BCBS 64th AGM Minutes - Boran Cattle Breeders Society

The Boran Cattle Breeders’ Society
Tel: +254 721 300 260
+254 723 307 714
Fax: +254 62 20 32911
E-mail: shaban@hudumaservices.com
Huduma Services,
P.O. Box 1731 – 10400,
Nanyuki – KENYA
Mr. Mark Myatt-Taylor
Woragus Ltd- Chairman
Mr. Sean Outram
Samburumburu Ltd (Sosian
Ranch) - Vice Chairman
Mr. Shaban Mwazondo
Huduma Services Ltd
Mr. Jimmy Brooks
Homa Lime Co Ltd
Mr. Gilfrid Powys
Suyian Ranch Ltd
Mrs. Rachel Wood
Olerai Ltd
Mr. Hugo Wood
Olerai Ltd
Mr. Stephen Hemsted
Kakuzi Ltd
Mrs. Elizabeth Coverdale
Mutamaiyu Ltd
10. Mr. Colin Tomlinson
Solio Ranch Ltd
11. Dr. Jeremy Ashworth
Antipest Ltd
12. Dr. Eric Owino Otieno
Mazao Yetu Ltd
13. Mr. Giles Prettejohn
Ol Pejeta Ranching
14. Mr. Nelson Rotich
Delamere Estate
15. Mrs. Nicky Myatt-Taylor
Woragus Ltd
16. Mr. Nick Day
Kamogi Ltd
17. Mr. Gordon Murray
Lolomarik Farm
18. Mr. Lawrence Yumbya
Southern Plantations
19. Mr. Chris Burt
Ol Naishu
20. Mr. Protus Ouma
Ol Jogi Ltd
21. Mr. David Hewett
22. Mr. Charlie Strachan
Segera Ltd
23. Mr. George Aggett
Kifuku Estate
24. Dr. Mutoki. K.
Kakuzi Ltd
25. Mr. Martin Evans
Redstart Ltd
26. Mr. Warren Evans
Redstart Ltd
27. Mr. Aidan Hartley
Tango Maos Ltd
28. Mr. C.B. Chirchir
Delamere & KLBO
29. Mrs. Ali Prettejohn
Ol Pejeta Ranching
30. Mr. Micah Kamau
Marula Estates
31. Mr. Joseph Loshobwa
Marula Estates
32. Mr. Ivan Tomlinson
ODL Ranch
33. Mr. Eddie Fernandes
34. Mr. Jackie Kenyon
Mogwooni Ltd
35. Mrs. Mandy Kenyon
Mogwooni Ltd
36. Ms. Ilona Gluecks
Suyian Ranch Ltd
37. Mr. Gary Hopcraft
Loldia Ndulele
38. Mrs. Bette Hopcraft
Loldia Ndulele
39. Mr. Donno Dunn
40. Mr. Renaldo Retief
Loldia Leshau
41. Ms. Jill Retief
Loldia Leshau
42. Mr. Tom Silvester
43. Mr. Rob Coverdale
Mutamaiyu Ltd
44. Mr. Michael Dyer
Borana Ranch
45. Mr. Lance Tomlinson
Lolldaiga Hills Ltd
JS- Malonye Farm
Mr. John Sitati
47. Mr. Victor Mbuthia
1. Mr. John Muthui - Ndiangui Nguyo & Associates
2. Dr. Akai - Essential Drugs Ltd
3. Ms. Esther Mwikali - Essential Drugs Ltd
4. Mr. Gideon Ndambuki - Essential Drugs Ltd
5. Dr. Kuho.J. - Bayer Animal Health
6. Dr. Benson Kibore - KEVEVAPI
7. Dr. Arina Odek - KEVEVAPI
8. Mr. Bruce Collins – Bayer Animal Health
9. Dr. Aoife McKeever - Antipest Ltd
10. Mr. Njuguna Wang’ombe - Norbrook East Africa Ltd
11. Ms. Mundia Caroline – Norbrook East Africa Ltd
12. Mr. Sama Onyango – Norbrook East Africa Ltd
13. Mr. Winston Gituku - Bimeda Ltd
14. Mr. Harrison Thuru – Bimeda Ltd
15. Mr. Edward Mwaura – Bimeda Ltd
16. Dr. Mario Younan - VSF Germany
17. Dr. Peterson Njiru - County Veterinary Services
18. Mr. D. Romney - Carbi
19. Mrs. Ann Kimaita - Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock & Fisheries
20. Dr. Abraham Sungula - FMD Laboratory Services
21. Ms. Gladys Wangechi - Individual
22. Dr. Moab .D. M. - Vet Department
23. Ms. Margaret Kireria - Information Nanyuki
24. Dr. Lakopien Argeo - World Vision
Members absent with Apology
1. Mr. John Weller
2. Ms. Janey Leakey
3. Mr. Nigel Leakey
4. Mrs. Tara Llewelyn
5. Mr. Bryn Llewelyn
6. Mr. Pat Smith
7. Mr. Ian Parker
8. Mr. Phillip Valentine
9. Mr. Simon Hodgson
10. Mrs. Janet Ulyate
11. Mr. Hamish Grant
12. Mr. Jamie Murray
13. Mr. Luke Edwards
14. Mr. Grev Gunson
15. Mr. Chris Reed
1. Welcome note by the host
2. To receive apologies
3. To confirm minutes and discuss matters arising
4. To receive Chairman’s report
5. To approve and adopt the accounts of the year ending 30th June 2014
6. Appoint auditors for the year July 2014 to June 2015
7. Elect office bearers
8. Reappoint committee members retiring by rotation
9. Speech from Mr. Gilfrid Powys
10. AOB
11. Speech and presentation from Antipest Ltd/Bayer
12. Speech and presentation from KEVEVAPI
1) Welcome note by the host
The meeting started at 9:40 am. Mr. Gilfrid Powys gave a warm welcome to all members
present at Suyian Ranch. He then invited all members for cattle and sheep viewing later
in the day after the AGM.
Mr. Shaban welcomed all members present for the 64th Boran Cattle Breeders Society
(BCBS) Annual General Meeting (AGM). He reminded members present about the
agenda of assigning and appointing officials for the society.
2) Apologies
Mr. Shaban read out the apologies as they are recorded above.
3) Confirmation of the minutes and matters Arising
Mr. Shaban handed over to Mr. Mark Myatt-Taylor, the outgoing Chairman to attend to
matters arising from the previous minutes. The Chairman asked if there were any matters
arising from the previous meeting, which all members in attendance were happy. Minutes
were confirmed on a proposal by Mr. Jimmy Brooks, seconded by Mr. Giles Prettejohn.
4) Chairman’s Report
The Chairman read out his report – see Appendix 1 attached.
The Chairman thanked Mr. Gilfrid Powys and the Suyian team for hosting the AGM.
 On behalf of BCBS, Mr. Taylor expressed condolences to the family of the late
Mr. Paul Epsom who sadly, passed away on 4th Jan 2014.
 Mr. Taylor mentioned that the June Ol Pejeta Ranch bi-annual sale was a success.
 Mr. Taylor informed the meeting that there were changes in the web domain host.
He invited all members to feel free to pass on articles and contribution that would
make the website interesting and on the same note passed his gratitude to Jimmy,
Shaban and Phillip for the good work.
 Registration of society - to obtain authority letter from the Director of Livestock,
Ministry of Agriculture, Kilimo House. The Chairman thanked Jimmy for his
efforts regarding the matter.
 Clarification of embryos by Mr. Giles Prettejohn.
 Finally, the Chairman thanked all BCBS members for their participation through
the year and he thanked the sponsors for their support. He noted an increase in
registration from 449 to 759 which is good sign for the society. He appreciated
the efforts of the Boran Inspectors and wished all a Merry Christmas and a Happy
New Year.
5) Approval and Adoption of accounts for the year ending 30th June 2014
Mr. Shaban invited Mr. Muthui BCBS auditor acting on behalf of Ndiang’ui Nguyo &
Associates to read through the accounts - see attached copy.
Mr. Muthui referred members to page 6 on income and expenditure, he pointed out a
decrease in 2014 income compared to 2013 due to no show activity. There was also a
decline in administrative cost.
Mr. Muthui referred members to page 7 on the balance sheet for cash and cash
equivalents for years 2013 and 2014 respectively. The account receivables for year 2013
were KES.1,532,500/- and KES.1,070,188/- for 2014. Shaban explained the receivables
were high due to safe keeping of funds at Homa Lime Company Ltd at KES.853,821.22/at the close of the financial year as of June 2014. The accounts were signed by the society
chairman on 1st December 2014.
Finally, Mr. Muthui referred members to page 5, paragraph 2 where he highlighted the
duty of the audit firm as signed by the Auditor Associates on 4th December 2014.
Mr. Kenyon sought clarification about the tax penalty in which Mr. Shaban explained it is
due to the late payment of tax on merchandise profit in the previous year. Mr. Outram
reminded Mr. Shaban and Mr. Muthui that the merchandise should be accounted for
under a separate line of income. Mr. Shaban responded by that he will circulate a separate
appendix breaking down income as necessary. Mr. Taylor seconded Mr. Outram that
there should be a separate accounting for the merchandise and other sales.
Mr. Prettejohn inquired why the embryo plus figure under receivables is so high. Mr.
Shaban responded as recorded in the previous meeting that funds will be utilized under
membership fee as highlighted in the previous meeting minutes.
6) Appointment of auditors for the year July 2014 to June 2015
Mr. Shaban enquired from members whether Ndiang’ui Associates should be reappointed
as the year’s financial auditors. Mr. Jackie Kenyon proposed that Ndiang’ui Associates
should be reappointed as auditors for the period July 2014 to June 2015. This proposal
was seconded by Mr. Giles Prettejohn.
7) To Re-appoint committee members retiring by Rotation
Mr. Giles Prettejohn was requested by Mr. Shaban to handle the election of members.
Mr. Prettejohn asked the members if they have any new suggestions on the appointment
of members, whereby all members agreed that the current officials should continue
holding their positions; on a proposal by Mr. Gilfrid Powys, seconded by Mr. Jackie
Mr. Prettejohn requested Mr. Taylor to remind members on the current committee
members, in which Mr. Taylor responded as per the list below:
1. Mr. David Stanley- Senior Executive Member
2. Mr. Mark Taylor –Chairman
3. Mr. Sean Outram –Vice Chairman
4. Messrs Huduma Services Ltd- Treasurer and Secretary
5. Mr. Jimmy Brooks – Vice Treasurer
6. Mr. Giles Prettejohn – Vice Secretary
7. Mr. Gilfrid Powys
8. Mr. Jackie Kenyon
9. Mr. Colin Tomlinson
10. Mr. Robin Stanley
11. Mr. Philip Valentine
The Chairman requested members to find a replacement of the Late Mr. Paul Epsom as
an executive committee member in which he proposed Mr. George Aggett and was
seconded by Mr. Prettejohn.
Mr. Mark Taylor, Mr. Sean Outram and Huduma Services Ltd were unanimously reelected as Chairman, Vice chairman, Treasurer and Secretary respectively.
The Chairman inquired if there should be any changes in the current committee members
and executive officials. It was unanimously agreed that the current committee should
remain in position for year 2014/2015. There was no necessity of increasing the
committee members
Mr. Shaban gave an opportunity to the officials to speak to the members present starting
with the Vice Treasurer Mr. Jimmy Brooks, Vice Secretary Mr. Giles Prettejohn, and
Vice Chairman Mr. Sean Outram.
 Mr. Brooks clarified that the Society funds are kept in a central deposit account
waiting for registration of society. Mr. Prettejohn appreciated the efforts of Mr.
Shaban and team and all members in contributing to the running of the society.
 Mr. Outram affirmed to Mr. Brooks and Mr. Prettejohn’s statements and added on
the SA embryo market in which he mentioned that members should be keen on
other markets in Africa as well. In addition he requested members for unity and
co-operation when it comes to selling the Boran embryos and breeds. He also
thanked the Suyian Ranch team for hosting the AGM and to all members for
turning up.
