Data Dictionary Exercises Exercise 1 – College Create a Data Dictionary for the following entities and attributes: STUDENT Student ID No First Name Surname SUBJECT Subject Day Time Student ID No* Use the following format: Draw a table out with the headings as shown. Entity Attribute Type Validation For the Type and Validation – look at the notes we have just covered. Look at the sample data (in the normalisation exercises to help you). Remember the attributes underlined are the primary keys, the asterisk * denotes the foreign key. Exercise 2 – Ships and Ports Create a Data Dictionary for the following entities and attributes: SHIP Ship ID Ship Name Cargo Bay Capacity Daily Cost PORT Port ID Registered Port Mooring Fees Ship ID* Exercise 3 – Scot Gas Create a Data Dictionary for the following entities and attributes: INSPECTOR Inspector No Inspector Name Inspector Mobile No Inspection Area Inspector Qualification Customer No* VISIT Inspection Date Inspection Time Customer No Inspection Type Exercise 4 – Sports Create a Data Dictionary for the following entities and attributes: INSTRUCTOR Instructor ID Instructor Name Class Code* CLASS Class Code Sport Class Level Cost Per Class Exercise 5 – Holiday Booking Create a Data Dictionary for the following entities and attributes: CUSTOMER Customer No Name Address Hotel Code* HOTEL Hotel Code Hotel Address No of Rooms Duration of Stay Exercise 6 – Cinema Create a Data Dictionary for the following entities and attributes: FILM Title No Description Censor Rating Film Class Actor No* ACTOR Actor No Actor Name Role Played Exercise 7 – Timetables Create a Data Dictionary for the following entities and attributes: LECTURER Lecturer No Name Faculty Office Location Course Code* COURSE Course Code Start Date Weekly Time Exercise 8 – Courses Create a Data Dictionary for the following entities and attributes: SOLDIER Soldier ID Name Course Code* COURSE Course Code Course Title Session No Course Date Grade