1 CURRICULUM VITAE: Edward James Hickin, January 2010 1. PERSONAL DATA: Born 21st August, 1945 in Sydney, Australia; Australian and Canadian Citizen; Married to Elaine, 2 children. 2. PRESENT POSITION: Professor, Department of Geography, Faculty of Environment, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada, V5A 1S6. 3. ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS: 1966: Baccalaureate (first-class honours), School of Geomorphology, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia. 1971: Doctorate, School of Geomorphology, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia. Dissertation: SEDIMENTATION IN SAND-BED CHANNELS: Some Aspects of Process and Form in Channels near Sydney, Australia. Examiners: Professor L.M. Brush, Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore; Professor G.H. Dury, Departments of Geography and Geology, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Professor A. Jopling, Department of Geography, University of Toronto, Toronto; Professor T. LangfordSmith, School of Geomorphology, University of Sydney, Sydney. 4. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: 1967-1971: University of Sydney, School of Geomorphology, Teaching Fellow and Research Assistant). 1971-Present: Simon Fraser University, Department of Geography [Assistant Professor (1971-1976); Chairman of Department of Geography (1981-1985); Associate Professor (1976-84); Professor (1984-Present)]; Professor of Earth Sciences (Joint appointment: Geography/Earth Sciences) (1994-2005)]; Chairman of Department of Earth Sciences (1999-2003); Professor & Chair, Department of Geography (2005-2008). 5. CONSULTING & RELATED PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Consultant; Peace Woods Ltd. (Vegetation succession on the Beatton River floodplain & riparian vegetation inventory). 1975. Consultant; Reid, Crowther & Partners, Consulting Engineers and Planners, North Vancouver,British Columbia (Canadian National Railway Twin Track Project: Environmental design program), 1982. Consultant; Allied Shipbuilders Ltd., North Vancouver, British Columbia (The impact of proposed channel modifications on the estuary reach of Seymour River, North Vancouver, B.C.), 1983. Consultant; Reid, Crowther & Partners, Consulting Engineers and Planners, North Vancouver, British Columbia (Canadian National Railway; Twin Track Project: Environmental design program) 1984. Consultant; Ratcliff & Co., Barristers and Solicitors, North Vancouver, British Columbia (Squamish Indian - Band Council reserve boundary problem related to lateral instability of Squamish River), 1985. Consultant; Lawrence & Shaw, Barristers and Solicitors, Vancouver, British Columbia (Fraser River depositional history and hydrology at the Fraser-Thompson River confluence), 1985. Consultant; Ratcliff & Company, Barristers and Solicitors, North Vancouver, British Columbia (review of Northern Utilities Inc. (NUI)] application for developing a hydroelectric generating facility on Mamquam River and the NUI document prepared by Westland Resources Group [WRG] as a review of the hydro-project proposal), 1993. Consultant Hydrologist; British Columbia Utilities Commission (Advisor to BC Government public review of Alcan's Kemano Completion Project), 1993-5. Research proposal reviewer for the National Science Foundation, U.S.A.. Research proposal reviewer for the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada. Referee (2005-2010) for Earth Surface Processes and Landforms; The Canadian Geographer; Geomorphology, Geographie Physique et Quaternaire; The Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering; Geological Society of America Bulletin; Sedimentology; Journal of Geology; Journal of Sedimentary Petrology; The Professional Geographer; Water Resources Research and Zeitschrift Geomorphologie. 