1 Questionnaire Summary of the main activities of a scientific Organisation of the Slovak Academy of Sciences Period: January 1, 2003 - December 31, 2006 I. Formal information on the assessed Organisation: 1. Legal name and address Institute of Forest Ecology, Slovak Academy of Sciences Štúrova 2 960 53 Zvolen The Slovak Republic 2. Executive body of the Organisation and its composition Directoriat name age years in the position director Ing. Jozef Váľka, CSc. 54 since 2000 deputy director Ing. Peter Zach, CSc. 44 since 2000 scientific secretary Ing. Margita Kuklová, CSc. 47 since 2000 3. Head of the Scientific Board RNDr. Ján Kulfan, CSc. 4. Basic information about the research personnel i. Number of employees with a university degree (PhD students excluded) engaged in research and development and their full time equivalent work 2 capacity (FTE) in 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 and average number during the assessment period ii. Organisation units/departments and their FTE employees with the university degree engaged in research and development Research staff 2003 2004 2005 2006 average No. FTE No. FTE No. FTE No. FTE No. FTE organisation in whole 39 31,26 38 32,09 36 32,49 36 32,7 37,25 32,135 Department of Animal Ecology 7 4,40 7 5,32 7 5,32 7 5,3 7 5,085 Department of Soil Ecology and Plants 9 6,84 8 5,5 8 6,17 6 5,15 7,75 5,915 Department of Ecotoxicology 6 5,42 5 5 4 4 5 4,25 5 4,6675 Department of Production Ecology 7 5,60 8 6,6 7 7 7 7 7,25 6,55 Branch for Woody Plants Biology 10 9,00 10 9,67 10 10 11 11 10,25 9,9175 5. Basic information on the funding i. Total salary budget1 of the Organisation allocated from the institutional resources of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS) in 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, and average amount for the assessment period ii. Salary budget total salary budget (millions of SKK) 2003 2004 2005 2006 average 11,046 11,082 11,768 12,231 11,532 6. URL of the Organisation’s web site http://www.savzv.sk 1 Sum of the brutto salaries without the fund contributions. 3 II. General information on the research and development activity of the Organisation: 1. Mission Statement of the Organisation as presented in its Foundation Charter The Institute of Forest Ecology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (in the further text the Institute or IFE) was established by the decision No 689/1 of the Presidium of Slovak Academy of Sciences dated 17th June 1987. The Institute started operating on 1st July 1987 and became economically independent on 1st July 1990. It became a contributory organization on 1st January 1993. The Institute is located in the town of Zvolen (main office). There are two work places associated with it, namely the Branch for Woody Plants Protection located in Nitra and the Research Station at Staré Hory. The performance of Institute is not limited in timeframe. According to the foundation charter No 397/0214/95 dated 30th June 1995, the Institute´s mission is the following: The Institute focuses on the basic and also applied research in forest ecology. Understanding changes, processes and stressors important for the stability, structure, production and protection of forest ecosystems feature prominently in the Institute´s research programme. Activities of the Institute are associated with the study of forest ecosystems and their components like soil, water, air, fungi, plants and animals. The study of ties between and among these components and their environment (see production ecology, ecotoxicology, etc.) is an integral part of the Institute´s research activities too. The principal area of research covers the broad spectrum of forest ecosystems in the western Carpathians. Study of introduced and native woody plants is the further research priority of the Institute. It includes taxonomy, biology, protection and use of woody plants in the forest and urban landscapes. Particular emphasis is placed on endangered tree species and their protection. The knowledge of forest ecosystems, their structure and development obtained at the Institute is used in preparation of measures aimed to mitigate or eliminate negative effects of natural and anthropogenic stressors on forests and their components. The Institute is actively looking for methods that can clarify the role of particular stressors in the forest development or forest decline, respectively. Also, it concentrates on measures which should be taken to modify the growth proceses of trees or improve forest health (links to forestry practices) and/or environmental quality (links to nature conservation). The Institute provides advisory and expert services related to the research activities outlined above. In the form of doctoral studies the Institute ensures education in forest ecology and related disciplines. The Institute spreads knowledge on forest ecology and management of forest/natural resources. 2. Summary of R&D activity pursued by the Organisation during the assessed period, from both national and international aspects and its incorporation in the European Research Area (max. 10 pages) 4 The Institute of Forest Ecology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Zvolen is a unique work place in the area of forest ecology research. Together with its Branch for Woody Plants Biology in Nitra and Research Station at Staré Hory it covers a wider geographical area in the West Carpathians. Its activities extend, in some areas of research, the European Research Area (see below). In 2003 - 2006 the Institute was solving (mostly in participation) 9 major projects within the European Research Area, of them 4 projects under the Framework Programme of the European Union (Carbomont and Merci - 5th FP, ERA ENV and AGRI Mapping 6th FP), 2 projects of European Community (LAPBIAT, one project being supported under the prestigious Marie Currie Fellowship), etc. Three projects in the category “other international funded projects” and 10 projects in the category “important international projects without direct funding” were solved. Cooperation with the Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, and that with the Rudgers University, USA, extends the Institute´s activities outside the European Research Area (see the questionnaire). The Agency for the Promotion of Research and Development (APVV/APVT) supported between 2003 and 2006 altogether 10 different projects, of which 7 were coordinated by the Institute. The Scientific Grant Agency of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Education (VEGA) provided grants to 21 projects, of which 20 were coordinated by the Institute. A total of 14 other national projects were solved in the Institute as well (see the questionnaire). Publication activity in the Institute is documented by publications in monographs, CC journals, numerous journals indexed in databases other than Current Contents and in proceedings from scientific meetings, and by citations (see the questionnaire). The Institute edits the international journal Folia Oecologica. The journal deals with ecology, main emphasis being placed on forest ecology and related disciplines/areas. Another journal, Tichodroma, is national, co-edited by the Institute. Between 2003 - 2004 the Institute actively cooperated with research institutions in Slovakia (e.g. Technical University Zvolen, Slovak University of Agriculture Nitra, Comenius University Bratislava, Matej Bell University Banská Bystrica, University of Prešov, National Forestry Centre Zvolen, State Nature Conservation, etc.). Also, its cooperation with foreign institutions was developing successfully (e.g. with Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry, Palacky University Olomouc - the Czech Republic , University of Turku, U. of Joensuu - Finland, University of London England, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences – Sweden, University of Cologne - Germany, University of Vienna, Konrad Lorenc Institute for Ethology - Austria, Forest Research Institute Sofia Bulgaria, Chinese Academy of Sciences - China, Rutgers University – USA) and many other institutions. Since 2002 the Institute has been a member of the International Union of Forest Research Organisations (IUFRO, Austria). In 2003 - 2006 the Institute was required to provide ecology expertises on important national problems such as, for example, forest ownership, spread of industrial and technological parks (e.g. Eurovalley Záhorie), environmental problems around industrial smelters (e.g. aluminium plant in Ziar nad Hronom, magnesite plant at Lubenik) and in forest areas affected by strong wind currents (e.g. Tatra Mountains, large scale windthrow in November 2004), impacts on environment (e. g. ski centre Donovaly Liptovské Revúce), threatened species and their habitats (e.g. associated activities with the European network of protected areas NATURA 2000), etc. (see the questionnaire). Study of sustainable development of the Tatra National Park, made with the Institute´s participation, was awarded the second position in the national competition. Activities in the legislative were primarily reflected by the Institute´s participation in preparation of the Forest Act (the Institute was mainly contributing by advisory comments). The Institute also participated in the National Forest Inventory in SR (membership in methodological commission) coordinated by the National Forestry Centre and in preparation of the Forestry (Green) Report for the Ministry of Agriculture of the Slovak Republic. Key 5 research activities in soil sciences, biodiversity research and forest protection were reflected by the Institute´s participation in the project Prognosis of Development of Science and Technology by 2015 coordinated by the Prognostical Institute of SAS. Undoubtedly, the Institute played important role in the research and protection of woody plants in woodlands and urban areas. Its position in the research of ornamental and introduced tree species is unique not only in the home country. Research activities were accelerated after the international conference “Forest Ecology State and Perspectives” held in Zvolen in 2003 at the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Institute´s foundation. In 2003 - 2006 they were also connected with the Centre for Scientific Tourism in Slovakia, etc. The Institute hosted regarded researchers from abroad. Some of them were staying over two months (e.g. prof. W. Topp, University of Cologne, Germany). In 2003 - 2006 researchers from the Institute regularly gave presentations for university students in the Slovakian universities, actively participated in educational commissions, including commissions on doctoral education. The Institute was accredited to provide doctoral education in (1) Ecology, (2) Plant Protection and (3) Ecology of individuals and populations under the study programme Ecology and Protection of Biodiversity. One diploma student and two doctoral students from Germany were staying and carrying out reseach in the Institute over the period of two months (S. Miethaner) or three months (Ludwig Strasser, Tobias Hahner). This was the further important recognition of the Institute in the European Research Area. Also, knowledge-disseminating activities of the Institute were promising in 2003 - 2006. They were set very high indeed, not only in the development of forest science. Dr. M. Saniga was awarded the second prize of the Literary Fond for 2006 for making amazing publicity to nature and nature conservation. The Institute was also developing activities to accelerate and improve communication on forest science among the public (see e.g. meeting in Ispra, Italy, organized in 2006 under the activities of the 6 Framework Programme). Ing. K. Sládeková from the Institute took part in the meeting where she was awarded the certificate of Directorate General Joint Research Centre. These activities were later continued by the Institute´s success in obtaining support from the Agency for the Promotion of Research and Development. Under the project “Forest is not just trees” the Institute is coordinating contacts between other research institution in Slovakia and the media. The further project, coordinated by M. Saniga, is focusing on children´s education in ecology, restoration ecology and nature conservation. Selected results (2003-2006) Changes in land-use influence sources, sinks and fluxes of carbon in European mountain areas. Under the 5th Framework Programme of EU we performed (as investigators in the project CARBOMONT) research in the Poľana area - locality Snohy, Central Slovakia, on hemi-surface area of above-ground organs of plant populations of non-mown and mown meadows. Detailed analyses of plant communities were made with regard to species composition and production. The study from Poľana Mountains and numerous case studies from the other regions of Europe enable generalisation of the results. There are numerous studies on forest tree physiology focusing on dynamics of photosynthetic and fluorescence characteristics made in changing environmental conditions (global change, etc.). Under 5th Framework Programme of EU (as investigators in the project MERCI) we participated in an experimental study, the aim of which was to determine daily dynamics of photosynthetic and fluorescence characteristics. We performed experiments in the conditions of „increased“ and „normal” concentrations of CO2 in the vertical profile of spruce crowns. Some projects of the Framework Programme are more educational than scientific. Nevertheless, they are highly regarded. We took part (as investigators within a wider international team) in the educational project ERA ENV of the 6th FP, the main goal of which was to integrate associated candidate countries and new EU member states in the European research area by environmental 6 approaches. A total of 2,750 brochures, 5,000 leaflets, 2,750 CDs were distributed to educate the target groups on global change and ecosystems. Dissemination of information about potential partners in the 7th FP is of crucial significance. In the project EU AGRI MAPPING of the 6th Framework Programme we presented the Institute´s structure and Institute´s research activities (altogether 20 researchers involved) (www.AgriFoodResearch.net). The aim of the project supported by the European Commission (DG Research) is to involve the research institutions in the former “candidate countries” in the structures of the 7-th Framework Programme of the EU. The project provides main platform for coordination of research in the field of soil science and food. Integration to the European Research Area (ERA) is connected with tasks followed by the EU institutions. In framework of the National Capacity Self-Assessment (NCA) project we determined priorities in Slovakia so as to meet the duties set by environmental conventions on biological diversity, climate change and soil degradation. We participated in the partial theme „Desertification“. The role of the Institute in the project was crucial. We have gathered unique scientific data on disturbed areas in Slovakia throughout time. They now provide a basis for further research and development of legislation. Inclusion of the Institute in ERA was reflected by its participance in the project BIOSOIL. The project is a part of the European scheme “FOREST FOCUS” which is also focusing on forest soil research. Following the Directives of the European Parliament, we compiled methods and made training activities in soil science. Also, we described soils on 15 study plots according to Guidelines for Forest Soil Profile Description (2006) and classified them by MKSPS (2000) and WRB (1998). In Slovakia, apparently, there is a deficiency in raw materials. The peat deposits have already been exhausted and those which remain are often protected in the form of wetlands. The current deficit can be bridged over with a new raw material - alginite. The alginite is a sedimentary rock. It was formed by sedimentation in tertiary lakes, in calderas of basalt volcanoes filled in with precipitation water. The substance contains a high proportion of organic material (algae). The high content of organic compounds and nutrients makes this material an efficient fertilizer. The alginite has excellent waterretention properties. There is a growing interest to use it also abroad, e.g. in deserted and semideserted areas. Apart from the nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium, the rock is rich in trace elements such as Zn, Cu, Mo, Mn, Se, Co and B. The average contents of non-essential elements like Cd, Hg, As and Pb are lower than the limit set for organic-mineral fertilizers. In alginite, concentrations of toxic elements Cr and Ni overreach threshold values. However, the toxic effects of these elements can be lowered or eliminated if alginite is composted together with the organic waste. It is evident that some amounts of Cr and Ni in alginite are not accessible to plants. This is why, following thorough consideration, we have recommended alginite (Envigeo company) for the use e.g. in tree nurseries, in gardening or cultivation of seedlings or as a soil-improving agent. Alginite can also be used as an agent in aforestation of sandy soils. It supports the growth of woody plants in areas strongly modified by pollutants, industrial barrens included. Changes in micronutrients concentrations (Mn, Fe, Zn, Cu) in beech leaves were studied after felling of different intensity. In some cases felling of trees significantly affected concentrations of micronutrients. We carried out dendro-chronological analysis of beech stems to specify the influence of cutting on radial increment. The decrease in the stand density was reflected by significantly increased increment in all social groups of trees examined. Lowering of stocking by 10 % was found to result in increase of radial increment by 17 % in average. A method to determine dry weight of beech leaves using calculations coefficients was found. The invention has been patented (see the questionnaire). Forest decline in the northern areas of Slovakia is of crucial significance for forestry practices and nature conservation. The method to characterize the extent and intensity of dieback of spruce stands (decline of a new type) has been developed. Three types of damage and dieback have been distinguished. A classical type of dieback “A” was the most frequent, occurring almost in all mature 7 spruce stands, especially in forest margins. The damage types “B” and “C” were not restricted to forest margins only. The study of natural spruce forests in the Tatra Mountains (performed on transects) revealed considerable differences in ecological conditions. The lack of nutrients in forest soils, accumulation of acid spruce litter on the ground and leaching effect of precipitation was reflected by the low values of active reaction (pHH2O) in the upper (0-5 cm) mineral layer. The results form the basis for management of fragile mountain spruce forests. Analyses of physiological characteristics showed that spruce stands in the region of Horný Spiš have had impaired their antioxidant system (very low concentrations of carotenoids), increased sensitivity to tropospheric ozone, low temperatures and solar radiation. Warming up the atmosphere and global change, undoubtedly, will have adverse effects on many organisms, including insects. Comparative basis is therefore needed to evaluate these changes throughout time. Participation in the EC programme LAPBIAT enabled us to carry out research on insects (Lepidoptera and Coleoptera) in the forests of northern Lapland, Finland and Norway, some 500 km north of the arctic circle. The research continued in the Tatra Mountains. Using the same methods as in Finland we collected insects in three mountain valleys (Bielovodská, Velická and Tomanova valley), focusing on bark beetles and their distribution in the timber line area. Bark beetles were found to be more abundant in the trees forming the timber line (ecotone) than in the trees below (forest) and above the timber line (sole trees). Results enable comparisons on wider scale. Similarly, the phytocoenological study was performed in the forests of Stará Planina Mountains, Bulgaria. On 27 plots regularly monitored by the Forest Research Institute, Sofia, we described soil properties, phytocoenoses and collected plant material for comparisons with that from Slovakia. It is likely that comparisons made at distant areas enable more precise indication of changes in the forest structure in the conditions of global change. Research activities were continued in the beech forests of Stará planina Mountains, Bulgaria.The aim was to evaluate frequency and extent of necrotic damage on beech stems, and to find out the agents of necrotic disease. Values of index of necrotisation (ISN) in selected localities in the mountain ranges Vitosha and Stara planina, Bulgaria, ranged from 0.72 to 1.12. In Slovakia such low values of ISN were obtained only in the seven localities out of 52 examined. The ISN values in Slovakia were shown more favourable than those from Northern Hungary (ISN in the range from 1.11 to 1.18). We gathered unique information on distribution of necrotic diseases in the Carpathians (Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania). Health of oak trees was assessed comparatively in the three frequent oak species in Slovakia, Quercus dalechampii, Q. robur and Q. cerris. The Turkey oak (Q. cerris) was shown to be most resistant to diseases of a tracheomycotic type. Norway maple (Acer platanoides) is a widespread native tree species in Europe. It has been introduced to North America where it has often established dense stands in both secondary woodlands and relatively undisturbed mature woodlands. The project utilized a wide network of collaborators to assess leaf herbivory rates in populations throughout Europe and North America. There was a statistically significant difference between total leaf herbivory between the two continents over a two year period (2004-2005). This result is consistent with the predictions of the Enemy Release Hypothesis, in that more herbivory occurs in the native range of A. platanoides than in its introduced range. Original knowledge was obtained on the basis of a phytopathological study of woody plants in the Sad Janka Kráľa, Bratislava, involving 2,503 taxa and 47 genera. It may be concluded that that statical stability of trees was adversely affected by wood-destroying fungi and ants, long-horn beetles and other insects associated with dying trees. The significance of dead wood (coarse woody debris, CWD) in forest ecosystems is not highly regarded. Study from the four forest reserves of Central Slovakia (coop. Univ. of Cologne, Germany) characterized by a minimum impact of man (National Nature Reserve Boky, Badinsky prales, Rohy and Poľana) clearly showed that dead wood on the forest floor locally increased the amounts of leaf litter and concentrations of nutrients (Corg, Ntot, Ca2+, K+). Dead wood was also found to decrease acidification of forest soils. Besides the positives effects on forest soils, dead wood was shown to 8 provide valuable substrate for numerous epigaeic animals. It affected them directly, that is, some of the animals used it as a habitat or refugee. The indirect effects were largely connected with favourable conditions for animals (e.g. moisture, soil and trophic conditions). Study revealed significantly higher abundance of snails, millipedes, woodlice and litter-dwelling beetles and also higher species richness of particular animal assemblages in the litter near dead wood than in the corresponding substrates distant from it. In the later stages of decomposition dead wood was not proved to be a habitat of pest species able to affect forest health. A new Lepidopteran species from the family Yponomeutidae has been described under the name Argyresthia tatrica. Characters of the adult, pupa and larva of the species were given. The moth has been recorded in the Tatra Mountains, northern Slovakia. It lives in higher altitudes near the tree line. The larvae damage larch trees by penetrating the twigs and mining in them. The species is abundant in some years. It may be considered as the pest of European larch in mountain forests. The moth pupae were identified using the new identification key (Patočka, Turčáni 2005) describing more than 2,500 European Lepidopteran species. The identification key was prepared on the basis of author's Lepidopteran pupae rearings and collections, and it is focused on morphological characteristics on the abdominal segments of pupae. The study on Osmoderma eremita, a threatened beetle species associated with old/ancient trees, was conducted in all European countries with the aim to reveal its present distribution, biology and ecology. We participated in the study by compiling the data from the past and by providing recent data for the monograph. Increased density of bark beetles (Coleoptera, Scolytidae) in Norway spruce forests in Central Europe and resulting negative impacts on nature and society, together with threats to some scarcer predators of bark beetles, have led to intensive research on natural enemies of bark beetles. The three-toed woodpecker (Picoides tridactylus) is a typical representative of a bioregulative complex of bark beetles in boreal forests. Its diet was studied during six successive years using radio-tracking and marking methods, and by analysing the excrements.. The overall diet composition of adult three-toed woodpeckers was dominated by spiders (Araneidea), the larvae of longhorn beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) and bark beetles (Coleoptera, Scolytidae, resp. Curculionidae). Adult birds consumed long-horn beetle larvae primarily during nesting, while imagoes and larvae of various bark beetles were prevailing during the non-nesting period. In the diet of nestlings spiders and larvae of longhorn beetles were predominating. The consumption of bark beetles by the three-toed woodpecker varies throughout the year, being the lowest during nesting. Securing the habitat requirements of bark- and wood boring beetles is critical to maintain viable three-toed woodpecker populations. Research on behavioural ecology of endangered bird species Lesser Grey Shrike (Lanius minor) was performed to reveal causes of its decline in Europe and outline possibilities for further research using the methods of molecular biology. A new type of paternity and partnership was described in the threatened Lesser Grey Shrike (Lanius minor) population from Central Slovakia. In spite of extrapair copulations, DNA analysis revealed no extrapair young birds in 61 families. This means that extrapair copulations are not successful and that there is a clear seasonal monogamy in the species. Paternity protection results in increasing parental care. Research activities in the National Nature Reserve Baishuijang, the province of Gansu, and in Qinling Mountains, the province of Shaanxi, China, resulted in huge collections of animals, namely orthopterans, birds and bats. We used them for genetic, eco-morphological and ecological comparisons with the material from Slovakia. In China, potential vectors of the bird influenza were studied too. Of 368 song birds originating from the easterly slopes of the Tibet Mountains, a single record of bird influenza was made. For the first time, the virus was found to be associated with the passerine bird Leiothrix lutea. We investigated phylogenetic relationships within the Turdus and Lanius assemblage using the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. A total of 19 species from Turdus were analyzed as ingroups, and Myiophoneus caeruleus and Monticola cinclorhynchus