8) AOB
Mr. Gilfrid Powys requested for an update on Embryos progress. Mr. Giles Prettejohn
explained that the problem is with the market because SA is not ready to venture in
Kenya without the oil-based FMD vaccine. There has been a problem in differentiating
the vaccine and the disease as there is need for the new vaccine to identify the disease.
KEVEVAPI confirmed that trials for the new vaccine will begin in May 2015 and create
a way of negotiating for embryo exports.
Mr. Gilfird Powys also requested Mr. Jimmy for a brief report on the prospects of the
Brookside Livestock Show. Mr. Jimmy Brooks responded by stating that the 2015 show
has been called off due to complications with the ASK accompanied by their demands.
Mr. Jimmy Brooks clarified that Brookside has pulled out as sponsors. Mr. Brooks has
however been discussing with Mr. Muhoho Kenyatta on the possibility of providing
Sukari Ranch as an alternative venue for the show and raffles for the dairy cows to
encourage other livestock farmers to participate in the show. This is yet to be confirmed.
He assured members that in case of any progress communication will be made in due
time. Mr. Jackie Kenyon preferred members concentrating more on beef than dairy cows.
Mr. Mark Taylor reminded Mr. Brooks that in case the Cereal Growers Association
show happens, Boran Society should be represented in a tent to keep the Boran
interesting and recognized in the market. Mr. Brooks said he is speaking to Mr. Don
White on this matter.
Mr. Sean Outram asked if there are any signs of ASK or Brookside responding
positively in which Mr. Jimmy Brooks responded there are none so far. Mr. Sean also
suggested Ol Pejeta Ranching as a good site for consideration to hold the show; he was
seconded by Mr. Taylor. Mr. Jackie Kenyon opposed the idea due to the risk of losing
sponsors and the markets. Mr. Taylor admitted that it is necessary to have a site that will
welcome more sponsors and that is accessible to majority.
Mr. Jeremy Ashworth mentioned the importance of having serious livestock farmers
and asked for a joint livestock show in future to boost markets.
Mr. Mark Taylor suggested that all members should try and come up with a suitable
venue as Mr. Brooks makes a follow-up with Mr. Muhoho Kenyatta, and there will be
communication by next month on what will take place in 2015 for the members to
prepare early. Mr. Brooks seconded Mr. Taylor’s idea.
Mr. Jimmy Brooks briefed members about his meeting with John and Edwina Windley
from South Queensland who were among the members importing Borans from Zambia.
He explained that currently the Brahman breed in Australia has low fertility thus they are
looking for more fertile breeds from Boran and Red Poll. There are chances of embryo
transfers to Australia in the future. The Australians are also looking for Stabiliser breeds
and the current one has Boran blood in it.
9) Mr. Gilfrid Powys’ speech.
Mr. Gilfrid gave a speech on the history of Suyian ranch and the number of breeds he
accommodates in the ranch. The complete history is in the newsletter of 2014.
There was a one hour break to view Suyian Ranch Cattle
10) Presentation by Antipest Ltd
Session began with a presentation by Dr. Jeremy Ashworth and Dr. Aoife Mckeever from
Antipest Ltd and Bayer respectively.
Topic 1: Vital minerals: Options of Beef Cattle by Dr. Jeremy Ashworth
Dr. Ashworth explained to the members that there are locally available formulations
using products approved and licensed by the American and European government.
Topic 2: Calf Scours: Causes, Treatment and Prevention by Dr. Aoife McKeever.
11) Presentation by KEVEVAPI
FMD disease control and vaccine production
Dr. Benson Kibore gave a presentation on the common locations susceptible to FMD and
warned the members of fake vaccines in the market. A concern was raised by Mr. Gilfrid
Powys in which KEVEVAPI explained that further communications will be made once
the source of the fake vaccine is discovered, they assured that their products have a batch
number that is recognizable.
Mr. Mark Taylor thanked all members and sponsors for attending and Mr. Gilfrid
welcomed all members for lunch.
There being no other business the meeting ended at 14.00p.m.
Signature Chairman................................................. Date...................................
Signature Secretary.....................................................Date.................................