Exploring Civics Proficiency 4

 On your answer sheet, fill in the circle that corresponds to your answer for the multiple-choice
 Mark only one answer for each question.
 If you do not know the answer, make your best guess.
 Remember to answer ALL parts of the Constructed-Response question.
Multiple Choice
1. Lunch counter sit-ins and the actions of freedom riders are examples of:
a. steps taken in support of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
b. programs dealing with affirmative action.
c. violent acts by the Black Panthers.
d. nonviolent attempts to oppose segregation.
2. In recent years, which form of news media has gained the greatest importance in Presidential
a. Newspapers
b. Television
c. Radio
d. News magazines
3. Which statement best explains why critics have called for a change in the Electoral College
a. A person who did not receive the largest percentage of popular votes can be elected
b. The system is a threat to the two-party system.
c. Electors often vote for candidates not listed on the ballot.
d. States with small populations have greater influence on Presidential elections than more
populated states do.
4. In what way are political parties different from special-interest groups?
a. They campaign for candidates.
b. They nominate candidates for office.
c. They work on more significant political issues.
d. They raise money to support political causes.
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5. Sometimes the common good conflicts with individual rights. Which of the following is an
example of this?
a. A person is put in jail because she is guilty of a violent crime.
b. A person must move out of his house so that a highway can be built.
c. Schools are closed because of icy roads.
d. A community organizes to clean up a vacant lot.
6. What does the graph show about voting behavior?
a. A majority of Americans never vote in Presidential elections.
b. All eligible voters voted in the 1960 election.
c. Voter turnout generally declined from 1896 to 1988.
d. Fewer candidates have run for President since 1952.
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7. The changes shown in the chart above were most directly the result of the:
a. enactment of voting-reform laws by these southern states.
b. Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education.
c. passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
d. executive branch’s resistance to protecting the civil rights of minorities.
8. Members of a community have been arguing about the subject matter taught in the local high
school. This argument has led both sides to demonstrate outside city council meetings. Also,
one group staged a sit-in at the local board of education. Below are quotes from two citizens
who have different opinions about these protests.
Patrick: "Government's most important job is to maintain order and protect public safety. How
can elected officials ever do their work if people are criticizing them all the time?"
Elena: "I think it's important that people let their opinions be known. Protests are okay as long
as they are not violent."
The argument between Patrick and Elena shows a debate common in American politics. This
debate best reflects the conflict between:
a. the need to maintain order and the rights of individuals.
b. the will of the majority and the rights of the minority.
c. representative government and direct participatory democracy.
d. parental rights and governmental control of education.
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9. One may well ask, "How can you advocate breaking some laws and obeying others?" The
answer is found in the fact that there are two types of laws: There are just laws and there are
unjust laws. I would be the first to advocate obeying just laws. One has not only a legal but a
moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey
unjust laws. . . .”
— Martin Luther King, Jr., "Letter from Birmingham Jail," 1963
According to Martin Luther King, Jr., which of the following is an unjust law?
a. A law that requires people to pay taxes
b. A law that requires children to attend school
c. A law that requires segregation of the races
d. A law that punishes violent behavior
10. In the United States, labor unions, civil-rights groups, business associations, and environmental
organizations are all similar in that:
a. they try to influence public policy and get people elected.
b. they share the same ideas about political issues.
c. the federal government funds them all.
d. they have to pay state and federal taxes.
11. Which person, being at least 18 years old, is eligible to vote in a Presidential election?
a. A foreign national who works for the U.S. federal government
b. A resident alien who pays income taxes every year
c. An immigrant who has completed the naturalization process
d. An individual with a student visa who has graduated from a U.S. college
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12. Which statement helps to explain the data presented in the graph above?
a. Federal government has been growing much faster than state or local governments because
increasing numbers of people rely on the federal government for different services.
b. Local governments employ more people than do state or federal governments because local
governments meet the direct needs of so many people in so many different places.
c. State governments employ fewer people than do local governments because state
governments run much more efficiently than local governments.
d. Federal, state, and local governments have increased at the same rates over a 70-year
period because the system of federalism divides responsibilities among different levels of
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Constructed Response-- “Political Participation”
Write a well-organized essay that includes an introduction, several paragraphs addressing the task
below, and a conclusion.
