Theodore Roosevelt Chronology

Theodore Roosevelt Chronology
numbers in <brackets> are page numbers from:
(from 10/27/1858 to 9/13/1901):
The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt by Edmund Morris, Ballantine Books NYC 1979
(from 9/14/1901 to 3/4/1909):
Theodore Rex by Edmund Morris, Random House NYC 2001
(from 3/9/1909 to 1/18/1919):
T.R – The Last Romantic by H.W. Brands, Basic Books NYC 1997
10/27/58 - 7:45 pm - NYC - BORN <32>
Fall 1861 - father left home, sadness & lots of illness <40> ill health (asthma) from
Summer 1862 - father visit, very happy <41>
Spring 1863 - summer home (Luantaka) - loved it <45>, returned 4 years
1866? - found dead seal, sparked life-long interest in natural history <46>
Summer 1868 - At new summer place, began keeping diary <49> health not good
Also TR’s mother was losing her mind <49> (since end of Civil War)
5/12/1869 - Trip to Europe <49-50> over a year’s duration
5/21/69 - arrival in England <51> sick the whole trip
7/13/69 - arrival in Antwerp <51>
9/9/69 - Switzerland => Italy <52>
9/20/69 - collapsed from exhaustion <53>
10/17/69 - Dresden <53>
10/28/69 - Cologne <54> birthday
12/6/69 - 1st mountain climb in months <55>
12/31/69 - climbed Vesuvius <55>
3/10/70 - back to Paris <56>
late 4/70 - left for England, sister Bamie remained in France <56>
5/14/70 - left Europe <57>
5/24/70 - Return to U.S. <50>
summer 1870 - at summer home, returned NYC late 9/70 <60>
about this time - in promise to father - began working out to build his body and
health <60> … by summer 1871 was no longer ill <61>
winter-spring 1871-72 - took up taxidermy <61>
summer 1872 - rec’d first gun (present from father) <62>
about this time rec’d first set of eyeglasses, which opened up his world <62>.
Also late summer 1872 humiliation by bullies made him take up boxing <63>
10/16/72 - trip to Europe, Egypt, Palestine <63>
11/28/72 - arrival in Egypt <64>
12/12/72 - left Cairo for cruise up Nile <66>
Xmas 72 - rec’d shotgun as present <66>
early 73 - Palestine, Lebanon, Greece, Turkey <68-9>
5/14/73 - left for Germany to spend summer w/ German family <70>
late 10/73 - return from Europe <73>
11/5/73 - arrived NYC <74> new tutor, new studies <75> also new house
spring 74 - went to country home <75> new, permanent country home Oyster Bay
8/74 - birding in Adirondacks <90>
7/75 - Harvard entrance exams - did excellently <76>
by late 1875 health was much, much better <77>
summer 1876 - intimacy between TR & Edith <78> had an understanding <79>
10/26/76 - insulted at political rally <82> 1st political involvement <82>
9/76 - entered Harvard - moved in 9/27/76 <85-6>
2/77 - measles <89>
6/21/77 - end of college year <90> went to woods
mid 7/77 - joined family at Oyster Bay <90>
end 7/77 - published 1st printed work (Birds of Adirondacks) <90-1>
late summer 77 - conversation with father determines him to be scientist <92>
9/77 - return to Harvard <92>
10-12/77 - TR’s father caught in political intrigue, collapses <93-4>
Xmas 77 - TR father recovered <94>
2/9/78 - telegram father ill, come NYC <94-5> FATHER DIED
depressed for months, til at least late 4/95
2/23/78 - return to Harvard after funeral <96> inherited $8000 / year
5/1/78 - end of depression <95>
late 5/78 - sick <97>
6/5/78 - return to NYC <97>
8/22/78 - fight with Edith <98> paved way for Alice Lee
9/7/78 - trip to northern Maine w/Bill Sewall (became his mentor) <99>
9/22/78 - return to Harvard, offered Porcellian <100>
10/6/78 - chose Porcellian Club over AD <101>
10/18/78 - 1st invitation to Saltonstalls <101> Met Alice Lee <102-4>
