RAW notes for 3/1/10 IA LGC Call Setting the context for the project (5 minutes) - Brian Seals WCSC saw PSI as a benefit to them before the Iowa-PSI initiative. Took the lead on getting this set up. Eager to see what the group comes up with, and what projects they want to work on. Get involved as much as you can to make the most of this opportunity. Theresa echoed this. Introductions & priorities/expectations for LGC (15 minutes) – Scott Cassel – Brian Seals to go first; select others from list Goals over the next year: Brian Seals: electronics, fluorescent tubes; both are problematic…20 other state have legislation on ewaste, think Iowa could benefit from one. Lots of RCCs have issues with collecting and managing. Progress over next year - keep abreast of what’s happening on national scale, getting dialogue going in the state, working through some of those issues, getting the right people on board. Dialogue w/ mfrs & retailers as well as among the group. Stacy Johnson: Echo what Brian said about e-waste & tubes. Add a token stream she gets lots of questions on: Styrofoam. So many other alternatives - can create website to tell mfrs you don’t want Styrofoam pkg any more (give consumers a voice in terms of the pkg they’re getting from mfrs). Want electronics mfrs to be proactive w/ design for the environment. Tubes - want more recycling of these (people don’t even know they need to recycle them) - education/awareness. Shannon & Tony, Council Bluffs: Pharmaceuticals. Is a state program; want to promote it more (Council Bluffs pharmacies aren’t aware they can do it) & have long term sustainability. A lot of the things mentioned already is stuff they have pretty good programs in place - they cost $, but costs passed on to residents. Up for general discussion on just about anything. Chuck Goddard: Pharms & sharps. Paint is always a big one. Get ready for it in 2011. Judi & Arthur, Metro Waste Authority: Want to implement programs as a team to make disposal for residents easier and more cost effective (put costs back to mrs). Paint program. Sustainability of pharms program. E-waste. Publicize pharms program more, but that’s still not the answer b/c need pharma companies to chip in. Judi says pharms & e-waste. Janice Bain: Sharps is main concern. Would like help. Do take them at recycling center, but have to be in approved containers - that seems cost-prohibitive to some people. People are constantly putting them in recycling bins, posing problems on tipping floor, etc. Done everything she can think of to tell people what they need to do, radio, literature that goes out, etc. Message isn’t getting through. Would like to see some type of national campaign w/ character etc. Can’t believe they haven’t had a stick - have been very fortunate. Amy, Prairie SW: Sharps is main concern. Would like to be more aware of what’s out there for sharps. Douglas (IA Purchasing): Has been a while since he’s run recycling centers. Could be a resource for joint contracting for goods & services. If a contract for fluorescent tubes, many state contracts are written so local agencies can take advantage of them if they choose to do so. Scott - maybe recycled paint would be of interest? Steve Fishman, EPA: Listen to the client group, find out what the needs are to relay back to agency. Glad to share information as available. Review Principles of Product Stewardship (5 minutes) Scott Discuss goals & strategies on priority products (40 minutes) – mention priorities from earlier agenda item; find out what they want to explore about a particular product; SC and SF will discuss briefly what going on for each product; PAINT; THERMOSTATS; AUTO SWITCHES; RECHARGEABLE BATTERIES Theresa - heard e-waste a number of times. Worked on it a lot. Would be happy to get e-waste legislation! Paint - what may be involved here - for states like Vermont and Connecticut, which introduced legislation this year off the OR model, there have been at least 1-2 point people working with the national group to understand the legislation & implementation in OR and lobbying in the state. The paint industry supports the bills in the rollout states. They hire a local lobbyist to find a sponsor and lobby for the bill. It is critical for the local agencies to understand and provide support - especially those agencies that have lobbyists. There has been some soft support and even opposition from some of the retailers, so it is important to work with them from the start. If relief on paint is important, then going to want to focus on this at some point as a group. Thermostats? IA is one of seven states with an EPR law. The state is working to raise awareness w/ the distributors/wholesalers about their role, and to set goals. The law requires goals to be set w/ thermostat mfrs and other stakeholders, and they haven’t been able to reach agreement on how many thermostats there are let alone how many need to be recycled. Could keep people updated. ON e-waste: DNR not going to propose a law, but would support it. Electronics - there’s plenty of collection opportunity (Goodwill, Best Buy), but not a lot of awareness. There are e-o-l fees in some places. Goodwill’s Reboot program is taking anything for free w/ Dell paying 11 cents/lb to process it. Best Buy costs $10, but get a $10 gift certificate. Ottumwa/Janice - tell everyone to go to Goodwill; if you really feel like you need the majority of the population to do something, going to need legislation. Could look at 1-pager DNR has on what should be in e-waste leg, also could look at examples of e-waste legislation (MN, WI). Theresa can send as background. Put on webpage. Lamps - Anything that doesn’t pass the TCLP must be recycled or disposed of through haz waste contractor. So, if they can provide documentation that it passes the TCLP then it can go to landfill. Businesses…Steve can get presentation on UWR for future call (specifically for lamps). Janice - accepts lamps from consumers for free, charge businesses. Art Kern - take in 1-3000/quarter. Brian S - take in a bunch of tubes; probably 10-12,000/year and not a high percentage. Get phone calls almost daily on how to dispose of these. One thing for a 4’ tube (common in business), but CFLs are huge issue to come. Education is not there on recycling. Would like to work on messaging to consumers. Legislation also a priority. Scott - want to provide focused info on lamps, e-waste, etc. Get back to pharms & sharps on a future call. PSI & CSA. Other states doing pharms EPR legislation. Get people info on TakeAway program? State legislation funded from IA DNR program, but run by IA Board of Pharmacy. $165,000 total, but would not be surprised if it was funded more in future. Tom Anderson works on this more. Don’t know if they’ve held back on education b/c there’s only so much to go around. Didn’t have as many pharmacies sign up as expected. Had thought pharmacies would be willing to foot costs to continue programs. Maybe a presentation from Tom or more about this on next call? Stacy Johnson - contact diabetes centers as outreach for sharps Create a listserve Invite others through SWANA. Brian could work through Jeff ??? who works for metro and is on Iowa Solid Waste operators board; Sarah Bixby is landfill mgr & VP of SWANA. Municipal association? Iowa League of Cities, but no contact. Try to get contact through National League of Cities; Theresa can get a contact. Send information on Waste Mgt Spring Conf. Fall IRA ?? Conference - in Scott County this year. Get info from Brian. Provide information to forward on. Planning for this group (15 minutes) o Who else should be invited? Outreach options: municipal association? county association? SWANA? Outreach/Newsletters for associations? Consultants? Scott will be at Great Plains Waste Management Conference in Omaha, NE on April 8,2010 Other upcoming events in Iowa? Press release? o Would you like a group website? Email list? Example from Oklahoma: http://productstewardship.us/displaycommon.cfm?an=1&subarticlenbr=631 (cut and paste into your browser if the link does not work) o Should we set a standing call time? What works? 3rd or 4th week of the month? T or Th? Between 1-3:30 CST? 90 minute calls? 3rd Thursdays from 1-2:30 CST PSI membership opportunity & accessing benefits (5 minutes) -- Sierra will do o About 15 new full members o How to sign up – PSI website; email Lisa; form o What to watch for (e.g., emails from Lisa, etc) – Sierra to describe Review next steps! (5 minutes) o Notes from this call o Date/time for next call(s) o Call Agenda: PAINT; THERMOSTATS??? o Outreach? o Website? Email list? o PSI membership opportunities