6. RESEARCH EXPERIENCE. Forty years experience in basic research into fluvial systems with emphasis on fluvial geomorphology and sedimentology. Recent work has been concerned with channel instability and particularly with factors controlling lateral migration (bank erosion and point-bar formation) in natural river channels. This work 1 2 has involved extensive field experience in Eastern Australia, New Zealand, Western and Central Canada, the American Southwest, England, Scotland and Wales. Current research is concerned with channel migration rates of confined meandering channels in BC and Alberta, the impact of climate change on hydrology and rates of channel adjustment to floods, the sedimentology and morphodynamics of river bars based on georadar surveys on Fraser River BC, and flow resistance in small, steep headwater rivers. 7. PUBLICATIONS. (a) In Refereed Journals and Books 1. Hickin, E. J., 1968, Channel morphology, bankfull stage, and bankfull discharge of streams near Sydney: The Australian Journal of Science, 30 (7) 274-275. 2. Hickin, E. J., 1969, A newly identified process of point bar formation in natural streams: American Journal of Science, 267, 999-1010. 3. Hickin, E. J., 1970, The terraces of the Lower Colo and Hawkesbury drainage basins, New South Wales: The Australian Geographer, XI (3) 278-287. 4. Hickin, E. J., & Page, K. J., 1971, The age of valley fills in the Sydney Basin: Search, 2 (10) 383-384. 5. Hickin, E. J., 1972, Pseudomeanders and point dunes - a flume study: American Journal of Science, 272, 762-799. 6. Hickin, E. J., 1974, The development of meanders in natural river channels: American Journal of Science, 274, 414-442. 7. Hickin, E.J., & Nanson, G.C., 1975, The character of channel migration on the Beatton River, Northeast British Columbia, Canada: Geological Society of America Bulletin, 86, 487-494. 8. Hickin, E. J., 1977, The analysis of river planform responses to changes in discharge: In K.J. Gregory (editor), River Channel Changes, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 249-263. 9. Hickin, E. J., 1977, Hydraulic factors controlling channel migration: In R. E. Davidson - Arnott & W. Nickling (editors), Research into Fluvial Systems, GeoAbstracts, Norwich, 59-66. 10. Hickin, E. J., 1978, Mean flow-structure in meanders of the Squamish River, British Columbia: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 15 (11) 1833-1849. 11. Hickin, E.J., 1979, Concave-bank benches on the Squamish River, British Columbia, Canada: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 16 (1) 200-203. 12. Hickin, E. J., 1980, Seismic velocities of unconsolidated sediments in the Vancouver area of British Columbia: The Canadian Geographer, XXIV (4) 411-416. 13. Hickin, E. J., 1983, River channel changes: retrospect and prospect: International Association of Sedimentologists Special Publication, 6, 61-83. 14. Nanson, G. C., & Hickin, E.J.,1983, Channel migration and incision on the Beatton River: Journal of the Hydraulic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, 109 (3) 327-337. 15. Nanson, G. C., & Hickin, E. J., 1984, Closure to discussion of "Channel migration and incision on the Beatton River", Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers,110 (11) 1683-1684. 16. Hickin, E. J., & Nanson, G. C., 1984, Lateral migration rates of river bends: Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers,110 (11) 1557-1567. 17. Hickin, E.J., 1984, Vegetation and river channel dynamics: The Canadian Geographer, XXVIII (2) 111-126. 18. Brierley, G. & Hickin, E.J., 1985, The downstream gradation of particle sizes in the Squamish River, British Columbia: Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 10, 597-606. 19. Hickin, E.J., 1986, Concave-Bank Benches in the Floodplains of Muskwa and Fort Nelson Rivers, British Columbia: The Canadian Geographer, 30 (2)111-122. 20. Nanson, G.C., & Hickin, E.J., 1986, A statistical analysis of bank erosion and channel migration in western Canada: Geological Society of America Bulletin, 97, 497-504. 