11/2/78 - initiated into Porcellian <102>
11/11/78 - 2nd visit to Saltonstalls … Alice Lee <103>
11/28/78 - visiting Saltonstalls <103>, decided to marry Alice <106>
2/79 - 1st public speech <109> getting into politics, Alice Lee’s influence <110>
3/1/79 - Maine trip w/ Bill Sewall <110> met Wilmot Dowell (became friends)
mid 3/79 - return Harvard from backwoods Maine <112>
3/22/79 - boxing competition <112> got beaten in front of Alice <113>
5/13/79 - riding accident <114>
6/20/79 - Junior year class day, proposed to Alice, she rejected him <115>
8/16/79 - rec’d grades, did very well <116>
this summer finally gave up idea of science career in favor of politics
late 8/79 - visit w/Alice en route to Maine <117>
climbed highest mountain in Maine, proved toughness <118>
9/24/79 - return to Boston after Maine adventure <118>
9/26/79 - visit to Alice in dog cart <120> something amiss vis a vis Alice <120>
early 11/79 - definite negative feelings from Alice <121> depressed him
11/2/79 - Lees visit Roosevelts in NYC <121>
11/17-18/79 - Roosevelts feted by Lees in Boston <121>
11/22/79 - luncheon for Lees at Harvard Club <121>
11/27/79 - Thanksgiving, Alice as negative as ever <122> depressed him
winter 79 - began writing “Naval War of 1812” <122> in melancholy due to Alice
12/22/79 - return to NYC for Xmas <122>
12/26/79 - Alice visit NYC <123> made him optimistic
she stayed a week, aroused his hopes <123>
1/25/80 - Alice consented to marry him <123>
2/14/80 - engagement announced <124>
early 3/80 - Lees agree to wedding fall 1880, as he had hoped <125>
spring 80, in love, decided to study law in preparation for politics <127>
6/30/80 - graduated Harvard magna cum laude <128>
3/26/80 - medical exam revealed week heart <129>
7 / 1-10/80 - Alice joined TR at Oyster Bay <129>
7/20/80 - trip w/Alice et. al. to Bar Harbor Maine <130>
8/16/80 - trip out west to hunt w/brother Elliot <131> saw his brother was alcoholic
9/29/80 - return to NYC, thence to Boston and Alice <132>
10/27/80 - MARRIAGE <133-35>
11/13/80 - moved into NYC home <137>
11/17/80 - entered Colombia Law School <137>
12/8/80 - sister Corinne’s coming out party <141
winter 1880-81 began hanging out at local Republican Club <142>
winter-spring 1881 began writing Naval War of 1812 <139-40> begun year
early 4/81 - Republican primary
5/5/81 - defeated by Republican regulars <145>
5/12/81 - embarked honeymoon <145> Alice sick all voyage
5/21/81 - arrived Ireland <146>
5/31/81 - arrived England <146> thence France & Italy
early 7/81 - Garfield assassination has repercussions for TR <146-7> in Austria &
8/5/81 - scaled Matterhorn <148>
9/10/81 - in Liverpool for return voyage <149>
10/2/81 - arrived NYC <149>
10/6 - 11/8/81 - politicking <149>
10/24/81 - protest speech at Republican meeting <149> impresses bosses <151>
10/28/81 - nominated for Assembly <151>
11/9/81 - WON ASSEMBLY <153>
11-12/81 - working on Naval War of 1812 <154>
12/31/81 - Naval War of 1812 submitted to publisher <154>
1/2/82 - Arrived Albany <159> unpacked & threw himself into politics <161-2>
his first impression of politics was very negative <164>
1/7-8/82 - back in NYC complaining of his fate
11/9/82 - back in Albany, met Isaac Hunt <165>
1/24/82 - 1st address to Assembly <167>, made good impression <168>
2/14/82 - TR placed on Cities committee <169> within 2 days introduced 4 bills
2/21/82 - legislative fight, he won <171>
early 3/82 - municipal elevated bill, a loss for TR <172>
late 3/82 - corrupt judge investigation <173-4>
3/29/82 - moved for investigation <174> like taking on Goliath, a bombshell
4/5/82 - demanded immediate debate on investigation <175>
4/5/82 - TR attack on Jay Gould surprises everyone <175>
4/8-9-/82 - maneuvering to force vote <176-8> good newspaper publicity
4/12/82 - public outcry forces vote in TR’s favor <178>
5/30/82 - Judiciary Committee report recommended impeachment <180> but Committee
members bribed to change votes <180> TR angered <181>
6/2/82 - end of Assembly session <181> return NYC
6/3/82 - Oyster Bay <181>
10/82 - moved into home <189>
11/14/82 - re-elected by record 2 to 1 majority
1/1/83 - nominated for Republican candidate speaker of Assembly <184> approved by
1/2/83 - lost speaker election to Democrat <186>
early 1/83 - Governor Cleveland called on TR to push Civil Service Reform <188>
3/8/83 - angry speech, first political major blunder, embarrasses even his friends <192-4>
4/9/83 - speech on Civil Service Reform bill <195>
by end of Assembly session recovered former influence; more self-assured now
5/4/83 - Civil Service Reform bill passed <196>
5/28/83 - speech at Free Trade Club <197> met Henry George <342> met Gorrange
Gorrange idea of trip to Dakota to hunt .. beginning of interest in the West <198>
spring 1883 - Alice pregnant, began planning house to build Oyster Bay <198>
summer 1883 very sick <199> took cure early 7/83 in Catskills <199>
early 8/83 - return from cure to Oyster Bay <200>
9/3/83 - 1st TRIP WEST (Gorrange backed out so TR went alone) <200>
9/8/83 - arrived Little Missouri Badlands, sleazy hotel <203-4>
“Here the romance of my life began.” <214-16> idea of going into cattle business
9/18/83 - proposed cattle deal to cowboys <221>
9/20/83 - finally killed 1st buffalo, berserk with joy <224>
9/21/83 - end of hunt, return to Little Missouri <225>
11/6/83 - re-elected State Assembly <228>
12/31/83 - nominated for speaker of Assembly <227> but lost election <230>
this was a bad defeat <230> but he turned it to advantage <231>
1/11/84 - introduced 3 anti-machine bills <232>
1/15/84 - launched investigation into corruption in NYC <235>
1/19/84 - corruption hearings opened <235> this investigation languished
2/5/84 - speech on anti-machine bill creates sensation <233> bill passed <235>
2/12/84 - BIRTH OF DAUGHTER <240> he was away at Albany
2/13/84 - rec’d telegram both mother & wife dying <240>
stunned, dazed, blotted Alice out of his mind thenceforth. Mansion sold, had to
move out by end 4/84. Threw himself into work to forget <249-50>
2/16/84 - funerals <243>
2/17/84 - Baby Lee christened
2/18/84 - return to Albany <248>
3/1/84 - contracted to build dream house Oyster Bay <249>
late 3/84 - uproar over TR’s reform bills, but they pass <251>
4/22/84 - went to state Republican convention to manipulate <252>
4/23/84 - won delegate-at-large status via manipulations <253> he controlled the
<254>, rubbed it in his opponents’ faces <255>
This convention was a triumph but broke relationship with old friends; had
outgrown them
4/24/84 - return Albany
end 4/84 - broke with Grover Cleveland (who vetoed his bills) <257>
5/31/84 - Republican national convention, met Henry Cabot Lodge <259, 262ff>
6/7/84 - left convention for Dakota <268>
6/17-22/84 - five days in wilderness; refreshing <273-4>
6/23/84 - met Marquis de Mores <275>
6/24/84 - found perfect spot to build house <277> bought it within a few days <278>
6/26/84 - trip to Montana w/Marquis <278>
7/1/84 - left Medora for NYC <278>
7/19/84 - announced support for Blaine <280> out of solidarity w/Lodge. This brought
attacks from former reform allies.
