Aleksandra Smiljanić Light Engineering #143 Electrical and Computer Engineering Stony Brook University Stony Brook, NY 11790 Tel: (631) 632-9376 Email:, BIOGRAPHY Aleksandra Smiljanić received M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Princeton University in 1996 and 1999, respectively. She completed B.Sc. in electrical engineering at Belgrade University in 1993. Her area of research are the architectures and the internal control for high-capacity packet switches. She has also worked on the scheduling algorithms for packet-switched ring networks. Currently, Aleksandra works as a professor at Belgrade University in Serbia, and as a research professor at Stony Brook University in New York. She had worked for AT&T Labs from 1999 until 2004. She worked for two summers at NEC USA on a design of the packet switch with terabit capacity. Aleksandra taught several courses at Princeton and Belgrade Universities. Aleksandra Smiljanić is the author of the Best Papers at IEEE Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing 2000, and IEICE/IEEE Workshop on High Performance Switching and Routing 2002. These awarded papers proposed the scheduling algorithms for terabit packet switches. She is a recipient of the Aleksandar Damjanović Prize as the best student in her class at Belgrade University, 1993. Before university, she won numerous prizes in Yugoslav and international competitions in mathematics and physics. EDUCATION 1996-1999 Ph. D. degree, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey Electrical Engineering, Thesis: ``Packet Switching with Terabit Capacity'' Advisor: Prof. Hisashi Kobayashi 1994-1996 M. A. degree, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey Electrical Engineering, GPA=3.87 (grade range F-A, F=0, A=4) 1988-1993 B. Sc. degree, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Yugoslavia Electrical Engineering, GPA=9.83 (grade range 6-10) 1984-1988 High-school degree, Mathematical Gymnasium ``Veljko Vlahović'', Belgrade, Yugoslavia Specialized Mathematical School, GPA=5 (grade range 2-5) HONORS 2002 2000 2000 1993 Best Paper Award in IEICE/IEEE Workshop on High-Performance Switching and Routing 2002 Research Excellence Award, AT&T Labs Research Best Paper Award in IEEE Conference on High-Performance Switching and Routing 2000 The Prof. Dr. H. C. Aleksandar Damjanović Prize for the best student in her class, Belgrade University. 1987 The October Award of the city of Belgrade for outstanding performance in mathematics, Belgrade. 1987 Won Third Prize in the 28th International Mathematical Olympiad 1980-1988 Won mostly First Prizes in more than 50 competitions in mathematics and physics at all levels (from local to federal), former Yugoslavia. EMPLOYMENT EXPERIENCE 2004-Now Belgrade University: Teaching the graduate course on communication networks. Research in the area of Clos packet switches based on load balancing. 1999-2004 AT&T Labs: Research in the area of the architectures and the internal control of high capacity-packet switches: examination of various options in terms of the implementation complexity and performance, and design of the advantageous solutions. Participation in the evaluation process of the IP core routers offered by various vendors. Also, participation in the evaluation process of the multiservice edge routers offered by various vendors. Design of the scheduling algorithms in packet-switched ring networks. 