were selected as outgroups. Altogether 991bp gene fragments from these species were obtained, in which 368 variable sites and 278 parsimony informative sites were identified. Phylogenetic analyses indicated that the genus Turdus is 9 paraphyletic and that it forms a well supported clade including three mostly monotypic genera (Cichlherminia, Platycichla and Nesocichla). Three types of phylogenetic tree (MP, ML and Bayesian) support two steady clades (Europe-Asia clade and South America clade) in Turdus. Species from the Europe-Asia clade include T. rubrocanus, T. pallidus, T. obscurus, T. naumanni, T. torquatus, T. boulboul and T. cardis, while species from the South America clade include P. leucops, N. eremita, T. chiguanco, T. fuscater, T. rufiventris and T. grayi. Applying a substitution rate of 2% per million years, the divergence of the Europe-Asia clade was estimated to have occurred approximately 0.95-3.30 Mya, the South America clade divergence occurring at around 1.2-3.7 Mya. Similar results were received on the analysis of 8 species of the genus Lanius. The results can be applied in knowledge of possible spread of avian influenza. Bats belong in forest ecosystems to important predators of insects, especially moths (Lepidoptera). For the first time in Europe the foraging behaviour was analysed in an insectivorous bat Nyctalus noctula during winter. The moths were the most important items in all samples (mean frequency F = 53 %, mean volumen V = 35 %), followed by flies and mosquitoes (F = 38 %, V = 12 %), beetles (F = 21 %, V = 9 %) and spiders (F = 15 %, V = 3 %). Some seasonal trends could be identified in flies, mosquitoes and beetles, with a decrease in frequency and volume in the middle of winter. Moths showed no seasonal trend over winter. Habitat preferences and population dynamics were studied in the three tree-dwelling bat species, namely Myotis nattereri, Myotis daubentonii and Nyctalus noctula. Bats selected tree-hollows that had certain specific features; older tree-hollows, rotted in their roofs, often originally woodpecker holes. Various human influences were found to affect the structure of foraging bat assemblages. Parasitic microscopic fungi belong to the important originators of diseases that not only decrease aesthetic and decorative value of woody plants but also cause withering of branches and the whole stand. Response of microscopic fungi to cultural and climatic changes is the most dramatic by their invasive behaviour, and so colonization of new territories. The introduced fungi Erysiphe elevata (Burrill) U. Braun & S. Takam. and Erysiphe platani (Howe) U. Braun & S. Takam. are examples of new species recently introduced to the Slovak mycoflora. We pointed out threat to coniferous and deciduous woody plants providing conditions for activation of quarantine harmful agents. Soil pathogens of the Phytophthora genus as frequent originators of woody plants withering were detected and subsequently isolated and identified with using baiting techniques. An increased occurrence of leaf spot pathogens (Carpospores microsora Sacc. and Gloeosporium tiliae Oudem.) on lindens in urban greenery was recorded. Biology of these fungi was specified in laboratory conditions. In Slovakia, Hungary and Ukraine we focused on the occurrence of Cryphonectria parasitica on chestnut and oak trees. Studies resulted in the formation of the bank of data on fungal isolates, some can be promising in biological control of the fungus. The significance of biological protection of threatened tree taxa has been increasing. Co-operation between Hungarian and Slovakian mycologists (from the Institute) resulted in the detection of dsRNA (the hypovirulent isolates of the fungus Cryphonectria parasitica) in the material from Slovakia. This is promising for the further protection of the edible chestnut against the harmful fungus C. parasitica. The fungus C. parasitica has recently been recorded also at Pernek and Petrovce, Slovakia. The number of localities with the presence of harmful fungus increased to 36. This is alarming. Genetic variability of isolates of the fungus was determined by the European testers. Ten v-c groups were identified. In the subregion Malé Karpaty the chestnut cultivation strains compatible with the EU-13 v-c group were prevailing. In the other subregions the EU-12 was predominating. The presence of dsRNA - agents of hypovirulence, was confirmed from eight isolates and five localities (Limbach, Modra, Stredné Plachtince, Horné Lefantovce, Arborétum Mlyňany). These hypovirulent isolates are more efficient in the treatment of chestnut trees (biological control) than those known from France and Hungary. The results are being applied in the protection of edible chestnut in Slovakia. In spruce monocultures differing in age we studied the abundance, diversity and production of macromycetes. The study provided data on the occurrence and distribution of parasitic fungi harmful to spruce trees, namely Armillaria ostoyae, Heterobasidion annosus and Phomitopsis pinicola. 10 The horsechestnut leaf miner (Cameraria ohridella), an invasive moth (Lepidoptera) originating from southern Europe, has established its population in Slovakia, causing a serious damage to the horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum). The other invasive species, bug Corythuca ciliata (Heteroptera), was recorded on plane trees (Platanus spp.). In 2004-2006 we applied, for the first time in Slovakia, the microinjection technology to protect the horse-chestnut and plane trees. The results are promising. In 2005 we treated, using 8,822 injectors, 731 horse-chestnut trees in 25 localities. A total of 294 injectors were applied to 26 plane trees in five localities. In the horsechestnut leaf miner the effectiveness of chemical treatment (Abamectin) varied from 86 to 100 percent (2006). The method can be considered as environment-friendly. It mainly contributes to preserving the ancient horsechestnut and plane trees in town parks Using the techniques of molecular biology the structure of fungal assemblages (macromycetes) was evaluated in the forests affected by industrial pollution in the Žiarska kotlina basin, central Slovakia (DNA extraction, PCR, T-RFLP analyses). Pollution in larger urban areas requires more attention and consideration. Cooperation on ecological problems in densely populated areas resulted in obtaining and evaluating data on contamination of the city of Warszaw, Poland. Polutants in the city, including heavy metals, were analysed also in birds. Development of tourism in Slovakia requires new investments in the ski areas. Developers tend to improve the quality of existing ski areas or they look for new ski areas throughout the country to reflect adequately a growing interest in ski activities. The intention to connect the present ski areas at Donovaly and Liptovské Revúce, Central Slovakia, has been analysed in the EIA study (167 pp., enclosures) made by the IFE researchers in 2005 and 2006. The study provided a complex analysis of effects of human activities on nature, landscapes and society. The proposed ski area is likely to become the largest one in Slovakia if all the proposed activities are accepted. Twelve popular-scientific articles (author M. Saniga) devoted to Central Europaean nature have been published in the popular-scientific magazine „Quark“ under heading “The Calendar of Nature”. These and numerous other articles have been awarded the 2nd price of the Literary Fund and not only this. Many young readers have been given a unique possibility to get acquainted with the secrets of nature and nature conservation. 3. Concept of R&D activity of the Organisation for the next four years (max. 5 pages) i. Present state of knowledge and status of ongoing research related to the subject of the Concept, from both international and national perspective The Institute´s research activities in the field of forest ecology follow those of the European Forest Ecosystem Research Network (EFERN), namely promoting ecological research for sustainable forest management. The Istitute´s activities are also connected with the European Platform for Biodiversity Research Strategy (EPBRS), the main mission of which is to halt the loss of biodiversity and protect nature by research. Last but not least, the Institue follows research priorities identified by the European Forest Institute (EFI) and International Union of Forest Research Organisations (IUFRO), of which climate change and development of information society are most important. Key research activities of the Institute (effects of climate change on forests, forest ecology and biodiversity) are closely linked with those in research and educational imstitutions in the home country and abroad (e.g., Finland, Polish Forest Research Institute, Poland, INRA French Nationale Institute for Environmental Research, France, Forestry Commission – United Kingdom, University of Joensuu - Faculty of Forestry, WSL – Switzerland, etc.). The areas of research addressed above, together with research of introduced and ornamental trees in woodlands and urban areas, undoubtedly, are crucially significant everywhere in Europe nowadays. 11 Due to to climate change natural and anthropogenic disturbances have become much more frequent than they were before. The key task is to uncover the risks of these disturbances for nature, man and society by research and look for measures to predict, mitigate or eliminate the harmful effects they cause. ii. Organisation’s role or significance in the overall research effort within the field of the Concept on both the national and international scales Forests play a vital role for rural as well as urban populations all over the world. They are an essential natural resource providing multiple benefits to people. Their conservation and sustainable management are closely linked with global issues such as food supply and environmental protection. Scientific knowledge is needed all over the world to effectively address these issues globally and regionally and provide the basis for political decisions. Closer international cooperation in forest science and related disciplines is required to enable forests to satisfy the manifold human needs in a sustainable way. Forests cover over 40% of the territory of the Slovak Republic. The Institute studies ecological procesess and uncovers them in forest ecosystems. Its role in the community helps to protect and save forests in the home country and also abroad. The mission of the Institute is specific. Original activities of the Institute can be distiguished from those carried out in the other forest research organisations with ease. Research activities follow modern ecology research in international level. In the questionnaire this is shown by cooperation of the Institute´s researchers with numerous institutions in Europe, Asia and USA. International significance of the Institute is reflected by original areas of research. They are the following: Some aspects of ecology of beech ecosystems (ties between soil and undergrowth production, growth processes in trees, harmful effects, morphology and biomass of shoots, phenology). Dieback (decline) of mountain spruce forests in the conditions of global change, related to natural and anthropogenic disturbances, insect outbreaks included. Ecological significance of dead wood (coarse woody debris), primeval forests ecology. Trophic webs in forest ecosystems (trees – phytophages – predators), toxic compounds in trophic webs. Identification (identification keys) and ecology of moth larvae and pupae (Lepidoptera). Behavioural ecology of forest birds and mammals. Influence of fungal pathogens on ornamental and introduced woody plants. Ecology of virulent and hypovirulent strains of the fungus Cryphonectria parasitica on edible chestnut. International recognition of the Institute can be seen in its cooperation with foreign institutions, primarily by participation in the projects but also in other forms of cooperation. The results are presented in publications. There is a growing interest among young researchers, students and also experienced forest ecologists to conduct their studies in the Institute. International cooperation is characterized in the questionnaire. iii. Objectives of the Concept 12 The Institute will continue preforming studies in the perpective areas of research, namely impact of global change (mostly climate change) on forest ecosystems, followed by studies on biodiversity, forest ecology, and biology and ecology of ornamental and introduced trees. Undougbtedly, climate changes are leading to unexpected and rapid alterations in the environment. There is an urgent need to understand these changes and be able to predict them and their impacts on forests. Impact of global change has been described in numerous scenarious. Their effect is often underestimated or overestimated, leaving much uncertainty behind. The Institute will address climate change and resulting effects and consequences on the basis of primary data obtained in the field. Beside this, emphasis will be placed on the local anthropogenic effects, the intensity of which has been increasing in the Slovak Republic and Europe, respectively (see also above). The Institute will further be focusing on biodiversity research in forest ecosystems and factors responsible for biodiversity changes. At the present moment, great attention is being paid to the habitats and species of European significance (the European net of protected areas NATURA 2000). The Institute is planning to address these problems also in the future, namely in managed and unmanaged (primeval) forests. Ecological processes in forest ecosystems will be studied with focus on forest soil and vegetation, ties in trophic webs, effects of forestry practices on successional processes, growth and productionSaving biodiversity is among the priorities of the European Union. Research on biology and ecology of introduced and ornamental woody plants, including those in urban areas, also features prominently in the Institute´s activities. Key areas of research will be addressed (see fungal pathogens above). Other research activities will include other parasitic fungi, insect pests and their harmful effects. New methods of woody plants protection will be developing. iv. Proposed strategies and methods to be applied, and time schedule Further research will be made under the running projects (see the questionnaire). In addition, new projects will be proposed. Data will be obtained by standard and modified methods. The Institute has been planning to widen its activity in running biology and ecology studies of selected forests organisms, using the methods of molecular biology and roentgen absorbtion spectrometry. This is expected to be performed in the form of cooperation with home and foreign organisations. Possibly, molecular biology will be developing in the Institute too (this strongly depends on grants). Considering some overlap in the timeframe of particular projects, the field and laboratory studies will be made simultaneously, following their time schedule. Research policy in the home and foreign grant agencies is not stabile. Therefore much time will be required to monitor conditions and relevant changes. The results of reseach will be disseminated through media to the public, following one of EFI´s priorities, namely development of information society. III. Partial indicators of the main activities: 1. Research output i. List of the selected publications documenting the most important results of basic research. Total number of publications in the whole assessed period should not exceed the average number of the research employees 13 1. BARANIAK, E. - KULFAN, J. - PATOČKA, J. Argyresthia tatrica sp. n. (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae, Argyresthiinae) - a new Lepidoptera species feeding on Larix decidua in the Tatra Mts. In Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift. Vol. 50, no. 2 (2003), p. 231-236. 2. BARNA, M. Adaptation of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) to different ecological conditions: leaf size variation. In Polish Journal of Ecology. Vol. 52, no. 1 (2004), p. 35–45. 3. BOLVANSKÝ, M. – UŽÍK, M. Morphometric variation and differentiation of European chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) in Slovakia. In Biologia, Bratislava. Vol. 60, no. 4 (2005), p. 423–429. 4. CICÁK, A. - MIHÁL, I. State of necrotic disease of beech stands in Slovakia. In Mikologija i Fitopatologija. Vol. 36, no. 6 (2002), p. 93-105. 5. DITMAROVÁ, Ľ. - KMEŤ, J. Health state of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) trees in terms of latent damage caused by immission load. In Ekológia (Bratislava). Vol. 21, no 2, Supplement, 2002, p. 42-52. 6. DUBOVÁ, M. – BUBLINEC, E. Influence of chemistry of precipitation of water sources. In Ekológia ( Bratislava). Vol. 22, no. 2 (2003), p. 219-224. 7. FACCOLI, M. – BLAŽENEC, M. – SCHLYTER, F. Feeding response by the sexes of bark beetle Ips typographus in tunnelling micro-assay to host and non-host compounds. In Journal of Chemical Ecology. Vol. 31, no. 4 (2005), p. 745–759. 8. GRODZKI, W. – JAKUŠ, R. – LAJZOVÁ, E. – SITKOVÁ, Z. – MACZKA, T. – ŠKVARENINA, J. Effects of intensive versus no management strategies during an outbreak of the bark beetle Ips typographus (L.) (Col.: Curculionidae, Scolytinae) in the Tatra Mts. in Poland and Slovakia. In Annals of Forest Science. Vol. 63, no. 1 (2006), p. 55–61. 9. HOI, H. – KRIŠTÍN, A. – VALERA, F. – HOI, CH. Clutch enlargement in lesser gray shrikes (Lanius minor) in Slovakia when food is superabundant: A maladaptive response? In Auk. Vol. 101, (2004), p.191–198. 10. JAKUŠ, R. - BLAŽENEC, M. Influence of proportion of (4S)-cis-verbenol in pheromone bait on Ips typographus (Col., Scolytidae) catch in pheromone trap barrier and in single traps. In Journal of Applied Entomology. Vol. 126, 2002, p. 306–311. 11. JANÍK, R. Dynamics of soil temperature and its influence on biomass production of herb layer in a submontane beech forest. In Journal of Forest Science. No. 6 (2005), p. 276–283. 12. JEŽÍK, M. - VOŠKO, M. Diameter increment of beech trees and its trends on permanent research plots with various stand densities. In Ekológia (Bratislava). Vol. 21, no 2, Supplement, 2002, p. 80-90. 13. JUHÁSOVÁ, G. – ADAMČÍKOVÁ, K. – ROBIN, C. Results of biological control of chestnut blight in Slovakia. In Phytoprotection. Vol. 86, no. 1 (2005), p. 19–23. 14. JUHÁSOVÁ, G. – BERNADOVIČOVÁ, S. Detection and identification of Phytophthora sp. associated with ink disease on European chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) in Slovakia. In Mikologija i Fitopatologija. Vol. 40, no. 2 (2006), p. 151–159. 15. KAŇUCH, P. – JANEČKOVÁ, K. – KRIŠTÍN, A. Winter diet of the noctule bat Nyctalus noctula. In Folia zoologica. Vol. 54, no. 1-2 (2005), p. 53–60. 16. KAŇUCH, P. – KRIŠTÍN, A. – KRIŠTOFÍK, J. Phenology, diet, and ectoparasites of Leisler’s bat (Nyctalus leisleri) in the Western Carpathians (Slovakia). In Acta Chiropterologica. Vol. 7, no. 2 (2005), p. 249–258. 17. KELLEROVÁ, D. – JANÍK, R. Air temperature and ground level ozone concentration in submountain beech forest (Western Carpatians, Slovakia). In Polish Journal of Ecology. Vol. 54, no.3 (2006), p. 505–507. 14 18. KRIŠTÍN, A. – HOI, H. – VALERA, F. – HOI, CH. Philopatry and nest site fidelity in Lesser Grey shrike. In Biodiversity and Conservation. Vol. 16, (2006). (DOI 10.1007/s10531-0069019-8). 19. KUKLA, J. - KOVÁČOVÁ, M. - SCHIEBER, B. Bioparameters of selected herb species in High Tatra Mts. spruce ecosystems. In Polish Journal of Ecology. Vol. 51, no. 3 (2003), p.369-376. 20. KULFAN, J. - ZACH, P. - ŠUŠLÍK, V. - ANDERSON, J. Is abundance of the moth Bucculatrix ulmella affected by immissions? In Ekológia (Bratislava). Vol. 21, no. 2, Supplement 2002, p. 143-151. 21. KUNDRÍK, F. Digital purpose-oriented large-scale ortho-photo maps and their use in exact ecological forest managemenr. In Ekológia (Bratislava). Vol. 21, no. 2, Supplement 2002, p. 33–41. 22. MIHÁL, I. – BUČINOVÁ, K. Species diversity, abundance and dominance of macromycetes in beech forest stands. In. Journal of Forest Science. Vol. 51, no. 5 (2005), p. 187–194. 23. PASTIRČÁKOVÁ, K. – PASTIRČÁK, M. – JUHÁSOVÁ, G. The Catalpa powdery mildew Erysiphe elevata in Slovakia. In Cryptogamie, Mycologie. Vol. 27, no. 1 (2006), p. 31–34. 24. PASTIRČÁKOVÁ, K. – PASTIRČÁK, M. The anamorph of Erysiphe platani on Platanus × hispanica in Slovakia. In Mycotaxon. Vol. 97, no. 1 (2006), p. 189–194. 25. PATOČKA, J. – TURČÁNI, M. Lepidoptera Pupae: Central European Species. Vol. 1, 2. Stenstrup: Apollo Books, 2005. Text volume 542 p., Plate volume 321 p. ISBN 87-88757-471. 26. PECHACEK, P. – KRIŠTÍN, A. Comparative diets of adult and young Three–toed Woodpeckers in a European alpine forest community. In Journal of Wildlife Management.Vol. 68, (2004), p. 683–693. 27. PICHLER, V. – BUBLINEC, E. – GREGOR, J. Acidification of forest soils in Slovakia – causes and consequences. In Journal of Forest Sciences. Vol. 52, no. 1 (2006), s. 23–27. 28. POŽGAJ, J. Pôvodné druhy rodu Quercus L. na Slovensku a ich ekologické nároky. In KELBEL, P. – FRIDMANOVÁ, A. (eds). Biotickí škodcovia žaluďov vybraných druhov dubov (Quercus spp.) na Slovensku. Košice: UPJŠ, 2006. ISBN 80-7097-655-1. s. 9–49. 29. RANIUS, T. – AGUADO, L. O. – ANTONSSON, K. – AUDISIO, P. – BALLERIO, A. – CARPANETO, G. M. – CHOBOT, K. – GJURAŠIN, B. – HANSSEN, O. – HUIJBREGTS, H. – LAKATOS, F. – MARTIN, O. – NECULISEANU, Z. – NIKITSKY, N. B. – PAILL, W. – PIRNAT, A. – RIZUN, V. – RUICANESCU, A. – STEGNER, J. – SÜDA, I. – SZWATKO, P. – TAMUTIS, V. – TELNOV, D. – TSINKEVICH, V. – VERSTEIRT, V. – VIGNON, V. – VÖGELI, M. – ZACH, P. Osmoderma eremita (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae) in Europe. In Animal Biodiversity and Conservation. Vol. 28, no. 1 (2005), p. 1–44. 30. SANIGA, M. Causes of the population decline in capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) in the West Carpathians. In Biologia (Bratislava). Vol. 58, no. 2 (2003), p. 265-273. 31. SANIGA, M. Quantitative-qualitative damages caused by mammals and birds in the planting and natural seeding. In Journal of Forest Science. Vol. 49, no. 1 (2003), p. 37-43. 32. SCHIEBER, B. - KOVÁČOVÁ, M. Phenological observations of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) bud-burst and leaf unfolding. In Ekológia (Bratislava). Vol. 21, no. 2, Supplement 2002, p. 71-79. 33. TOKÁR, F. – KUKLA, J. European chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) aboveground dendromass and its impact on composition of phytocoenoses in Jelenec Castanetarium PA. In Ekológia (Bratislava). Vol. 24, no. 3 (2005), p. 217–230. 15 34. TOKÁR, F. 30-year influence of thinning from above on production of aboveground biomass in European chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) monocultures. In Ekológia (Bratislava). Vol. 24, no. 1 (2005), p. 14–24. 35. TOPP, W. – KAPPES, H. – KULFAN, J. – ZACH, P. Distribution pattern of woodlice (Isopoda) and millipedes (Diplopoda) in four primeval forests of the Western Carpathians (Central Slovakia). In Soil Biology & Biochemistry. Vol. 8, (2006), p. 43–50. 36. VALERA, F. - HOI, H. - KRIŠTÍN, A. Male shrikes punish unfaithful females. In Behavioral Ecology. Vol. 14, (2003), p. 403-408. 37. WHITEHEAD, P.F. – ZACH, P. Observations on Treptoplatypus oxyurus (Dufour, 1843) (Coleoptera: Platypodidae). Including the first evidence for carnivory in Platypodidae and Scolytidae. In Entomologist´s Gazette. Vol. 54, (2003), p. 47-53. 38. ZACH, P. - HARZ, B. - KULFAN, J. - TOPP, W. - ZELINKOVÁ, D. - ANDERSON, J. Dispersal of Taphrorychus bicolor (Coleoptera, Scolytidae): males as more active dispersers and unsuccessful colonizations of the beetle on beech trees. In Ekológia (Bratislava). Vol. 21, no. 2, Supplement 2002, p. 152-158. 39. ZARSKI, T.P. – REJT, L. – ZARSKA, H. – CIESLIK, L. – ZARSKI, J.F. – VÁĽKA, J. Mercury in skin and feathers of wild birds collected in Warsaw conurbation area. In Ekológia (Bratislava). Vol. 22, no. 4 (2003), p.376-380. 40. ZHANG, QH.- JAKUŠ, R. - SCHLYTER, F.- BIRGERSSON, G. Can Ips typographus (L.) (Col., Scolytidae) smell the carrion odours of the dead beetles in pheromone traps? In Electrophysiological analysis. Journal of Applied Entomology . Vol. 127, no. 4 (2003), p. 185-188. ii. List of monographs/books published abroad 1. PATOČKA, J. Die Puppen der mitteleuropäischen Spanner (Lepidoptera, Geometridae). Unterfamilie Ennominae, 1. Teil. In Linzer biologische Beiträge. Vol. 35/2 (2003), p. 1001– 1075. 2. PATOČKA, J. Die Puppen der mitteleuropäischen Spanner aus der Unterfamilie Ennominae (Lepidoptera: Geometridae), 2. Teil. In Linzer biologische Beiträge. Vol. 35/2 (2004), 73 p. 3. PATOČKA, J. – TURČÁNI, M. Lepidoptera Pupae: Central European Species. Vol. 1, 2. Stenstrup: Apollo Books, 2005. Text volume 542 p., Plate volume 321 p. ISBN 87-88757-471. 4. RANIUS, T. – AGUADO, L. O. – ANTONSSON, K. – AUDISIO, P. – BALLERIO, A. – CARPANETO, G. M. – CHOBOT, K. – GJURAŠIN, B. – HANSSEN, O. – HUIJBREGTS, H. – LAKATOS, F. – MARTIN, O. – NECULISEANU, Z. – NIKITSKY, N. B. – PAILL, W. – PIRNAT, A. – RIZUN, V. – RUICANESCU, A. – STEGNER, J. – SÜDA, I. – SZWATKO, P. – TAMUTIS, V. – TELNOV, D. – TSINKEVICH, V. – VERSTEIRT, V. – VIGNON, V. – VÖGELI, M. – ZACH, P. Osmoderma eremita (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae) in Europe. In Animal Biodiversity and Conservation. Vol., 28, no. 1 (2005), p. 1–44. iii. List of monographs/books published in Slovakia 1. GREGUŠ, C. Základné princípy dlhodobého rozvoja lesného hospodárstva na Slovensku. Zvolen: ÚEL SAV a Lesoprojekt Zvolen, 2004. 54 s. ISBN 80–89101–08–9. 16 2. KMEŤ, J. - DITMAROVÁ, Ľ. Ekofyziologický výskum bukových porastov v región e ZvolenŽiar nad Hronom. Zvolen: Technická univerzita, 2003. 56 s. ISBN 80-228-1295-1. 3. KRIŠTÍN A. – HRÚZ, V. – (eds). Rovnokrídlovce (Orthoptera) a modlivky (Mantodea) Poľany: ekológia, rozšírenie a ochrana. Zvolen: Štátna ochrana prírody Slovenskej republiky, 2005. 77 p. ISBN 8089035671. 4. KUNCA, V. – ŠTEFFEK, J. – OLAH, B. – GAVLAS, V. – WIEZIK, M. Dynamika ekosystémov Štiavnických vrchov (zhodnotenie z pohľadu zmien využitia krajiny, štruktúry vybraných zoocenóz a stability lesných ekosystémov). Zvolen: Technická univerzita, 2005. 103 p. ISBN 80-228-1547-0. 5. ŠTEFFEK, J. – NAGEL, K. O. – VAVROVÁ, Ľ. Ekológia, rozšírenie a ochrana lastúrnikov čeľadí Unionidae, Dreissenidae a Corbiculidae na Slovensku. Zvolen: Technická univerzita, 2006. 90 p. ISBN 80-228-1681-7. 6. ŠTEFFEK, J. in LICHNER, M. a kol.. Osobnosti Banskej Štiavnice. Banská Bystrica: Harmony, 2006. 240 p. ISBN 80-89151-12-4. 7. VOLOŠČUK, I. et al. (BUBLINEC, E. – GREGUŠ, C). Tatra National Park Biosphere Reserve. Bratislava: Poly-Kontakt. 2003. 100 p. ISBN 80-901392-4-8. iv. List of other scientific outputs specifically important for the Organisation a) chapters in monographs, books published abroad 1. HOYLE, Z. – LÄSSIG, R. – SLÁDEKOVÁ, K. – WOO, K. Media communication. In KLEINSCHMIT, D. – KROTT, M. (eds).Public relations for forest science. Vienna: IUFRO Task Force for Public Relations, International Union of Forest Research Organizations‘ Special Programme for Developing Countries (IUFRO-SPDC), 2005. ISBN 3-901347-54-2. p. 49–58. 2. KAŇUCH, P. Slovakia. In HUTTERER, R. – IVANOVA, T. – MEYER-CORDS, CH. – RODRIGUES, L. (eds). Bat Migrations in Europe. A Review of Banding Data and Literature. Bonn: Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, 2005. ISBN 3-7843-3928X. p. 54–55. 