AB2 45 Developing Contemporary Dance Technique Release NeYo

BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Performing Arts (DANCE)
Unit 45: Developing Contemporary Dance Technique
Assignment Brief 2 of 3
NeYo ‘So Sick’
Assessment Evidence
P1, M1, D1
P2, M2, D2
P3, M3, D3
P4, M4, D4
P5, M5, D5
P6, M6, D6
Date Set:
12th March 2014
Completion Date:
Mrs Harries
This unit is about developing contemporary dance technique giving learners the opportunity to gain a solid
foundation of skills in this style of dance. Learners will take part in regular technique classes in order to
develop the skills required to dance in a contemporary style.
As a dancer in training, for contemporary dance company, you must take part in contemporary dance
classes as part of your ongoing training schedule. These classes will develop your strength, control, balance,
flexibility, stamina and coordination. In particular you will focus on and develop an underpinning
knowledge and practical skills in a release based contemporary technique style.
You must be aware of your technical ability in order to evaluate your progress and improve. You will need
to have a professional approach to all activities, to understand your own strengths and weaknesses and be
able to learn how to evaluate your performance for future consideration.
The technique classes aim to give you a chance to recall combinations. These skills will be utilized when
learning and developing movement to NeYo’s ‘So Sick’ for a performance to an audience.
On completion of this unit a learner should:
1 Be able to demonstrate contemporary technique in classes
2 Be able to improve physical and interpretative skills
3 Be able to absorb and reproduce sequences of movement in class
4 Understand individual technical progress
Assessing Your Work
In order to pass this unit, the evidence that learners present for assessment needs to demonstrate that
they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria for a pass grade describes the
level of achievement required to pass this unit.
 You can meet all of the learning outcomes for the unit
 You achieve a minimum of a Pass grade for each Grading Criterion
The assessment criterion for the PASS grade describes the minimum level of achievement required
to pass this unit.
UNIT 45: Developing Contemporary Dance Technique: Grading Criteria
To achieve a Distinction grade
To achieve a Merit grade the
the evidence must show that the
evidence must show that the
learner is able to:
learner is able to:
To achieve a Pass grade the
evidence must show that
the learner is able to:
P1 Demonstrate self-discipline
within the majority of
technique classes
P2 Apply technical direction
and respond to corrections
P3 Demonstrate the
application of physical skills in
the execution of movement
P4 Apply interpretative skills
to the performance of class
P5 Demonstrate technical
phrases with only occasional
errors in action, dynamic,
rhythmic or spatial content
P6 Evaluate own technical
performance setting targets
with guidance.
M1 Demonstrate self-discipline
within technique classes
M2 Apply technical direction
and respond positively to
M3 Demonstrate the consistent
application of physical skills in
the execution of movement
M4 Apply appropriate
interpretative skills to the
performance of class work
M5 Demonstrate technical
phrases demonstrating
an awareness of action,
dynamic, rhythmic and spatial
M6 Evaluate own technical
performance setting
appropriate and achievable
targets with guidance.
D1 Demonstrate a highly
disciplined approach to
technique classes
D2 Apply direction and respond
to all corrections, general and
D3 Demonstrate the competent
use of physical skills in the
execution of movement phrases
with correct alignment
D4 Confidently apply appropriate
interpretative skills to the
performance of class work
D5 Demonstrate technique
phrases accurately and
D6 Thoroughly evaluate own
technical performance setting
focused and challenging
targets with minimal
Sources of Information
Unit 45: Developing Contemporary Dance Technique
TASK 1 – Technique Classes
Learning outcome 1: Be able to demonstrate
contemporary technique in classes.
Task 1 requires you to participate in
contemporary dance techniques classes with a
disciplined approach.
This includes:
 Attend at least 96% of classes (Autonomy)
 Being punctual (Autonomy)
 Wearing appropriate kit (fitted all blacks
and bare feet) (Autonomy)
 Responding to technical direction and any
other corrections (Engagement)
 Making the relevant changes in the body
 Building skills. (Engagement)
Key Terminology
Application: appropriate presentation; focus;
commitment; application of technical knowledge;
direction; corrections; self-discipline
Structure: warm-up; centre and floor exercises;
traveling; phrases/sequences/combinations; cool
Movement vocabulary: floor work; positions of
feet/arms; parallel/turnout; rotation of
spine/limbs; contraction and release; flexion;
extension; spiral/rotation; swings; plies; use of feet;
balance; elevation; traveling; shifting of body
 Register of attendance /punctuality and appropriate kit
 Tutor observations (feedback)
 Video recordings of classes
 Turn up to all lessons, appropriately dressed
 Respond to all technical direction and corrections.
 Complete a dancer’s log that documents what has been
learnt, technical directions given and the response to
corrections. (Autonomy) (Feedback) (Engagement)
Pass: You will be able to come to class correctly dressed and
work hard at your technique most of the time. You may also
listen to corrections trying to make the relevant changes in the
body but attempts are either limited or the corrections are not
fully understood.
Merit: You will be able to act appropriately in all classes being
consistent in your willingness to dance. To achieve the merit ,
you will be able to attempt most corrections with a degree of
success faltering with occasional mistakes when one or more
aspect is being corrected.
Distinction (Challenge): You will have a keenness to listen to all
corrections and directions given so that you can improve, making
yourself highly disciplined. To achieve the distinction, you will be
able to demonstrate a considered and successful approach to
making corrections and may ask for further assistance to achieve
the best you can, rehearsing outside of lesson time.
P1, M1, D1
P2, M2, D2
Independent enquirers: Evaluating your own and your peers
strengths and weaknesses. Rehearsing set movement phrases
Creative thinkers: Adapting movements learnt to a new facing
or timing. Sharing peer feedback
Reflective learners: Target setting for ways to improve physical
and interpretative skills. Re-evaluating targets and setting new
Team workers: Performing unison work in small groups.
Considering other dancers in the space during technique
classes. Reviewing work with other learners and agreeing ways
of improving collaborative work.
Self-managers: Pushing their own technical abilities in class
work. Being responsible for self discipline. Responding to tutor
direction and correction.
Effective participators: Identifying strengths and weaknesses
for improvement giving appropriate direction to peers.
Speaking and listening – make a range of
contributions to discussions. Listening to direction and
corrections from the tutor and peers having in group
discussions and peer conversations on strengths, weaknesses
and areas for improvement
Writing – write documents, communicating
information, producing written evaluations.
Unit 45: Developing Contemporary Dance Technique
TASK 2 – Performance of skills
Learning Outcome 2: Be able to improve
physical and interpretative skills
Task 2 requires you to learn and perform
movement phrases, sequences, and dance
pieces in a release based contemporary
style, with the use of developed physical and
interpretative skills.
 Tutor observations (feedback)
 Video recordings of classes and final performance
 Recordings that show an improvement in your physical and
interpretive skills.
 Complete dancers log that documents your development of
physical and interpretive skills, your strengths and continual
areas for improvement. (Autonomy) (Feedback) (Engagement)
You will perform sequences for assessment
of your improved skills throughout the term
and finally as a performance for an audience. Pass: You will produce a performance that recognisably reproduces the
original steps with some sense of technical detail. There may be some
inaccuracies but this does not detract from the overall performance.
Key Terminology
Merit: You will provide a performance that will be consistently watchable
Physical skills: posture; alignment; balance;
and with elements that make it memorable. There is engagement with
coordination; flexibility; strength; stamina; body
the material and an interpretation which works, although it may not
awareness; extension; contraction; rotation;
ability to reproduce movement accurately; whole necessarily be inspired or technically correct throughout.
body participation and or/isolation; application of Distinction (Challenge): You will have an unmistakable confidence in
dynamic range; placement of the feet; awareness everything you perform in assessment. Your performance will pay close
of centre.
attention to the full range of dynamics in the body, the correct
Interpretative skills: projection; focus; phrasing;
alignment, technical skill with focus and stylistic qualities of the
emphasis; rhythmic awareness; quality;
technique demonstrated with excellence.
musicality; dynamics; facial expression; timing;
use of breath; use of gravity; suspension
P3, M3, D3
P4, M4, D4
Independent enquirers: Evaluating your own and your
peers strengths and weaknesses. Rehearsing set
movement phrases independently.
Creative thinkers: Adapting movements learnt to a
new facing or timing. Sharing peer feedback
Reflective learners: Target setting for ways to improve
physical and interpretative skills. Re-evaluating targets
and setting new ones.
Team workers: Performing unison work in small
groups. Considering other dancers in the space during
technique classes. Reviewing work with other learners
and agreeing ways of improving collaborative work.
Self-managers: Pushing their own technical abilities in
class work. Being responsible for self discipline.
Responding to tutor direction and correction.
Effective participators: Identifying strengths and areas
for improvement giving appropriate direction to peers.
Speaking and listening – make a range of
contributions to discussions. Listening to direction
and corrections from the tutor and peers. Discussions
and peer conversations on strengths, weaknesses and
areas for improvement
Writing – write documents, communicating
information, producing written evaluations.