1997,1998 Summer internship at NEC, Princeton: Design of the scheduling algorithms to be applied in packet switches with input buffers. TEACHING EXPERIENCE 2004 1996 1995 1994 1993 Professor, Belgrade University Computer and Communication Networks Tutor, Princeton University Freshmen Studyhall (mathematics and physics) Teaching Assistant, Princeton University ELE 485 Signal Analysis and Communication Systems Teaching Assistant, Princeton University ELE 212: Principles of Applied Electronics Teaching Assistant, University of Belgrade Computer Networks PUBLICATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS A. Smiljanić, ``Terabit Switching Algorithms,'' invited paper at Asian Pacific Optical Communication Conference, Beijing, China, November 2004. A. Smiljanić, ``High Performance Routers,'' invited paper at joint Optoelectronic and Communication Conference and International Conference on Optical Internet, Yokohama, Japan, July 2004. A. Smiljanić, ``Load Balancing Algorithms in Clos Packet Switches,'' IEEE International Conference on Communications, Paris, France, June 2004. A. Smiljanić, ``Performance of Load Balancing Algorithms in Clos Packet Switches,'' invited presentation at Stanford Workshop on Load-Balancing,, Palo Alto, California, May 2004. A. Smiljanić, ``Performance of Load Balancing Algorithms in Clos Packet Switches,'' IEEE Workshop on High Performance Switching and Routing, Phoenix, Arizona, April 2004, pp. 304-308. A. Smiljanić, ``Bandwidth Reservations by Maximal Matching Algorithms,'' IEEE Communication Letters, March 2004, pp. 177-179. M. Boroditsky, N.J. Frigo, C.F. Lam, K.F. Dreyer, D.A. Ackerman, J.E. Johnson, L.J.P. Ketelsen, A. Chen, A. Smiljanić, ``Experimental Demonstration of Composite-Packet-Switched WDM Network,'' IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, August 2003, pp. 1717-1722. A. Smiljanić, ``Focus Issue: High-Capacity Packet-Switched Fabrics,'' OSA Journal on Optical Networking,, July 2003, pp. 213-266. A. Smiljanić, ``Scheduling in Terabit Packet Switches,'' presentation for IEEE North Jersey Communication Society Chapter, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, New Jersey, February 2003. A. Smiljanić, ``Scheduling of Multicast Traffic in High-Capacity Packet Switches,'' IEEE Communication Magazine, November 2002, pp. 72-77. A. Smiljanić, ``Flexible Multicasting in High-Capacity Packet Switches,'' IEEE Communication Letters, August 2002, pp. 349-351. A. Smiljanić, ``Scheduling of Multicast Traffic in High-Capacity Packet Switches,'' IEICE/IEEE Workshop on High-Performance Switching and Routing, (Best Paper Award), Kobe, Japan, May 2002, pp. 29-33. A. Smiljanić, ``Flexible Bandwidth Allocation in High-Capacity Packet Switches,'' IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, April 2002, pp. 287-293. A. Smiljanić, M. Boroditsky, N.J. Frigo, ``High-Capacity Packet-Switched Optical Ring Network,'' IEEE Communication Letters, March 2002, pp. 111-113. A. Smiljanić, B. Loehfelm, ``Performance Analysis of Optical Ring Network based on Composite Packet Switching,'' Optical Fiber Communication Conference, Anaheim, California, March 2002. M. Boroditsky, C.F. Lam, S.L. Woodward, A. Smiljanić, N.J. Frigo, ``Composite Packet Switched WDM Networks,'' invited paper at LEOS, November 2001. A. Smiljanić, M. Boroditsky, N.J. Frigo, ``Optical Packet Switched Network with Flexible Bandwidth Allocation,'' IEEE Workshop on High-Performance Switching and Routing, Dallas, Texas, May 2001, pp. 83-101. M. Boroditsky, C. F. Lam, A. Smiljanić, S.L. Woodward, M.D. Feuer, ``Experimental Demonstration of Composite Packet Switching on a WDM Photonic Slot Routing Network,'' Optical Fiber Communication Conference, Anaheim, California, March 2001, Wn5. B.N. Desai, N.J. Frigo, A. Smiljanić, P.P. Iannone, K.C. Reichman, R. Roman, ``An Optical Implementation of a Packet-Based (Ethernet) MAC in a WDM Passive Optical Network Overlay,'' Optical Fiber Communication Conference, Anaheim, California, March 2001, Th6. H.J. Chao, C.H. Lam, E. Oki, Broadband Packet Switching Technologies, Section 3.3.5 Round Robin Greedy Scheduling, John Wiley and Sons Inc., NY 2001, pp. 65-68. A. Smiljanić and C. Lam, ``Wavelength Allocation in Regional Access Networks with Optical AddDrop Multiplexers'', IEEE GLOBECOM, San