3. SLÁDEKOVÁ, K. The „April – the Month of Forests“ Campaign. In KLEINSCHMIT, D. – KROTT, M. (eds). Public relations for forest science. Vienna: IUFRO Task Force for Public Relations; International Union of Forest Research Organizations‘ Special Programme for Developing Countries (IUFRO-SPDC), 2005. ISBN 3-901347-54-2. p. 95–106. 4. VAVROVÁ, Ľ. – UHRIN, M. – KAŇUCH, P. 15th anniversary of EUROBATS and its implementation in Slovakia. In JONES, M. – CLASSEN, O. – KRUEGER, D. (eds). 1991-2006. EUROBATS celebrates its 15thh anniversary. EUROBATS Publication Series, No 1. Bonn: UNEP / EUROBATS Secretariat, 2006. ISBN 92-95058-01-1. p. 89–93. b) chapters in monographs, books published in Slovakia 1. BUBLINEC, E. – VASS, D. – GREGOR, J. Ekotoxikológia prírodnej melioračnej hmoty alginitu. In Aktuálne problémy kontaminácie životného prostredia z hľadiska toxikológie a ekotoxikológie, III. Časť. Zvolen: EM DESIGN, 2004. ISBN 8022813613. s. 160–166. 2. KOLEKTÍV (BUBLINEC, E. – spoluautor). Encyclopaedia Beliana – Slovenská všeobecná encyklopédia. 4. zväzok. Bratislava: Veda, 2005. 698 s. ISBN 8022408476. 17 3. KOLEKTÍV (BUBLINEC, E – spoluautor.) Encyklopaedia Beliana – Slovenská všeobecná encyklopédia. 3. zväzok (Č-Eg). Bratislava: Veda, 2003. 686 s. ISBN 8022407615. 4. KOLEKTÍV (GREGUŠ, C. – spoluautor) Encyklopaedia Beliana – Slovenská všeobecná encyklopédia, 3. zväzok (Č-Eg), Základné lesnícke heslá. Bratislava: Veda, 2003. 686 s. ISBN 8022407615. 5. KRIŠTÍN A. Rovnokrídlovce (6 druhov). In POLÁK, P – SAXA, A. (eds). Priaznivý stav biotopov a druhov európskeho významu. Banská Bystrica : ŠOP SR, 2005. ISBN 80–89035– 33–7. p. 366–374. 6. KRIŠTÍN A. Vtáky (druhy Streptopelia turtur,Galerida cristata, Lullula arborea, Saxicola torquata, Lanius collurio, L. mino., L. excubitor, Sylvia nisoria ). In POLÁK, P. – SAXA, A. (eds). Priaznivý stav biotopov a druhov európskeho významu: manuál k programom starostlivosti o územia NATURA 2000. Banská Bystrica: ŠOP SR, 2005. ISBN 80–89035–33– 7. p. 615–628. 7. KRIŠTÍN, A. Poiplie. In RYBANIČ, R. – ŠUTIAKOVÁ, T., BENKO, Š. (eds). Významné vtáčie územia na Slovensku. Bratislava: SOVS, 2004. ISBN 80–969078–0–8. s. 134–137. 8. KRIŠTÍN, A. Poľana. In RYBANIČ, R. – ŠUTIAKOVÁ, T. – BENKO, Š. (eds). Významné vtáčie územia na Slovensku. Bratislava: SOVS, 2004. ISBN 80–969078–0–8. s. 138–141. 9. KUKLA, J. – KUKLOVÁ, M. Acidifikácia pôd v oblasti Veľkého Polomu a možnosti protiopatrení. In BESEDA, Imrich. In Aktuálne problémy kontaminácie životného prostredia z hľadiska toxikológie a ekotoxikológie. FEE TU Zvolen. Zvolen: EM DESIGN, 2004. ISBN 80–228–1361–3. s. 63–71. 10. KULFAN, J. Motýle. In POLÁK, P. – SAXA, A. (eds). Priaznivý stav biotopov a druhov európskeho významu: manuál k programom starostlivosti o územia NATURA. Banská Bystrica: ŠOP SR, 2005. ISBN 80–89035–33–7. p. 375–406. 11. MACHAVA, J. – BUBLINEC, E. Ťažké kovy, ich vymedzenie v lesnom ekosystéme, ich funkcie a pôsobenie. In Aktuálne problémy kontaminácie životného prostredia z hľadiska toxikológie a ekotoxikológie, III.Časť. FEE TU Zvolen, 2004. ISBN 80–228–1361–3. s. 82– 94. 12. MERCEL, F. Corylus L. In BENČAŤ, F., – BENČAŤ, T. – GOLIÁŠOVÁ, K. – KOBLÍŽEK, J. – MAGIC, D. – MAGLOCKÝ, Š. – MICHALKOVÁ, R. – OLŠAVSKÁ, K. Flóra Slovenska 5/3 : Angiospermophytina, Dicotyledonopsida, Hamamelidales, Urticales, Fagales, Juglandales, Salicales.. Bratislava: Veda, 2006. p. 180–186. 13. MIHÁL, I. - MAŠÁN, P. - ASTALOŠ, B. Kosce (Opiliones). In MAŠÁN, P., SVATOŇ, J. (Eds.) Pavúkovce Národného parku Poloniny. ŠOP SR Banská Bystrica, Správa NP Poloniny, Snina, 2003. ISBN 80-89035-21-3, p. 127-140. 14. POŽGAJ, J. Pôvodné druhy rodu Quercus L. na Slovensku a ich ekologické nároky. In KELBEL, P. – FRIDMANOVÁ, A. (eds). Biotickí škodcovia žaluďov vybraných druhov dubov (Quercus spp.) na Slovensku. Košice: UPJŠ, 2006. ISBN 80-7097-655-1. s. 9–49. 15. RAJTAR, R. – KRIŠTÍN, A. – KULFAN, J. – et al. Druhové zloženie živočíšstva. In VICENÍKOVÁ, A. – POLÁK, P. (eds). Európsky významné biotopy na Slovensku. Banská Bystrica: ŠOP SR, 2004. ISBN 80–89035–24–8. 151 s. 16. ŠTEFFEK, J. – VAVROVÁ, Ľ. Priaznivý stav biotopov a druhov európskeho významu: Mäkkýše. In POLÁK, P. – SAXA, A. (eds). Priaznivý stav biotopov a druhov európskeho významu: manuál k programom starostlivosti o územia NATURA 2000. Banská Bystrica: Štátna ochrana prírody Slovenskej republiky, 2005. s. 407–417. 17. ÚRADNÍKOVÁ, B. – ZEMKO, M. – KRIŠTÍN, Anton – KULFAN, Ján – ZACH, Peter et al. Prírodné dedičstvo Slovenska [elektronický zdroj]. Banská Štiavnica: Slovenská agentúra životného prostredia Banská Bystrica, 2004. 1 elektronický optický disk (CD ROM). 18 c) CC publications 1. BALÁŽ, P. – MINĎÁŠ, J. The influence of the global climate change on the forest ecosystems in The Low Tatras Mts. In Ekológia (Bratislava). Vol. 23, Supplement 2 (2004), p. 1–12. 2. BARANIAK, E. - KULFAN, J. - PATOČKA, J. Argyresthia tatrica sp. n. (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae, Argyresthiinae) - a new Lepidoptera species feeding on Larix decidua in the Tatra Mts. In Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift. Vol. 50, no. 2 (2003), p. 231-236. 3. BARNA, M. - BUBLINEC, E. Mineral macronutrients in beech canopy foliage on a stand with different densities. In Ekológia (Bratislava). Vol. 21, no. 2, Supplement 2002, p. 109117. 4. BARNA, M. Adaptation of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) to different ecological conditions: leaf size variation. In Polish Journal of Ecology. Vol. 52, no. 1 (2004), p. 35–45. 5. BOLVANSKÝ, M. – STEHLÍKOVÁ, B. – BRINDZA, J. The use of artificial neural networks for identification of chestnut genotypes belonging to the Castanea sativa and C. sativa x C. crenata progenies. In Biologia. Bratislava. Vol. 58, Supplement 12, 2003, p.17–26. 6. BOLVANSKÝ, M. – UŽÍK, M. Phenotypic variation of nut characteristics in half-sib families of European chestnut (Castanea sativa). In Biologia. Bratislava. Vol. 58, Supplement 12, 2003, p. 27–34. 7. BOLVANSKÝ, M. – UŽÍK, M. Morphometric variation and differentiation of European chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) in Slovakia. In Biologia, Bratislava. Vol. 60, no. 4 (2005), p. 423–429. 8. CICÁK, A. - MIHÁL, I. State of necrotic disease of beech stands in Slovakia. In Mikologija i Fitopatologija. Vol. 36, no. 6 (2002), p. 93-105. 9. DITMAROVÁ, Ľ. – KMEŤ, J. – STŘELCOVÁ, K. – GÖMÖRY, D. Effects of temperature on selected physiological parameters of young beech trees under stress conditions. In Ekológia (Bratislava). Vol. 23, no. 2 (2004), p.152–161. 10. DITMAROVÁ, Ľ. – KMEŤ, J. – STŘELCOVÁ, K. – GÖMÖRY, D. Effects of drought on selected physiological parameters of young beech trees under stress conditions. In Ekológia (Bratislava). Vol. 25, no. 1 (2006), p. 1–12. * 11. DITMAROVÁ, Ľ. - KMEŤ, J. Health state of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) trees in terms of latent damage caused by immission load. In Ekológia (Bratislava). Vol. 21, no 2, Supplement, 2002, p. 42-52. 12. DUBOVÁ, M. – BUBLINEC, E. Dynamics and input of magnesium transported by precipitation in a beech ecosystem as a component of biogeochemical cycle of this ecosystem. In Ekológia (Bratislava). Vol. 21, no. 2, Supplement 2002, p. 3-12. 13. DUBOVÁ, M. – BUBLINEC, E. Evaluation of sulphur and nitrogen deposition to forest ecosystems. In Ekológia (Bratislava). Vol. 25, no. 4 (2006), p. 366–376. * 14. DUBOVÁ, M. – BUBLINEC, E. Influence of chemistry of precipitation of water sources. In Ekológia (Bratislava). Vol. 22, no. 2, 2003, p. 219-224. 15. EXNEROVÁ, A. - ŠTYS, P. - KRIŠTÍN, A. - VOLF, O. - PUDIL, M. Birds as predators of true bugs (Heteroptera) in different habitats. In Biologia (Bratislava). Vol. 58, (2003), p. 253264. 16. FACCOLI, M. – BLAŽENEC, M. – SCHLYTER, F. Feeding response by the sexes of bark beetle Ips typographus in tunnelling micro-assay to host and non-host compounds. In Journal of Chemical Ecology. Vol. 31, no. 4 (2005), p. 745–759. 19 17. GRODZKI, W. – JAKUŠ, R. – LAJZOVÁ, E. – SITKOVÁ, Z. – MACZKA, T. – ŠKVARENINA, J. Effects of intensive versus no management strategies during an outbreak of the bark beetle Ips typographus (L.) (Col.: Curculionidae, Scolytinae) in the Tatra Mts. in Poland and Slovakia. In Annals of Forest Science. Vol. 63, no. 1 (2006), p. 55–61. 18. GRODZKI, W.- JAKUŠ, R. - GAZDA, M. Patterns of bark beetle occurrence in Norway spruce stands of national parks in Tatra Mts. in Poland and Slovakia. In Anzeiger für Schädlingskunde / Journal of Pest Science. Vol. 76, no. 3 (2003), p. 78-82. 19. HOI, H. – KRIŠTÍN, A. – VALERA, F. – HOI, CH. Clutch enlargement in lesser gray shrikes (Lanius minor) in Slovakia when food is superabundant: A maladaptive response? In Auk. Vol. 101, (2004), p.191–198. 20. HROMADA, M. - KUCZYNSKI, L. - KRIŠTÍN, A. - TRYJANOWSKI, P. Animals of different phenotype diferentially utilize dietery niche – the case of Great Grey Shrike Lanius excubitor. In Ornis Fennica. Vol. 80, (2003), p. 71-78. 21. JAKUŠ, R. - BLAŽENEC, M. Influence of proportion of (4S)-cis-verbenol in pheromone bait on Ips typographus (Col., Scolytidae) catch in pheromone trap barrier and in single traps. In Journal of Applied Entomology. Vol. 126, (2002), p. 306 – 311. 22. JAKUŠ, R. - BLAŽENEC, M. Influence of the proportion of (-) -α-pinene in pheromone bait on Ips typographus (Col., Scolytidae) catch in pheromone trap barriers and in single traps. In Journal of Applied Entomology. Vol. 127, (2003), p. 91 – 95. 23. JAKUŠ, R. - SCHLYTER, F. - ZHANG, Q.H. - BLAŽENEC, M. - VAVERČÁK, R. GRODZKI, W. - BRUTOVSKÝ, D. - LAJZOVÁ, E. - TURČÁNI, M. - BENGTSSON, M. BLUM, Z. - GREGOIRÉ, J.C. Overview of development of an anti-attractant based technology for spruce protection against Ips typographus: From past failures to future success. In Anzeiger für Schädlingskunde / Journal of Pest Science. Vol. 76, (2003), p. 89 – 99. 24. JEŽÍK, M. - VOŠKO, M. Diameter increment of beech trees and its trends on permanent research plots with various stand densities. In Ekológia (Bratislava). Vol. 21, no 2, Supplement, 2002, p. 80-90. 25. JUHÁSOVÁ, G. – ADAMČÍKOVÁ, K. – BERNADOVIČOVÁ, S. – IVANOVÁ, H. – KOBZA, M. Parasitic microscopic fungi – a real danger for the Fagaceae family. In Ekológia (Bratislava). Vol. 21, no. 2, Supplement 2002, p. 53-61. 26. JUHÁSOVÁ, G. – ADAMČÍKOVÁ, K. – KOBZA, M. – ČEREVKOVÁ, A. Cause of withering of staghorn sumach (Rhus typhina L.) in selected localities in Slovakia. In Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae. Vol. 74, no. 1 (2005), p. 29–33. 27. JUHÁSOVÁ, G. – ADAMČÍKOVÁ, K. - KOBZA, M. The chestnut blight fungus Cryphonectria parasitica in Slovak Republic. In Mikologia i Fitopatologija. Vol. 40, no. 4 (2006), p. 346-355. 28. JUHÁSOVÁ, G. – ADAMČÍKOVÁ, K. – ROBIN, C. Results of biological control of chestnut blight in Slovakia. In Phytoprotection. Vol. 86, no. 1 (2005), p. 19–23. 29. 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Factors influencing bat assemblages in forest parks. In Ekológia (Bratislava). Vol. 24, no. 1 (2005), p. 45–56. . 35. KAŇUCH, P. Roosting and population ecology of three syntopic tree-dwelling bat species (Myotis nattereri, M. daubentonii and Nyctalus noctula). In Biologia, Bratislava. Vol. 60, no. 5 (2005), p. 579–587. 36. KAPPES, H. – TOPP, W. – ZACH, P. – KULFAN, J. Coarse woody debris, soil properties and snails (Mollusca: Gastropoda) in European primeval forests of different environmental conditions. In European Journal of Soil Biology. Vol. 42, (2006), p. 139–146. 37. KELLEROVÁ, D.- JANÍK, R. Air temperature and ground level ozone concentration in submountain beech forest (Western Carpatians, Slovakia). In Polish Journal of Ecology. Vol. 54, no.3 (2006), p. 505–507. 38. KELLEROVÁ, D. Surface ozone at the beech ecological experimental station Kremnické vrchy Mts. In Ekológia (Bratislava). Vol. 21, no. 2, Suplement 2002, p. 27-33. 39. KELLEROVÁ, D. 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State of necrotic disease of beech in the growth phase of natural seeding in Slovakia. In Ekológia (Bratislava). Vol. 22, no. 1(2003), p. 42-50. 55. MIHÁL, I. Biomass dynamics of epigeic sporocarps of saprophytic fungi in a spruce monoculture. In Ekológia (Bratislava). Vol. 24, no. 1(2005), 57–65. 56. OBUCH, J. – KRIŠTÍN, A. Prey composition of the little owl Athene noctua in an arid zone (Egypt, Syria, Iran). In Folia zoologica. Vol. 53, (2004), p. 65–79. 57. PASTIRČÁKOVÁ, K. – PASTIRČÁK, M. – JUHÁSOVÁ, G. The Catalpa powdery mildew Erysiphe elevata in Slovakia. In Cryptogamie, Mycologie. Vol. 27, no. 1 (2006), p. 31–34. 58. PASTIRČÁKOVÁ, K. – PASTIRČÁK, M. The anamorph of Erysiphe platani on Platanus ×hispanica in Slovakia. In Mycotaxon. Vol. 97, no. 1 (2006), p. 189–194. 59. PECHACEK, P. – KRIŠTÍN, A. Comparative diets of adult and young Three–toed Woodpeckers in a European alpine forest community. In Journal of Wildlife Management.Vol. 68, (2004), p. 683–693. 60. 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[*Práce boli prijaté na publikovanie v čase, keď časopis bol evidovaný v Current Contents.] d) scientific publications indexed by other databases (specify) 1. ADAMČÍKOVÁ, K. – JUHÁSOVÁ, G. – KOBZA, M. Genetic diversity of Cryphonectria parasitica population in the Štiavnicko-krupinská subpopulation in Slovakia. In Plant Protection Science. Vol. 42, no. 4 (2006), p. 119–124. AGRIS/FAO, CAB Abstracts 2. ADAMČÍKOVÁ, K. – JUHÁSOVÁ, G. Diversity of subpopulation of Cryphonectria parasitica in Horná Nitra. In Folia oecologica. Vol. 30, no. 1 (2003), p. 149–155. AGRIS/FAO 3. ALE-AGHA, N. – BOLAY, A. – BRAUN, U. – FEIGE, B. – JAGE, H. – KUMMER, V. – LEBEDA, A. – PIĄTEK, M. – SHIN, H. – ZIMMERMANNOVÁ-PASTIRČÁKOVÁ, K. Erysiphe catalpae and Erysiphe elevata in Europe. In Mycological Progress. Vol. 3, no. 4 (2004), p. 291–296. Abstracts of Mycology, BIOSIS 23 4. BARNA, M. – MACHAVA, J. Influence of stand density on Zn and Cu concentrations in beech leaves. In Journal of Forest Science. Vol. 51, no. 10 (2005), p. 458–467. AGRIS/FAO, CAB Abstracts, Elsevier Science Bibliographic Databases 5. BARNA, M. – MARUŠÁK, R. Diameter structure of a beech parent stand at shelterwood cut phases. In Folia oecologica. Vol. 30, no. 2 (2003), p. 91–98. AGRIS/FAO 6. BARTONIČKA, T. – KAŇUCH, P. Savi’s pipistrelle (Hypsugo savii): bat species breeding in the Czech Republic (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae). In Lynx Praha. Vol. 37, (2006), preprint. Zoological Record 7. BERNADOVIČOVÁ, S. – JUHÁSOVÁ, G. Cultural characteristics of Phytophthora fungi – causal agents of ink disease on chestnut trees (Castanea sativa Mill.) in Slovakia. In Folia oecologica. Vol. 32, no. 2 (2005), p. 51–58. AGRIS/FAO, CAB ABSTRACTS, Elsevier Bibliographic Databases, ProQuest Biology and Agriculture databases 8. BERNADOVIČOVÁ, S. Effect of parasitic microscopic and wood–rotting fungi on the health condition of European chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) with emphasis on Phytophthora damage. In Folia oecologica. Vol. 30, no. 1 (2003), p. 129–138. AGRIS/FAO 9. BOLVANSKÝ, Milan – UŽÍK, M. Differentiation between chestnuts (Castanea sativa Mill.) at different localities based on morphometric data of fruits. In Folia oecologica. Vol. 30, no. 2 (2003), p. 149-156. AGRIS/FAO 10. BOLVANSKÝ, Milan Hodnotenie úspešnosti vegetatívneho rozmnožovania gaštana (Castanea spp.) vrúbľovaním. In Acta horticulturae et regiotecturae. Vol. 7, mimoriadne číslo (2004), p. 82–84. AGRIS/FAO, CAB Abstracts 11. BUBLINEC, E. – DUBOVÁ, M. Bulk deposition in beech forest ecosystems. In Folia oecologica. Vol. 30, no. 2 (2003), p. 21–26. AGRIS/FAO 12. BUBLINEC, E. – GREGOR, J. – PICHLER, V. – TUŽINSKÝ, L. – KONTRIŠ, J. – MACHAVA, J. Surface humus and its hydric functions in forest ecosystems in West Tatry of Slovakia. In Journal of Forest Science. No. 3 (2003), Supplemement, p. 3–9. AGRIS/FAO, BIOSIS, CAB Abstracvts, Elsevier Bibliographic Databases 13. CEĽUCH, M. – DANKO, Š. – KAŇUCH, P. On urbanisation of Nyctalus noctula and Pipistrellus pygmaeus in Slovakia. In Vespertilio. Vol. 9–10, (2006), p. 219–221. Biological Abstracts 14. CEĽUCH, M. – KAŇUCH, P. Foraging and flight activity of bats in beech-oak forests (Western Carpathians). In Folia oecologica. Vol. 31. no. 1 (2004), p. 8–16. AGRIS/FAO 15. CEĽUCH, M. – KAŇUCH, P. K významu lesa ako lovného habitatu netopierov – aktivita v korunovej etáži. In Vespertilio. Roč. 8, (2004), s. 55–61. Biological Abstracts 16. CICÁK, A. - MIHÁL, I. - ŠTEFANČÍK, I. Development of necrotic disease and health condition of trees of selective quality in a systematically tended beech pole-stage stand. In Journal of Forest Sciences. Vol. 49, no. 1 (2003), p. 11-18. AGRIS/FAO, CAB Abstracts, Elsevier Science Bibliographic Databases 17. CICÁK, A. – MIHÁL, I. – TSAKOV, CH. – PETKOV, P. Actual status of the beech bark necrotic disease in North-Western Bulgaria. In Journal of Forest Science. Roč. 52, č. 5 (2006), s. 226–232. AGRIS/FAO, BIOSIS, Elsevier Bibliographic Databases 18. CICÁK, A. – MIHÁL, I. Can artificial wounding of beech stems induce necroses? In Journal of Forest Science. Vol. 51, no. 12 (2005), p. 559–563. AGRIS/FAO, CAB Abstracts, Elsevier Science Bibliographic Databases 19. CICÁK, A. – MIHÁL, I. Development of beech necrotic disease in the growing phase of maturing stand under air pollution stress. In Journal of Forest Science. Vol. 51, no. 3 (2005), p. 101–107. AGRIS/FAO, CAB Abstracts, Elsevier Science Bibliographic Databases 24 20. CICÁK, A. – MIHÁL, I. Nekrotické ochorenie kôry buka na vybraných lokalitách Národného parku Malá Fatra. In Lesnícky časopis - Forestry Journal. Vol. 50, no. 1 (2004), p. 91–94. AGRIS/FAO 21. CICÁK, A. Estimation of morphological parameters for beech leaves on spring shoots using the method of calculation coefficients. In Folia oecologica. Vol. 30, no. 2 (2003), p. 131–140. AGRIS/FAO 22. DEMETER, G. – KRIŠTÍN A. Vtáctvo agrocenóz vybraných lokalít Hronskej pahorkatiny (JZ Slovensko). In Tichodroma. Roč. 17, (2005), p. 51–62. Ornithologische Schriftenschau, Recent Ornithological Literature 23. DUBOVÁ, G. Acidity of precipitation in a beech ecosystem at the Ecological Experimental Station Kremnické vrchy Mts. In Folia oecologica. Vol. 30, no. 2 (2003), p.175–179. AGRIS/FAO 24. GAVLAS, V. – KRIŠTÍN, A. On distribution and ecology of Platycleis montana (Kollar, 1833) (Ensifera: Tettigoniidae) in Slovakia. In Polish Journal of Entomology. Vol. 73, (2004), p. 171–178. Entomology Abstracts 25. GREGOR, J. – PICHLER, V. – TUŽINSKÝ L. – BUBLINEC, E. – SOROKOVÁ, M. – KONTRIŠ, J. Soil moisture on the vertical transect of the Western Carpathians (Slovakia). In Journal of Forest Science. No. 3 (2003), Supplement, p. 11–13. AGRIS/FAO, BIOSIS, CAB Abstracts, Elsevier Bibliographic Databases 26. GREGUŠ, C. – KELLEROVÁ, D. The facts about the real state of Slovak forests. In Folia oecologica. Vol. 30, no. 2 (2003), p. 75–81. AGRIS/FAO 27. HLAVÁČIK, R. – SKORŠEPA, M. – KMEŤOVÁ, L. Heavy metals as contaminants of froest ecosystems in surroudings of the metalurgical plant Železiarne Podbrezová, holding. In Folia oecologica. Vol. 31, no.1 (2004), p. 17–22. AGRIS/FAO 28. HLÔŠKA, L. – SANIGA, M. Community structure of small mammals (Insectivora, Rodentia) in the Kľačianska Magura National Nature Reserve (Malá Fatra Mts., Western Carpathians). In Folia oecologica. Vol. 32, no. 2 (2005), p. 59–67. AGRIS/FAO, CAB ABSTRACTS, Elsevier Bibliographic Databases, ProQuest Biology and Agriculture databases 29. IVANOVÁ, H. – BERNADOVIČOVÁ, S. Leaf spot on lindens caused by fungi Cercospora microsora Sacc. and Apiognomonia tiliae (Rehm.) Höhn. In Folia oecologica. Vol. 33, no. 1 (2006), p. 24–33. AGRIS/FAO, CAB ABSTRACTS, Elsevier Bibliographic Databases, ProQuest Biology and Agriculture databases 30. IVANOVÁ, H. – JUHÁSOVÁ, G. – ČERČER, Š. Damage to peach and apricot trees in selected localities in Slovakia. In Horticultural Science. Vol. 32, no. 4 (2005), p. 123–128. AGRIS/FAO, CAB Abstracts 31. JANÍK, R. Dynamics of soil temperature and its influence on biomass production of herb layer in a submontane beech forest. In Journal of Forest Science. No. 6 (2005), p.276–283. AGRIS/FAO, BIOSIS, Elsevier Bibliographic Databases 32. JANKOVSKÝ, L. – HALTOFOVÁ, P. – JUHÁSOVÁ, G. – KOBZA, M. – ADAMČÍKOVÁ, K. – PALOVČÍKOVÁ, D. The first record of Cryphonectria parasitica in the Czech Republic. In Czech Mycology. Vol. 56, no. 1–2 (2004), p. 45–51. Biological Abstracts, Abstracts of Mycology, Chemical Abstracts, Excerpta medica etc. 33. JUHÁSOVÁ, G. – ADAMČÍKOVÁ, K. – BERNADOVIČOVÁ, S. – IVANOVÁ, H. – KOBZA, M. Results of phytological and mycological survey of park woody plants in Institute of social welfare in Klasov. In Acta Fytotechnica et Zootechnica. Vol. 7, special number (2004), p. 110–114. http://www.fem.uniag.sk/acta/sk/1/acta_fytotechnica_et_zootechnica/obsah/.... AGRIS/FAO, CAB Abstracts 25 34. JUHÁSOVÁ, G. – ADAMČÍKOVÁ, K. – IVANOVÁ, H. – KOBZA, M. Situation in damages caused by Cryphonectria parasitica forest stands and orchards of Castanea sativa Mill. till year 2001 in Slovakia. In Horticultural Science. Vol. 31, no. 3 (2004), p. 95–101. AGRIS/FAO, CAB Abstracts 35. JUHÁSOVÁ, G. – ADAMČÍKOVÁ, K. – KOBZA, M. Sphaeropsis tip blight disease of Austrian pine in urban greenery. In Horticultural Science. Vol. 33, no. 1 (2006), p. 11–15. AGRIS/FAO, CAB Abstracts 36. JUHÁSOVÁ, G. – BERNADOVIČOVÁ, S. Efficacy of biofungicides Supresivit and Polyversum against Phytophthora root pathogens on European chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.). In Horticultural Science. Vol. 31, no. 3 (2004), p. 109–114. AGRIS/FAO, CAB Abstracts 37. JUHÁSOVÁ, G. – IVANOVÁ, H. – ADAMČÍKOVÁ, K. – KOBZA, M. – ČEREVKOVÁ, A. Scab disease of firethorn at selected localities in Slovakia. In Plant Protection Science. Vol. 40, no. 2 (2004), p. 42–48. AGRIS/FAO, CAB Abstracts 38. JUHÁSOVÁ, G. – IVANOVÁ, H. – BERNADOVIČOVÁ, S. – KOBZA, M. – ADAMČÍKOVÁ, K. The most serious fungal pathogens on woody plants in urban greenery evaluated on an example – Pezinok. In Folia oecologica. Vol. 30, no. 2 (2003), p. 239–244. AGRIS/FAO 39. JUHÁSOVÁ, G. – KOBZA, M. – ADAMČÍKOVÁ, K. – MAXIM, L. – RADÓCZ, L. The first record of Cryphonectria parasitica in the East Slovakia subregion. In Folia oecologica. Vol. 33, no. 1 (2006), p. 34–37. AGRIS/FAO, CAB ABSTRACTS, Elsevier Bibliographic Databases, ProQuest Biology and Agriculture databases 40. JUHÁSOVÁ, G. - TKÁČOVÁ, S.- KOBZA, M. The results of phytopatological and mykological research of the trees on Sun lakes in Senec. In Mitteilungen der Biologischen Bundesanstalt für Land-und Forstwirtschaft. No. 394 (2003), p. 35-41. CAB Abstracts, Zoological Record 41. JUHÁSOVÁ, Gabriela – IVANOVÁ, H. Cytospora cincta Sacc. and dieback of Prunus laurocerasus L. In Folia oecologica. Vol. 30, no. 1 (2003), p. 139–148. AGRIS/FAO 42. KAŇUCH, P. – BALÁŽ, P. Bat as a prey of Elaphe longissima (Laurenti, 1768). In Herpetozoa, Wien. Vol. 18, no. 1/2 (2005), p. 92–93. Zoological Record, Biological Abstracts 43. KAŇUCH, P. - CEĽUCH, M. - SÁROSSY, M. - DIETRICH, N. - VEĽKÝ, M. Parkové spoločenstvo netopierov (Vespertilionidae) obývajúcich stromové dutiny: predbežná správa. In Vespertilio. Vol. 7, 2003, p. 121–126. Zoological Record, Biological Abstracts 44. KAŇUCH, P. – CEĽUCH, M. On the southern border of the nursing area of the noctule in Central Europe. In Myotis. Vol. 41/42, (2004), p.125–127. Biological Abstracts 45. KAŇUCH, P. – PAVÚK, J. – FECKO, M. – IMRICH, P. – FULÍN, M. – KRIŠOVSKÝ, P. – SÁROSSY, M. – SEDLÁK, M. – VRÁBEĽ, P. Torysa – migračná cesta vtáctva po 40 rokoch. In Tichodroma. Roč. 18, (2006), s. 31–42. Ornithologiche Schriftenschau, Recent Ornithological Literature 46. KAŇUCH, P. – RUCZYŃSKI, I. – CEĽUCH M. Unusual change of habitat by a noctule female (Nyctalus noctula). In Nyctalus (N. F.). Vol. 9, no. 5 (2004), p. 504–505. Biological Abstracts 47. KAŇUCH, P. – TUČEK, P. – TUČEK, P. – CEĽUCH, M. Drevobetónové búdky pre netopiere: domáca výroba a prvé poznatky o ich obsadzovaní. In Vespertilio. Roč. 8, (2004), s. 63–68. Biological Abstracts 48. KELLEROVÁ, D. The standard level and local changes in atmospheric load in a beech ecosystem. In Folia oecologica. Vol. 30, no. 2 (2003), p. 169–174. AGRIS/FAO 26 49. KICKO, J. – KRIŠTÍN, A. Netopiere v potrave sokola sťahovavého (Falco peregrinus). In Tichodroma. Roč. 18, (2006), s. 129–130. Ornithologiche Schriftenschau, Recent Ornithological Literature 50. KMEŤ, J. – ŠALGOVIČOVÁ, A. Ecophysiological aspects of growth of European chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) in Slovakia. In Folia oecologica. Vol. 30, no. 2 (2003), p. 141–147. AGRIS/FAO 51. KOČÍ, J. – KRIŠTÍN, A. Prvý záznam skaliarika púšťového (Oenanthe deserti) na Slovensku. In Tichodroma. Roč. 18, (2006), s. 57–58. Ornithologiche Schriftenschau, Recent Ornithological Literature 52. KONTRIŠOVÁ, O. – KONTRIŠ, J. – BUBLINEC, E. – MACHAVA, J. – SOROKOVÁ, M. Bioindication of anthropogenic loads in various regions of Slovakia. In Forest Science. No. 3 (2003), p. 15–22. AGRIS/FAO, BIOSIS, CAB Abstracvts, Elsevier Bibliographic Databases 53. KREKULOVÁ, E. Growth, structure and production in monocultures and mixed stands of the European chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.). In Folia oecologica. Vol. 30, no. 2 (2003), p. 107– 114. AGRIS/FAO 54. KRIŠTÍN, A. - SÁROSSY, M. – KAŇUCH, P. Ponuka hniezdnych dutín a hniezdni konkurenti v teritóriách výrika lesného Otus scops na severnej hranici jeho areálu. In Sylvia Vol. 38, (2002), p. 29-38. Zoological Record, Biological Abstracts 55. KRIŠTÍN, A. – GAVLAS, V. – BALLA, M. – KAŇUCH, P. Orthoptera and Mantodea of the East–Slovakian lowland (Východoslovenská nížina). In Folia entomologica hungarica. Vol. 65, (2004), p. 159–170. Biological Abstracts 56. KRIŠTÍN, A. – KAŇUCH P. Šíri sa včelárik zlatý (Merops apiaster) severným smerom? K výskytu a potrave v Podpoľaní a okolí Zvolena (stredné Slovensko). In Tichodroma. Roč. 17, (2005), s. 89–94. Ornithologische Schriftenschau, Recent Ornithological Literature 57. KRIŠTÍN, A. – KAŇUCH, P. – SÁROSSY, M. Grasshoppers and crickets (Orthoptera) and mantids (Mantodea) of sand dunes in the Danube lowland (S Slovakia). In Linzer biologische Beiträge. Vol. 36, (2004), p. 273–286. Biological Abstracts 58. KRIŠTÍN, A. - VALERA, F. - HOI, H. Black spots in the tail: possible indicators for sex identification and quality in Lesser Grey Shrike Lanius minor? In Vogelwarte. Vol. 42, 2003, p. 34. Recent Ornithological Literature, Ornithologische Schriftenschau 59. KRIŠTÍN, A. Assemblages of Orthoptera and Mantodea in isolated salt marshes and non sandy habitats in agricultural landscape (Danube lowland, Slovakia). In Articulata. Vol. 19, (2004), p. 43–52. Entomology Abstracts 60. KRIŠTÍN, A. Woodpecker distribution and abundance along a vertical gradient in Poľana Mts. In Forschungsbericht Nationalpark Berchtesgaden. Vol. 48, 2002, p.119-125. . Recent Ornithological Literature, Ornithologische Schriftenschau 61. KRIŠTÍN, A., LENGYEL, J., SÁROSSY, M. Posúva sa hranica strakoša sivého Lanius excubitor na Slovensku na juh? In Tichodroma. Roč. 14, (2001), p. 67-70. Ornithologische Schriftenschau, Recent Ornithological Literature 62. KRIŠTÍN, A.. Vtáčie spoločenstvá územia plánovanej výstavby vodného diela Slatinka (Stredné Slovensko). In Tichodroma. Roč. 18, (2006), s. 43–49. Ornithologiche Schriftenschau, Recent Ornithological Literature 63. KULFAN, J. – ZACH, P. – SUJOVÁ, K. Moth larvae (Lepidoptera) on oak and hornbeam trees in surroundings of the magnesite plant Lubeník. In Entomofauna carpathica. Vol. 16, (2004), p. 24–28. Zoological Record, Biological Abstracts 64. KULFAN, J. – ZACH, P. Spoločenstvá motýľov na smreku obyčajnom (Picea abies) pozdĺž vertikálneho gradientu vo Velickej doline. In Folia faunistica Slovaca. Vol. 10, (2005), p. 29– 34. Zoological Record, Biological Abstracts 27 65. MACHAVA, J. – BARNA, M. The influence of stand density on Mn and Fe concentrations in beech leaves. In Journal of Forest Science. Vol. 51, no. 5 (2005), p. 225–236. AGRIS/FAO, CAB Abstracts, Elsevier Science Bibliographic Databases 66. MIHÁL, I. – BUČINOVÁ, K. Species diversity, abundance and dominance of macromycetes in beech forest stands. In. Journal of Forest Science. Vol. 51, no. 5 (2005), p. 187–194. AGRIS/FAO, CAB Abstracts, Elsevier Science Bibliographic Databases 67. MIHÁL, I. – CICÁK, A. Necrotic disease of beech in individual growing stages. In Journal of Forest Science. Vol. 50, no. 8 (2004), p. 353–359. AGRIS/FAO, BIOSIS, CAB Abstracvts, Elsevier Bibliographic Databases 68. MIHÁL, I. – CICÁK, A. State of beech bark necrotic disease in northern Hungary. In Lesnícky časopis - Forestry Journal. Roč. 51, č. 1 (2005), s. 55–60. AGRIS/FAO 69. MIHÁL, I. - CICÁK, A. Symptoms of necrotic disease of beech trees. In Folia oecologica. Roč. 30, č. 1 (2003), s. 45-54. AGRIS/FAO 70. MIHÁL, I. – MAŠÁN, P. Príspevok k poznaniu koscov (Opiliones) stredného a východného Slovenska. In Natura Carpatica. Roč. 47, (2006), s. 89–96. Zoological Record, Biological Abstracts 71. MIHÁL, I. Faunistické správy zo Slovenska – Opiliones: Nemastomatidae, Dicranolasmatidae, Trogulidae, Phalangiidae. In Entomofauna Carpathica. Vol. 16, no. 3–4 (2004), p. 83. Zological Records, Biological Abstracts 72. MIHÁL, I. Macrofungi succession in differently aged Norway spruce monocultures. In Folia oecologica. Roč. 32, č. 2 (2005), s. 103–109. 