Rubric for Poetry Interpretation

Rubric for Poetry Interpretation - Essay
Introduction of
The writer…
The writer…
The writer…
Conventions and
The writing…
Thoughtfully engages the
reader through presenting
the context – introducing
the poem and an insightful
angle through which the
writer will interpret it
Demonstrates a clear and
insightful understanding of
the poem - convinces the
reader by seamlessly
providing well-organized
presentation of relevant
details from the texts,
other texts, and personal
knowledge with clearly
stated inferences and
explanation; and a logical
closure to the essay
Demonstrates a thorough
understanding of the
appropriate academic
language – applies personal
insight and deep knowledge
of poetic language, style,
form, and structures to
support interpretation of
the poem
Demonstrates sentence
fluency and is relatively free
of surface errors in spelling,
punctuation, sentence, and
paragraphing errors.
Engages the read through
presenting the context –
introducing the poem and
the angle though which the
writer will interpret it
Introduces the reader to
the poem and the angle
through which the writer
will interpret it
Introduces the poem
Lacks an introduction or
not mention the tile of the
Demonstrates an
understanding of the poem –
supports the interpretation
through well-organized
presentation of references
of relevant details in the
poem, other text, and
personal knowledge with
transitional words and
stated inferences and
explanations about the
details; and a sense of
closure to the essay
understanding of the
appropriate academic
language – applies some
personal insight and a deep
knowledge of poetic
language, style, and
structures to support the
interpretation of the poem
Demonstrates sentence
fluency and contains few
surface errors.
Demonstrates a basic
understanding of the poem
– supports parts of the
interpretation with a
somewhat organized
presentation of references
to details from the poem
and/or through other
references; may shift to
more personal knowledge
and generally concludes
the essay.
Demonstrates some
understanding of the
poem – supports
comments about the
poem by generally
referring to the poem or
personal knowledge
and/or experiences and
may end the essay
abruptly with no warning
to the reader.
Demonstrates confusion
about the poem and
provides little or no
support for main points
about the poem with no
explanations and may end
the essay with no closing
Demonstrates a basic
understanding of the
appropriate academic
language – references
poetic language, style
and/or structures to
support interpretation of
Demonstrates some
understanding of the
appropriate academic
language – references
some poetic language,
style and/or structures
to support interpretation
of poem.
Does not use appropriate
academic language to
support interpretation of
Demonstrates surface
errors that are somewhat
distracting to the reader
but does not significantly
hinder the understanding
of the interpretation.
Demonstrates surface
errors that cause the
readers some confusion
about the interpretation.
Demonstrates surface
errors that hinder the
reader’s understanding of
the interpretation.
Rubric for Poetry – Open Response
The writer…
Voice/Word Choice
The writer…
The writing…
Provides a thorough
response to the question
with an insightful, clear,
complete, and accurate
explanation that
convinces the reader with
a seamlessly wellorganized presentation of
relevant details from the
texts with clearly stated
inferences and
Demonstrate a thorough
understanding of the
appropriate academic
language – applies
insightful knowledge of
poem’s theme, language,
style, form, and/or
structures to support
response to the question.
Demonstrates sentence
fluency and is relatively
free of surface errors in
spelling, punctuation,
sentence, and
paragraphing errors.
Provides an effective
response to the question
with a clear, complete,
and accurate
explanation that
convinces the reader
with a well-organized
presentation of relevant
details from the texts
with clearly stated
inferences and
Demonstrates adequate
understanding of the
appropriate academic
language – applies
knowledge of poem’s
theme, language, style,
and/or structures to
support the response to
the question.
Demonstrates sentence
fluency and contains few
surface errors.
Provides a response to the
question with an
explanation that makes
references to general
details from the poem and
may include some
Provides a response that is
a minimal explanation with
little or no general
references to details in the
poem and may include
some misinterpretations.
Provides a response that is
incorrect, irrelevant, or
contains insufficient
information to
Response may relate
minimally to the task.
Demonstrates a basic
understanding of the
appropriate academic
language – makes general
references to poem’s
theme, language, style
and/or structures to
support response to the
Demonstrates surface
errors that are somewhat
distracting to the reader
but do not significantly
hinder the understanding
of the interpretation.
Demonstrates limited
understanding of the
appropriate academic
language – makes little or
no reference to poem’s
theme, language, style
and/or structures to
support response to the
Demonstrates surface
errors that cause the
readers some confusion
about the interpretation.
Does not use appropriate
academic language to
support response to the
Demonstrates surface
errors that hinder the
reader’s understanding of
the interpretation.