Feb 27 Lenten Confirmation Service: “Relationships”

March 4th (March Forth)
Call to Worship:
L: We all come to this place with Walls in our lives. They seem
insurmountable and unbreakable
People: Lord, bring them down!
L: Our Walls surround our hearts and enclose us within
People: Lord, bring them down!
L: Our walls stand tall around what really matters to us. The
people in our lives, the treasures we hold within
People: Lord, bring them down!
L: Our walls are made of things meant to keep people away,
and outside of our true selves.
People: Lord, bring them down!
Song: Break Down the walls- Ross Lynch
(Jericho-ans milling around in front of the wall)
-Ethan F, Jadan, Drew G, Connor
Mackenzie- “The walls of Jericho stood tall. They enclosed the
people within who were unable to see how isolated and selfish
they had become. God wanted his people, the people of Joshua
to know just how limiting these walls were and sent two spies
to the city.”
(Mission impossible music, 2 spies (Josh and Sophia) come down
center aisle while Jericho-ans freeze in place)
Mackenzie: “The spies saw firsthand how these walls left the
people inside frozen in time, unable and unwilling to move
forward. The spies found one ray of light in the city, a woman
named Rahab (Karlene comes out)
She alone showed them hospitality and so the spies let her
know that she would be spared when the armies of Israel
would attack Jericho. God wanted these walls to come down.
You see, these walls were made up of all different kinds of
Judgment (Laney, Kenzie G)
Mackenzie: “this wall was made of judgment.” (Makenna
places judgment sign)
Cyber-bullying (Dennise, Jayden)
Mackenzie: “this wall was made of bullying.” (Makenna places
Put-Downs- (Jadan, Kelsey)
Mackenzie: “this wall was made of put-downs.” (Makenna
places sign)
Name-Calling- (Drew, Jayden)
Mackenzie: “this wall was made of name calling.” (Makenna
places sign)
Labels- (Jadan, Kenzie G)
Mackenzie: “this wall was made of labels.” (Makenna places
Mackenzie: “And so with the walls that had built for ages, and
with the spies having surveyed the city, the time came for the
walls to come down. Joshua and his army marched forth,
bringing with them a promise of God’s restoration.
(Skits happen again, but each time, Karlene interrupts and says,
“NO! This wall must come down” and the paper is ripped in half.
After a box has all paper off of it, it’s thrown down the stairs)
Testimonies: Aurora, Dennise, Kelsey
Offering: (Jennessa) “Part of what we hope in this church, is to
become a place where our walls have come down. We hope they
are knocked down and we can rebuild new foundation of trust,
love, and hope. During this process, we, ourselves, might get
knocked down, but we’ll get up again, trusting God and each other
to stand us upright. Let’s give back to the missions of God’s
kingdom now.”
Song: (Chumbawumba)
Prayer: Aurora
Closing Song: Build your kingdom (Will)