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Biological Abstracts, Zoological Record 85. PATOČKA, J. Insect pests in Slovak forests. In Folia oecologica. Vol. 30, no. 2 (2003), p. 61–66. AGRIS/FAO 86. PICHLER, V. – BUBLINEC, E. – GREGOR, J. Acidification of forest soils in Slovakia – causes and consequences. In Journal of Forest Sciences. Vol. 52, no. 1 (2006), s. 23–27. AGRIS/FAO, BIOSIS, Elsevier Bibliographic Databases 87. POŽGAJ, J. – MERCEL, F. – POŽGAJ, R. Phenological observations on selected introduced oak species in the Arboretum Mlyňany. In Folia oecologica. Vol. 32, no. 1 (2005), p. 33–42. AGRIS/FAO, CAB ABSTRACTS, Elsevier Bibliographic Databases, ProQuest Biology and Agriculture databases 88. POŽGAJ, J. – POŽGAJ, R. – MERCEL, F. – JAKAB, R. – UŽÁK, D. Quercus cerris L. whit the self companion of the higner vegetation in National Natural Reservation the Patianska cerina. In Bulletin of Botanical Gardens (Warsaw). Vol. 13, (2004), p. 161–170. AGRIS/FAO 89. POŽGAJ, J. – POŽGAJ, R. – MERCEL, F. 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Recent Ornithological Literature, Ornithologische Schriftenschau 94. SANIGA, M. Conspicuous colouring and visual display in Wallcreeper. In Dutch Birding. Vol. 25, 2003, p.319-322. Zoological Record, Biological Abstracts 95. SANIGA, M. Ecology of the capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) and forest management in relation to its protection in the West Carpathians. in the planting and natural seeding. In Journal of Forest Science. Vol. 49, no. 5, 2003, p. 229-239. AGRIS/FAO, CAB Abstracts, Elsevier Science Bibliographic Databases 29 96. SANIGA, M. Features of the Wallcreeper Tichodroma muraria breeding habitat in the West Carpathians. In Monticola. Vol. 9, no. 96 (2004), p. 222–227. . Recent Ornithological Literature, Ornithologische Schriftenschau, Zoological Record 97. SANIGA, M. Murárik červenokrídly (Tichodroma muraria) vo svetle poznatkov na prahu tretieho tisícročia v Západných Karpatoch. In Crex. Vol. 21, 2003, p. 99-105. Zoological Record, Biological Abstracts 98. SANIGA, M. Quantitative-qualitative damages caused by mammals and birds in the planting and natural seeding. In Journal of Forest Science. Vol. 49, no. 1 (2003), p. 37-43. AGRIS/FAO, CAB Abstracts, Elsevier Science Bibliographic Databases 99. SANIGA, M. Skaliar pestrý (Monticola saxatilis) – vzácny operenec Západných Karpát. In Crex. Vol. 21, (2003), p. 124-127. Zoological Record, Biological Abstracts 100. SANIGA, M. Tetrov hlucháň (Tetrao urogallus) – ohrozený vtáčí druh Západných Karpát. In Crex. Vol. 21, (2003), p. 106-113. Zoological Record, Biological Abstracts 101. SANIGA, M.. – SANIGA, M. Influence of forest stand structure on the occurrence of bird community in Skalná Alpa National Nature Reserve in the Veľká Fatra Mts. (West Carpathians). In Journal of Forest Science. Vol. 50, no. 5 (2004), p. 219–234. AGRIS/FAO, BIOSIS, CAB Abstracvts, Elsevier Bibliographic Databases 102. SCHIEBER, B. – KOVÁČOVÁ, M. Energy content of the above–ground biomass of Fragaria vesca (L.) in beech forest stand. In Folia oecologica. Vol. 30, no.1 (2003), p. 27–33. AGRIS/FAO 103. SCHIEBER, B. Spring phenology of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) in submountain beech forest stand with various stocking between 1995–2004. In Journal of Forest Science. Vol. 52, no. 5 (2006), p. 208–216. AGRIS/FAO, BIOSIS, Elsevier Bibliographic Databases 104. STAŠIOV, S. – MARŠÁLEK, P. – MIHÁL, I. – MAŠÁN, P. – ASTALOŠ, B. – JARAB, M. Kosce (Opiliones) Ondavskej vrchoviny. In Natura Carpatica. Vol. 44, (2003), p. 261–266. Zoological Record, Biological Abstracts 105. ŠTEFFEK, J. – LUČIVJANSKÁ, V. Nové poznatky o mäkkýšoch severovýchodného Slovenska. In NaturaCcarpatica Košice. Roč. 46, (2005), s. 103–120. Zological Records 106. ŠTEFFEK, J. Clausilia rugosa parvula (A. Férrusac, 1807) v Štiavnických vrchoch. In Folia faunistica Slovaca (Bratislava). Roč. 10, č. 3 (2005), s. 5–9. Zoological Record, Biological Abstracts 107. 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UHRIN, M. – KAŇUCH, P. – BENDA, P. – HAPL, E. – VERBEEK, H. D. J. – KRIŠTÍN, A.– KRIŠTOFÍK, J. – MAŠÁN, P. – ANDREAS, M. On the Greater noctule (Nyctalus lasiopterus) in central Slovakia. In Vespertilio. Vol. 9–10, (2006), p. 183–192. Biological Abstracts 116. VALERA, F. - KRIŠTÍN, A. - HOI, H. Living in groups vs living solitary: does it matter? In Vogelwarte. Vol. 42, 2003, p. 32. Recent Ornithological Literature, Ornithologische Schriftenschau 117. VASS, D. – BUBLINEC, E. Stopové a toxické prvky v alginite z ložiska Pinciná (pri Lučenci). In Mineralia Slovaca. No. 37 (2005), p. 75–82. Zoological Record 118. VEĽKÝ, M. – KRIŠTÍN, A.– KAŇUCH, P. Zimovanie vodných vtákov na strednom toku rieky Hron. In Tichodroma. Roč. 17, (2005), s. 33–38. Ornithologische Schriftenschau, Recent Ornithological Literature 119. VEĽKÝ, M. Vzťahy medzi využívaním búdok vtákmi v zimnom a hniezdnom období. In Tichodroma. Roč. 18, (2006), s. 89–96. 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ANDERSON, J. Ladybirds (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae) on Norway spruce: distribution along a vertical gradient and assemblage structure. In Folia oecologica. Vol. 29, no. 1-2 (2002), p. 233-242. AGRIS/FAO 124. ZIMMERMANNOVÁ-PASTIRČÁKOVÁ, K. Occurrence of Horsechestnut leaf blotch and cultural characteristics of causal fungus Phyllosticta sphaeropsoidea, an anamorph of Guignardia aesculi. In Folia oecologica. Vol. 30, no. 2 (2003), p. 245–250. AGRIS/FAO e) scientific publications in other journals 31 1. BUBLINEC, E. – KUKLA, J. – DUBOVÁ, M. Fluxes of Hydrogen Ions and Sulphur in a Beech forested catchment in the Western Carpathians. In Silva Balcanica, Sofia. Vol. 2, no. 1 (2002), p. 29-37. 2. BUBLINEC, E. – MACHAVA, J. – GREGOR, J. Alginite – chemical properties and heavy metals contents. In Földtani Kutatás. Vol. XL, no. 1-2, 2003, p. 74-75. 3. BUBLINEC, E. Vplyv antropogénnej intervencie a záťaže na lesné ekosystémy Slovenska. In Phytopedon – Journal of Soil Science, PriF UK Bratislava. Vol. 1, no. 1, Supplement 2002, p. 2-10. 4. BUČINOVÁ, K. Monitoring of macrofungi species diversity in three reserch plots of the Institute of the Forest Ecology Zvolen located in the Kremnické vrchy Mts. and Štiavnické vrchy Mts. In Catathelasma (Journal of the Slovak Mycological Society). Vol. 6, (2005), p. 1– 36. 5. ČUPKA, R. – ŠTEFFEK, J. Časovo – priestorový aspekt Podarcis muralis (Reptilia: Lacertidae) na území Banskej Štiavnice (Time–spatial aspect of Podarcis muralis in Banská Štiavnica territory). In Naturae tutela (L. Mikuláš). Roč. 8 (2004), s. 83–89. 6. GREGOR, J. – CHUDÝ, F. – PICHLER,V. – BUBLINEC, E. – TUNÁK, D. – ŠUVADA, J. Topografia a zásoby rašeliny v PR Rudné. In Acta facultatis forestalis, XLVI, TU Zvolen, (2004). s. 51–59. 7. IVANOVÁ, H. Damage to forest tree seeds and fruits by parasite fungi. In Lesnická práce. Vol. 83, no. 9 (2004), p. 17–20. 8. JANÍK, R. – HAVRANOVÁ, I. Influence of some selected factors on biomass production in dominant species of submontane beech forests. In Silva Balcanica. No. 5 (2004), p. 71–77. 9. JUHÁSOVÁ, G. – IVANOVÁ, H. – SPIŠÁK, J. Occurrence and spread of the parasitic microscopic fungi on walnut (Juglans regia L.) on selected localities of Slovakia. In Trakya University Journal of Science. Vol. 6, no. 1 (2005), p. 19–27. 10. KAŇUCH, P. – KRIŠTÍN, A.. Netopiere (Chiroptera) južnej časti Krupinskej planiny. In Ochrana prírody. Roč. 22, (2003), s. 97–100. 11. KAŇUCH, P.– KRIŠTÍN, A.– GAVLAS, V. Rozšírenie Isophya stysi a Mecostethus parapleurus na Slovensku s poznámkami k druhom radu Orthoptera Muránskej planiny. In Reussia. Roč. 3, (2006), s. 13–20. 12. KMEŤ, J. – DITMAROVÁ Ľ. Ecophysiological aspects of beech growth (Fagus sylvatica L.) in different stress conditions. In Silva balcanica. Vol., 3 no. 1 (2003), p. 91–102. 13. KONTRIŠ, J. – GREGOR, J. – TUŽINSKÝ, L. – BUBLINEC, E. – KONTRIŠOVÁ, O. – PICHLER, V. – SOROKOVÁ, M. Temperature and soil moisture dynamics in rhizosphere of submountain beech stand in warm season of winter vegetation period. In Silva Balcanica. No. 5(2), (2004), p.5–10. 14. KONTRIŠ, J. – GREGOR, J. – TUŽINSKÝ, L. – BUBLINEC, E. et al. Temperature and soil moisture dynamics in rhizosphera of submountain beech in warm season in winter vegetation period, In Silva Balcanica. Vol. 2, no. 1, 2002, p. 59-63. 15. KONTRIŠ, J. – KONTRIŠOVÁ, O. – PICHLER, V. – GREGOR, J. – SOROKOVÁ, M. – BUBLINEC, E. – RUDAŠ, B. Herb species qualitative characteristics relations towards variability of dominant site factors in submountain beech forests of the Western Carpathians. In Silva Balcanica. No. 4 (1), (2004), p.95–101. 16. KRIŠTÍN A. Vtáctvo vodnej nádrže Kolíňavy a okolia (Západné Slovensko). In Rosalia Vol.16, 2002, p.169-176. 17. KRIŠTÍN, A, – KUŠÍK, P. – KERESTÚR, D. – VEĽKÝ, M. Vtáky kontaktnej zóny Poiplia a južnej časti Krupinskej planiny. In Ochrana prírody. Roč. 22, (2003), s. 109–116. 32 18. KRIŠTÍN, A. – KAŇUCH, P. – PUCHALA, P. Rovnokrídlovce (Orthoptera s.l.) Malých Karpát. In Ochrana prírody. Roč. 24, 2005, s. 141–152. 19. KRIŠTÍN, A. – KAŇUCH, P. Orthoptera južnej časti Krupinskej planiny. In Ochrana prírody. Roč. 22, (2003), s. 85–90. 20. KUKLA, J. – KUKLOVÁ, M. – TSAKOV, H. – PETKOV, P. – STOIKOV, H. Ecological conditions in beech geobiocoenoses and growth parameters of Carex pilosa Scop. species in the Stara Planina Mts. In Forest Science (Nauka za gorata, Sofia). No. 1 (2005), p. 27–42. 21. KUKLA, J. Teoretické a praktické problémy lesníckej geobiocenológie. Štúdie o Tatranskom národnom parku. Roč. 7 (40), 2004, s. 353–362. 22. KULFAN, J. – ZACH, P. Spoločenstvá motýľov na smreku obyčajnom (Picea abies) pozdĺž vertikálneho gradientu v Skalnatej doline. In Štúdie o Tatranskom národnom parku. Roč. 7 (40), 2004, s. 311–319. 23. MIHÁL, I. – CICÁK, A. Zdravotný stav a mykoflóra smrekových porastov v imisnej oblasti stredného Spiša. In Naturae Tutela. Roč. 10, (2006), s. 129–134. 24. MIHÁL, I. K poznaniu mykoflóry jedľovo-bukových lesov južnej časti Kremnických vrchov. In Ochrana prírody, Banská Bystrica. Roč. 21, 2002, s. 197-205. 25. MIHÁL, I. Kosce (Opiliones) Národného parku Muránska planina. In Reussia. Vol. 2, no. 1 (2005), p. 7–14. 26. MIHÁL, I. Poznámky k mykoflóre bukových monokultúr Hodrušskej pahorkatiny. In Ochrana prírody, Banská Bystrica. Vol. 23, (2004), p. 51–57. 27. NAGEL, K. O. – ŠTEFFEK, J. Sinanodonta woodiana (Lea) na východnom Slovensku. In Telekia Michalovce. Roč. 3, (2005), s. 35–36. 28. PICHLER, V. – GREGOR, J. – TUŽINSKÝ, L. – BUBLINEC, E. – KONTRIŠ, J. – SOROKOVÁ, M. Hydric differentation of the edaphotope of trees and herb layers in beech ecosystems. In Silva Balcanica. No. 5 (2), (2004), p. 11–17. 29. POŽGAJ, J. - POŽGAJ, R. - MERCEL, F. Fytocenologické spoločenstvo s klokočom perovitým (Staphylea pinnata) v Národnej prírodnej rezervácii Horšianská dolina. In Rosalia. no. 16, 2003, p. 33-37. 30. POŽGAJ, R. - MERCEL, F. Fenologická charakteristika populácie duba plstnatého (Quercus pubescens) v Národnej prírodnej rezervácii Zoborská lesostep. In Rosalia. no. 16, 2003, p. 2629. 31. SANIGA, M. Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) population in the Veľká Fatra mountains (West Carpathians). In Matthias Belivs Univ. Proceedings. Vol. 2, no. 1, 2002, p. 209-218. 32. SCHIEBER, B. – JANÍK, R. Analysis of biomass production and life activity of selected herb species in a beech ecosystem. In Forest Science (Nauka za gorata, Sofia). Vol. 40, no. 4 (2004), p. 93–103. 33. SCHIEBER, B. Onset and course of selected phenological phases in European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) over the last 10 years. In Meteorologický časopis (Meteorological Journal). Vol. 8, no. 1 (2005), p. 9–12. 34. STAŠIOV, S. – MIHÁL, I. Rozšírenie a ekológia Platybunus pallidus Šilhavý, 1938 (Opiliones) na Slovensku. In Naturae Tutela. Roč. 9, (2005), s. 123–128. 35. ŠTEFFEK, J. – ČEJKA, R. – NAGEL, K.O. The distribution of Corbicula fluminea in the Slovakian parts of the river Danube. In Soosiana. Vol. 23, no. 30, 2002, p. 72-73. 36. ŠTEFFEK, J. – ELIÁŠ, M. Význam prírodných podmienok pre vznik rozvojových a hospodárskych aktivít v banskoštiavnickom regióne. A. Signované tehly. In Acta museologica (B. Štiavnica). Roč. 3, (2004), s. 105–108 33 37. ŠTEFFEK, J. – FALNIOWSKI, A. – SZAROWSKA, M. Príspevok k topografickému výskumu malakofauny okresu Levice. In Malacologica bohemoslovaca. Roč. 4, (2005), s. 21–25. 38. ŠTEFFEK, J. – LUČIVJANSKÁ, V. The Mollusc fauna of the Slovakian part of the River Danube. In Soosiana. Vol. 23, no. 30, 2002, p. 49-72. 39. ŠTEFFEK, J. – NAGEL, K. O. Príspevok o malakocenóze riečky Tisovník. In Naturae Tutela L. Mikuláš. Roč. 9, (2005), s. 163–164. 40. ŠTEFFEK, J. – VAVROVÁ, Ľ. Biogeografická charakteristika mäkkýšov PP Hradný vrch v Podhorodi. In Telekia Michalovce. Roč. 3, (2005), s. 37. 41. ŠTEFFEK, J. Jarné náplavy ako zdroj poznania diverzity mäkkýšov na príklade údolia toku Revúca (Veľká Fatra). In Naturae tutela (L. Mikuláš). Roč. 8 (2004), s. 211 – 214. 42. ŠTEFFEK, J. Malakozoologická analýza z archeologickej lokality Lúky pri Hájnej Novej Vsi. In Acta Universitatis M. Belii, Séria Environmentálna ekológia – krajinná ekológia. Roč. 3, č.1 (2003), s. 114–115. 43. ŠTEFFEK, J. Spoločenstvá mäkkýšov severnej časti Devínskej Kobyly (Malé Karpaty). In Malakozoologica bohemoslovaca. Roč. 4, (2005), s. 26–38. 44. ŠTEFFEK, J. Umelecko–remeselné artefakty v starých mestských odpadoch. In Acta Universitatis M. Belii, Séria environmentálna ekológia. Roč. 4/5, č.1 (2004), s. 105–109. 45. ŠTEFFEK, J. Vyhodnotenie mäkkýšov v potrave spevavcov (Passeriformes). In Acta Universitatis M. Belii, Séria Environmentálna ekológia – krajinná ekológia. Roč.3, č.1 (2003), s.107–113. 46. ŠTEFFEK, J. Význam náplavov pre výskum diverzity mäkkýšov na príklade rieky Hron v Žarnovici. In Acta Facultatis Ecologiae. Vol. 10, no.1, Supplement, 2003, p. 213-215. 47. ŠTEFFEK, J. Zoogeografické a ekosozologické vyhodnotenie mäkkýšov (Mollusca) lokality Kaltwasser pri Vodárenskej Nádrži Turček (Kremnické vrchy). In Kmetiana (Martin). Roč. 10, (2005), s. 131–142. 48. TOKÁR, F. Castanetárium v Horných Lefantovciach 30-ročné. CHKO Ponitrie. In Rosalia, no. 16, 2003, p. 81-90. 49. TUŽINSKÝ, L. – GREGOR, J. – PICHLER, V. – BUBLINEC, E. – SOROKOVÁ, M. – TUŽINSKÝ, E. Soil moisture dynamics in mountain areas during dry periods of hydrological year. In Silva Balcanica. No. 5(2), (2004), p. 19–24. 50. VASS, D. – BUBLINEC, E. et al. Overview of Pinciná Alginite Fertility. In Földtani Kutatás. Vol. XL, no. 1-2, 2003, p. 75-80. 51. VAVROVÁ, Ľ. – ŠTEFFEK, J. Ekologické zhodnotenie malakofauny vybraných mokradí v Strážovských vrchoch. In Acta Universitatis Mathiae Belii (B. Štiavnica), S. Environmentálna ekológia, Krajinná ekológia. Roč. 4, č. 1 (2004/2005), s. 44–49. 52. VAVROVÁ, Ľ. – ŠTEFFEK, J. Mäkkýše (Mollusca) vybraných lokalít v územnej pôsobnosti Správy CHKO Strážovské vrchy. In Naturae tutela (L. Mikuláš). Roč. 7 (2003), s.135–142. 53. VAVROVÁ, Ľ. – UHRIN, M. – KAŇUCH, P. 15. výročie Dohovoru o ochrane európskych populácií netopierov (EUROBATS) a jeho uplatňovanie na Slovensku. In Chránené územia Slovenska. Roč. 69, (2006), s. 13–16. v. Table of research outputs 34 Table Research outputs shows research outputs in number of specified entries; these entries are then divided by FTE employees with a university degree (from Tab. Research staff) for all Organisation at the respective year; finally these entries are divided by the total salary budget (from Tab. Salary budget). No. / FTE No. / salary budget number No. / FTE No. / salary budget number No. / FTE No. / salary budget number averaged number per year av. No. / FTE av. No. / salary budget total number 2006 No. / salary budget 2005 No. / FTE 2004 number 2003 chapters in monographs, books published abroad 0 0,00 0,00 0 0,00 0,00 3 0,09 0,25 1 0,03 0,08 4 1,0 0,03 0,09 chapters in monographs, books published in Slovakia 3 0,10 0,27 7 0,22 0,63 5 0,15 0,42 2 0,06 0,16 17 4,3 0,13 0,37 CC publications 32 1,02 2,90 10 0,31 0,90 15 0,46 1,27 20 0,61 1,64 77 19,3 0,60 1,67 scientific publications indexed by other databases (specify) 43 1,38 3,89 34 1,06 3,07 25 0,77 2,12 22 0,67 1,80 124 31,0 0,96 2,69 scientific publications in other journals 19 0,61 1,72 18 0,56 1,62 13 0,40 1,10 3 0,09 0,25 53 13,3 0,41 1,15 publications in proc. of international scientific conferences 27 0,86 2,44 30 0,93 2,71 27 0,83 2,29 12 0,37 0,98 96 24,0 0,75 2,08 publications in proc. of nat. scientific conferences 29 0,93 2,63 5 0,16 0,45 12 0,37 1,02 18 0,55 1,47 64 16,0 0,50 1,39 active participations at international conferences 55 1,76 4,98 47 1,46 4,24 43 1,32 3,65 30 0,92 2,45 175 43,8 1,36 3,79 active participations at national conferences 12 0,38 1,09 17 0,53 1,53 30 0,92 2,55 19 0,58 1,55 78 19,5 0,61 1,69 Research outputs 35 vi. Renormalized publications2 Renormalized publications = SUM(authorship’s proportion of the organisation in particular publication x the journal impact factor for 2005 divided by the median impact factor for 2005 in particular research field) number No. / FTE No. / salary budget number No. / FTE No. / salary budget number No. / FTE No. / salary budget 2006 No. / salary budget Renormalized publications 2005 No. / FTE Renormalised publications 2004 number 2003 6,49 0,21 0,59 3,42 0,11 0,31 2,89 0,09 0,25 5,71 0,17 0,47 vii. Standard manuscript page count3 number No. / FTE No. / salary budget number No. / FTE No. / salary budget number No. / FTE No. / salary budget 2006 No. / salary budget page count 2005 No. / FTE Standard manuscript page count 2004 number 2003 0 0,0 0,0 0 0,0 0,0 0 0,0 0,0 0 0,0 0,0 viii. List of patents and patent applications Patent number: 285421 Patent holder: Ing. Alojz CICÁK, CSc. Patent name: The method to estimate dry weight in the spring shoots of European beech Patent owner: Institue of Forest Ecology SAS, Zvolen, The Slovak Republic 2 This information is required only from the Organisations of the Section 2 of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. 3 This information is required only from the Organisations of the Section 3 of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. 36 ix. Supplementary information and/or comments on the scientific output of the Organisation The list of publiciations includes the works of the Institute of Forest Ecology SAS given in the yearly reports (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006). The Institute produced in 2003-2004 a good number of scientic articles recorded in databases other than CC, namely CAB Abstracts, Elsevier Bibliographic Databases, Biological Abstracts, Zoological Record, AGRIS/FAO. Renormalised publication – autorship - note. Mathematical expression of authorhip (in indices or percentages) in particular publications results in lowering the value of those publications prepared in co-operation with the other home and foreign institutions. Interdisciplinary research is required in forest ecology research and associated disciplines. Such research is time-consuming and often requires more human sources and investments to be made. A good evidence of this can be obtained from scientific publications in international journals where often more authors from over 10 institutions share the results. The fundamental question arrises whether projects and publications resulting from a wider team work are required or whether internetional activities are supported at SAS. Mathematical dependence that a wider research team is able to prepare more publications than a sole author in equal timeframe is illusory. 2. Responses to the scientific output Table Citations shows specified responses to the scientific outputs; these entries are then divided by the FTE employees with a university degree (from Tab. Research staff) for all Organisation at the respective year; finally these entries are divided by the total salary budget (from Tab. Salary budget). No. / salary budget number No. / FTE No. / salary budget averaged number per year av. No. / FTE av. No. / salary budget 4,0 11,2 42 1,3 3,8 53 1,6 4,5 46 1,4 3,8 265 66,3 2,1 23,0 Scopus, etc.* 117 3,7 10,6 116 3,6 10,5 74 2,3 6,3 83 2,5 6,8 390 97,5 3,0 33,8 in monographs, conf. proceedings and other publications abroad 28 0,9 2,5 23 0,7 2,1 10 0,3 0,8 22 0,7 1,8 83 20,8 0,6 7,2 in monographs, conf. proceedings and other publications in Slovakia 145 4,6 13,1 88 2,7 7,9 63 1,9 5,4 50 1,5 4,1 346 86,5 2,7 30,0 * SCOPUS, SCHOLAR.Google.com, national library databases. number No. / FTE 124 No. / FTE Web of Science Citations number number total No. / salary budget 2005 No. / FTE 2004 number 2003 No. / salary budget 2002 37 i. List of 10 top-cited publications and number of their citations in the assessment period DANKO, Š., DAROLOVÁ, A., KRIŠTÍN, A., Bratislava. 688 pp. (46 citations) 2002: Rozšírenie vtákov na Slovensku. Veda. BUBLINEC, E. et al., 2000: Morfogenetický klasifikačný systém pôd Slovenska. In Societas pedologica Slovaca, VÚPOP Bratislava, 76 pp. (30 citations) SVOBODA, L., ZIMMERMANNOVÁ, K., KALAČ, P., 2000: Concentrations of mercury, cadmium, lead and copper in fruiting bodies of edible mushrooms in an emission area of a copper smelter and a mercury smelter. In Science of the Total Environment. Vol. 246, no. 1 p. 61–67 (18 citations) BARNA, M., 2000: Impact of shelterwood cutting on twig growth in predominant beech trees (Fagus sylvatica L.). In Ekológia (Bratislava), Vol. 19, no. 4, p. 341-353 ( 17 citations) VALERA, F., HOI, H., KRIŠTÍN, A., 2003: Male shrikes punish unfaithful females. In Behavioral Ecology, Vol. 14, p. 403-408 (11 citations) KRIŠTÍN, A., KOCIAN, Ľ., RÁC, P., 2001: Červený (ekosozologický) zoznam vtákov (Aves) Slovenska, p. 150-153. In: Baláž, D., Marhold, K., Urban, P., (eds.), Červený zoznam rastlín a živočíchov Slovenska. Ochrana prírody (Suppl.), Banská Bystrica, 160 pp. (10 citations) JUHÁSOVÁ, G., 1999: Hubové choroby gaštana jedlého (Castanea sativa Mill.). Bratislava, Veda, 191 pp. (8 citations) BUBLINEC, E., KUKLA, J., 2000: Humus lesných pôd Slovenska. In Pedofórum 2000. Zborník príspevkov, VÚPÚ Bratislava, 104 pp (8 citations) KRIŠTÍN, A., MIHÁL, I., 2000: Rovnokrídlovce (Orthoptera) a modlivky (Mantodea) vybraných lokalít v Národnom parku Poloniny. In Entomofauna Carpathica, Vol. 12, no. 2, p 37-40 (8 citations) BUBLINEC, E., DUBOVÁ, M., 1989: Seasonal dynamics of input of sulphates in the Centre European beech and spruce ecosystems. In Ekológia (Bratislava), Vol. 12, no. 4, p. 449-458 (7 citations) ii. List of top-cited authors from the Organisation (at most 10 % of the research employees) and their number of citations in the assessment period 1 RNDr. A. Krištín, CSc. 38 2002.......54 2003.......49 2004.......66 2005......103 Total ....272 citations 2 prof. Ing. E. Bublinec, CSc. 2002.......99 2003.......32 2004.......19 2005.......16 Total ....166 citations 3 RNDr. I. Mihál, CSc. 2002.......25 2003.......57 2004.......24 2005 ......15 Total.....121 citations 4 prof. Ing. G. Juhásová, CSc. 2002......12 2003......28 2004......16 2005.......4 Total.....60 citations iii. Supplementary information and/or comments on responses to the scientific output of the Organisation --- 3. Research status of the Organisation in the international and national context International/European position of the Organisation i. List of the most important research activities documenting international importance of the research performed by the Organisation, incl. major projects (details of projects should be supplied under Indicator 4). Collective membership in the international research organisations, in particular within the European Research Area Main research activities (2003-2006) 39 [1] 2003. 5th Framework Programme, EU project CARBOMONT Effects of land-use changes on sources, sinks and fluxes of carbon in European mountain areas. In 2003 we participated in this large European project by performing research under the partial theme Hemi-surface area of aboveground organs of plant populations of non-mown and mown meadows at the locality Poľana – Snohy. To clarify the aims of the project we made detailed analyses of plant communities (species compositions, production) in the Poľana area, Central Slovakia. Without numerous case studies like this one from the Poľana Mountains a wider generalisation would have not been possible (responsible: J. Kukla, M. Kuklová, B. Schieber). [2] 2003, 2004. 5th Framework Programme, EU project MERCI. Together with the Czech forest ecologists we made the experiments in the Station of the Institute of Landscape Ecology, Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic in 2003. The aim was to determine the daily dynamics in photosynthetic and fluorescence characteristics. We performed experiments in the conditions of increased and “normal” concentrations of CO2 in the vertical profile of spruce crowns (responsible: Ľ. Ditmarová). [3] 2003. University of Cologne, Institute of Zoology, Germany. The co-operation on the project Bedeutung von Totholz für die Besiedlungsdichte von Bodenorganismen und die Bodenentwicklung in Urwäldern der Slowakei resulted in the lon-term stay of prof. dr. W. Topp from the University of Cologne at the IFE. Over two months we collected soil samples and soil invertebrates in four natural forests (all of them being strict reserves) of central Slovakia to clarify the significance of dead wood in forest ecosystems. The study from oak and beech forests clearly showed that dead wood (coarse woody debris, CWD) improved the quality of forest soils and supported numerous beneficial organisms like molluscs, centipedes, millipedes and beetles (responsible: J. Kulfan, P. Zach). [4] 2003. Szkola glowna gospodarstva wieiskiego, Warsaw Agricultural University, Poland. Cooperation on ecological problems in densely populated urban environments resulted in obtaining and evaluating data on contamination of urban areas of Warsaw, Poland, by pollutants, heavy metals included (responsible: J. Váľka). [5] 2003. Mammal Research Institute PAS, Bialowieza. We researched forest bats in the Bialowieza National Park, Poland, in co-operation with Polish ecologists from the MRI. The data obtained provide the further ffective tool to conserve biodiversity in the European forests (responsible: P. Kaňuch). [6] 2003-2004. University of Turku, Subarctic Research Institute, Kevo, Finland. The Institute´s participation in the project Insects on Norway spruce (Picea abies) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) at their distributional limits in Northern and Central Europe (EU Program LAPBIAT, EC project) enabled us to carry out research on insects in the forests of northern Lapland – Finland and Norway, some 500 km north of the arctic circle from June to August 2003. The research continued in the Tatra Mountains in 2004. Using the same methods as in Finland we collected insects in three mountain valleys (Bielovodská, Velická and Tomanova valley), focusing on bark beetles and their distribution near the timber line. Also, we examined entomological material collected in 2003 in Finland and supported insect databases in Finland and Slovakia, respectively. The data obtained are likely to enable comparisons of insect´s performance in the conditions of global change in the northern and central Europe (responsible: J. Kulfan, P. Zach). [7] 2003-2005. Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. We participated in the project Birds, grasshoppers and bats communities along a vertical gradient – an intercontinental comparison by conducting research in the National Nature Reserve Baishuijang, the province of Gansu,, in 2003, and in Qinling Mountains, the province of Shaanxi, China, in 2004. We collected the orthopterans, birds and bats for genetic, eco-morphological and ecological comparisons with the material originating from the West Carpathians. In 2005 we comparatively analysed the song patterns in the Black Redstart Phoenicurus ochruros populations from the Tibet Mountains, China, and in those from the West Carparthians, Slovakia. We also made the first study on morphology and distribution of the largest shrike species in the world, the Chinese Grey Shrike, Lanius sphenocercus. 40 Also, we studied potential vectors of the bird influenza in China. Among 368 song birds caught on the easterly slopes of the Tibet Mountains, a single record of bird influenza was made, for the first time in passerine birds, the species Leiothrix lutea being the vector of the disease (responsible: A. Krištín, P. Kaňuch). [8] 2003-2005. Estación Experimental de Zonas Aridas (CSIC), Almeria, Spain, and Konrad Lorenz Institute for Ethology, Vienna, Austria. We carried out research on behavioural ecology of endangered bird species Lesser Grey Shrike (Lanius minor) and Hoopoe (Upupa epops) to reveal the causes of their decline in Europe and outline new possibilities for further research using the methods applied in genetics and molecular biology. In 2004 the researchers from Spain (Dr. F. Valera) and Austria (Dr. H. Hoi) conducted their studies in Slovakia. Dr. A. Krištín visited the CSIC at Almeria, Spain, and also KLIE, Vienna, Austria (responsible: A. Krištín). [9] 2004-2005. Forest Research Institute BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria. In the project Forest ecosystems response to global changes and environmental pollution in South-Eastern and Central Europe consequence for sustainable forest management J. Kukla, M. Kuklová, B. Schieber, M. Barna and G. Nociarová performed their studies in the forests of Stará Planina Mountains, Bulgaria. The researches of IFE visited 27 permanent research/monitoring plots, described soil properties and phytocoenoses. They also collected plant material for further comparisons with that originating from Slovakia (responsible: P. Zach). [10] 2004. Növény és Talajvédelmi Központi szolgálat, Budapest, Gödöllő, Agrártudományi Egyetem – Tudományi Centrum, Debrecény, Hungary. Cooperation on the project Fungus Cryphonectria parasitica (Murr.) Barr as a causal agent of damage to Europaean chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) in Slovakia and Hungary. Dr. Radócz from Hungary visited the most important localities of the edible chestnut, Castanea sativa, in eastern Slovakia. Co-operation between Hungarian and Slovakian researchers resulted in the detection of dsRNA (the hypovirulent isolates of the fungus Cryphonectria parasitica) in the material from Slovakia (responsible: G. Juhásová). [11] 2005. Multilateral project „National Capacity Self-Assessment – NCA“. Priorities were determined in Slovakia to meet the duties set by environmental conventions on biological diversity, climate change and soil degradation. We participated in the partial theme „Desertification“. The role of the Institute in the project was crucial since we have obtained much information on disturbed areas in Slovakia throughout time. They provide a solid basis for conducting research and making legislation (responsible: E. Bublinec). [12] 2006. 6th Framework Programme. Project EU Integration of Associated Candidate Countries and New EU Member States in European Research Area by Environmental Approaches, acronym: ERA ENV. We focused on the target research groups active in environmental sciences, training, etc. The research activities were closely associated with global change and ecosystems. A total of 2750 brochures, 5000 leaflets, 2750 CDs were distributed and one European conference was organized (responsible: G. Jamnická). [13] 2006. 6th Framework Programme. Project EU AGRI MAPPING, The European Agricultural and Food Research Landscape. We presented the Institute´s structure and Institute´s research activities on the project website (see www.AgriFoodResearch.net). The aim of the project supported by the European Commission (DG Research) is to involve the Institute, and other research institutions in the former “candidate countries” as well, in the structures of the 7-th Framework Program of the EU. The project provides main platform for co-ordination of research in the field of soil science and food. The platform´s activities are co-ordinated by the executive structure SCAR (Standing Committee for Agricultural Research) (responsible: P. Zach). [14] 2006. Project BioSoil, Forest Focus. The project is a part of the European scheme “Forest Focus” which is also focusing on forest soil research. Following the Directives of the European 41 Parliament, methods were compiled and persons were involved in training activities in soil science. Also, soil samples were taken at 15 study plots (see Guidelines for Forest Soil Profile Description, 2006“) and classified according to the MKSPS (2000) and WRB (1998) (responsible: J. Kukla). [15] 2006. Forest Research Institute BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria. We started studies on the project The structure, health and soil condition of beech forest ecosystems in South-eastern and Central Europe. We carried out research in the beech forests of Stará planina Mountains, Bulgaria, to evaluate frequency and extent of necrotic damage on beech stems, and to find out the agents of necrotic disease (responsible: A. Cicák). [16] 2006. We participated in the project Die Identifizierung von Ektomycorrhizen des Buchenwaldökosystems in der zentralen Slowakei (SAIA, Activity Austria - Slovakia). In the project we evaluated the structure of fungal communities (macromycetes) in forest ecosystems heavily affected by industrial pollution in the Žiarska kotlina basin. The fungi were identified by means of DNA–analysis (responsible: Ing. K. Bučinová). [17] 2006. In the project Fungus Cryphonectria parasitica (Murr.) Barr as a causal agent of damage to Europaean chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) in Slovakia and Hungary we focused on infected chestnut and oak trees in Slovakia, Hungary and Ukraine. Studies resulted in the formation of the bank of data on fungal isolates obtained from the chestnut and oak trees (responsible: G. Juhásová). ii. List of international conferences (co-) organised by the Organisation 2003 [1] International Conference at the Occasion of the 20-th Anniversary of the Institute of Forest Ecology and the 50-th Anniversary of the Organised Forest Research at the Slovak Academy of Sciences: “Forest Ecology, State and Perspectives”, Institute of Forest Ecology SAS, Zvolen, 18.– 19. 9. 2003. [2] International Seminar “Research in Arachnology in Slovakia and Neighbouring countries”,, Štefanová (National Park Malá Fatra). [3] International conference: 75 Years of the Forest Research Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, 1.-5.10. 2003. [4] Antropisation of Soils. International conference, Bratislava, March 2003. [5] Days of Soil Science in the Slovak Republic, Stará Lesná, 16.-18.6.2003. [6] 4th European Ornithologists Union Congress, Chemnitz, Germany, 16.- 21. 8. 2003. [7] 4th International Shrike Symposium Chemnitz, Germany,16.-17. 8. 2003. [8] 15th Ornithological Conference „Applied Ornithology“, Zvolen, 5.- 6. 9. 2003. [9] 6. Theriological Conference „Research and protection of mammals”, Institute of Forest Ecology SAS, Zvolen, 10.-11.10. 2003. 2004 [1] International Symposium on Ecology and Conservation of Steppe-Land Birds, Lleida Spain, 3.- 7. 12. 2004. 42 [2] 1st International Eurasian Ornithology Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 8.-11. 4. 2004. [3] 16. Ornithological Conference “Applied Ornithology”, Zvolen, 27.-28. 8. 2004. [4] International Arachnological Conference „History and Trends in Arachnological Research in Slovakia and Abroad”), Východná, 9. 9 -12. 9.2004. [5] International Conference „Actual Problems in Plants Eco-physiology”, Račkova dolina, 16.-18. 9. 2004. 2005 [1] 17. Ornithological Conference “Applied Ornithology”, Zvolen, 16.-17. 9. 2005. [2] 7th Theriological Conference „Research and Protection of Mammals“, Zvolen, 14.-15.10. 2005. [3] Lepidopterological Colloquium, Zvolen, 20. 10. 2005. 2006 [1] 28th International Slovak and Czech Calorimetric Seminar, Hotel Poľana, Hriňová, 22.-26. 5. 2006. [2] 19th Ornithological Conference „Applied ornithology 2006“, Zvolen 7.- 8. 9. 2006. [3] International Arachnological Conference “Arachnological Research in Protected Areas and Endangered Habitats”, Východná, 14. - 17. 9. 2006. iii. List of international journals edited/published by the Organisation [1] Folia oecologica, edited by the Institute of Forest Ecology (since 2005) iv. List of edited proceedings from international scientific conferences and other proceedings 2006 [1] JUHÁSOVÁ, G. Výsledky revitalizácie historického parku Sad Janka Kráľa Bratislava – Petržalka (Results of revitalisation of historical park Sad Janka Kráľa Bratislava – Petržalka). Proc. of the Slovak–Austrian Scientific Conference, 21. June 2006, Bratislava. Nitra : Pobočka biológie drevín, ÚEL SAV Zvolen, 2006. 40 s. ISBN 80–969525–0–1. National position of the Organisation i. List of selected most important national projects (Centres of Excellence, National Reference Laboratories, Agency for the Promotion of Research and Development (APVV/APVT), National Research Programmes, Scientific Grant 43 Agency of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Education (VEGA), and others) APVT/APVV projects (see also III.4) 1. Title: Analysis of causes and possible measures against mass dieback of spruce stands in the border regions of north Slovakia Type of project: APVV Grant number: 51-019302 Duration: 01.01.2002/31.12.2005 Funding: 2 844 000,- Sk (2003), 2 440 000,- Sk (2004), 1 050 000,- Sk (2005) Responsible and status: Ing. Rastislav Jakuš, PhD. - coordinator 2. Title: Conservation of genetic resources of the chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) in Slovakia Type of project: APVT Grant number: 51-015602 Duration: 09.2002/09.2005 Funding: 757 000.- Sk (2003), 1 019 000,- Sk (2004) + 230 000,- Sk (2003), 605 000.- Sk (2005) Responsible and status: Doc. Ing. Gabriela Juhásová, CSc. - coordinator 3. Title: Conservation and use of the genetic resources of neglected fruit plant species and their microflora in nutrition, agriculture and rural development Type of project: APVT Grant number: 20–016602 Duration: 01.09.2002/31.08.2005 Funding: 160 000,- Sk (2004), 100 000,-Sk (2005) Responsible and status: doc. Ing. Ján Brindza, CSc. - coordinator, E 05: RNDr. Milan Bolvanský, CSc. – principal investigator at IFE 4. Title: Conservation and sustainable use of genepool of crop species for nutrition and agriculture Type of project: APVT Grant number: A-200 Duration: 01.01.2004/31.12.2008 Funding: Responsible and status: doc. Ing. Ján Brindza, CSc. - coordinator, E 05: RNDr. Milan Bolvanský, CSc. – principal investigator at IFE 5. Title: Invasive pests and parasitic fungi – originators of damage on Aesculus and Platanus genera Type of project: APVT Grant number: 51-032604 Duration: 01/2005 – 12/2007 Funding: 2 822 000,- Sk (2005), 3 396 000,- Sk (2006) Responsible and status: doc. Ing. Gabriela Juhásová, CSc. - coordinator 6. Title: Optimised system for protection of spruce stands with usage of antioxidants Type of project: APVT Grant number: 51-P06005 Duration: 30.7.2005/30.7.2007 Funding: 84 000,- Sk (2005), 100 000,- Sk (2006) 44 Responsible and status: Ing. Rastislav Jakuš, PhD. - coordinator 7. Title: Development of integrated information and bio-technical system for the protection of spruce stands against bark beetles for the territories affected by wind damages Type of project: APVT Grant number: 27-P05205 Duration: 1.7.2005/31.7.2007 Funding: 620 000,- Sk (2006) Responsible and status: Ing. Juraj Varínsky, CSc. (NFC Zvolen) – coordinator, Ing. Rastislav Jakuš, PhD. – principal investigator at IFE 8. Title: Birds, grasshoppers and bats communities along a vertical gradient – an intercontinental comparison Type of project: bilateral project Grant number: APVV, SK-CN-1806 Duration: 1.1.2006/31.12.2007 Funding: 120 000,- Sk (2006) Responsible and status: Dr. A. Krištín, CSc., Mgr. P. Kaňuch, PhD - coordinators 9. Title: School of the young natural scientists Type of project: APVT Grant number: LPP -0057-06 Duration: 01.10.2006/30.09.2009 Funding: 161 100,- Sk (2006) Responsible and status: Ing. Miroslav Saniga, CSc. - coordinator 10. Title: A forest is not just trees Type of project: APVT Grant number: LPP-0359-06 Duration: 27. 10. 2006/31.10.2009 Funding: 294 478,- Sk (2006) Responsible and status: Ing. Katarína Sládeková - coordinator Projects supported by the Scientific Grant Agency of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Education (VEGA) 1. Title: Flux of energy and matter in a forest ecosystem. Type of project: VEGA Grant number: 2/1155/21 Duration: 01.01. 2001/31. 12. 2003 Funding: 301 000, -Sk Responsible and status: Prof. Ing. Eduard Bublinec, CSc. - coordinator 2. Title: Influence of necrotic disease of a tracheomycotic type on qualitative and quantitative characteristics of beech growth Type of project: VEGA Grant number: 2/1010/21 Duration: 01.01.2001/31.12.2003 Funding: 91 000.- Sk Responsible and status: Ing. Alojz Cicák, CSc. - coordinator 3. Title: Research of spruce forest decline: a regeneration connected with bark beetle outbreaks Type of project: VEGA 45 Grant number: 2/1162/21 Duration: 2101.01.2001/31.12.2003 Funding: 149 000.- Sk Responsible and status: Ing. Rastislav Jakuš, PhD, - coordinator 4. Title: Integrated study of factors involved in degradation of woody plants in the changed environment Type of project: VEGA Grant number: 2/1039/22 Duration: 01.01.2001/31.12.2003 Funding: 117 000.- Sk Responsible and status: Doc. Ing. Gabriela Juhásová, CSc. - coordinator 5. Title: Animal ecology along vertical gradient of forests in the Western Carpathians Type of project: VEGA Grant number: 2/3006/23 Duration: 01.01.2003/31.12.2005 Funding: 126,000,- Sk (2003), 112 000,- SK (2004), 125 000,- Sk (2005) Responsible and status: RNDr. Anton Krištín, CSc. - coordinator 6. Title: Relation of permanent ecological conditions to character of forest phytocoenoses and dynamics of parameters of their components Type of project: VEGA Grant number: 2/1159/21 Duration: 01.01.2001/31. 12. 2003 Funding: 110 000,-Sk Responsible and status: Ing. Ján Kukla, CSc. - coordinator 7. Title: Variability, ecology, distribution and health condition in Turkey oak Quercus cerris L. in Slovakia Type of project: VEGA Grant number: 2/3193/23 Duration: 01.01.2003/31.12.2005 Funding: 49 000.- Sk (2003), 49 000,- Sk (2004), 51 000,- Sk (2005) Responsible and status: Ing. Jozef Požgaj, CSc. - coordinator 8. Title: Structure and function of the animal communities in the ecotones of the forest ecosystems Type of project: VEGA Grant number: 2/2001/22 Duration: 01.01.2002/31.12.2004 Funding: 115 000,- Sk (2003), 102 000,-Sk (2004) Responsible and status: Ing. Miroslav Saniga, CSc. - coordinator 9. Title: Effect of phytotechnique, site conditions and provenance on production, physiological and reproduction characteristics of selected introduced woody plants Type of project: VEGA Grant number: 2/1038/21 Duration: 01.01.2001/31.12.2003 Funding: 131 000.- Sk Responsible and status: Doc. Ing. Ferdinand Tokár, DrSc. - coordinator 10. Title: Development of beech stands after shelterwood cutting – optimisation of the regeneration method Type of project: VEGA 46 Grant number: 2/4158/24 Duration: 1.1.2004/31.12.2006 Funding: 55 000,-Sk (2004), 38 000,-Sk (2005), 75 000,-Sk (2006) Responsible and status: Ing. Milan Barna, PhD. - coordinator 11. Title: Cycling of matter in selected forest ecosystems Type of project: VEGA Grant number: 2/4168/21 Duration: 1.1.2004/31.12.2006 Funding: 269 000,-Sk (2004), 303 000,- Sk (2005), 337 000,- Sk (2006) Responsible at IFE and status: Prof. Ing. Eduard Bublinec, CSc. - coordinator 12. Title: Physiological processes, production and health state of mountain forest ecosystems on the model area of Biosphere reserve Poľana Type of project: VEGA Grant number: 2/4159/04 Duration: 1.1.2004/31.12.2006 Funding: 132 000,-Sk (2004), 140 000,-Sk (2005), 95 000,- Sk (2006) Responsible and status: RNDr. Ľubica Ditmarová, PhD, - coordinator 13. Title: Adaptation and spread of fungi and fungiform organisms in cultural Norway spruce stands in relation to their ecological stability Type of project: VEGA Grant number: 1/1368/24 Duration: 1.1.2004/31.12.2006 Funding: : 23 000,-Sk (2004), 23 000,-Sk (2005), 14 000,-Sk (2006) Responsible and status: Doc. RNDr. Ján Gáper, CSc. - coordinator, RNDr. Ivan Mihál, CSc. principal investigator at IFE 14. Title: Importance of biotic factors participating in damage of woody plants in urban environment, selected dendrological objects and woodland economic units of Slovakia Type of project: VEGA Grant number: 2/4020/04 Duration: 01.01.2004/31.12.2006 Funding: 164 000,- Sk (2004), 177 000,- Sk (2005), 200 000.- Sk (2006) Responsible and status: doc. Ing. Gabriela Juhásová, CSc. - coordinator 15. Title: Influence of anthropogenic load on the present state and development of forest ecosystems Type of project: VEGA Grant number: 2/4167/04 Duration: 01.01. 2004/31. 12. 2006 Funding: 153 000,-Sk (2004), 187 000,-Sk (2005), 195 000,-Sk (2006) Responsible and status: Ing. Ján Kukla, CSc - coordinator 16. Title: Species diversity, production and phytopathological inportance of macromycetes in beech forest ecosystems Type of project: VEGA Grant number: 2/4019/04 Duration: 01.01.2004/31.12.2006 Funding: 67 000,-Sk (2004), 67 000,-Sk (2005), 88 000,-Sk (2006) Responsible and status: RNDr. Ivan Mihál, CSc. - coordinator 47 17. Title: Silvicultural, biological and ecological study of genetic resources of noble introduced woody plant species aimed at their conservation and sustainable use in forest and agricultural land Type of project: VEGA Grant number: 2/4157/04 Duration: 01.01.2004/31.12.2006 Funding: 114 000,- Sk (2004), 99 000,- Sk (2005), 150 000,- Sk (2006) Responsible and status: doc. Ing. Ferdinand Tokár, DrSc.- coordinator 18. Title: Forest animals in changing environment: response to global and local anthropogenic influences Type of project: VEGA Grant number: 2/5152/25 Duration: : 1. 1. 2005/31. 12. 2007 Funding: 112 000,- Sk (2005), 135 000,- Sk (2006) Responsible and status: RNDr. Ján Kulfan, CSc. - coordinator 19. Title: Study of chemical communication and mutual interactions between Norway spruce and the associated bark beetles Type of project: VEGA Grant number: 2/6153/26 Duration: 1.1.2006/31.12.2008 Funding: 72 000,- Sk Responsible and status: Ing. Rastislav Jakuš, PhD. - coordinator 20. Title: Mountain forests, forest stability, structure and diversity of forest ecosystems, dynamics of forest ecosystems Type of project: VEGA Grant number: 1/3524/06 Duration: 1.1.2006/31.12.2008 Funding: 50 000,- Sk Responsible and status: doc. Ing. Eva Križová, CSc. (TU Zvolen) – coordinator, Ing. Rastislav Jakuš, PhD. – principal investigator at IFE 21. Title: Ecology of model animals at the sites and habitats of European importance with regard to the annex species Type of project: VEGA Grant number: 2/6007/26 Duration: 1.1.2006/31.12.2008 Funding: 133 000,- Sk Responsible and status: RNDr. Anton Krištín, CSc. - coordinator National Research Programmes 1.Title: Prognosis of the development of science and technology by 2015. “Sustainable forest development and biological diversity” Type of project: multilateral Grant number: Duration: 01.03.2003/30.11.2003 Funding: 54 000,- Sk Responsible and status: Prognostical Institute SAS – national coordinator, Ing. Peter Zach, CSc. – principal investigator at IFE 48 Other national projects 1. Title: System for protection of spruce stands on the basis of pheromones and biopreparats Type of project: VTP Grant number: 22/9047/22 Duration: 01.01.2002/31.12.2003 Funding: 350 000,-Sk (2003) Responsible and status: Ing. Rastislav Jakuš, PhD. - coordinator 2. Title: Conservation and maintenance of gene-pool of old and land plant cultivars in Slovakia Type of project: multilateral Grant number: C 519/3–D118–VTPC/1998 Duration: 01.01.1998/31.12.2003 Funding: 60 000,- Sk (2003) Responsible and status: RNDr. Milan Bolvanský, CSc. - coordinator 3. Title: The study about impacts of different variants of management of wind blown area from November 2004 in natural reserve Fabova hoľa Type of project: multilateral Duration: 01. 2005 / 12. 2005 Funding: 10 000,- Sk Responsible and status: Ing. Rastislav Jakuš, PhD. - coordinator 4. Title: Project of forest protection measures in the area damaged by gale disaster in the Tatra national park on 19th November 2004 Type of project: bilateral Duration: 01.01.2005/31.12.2005 Funding: 150 000,- Sk (2005), 150 000,- Sk (2006) Responsible and status: National Forestry Centre – coordinator, Ing. Rastislav Jakuš, PhD. – principal investigator at IFE 5. Title: Reconstruction of non-autochthonous forest stands to ecosystems with higher ecological stability Type of project: bilateral Grant number: 6312 Duration: 01.01.2005/31.12.2007 Funding: 140 000,- Sk Responsible and status: National Forestry Centre – coordinator, Ing. Rastislav Jakuš, PhD. – principal investigator at IFE 6. Title: Development of subcortical insects in the Jamské Pleso area after the windthrow on 19th September 2004 Type of project: bilateral Duration: 1.5.2006/30.4.2009 Funding: 100 000,- Sk Responsible and status: Ing. Rastislav Jakuš, PhD. – coordinator 7. Title: Conservation of genetic resources of the edible chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) in Slovakia Type of project: multilateral Grant number: 7.4 Duration: 01.2003/12.2003 Funding: 250 000,- Sk Responsible and status: Ing. Gabriela Juhásová, CSc. - coordinator 49 8. Title: Natural heritage of Slovakia Type of project: multilateral Grant number: Duration: 01.01.2003/31.12.2004 Funding: Responsible and status: SNC – coordinator, RNDr. A. Krištín, CSc. (Aves), RNDr. Ján Kulfan, CSc. (Lepidoptera), Ing. Peter Zach, CSc. (Coleoptera) - coordinator of partial themes 9. Title: ECOSOURCES Grant number: Duration: since 01.04.2003 Funding: Responsible and status: Ing. Ferdinand Kundrík, CSc. - coordinator 10. Title: Fungus Cryphonectria parasitica (Murr.) Barr as a causal agent of damage of Europaean chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) in Slovakia and Hungary Type of project: multilateral project, Fytofarm, etc. Grant number: 10 Duration: 01.01.2004/31.12.2006 Funding: Responsible and status: doc. Ing. Gabriela Juhásová, CSc. - coordinator 11. Title: Status of knowledge of orthopterans (Orthoptera), molluscs (Mollusca) and bats (Chiroptera) in the National park Muránska planina (SKÚEV 0225). Type of project: bilateral project Grant number: SOP -00616/25 Duration: 01.01.2005/31.12.2005 Funding: 150 000,- Sk Responsible and status: RNDr. Anton Krištín, CSc. - coordinator 12. Title: Connecting the ski centres Donovaly and Liptovské Revúce. Assessment of impacts on environment. Type of project: EIA study. Grant number: Duration: 1.4.2005/30.04. 2006 Funding: 400 000,- Sk (2005), 630 000,- Sk (2006) Responsible and status: Ing. Peter Zach, CSc. - coordinator 13. Title: Atlas of Tatra Mountains Type of project: multilateral Duration: 1.12.2006/31.12.2009 Responsible and status: PAN, Poland – main coordinator, Ing. Peter Fleischer, CSc.(Research Station TANAP) – national coordinator, Ing. Peter Zach, CSc. – principal investigator at IFE ii. List of national scientific conferences (co)-organised by the Organisation [1] Methodical seminar for teachers of natural science and geography in cooperation with the District Office Zvolen – Department of Education, Youth and Physical Culture organised on 26. 3. 2003 at the IFE SAS (30 participants). Discussed topic: Ecology and biosphere of the region Podpoľanie and its surroundings (J. Kulfan, P. Zach) [2] Conference: „Woody plants in public greenery “ 27.5.2003 – 28.5.2003, Košice (65 participants from the organising country and from abroad) 50 Organised by: IFE SAS Zvolen, Branch for Woody plants Biology Nitra, Slovak Society for Soil, Forest, Food and Veterinary Sciences SAS Bratislava, Botanical Garden UPJŠ Košice [3] Seminar in frame of the Chestnut festival in Modrý Kameň: „Diseases and pests on the European (edible) chestnut and other selected woody plants“ 11.10.2003, Modrý Kameň (50 participants) Organised by: IFE SAS Zvolen, Branch for Woody plants Biology Nitra, Slovak Society for Soil, Forest, Food and Veterinary Sciences SAS Bratislava, Branch Nitra, the town of Modrý Kameň, Museum Castle Modrý Kameň [4] Conference: „ Woody plants in public greenery “ 8.6.2004-9.6.2004, Zvolen (62 participants from Slovakia and abroad) Organised by: IFE SAS Zvolen, Branch for Woody plants Biology Nitra, Slovak Society for Soil, Forest, Food and Veterinary Sciences SAS Bratislava, Branch Nitra, the town of Zvolen – Municipality Office Zvolen. [5] Seminar in frame of the Chestnut festival in Modrý Kameň: „Diseases and pests on the European (edible) chestnut “ 3.10.2004, Modrý Kameň (32 participants) Organised by: IFE SAS Zvolen, Branch for Woody plants Biology Nitra, Slovak Society for Soil, Forest, Food and Veterinary Sciences SAS Bratislava, Branch Nitra, the town of Modrý Kameň, Museum Castle Modrý Kameň [6] Conference: „ Woody plants in public greenery “ 10. 5. 2005 - 11. 5. 2005, Bratislava (93 participants) Organised by: IFE SAS Zvolen, Branch for Woody plants Biology Nitra, Slovak Society for Soil, Forest, Food and Veterinary Sciences SAS Bratislava, Branch Nitra, Office of the Municipal District Bratislava – Staré Mesto [7] Seminar in frame of the Chestnut festival in Modrý Kameň: „Diseases and pests on the European (edible) chestnut“1. 10. 2005, Modrý Kameň (29 participants) Organised by: IFE SAS Zvolen, Branch for Woody plants Biology Nitra, Slovak Society for Soil, Forest, Food and Veterinary Sciences SAS Bratislava, Branch Nitra, the town of Modrý Kameň, Museum Castle Modrý Kameň [8] „III-th Seminar for PhD Students” 1. 3. 