEL : 33. (0) - FAX : 33. ( 0) E-mail : charles.madic@cea.fr 2 PARTNEW (Contract FIKW-CT-2000-00087) I. INTRODUCTION The aim of the research program PARTNEW is to define solvent extraction processes for the partitioning of the minor actinides, Am and Cm, from the high active raffinate (HAR) or high active concentrate (HAC) issuing from the reprocessing of UOx or MOx fuels by the PUREX process. II. WORK PROGRAM AND LABORATORIES INVOLVED The work is divided into eight work packages (WP) corresponding to three research domains: A/ co-extraction of trivalent actinides (An(III)) and lanthanides (Ln(III)) from acidic HARs or HACs (DIAMEX process), B/ An(III)/Ln(III) group separation from acidic feeds (SANEX processes), C/ Am(III)/Cm(III) separation: WP1: DIAMEX basic studies, WP2: DIAMEX process studies, WP3: SANEX basic studies with polydendate nitrogen ligands, WP4: SANEX process development with polydendate nitrogen ligands, WP5: SANEX basic studies with di-thiophosphinic acid synergistic mixtures, WP6: SANEX process development studies with di-thiophosphinic acid synergistic mixtures, WP7: SANEX basic and process studies with new S-bearing ligands, WP8: Am(III)/Cm(III) separation basic studies. A total of eleven European laboratories are involved in the research including : 1/ CEA/DEN/Marcoule (France), co-ordinator, 2/ CEA/DSM/Saclay (France), 3/ The University of Reading, Reading (UK), 4/ Chalmers University of Technology , Göteborg, (Sweden), 5/ ITU, Karlsruhe (Germany), 6/ ENEA/Saluggia, (Italy), 7/ Politechnico di Milano, Milano (Italy), 8/ INE/FZ, Karlsruhe, (Germany), 9/ IRS/FZJ, Jülich, (Germany), 10/ CIEMAT, Madrid (Spain) 11/ Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Madrid (Spain). III. MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS OBTAINED AT MID-TERM The main achievements of the research carried out during the first 18 months of the contract are briefly summarised below. WP1. In the field of DIAMEX basic studies the main achievements obtained are the following: Bis-malonamide ligands have been synthesised at UAM. Some molecules present interesting An(III) and Ln(III) extraction properties, 3 Thermodynamics of the extraction of An(III) and Ln(III) nitrates by malonamides was studied at CEA/Marcoule, using the van t’Hoff method with M(III) distribution ratios and by micro-calorimetry, Kinetics of extraction of Am(III) and Ln(III) nitrates by DMDBTDMA has been studied at FZK, NMR spectroscopy and molecular modelling were used to precise the structure of solvates formed between Ln(III) nitrates and diamide bearing an ether O within the central group of the molecule, The supramolecular organisation of the solvates formed between malonamides and the following solutes : (i) nitric acid, (ii) Ln(III) nitrates, (iii) uranyl nitrate, was studied by CEA (Saclay and Marcoule) using different techniques, including X-rays and neutrons small angle scattering. WP2. The main achievements obtained in the field of DIAMEX process development are the following: A total of 1.4 kg of spent MOX fuel was reprocessed at ITU in order to generate sufficient volume of HAR for the preparation of HAC, Experimental conditions for the treatment of a HAC (6x) by the DIAMEX process have been determined. This work is being conducted in collaboration between ENEA, PoliMi, FZJ and ITU, The radiolytic and hydrolytic degradation of the diamide DMDOHEMA was studied at CEA/Marcoule. Then, efficient solvent clean-up procedures of the degraded solvent were defined, A test of the DIAMEX process using a genuine HAR has been conducted successfully at CEA/Marcoule. This demonstrates the feasibility of the DIAMEX process based on the use of DMDOHEMA for the partitioning of Am and Cm from HAR. During this test, it was shown that solvent recycling is possible while maintaining good separation performances. WP3. The main achievements for this WP are as follows: New N-bearing ligands have been prepared at Reading, including bis-oxazolepyridine. Some of these molecules exhibit interesting An(III)/Ln(III) separation properties, Numerous progress have been obtained in the understanding of the complexation properties of N-bearing ligands by molecular modelling studies, performed both at Reading and CEA/Marcoule, ESI-MS spectroscopy (CEA), NMR spectroscopy (CEA) and crystal structure determinations (Reading) were methods used to understand better the interaction between N-bearing ligands and Ln(III) ions, The thermodynamics of complexation by N-bearing ligands were the subject of numerous studies at CEA and Chalmers. At Chalmers a model was defined to predict the effect of the diluent on the affinity of synergistic mixtures vs Am(III) or Ln(III) ions. At CEA, the thermodynamic parameters of the complexation of the entire series of Ln(III) by ADPTZ were determined. Moreover, microcalorimetry was used for the study of the complexation of Ln(III) ions by BTP ligands. The main driving force for the reactions was found to be the enthalpy, The kinetics of extraction of Am(III) an Ln(III) nitrates by n-Pr-BTP was studied at INE-FZK. It was shown that the extraction rate of Am(III) is limited by a chemical reaction located at the interface between the aqueous and organic liquids. 