Francisco, California, December 2000, pp. 1276-1282. P.P. Iannone, K.C. Reichman, A. Smiljanić, N.J. Frigo, A.H. Gnauck, L.H. Spiekman, R.M. Derosier, ``A Transparent WDM Network Featuring Shared Virtual Rings,'' IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, December 2000, pp. 1955-1963. A. Smiljanić, and H. Kobayashi, ``Adaptive Fixed Assignment Protocol,'' Conference on Circuits, Systems, Computers and Communications, Athens, Greece, July 2000. A. Smiljanić, ``Flexible Bandwidth Allocation in Terabit Packet Switches,'' IEEE Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing, (Best Paper Award), Heidelberg, Germany, June 2000, pp. 233-239. A. Smiljanić, R. Fan, and G. Ramamurthy, ``RRGS-Round-Robin Greedy Scheduling for Electronic/ Optical Terabit Switches,'' IEEE GLOBECOM, Rio de Janairo, Brazil, 1999, pp. 1244-1250. A. Smiljanić, and H. Kobayashi, ``An Optical Star Network Protocol with Reduced Amount of Control Information,'' Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, Baltimore, Maryland, March 1999. A. Smiljanić, H. Kobayashi, and J.K. Rhee, ``A Terabit Single-hop TDMA Network with the Spectrum-Domain Modulation,'' Applications of Photonic Technology 3, Ottawa, Canada, July 1998, pp. 508-513. A. Smiljanić, ``An Efficient Protocol for an Optical Star Network,'' IEEE International Conference on Communications, Atlanta, Georgia, June 1998, pp. 514-519. A. Smiljanić, and H. Kobayashi, ``Performance Analysis of Adaptive Fixed Assignment Protocol,'' Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, Princeton, New Jersey, March 1998. A. Smiljanić, and H. Kobayashi, ``A New Protocol for an Optical Star Network with a Large Number of Users,'' Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, Baltimore, Maryland, March 1997. G. Petrović, and A. Smiljanić, ``Power Spectrum of the Digital Signal Generated by Periodic Markov Chain,'' ETRAN, XXXVIII Conference, Niš, Yugoslavia, May 1994. PATENT APPLICATIONS A. Smiljanić, ``Load Balancing Algorithms in Non-Blocking Multistage Packet Switches.'' A. Smiljanić ``Flexible Multicasting in High-Capacity Switches.'' B.N. Desai, N.K. Shankaranarayanan, D. Shur, A. Smiljanić, T.J. Totland, J. Merwe, S.L. Woodward, ``Transmit and Receive System for a Cable Data Service'' A. Smiljanić, M. Boroditsky, N.J. Frigo, ``High-Capacity Packet-Switched Ring Network.'' N.J. Frigo, P.P. Iannone, K.C. Reichmann, A. Smiljanić, ``Transparent Node for WDM Shared ``Virtual Ring'' Networks.'' A. Smiljanić, ``Flexible Bandwidth Allocation in High-Capacity Packet Switches.'' A. Smiljanić, R. Fan, and G. Ramamurthy, ``RRGS-Round-Robin Greedy Scheduling for Electronic/ Optical Terabit Switches.'' EDITORIAL ACTIVITIES 2005 2004 2003 2002 Associate editor of OSA Journal on Optical Networking (JON):; Technical Program Committee (TPC) member for International Conference on QoS in Multiservice IP Networks (QoS-IP), for IEEE Workshop on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR), and for for IEEE International Conference on Information Technology: Research and Education (ITRE). Associate editor of OSA JON; Editor of the JON Focus Issue on ``High-Capacity PacketSwitched Fabrics'' in July; TPC member for IEEE HPSR, for IEEE GLOBECOM, and IEEE ITRE. Associate editor of OSA JON; TPC member for IEEE HPSR, for QoS-IP and IEEE ITRE. TPC member for IEICE/IEEE HPSR. COMPETITIONS IN MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICS Participated in the 29th International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO), Canberra, Australia 1998 Won Third Prize in the 28th IMO, Havana, Cuba 1987 Won Third Prize in the 5th Balkan Mathematical Olympiad (BMO), Nicosia, Cyprus 1988 Won Third Prize in the 4th BMO, Athens, Greece 1987 Won mostly First Prizes in more than 50 competitions in mathematics and physics at all levels (from local to federal), former Yugoslavia 1980-1988