“Connecting Thin Film Deposition to Growing Crystal Rock Candy” Crystal J. Woods, Algebra I, Conrad High School STEM Academy Dallas, TX TEKS Covered: A1.A, A.1B, A.1C, A.1D, A.1E, A.2C, A.2D, A.3A, A.3B, A.5A, A.5C, A.6A, 8.8C Real-World Connection: Growth of Thin Film Deposition: The process of growing layers of metal on a substrate or template. It serves one or multiple physical purposes including protection, decoration, conducting, reflection, data storage, insulation, etc. Introduction: Discussion of why crystals are important? Why are they used? How does the real world use them? What devices students use that involves the use of a crystal? Driving Question: A competition: Why should we buy your crystals? Each group will have to present all data (measurements used and why, graphs, tables, equations, and verbal description) and create an advertising ad as to why their product should be used? How can the solubility chart help you produce cost effective crystals? Objective: Students will be able to describe and understand a functional relationship in a variety of ways; analyze data from graphs to make predictions and decisions; measure the growth of the crystals; connect the growth rate of crystals to slope (rate of change); and make predictions and decisions regarding the growth of the rock candy. Parameters of Experiment: Temperature (Various) Amount of sugar (According to solubility chart) Type of sugar (white, brown, sweeter (sugar substitute), and corn syrup) Type of substrate (Wood and yarn) Materials Required: Water Salt Sugar, white (sucrose), brown sugar (sucrose), sugar substitute (dextrose), corn syrup (fructose) Food coloring Glass jar Beaker Bowl (ice) Skewer stick Yarn Wooden clothespin Hot plate Paper towels Measuring cups Solubility chart for sugar Thermometer Calipers Procedures for growing crystals: http://www.squidoo.com/makerockcandy http://chemistry.about.com/od/growingcrystals/Growing_Crystals.htm Engagement Sequence and Time Expectations: Day 1 Introduction, Discuss Competition, Discuss solubility chart of sugar, Supersaturated, and Review Crystal Growing Process Day 2 Students will start crystal growing process (Teacher will assist with using boiling water). Prepare container to grow crystals using all four types of sugar. Day 3 – Day 7 Students will individually record the assigned parameters of experiment. Day 8-11 Students prepare presentation (Within their assigned group, students will need to discuss each individual’s data collected and discuss how they are going to present the following: ****Required documents at the end of Crystal Growing Process: Journal Entries Day 1 through Day 7 (Monitoring Growth of Crystals) Collected data as a table Collected data as a graph Collected data as a functional relationship All justifications of measurements, predictions, and decisions made according to measurements and solubility chart of sugar Advertisement for their product Discoveries made during experiment Presentation styles (PowerPoints are encourage), but not mandatory Day 12-14 Groups will present crystal rock candy project Grouping: In your group of four, each student will be responsible for recording the following: Temperature (FOR EACH INDIVIDUAL SETUP) Color (FOR EACH INDIVIDUAL SETUP) Amount of sugar used (FOR EACH INDIVIDUAL SETUP) Amount of water used (FOR EACH INDIVIDUAL SETUP) Measurement: Original thickness of substrate (stick or yarn) Measurement: Thickness of crystals (DAILY*FOR EACH INDIVIDUAL SETUP) **** EACH STUDENT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINATAINING HIS OR HER JOURNAL FOR EACH PARAMETER. Extensions: All groups will analyze and determine what factors they can change to improve their product (i.e.…speeding up the growth of crystals) Each group will conduct a “world tour” of the other crystal products, analyze growth rate, and compare/contrast the results using the different parameters. Name ________________ Lab Sheet Data Group________________ Assigned Crystal Growing Process: (Setup 1) Type of Substrate: Type of Sugar: Amount of sugar used: Amount of water used: Any observations, discoveries, thoughts, and/or suggestions: (Setup 2) Type of Substrate: Type of Sugar: Amount of sugar used: Amount of water used: Any observations, discoveries, thoughts, and/or suggestions: (Setup 3) Type of Substrate: Type of Sugar: Amount of sugar used: Amount of water used: Any observations, discoveries, thoughts, and/or suggestions: (Setup 4) Type of Substrate: Type of Sugar: Amount of sugar used: Amount of water used: Any observations, discoveries, thoughts, and/or suggestions: Observations Preparation Day of solution Measurement (Thickness of stick or yarn): Day 1 after solution has been made Temperature: Color: Describe the amount of solution remaining in jar: Measurement: Thickness of Crystal: Other Observations: Day 2 after solution has been made Temperature: Color: Describe the amount of solution remaining in jar: Measurement: Thickness of Crystal: Other Observations: Day 3 after solution has been made Temperature: Color: Describe the amount of solution remaining in jar: Measurement: Thickness of Crystal: Other Observations: Day 4 after solution has been made Temperature: Color: Describe the amount of solution remaining in jar: Measurement: Thickness of Crystal: Other Observations: Day 5 after solution has been made Temperature: Color: Describe the amount of solution remaining in jar: Measurement: Thickness of Crystal: Other Observations: Day 6 after solution has been made Temperature: Color: Describe the amount of solution remaining in jar: Measurement: Thickness of Crystal: Other Observations: Day 7 after solution has been made Temperature: Color: Describe the amount of solution remaining in jar: Measurement: Thickness of Crystal: Other Observations: