Brochure Template (Microsoft Word)

Full scale
Model of the Mosaic
w w w . me s s i a h s m a n s i o n . c o m
- F o r mo r e i n f o r ma t i o n c a l l , "p h o n e n u mb e r h e r e "
- C h u r c h a n d s c h o o l g r o u p s w e l c o me
- F r e e t o u r a n d P a r k i n g - b r i n g t h e w h o l e f a mi l y
Messiah's Mansion's whole purpose is
centered around one main theme, and that is
the Gospel in symbols. This amazing
illustration of the plan of salvation shows
how it was demonstrated to ancient Israel
over 3,000 years ago.
- "t o u r d a t e s h e r e "
- "a d d r e s s o f s i t e h e r e "
T i c k e t t o t h e M e s s i a h 's M a n s i o n
D ir e c t io n s
di a g r a m h e r e
The Gospel in Symbols
Thousands have taken the sanctuary tour, and
have enjoyed the information about the plan of
salvation that was shared with them
You will be shown the symbols and how each
one brings to life events in the past, and events
prophesied for the future: the baptism, crucifixion, and resurrection of Christ, his ministry
in heaven, what he is doing right now in the
Heavenly sanctuary above, and what God
wants for our future.
The Gospel in Symbols
Great for the whole family!
Place Tour Dates Here
A full-scale model of
Moses' sanctuary- the
size you would have seen
if you were alive in the
days of Moses!
Station #3: The Holy Place
Station #5: The High Priest
The Messiah's Mansion tour is broken into
five sections, each lasting about 15 minuets. Groups as small as 1 and as large as 50
are guided by a tour guide through the
symbols and meanings of the sanctuary.
The last station focuses on the high priest's
garment, and the symbols found there. The
tour guide also uses the time to conclude
the tour and give opportunity for questions
and answers.
Station #1: The Overview
The guide explains the showbread, the altar
of incense, and the candlesticks, mingling
spiritual applications with symbolic explanations.
Station #4: The Most Holy Place
Coming soon to "City orcity
area here"
A basic overview is given in preparation of
the temple tour.
Formore information:
Station #2: The Courtyard
"Phone numberhere"
Free Admission
Free Parking
Using a guest as a volunteer, the guide
explains the symbolism of the alter of sacrifice and laver, and how these objects are
applied spiritually to our lives.
In this station, the guide explains the lessons and
symbols found in the most holy place. Here you
can see the Ark of the Covenant and its contents:
the Ten Commandments, the pot of Manna, and
Aarons Rod that budded.
Buses and church groups