21. Hickin, E. J., & Sichingabula, H.M., 1988, The geomorphic impact of the catastrophic October 1984 flood on the planform of Squamish River, southwestern British Columbia: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 25, 1078-1087. 22. Hickin, E. J., 1988, Lateral migration rates of river bends: In P.N. Cheremisinoff, N.P. Cheremisinoff, and S.L. Cheng (editors), Handbook of Civil Engineering, Technomic Publishing, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Vol.2: Hydraulics: Mechanics, 419-445. 2 3 23. Hickin, E. J., & Sichingabula, H.M. 1989. Discussion : The geomorphic impact of the catastrophic October 1984 flood on the planform of Squamish River, southwestern British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 26: 337 24. Hickin, E.J. 1989. Contemporary Squamish River sediment flux to Howe Sound, British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 26: 1953-1963 25. Rood, K. M. & Hickin, E.J. 1989. Suspended-sediment concentration and calibre in relation to surfaceflow structure in Squamish River estuary, southwestern British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 26: 2172-2176. 26. Brooks, G.R. & Hickin, E.J. 1991. Debris avalanche impoundments of Squamish River, Mount Cayley area, southwestern British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 28: 1375-1385. 27. Brierley, G.J. & Hickin, E.J. 1991. Channel planform as a non-controlling factor in fluvial sedimentology: The case of the Squamish River floodplain, British Columbia: Sedimentary Geology, 75, 67-83. 28. Brierley, G.J. & Hickin, E.J. 1992. Floodplain development based on selective preservation of sediments, Squamish River, British Columbia: Geomorphology, 4, 381-391. 29. Lian, O. & Hickin, E.J. 1993. Late Pleistocene sedimentary history of Seymour Valley, North Vancouver, British Columbia: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 30, 841-850. 30. Hickin, E.J. 1993. Fluvial facies models: a review of Canadian research: Progress in Physical Geography, 17 (2) 205-222. 31. Hickin, E. J. (editor) 1995. River Geomorphology, Wiley, Chichester, 233 pp 32. Hickin, E.J. 1995. Hydraulic geometry and channel scour: Fraser River, B.C., Canada. In River Geomorphology, E.J.Hickin (editor), Wiley, Chichester, 155-167. 33. Brooks, G.R. & Hickin, E.J. 1996. The origin of a tephra-like bed near Mount Cayley volcano, southwestern British Columbia, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 32 (12) 2040-2045. 34. Lian, O. & Hickin, E.J. 1996. Early postglacial sedimentation of lower Seymour Valley, southwestern British Columbia. Geographie Physique et Quaternaire, 50 (1), 95-102. 35. Babakaiff, C.S. & Hickin, E.J. 1996. Coherent flow structures in Squamish River Estuary, British Columbia, Canada, In P.J. Ashworth, S.J. Bennett and S.J. McLelland (Eds),Coherent Flow Structures, Wiley, Chichester, 312-342. 36. Leclerc, R. & Hickin, E.J. 1997. Ground penetrating radar stratigraphy of a meandering river floodplain, South Thompson River, British Columbia: Geomorphology, 21, 17-38. 37. Gibson, J. & Hickin, E.J. 1997. Inter-and supratidal sedimentology of a fjord-head estuary, southwestern British Columbia. Sedimentology, 44, 197-220. 38. Friele, P.A., Ekes, C. & Hickin, E.J. 1999 Evolution of Cheekye fan, Squamish, British Columbia: Holocene sedimentation and implications for hazard assessment. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 36 (12) 2023-2031. 39. Paige, A. & Hickin, E.J. 2000. Annual bed-elevation regime in the alluvial channel of Squamish River, southwestern British Columbia, Canada. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 25, 991-1009. 40. Ekes, C. & Hickin, E.J. 2001. Ground penetrating radar facies of the paraglacial Cheekye Fan, southwestern British Columbia. Sedimentary Geology, 143, 199-217. 41. Prent, M. & Hickin, E.J. 2001. Annual regime of bedforms, roughness and flow-resistance, Lillooet River, British Columbia. Geomorphology, 41 (4) 369-390. 42. Wooldridge, C.L. & Hickin, E.J. 2002. Step-pool and cascade morphology, Mosquito Creek, British Columbia: a test of four analytical techniques. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 39 (4) 493--503. 43. Hickin, E.J. 2002. Hydraulic Geometry. Encylopedia of Geomorphology, (Andrew Goudie, Editor) Routledge, Oxford. 44. Hickin, E.J. 2003. Meadering Channels. Encyclopedia of Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks (G.R. Middleton, Editor), Kluwer, New York. 45. Tabata, K. & Hickin, E.J. 2003. Interchannel hydraulic geometry and hydraulic efficiency of the anastomosing Columbia River, southeastern British Columbia, Canada. Earth Surface Process and Landforms, 28, 837-852. 46. Pelpola, C. & Hickin, E.J. 2004. Long-term bed-load transport rate based on air photo and groundpenetrating radar surveys of fan-delta growth, Coast Mountains, British Columbia. Geomorphology, 57,169-181. 47. Wooldridge, C.L. & Hickin, E.J. 2005. Radar architecture and evolution of channel bars in wandering gravel-bed rivers: Fraser and Squamish Rivers, British Columbia, Canada. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 75, 884-860. 48. Reid, D. & Hickin, 2008 Flow resistance in small steep mountain stream channels in southwestern British Columbia. In press in Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 33, 2211-2240. 3 4 49. Rice, S., Church, M., Wooldridge, C. & Hickin, E.J. 2008 Morphology and evolution of bars in a wandering gravel-bed river: lower Fraser River, British Columbia, Canada. Sedimentology. 1365-3091. 50. Reid, D., Babakaiff, S. & Hickin, E.J. 2010 Hydraulic geometry of small steep mountain stream channels in southwestern British Columbia. In press, Geomorphology. 51. Nicoll, T.J. & Hickin, E.J. 2010 Planform geometry and channel migration of confined meandering rivers on the Canadian Prairies, In press, Geomorphology. (b) Technical Reports and Other Publications 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Hickin, E. J., 1976, Review of 'The Natural Landscapes of Canada', by J.B. Bird: Australian Geographer, 13: 222-223. Hickin, E. J., 1980, Drainage basin morphometry and river network analysis: a review and synthesis: Discussion Paper Series , Department of Geography, Simon Fraser University, 9, 32 p. Hickin, E. J., 1980, Drainage basin hydrology: a review and synthesis: Discussion Paper Series, Simon Fraser University, Department of Geography, 10, 123 p. Hickin, E. J., 1981, River channel dynamics: Discussion Paper Series, Simon Fraser University, Department of Geography,11, 47p. Hickin, E. J., 1982, Some aspects of the hydrology of the Fraser River Basin, British Columbia: Discussion Paper Series, Simon Fraser University, Department of Geography, 14, 19p. Hickin, E.J., 1983, The Impact of Proposed Channel Modifications on the Estuary Reach of the Seymour River, North Vancouver: Consulting Report for Allied Shipbuilders Ltd., North Vancouver, British Columbia, 12p. Hickin, E. J., 1984, A review of Rivers, by K. Richards, American Scientist, 72, (2):198. Hickin, E. J., 1984, Channel migration history of the Brackendale reach of the Squamish River: Consulting Report, for Ratcliff & Co., North Vancouver, British Columbia, 5 p. Hickin, E. J., 1985, Channel stability, deposition, and the location of 'normal high - water' at the Fraser - Thompson Rivers confluence, Consulting Report, Lawrence & Shaw, Vancouver, British Columbia,12 p. Hickin, E. J., 1985, Channel migration at river bends: theory, process, and engineering applications:Discussion Paper Series, Simon Fraser University, Department of Geography. Church, M., Gomez, B., Hickin, E.J., and Slaymaker, O., 1985, Sociological Geomorphology: an editorial comment: Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 10: 539-540. Hickin, E.J., 1988. Environmental background paper, lower Squamish River: Consulting Report , for Ratcliff & Co., North Vancouver, British Columbia, 20 pp. Hickin, E.J. 1990 Fluvial sediment studies at B.C. Universities: in Proceedings of the B.C.