3rd Int. FHB Symposium Szeged, Hungary, 2008 COMPARISON OF HEAVY METAL DEPOSITION BY LARGE SCALE BIOMONITORING IN EUROPE AND TROPICAL AFRICA (Cadmium accumulation and the physiology of the moss T. Ruralis under heavy metal treatment) 1 2 Gyula RABNECZ – Bea PAPP – György VEGVARY 1 2 3 3 Department of Botany and Plant Physiology, Szent István University, Páter K. u. 1, H-2100 GödöllÅ‘, Hungary, e-mail: rabnecz.gyula@mkk.szie.hu Department of Botany, Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest Department of Fruit Science, Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest Abstract: One objective of this research is to compare large scale air deposited heavy metals monitoring data from tropical Africa, early 20th century Hungary from herbarium materials, late 20th century’s data Hungary and the mean of the European survey. The other hand we seek the answers of the high heavy metal tolerance of these bioindicator plants in physiology level. Keywords: heavy metal, cadmium accumulation Introduction Heavy metals are more harmful to the environment due to the fact that they are not degradable but instead they accumulate in the food chain which is a potential risk for all living organisms. The main advantages in bioindication research the ability to accumulate heavy metals with high efficiency, low selectivity and high tolerance of these plants to different enviromental conditions (Pócs et al. 1987; Meenks et al. 1991; Csintalan et al. 2005).. Materials and methods The investigated areas, periods, sampling sites, species and digesting method for elemental analysis. Part … The species used were taken from The Hungarian National Museum were the ectohydric; Tortula ruralis (Hedw.), Brachytechium rutarbulum (Hedw.) and Hylocomium splendens (Hedw.). The species from East-Africa and Madagascar (81 samples) were the following; Hypnum cupressiforme (Hedw.), Hypnum aduncoides (Brid.), Bryum preusii (Broth). alysis were carrried as described in Tuba et al. 1994. The concentrations of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, V, Zn, Al, Fe and Pb in the digested samples were determined by ICP-AES (ICAP 61, Thermo Jarrel Ash, Franklin, MA, USA). Results and discussion Comparisons of the element contents between different sampling sites and periods By calculating the ratios of the mean of element concentrations between different plots we can get the differences as a percentage. This method renders it possible to estabilish the absolute differences between sampling sites and periods. The results are shown in Fig. 1. The highest difference in element content between the samples of late 20 th century Hungary and tropical samples were found in the case of Pb (more than 10 times higher value). The high toxical Cd shows 120% differences between late 20 th century Hungary and the means of European deposition. The highest differences (50%) were observed in the case of Cr content between the samples of late 20th century and early 20th century Hungary. Early 20th century samples from Hungary contained higher Cu 1 DOI: 10.1556/CRC.36.2008.Suppl.B.1 Vol. 36, 2008, Suppl. C Cereal Research Communications (70%) and Zn (41%) concentration than the mean of Europe. The percentage differences in Ni (140%) and V (200%) were the highest between late 20th century and early 20th century Hungarian samples. In the case of Fe were measured 5 times higher differences between the data from the tropical samples and the European mean. The Al concentration in tropical samples was 2,92 times higher than the data from the early 20th century Hungarian materials (data not shown). Table 1. Cd content (mg*g-1 dry weight) inside the moss by sequental elution technique. A = Intercellular soluble, B = Extracellular exchangeable, C = Intracellular(plus some acid-soluble), D = Particles, E = Total. SD mean the standard error, n = 7. Mosses treated with Cd three times Control Mean 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10-4M Cd Mean SD. 0.0400 0.0151 0.00 0.00 0.01659 0.0105 0.00 0.00 0.0601 0.0180 SD. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10-3M Cd Mean SD. 0.2466 0.0246 0.4286 0.1030 0.5067 0.1104 0.0080 0.0016 1.1899 0.1097 A B C D E Cd content and localisation inside the moss The Cd from inside the T. ruralis was sequental eluted and the fractions were measured. The method was used make possible the measurement of Cd concentration inside the plant. It appears that the cell wall (Extracellular exchangeable = B) makes barrier in higher Cd concentration only. 35% of the metal remained with the cell walls. It is 50% lower than other studies. It is less sufficient to protect the cell from metal uptake. Higher Cd cultured plants inner metal content did not differ significance from external sites. See Table 1. 1098 120 100 60 % % 80 1097 320 240 160 80 0 -80 -160 40 20 0 1 2 Ni, 3 4 V, 5 Pb, -20 6 1 2 Cd, Fe 3 4 Cr, 5 Cu, 6 Zn Figure 1. Ratios of the element concentrations in percentage between of different origins (areas and periods). 1: Hungary (1995–1997) minus material from early period of 20th century Hungary; 2: Hungary (1995–1997) minus tropical samples; 3: tropical samples minus early period of 20th century Hungary; 4: Hungary (1995– 1997) minus mean of Europe; 5: tropical samples minus mean of Europe; 6: early period of 20th century Hungary minus mean of Europe 2 3rd Int. FHB Symposium Szeged, Hungary, 2008 Conclusions Element content from different sites and periods: It is easy to follow the increase in element deposition as a consequence of industrialization as we compared data from tropical sites and early 20th century Hungary to other sites and periods. The unpolluted tropical areas contained less lead and zinc than the early 20th century samples from Hungary, but the chromium, aluminium and iron concentrations were higher in these samples. High zinc and lead values could be the consequance of the fact that the tropical samples originated from national parks and these areas have never been polluted by industry whereas at the beginning of the 20th century Hungary was relatively industrialized. Higher chromic, aluminium and iron content in the samples from tropical Africa can be explained by the origin of the plant materials. Some pollution occured by windblow dust from local soil or natural trace element cycling processes. Unfortunately, Hungary is the most polluted area among the four territories wich were investigated. This is particularly true in the case of lead (measured differences were 10 times higher than other areas). 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