Many have stated that in order for democracy to work, citizens must be involved. With an increasing
role of politics in government, one way for citizens to ensure that their voice is heard is to become
politically involved. Citizens can effectively make their voice heard through voting. Finding a candidate
that voters support is an important role in the political process. Political participation also includes a
variety of activities, roles, and involvement at the local, state, and national levels. Using your
knowledge of the political process, write an essay addressing the following two tasks.
 While most voters identify with a political party, they do not always vote for candidates from
that political party. Describe two factors, besides political party identification, that influence
voter preference.
 Explain two ways that democratic society benefits from citizens’ actively participating in the
political process.
In your essay, be sure to:
 address all aspects of the task.
 support the essay with relevant facts, examples, and details.
 use a clear plan of organization.
 include an introduction, supporting paragraphs, and a conclusion.
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Answer Key
1. D
2. B
3. A
4. C
5. B
6. C
7. B
8. A
9. C
10. A
11. C
12. C
Voting Rights
Political Behavior
Political Behavior
Voting Rights
Political Behavior
Voting Rights
Political Behavior
Constructed-Response Scoring Criteria
Students should write a persuasive response in which they construct an essay addressing the two tasks
of the prompt.
A. Describe two factors, besides political party identification, that influence voter preference:
Voter preference can be influenced in a multitude of ways. Voters, often, will not just use their
political-party affiliation as a means of determining the best candidate. Other factors play a
significant part in determining whom a voter will support. Some of these factors may include:
background of the candidate; influence from family and friends; socio-economic status;
economic situation during election time; individual situations (work, family, religion, gender,
sexual orientation, etc); values; a candidate’s stance on a certain political issue. Students should
go into further detail about any of the above factors.
B. Describe two ways that democratic society benefits from citizens actively participating in the
political process: An engaged citizenry helps maintain the values that keep a democracy strong.
Citizens participating in the political process ensure that the voice of the people is heard during
elections and legislative sessions. The will of the people truly is represented if citizens are
engaging in the political process. It holds elected officials accountable for their actions and
prevents abuses of power from occurring. Being involved in the political process can range from
voting to joining organizations that support causes or lobby for certain legislative changes.
Citizens can be involved in various ways, and it supports a democratic form of government.
Democracy can only be successful if citizens are involved in the political process. Democracy
relies on the concept of By the People, For the People. If citizens don’t become involved at the
local, state, or national level, then democracy would turn into a more autocratic form of
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Rubric for Constructed Response
 Shows a thorough understanding of the ways voter preferences are influenced
 Shows a thorough understanding of the ways society benefits from citizens actively participating in the
political process
 Thoroughly addresses both tasks with an in-depth explanation that may include: voters are influenced
by a variety of factors- stances on certain political issues, background of the candidate, influence from
family and friends, individual situations (work, family, religion), socio-economic factors, etc. Democratic
society benefits from active political participation by having an engaged citizenry that cares about the
values of a democratic society and the direction of the democracy; Political participation ensures that
democracy is functioning the way it should and prevents abuses of power or autocratic rule to occur
 Shows an ability to analyze the role political participation plays in a democratic society and amongst
voters. Shows an ability to analyze the relationship between citizens and the role they play in the
political process
 Supports essay with facts, relevant information, and examples
 Is a well-developed essay that has clear organization, i.e., introduction, supporting paragraph, and a
 Shows a good understanding of the ways voter preferences are influenced
 Shows a good understanding of the ways society benefits from citizens’ actively participating in the
political process
 Addresses the question, but may do so unevenly; manages to include some thoughtful analysis of how
political participation can impact voters and democracy
 Shows an ability to analyze the role of political participation, however, may do so unevenly or without
a lot of insight
 Includes some relevant facts, details, and examples
 Essay is developed and mostly organized
 Shows an understanding of what influences voter preferences
 Shows an understanding of the ways society benefits from citizens’ actively participating in the political
 Addresses the question in a limited way
 Shows some ability to analyze the role of political participation and voting preferences but not in any
depth and may solely on description, instead of analysis
 Includes few facts or examples
 Essay is somewhat organized.
 Shows a very limited understanding of what influences voter preferences; Shows a very limited
understanding of the ways society benefits from citizens’ actively participating in the political process
 Some attempt at addressing the question
 Develops a faulty or weak analysis of the role of political participation and voting preferences
 Includes little to no facts, examples, and details; contains inaccuracies
 Essay is poorly organized.
 Blank
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