-Yukon Sediment Issues Workshop: April 24-26, 1990, Vancouver British Columbia, Environment Canada, T.R. Yuzyk and B. Tassone (editors), 25-33. Hickin, E.J., 1992, An inventory of research conducted in Squamish Basin: Proceedings of the Howe Sound Environmental Workshop (September 30-October 3, 1991, Bowen Island, B.C.), Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, No 1879, 43-47. Hickin, E.J., 1992, Review of the proposal by Northern Utilities Inc. (NUI)] for developing a hydroelectric generating facility on Mamquam River and the NUI document prepared by Westland Resources Group [WRG] as a review of the hydro-project proposal; Consulting Report for Ratcliff and Company, North Vancouver, 4p. Hickin, E.J. and Roberts, M.C., 1992, Ministry of Environment Report on heavy metal loading in Fraser River floodplain sediments (Part I), 56p. Hickin, E.J. and Roberts, M.C., 1993, Ministry of Environment Report on heavy metal loading in Fraser River floodplain sediments (Part II), 62p. Hickin, E.J. 1994, British Columbia Utilities Commission, Confidential Report on the hydrologic impacts of Alcan's Kemano Completion Project, northwestern British Columbia, 66p. 8. SELECTED PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES 19. 20. 1973, Point Dunes and Floodplains: Invited lecture, Dept of Geography, Univ. of Toronto, Ontario. 1975, Point Bar Formation on Beatton River, British Columbia, Paper delivered as Invited Speaker, Rivers Workshop, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Alberta, Alberta. 21. 1977, Hydraulic Controls on Channel Migration: Invited lecture as Keynote Speaker, 5th Guelph Symposium on Geomorphology, University of Guelph, Ontario. 22. Mean Flow-Structure in Bends of Squamish River, British Columbia: Paper delivered at the Annual Meeting of The Canadian Association of Geographers, Toronto, Ontario. 4 5 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. Supply-Limited Sediment Transport in Rivers: Paper delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Western Division of The Canadian Association of Geographers, 1980, Session Chairman, Gravel-Bed Rivers Conference (British Geomorphological Research Group, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and American Society of Civil Engineers), Gregynog, Wales, U.K.. 1981, River Channel Changes; Prospect and Retrospect: Address as Distinguished Chairman, International Fluvial Conference (Int. Assoc. of Sedimentologists), University of Keele, Keele, U.K. 1982, Channel Migration of Rivers in Western Canada, Paper delivered to the First Conference of the Australia-New Zealand Association of Geomorphologists, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia, (co-authored with Gerald C. Nanson). 1983, Invited Speaker, Rivers '83 Conference (American Society of Civil Engineers), New Orleans. 1984, Timescales in Geomorphology, Invited Lecture, Department of Geography, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia. 1985, Invited Participant, Workshop on Toxic Waste Management in the Lower Fraser River, Environment Canada, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C.. 1985, Downstream River-Gravel Sorting in a High-Energy Alpine Environment: Paper delivered to the First International Conference on Geomorphology (British Geomorphological Research Group), (co-authored with Gary Brierley), Manchester, U.K.. 1990, Invited speaker, Environment Canada (Water Survey of Canada) workshop on clastic sediment loads in B.C. and the Yukon, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, B.C.. 1990, Facies models and sedimentology of Squamish River floodplain: Paper delivered to the Annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Toronto. 1990, Appointed Fluvial Section Organizer, 4th International Geomorphological Symposium, MacMaster University, Hamilton, 1993. 1990, Appointed to Vice President's Committee on Environmental Research, S.F.U.. 1990, Appointed to Vice President's Committee on Environmental Science Program Development. 