Unit 45: Developing Contemporary Dance Technique
TASK 3 – Movement Sequences
Learning Outcome 3: Be able to absorb and
reproduce sequences of movement in class
Task 3 requires you to reproduce technical
phrases that you will learn with accuracy in
all aspects. Dance Elements (Action/
Dynamics/ Space/Relationships)
Key Terminology
Movement phrases: formal exercises; phrases;
sequences; combinations of movement material;
travelling sequences; short set studies
Accurate reproduction: of order; body actions;
body shape; timing/phrasing/rhythm; use of
personal and stage space; dynamics
Movement memory: repetition; increased length
of phrases; practice
 Tutor observations (feedback)
 Video recordings of classes
 Additional rehearsals to those set in class. (Autonomy)
(Engagement) (Challenge)
 Complete dancers log that documents your development of
physical and interpretive skills, your strengths and continual
areas for improvement. (Autonomy) (Feedback) (Engagement)
Pass: You will be able to demonstrate the movement material with a
basic understanding of rhythm, dynamic and use of space. You may miss
counts, a cue or find it difficult to perform actions at the correct tempo.
You will perform the movements in a considered way but there may be
occasional errors.
Merit: You will be able to use the whole body, whether in isolation or
moving as a whole, to demonstrate clearly the timing and rhythm of the
material and the chosen dynamic.
Distinction (Challenge): You will have a true understanding of the correct
rhythm, dynamics and of the use of space. The rhythm will be shown
through the body. Distinction level learners will be able to perform
complex contemporary dance sequences confidently and accurately.
P5, M5, D5
Independent enquirers: Evaluating your own and your
peers strengths and weaknesses. Rehearsing set
movement phrases independently.
Creative thinkers: Adapting movements learnt to a
new facing or timing. Sharing peer feedback
Reflective learners: Target setting for ways to improve
physical and interpretative skills. Re-evaluating targets
and setting new ones.
Team workers: Performing unison work in small
groups. Considering other dancers in the space during
technique classes. Reviewing work with other learners
and agreeing ways of improving collaborative work.
Self-managers: Pushing their own technical abilities in
class work. Being responsible for self discipline.
Responding to tutor direction and correction.
Effective participators: Identifying strengths and areas
for improvement giving appropriate direction to peers.
Speaking and listening – make a range of
contributions to discussions. Listening to direction
and corrections from the tutor and peers. Discussions
and peer conversations on strengths, weaknesses and
areas for improvement
Writing – write documents, communicating
information, producing written evaluations.
Unit 45: Developing Contemporary Dance Technique
TASK 4 – Evaluating
Learning Outcome 3: Understand
individual technical progress
Task 4 requires you to understand your own
technical progress by evaluating your own
performance, making corrections and
further technical developments. You will
improve as a result of rehearsals, which can
be demonstrated in performance.
Key Terminology
Evaluation: self-assessment; strengths and
weaknesses; peer observation: tutor feedback
Improvement: identification of targets; setting
appropriate targets; rehearsal; repetition; reevaluation
 Tutor observations (feedback)
 Video recordings of classes
 Complete dancers log that documents your development of
physical and interpretive skills, your strengths and continual
areas for improvement. . (Autonomy) (Feedback) (Engagement)
 Your strengths and weaknesses and areas for improvement will
include SMART targets (Challenge)
 Improved technique through rehearsal.
 A detailed final evaluation of your performance (Challenge)
Pass: You will be able to list some of the weaknesses that need improving
and will have considered your strengths. You will be able to set some
targets that are achievable but these may not all be addressed in
rehearsal. Improvements will be made in performance but these may be
obvious or a fractional improvement. You may struggle with learning the
movements and need more time to absorb the material before you can
make corrections.
Merit: You will be able to evaluate your own performance and set targets
that you think can be achieved. In performance you will show
improvements that will have considered weaknesses and used rehearsal
time to achieve.
Distinction (Challenge): You will have a true understanding of what
improvements you need to make in rehearsal, having an awareness of
your strengths and weaknesses and setting targets that you can achieve.
These improvements will be obvious in performance as rehearsals will
have addressed nearly all corrections that needed to be made.
P6, M6, D6
Independent enquirers: Evaluating your own and your
peers strengths and weaknesses. Rehearsing set
movement phrases independently.
Creative thinkers: Adapting movements learnt to a
new facing or timing. Sharing peer feedback
Reflective learners: Target setting for ways to improve
physical and interpretative skills. Re-evaluating targets
and setting new ones.
Team workers: Performing unison work in small
groups. Considering other dancers in the space during
technique classes. Reviewing work with other learners
and agreeing ways of improving collaborative work.
Self-managers: Pushing their own technical abilities in
class work. Being responsible for self discipline.
Responding to tutor direction and correction.
Effective participators: Identifying strengths and areas
for improvement giving appropriate direction to peers.
Speaking and listening – make a range of
contributions to discussions. Listening to direction
and corrections from the tutor and peers. Discussions
and peer conversations on strengths, weaknesses and
areas for improvement
Writing – write documents, communicating
information, producing written evaluations.