2006 (30 participants) Organised by: IFE SAS Zvolen. [9] Conference: „State of biological protection in Slovakia and its practical use“ 6. 6. 2006, Nitra (60 participants) Organised by: IFE SAS Zvolen, Slovak Society for Soil, Forest, Food and Veterinary Sciences SAS Bratislava, Ministry for Agriculture SR Bratislava. [10] Seminar: „Cultivation, protection and propagation of selected woody plants “ 20.5.2006, Nitra (12 participants) Organised by: Agroinstitute Nitra, IFE SAS Zvolen, Slovak Society for Soil, Forest, Food and Veterinary Sciences SAS Bratislava [11] Seminar organised in frame of the Chestnut festival in Modrý Kameň: „Cultivation and protection of the European (edible) chestnut“30. 9. 2006, Bratislava (42 participants) Organised by: IFE SAS Zvolen, the town of Modrý Kameň, Slovak Society for Soil, Forest, Food and Veterinary Sciences SAS Bratislava iii. List of national journals published by the Organisation [1] Folia oecologica. Edited by IFE SAS. ISSN 1336-5266 (2003-2004) [2] Tichodroma. Co-edited by IFE SAS and SOS/Birdlife Slovakia. ISBN 80-969429-1-3, ISSN 1337-026X 51 iv. List of edited proceedings of national scientific conferences/events [1] Bernadovičová, S. (ed.) Dreviny vo verejnej zeleni (Woody plants in the public greenery). Proc. conf. with international participance, 27.-28.5.2003, Košice: UPJŠ, 2003, 182 s. [2] Juhásová, G. – Bernadovičová, S. (eds.) Choroby a škodcovia gaštana jedlého a vybraných ovocných drevín (Diseases and pests of the edible chestnut and selected fruit trees). Proc. sem., Modrokamenskéh gaštanové slávnosti, 11.10.2003, Modrý Kameň, Nitra: ÚEL SAV, 2003, 56 s. [3] Bernadovičová, S. – Juhásová, G. (eds.) Dreviny vo verejnej zeleni (Woody plants in the public greenery). Proc. conf. konferencie with international participance, 8.–9.6. 2004, Zvolen. Nitra: ÚEL SAV, 2004. 167 s. ISBN 80–967238–8–X. [4] Bernadovičová, S. – Juhásová, G. (eds.) Dreviny vo verejnej zeleni (Woody plants in the public greenery). Proc. conf. konferencie with international participance, 10.–11. 5. 2005, Bratislava. Zvolen : Ústav ekológie lesa SAV, 2005. ISBN 80-967238-9-8. 245 s. [5] Bernadovičová, S. – Juhásová, G. (eds.) Pestovanie, ochrana a rozmnožovanie vybraných druhov drevín (Growing, protection and reproduction of selected woody plants). Proc. sem., 28. 4. 2006, Nitra. Nitra : Pobočka biológie drevín, ÚEL SAV Zvolen, 2006. 72 s. [6] Juhásová, G. (ed.) Stav biologickej ochrany na Slovensku a jej praktické využitie (State of biological protection in Slovakia and its use). Proc. Sem. 6. 6. 2006, Nitra. Nitra : Pobočka biológie drevín, ÚEL SAV Zvolen, 2006. 48 s. ISBN 80–969525–1–X. International/European position of the individual researchers i. List of invited/keynote presentations at international conferences, documented by an invitation letter or programme 2003 [1] BUBLINEC, E. Influence of negative anthropisation on non-productive properties of soils. In Soil anthropisation II, invited paper presented at international conference organised by the Faculty of Natural Science of the Comenius University Bratislava, 17.12. 2003, Bratislava. [2] DITMAROVÁ, Ľ. Physiological processes and their possible use in bio-indication of stress load to forest woody plants. Invited paper presented at international scientific seminar 18. 3. 2003, TU Zvolen. 2005 [1] BUBLINEC, E.: Ecological impact of wood residues harvesting for energy production. 14th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition. Proceedings "14th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition", Paris, France. [2] BUČINOVÁ, K.: Macromycetes of beech stands in Central Slovakia and their response to decrease of air polluting load over the last years. XVII. International Botanical Congress, 17- 23 July 2005, Vienna, Austria. 52 [3] KULFAN, J.: Conservation of Maculinea species in Slovakia. Ecology and conservation of butterflies in Europe. Conference of the 5th FP, 5.-9.12.2005, Leipzig, Germany. [4] MIHÁL, I.: Species diversity of wood-decomposing fungi in conditions of cultivated spruce forests of various age. The 4-th international symposium „Wood-destroying fungi 2005“, 7.-8. 9. 2005, Kováčová. 2006 [1] KUKLA, J., 2006: Forest ecosystems in the High Tatras Mts versus the man. 28. International Slovak and Czech calorimetric seminar. 22. – 26. 5. 2006, Hotel Poľana – Hriňová. [2] KRIŠTÍN A., MIHOK, J., DANKO, Š., KARASKA D., PAČENOVSKÝ S., SANIGA M., et al. 2006: Distribution, abundance and conservation of Strix uralensis in Slovakia. International Workshop on Status and ecology of Ural owl in Europe, Neuschwanstein, NP Bayernwald, 24.-26. 11. 2006. [3] KRIŠTÍN A., HOI, H., VALERA, F, 2006: Is the species Lanius minor faithful to its breeding site and to the partner? International ornithological conference on the 80-th anniversary of ČSO, Mikulov, 22.- 24. 9. 2006. [4] KAŇUCH, P.: Answered and unanswered questions in research on Carpathian bats, Masaryk University, Brno, 26. 10. 2006. [5] ŠTEFFEK, J., VAVROVÁ, Ľ., 2006: Current ecosozological status of molluscs (Mollusca) of Slovakia in accordance with categories and criterion of IUCN – version 3.1. (2001). In: Kyrychuk, G. Ye. (ed.), Mollusks: Perspective of Development and Investigation, 27-29th September 2006 in Zhytomyr, Ukraine. [6] VAVROVÁ, Ľ., ŠTEFFEK, J., 2006: The criterion of definition of favourable conservation status of the European important Vertigo species in Slovakia, p. 44. In: 1st Baltic malacological symposium of Malacology, September 21-23, Riga, Latvia. [7] MAŠÁN Peter, MIHÁL Ivan: On the migration of harvestman Opilio canestrini (Opiliones, Phalangiidae) across Slovakia. Conference „Diversity and protection of arachnofauna in protected areas and threatened habitats “, 14.-17. 9. 2006, Východná. [8] BUČINOVÁ Katarína, URBAN Alexander: Identification of macrofungal species diversity in beech forests from the Central Slovakia. Meeting of young mycologists „Mykodny“, 19.10 22.10. 2006, PLA Český kras. ii. List of employees who served as members of the organising and/or programme committees for international conferences 2003 [1] A. Krištín: 4th European Ornithologists Union Congress, Chemnitz, Germany, 16.- 21. 8. 2003. [2] A. Krištín: 4th International Shrike Symposium Chemnitz, Germany, 16.-17. 8. 2003. [3] A. Krištín: 15th Ornithological Conference“ Applied Ornithology”, Zvolen, 5.- 6. 9. 2003. 53 [4] A. Krištín: 6th Theriological Conference “Research and Protection of Mammals”, Zvolen, 10.-11. 10. 2003. [5] P. Kaňuch: 6th. Theriological Conference “Research and Protection of Mammals”, Zvolen, 10.-11.10. 2003. [6] E. Bublinec, F. Tokár, J. Váľka, I. Mihál, P. Zach, M. Kodrík, J. Kulfan, G. Juhásová, J. Kukla, M. Kuklová, A. Krištín, A. Cicák (12 members): International conference organised at the occasion of the 20-th anniversary of the IFE and the 50-th anniversary of the organised forest research at the SAS „Forest Ecology – State and Perstpectives “, 18.–19. 9. 2003, Institute of Forest Ecology SAS Zvolen. 2004 [1] A. Krištín: International Symposium on Ecology and Conservation of Steppe-Land Birds, Lleida Spain, 3.-7. 12. 2004. [2] A. Krištín: 1st International Eurasian Ornithology Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 8.-11. 4. 2004. [3] A. Krištín: 16th Ornithological Conference “Applied ornithology”, Zvolen, 27.- 28. 8. 2004. [4] Ľ. Ditmarová: International Ecophysiological Conference „Actual Problems in Plant Ecophysiology “, 16.-18. 9. 2004, Račkova dolina. [5] I. Mihál: International Arachnological Conference "History and Trends in Arachnological Research in Slovakia and Bohemia ", 9. 9. - 12. 9. 2004, Východná. 2005 [1] A. Krištín: 17th Ornithological Conference “Applied Ornithology” 2005, Zvolen, 16.-17. 9.2005. [2] P. Kaňuch: 7th Theriological Conference „Research and Protection of Mammals“, Zvolen, 14.-15. 10. 2005. [3] A. Krištín: 7th Theriological Conference „Research and Protection of Mammals“, Zvolen, 14.15.10. 2005. [4] J. Kulfan: Lepidopterological Colloquium, Zvolen, 20. 10. 2005. [5] A. Krištín, B. Kršiak, P. Kaňuch, A. Cicák (4 members): Lepidopterological colloquium, Zvolen, 20. 10. 2005. 2006 [1] G. Juhásová: International Transboundary Slovak-Austrian Conference „Results of Revitalisation of the Historical Park Sad Janka Kráľa Bratislava Petržalka“, Bratislava, 21. 6. 2006. [2] A. Krištín: 19th Ornithological Conference „Applied Ornithology 2006“, Zvolen, 7. - 8. 9. 2006. [3] J. Kukla, M. Kuklová (2 members): 28th International Slovak and Czech Calorimetric Seminar, Hotel Poľana – Hriňová, 22. – 26. 5. 2006. [4] I. Mihál: International Arachnological Conference „Arachnological Research in Protected Areas and Threatened Habitats “, Východná, 2006. 54 iii. List of employees who served as members of important international scientific bodies (e.g. boards, committees, editorial boards of scientific journals) Membership in: 2003 [1] E. Bublinec: National Committee MaB/UNESCO [2] E. Bublinec: National Committee SCOPE [3] E. Bublinec, M. Dubová: Biopolitics International Organisation [4] E. Bublinec: American Soil Ecology Society – an honour member [5] A. Krištín: Committee of European Union of Ornithology [6] A. Krištín: Committee of International Congress of Ornithology [7] M. Kodrík: International Society of Root Researchs, Uppsala, Sweden [8] A. Krištín: Deutscher Ornithologischen Gesellscgaft f. Artenschutz und Artenmanagement [9] A. Krištín: Czech Ornithological Society [10] F. Mercel: International Association for Plant Taxonomy [11] I. Mihál: International Society of Arachnology, USA [12] J. Patočka: Czech Entomological Society [13] J. Šteffek: Slovak National Committee MaB UNESCO [14] E. Bublinec: Editorial Board Silva Balcanica, FRI Sofia, Bulgaria [15] A. Krištín: Editorial Board Folia zoologica [16] A. Krištín: Editorial Board Sylvia 2004 [1] E. Bublinec: National Committee MaB/UNESCO [2] E. Bublinec: National Committee SCOPE [3] E. Bublinec, M. Dubová: Biopolitics International Organisation [4] E. Bublinec: American Soil Ecology Society – an honor member [5] G. Juhásová: Hungarian Dendrological Scociety – an honor member [6] A. Krištín: Committee of European Union of Ornithology [7] A. Krištín: Committee of International Congress of Ornithology [8] A. Krištín: Deutscher ornithologischen Gesellscgaft f. Artenschutz und Artenmanagement [9] A. Krištín: Czech Ornithological Society [10] F. Mercel: International Association for Plant Taxonomy [11] I. Mihál: International Society of Arachnology, USA [12] J. Patočka: Czech Entomological Society – an honour member [13] J. Šteffek: National Committee MaB/UNESCO [14] J. Šteffek: UNESCO [15] E. Bublinec: Editorial Board Silva Balcanica [16] A. Krištín: Editorial Board Folia zoologica [17] A. Krištín: Editorial Board Sylvia 2005 [1] E. Bublinec: National Committee MaB/UNESCO [2] E. Bublinec: National Committee SCOPE [3] E. Bublinec, M. Dubová: Biopolitics International Organisation [4] A. Krištín: Committee of European Union of Ornithology [5] A. Krištín: Committe of International Congress of Ornithology 55 [6] A. Krištín: Deutscher Ornithologischen Gesellschaft f. Artenschutz und Artenmanagement [7] A. Krištín: Czech Ornithological Society [8] J. Patočka: Czech Entomological Society – an honour member [9] I. Mihál: International Society of Arachnology, USA [10] F. Mercel: International Association for Plant Taxonomy [11] G. Juhásová, M. Bolvanský, M. Kobza: International Society for Horticultural Science [12] G. Juhásová: Hungarian Dendrological Scociety – an honour member [13] E. Bublinec: Editorial Board Silva Balcanica [14] A. Krištín: Editorial Board Folia zoologica [15] A. Krištín: Editorial Board Sylvia 2006 [1] E. Bublinec: National Committee MaB/UNESCO [2] E. Bublinec: National Committee SCOPE [3] G. Juhásová, M. Bolvanský: International Association for Horticultural Science [4] G. Juhásová: Hungarian Dendrological Scociety – an honour member [5] A. Krištín: Committee of European Union of Ornithology [6] A. Krištín: Committee of International Congress of Ornithology [7] A. Krištín: Deutscher ornithologischen Gesellschaft f. Artenschutz und Artenmanagement [8] A. Krištín: Czech Ornithological Society [9] J. Patočka: Czech Entomological Society – an honour member [10] I. Mihál: International Society of Arachnology, USA [11] K. Sládeková: IUFRO Task Force Communicating Forest Science [12] E. Bublinec: Editorial Board Silva Balcanica [13] A. Krištín: Editorial Board Folia zoologica [14] A. Krištín: Editorial Board Sylvia iv. List of international scientific awards and distinctions 2004 RNDr. Anton Krištín, CSc.: Member of Scientific Programme Committee of 1st International Eurasian Ornithology Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 8.-11. 4. 2004. RNDr. Anton Krištín, CSc.: Member of Scientific Programme Committee International Symposium on Ecology and Conservation of Steppe-Land Birds, Lleida Spain, 3.- 7. 12. 2004. Ing. Peter Zach, CSc.: Member of the National Management Committee for EuroDIVERSITY Projects, European Science Foundation, Strasbourg, France (a contact person for ESF projects – biological sciences - in Slovakia, since 1th December 2004). 2005 Doc. RNDr. Jan Patočka, DrSc.: medal of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany Doc. RNDr. Jan Patočka, DrSc.: gold medal from VÚLHM, Praha-Strnady, CR Doc. RNDr. Jan Patočka, DrSc.: letter of acknowledgement of the rektor of Mendel Univerzity of Agriculture, Brno, CR RNDr. Anton Krištín, CSc.: independent expert of European Commission 56 RNDr. Anton Krištín,CSc.: independent expert of subcommission NATURA 2000 for biodiversity, Bruxelles, Belgium RNDr. Anton Krištín, CSc.: support to attendance to seminars on biogeography in the NP Triglav, Slovenia and the NP Fertö Hanság, Hungary (May and September 2005) 2006 RNDr. Anton Krištín,CSc., Ing. Miroslav Saniga, CSc.: invitation to co-operation with the Royal Airforce Ornithological Society, UK (M. Blair, J. Knight) on dispersed bird species Ing. Peter Zach, CSc.: acknowledgement of the minister of science and environmental protection of the Republic of Serbia, 15th March 2006 (for evaluating projects of basic research) i. National position of the individual researchers List of invited/keynote presentations at national conferences documented by an invitation letter or programme [1] CICÁK Alojz, MIHÁL Ivan: Necrotic disease and mycoflora in beech forest ecosystems in the NP Muránska planina. Conference „Muránska planina – protection, research and use“, 9.10 - 10.10. 2006, Predná Hora. ii. List of employees who served as members of organising and programme committees of national conferences [1] G. Juhásová, H. Ivanová, S. Bernadovičová: Woody plants in public greenery, 27.5. – 28.5.2003, Košice [2] G. Juhásová, H. Ivanová, S. Bernadovičová: Chestnut festival in Modrý Kameň, 11.10.2003 [3] M. Saniga: Grassy uplands and upper forest line in the Veľká Fatra Mts (problems, protection, use), 5.2. 2004, Staré Hory [4] G. Juhásová, S. Bernadovičová, H. Ivanová: Woody plants in public greenery, 8.6. - 9.6.2004, Zvolen [5] G. Juhásová: Chestnut festival in Modrý Kameň, 3.10.2004, Modrý Kameň [6] I. Mihál: Arachnological days 2004, 31.5. - 4.6.2004, Zemplínske vrchy - Kráľovský Chlmec [7] G. Juhásová, S. Bernadovičová, H. Ivanová: „Woody plants in public greenery “, 10. - 11. 5. 2005, Bratislava [8] G. Juhásová: Chestnut festival in Modrý Kameň, 1.10. 2005, Modrý Kameň [9] I. Mihál: Arachnological days, 27. 6. - 1. 7. 2005, Rimavská kotlina, basin and Bodvianska pahorkatina, hills, Rimavská Sobota [10] G. Juhásová, K. Adamčíková, M. Kobza: State of biological protection in Slovakia and its practical use, 6. 6. 2006, Nitra [11] G. Juhásová: Results of revitalisation of the historical park Sad Janka Kráľa Bratislava. Petržalka, 21. 6. 2006, Bratislava [12] G. Juhásová: Cultivation, protection and propagation of selected woody plants, 30. 9. 2006 Modrý Kameň 57 [13] P. Kaňuch: Chiropterological seminar, 16.-17. 11. 2006, Liptovský Mikuláš [14] A. Krištín, M. Veľký, P. Kaňuch: A congress of birds, 4. - 5.3. 2006, IFE SAS Zvolen iii. List of employees serving in important national scientific bodies (e.g. boards, committees, editorial boards of scientific journals) Membership: [1] K. Adamčíková - Slovak Society for Agricultural, Forest, Food and Veterinary Sciences by SAS (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) Slovak Botanical Society SAS (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) Slovak Society for Medicinal Plants (2005, 2006) Slovak Mycological Society SAS (2006) [2] M. Barna - Editorial Board of the journal Folia Oecologica (2004, 2005, 2006) Slovak Ecological Society SAS (2005, 2006) [3] S. Bernadovičová - Slovak Society for Soil, Forest, Food and Veterinary Sciences by SAS (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) Slovak Society for Medicinal Plants (2005, 2006) [4] M. Bolvanský - Slovak Society for Soil, Forest, Food and Veterinary Sciences by SAS (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) [5] E. Bublinec: - Scientific Board of the Faculty of Ecological and Environmental Sciences (Banská Štiavnica) TU in Zvolen (2003, 2004, 2005) Scientific Board of the Faculty of Forestry TU in Zvolen (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) Scientific Board of the PF CU Ružomberok (2005, 2006) Scientific Collegiums for Biological-Ecological Sciences SAS(2003, 2004) Accrediting Sub-commission SAS – accrediting opinion ÚKE SAS (2003) VEGA Commission for Biological and Ecological Sciences (2003, 2004) Editorial Board of the journal Academia (2003, 2004) Editorial Board of the Forestry Journal (2003, 2004) Editorial Board of the journal Phytopedon (2005, 2006) Slovak Society for Soil, Forest, Food and Veterinary Sciences by SAS (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) Societas Pedologica Slovaca (2003, 2004) Department of Soil Science and Protection of the Slovak Academy of Soil Sciences (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) Slovak Academy of Soil Sciences (2003, 2004) Forestry Departments SASC (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) Slovak Ecological Society SAS (2003, 2004, 2005) Commission on PhD study in the branch of Ecology (2003, 2004, 2006) Commission onr PhD study in the branch of Ecology and Protection of Biodiversity (2005, 2006) Commission on PhD study in the branch of Soil Science (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) Department for Science at the Conference of Bishops of Slovakia (2003) 58 - Expert for evaluation of APVT projects (2004) Slovak Branch of the International Union of Soil Sciences (2005, 2006) Slovak Agency of the European Confederation of Soil Sciences Societies – ECSSS (2005, 2006) [6] A. Cicák Advisory Committee of the centre of the Partial monitoring system „LESY“ (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) Slovak Botanical Society SAS (2005) - [7] Ľ. Ditmarová - Slovak Bioclimatological Society (2005, 2006) Slovak Meteorological Society (2005, 2006) [8] C. Greguš - Slovak Academy of Soil Sciences (2003, 2004) [9] H. Ivanová - Slovak Society for Soil, Forest, Food and Veterinary Sciences by SAS (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) Slovak Botanical Society SAS (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) Slovak Society of Medicinal Plants (2005, 2006) - [10] G. Juhásová - Slovak Botanical Society SAS (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) Slovak Society for Agricultural, Forest, Food and Veterinary Sciences by SAS in Bratislava and the Branch in Nitra (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) Slovak Mycological Society (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) Commission on PhD study in the branch of Plant Protection (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) Commission on PhD study in the branch of Mycology (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) Commission on PhD study in the branch of Landscape and Garden Architecture (2006) Commission on PhD study in the branch of Forest Protection - MZLU Brno (2006) Commission on PhD study in the branch of Forest Protection and Game Management– Prague (2006) Commission on PhD study in the branch of Gardening (2006) Slovak Society for Medicinal Plants (2005, 2006) Accrediting Commission, advisory subject of the Government of the Slovak Republic (2006) - [11] P. Kaňuch - Head of the committee of the Association for Bats Protection in Slovakia (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) Slovak Ornithological Society (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) Executive Editor of the journal Tichodroma (2005, 2006) - [12] D. Kellerová - Slovak Society for Soil, Forest, Food and Veterinary Sciences by SAS (2003, 2005, 2006) Slovak Meteorological Society SAS (2003, 2004, 2005) [13] M. Kobza - Slovak Society for Agricultural, Forest, Food and Veterinary Sciences by SAS (2003, 2004, 2005) Slovak Society for Medicinal Plants (2005, 2006) [14] M. Kodrík - Commission on PhD study in the branch of Ecology (2003) Commission on PhD study in the branch of Plant Protection (2003) 59 [15] J. Kukla - Commission VEGA for Soil, Forestry and Veterinary Sciences (2003, 2004) Committee Societas Pedologica Slovaca (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) Department of Soil Science and Protection, Slovak Academy of Soil Sciences (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) Committee on the Forestry Section of the Slovak Society for Agricultural, Forest, Food and Veterinary Sciences by SAS (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) Slovak Ecological Society SAS(2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) Commission on PhD study in the branch of Ecology (2003, 2004, 2006) Commission on PhD study in the branch of Ecology and /Protection of Biodiversity (2005, 2006) Commission on PhD study in the branch of Soil Science (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) Commission SAS for the living environment (2003, 2004) Advisory Committee PLA - BR Poľana (2003) Editorial Board of the journal Folia oecologica (2004,2005, 2006) Slovak Branch of the International Union of Soil Sciences, IUSS (2004, 2005, 2006) Member of the Editorial Board of the Forestry Journal (2006) Slovak Agency of the European Confederation of Soil Sciences Societies – ECSSS (2005, 2006) [16] M. Kuklová - Slovak Society for Soil, Forest, Food and Veterinary Sciences by SAS (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) Slovak Ecological Society SAS (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) Slovak Botanical Society SAS (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) Societas Pedologica Slovaca (2005, 2006) [17] J. Kulfan - Attestation Commission TU in Zvolen (2003, 2004) Committee of the Slovak Entomological Society (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) Commission onr PhD study in the branch of Plant Protection (2003) Commission on PhD study in the branch of Ecology and Protection of Biodiversity (2005, 2006) Advisory Committee of the NNP SR for protection of fauna (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) Slovak Zoological Society (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) [18] A. Krištín - Chair of the VEGA (2003, 2004) Head of the Commission VEGA for biological and ecological sciences (2003) Vice-head of the Commission VEGA for biological and ecological sciences (2004) Commission APVT for the environment (2003, 2004) Editorial Board of the journal Biológia (Biology) Bratislava (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) Editorial Board of the journal Tichodroma Bratislava (2003, 2004) Chief-editor of the journal Tichodroma (2005, 2006) Editorial Board of the journal Reussia (2006) Vice-head of the Slovak Ornithological Society and the Head of the Committee of the Central-Slovak Branch SBP (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) Slovak Zoological Society (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) Head of the Advisory Committee NNP SR for protection of fauna (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) Commission on PhD study in the branch of Ecology (2003, 2004, 2006) Commission on PhD study in the branch of Zoology (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) Commission on PhD study in the branch of Ecology and Protection of Biodiversity (2005, 2006) Commission on PhD study in the branch of Applied Zoology and Game Management (2005) 60 - Commission on PhD study in the branch of Game Management Biology (2006) Commission on the branch Zoology – Faculty of Natural Sciences UK Praha (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) Expert for evaluation of projects APVT, ESF (2004) Member of the Slovak Ecological Society SAS (2006) Member of the Association for Bats Protection in Slovakia (2006) [19] B. Kršiak - Slovak Ornithological Society /Birdlife Slovakia (2006) [20] F. Mercel - Slovak Botanical Society SAS (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) Commission on PhD study in the branch of Landscape Gardening (2006) [21] I. Mihál - Slovak Mycological Society SAS (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) Secretary of the Arachnological Section of the Slovak Entomological Society SAS (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) Slovak Society for Agricultural, Forest, Food and Veterinary Sciences by SAS (2004) Slovak Ecological Society SAS(2004) Slovak Climatologic Society SAS (2004) Editorial Board of KMETIANUM (Proceedings of the Museum of A. Kmeť, Martin) (2005, 2006) [22] K. Pastirčáková - Slovak Society for Soil, Forest, Food and Veterinary Sciences by SAS (2004, 2005, 2006) Slovak Mycological Society SAS (2004, 2005, 2006) Slovak Society of Medicinal Plants (2005, 2006) [23] J. Patočka - Slovak Entomological Society SAS (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) [24] J. Požgaj - Commission onr PhD study in the branch of Landscape Engineering (2003, 2004, 2005) [25] M. Saniga - Slovak Ornithological Society (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) [26] M. Sárossy - Slovak Ornithological Society (2003, 2004) [27] R. Sásik - Slovak Society for Agricultural, Forest, Food and Veterinary Sciences by SAS (2004) [28] B. Schieber - Slovak Society for Soil, Forest, Food and Veterinary Sciences by SAS (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) Slovak Ecological Society SAS (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) [29] K. Sládeková - Executive editor of the journal Folia oecologica (2005, 2006) [30] A. Šalgovičová - Slovak Society for Agricultural, Forest, Food and Veterinary Sciences by SAS (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) [31] J. Šteffek - Editorial Board of the journal Enviromagazín (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) Editorial Board of the journal Naturae Tutela (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) Slovak Zoological Society (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) 61 - Slovak Botanic Society SAS (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) Slovak Ecological Society SAS (2005, 2006) Advisory Committee of the NNP SR for protection of fauna (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) Working group for preparing proposals for extending supplements to the European environmental legislation by the ME SR (2003) Scientific Board of the Faculty of Ecological and Environmental Siences (Banská Štiavnica) TU in Zvolen (2004, 2005, 2006) Expert for evaluation of projects APVT, ESF (2004) Commission on PhD study in the branch of Ecology and Protection of Biodiversity (2006) [32] F. Tokár - Editorial Board of the journal Folia oecologica (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) Slovak Society for Soil, Forest, Food and Veterinary Sciences by SAS (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) Slovak