Lady Day - Mothers` Union

Lady Day
A new flower within us
Prayers and Reflections
To see a world in a grain of sand
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand
And eternity in an hour.
William Blake
Where are you bound, Mary, Mary?
Where are you bound, Mother of God?
Beauty is a dove, sitting on a sunlit bough,
Beauty is a prayer without the need of words.
Words are more than sounds
Falling off an empty tongue:
Let it be according to his word.
Mary heard the word spoken in her inmost heart.
Mary bore the word and held him in her arms.
Sorrow she has known,
Seeing him upon the cross
Greater joy to see him rise again.
Where are we all bound,
Carrying the Word of God?
Time and place are ours
To make his glory known.
Mary bore him first,
We will tell the whole wide world:
Let it be according to his word.
Copyright Kevin Mayhew Ltd., Buxhall, Stowmarket, Suffolk, IP14 3BW.
I believe that God is in me as the sun
is in the colour and fragrance of a flower – the
Light in my darkness, the Voice in my silence.
Helen Keller
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Bring flowers of the rarest
Bring blossoms the fairest
From garden and woodland and hillside and dale
Our hearts are swelling
Our glad voices telling
The praise of the loveliest flower of the vale.
O Mary we crown you with blossoms today.
Creator God, giver of the rose,
The source of beauty,
the promise of peace:
The renewal of love, the herald of life;
Flower again in our lives today.
Bloom in us with the power of the rose.
Come with its promise of
hope to the world.
We ask this in the name of Emmanuel,
Who is “God with us”. Amen
Dawn, Christ the perfect Day.
gate, but Christ the heavenly Way.
Root, but Christ the mystic Vine.
Grape, but Christ the Sacred Wine.
Corn-Sheaf, Christ the Living Bread.
Rose-Tree, Christ the Rose blood-red.
Fount, but Christ the cleansing Flood.
Chalice, but Christ the saving Blood.
Beacon, Christ the haven’s Rest.
Mirror, Christ the Vision blest.
Loving God,
You live in us and make us whole.
You call us your friends,
You guide us in new and unexpected ways.
You heal us and you hold us in your arms.
You chose Mary from the powerless
and unnoticed in the world,
Yet greatly loved and cherished in your sight,
That she should be the mother of our Saviour.
So fill us with your grace,
That we may accept the invitation of your Spirit.
Let us welcome your angel with open arms,
with joy and hope,
despite the pain we often have to face.
You live in us and you love in us,
With Mary we want to say yes Lord.
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