4 WP4. The main results obtained are the following: A hot test of the SANEX-III process, using i-Pr-BTP extractant was carried out successfully at CEA/Marcoule in June 2001. Nevertheless, the extractant used was found a bit degraded, so a need for a more robust BTP ligands still exists, A test of the SANEX-III process using n-Pr-BTP and implemented with hollow-fibremodules (HFM) was performed at INE-FZK on synthetic {An(III)+Ln(III)}mixtures. Very promising results were obtained, and the experimental results are in fair agreement with the calculated data performed using the computer model defined. WP5. The main results are as follows: New bis-substituted-di-thiophosphinic acids were prepared at FZJ and their extraction properties vs An(III) and Ln(III) tested in synergistic combinations with organophosphates or phosphine oxides. Some new systems exhibit large An(III)/Ln(III) separation factors. WP6. The main results are the following: A test of the ALINA SANEX-(III) process for An(III)/Ln(III) separation was successfully conducted on synthetic spiked solution at FZJ using a bank of miniature centrifugal extractors. A test of the same ALINA SANEX-(III) process was performed also successfully at INE using a HFM. Here also, experimental and calculated data were in good agreement. WP7. The only noticeable result is this WP concerns the synthesis of a thiomalonamide at UAM. WP8 A very important discovery has been made at FZJ. It was shown that a synergistic mixture of bis-(chlorophenyl)-di-thiophosphinic acid + TEHP permit to discriminate between Am(III) and Cm(III) from acidic feeds, with separation factor SF Am/Cm close to 10. This is a breakthrough in this field. IV. CONCLUSIONS The research within the PARTNEW collaboration was very active during the first 18 months of the contract. The scientific feasibility of the DIAMEX process for treating HAR and that of the SANEX-BTP process for An(III)/Ln(III) separation were demonstrated. Numerous basic data were also obtained which consolidate the understanding of the extracting properties of the various extractants studied. PYROREP ( FIKW-CT-2000-00049) I. INTRODUCTION The aim of the research program PYROREP is to determine the practicalities of separating uranium, plutonium and minor actinides (MA) from a spent fuel or an irradiated target using pyrochemistry. Several options have been selected, including: (i) molten chloride or molten fluoride salt media, (ii) separation using molten salt / metal exchange processes, (iii) separation by electrolysis. 5 II. WORK PROGRAM AND LABORATORIES INVOLVED The project comprises three work packages (WP) including: WP1. Separation. Two methods are studied: (i) salt/metal extraction, (ii) electrorefining. The media studied are molten chloride and molten fluoride salts, WP2. Subsidiary process steps will be assessed such as: (i) salt decontamination vs traces of actinides in order to minimise losses, (ii) material selection and testing. Suitable construction materials compatible with molten fluoride media will be selected and tested, WP3. Waste and system studies: (i) leach tests will be carried out on inactive sodalite, which is the waste form selected for conditioning spent salt baths, (ii) the performances of various pyrochemical processes will be compared, (iii) modelling and preliminary economic assessments of the processes will be performed. A total of ten laboratories are involved in the research, including: 1/ CEA/DEN/Marcoule, (France), co-ordinator, 2/ CIEMAT, Madrid, (Spain), with University of Valladolid (UVA), as sub-contractor, 3/ ENEA, Trisaia and Casaccia (Italy), with PoliMi (Milano), as sub-contractor, 4/ ITU, Karlsruhe, (Germany), 5/ CRIEPI, (Japan), 6/ BNFL, (UK), with AEA-Harwell, as sub-contractor, 7/ NRI, (Czech Republic). II. MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS OBTAINED AT MID-TERM The main achievements of the research carried out during the first 18 months of the contract are briefly summarised below. WP1. In the field of the separations, the main achievements obtained are the following: Separation by salt/metal extraction (CEA): the separation of the actinides (An) are done by their reduction into metals. The distribution of Pu, Am and Ce (a lanthanide, Ln) between AlCu (60/40 wt%) fused alloy and various Lif-AlF3 salt melts were determined. From these data it is concluded that An/Ln separation could not be optimised by changing the melt fluoro-acidity, Separation by electrolysis from fluoride media (CEA). A lab-scale electrolyser was designed and constructed. The first electrochemical experiments concerned Nd in various fluoride melts. Separation by electrolysis (CIEMAT & UVA). The work done here is to apply electrochemical methods for the separation of elements contained within a spent fuel surrogate (SIMFUEL). Numerous work items are included in this work concerning technology and basic chemistry. As examples of the main conclusions reached todate, on can cite: (i) W and Mo metals are suitable for making electrodes for work in LiCl-KCl melts, (ii) liquid Cd cathode was studied, and Ln-Cd alloy formation was observed, (iii) the efficiencies of La and Ce electrodeposition were found to be close to 80-90%. 