Botanical Society SAS (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) Slovak Ecological Society SAS (2003, 2004, 2005) Commission onr PhD study in the branch of Ecology (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) Commission on PhD study in the branch of Forest Cultivation (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) Collegium for Biological and Ecological Sciences SAS (2004) [33] J. Váľka - Scientific Board of the Faculty of Forestry TU in Zvolen (2003, 2004, 2005) Scientific Board of the Faculty of Ecological and Environmental Sciences (Banská Štiavnica) TU in Zvolen (2005, 2006) Scientific Collegium for Biological and Ecological Sciences SAS (2003, 2004) Commission for Computer Network and Computer Science SAS (2003, 2004) [34] M. Veľký - Slovak Ornithological /Birdlife Slovakia (2006) Association for Bats Protection in Slovakia (2006) [35] P. Zach - Committee of the Central-Slovak Branch of SOS (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) Committee of the Slovak Entomological Society (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) Slovak Ornithological Society (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006) Contact person for ESF biodiversity projects - Slovakia (2003, 2004, 2005) Slovak Platform for Biodiversity (2004, 2005, 2006) List of national awards and distinctions iv. 2003 [1] A. Krištín: Prize for scientific and professional literature 2002 in biological and medical sciences for the book “Birds distribution in Slovakia”, awarded by the Literary Fund SR [2] J. Patočka: Medal of J. D. Matejovie for development of forest science, awarded at the 105-th anniversary of the Forest Research Institute Zvolen [3] K. Pastirčáková: Prize of the SAS for the third place in the competition of young scientists for the best publication at the 50-th anniversary of the SAS [4] G. Juhásová: honor medal for merits in biological sciences [5] G. Juhásová: J. Fándly´s medal for contributing to soil and forestry science development 62 2004 [1] F. Mercel: Holuby´s memorial medal of the Slovak Botanical Society SAS for the life-long work 2006 [1] Krištín, A.: Golden medal of the ZOO Bojnice for development of zoology in Slovakia [2] Krištín, A.: Silver medal of Prof. Dr. O. Ferianc for development of ornithology in Slovakia [3] Krištín, A.: Prize of the director of the national nature conservationion for development of nature conservation in Slovakia [4] Patočka, J.: Premium prize of the Literary Fund SR for the book Lepidoptera Puppae, edited by the Danish publishing house APOLO-BOOKS [5] Saniga, M.: Prize of the Literary Fund SR for the „Popular-scientific contribution of the year “ (2-nd place), awarded for the cycle of presentations about the life of Central-European nature „Calendar of Nature “at the occasion of the EU Week of Science, Bratislava, 23 th November Supplementary information and/or comments documenting international and national status of the Organisation 4. Project structure, research grants and other funding resources International projects and funding i. List of major projects within the European Research Area – 5th and 6th Framework Programme of the EU, European Science Foundation, NATO, COST, INTAS, CERN, etc. (here and in items below please specify: type of project, title, grant number, duration, funding, responsible person in the Organisation and his/her status in the project, e.g. coordinator, principal investigator, investigator) 1. Title: CARBOMONT. Effects of land-use changes on sources, sinks and fluxes of carbon in European mountain areas. Hemi-surface area indexes of above-ground organs of meadow phytocoenoses in the locality Poľana – Snohy Type of project: 5th Framework programme, EU multilateral project Duration: 17.06.2003/31.11.2003, 11.06.2004/30.09.2004 Funding: 68 000,-Sk (2003), 50 000,-Sk (2004) Responsible and status: Institute of Landscape Ecology SAS – national coordinator, Ing. Ján Kukla, CSc. - principal investigator at IFE 2. Title: Merci. Methodological and experimental research centre and infrasructure for studies of global climate change and impacts on forests Type of project: 5th Framework programme, EU multilateral project Duration: 1.1.2003/31.12.2004 Funding: travel expenses and stay abroad fully covered for a single researcher 63 Responsible and status: Institute of Landscape Ecology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic – coordinator, RNDr. Ľ. Ditmarová – principal investigator at IFE 3. Title: Integration of associated candidate countries and new EU member states in European research area by environmental approaches, Akronym: ERA ENV Type of project: 6th Framework Programme, EU multilateral project Grant number: 510433 Duration: 1.4.2005/30.09.2006 Funding: Responsible and status: doc. Dr. Ing. Viliam Pichler (TU Zvolen) – national coordinator, Ing. Gabriela Jamnická – principal inestigator at IFE 4. Title: EU AGRI MAPPING. The agrifood research landscape Type of project: 6th Framework Programme, EU multilateral project Duration: since 1.7.2006. The projects is expected to continue under 7th FP. Funding: Responsible and status: Dr. Olivier Chartier (EUROQUALITY, France) - coordinator, Ing. Peter Zach, CSc. – principal investigator at IFE 5. Title: Insects on Norway spruce (Picea abies) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) at their distributional limits in the Northern and Central Europe Type of project: EC programme LAPBIAT, bilateral project, Subarctic Research Institute Kevo of the Uniniversity of Turku, Finland Grant number: Duration: 1.12.2002/31.12.2005 Funding: 400 000,- Sk (EU, 2003), 400 000,- SK (SAS, 2004) Responsible and status: RNDr. J. Kulfan, CSc., Ing. P. Zach, CSc. - coordinators 6. Title: The study of bark beetle infestation mechanism in conditions of large outbreaks in eastern France as basis for the new nature friendly method of pest control Type of project: Marie Currie Fellowship Programme, EC, Brussels, Belgium Grant number: Duration: 01.01.2003/31.12.2004 Funding: travel expenses and stay of the coordinator in France (INRA) were fully covered Responsible and status: Ing. Rastislav Jakuš, PhD - coordinator 7. Title: National Capacity Self-Assessment – NCA Type of project: GEF, multilateral project Grant number: UNDP/GEF Duration: 1.1.2004/31.12.2005 Funding: 21.000,- Sk Responsible and status: Prof. Ing. Eduard Bublinec, CSc. - coordinator 8. Title: BioSoil, Europaean scheme „Forest focus“ Type of project: EU, multilateral Duration: 1.6./30.11.2006 Funding: 239 000,- Sk Responsible and status: Ing. Pavol Pavlenda, PhD. (NFC) - national coordinator, Ing. Ján Kukla, CSc. – principal investigator at IFE 9. Title: Lepidoptera pupae. Synthesys Type of project: multilateral Grant number: EU Programme SYNTHESYS, HU-TAF-2914 NL-TAF-2911 Duration: 1.11.2006/30.4.2007 Funding: EU, the project fully covers travel expenses and stay of a principal investigator abroad 64 Responsible and status: Doc. RNDr. Jan Patočka, DrSc – principal investigator ii. List of other international projects incl. funding 1. Title: Development of a remote sensing based early warming system for forest decline and bark beetle outbreaks in Slovakia Type of project: multilateral project Grant number: SLK/022/02 Duration: 01.01.2003/31.12.2004 Funding: 210 108,-Sk Responsible and status: Ing. Rastislav Jakuš, CSc. - coordinator 2. Title: Diversity of macrofungi, air pollution stress and ecology of the rhizosphere in beechwoods Type of project: bilateral, with Universität Wien, Department für Botanische Systematik und Evolutionsforschung, Mykologische Abteilung, Vienna, Austria Grant number: SK - 04-BA-008 Duration: 10.05.2005 - 31.12.2005 Funding: 135 000,- Sk Responsible and status: Ing. Katarína Bučinová - coordinator 3. Title: Die Identifierung von Ektomycorrhizen des Buchenwaldökosystems in der zentralen Slowakei Type of project: SAIA, bilateral, with Universität Wien, Department für Botanische Systematik und Evolutionsforschung, Mykologische Abteilung, Vienna, Austria Grant number: 52s01 Duration: 27.01.2006/30.11.2006 Funding: 55 772,- Sk Responsible and status: Ing. Katarína Bučinová - coordinator iii. List of other important projects and collaborations without direct funding 1. Title: Forest ecosystems response to global change and environmental pollution in the Southeastern and Central Europe: consequences for sustainable forest management Type of project: bilateral project, Forest Research Institute, Sofia, Bulgaria Duration: 01.04.2003/31.03.2005 Responsible and status: Ing. Jozef Váľka, CSc., Ing. Peter Zach, CSc. - coordinators 2. Title: Influence of heavy metals on environment in selected regions in Poland and Slovakia Type of project: bilateral project, SGGW – Warszaw Duration: 1.1.2000/31.12.2005 Responsible and status: Ing. Jozef Váľka, CSc. - coordinator 3. Title: Infestation of the oak Lepidoptera in the state Illinois and Central Europe by microsporidian pathogens Type of project: multilateral, Illinois Natural History Survey, US Duration: 1.1.2003/31.12.2006 Responsible and status: doc. RNDr. J. Patočka, DrSc. - coordinator 4. Title: Behavioural ecology of endangered Lanius and Upupa species in overlapping habitats Type of project: multilateral, CSIC, Alnarp, Spain, KLIVV, Vienna, Austria 65 Duration: project is not limited in time Responsible and status: RNDr. Anton Krištín, CSc. - coordinator 5. Title: Woodpeckers Type of project: multilateral, National park Berchtesgaden, Germany Duration: 1.1.2002/31.12.2005 Responsible and status: RNDr. Anton Krištín, CSc. - coordinator 6. Title: Ornithologische Schriftenschau Type of project: multilateral project, Deutsche ornitologische Gesselshaft Duration: since 1993 Responsible and status: RNDr. Anton Krištín, CSc. - coordinator 7. Title: Birds, grasshoppers and bats communities along a vertical gradient – an intercontinental comparison Type of project: bilateral project, Institute of Zoology, Chinesse Academy of Sciences, China Duration: 1.1.2003/31.12.2005 Responsible at IFE and status: RNDr. A. Krištín, CSc., Mgr. P. Kaňuch - coordinators 8. Title: Butterflies of the Czech Republic: distribution and conservation Type of project: bilateral project Duration: 1.1.1995/31.12.2003 Responsible and status: RNDr. Ján Kulfan, CSc. - coordinator 9. Title: The structure, health status and soil condition of beech forest ecosystems in Southeastern and Central Europe Type of project: bilateral project Duration: 1.4.2006/1.4.2008 Responsible and status: Ing. Alojz Cicák, CSc. - coordinator 10. Title: Invasiveness of Acer platanoides in Europe and North America Type of project: multilateral Duration: 1.1.2005/31.12.2007 Responsible and status: prof. J. Adams, Rutgers University, Newark, NJ, USA – coordinator, RNDr. Ján Kulfan. CSc. – principal investigator at IFE National projects and funding i. List of projects supported by the Agency for the Promotion of Research and Development (APVV/APVT), National Research Programmes, and their funding APVT/APVV projects 1. Title: Analysis of causes and possible measures against mass dieback of spruce stands in the border regions of north Slovakia Type of project: APVV Grant number: 51-019302 Duration: 01.01.2002/31.12.2005 Funding: 2 844 000,- Sk (2003), 2 440 000,- Sk (2004), 1 050 000,- Sk (2005) Responsible and status: Ing. Rastislav Jakuš, PhD. - coordinator 66 2. Title: Conservation of genetic resources of the chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) in Slovakia Type of project: APVT Grant number: 51-015602 Duration: 09.2002/09.2005 Funding: 757 000.- Sk (2003), 1 019 000,- Sk (2004) + 230 000,- Sk (2003), 605 000.- Sk (2005) Responsible and status: Doc. Ing. Gabriela Juhásová, CSc. - coordinator 3. Title: Conservation and use of the genetic resources of neglected fruit plant species and their microflora in nutrition, agriculture and rural development Type of project: APVT Grant number: 20–016602 Duration: 01.09.2002/31.08.2005 Funding: 160 000,- Sk (2004), 100 000,-Sk (2005) Responsible and status: doc. Ing. Ján Brindza, CSc. - coordinator, E 05: RNDr. Milan Bolvanský, CSc. – principal investigator at IFE 4. Title: Conservation and sustainable use of genepool of crop species for nutrition and agriculture Type of project: APVT Grant number: A-200 Duration: 01.01.2004/31.12.2008 Funding: Responsible and status: doc. Ing. Ján Brindza, CSc. - coordinator, E 05: RNDr. Milan Bolvanský, CSc. – principal investigator at IFE 5. Title: Invasive pests and parasitic fungi – originators of damage on Aesculus and Platanus genera Type of project: APVT Grant number: 51-032604 Duration: 01/2005 – 12/2007 Funding: 2 822 000,- Sk (2005), 3 396 000,- Sk (2006) Responsible and status: doc. Ing. Gabriela Juhásová, CSc. - coordinator 6. Title: Optimised system for protection of spruce stands with usage of antioxidants Type of project: APVT Grant number: 51-P06005 Duration: 30.7.2005/30.7.2007 Funding: 84 000,- Sk (2005), 100 000,- Sk (2006) Responsible and status: Ing. Rastislav Jakuš, PhD. - coordinator 7. Title: Development of integrated information and bio-technical system for the protection of spruce stands against bark beetles for the territories affected by wind damages Type of project: APVT Grant number: 27-P05205 Duration: 1.7.2005/31.7.2007 Funding: 620 000,- Sk (2006) Responsible and status: Ing. Juraj Varínsky, CSc. (NFC Zvolen) – coordinator, Ing. Rastislav Jakuš, PhD. – principal investigator at IFE 8. Title: Birds, grasshoppers and bats communities along a vertical gradient – an intercontinental comparison Type of project: bilateral project 67 Grant number: APVV, SK-CN-1806 Duration: 1.1.2006/31.12.2007 Funding: 120 000,- Sk (2006), covers travel expenditures Responsible and status: Dr. A. Krištín, CSc., Mgr. P. Kaňuch, PhD - coordinators 9. Title: School of the young natural scientists Type of project: APVT Grant number: LPP -0057-06 Duration: 01.10.2006/30.09.2009 Funding: 161 100,- Sk (2006) Responsible and status: Ing. Miroslav Saniga, CSc. - coordinator 10. Title: A forest is not just trees Type of project: APVT Grant number: LPP-0359-06 Duration: 27. 10. 2006/31.10.2009 Funding: 294 478,- Sk (2006) Responsible and status: Ing. Katarína Sládeková - coordinator ii. Number of projects supported by the Scientific Grant Agency of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Education (VEGA) for each year, and their funding VEGA 2003 2004 2005 2006 9 11 11 12 1,189 1,239 1,308 1,544 number funding (millions of SKK) Summary of funding from external resources External resources 2003 2004 2005 2006 total average external resources (millions of SKK) 6,579 6,624 8,190 8,279 29,672 7,418 external resources transfered to coooperating research organisations (millions of SKK) 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 ratio between external resources and total salary budget 0,596 0,598 0,696 0,677 2,566 0,642 24,794 25,072 28,185 29,264 107,315 26,829 overall expenditures (millions of SKK) 68 Supplementary information and/or comments on research projects and funding resources --- 5. Organisation of PhD studies, other pedagogical activities i. List of accredited programmes of doctoral studies (as stipulated in the previously effective legislation as well as in the recently amended Act on the Universities) [1] 15-21-9 Ecology (until 1st January 2010) [2] 41-97-9 Plant Protection (until 1st January 2010) [3] Ecology and Protection of Biodiversity. In frame of study branch 4.3.4. Ecology, Ecology of Individuals and Populations (duration not limited) ii. Summary table on doctoral studies (number of internal/external PhD students; number of students who completed their study by a successful thesis defence; number of PhD students who quitted the programme) PhD study 31.12.2003 31.12.2004 31.12.2005 31.12.2006 number defended thesis students quitted number defended thesis students quitted number defended thesis students quitted number defended thesis students quitted number of potential PhD supervisors internal 11 4 0 9 2 0 10 1 1 10 1 1 external 22 1 2 14 0 2 14 0 1 15 3 0 supervised at external institution by the research employees of the assessed organisation 5 1 0 5 0 0 5 1 0 4 1 0 PhD students iii. Postdoctoral positions supported by a) external funding (specify the source) --- 69 b) internal funding - the Slovak Academy of Sciences Supporting Fund of Stefan Schwarz --iv. Summary table on pedagogical activities in undergraduate programmes for each year Teaching 2003 2004 2005 2006 lectures (hours/year) 294 309 233 225 practicum courses (hours/year) 223 179 135 152 supervised diploma works (in total) 11 21 9 14 members in PhD committees (in total) 8 6 5 9 members in DrSc. committees (in total) 2 1 1 0 members in university/faculty councils (in total) 2 2 2 3 members in habilitation/inauguration committees (in total) 4 3 5 4 v. List of published university textbooks --vi. Number of published academic course books --- vii. List of joint research laboratories/facilities with the universities [1] Centre for Wood Research of Istitute of Forest Ecology SAS and Faculty of Wood Sciences of Technical University Zvolen The Centre is focusing on basic and applied research of wood, woody structures, including research of wood properties. Processes of biodegradation in wood or in woody materials, commercial use of wood from the broadleaved and exotic woody plants are studied in the Centre too. The Centre provides technical equipment, research training and education (doctoral studies). 70 [2] Centre for Scientific Tourism in Slovakia The Centre for Scientific Tourism in Slovakia has been established at the Institute to implement results of basic research to different community structures. The Centre actively co-operates with the researchers of the Forestry Faculty at the Technical University in Zvolen. It focuses on the status of natural forests in Slovakia. Researchers of the Centre conduct their studies in soil sciences, biodiversity, forest conservation, etc. They guide foreign visitors to the Slovakian natural forests (recently Pro Silva Italia - Italy, University of Cologne, Bavarian Forest Research Institute - Germany, etc.). Between 2003 and 2006 the researchers of the Centre, together with the State Nature Conservation, prepared sound biodiversity data from the easterly borderline forest area (Slovakia, Poland, Ukraine) to conserve unique natural forests as the world natural heritage of UNESCO. [3] Agreement on cooperation with the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra Some reseachers of the Institute are members of the Branch of the Slovak Society for Agricultural, Forest, Food and Veterinary Sciences at the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra. They ensure exchange of knowledge in biology and ecology by participating in VEGA, APVT/APVV projects, etc. Also, they give presentations for the university students and act in educational commissions at the SUA in Nitra. Assoc. prof. G. Juhásová, PhD. from the Institute is the vice-head of the commission on education of researchers in the field of plant pathology and the member of the commission on landscape engineering, as well as the member of the commission on landscape and garden architecture. The researchers from the Institute (Branch for Woody Plants Protection) and those from SUA (both work places located in Nitra) effectively share their laboratories and equipment. viii. Supplementary information and/or comments on doctoral studies and pedagogical activities The Institute´s researchers are in higly regarded educational positions (prof. E. Bublinec, PhD., Ing. J. Váľka. PhD.) or are members (prof. E. Bublinec, PhD., J. Kukla, PhD.) of commissions on state examinations and commissions on diploma/doxtoral studies (e.g. in Soil Sciences) at the TU Zvolen. Prof. E. Bublinec, PhD is a member of the board awarding the prestigious national prize „The student of the year“. For more details see the Institute´s reports. 6. Direct output to the society (applications of results, popularisation and outreach activities) i. List of the most important results of applied research projects 2003 [1] Analysis of causes and possible measures against mass dieback of spruce stands in border regions of north Slovakia) Tree health, forest decline. The method to characterize the extent and intensity of dieback of spruce stands (decline of a new type) has been developed. Three types of damage and dieback have been distinguished. A classical type of dieback “A” was the most frequent, occurring almost in all mature 71 spruce stands, especially in forest margins. The damage types “B” and “C” were not restricted to forest edges only. The study of natural spruce forests in the Tatra Mountains (performed on transects) revealed considerable differences in ecological conditions. The lack of nutrients in forest soils, accumulation of acid spruce litter on the ground and leaching effect of precipitation was reflected by the low values of active reaction (pHH2O) in the upper (0-5 cm) mineral layer. The results have been used in management of mountain spruce forests in Slovakia – forestry practices, nature conservation (M. Blaženec, R. Jakuš, J. Kukla, M. Kuklová, B. Schieber). 2004 [2] Importance of biotic factors participating in damage of woody plants in urban environment, selected dendrological objects and woodland economic units of Slovakia Pest species – fungi. The fungus Cryphonectria parasitica, a causal agent of oak and chestnut blight disease, was newly recorded at Pernek and Petrovce. Thus, the number of localities infected with the harmful fungus in Slovakia has increased to 36. This is alarming. Genetic variability of isolates of the fungus was determined by the European testers. Ten v-c groups were identified. In the subregion Malé Karpaty the chestnut cultivation strains compatible with the EU-13 v-c group were prevailing. In the other subregions the EU-12 was predominating. The presence of dsRNA - agents of hypovirulence, was confirmed from eight isolates and five localities (Limbach, Modra, Stredné Plachtince, Horné Lefantovce, Arborétum Mlyňany). These hypovirulent isolates are more efficient in the treatment of chestnut trees (biological control) than those known from France and Hungary. The results are being applied in the protection of edible chestnut in Slovakia (G. Juhásová, M. Kobza, K. Adamčíková). 2005 [3] Cycling of matter in sellected forest ecosystems In Slovakia, apparently, there is a deficiency in raw materials. The peat deposits have already been exhausted and those remaining are often protected in the form of wetlands. The current deficit can be bridged over with a new raw material - alginite. The alginite is a sedimentary rock. It was formed by sedimentation in tertiary lakes, in calderas of basalt volcanoes filled in with precipitation water. The substance contains a high proportion of organic material (algae). The high content of organic compounds and nutrients makes this material an efficient fertilizer. The alginite has excellent waterretention properties. There is a growing interest to use it abroad, e.g. in deserted and semi-deserted areas in Arabia. Apart from the nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium, the rock is rich in trace elements such as Zn, Cu, Mo, Mn, Se, Co and B. The average contents of non-essential elements like Cd, Hg, As and Pb are lower than the limit set for organic-mineral fertilizers. In alginite, concentrations of toxic elements Cr and Ni are over threshold values. However, the toxic effects of these elements can be lowered or eliminated if alginite is composted together with the organic waste. It is evident that some amounts of Cr and Ni in alginite are not accessible to plants. This is why we have recommended alginite (ENVIGEO) for use in tree nurseries, in gardening or cultivation of seedlings or as a soil-improving agent. Alginite can also be used as an agent in aforestation of sandy soils. It may support growth of woody plants in areas modified by pollutants, industrial barrens included (E. Bublinec). 2006 [4] Invasive pests and parasitic fungi – originators of damage to Aesculus and Platanus trees Invasive pest species – insects. The horsechestnut leaf miner (Cameraria ohridella), an invasive moth (Lepidoptera) originating from southern Europe, has established its population in Slovakia, 72 causing a serious damage to the horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum). The other invasive species, Corythuca ciliate, was recorded on plane trees (Platanus spp.). In 2004-2006 we applied, for the first time in Slovakia, the microinjection technology to protect the horse-chestnut and plane trees. The results are promising. In 2005 we treated, using 8,822 injectors, 731 horse-chestnut trees in 25 localities. A total of 294 injectors were applied to 26 plane trees in five localities. In the horsechestnut leaf miner the effectiveness of chemical treatment (Abamectin) varied from 86 to 100 percent (2006). The method can be considered as environment-friendly. It mainly contributes to preserving old horsechestnut and plane trees in town parks (JUHÁSOVÁ,G., KOBZA,M.,ADAMČÍKOVÁ,K.). [5] Connecting the ski areas Donovaly - Liptovské Revúce. Environment impact assessment - EIA study Better skiing, greater impacts on nature? Development of tourism in Slovakia requires new investments in the ski areas. Developers tend to improve the quality of existing ski areas or they look for new ski areas throughout the country to reflect adequately growing interest in ski activities. The intention to connect the present ski areas at Donovaly and Liptovské Revúce, Central Slovakia, has been analysed in the EIA study (167 pp., enclosures) made by the IFE researchers in 2005 and 2006. The study provided a complex analysis of effects of human activities on nature, landscapes and society. The proposed ski area is likely to become the largest one in Slovakia if all the proposed activities are allowed (ZACH, P.). [6] Calendar of nature Twelve popular-scientific articles (author M. Saniga) devoted to Central Europaean nature have been published in the popular-scientific magazine „Quark“ under heading “The Calendar of Nature”. These and numerous other articles have been awarded the 2nd price of the Literary Fund and not only this. Many young readers have been given a unique possibility to get acquainted with the secrets of nature and nature conservation (SANIGA, M.). ii. List of the most important studies commissioned for the decision-making authorities, the government and NGOs, international and foreign organisations 2003 - 2006 Prognosis for development in agricultural sciences by 2015. National programme. Prognostical institute SAS, Government of SR (E. Bublinec). Monitoring Slovak virgin forests as the world’s natural heritage. UNESCO, Ministry of environment, Slovak Agency for Environment (E.Bublinec). Prognosis for science and technology development by 2015. Sustainable forest development and biological diversity. National programme. Prognostical Institute SAS, Government of SR (P. Zach). Timber line in Europe from the world-wide viewpoint. Expert opinion for the Ministry of education SR (E. Bublinec). Hidden risks of the programme “Declaration of the Government of SR on the forest management”. Expert opinion for Ministry of agriculture SR (C. Greguš, E. Bublinec). Transformation of the organization Lesy SR to the state-controlled corporation. Expert opinion for Ministry of agriculture SR and Lesy SR (E. Bublinec) Assessment of favourable status of animals according to the Birds and Habitats directives in NATURA 2000. Elaboration of monitoring methods for the State nature conservation (A. Krištín, J. Kulfan, P.Kaňuch). 