Weathering and Erosion


Weathering & Soil

• ___________ & its effects o ___________ processes that break down rock. o Sediments: sand, silt, & ___________ o Weathering ___________ the Earth’s surface.

• Mechanical Weathering o Occurs when ___________ are broken apart by physical processes.

• Caused by: o ___________ plants o Burrowing ___________ o ___________ ice

• Ice ___________ occurs where water enters cracks in rocks, freezes, & expands.

• As surface area increases, more rock is ___________ to be weathered.

Chemical Weathering o Chemicals ___________ the minerals in rocks or change them into different minerals. o Naturally formed acids can weather rocks ___________ o ___________ acid forms when Carbon dioxide mixes with water. The acid reacts with calcite in limestone to form caves. o Some roots & ___________plants give off acids that dissolve minerals in rock. o ___________ occurs when some materials are exposed to oxygen and water. (Rust)

Effects of Climate o Mechanical weathering occurs more in ___________ climates. o ___________ weathering occurs more in warm, wet climates. o Rock type can affect the ___________ of weathering in a particular climate.

• Soil

• ___________ of Soil o Weathering gradually ___________rocks into smaller and smaller fragments. o Plants and animals add organic matter to the rock ______________________.

• Soil is a ___________ of o Weathered ___________ o Decayed ___________ matter o ___________ fragments o Water o ___________

• ___________ for soil formation include: o Climate o ___________ o Types of ___________ o Types of vegetation o Length of ___________ that rock has been weathering

• Composition of Soil o Decayed organic matter turns into a dark-colored material called ___________. o Humus provides ___________ for plants. o Burrowing creatures mix humus with the other ___________ fragments.

• Soil ___________

• A ___________ (topsoil) o Can be covered by litter, organic material that will eventually become humus and helps ___________ erosion.

• B Horizon o ___________in color & contains less humus. o Leeching is the removal of minerals that have been ___________ by water.

o Water reacts with humus & carbon ___________ to form acid.

• C Horizon o Made of partially weathered rock and is found at the ___________ of a soil profile.

• Soil Types o Different types of ___________vary in color, depth, texture, & fertility. o The type of soil depen ds on the region’s ___________. o Deserts are dry, prairies are ___________, & temperate forests are mild & moist.

Soil ___________

• Soil – An Important Resource o Soil is eroded when it is moved to a new location by ___________ or water. o Soil erosion removes ___________ that is important for plant growth.

• Causes and ___________ of Soil Erosion o Human activities can ___________ the rate of soil erosion. o Soil erosion occurs rapidly on steep slopes and areas that are not covered by

___________. o Forest ___________ & overgrazing contribute to the rate at which erosion can occur.

• Preventing Soil Erosion o Farmers reduce erosion by planting ________ belts, using no-till farming, and planting cover crops after harvesting. o Contour farming and terracing are used to control erosion on ___________. o Rows of trees (___________) are planted on the plains to reduce erosion caused by wind.

Erosional Forces


• Wearing away of surface materials by __________, water, wind, or glaciers.

• __________- process where sediments are dropped by erosion agents as they lose energy.

• Mass movement occurs as __________ moves materials down a __________ as one large mass.

 Examples: Slumping, Creeping, Rock __________, & Mudflows

 Steep slopes can be made __________ with vegetation, drainage pipes, and walls of concrete or railroad ties.


• Large masses of ice and __________that slowly move on land causing erosion.

• __________- erosion process caused by moving glaciers picking up __________, gravel, & sand.

Scour & scrape the soil and __________

 Grooves & __________ indicate the direction a glacier moved.

• Glaciers __________ a mixture of different sized sediments (till) when they retreat.

 Moraine- a ridge, or __________, of deposit left at the end of a glacier.

Outwash- material deposited in layers by the __________ of a glacier, with largest pieces closer to the glacier.

 Eskers – __________ deposit formed as meltwater rivers within the ice deposit sand & gravel within their channels.

• Types of Glaciers

 Continental Glaciers-huge __________ of ice and snow that cover large areas of land.

Covers 10% of Earth near the poles. (__________ & Greenland)

 Ice Ages - periods of __________ glaciation over the last 2 to 3 million yrs.

 __________ than some mountain ranges.

 ____________________- exist in mountain ranges.

Cirques- bowl-shaped __________in the sides of mountains.

 Arête- a long _______ that forms when two valley glaciers __________ a mountain side-by-side.

Peaks- form when valley glaciers erode a __________ from several directions.

 __________ for med by glaciers are “U” shaped


• Scatters dust or __________ ash over thousands of kilometers.

• __________- wind removes small particles of loose sediment, leaving behind heavier materials.

• Abrasion- wind behaves like a __________ blowing sand grains against rocks __________ them down.

• __________– rows of trees planted to slow down wind in order to reduce erosion.

• Dunes – mounds of sediment __________ by wind.

__________ Erosion

Surface Water


• Rainwater that doesn’t __________ in to the ground or __________.

• Affected by:

 Amount of __________

 __________ of time it falls

Steepness, or __________, of the land

 __________of vegetation

Rivers & Streams

• River system –network of __________ & streams that come together to form a system.

• Drainage Basin- area of land from which a stream or river collects __________

 The __________ River __________basin is the largest in the United States

__________ River

Flows swiftly through a __________ valley.

 May have __________ & waterfalls.

 __________the bottom faster than the sides.

 “V” shaped __________

__________ Stream

 Flows __________ through the valley.

Erodes more on the sides.

 Forms __________ & oxbow lakes.

 Carves a flat, broad valley floor called a __________


Flows smoothly through a __________ it has carved.

 Delta – fan shaped area formed by sediments that are __________ as water empties into an ocean or lake.


– fan shaped area formed by sediments that are deposited as water empties from a mountain valley onto a flat open plain.


• Groundwater is water that soaks into the ground and collects in the __________ of the underlying soil.

• Soil and rock are __________ if water can pass through the pore spaces. (Sandstone)

• Soil and rock are impermeable if water cannot pass through the pore spaces. (__________)

• __________ – a layer of permeable rock that lets water move freely.

 Zone of Saturation: area where all the __________ are filled with water.

 Water Table: upper __________ of the zone of saturation.

• __________ are used to pump groundwater from an __________ to the surface.

 Artesian wells – wells that don’t require a pump because the water is under


 __________

– free flowing water because the water __________ is so close to the surface.


– hot spring that erupts __________, shooting water & steam into the air.

• __________are formed by Carbonic acid dissolving limestone rock, thereby enlarging cracks to form chambers.

 Stalactites

– Calcium __________ deposits that hang from a cave’s ceiling.

 __________ – Calcium carbonate deposits that form on a __________ floor.

• Other Features:

 __________ Straws

Cave __________

 Cave Pearls

 __________


__________ Shoreline

• Shoreline Forces

 Waves __________against pound against shores.

 Currents move sediments along the __________.

 __________ carry sediment out to sea & bring in new sediment.

• Rocky Shorelines

__________ & cliffs

• Sandy Beaches

 Beaches –deposits of sediments __________ to the shore.


– fragile sand deposits that parallel the shore but are __________ from the mainland.