7/22/84 - left NYC for west w/Sewall & Dow <281>
8/1/84 - arrived Dakota
8/18/84 - left on bear hunting trip to Wyoming <282>
8/15/84 - conflict w/Marquis over right to his land <284>
8/18 - 9/17/84 - hunting trip, killing animals <286>
9/13/84 - killed grizzly bear <287-8>
10/6/84 - forced Marquis’ bully to back down <288>
10/7/84 - left for NYC
10/11/84 in NYC
10-11/84 stumped for Blaine (a mistake) <290>
11/4/84 - election, Cleveland won; soon after TR returned Dakota <292>
12/20/84 - returned east <297>
1-2/1985 wrote about his adventures <297>
3/8/85 - Hunting Trips of a Ranchman finished & sent to printer <297>
late 3 - early 4/85 - sick <300>
4/14/85 - finally left for Dakota <300>
early 7/85 - Hunting Trips published <298>
April 1885 - Elkhorn ranch building completed <300>
5/5/85 - newly purchased herd of cattle arrived <301>
all May 1885 - cowboying <302> 5 week roundup til 6/20/85 <303>
this experience changed and matured him <303> physically powerful
6/27/85 - arrived Oyster Bay, house almost finished <303> named it Sagamore Hill
8 weeks summer 1885 - rest, 1st relaxation in 2 years <304>
8/8/85 - went NYC for Grant’s funeral <305>
8/22/85 - left NYC for Dakota <305>
8/25/85 - returned Medora <306> Marquis indicted for murder
9/5/85 - his stockmen’s meeting <306> rec’d death threat from Marquis <308>
9/8/85 - Marquis backs down on death threat <309>
early fall 1885 - confrontation with Indians <311>
9/16/85 - visit to Marquis in jail <312> en route east to Republican State convention
early October 1885 - fell in love with Edith Carow (childhood sweetheart) <313>
11/17/85 - proposed marriage to Edith - she accepted <314>
fall 1885 - hunting to hounds at Sagamore Hill <314>
10/26/85 - horse threw him, broke arm & smashed face <315>
winter 1885-86 - socializing w/Edith <320>
February 1886 - Henry Cabot Lodge gets him job writing bio of Thomas Hart Benton
3/15/86 - left NYC for Medora <321>
3/19/86 - arrival Medora <321>
3/24/86 - boat stolen (beginning of chase after thieves) <322> built boat to chase thieves
began writing Thomas Hart Benton while waiting for new boat to be built <323>
3/30/86 - started downriver after thieves <324>
4/1/86 - caught up to thieves <326>
4/11/86 - brought thieves to sheriff’s office after grueling trek <329>
4/12/86 - return to Medora <330>
4/13/86 - chaired stockman’s association meeting <330>
5/21-6/19/86 - round-up <331> by end of June finished writing Benton bio <331,335>
7/4/86 - orator at 110th anniversary U.S. independence <336>
7/7/86 - left for NYC to take Board of Health job <337> which fell through
7/28/86 - return to Dakota <338>
8/5/86 - arrival in Medora, letter from Edith confirming December wedding <338>
trial of boat thieves in Mandan <338> feeling guilty about Alice <338>
also border clashes w/Mexico inspires him to raise volunteer regiment of cowboys
8/21-9/18/86 - shooting expedition to Idaho <339> didn’t enjoy it much
on return to Medora, newspaper gossip over his secret engagement to Edith
Sewall & Dow (his foremen) threaten to quit <340> losing money, losing his
enthusiasm for ranching
end 9/86 - return east
10/15/86 - Republican county convention to select mayor candidate <342> threat of 3rd
asked to accept mayor candidacy; very surprised <345>; pretty sure he would
lose <347>
10/27/86 - nominated for mayor <348>
