GLASGOW CALEDONIAN UNIVERSITY FORM RDC2 Rev Dec 09 HIGHER DEGREES COMMITTEE APPLICATION FOR TRANSFER OF REGISTRATION FROM MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY TO DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (This form should be typewritten) 1 THE CANDIDATE Name: School/Div FT\PT*: Collaborating establishment, if any: Present post and place of work: Title of research programme: Matriculation date: Date of approval of RDC 1: Expected date of completion: 2 THE SUPERVISORS (names, qualifications, designations and posts held) Director of Studies: Experience of successfully completed UK PhD supervision: Details of course(s) for Research supervision attended: Second Supervisor: Experience of successfully completed UK PhD supervision: Details of course(s) for Research supervision attended: Third Supervisor: Experience of successfully completed UK PhD supervision: Details of course(s) for Research supervision attended: 3 BRIEF REPORT BY THE SUPERVISORS 3.1 On the candidate's progress: * delete as appropriate PTO 3 BRIEF REPORT BY THE SUPERVISORS (cont) 3.2 On the candidate's progress with the programme of related studies: Please attach the candidate’s updated Personal Development Plan and Record and comment on progress to date and future plans. 3.3 Assessing the evidence that the research programme provides a basis for work at PhD standard: 3.4 Ethics - Are there any additional or continuing ethical implications? If yes full details should be provided. (Please note that approval of the programme by the University Ethics Committee may be required). If ethical approval had not been given at the date of the RDC1 submission, please state here the date and details of ethical approval. Please state here the status of any applications for additional or continuing ethical approval. 4 SUMMARY OF PROGRESS MADE (to be completed by the candidate) The Candidate is required to submit the full progress report for approval by the candidates School. Regulation 6 refers, – particularly, 6.2: The progress report should normally be 3,000 to 6,000 words in length and include the following: 1. A brief review and discussion of the work already undertaken 2. A statement of the intended further work, including details of the original contribution to knowledge which is likely to emerge. A separate 500 word abstract should accompany the form. I declare that the work contained in the attached report/abstract is my own Signed____________________________________ Date_______________________________ Candidate 5 RECOMMENDATION OF THE SUPERVISORS Having considered all aspects of the candidate's progress, including the candidate’s Personal Development Plan/Record and having and examined the candidate's own progress report (an abstract of which is given overleaf), and found this to be satisfactory description of what has been achieved, we recommended that the transfer of registration from Master of Philosophy to that of Doctor of Philosophy be granted. Signed____________________________________ Date_______________________________ Signed____________________________________ Date_______________________________ Signed____________________________________ Date_______________________________ 6 SUPPORT BY HEAD OF RESEARCH I certify that facilities will continue to be available for the above candidate within the department. Supported by________________________________ Date_______________________________ Head of Research END OF FORM