6 Design, construction and testing of an electrorefiner unit under inactive conditions (ENEA). This work, initiated at Trisaia will be transferred to Brasimone. Reprocessing of metal fuel (ITU & CRIEPI). At the ITU, in a joint effort with CRIEPI, a small-scale installation for pyrochemical reprocessing of metallic spent fuel has been set-up. It includes an electrorefiner equipped with: (i) a solid cathode for U separation, (ii) a liquid Cd cathode for Pu and MA extraction. Numerous tests have been conducted involving U and Pu. Process study: separation of Am by electrorefining (ITU & CRIEPI). The aim of the work is to demonstrate the feasibility of the separation of MAs from Lns. The techniques and procedures for basic parameter determinations have been optimised and numerous experiments were performed. Study of electrolytic separation from molten fluoride salt (NRI). An electrolyser has been designed and constructed successfully. It is able to work with 2 or 3 electrodes. Experiments using these two configurations were carried out for studying electrochemical separations. Moreover, work was done for the selection of the composition of the fluoride melt. Assessment of controlling parameters (BNFL). Work was done here to assess the parameters (stirring, current, voltage) that can be used for the control of the electrorefiner (chloride melt). Several solid cathodes and two reference electrodes were studied. For liquid Cd cathode, a « pluger » has been commissioned in order to improve the use of this peculiar electrode. Decontamination factors for U and Pu from MAs (BNFL). Experiments using U and Pu have been conducted. U metal deposited on a Fe cathode, from a chloride bath containing an U/Pu mixture (4/1), was found to contain less than 1/14000 of Pu. WP2. Subsidiary steps. The main achievements in this field are as follows: Conversion of spent fuels to halide form (CIEMAT). The objective of this work is to determine the stability of the compounds and the reaction rates when direct chlorination of the oxide fuel (SIMFUEL) is performed. Solubilization studies of Ln oxides and oxohalides have been carried out in the eutectic LiCl-KCl at 450 °C. It was observed that HCl is a convenient gas for chlorination. Chlorination experiments of UO2 were also successfully performed. Material and equipment selection for molten fluoride salts (NRI). Numerous materials have been studied, including: (i) BN, (ii) silica glass, (iii) alumina, (iv) pure Ni, (v) Inconel 686. Recommendations for material selection will be proposed at the end of the research. Salt decontamination (BNFL). Different methods (electrolytic and chemical) for the elimination of MAs from the spent salts are studied. An experimental set-up has been installed in a glove-box for these studies. WP3. Waste and system studies. Preparation of sodalite samples (ENEA & PoliMi). In case of pyrochemical processes to be implemented in chloride melt, the spent salt is expected to be conditioned in sodalite. Synthesis of sodalite has been carried out using an hydrothermal process. Preparation of pellets for leaching tests, to be carried out by CEA, is under way. System studies. Some prospective nuclear scenarios have been selected. For example, NRI focuses on a specific scenario based on the use of molten salt reactors associated with reprocessing in fluoride media. Literature research is also underway in this field to consolidate the knowledge of pyrometallurgy applied to nuclear fuel cycles. 7 IV. CONCLUSIONS The work carried out during the first 18 months of the PYROREP program is in-line with the contract. Good collaboration between the different partners is observed and one can expect that most of the goals defined for the research will be reached. CALIXPART ( FIKW-CT-2000-0088) I. INTRODUCTION The aim of the research program CALIXPART is to design, to synthesise and to study ligands, belonging mostly to the class of functionalized calixarenes, able to selectively extract the trivalent minor americium (Am) and curium (Cm) from the high active acidic raffinate (HAR) issuing from the reprocessing of nuclear spent fuel. II. WORK PROGRAM AND LABORATORIES INVOLVED The work research program has been divided into 8 work packages (WP) including: WP1. Synthesis of non macrocyclic ligands, WP2. Synthesis of new macrocycles with one type of ligating functions, WP3. Synthesis of new macrocycles with mixed types of ligating functions, WP4. Extraction and complexation experiments, WP5. Basic studies, WP6. Modelling, WP7. Implementation of new extractants, WP8. Development studies on promising compounds. A total of nine European laboratories are involved in the research, including: 1/ CEA/DEN/ Cadarache, (France), co-ordinator, 2/ Université de Liège, (Belgium), 3/ Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, (France), 4/ Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz, (Germany), 5/ Micromod Partikeltechnologie GmbH, (Germany), 6/ Università di Parma, (Italy), 7/ Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Madrid, (Spain), 8/ University of Twente, Twente, (Neederlands), 9/ CIEMAT, Madrid, (Spain). Recently, CALIXPART was enlarged to include a Czech team composed of 3 partners (Academy of Sciences of CR, Katchem and NRI). The organisation of the work between the laboratories involved is shown below. 