Fructose effects in rodent models In rodent models a high fructose diet induces a “metabolic syndrome” that includes development of insulin resistance, hypertriglyceridemia, abdominal obesity, hypertension and hepatic steatosis. For example, in hamsters, a 60% fructose diet for 2 weeks (compared to normal starch chow) induced hypertriglycerdemia, hyperinsulinemia, whole body insulin resistance and overproduction of VLDL1. A longer 5 week study demonstrated hepatic macro- and microvesicular fat with a 200% increase in hepatic triglycerides from fructose-enriched chow compared to standard rat chow.2 Fructose also appears to induce oxidative stress.3 In animals consuming a glucose beverage, rats consuming a fructose beverage for one year demonstrated increased markers of lipid peroxidation.4 Glutathione (GSH) redox (Eh), a measure of oxidative stress, becomes more oxidized within minutes of a high sucrose meal compared to standard starch diet in rats.5 The oxidative stress from fructose may not affect all compartments of the hepatocyte equally. We examined thioredoxin-2 in the mitochondria of hepatocytes in fructoseversus glucose-fed mice.6 Both groups developed hepatic steatosis and significantly decreased the thioredoxin-2, suggesting that mitochondrial oxidative stress plays a role in the development of hepatic steatosis. Supporting the role of oxidative stress in the long term effects of fructose feeding, several studies have shown that treatment with anti-oxidants prevents adverse metabolic effects of feeding fructose in rodents, implying that the oxidative changes are integral to the mechanisms of fructose induced steatosis.7-10 Interestingly, treatment with antibiotics prevents many of the effects of fructose. 3, 11 Bergheim et al fed mice fructose and sucrose and found that fructose fed mice given antibiotics had markedly less endotoxin in the portal blood and less hepatic steatosis.3 Fructose is malabsorbed when fed in large amounts because it is taken up in the small intestine through a saturable, facultative receptor (GLUT5). In animal models, increased intestinal permeability associated with high fructose feeding leads to endotoxemia and increased secretion of HEP-12-1997 inflammatory cytokines, which can lead to insulin resistance and fatty liver.3, 12, 13 Thus, one of the key mechanisms for fructose effects may be via provision of alternative substrate to gut flora, resulting in alterations in the microbiome, gut permeability, increased portal endotoxin and ensuing hepatic inflammation and insulin resistance.11 The hepatic steatosis induced by fructose in animal models is not typically associated with visible hepatic inflammation or cell injury. However, in models combining excess fructose with a second insult such as magnesium14, or copper deficiency,15 or a trans fat16 or high-fat diet,17 inflammation has been produced. The combination of fructose and high fat/trans fat is part of what has been called the “Westernized diet” and reflects the human situation where multiple nutritional “hazards” can be present simultaneously. Another study demonstrating the complex conditions that could simulate NASH combined the “Westernized diet” with low vitamin D intake. This resulted in increased inflammation and insulin resistance.18 Some difficulties arise when utilizing animal models to understand effects of fructose in human NAFLD because carbohydrate and lipid metabolism are markedly different in humans and rodents.19 Thus, it is important that mechanistic findings of fructose be replicated in humans where possible. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tahan V, Canbakan B, Balci H, Dane F, Akin H, Can G, et al. Serum gammaglutamyltranspeptidase distinguishes non-alcoholic fatty liver disease at high risk. Hepatogastroenterology 2008;55:1433-8. Ackerman Z, Oron-Herman M, Rosenthal M, Pappo O, Link G, Sela B. 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Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 2008;295:G987-95. Charlton M, Krishnan A, Viker K, Sanderson S, Cazanave S, McConico A, Masuoko H, Gores G. Fast food diet mouse: novel small animal model of NASH with ballooning, progressive fibrosis, and high physiological fidelity to the human condition. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 2011;301:G825-34. Roth CL, Elfers CT, Figlewicz DP, Melhorn SJ, Morton GJ, Hoofnagle A, et al. Vitamin D deficiency in obese rats exacerbates NAFLD and increases hepatic resistin and toll-like receptor activation. Hepatology 2011:doi 10. Tiniakos DG, Vos MB, Brunt EM. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: pathology and pathogenesis. Ann Rev Pathol 2010;5:145-71. HEP-12-1997