73 Proposal of the forest act (selected paragraphs). State secretary of Ministry of agriculture SR (C. Greguš). Comments on the proposal of the forest act. Forestry department of Ministry of agriculture SR (C. Greguš). Wind calamity in the High Tatras in 2004 (inevitable measures). Elaborated for M. Maxon, a deputy of the National Committee SR (C. Greguš). Coordination of the forest management by the user Lesy SR, B. Bystrica. Expert opinion for the Ministry of agriculture SR (J.Váľka, E. Bublinec). Physical, mechanical, chemical and mineralogical properties of mineral raw materials in Slovakia. MH SR/ENVIGEO (E. Bublinec et al.). Possibilities of treatment of the horse chestnut trees using the injection techniques in the President garden, Bratislava, 2004. Expert opinion (G. Juhásová, M. Kobza, R. Sásik, A. Magušinová, K. Adamčíková, S. Bernadovičová, H. Ivanová, M. Noszák, K. Pastirčáková). In 2003-2006 the Institute performed over 100 additional expertises on biodiversity in forest and urban areas. The expertises are mostly concerning tree health and management of natural resources. For more information see the Institute´s reports. iii. List of the most important popularisation activities M. Saniga: Tales. Rozprávky prababičky prírody. Bratislava: Epos, 2003, 167 s. M. Saniga: Tales. Rozprávky spod Čierneho kameňa. Bratislava: Epos, 2004, 174 s. M. Saniga: Tales. Rozprávky z Konvalinkového údolia. Bratislava, Epos, 2004, 73 s. 2003 M. Saniga: Fascinating 74 articles for TASR and other media. They all deal with nature and nature conservation. For more information see the Institute´s report, 2003. H. Ivanová: Baktériové ochorenie listov hľúznatých begónií. (Zahradnictví 1/2003, s. 8) Hubové ochorenia skladovaných jabĺk. (Rostlinolékař. Časopis specializovaný na ochranu rostlin, 03/2003, s. 23-25) Najčastejšie škodce citrusov. (Zahradnictví 6/2003, s. 9) Antraknóza listov červených a bielych ríbezlí. (Zahradnictví 8/2003, s. 7) Cytospórové usychanie tŕpky vavrínolistej. (Zahradnictví 10/2003, s. 26) C. Greguš: Oprávnené obavy o budúcnosť. Hospodársky denník, 26.5.2003 C. Greguš, E. Bublinec: Skryté riziká Programového vyhlásenia Vlády SR o lesnom hospodárstve. Hospodárske noviny, 2. 4. 2003, s. 6 C. Greguš, D. Kellerová: Fakty vyvracajú negatívne hodnotenie slovenského lesníctva. Hospodárske noviny, 29.5.2003 A. Krištín: 74 Vzácne a ohrozené druhy rovnokrídlovcov: indikátory hodnotných biotopov. Ochrana prírody Slovenska 2/2003: 8-9 A. Krištín, P. Urban: Zo stretnutia prírodovedcov Čebovská Bukovina 2003. Chránené územia Slovenska 57: 39- 40 J. Kulfan: Aké sú lovecké možnosti modliviek? Hmyz, 3 (4), 2002: 71. Pichler, V., Bublinec, E., Burkovský, J., Ďurkovič, J., Gömöry, D., Gregor, J., Kontriš, J., Kontrišová, O., Krištín, A., Križová, E., Kropil, R., Kukla, J., Kulfan, J., Mihál, M., Pichlerová, M., Saniga, M., Šomšák, L., Tužinský, L., Ujházy, K., Zach, P., 2003: Patterns of Slovak primeval forests relevant to the UNESCO world natural heritage selection criteria. Slovak Environmental Agency, Banská Bystrica, 26 pp. 2004 M. Saniga: Fascinating 115 articles for TASR and other media. They all deal with nature and nature conservation. For more information see the Institute´s report, 2004. C. Greguš: Stručné zhodnotenie diela J. Dekrét-Matejovie. Enviromagazín, 2004, 5, p. 1-12 230. výročie narodenia J. Dekrét-Matejovie. Univerzitné noviny, TU Zvolen, jún 2004 prenáška v Krajskej knižnici v Banskej Bystrici: Odborný profil J.Dekrét-Matejovie (1.3.2004) R. Jakuš, M. Blaženec, P. Baláž, L. Kulla, M. Turčáni, R. Leontovič, J. Novotný, J. Gáper: Odumieranie smrečín na severe Slovenska pokračuje. In Les. Roč. 60, č.1 (2004), s.19–21. P. Kaňuch: Zbavme netopiere zlej povesti. (SME 11.12.2004) P. Urban, A. Krištín, A. Mezei: Zo stretnutia prírodovedcov na Čabradi. Chránené územia Slovenska. Vol.61,2004,s.17-21. G. Juhásová: Poškodenie briez parazitickými mikroskopickými hubami. (Zahradnictví 7/ 2004, s.48-49) G. Juhásová, K. Adamčíková: Usychanie sumachu pálkového. (Zahradnictví 4/ 2004, s. 39) Pôvodca poškodenia plodov hlohyne šarlátovej. (Zahradnictví 5/ 2004, s. 32-33) H. Ivanová: Poškodenie listov a plodov orecha kráľovského (vlašského). (Zahradnictví 1/ 2004, 12-13) Moníliové usychanie višní.(Zahradnictví 9/2004, s. 13) Odumieranie borovice čiernej.(Zahradnictví 11/ 2004, s. 56) E. Krutá, G. Juhásová: Boj proti ploskáčikovi pagaštanovému. (Zahradnictví, 8/2004, s. 16-17) I. Mihál: Halucinogénne huby môžu spôsobiť smrť. (Nový Vpred Žurnál - 15. 11. 2004) J. Patočka, J. Kulfan: Mníška veľkohlavá opäť škodila na Slovensku. Biológia, Ekológia, Chémia, Vol. 9, No. 2, 2004, p. 14-15 + obálka. 2005 M. Saniga: Fascinating 155 articles for TASR and other media. They all deal with nature and nature conservation. For more information see the Institute´s report, 2005. G. Juhásová 75 Nové poznatky pri realizácii ochrany drevín vo verejnej zeleni – Tlačová beseda dňa 5.4.2005 v Medickej záhrade v Bratislave (STV Bratislava, Slovenský rozhlas, Dobré ráno, Popoludnie s rozhlasom, Vysielanie pre zahraničných Slovákov, Bratislavské noviny, Pravda, Roľnícke noviny, Sme, Plus 7 dní) Poznatky a skúsenosti s ošetrením chránených a pamätných stromov vo verejnej zeleni, ústup drevín vo verejnej zeleni v dôsledku výstavby v mestách – Tlačová beseda dňa 10. 5. 2005, pri príležitosti konania konferencie s medzinárodnou účasťou Dreviny vo verejnej zeleni v Bratislave (Slovenský rozhlas, Pravda, Bratislavské noviny, Sme, Nový čas) Problémy rekonštrukcie Sadu Janka Kráľa v Bratislave-Petržalke (Slovenský rozhlas, Nový čas - jún 2005) Nové poznatky v biologickej ochrane gaštana jedlého (STV Bratislava, STV Banská Bystrica, Slovenský rozhlas, Pravda, Roľnícke noviny, Nový čas - október 2005) Ošetrenie pagaštana konského technológiou injektáže (STV Banská Bystrica – október 2005) „Koniec gaštanov?“ - rozhovor s redaktorom časopisu Život Vladimírom Kampfom (10. 10. 2005, 41/2005) „Poznajú účinnú ochranu gaštana jedlého?“ - rozhovor s redaktorom denníka Roľnícke noviny Jánom Jančovicom (49/2005) „Dôležitý je zdravotný stav stromov“ (Voleková, M.) - spracované na základe informácií od doc. Juhásovej z Ústavu ekológie lesa SAV Zvolen (Prešporské noviny, 22. 4. 2005) „Starostlivosť o dreviny patrí do rúk odborníkom“ (Voleková, M.) – spracované na základe informácií od doc. Juhásovej z Ústavu ekológie lesa SAV Zvolen (Prešporské noviny, 6. 4. 2005) V starom Meste bude konferencia o zeleni – informácia doc. Juhásovej (Bratislava SME,5.5.2005) „Názory odborníkov a ochranárov na počet stromov na výrub v Sade Janka Kráľa sú rôzne“ - na otázky SITA odpovedala doc. Juhásová z Ústavu ekológie lesa SAV Zvolen (Bratislavské noviny, 17. júna 2005) „Každý strom v meste je chorý“ - informácia M. Kóňu na základe rozhovoru s doc. Juhásovou z Ústavu ekológie lesa SAV Zvolen (SME, 13. 4. 2005) „Na pomoc stromom“ – informácia Ľ. Somolányiho na základe rozhovoru s doc. Juhásovou z Ústavu ekológie lesa SAV Zvolen (Šport, 13. 4. 2005) „Pagaštany dostali prvú pomoc“ – rozhovor s doc. Juhásovou z Ústavu ekológie lesa SAV Zvolen (Pravda, 13. 4. 2005) „Injektory zachránili gaštany“ – informácia doc. Juhásovej z Ústavu ekológie lesa SAV Zvolen (Nový čas, 6. 7. 2005) M. Kobza: „Ošetrenie pagaštana konského technológiou injektáže“ – STV Bratislava, Slovenský rozhlas (apríl 2005) A. Krištín: Krištín, A., Kaňuch, P., 2005: Na hranici Palearktu a orientu: za vtákmi do Číny. Vtáčie správy 12 (1): 18-20. Kam spejeme s vtáčou chrípkou? (Zvolenské noviny, 9/2005) Pri Detve našli najväčšieho európskeho netopiera. (Sme, 8/2005) Na Poľane chytili najväčšieho európskeho netopiera. (MY NV Žurnál 8/2005) Krištín, A., Reuven Y., Tryjanowski P., 2004: Advances in shrikeology: the 4th International Shrike Symposium, Chemnitz, Germany. Biol. Letters 41: 59-63. Ľ. Vavrová, J. Kulfan: Modráčiky rodu Maculinea na Slovensku (Skladačka.) Štátna ochrana prírody SR, 2004 Banská Bystrica. J. Kulfan: Skryté škodce krásnych smrekov. Záhradkár, 41, 12, (2005), p. 76-77. J. Patočka, J. Kulfan: Mníška veľkohlavá opäť škodila na Slovensku. Biológia, Ekológia, Chémia, 9, 2, (2004), p. 14-15 + obálka. J. Kukla: Informácia o príčinách vzniku a následkoch požiarov vo V. Tatrách. Správa pre Vydavateľstvo regionálnej aj celoslovenskej dennej tlače Petit Press, a.s., Námestie SNP 30, Bratislava, 6/2005. 76 K. Sládeková: Informácia o aktivitách Ústavu ekológie lesa v rámci Európskeho týždňa vedy a techniky. Správa pre TASR, B. Bystrica, 4. 11. 2005. Lesníci otvárali dvere: Európsky týždeň vedy a techniky pritiahol malých i veľkých návštevníkov. In Správy SAV, roč. 41, č. 11, 2005, s. 7. http://www.sav.sk/index.php?lang=sk&charset=&doc=services-news&news_no=664. Seminár o používaní databáz Web of Knowledge. In IT lib. Informačné technológie a knižnice. Roč. 9, č. 2 (2005), s. 25–26, http://www.cvtisr.sk/itlib/itlib052/sladekova.htm. Marketing a public relations ako faktor úspechu (Na margo jedného podujatia). In IT lib. Informačné technológie a knižnice. Roč. 9, č. 3 (2005), s.51. http://www.cvtisr.sk/itlib/itlib053/sladekova.htm 2006 M. Saniga: Fascinating 175 articles for TASR and other media. They all deal with nature and nature conservation. For more information see the Institute´s report, 2006. K. Adamčíková: Nenahraditeľné straty starých gaštanov. Záhrada & Bývanie (ročenka o záhradách, rastlinách v byte a príjemnom bývaní), s. 22-23. S. Bernadovičová Menej známy byľomor na brezách. Zahradnictví č. 1, s. 44. Roztoče na lipách. Rostlinolékař č. 6, s. 22. Roztoče na listoch ovocných drevín. Rostlinolékař č. 6, s. 21-22. Ľ. Ditmarová: Prečo listy na jeseň žltnú“. Nový čas, október 2006. H. Ivanová: Poškodenie líp vlnovníkom lipovým. Zahradnictví č. 1, s. 45. Letné hnednutie listov líp. Zahradnictví č. 10, s. 35. Výskyt ploskáčika platanového na listoch platanov. Zahradnictví č. 11, s. 38. Roztoče na lipách. Rostlinolékař č. 6, s. 22. Roztoče na listoch ovocných drevín. Rostlinolékař č. 6, s. 21-22. G. Juhásová: Gaštanové pochúťky. Záhrada & Bývanie (ročenka o záhradách, rastlinách v byte a príjemnom bývaní), s. 24-25. Sad Janka Kráľa Bratislava-Petržalka (Farebná skladačka). Vydala Mestská časť BratislavaPetržalka, Ústav ekológie lesa SAV Zvolen, Magistrát der Stadt Wien, Proeuro Bratislava. Živá reťaz zmenila plány stavebníka. Pravda, 25.10.2006. Obe strany tvrdia: Ide nám o sad. SME, 25.10. 2006. Investor výstavby pri Sade Janka Kráľa prišiel s kompromismi, zeleným nestačia. Bratislavské noviny, 02.11.2006. V Modrom Kameni chcú zachrániť jedlé gaštany. Pravda, 02.10.2006. V Modrom Kameni chcú zachrániť jedlé gaštany, ničí ich smrtiaca huba. Správa pre TASR, 10.03.2006. Gaštany ničí smrtiaca huba, chcú ich zachrániť. SME, 03.10.2006. G. Juhásová, M. Kobza: Nenahraditeľné straty starých gaštanov. Záhrada & Bývanie (ročenka o záhradách, rastlinách v byte a príjemnom bývaní, s. 22-23. Ošetrené pagaštany. Život Turca, 16.5.2006. A. Krištín: Dravce medzi spevavcami alebo naše strakoše. Vtáky č.1, s. 4-6. K histórií slovenskej ornitologickej spoločnosti/BirdLife Slovensko. Vtáky č.2, s.3. I. Mihál: Huby nerastú. ROĽNÍCKE NOVINY. Bleskové správy, 2006, č. 32. 77 Počasie bude priať plávkam, nie plavkám. PRAVDA, 25.8.2006. K. Pastirčáková: Roztoče na listoch ovocných drevín. Rostlinolékař č. 6, s. 21-22. Roztoče na lipách. Rostlinolékař č. 6, s. 22. K. Sládeková: Jasne, nápadito a presne: V severotalianskej Ispre učili vedcov komunikovať s neodborníkmi. In Správy SAV. Roč. 42, č. 4, 2006, s. 13. Osobnosť knižnično-informačného pracovníka v znalostnej spoločnosti. In IT lib. Informačné technológie a knižnice. Roč. 10, č. 3, 2006, s. 56-57. T. Sirotiak: Mimoriadne silný výskyt vlnovníka lipového Eryophyes tiliae. Rostlinolékař č. 6, s. 23. J. Śteffek: Národný park Morne Trois Pitons na ostrove Dominica. 21. storočie č. 8/3, s. 86 – 88. Martinik – ostrov nezabudnuteľných prírodných scenérií. Enviromagazín č. 11, s.30-31. TV contributions 2003 M. Saniga: Four TV contributions on the Slovakian or Czech TV channels. For more information see the Institute´s report, 2003. Movies included. 2004 M. Saniga: 12 TV contributions on the Slovakian or Czech TV channels. For more information see the Institute´s report, 2004. Movies included. G. Juhásová: Lipa Kráľa Mateja a jej budúcnosť. (Regionálne vysielanie STV Bratislava, 9.12.2004) Gaštan jedlý a možnosti jeho záchrany v rámci Eurofondov. (Regionálne vysielanie STV Banská Bystrica, 11.11.2004) Príčiny poškodenia vybraných druhov drevín v Leviciach.(Regionálne vysielanie STV Levice, apríl 2004) Prežijú jedlé gaštany inváziu parazitických húb? (Televízne noviny STV1, október 2004) J. Patočka: Slovenská televizia a televízia JOJ v máji 2004: interview o premnožení húseníc mníšky Pentphora morio na Sklovsku v rämci vysielaných správ. I. Mihál: Otravy muchotrávkami. (TV JOJ - 27.7.2004, Televízne noviny) J. Kukla: Komentár k problematike tatranských lesov po novembrovej vetrovej kalamite (telefonické vstupy v rámci rozhovoru s MŽP SR v STV1; Správy a komentáre, 22.11. 2004) 2005 M. Saniga: 16 TV contributions on the Slovakian or Czech TV channels. For more information see the Institute´s report, 2005. J. Patočka: Rozhovor za správami v STV 1, 2005 o premnoženej mníške Penthephora morio. A. Krištín: 78 Rozhovor o vtáčej chrípke (STV 1, STV 2, 9/2005) 2006 M. Saniga: 19 TV contributions on the Slovakian or Czech TV channels. For more information see the Institute´s report, 2006. G. Juhásová: Informácia o gaštane jedlom na Slovensku. (TV JOJ, 1.10.2006 ) Ako ďalej pri pestovaní gaštana jedlého. (TV Markíza, 5.10.2006) Prečo hynú pagaštany. (STV, 30.09.2006) Zvláštnosti ihličnatých drevín. (TV JOJ, 03.10.2006) Choroby gaštana jedlého. (TV JOJ, 10.11.2006) Contributions on the radio 2003 M. Saniga: 21 contributions on the radio. For more information see the Institute´s report, 2003. G. Juhásová: Najnovšie poznatky o biologickom boji na gaštane jedlom (Slovenský rozhlas, Dobré ráno) Najnovšie poznatky rozšírení ploskáčika pagaštanového (Slovenský rozhlas, Popoludnie s rozhlasom) 2004 M. Saniga: 28 contributions on the radio. For more information see the Institute´s report, 2004. G. Juhásová: Choroby a škodcovia gaštana jedlého. (Slovenský rozhlas, relácia Popoludnie s rozhlasom, beseda za okrúhlym stolom, 9.6.2004) Perspektívy pestovania gaštana jedlého na Slovensku. (Slovenský rozhlas, relácia Dobré ráno, 1.10.2004) O osude starých stromov. (Rádio Twist, október 2004) 2005 M. Saniga: Fascinating 44 contributions on the radio. For more information see the Institute´s report, 2005. J. Váľka.: Informácia o podujatiach ÚEL SAV počas Európskeho týždňa vedy a techniky. Rádio Regina, 11. 11. 2005. B. Schieber.: Význam listového opadu v lese. (Rádio Regina, 11.11. 2005, relácia „U nás doma“). 2006 M. Saniga: Fascinating 58 contributions on the radio. For more information see the Institute´s report, 2006. 79 G. Juhásová: Zahraničný investor chce na Krasovského ulici v Petržalke začať výstavbu polyfunkčného objektu, ochranári sú proti. (Rozhlasová stanica Regina, „Ozveny dňa“, 24.10.2006) iv. List of patents issued abroad, incl. revenues v. List of the patents issued in Slovakia, incl. revenues 2006 Patent number: 285421 Patent holder: Ing. Alojz CICÁK, CSc. Patent name: The method to estimate dry weight in the spring shoots of European beech Patent owner: Institue of Forest Ecology SAS, Zvolen, The Slovak Republic vi. List of licences sold abroad, incl. revenues --- vii. List of licences sold in Slovakia, incl. revenues --viii. List of contracts with industrial partners, incl. revenues 2003 Dedication contract NBS Bratislava 10 000,-Sk LESOPROJEKT Zvolen 1. 5. – 30. 11. 2003 270 000,-Sk FRI Zvolen 140 000,-Sk 2004 Land Register Society Výborná 106 000,-Sk Prognostical Institute SAS Bratislava 1. 2004 – 30. 6. 2004 22 000,-Sk 80 MONDI BP SCP, holding Ružomberok 25 000,-Sk 2005 ISA real agency, Banská Bystrica 1 030 000,-Sk ORGA-TRADE holding Bratislava 40 000,-Sk NNP Banská Bystrica 150 000,-Sk FRI Zvolen 1. 4. – 30. 11. 2005 150 000,-Sk FRI Zvolen 30. 10. – 10. 12. 2005 140 000,-Sk 2006 NFC Zvolen 19. 12. 2005 – 31. 7. 2007 870 000,-Sk NFC Zvolen 20. 11. 2006 239 000,-Sk TATRY FUND 31. 5. 2009 173 538,-Sk District Court Rimavská Sobota 189 561,-Sk NFC Zvolen 1. 5. – 30. 9. 2006 150 000,-Sk ix. List of research projects with industrial partners, incl. revenues --- x. Summary of outreach activities 81 Outreach activities 2003 2004 2005 2006 total studies for the decision sphere, government and NGOs, international and foreign organisations 24 28 17 44 113 articles in press media/internet popularising results of science, in particular those achieved by the Organization 86 129 184 205 604 appearances in telecommunication media popularising results of science, in particular those achieved by the Organization 27 50 64 84 225 public popularisation lectures 3 2 3 18 26 comments on xi. Supplementary information and/or applications and popularisation activities The questionnaire does not give information on the entire popularisation activities of the Institute. Especially the activities of Dr. M. Saniga have been mentioned in terms “the author has made a fascinating set of articles, TV or radio contributions”. Nevertheless, more information can be obtained from the Institute´s yearly reports. Numerous activities, prizes of the l Literary Fund awarded, coordination of two popularisation projects (both supported since 2006 by APVV), popularisation activities of the Institute´s Information Centre in coopreration with IUFRO structures (ERA), show strengths of the Institute in making the science highly popular among the public. 7. Background and management. Staffing policy and implementation of findings from previous assessments i. Summary table of personnel Personnel 2003 2004 2005 2006 all personel 60 65 62 64 research employees from Tab. Research staff 39 38 36 36 31,26 32,09 32,49 32,7 46,4 45,3 45,7 48,2 FTE from Tab. Research staff averaged age of research employees with university degree ii. Professional qualification structure 82 Number of 2003 2004 2005 2006 DrSc. 3 3 2 2 PhD / CSc. 33 32 31 29 Prof. 1 1 1 1 Doc./Assoc. Prof. 4 4 4 4 iii. Status and development of research infrastructure incl. experimental, computing and technical base (description of the present infrastructure, premises, and material and technical resources. Infrastructure, instrumentation and major technical equipment necessary for the achievement of the objectives specified in the research Concept) The Institute´s activities are diverse. They are performed in the field and also in the Institute´s laboratories. There are monitoring sensors of temperature, moisture, solar radiation and other equipment installed in the field. Samples are deposited and analysed in the Institute, in some cases also in the laboratories of other institutions. The principal equipment of the Institute (Zvolen) consists of atomic absorbtion spectrometer (AAS) to identify elements, absorbtion spectrometer Cintra (UV-VIS) to analyse chlorophyll, EcaFlow analysator to identificate heavy metals and psychromet to measure water potential in plants. They are followed by laser analyser to determinate soil particle sizes, colorimeter SPECOL to determine contents of chemical elements in soil and plants, LI-COR LI 3000 A to determine leaf surface, IKA Calorimeter C 4000 to determine energy content in organic material, Minikin TH (4x, EMS Brno, CZ) to measure air temperature and humidity, Minikin RT (3x, EMS Brno, CZ) to measure global radiation, Raingauge SR03 (2x, EMS Brno, CZ) to measure precipitation, DR 22 (24x, EMS Brno, CZ) to measure changes in stem perimeter, (32x, EMS Brno, CZ) to monitor changes in temperature under bark of trees and measuring centres (dataloggers) recording measurements of Sap Flow, changes in stem perimeter, changes in temperature under bark, changes in soil temperature and moisture content and its sucking potential (3 x, EMS Brno, CZ). Phytopathological laboratory equipment (in Nitra) consists of Precision Electronic Balance KERN 440-49N (Germany), Sterile Box (FATRAN L-F) for isolation and cultivation of pathogens, Cultivation box KBC G-100/250 (CZ) for preserving and regulating temperature, humidity and light conditions during cultivation of pathogens, High Pressure-Laboratory autoclave PS 20A (Chirana, SK) and CV-EL (CertoClav, A) for sterilization of cultivation media and laboratory aids, etc. Optical equipment includes primarily microscopes and stereomicroscopes. The Institute owns GIS. The Institute has its own server. It has developed a modern intranet computer structure. Associated work places are connected with the intranet net of the Institute. A video-conference room has been established in the Institute, providing some 50-60 seats. Thus, scientific presentations can be transferred via Internet with ease. Available and new equipment will be used in the further research. Analyses will be supported by new non-destructive techniques of roentgen absorbtion spectrometry. 83 Necessary (required) technical equipment includes sensors for measuring soil moisture and temperature (Soil sensor CCSS), sensors for soil sucking potential (Soil gypsum block), sap flow control modules, and possibly, other equipment too (strongly depends on grants). Infrastructure, instrumentation and techincal equipment necesseray to obtained the objectives outlined in the research concept iv. Status and development of bibliographic resources, activities of the Organisation’s library and/or information centre The Centre for Scientific Information and the Institute´s Library belong to the network of libraries and information centres of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. The Centre provides library, bibliographic and information services primarily for the researchers of the Institute. It disseminates scientific knowledge for professionals as well as for the public at large, through targetted projects and publication activities. The latest project of the Centre granted by the Slovak Scientific and Developing Agency is running under the name “A forest is not just trees”. The Institute is the editor of the international journal Folia oecologica. The Centre is involved in performing editorial activities and distribution of the journal. To obtain free print publications and get access to electronical information sources, it co-operates with the The Central Library of SAS. For the mutual publications exchange and document delivery purposes, both Slovak and foreign libraries are used. The Centre participates in creating the Union Catalogue of periodicals of the Slovak Republic. Seeing a shift away from building of book collections towards providing an access to specialized information sources, the Centre is focusing on search, evaluation and distribution of either information or information sources in the field of forestry, ecology and related disciplines. The Information Centre and the Library both tend to increase quality and number of information sources and associated services. It is likely that growing demands on services will be reflected by involving the further librarian in the Institute´s activities. v. Describe how the results and suggestions of the previous assessment were taken into account The Accreditation Commission of SAS (in the further tex Commission) made a positive assessment of the Institute´s role and performance. It stated that goals and methods employed coped with the longterm development in particular research field. The same was said about the results achieved by the Institute. The research staff quality, with regard to age structure and qualification, was assessed positively. In accordance with the Institute´s goals the commission recommended to modernise the technical equipment. Educational activities of the Institute were considered developing well and promising. With regard to international cooperation the Institute revealed active contacts to relevant work places abroad. It also proved ability to prepare international publications and projects, including the projects of European Union/Europaen Community (see e.g. LAPBIAT, Marie Currie Felloowship). Based on a comprehensive assessment the Institute was accredited in the category “A”. The Institute has carefully delt with the recommendations of the Commission, namely: 84 Introduction of methods of molecular biology in forest ecology research. This task has been shown to be difficult to deal with because of high costs (expenditures), cuts in grants and limitations concerning employment of PhD students in general. Nevertheless, the steps have been made to apply molecular biology in some research areas.. This has largely been possible in frame of cooperation with institutions abroad. The Konrad Lorenz Institute for Ethology, Vienna, Austria, has provided its facilities, incl. those in m. biology, to reveal some details in the biology and ecology of the Lesser Grey Shrike (Dr. A. Kristín). Methods of molecular biology have also been used in the study of forest bats performed in the Czech Republic and Poland (P. Kaňuch). The most promising results were obtained in mycological research. Methods of molecular biology enabled to identify forest fungi occurring in the beech forests exposed to different pollution loads (project “Die Identifierung von Ektomycorrhizen des Buchenwaldökosystems in der zentralen Slowakei”). Mgr.K. Bučinová identified fungi in the University of Vienna, Department of Botany, Systematics and Evolution Research, Vienna, Austria. Further co-operation between Hungarian and Slovakian mycologists (Dr. G. Juhásová) resulted in the detection of dsRNA, the hypovirulent isolates of the fungus Cryphonectria parasitica from Slovakia (see results). At the moment, the Institute´s researchers use the facilities abroad more frequently than they did before. At the present moment, lack of financial sources does not allow to establish the laboratory of molecular biology at the Institute. Some facilities have been developing at the TU Zvolen. Concentrating research activities into the most promising research areas.. The Institute tends to reduce those research activities which are likely to be less competitive than the others. This is a long-term task. Also, the Institute has to be flexible enough to follow changes in the research policy, in general. Modernisation. Recommendations of the Commission were heard and applied in particular departments of the Institute. Modernisation has mostly been done in those research teams which succeeded to obtain larger grants. A video conference room has been made with a kind support of SAS. Also, the Institute´s computer net has been modernised. The identification laboratory was established in the Department of Animal Ecology. Nevertheless, further investment in the Institute´s equipment is required. Participatione in the FP. Compared to the latest assessment the number of project under the 5th or 6th Framework Programme of the European Union has increased from one to four. None of the projects has been coordinated by the Institute. The project AGRI MAPPING (www.AgriFoodResearch.net) provides possibility to enter research structures of the 7th FP. This was the further task for the Institute set by the Commission. Small proportion of researchers with DrSc title. Criteria set to obtain the title DrSc. are very hard in biological sciences, including forest ecology research. Even the best of the best researchers have difficulties to meet them. Dr. Kristin from the Institute is likely to obtain the title soon. vi. Supplementary information and/or comments on management, research infrastructure, and trends in personnel development --- Other information relevant to the assessment The researchers of the Institute have much less time to conduct their studies as administrative work is increasing rapidly (writing reports, project proposals, yearly reports, preparing evaluation/accreditation materials, etc., etc.).