8 SYNTHESIS MAINZ ; LIEGE ; PARMA ; TWENTE ; MADRID Calixarenes ; Cavitands ; Cyclotriveratrylenes; Dendrimers SCREENING CEA CAD Extraction tests on Ln(III) and An(III) Selection of promising compounds BASIC DATA TESTS PARMA ; LIEGE X-ray ; NMR ; luminescence ECPM STRASBOURG Stoichiometry ; thermodynamic data MODELLING ULP STRASBOURG MD and QM simulations Selection of confirmed compounds III. IMPLEMENTATION OF EXTRACTANTS DEVELOPMENT STUDIES CEA CAD ; MICROMOD Membranes ; Microparticles CEA CAD ; CEA VALRHO ; CIEMAT radiolysis; hot tests ; flow sheet process MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS OBTAINED AT MID-TERM The main achievements of the research carried out during the first 18 months of the contract are the following: WP1. Synthesis of non macrocyclic ligands was focused on ligands bearing the following ligating functions: CMPO and di-thiophosphinic acid. This includes the synthesis of dendrimers. The main achievements obtained are the following: Syntheses of bi- and tridendate di-thiophosphinic acids and of mixed phosphine oxide - di-thiophosphinic acids were carried out at Liège. But as these ligands are unstable, this work was stopped, Dendrimers (up to the 5th generation) bearing the CMPO moiety were prepared at Mainz. The extraction of Am(III) and Eu(III) by the CMPO-dendimers was studied and gave interesting results. Consequently, magnetic and non-magnetic particles coated with these CMPO-dendrimers will be prepared in a near future, WP2. Synthesis of new macrocycles with one type of ligating functions. The main achievements obtained to-date are the following: Synthesis of calix[4]arenes with diketone (TTA) pending ligands were successfully prepared at Parma, At Twente, calix[4]arenes bearing thiourea or COSAN units were prepared. The affinity of these molecules for Am(III) and Eu(III) was found poor. Calix[6]arenes, in the cone conformation and bearing malonamide ligating groups, were synthesised at Madrid. The affinity of these extractants for Am(III) and Ln(III) nitrates was studied for different aqueous nitric acid concentrations. No Am/Ln separation was observed, which is quite normal for O-bearing ligands. At Parma, calix[n]arenes bearing picolinamide and thiopicolinamide ligating groups have been prepared. Extraction tests with the ligands used in synergistic combination with Br-Cosan were performed. SFAm/Eu of ~ 10 was obtained for the ligand PAR-8. 9 At Liège, calix[4]arenes bearing thiopyrazolones moieties were prepared. Unfortunately, no Am/Eu separation was observed during their extraction with these ligands. WP3. Synthesis of new macrocycles with mixed types of ligating functions. The main achievements are as follows: Calix[4]arenes substituted at the wide rim. A mixture of CMPO and amide moieties were grafted on the same calix[4]arene platform at Mainz. Interesting extraction results were obtained with the ligand MZ18, bearing 2 ethylamide moieties and 2 CMPO moieties. Am/Eu separation factor close to 10 was obtained for a 10-3 mol/L MZ18 organic solution and a 1 mol/L nitric acid feed. Calix[4]arenes substituted at the narrow rim. Numerous ligands of this type have been prepared at Mainz and Parma, but none of them exhibit interesting selective affinity for Am(III). WP5. Basic studies. The most important results obtained in this field are the following: Crystallography and NMR are the most important experimental techniques used to understand better the complexing and extracting properties of the ligands. At Liège, paramagnetic dipolar NMR shifts and relaxation times were measured to determine the structures of the complexes formed between Ln(III) ions and new ligands in solution. WP6. Modelling. Numerous systems have been modelled and a better understanding of the interactions between trivalent metal ions and the ligating functions used in the preparation of new calix ligands has been obtained. The work done includes: M3+ interactions with amides, urea, diamides and thia analogues in the gas phase, MD simulations in dry chloroform and at a liquid-liquid interface and QM optimizations in the gas phase. WP8. Development studies on promising compounds. The main work done in this WP concerns the study of the stability of selected ligands under high irradiation. The work is done at CIEMAT in the NAYADE irradiation facility. Preliminary experiments were conducted on TBP and CYANEX 301 extractants, leading to the definition of the irradiation and analytical procedures. IV. CONCLUSIONS The work carried out during the first half of the CALIXPART contract was important. A tremendous amount of synthesis work was done and numerous molecules were prepared, tested and studied. We hope in the future the discovery of ligands with interesting An(III) extraction and separation properties by the CALIXPART team of scientists.