1991, Invited speaker, Environment Canada, Howe Sound Environmental Science Workshop, September 30-October 3, 1991, Bowen Island, B.C. 1992, Seasonal scour and fill regime of Fraser River at Marguerite, British Columbia: Paper delivered to Australian-New Zealand Geomorphological Research Group, Port Macquarie, N.S.W., Australia, April 22-26, 1992. 1993, Ground-penetrating radar surveys of floodplains formed in the meandering and braided reaches of Squamish River, British Columbia, Canada: Paper presented to the 5th International Conference on Fluvial Sedimentology: Brisbane, Australia, July 5-9, 1993. 1993, Ground-penetrating radar surveys of floodplains formed in the meandering and braided reaches of Squamish River, British Columbia, Canada: Paper presented to the 3rd International Conference of the Int. Association of Geomorphologists, Hamilton, Ontario, August 23-29, 1993. 1993, Macroturbulence in Squamish River estuary, southwestern British Columbia, Canada. Paper presented (by Babakaiff, S. & Hickin, E.J.) to Am. Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco. 1994, Sedimentology of Squamish River delta, BC, Canada. Paper presented (by Gibson, J & Hickin, E.J.) to Geological Society of America, 1994, San Francisco. 1994-1999, Member of the Geoscience Committee, Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia (APEGBC). 1995, Coherent flow structures in Squamish estuary, southwestern British Columbia, Canada. Paper presented (by Babakaiff, S. & Hickin, E.J.) to the Coherent Flow Structures Conference, Leeds, England, April, 1995. 1995, Session Chair, Coherent Flow Structures Conference, Leeds, England, April, 1995. 1997, Floodplain formation in confined meanders, NE British Columbia, International Fluvial Sedimentology Conference, Cape Town, September, 1997. 1997, Session Chair, International Fluvial Sedimentology Conference, Cape Town, Sept., 1997. 1997-2009, Member of the Editorial Board of the Australian Geographer. 2007, A storey of boundaries, beds and bars: GPR architecture of the wandering gravel-bed reach of Fraser River, southwestern British Columbia. Paper (presented by Natalie Helmstetter & Ted Hickin), Canadian Quaternary Association Annual Meeting, Ottawa, July 2007. 2007, Meandering inclined but firmly confined: planform geometry and channel migration of confined meandering rivers on the Canadian Prairies. Paper (presented by Tami Nicol & Ted Hickin), Canadian Quaternary Association Annual Meeting, Ottawa. 2007, Flooding rains and river change: 50 years of hydrogeomorphology of Squamish River, southwestern British Columbia. Poster by Greg Bauch & Ted Hickin, Canadian Quaternary Association Annual Meeting, Ottawa, July 2007 5 6 51. 2009, Changing climate, flood hydrology and channel morphology, Squamish River (1950-2007), southwestern British Columbia, Canada. International Association of Geomorphologists Conference, Melbourne, Australia, July, 2009. 52. 2010, Appointed to the Geoscience Committee (three-year term), Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia (APEGBC). 9. RESEARCH GRANTS 1973-1984: Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada ($160 000); Simon Fraser University , V.P. Academic Research Grants ($30 000); Simon Fraser University (Programs of Excellence; shared with M.C. Roberts, Department of Geography, S.F.U. ($16 000); Simon Fraser University Programs of Excellence; shared with I. Hutchinson & M.C. Roberts, Dept of Geography, S.F.U. ($30 000); Simon Fraser University, President's Research Grant ($2 100); Peace Woods Ltd ($2 000); B.C. Provincial Youth Employment Program ($12 000). 1985-1990: Simon Fraser University, V.P. Academic Research Grants ($3 500); B.C. Provincial Youth Employment Program, 'Challenge '85' ($14 500); Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada ($134 400). 1991-1993: B.C. Government Research Grant, MOE & B.C. Science Council, Heavy-metal sediment pollution, Fraser River with M.C. Roberts ($ 98 000); Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada, equipment grant with M.C. Roberts ($38 935); S.F.U. matching funds for NSERC equipment, with M.C. Roberts ($10 000); Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada ($ 57 600) 1994-1997: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada ($74 112; Challenge 96 ($3640); SFU Faculty of Science ($8 000). 1998-2002: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada ($96 000) 1999-2009: Faculty of Science ($57 000) 2002-2005: NSERC Strategic Grant ($156 000) 2002-2007: NSERC Research Grant (individual) ($120 000) 10. RESEARCH DEGREES DIRECTED (SENIOR SUPERVISOR) (a) Completed (chronological) Nanson, G. C., 1977, Channel migration, floodplain formation, and vegetation succession on a meandering-river floodplain in N.E. British Columbia, Canada: Ph.D. Thesis, S.F.U.. Gale, R. J., 1978, The channel geometry of two discontinuous gullies: M.Sc. Thesis, S.F.U.. Bhuiya, Aziz, 1980, Delta form and process - a flume study: M.Sc. Thesis, S.F.U.. Rood, K.M., 1980, Large scale flow features in some gravel-bed rivers: M.Sc. Thesis, S.F.U.. Brierley, G., 1984, Sedimentology of Squamish River point bars: M.Sc. Thesis, S.F.U.. Shuttleworth, A., 1985, Flood - wave characteristics and the geomorphology of the Fraser River Basin: M.Sc. Thesis, S.F.U.. K'Rhoda, G., 1985, An experimental study of flow structure through several continuous channel bends of variable geometry: Ph.D. Thesis, Simon Fraser University, 384 pp. Sichingabula, H.M.1986. Character and causes of channel changes on the Squamish River, southwestern British Columbia. M.Sc. thesis, Simon Fraser University, 156pp. Brierley, G.J. 1989. The character of channel planform control on the morphology and sedimentology of the gravel-bed Squamish River floodplain, British Columbia. Ph D thesis, Simon Fraser University, 304pp. Brooks, G., 1991, Holocene history of sediment supply to Squamish River, British Columbia: Ph.D., Simon Fraser University, 469pp. Lian, O., 1991, The Late Pleistocene history of Seymour Valley, British Columbia, M.Sc., Simon Fraser University, 126 pp. Sichingabula, H., 1993, Character and controls of suspended-sediment concentration and discharge effectiveness, Fraser River, British Columbia, Canada, Ph.D., Simon Fraser University. Babakaiff, Scott, 1993, Estuarine macroturbulent flow structure, Squamish River, British Columbia, M.Sc. Gibson, Jonathon, 1994, Sedimentology of the fluvial/estuarine floodplain transition, Squamish River, B.C., M.Sc. Leclerc, R., 1995, Radar facies of North Thompson River, Kamloops, British Columbia, M.Sc. Prent, M., 1998, Seasonal bedform regime, Lillooett River, B.C., M.Sc. Paige, A., 1998, Seasonal regime of bed elevation, Squamish River, B.C., M.Sc. Ekes, Csaba, 2000, Radar facies and sedimentology of alluvial fans, Ph.D. 6 7 Pelpola, C. P. 2001. Bed-material transport rate derived from delta progradation in a small alpine basin, Fitzsimmons Creek, Coast Mountains, British Columbia. MSc thesis, Department of Geography, Simon Fraser University. Wooldridge, C. 2002 Radar stratigraphy and bar development, Fraser and Squamish Rivers, BC. M.Sc. Tabata, K. 2002 Hydraulic geometry of secondary channels in the anastomosed Columbia River, Golden, BC, Msc Ray, D. 2003. Morphodynamics of gravel-bed rivers on alluvial fans in Queen charlotte Islands, BC, M.Sc. Reid, D. 2005 Low-flow hydraulic geometry of small steep mountain channels in southwestern British Columbia. MSc Nicol, T. 2007 Migration rate of confined meandering channels in western Canada. MSc Bauch, G. 2008 Flood regime and channel changes on Squamish River, southwestern British Columbia. MSc (b) In Progress Helmstetter, N. Internal bar structure of the wandering reach of lower Fraser River based on radar imagery. PhD 12. PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS Member of the Geological Society of America Fellow of the Geological Association of Canada Member of the American Geophysical Union Member of the Canadian Geomorphological Research Group Registered Professional Geoscientist (P.Geo), The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia (APEGBC) 7