10/29/86 - campaigning <352-3>
11/2/86 - lost election (came in 3rd) <356-7> very low vote, very disappointing to him
11/6/86 - sailed for England <358>
11/7/86 - met Cecil Spring-Rice 1st time <358> became his best man & very good friend
11/13/86 - arrived Liverpool <359>
was wined & dined in England by Spring-Rice’s connections <359>
12/2/86 - MARRIAGE to Edith <359>
winter 1886-87 wiped out all cattle in Dakota
3/28/87 - return to NYC with Edith <368> she got pregnant immediately
some problems between Edith & Bamie over custody of the baby <370-1>
4/4/87 - left for Dakota to survey his losses <371-2>
4/16/87 - stockman’s association meeting <372>
4/22/87 - left Dakota for NYC devastated <373> now poor <374>
political outlook bleak for now; would have to write for money
5/11/87 - guest of honor at banquet <375> made antagonistic speech <377>
early 6/87 - began writing 4th book, Gouverneur Morris <378> finished 9/4/87 <379>
9/13/87 - BIRTH OF 1ST SON, TED <381>
early 11/87 - trip to Dakota to hunt <382> no game; became conservationist <383>
12/8/87 - return NYC <383> immediately held conservation meeting <383>
foundation of the Boone & Crocket Club <384>
1/15/88 - began magnum opus Winning the West <387> took 7 years to complete
mid 3/88 - rec’d contract from publisher for Winning the West <388> & began
researching it
5/1/88 - began actual writing of Winning the West <388>
was writing, not politicking, all 1888 <389>
late 8-9/88 - hunting trip to Idaho <390>
10/5/88 - return to Sagamore Hill & writing work <390>
10/7/88 - whistlestop speaking tour on behalf of Republican candidate Harrison <390>
Xmas 1888 - finished volume I of Winning the West <391>
4/1/89 - finished volume II of Winning the West <391>
4/27/89 - Lodge brought him appointment as Civil Service Commissioner <392>
5/89 - Edith pregnant again <397>
5/13/89 - arrived in Washington DC <397>
5/14/89 - met president & cabinet (his erstwhile opponents) <401>
5/20/89 - trip to NYC; uncovered corruption in Civil Service exams <402>
6/17/89 - trip to Great Lakes <402>
Winning the West published now; received very favorable reviews <404>
6/18/89 - Indianapolis, attacked President Harrison’s friend in his home town <403>
6/20/89 - Milwaukee, investigating Post Office corruption <403>
early 7/89 - Wanamaker attacked him on his crusading work … <406>
7/10/89 - … but President Harrison backed him up <406> Case dragged on for a month
7/28/89 - savage press attack <407>
8/5/89 - summoned to White House <408> he lost, left for west to hunt
early 8/89 - attacked by grizzly bear, almost killed <410>
fall 1889 was a literary celebrity due to Winning the West <410>
10/10/89 - BIRTH OF 2ND SON, KERMIT <412> immediately left Washington for NYC
late 10/89 - working on report to exonerate himself from attackers <412>
end 10/89 - return Washington, rented house <412>
11/14/89 - submitted report to White House <412>
12/4/89 - President Harrison approved his report! <413>
Xmas 1889 - Sagamore Hill with Edith & family <413>
after Xmas 1889 - whole family moved to DC <413>
12/30/89 - delivered paper to American Historical Assn. <413>
1/1/90 - New Years’ reception at White House <413>
winter 1890 very sociable time in Washington <416-7>
1/27/90 - Congress appoints committee of his enemies to investigate him <418>
2/19/90 - hearings begin
2/28/90 - TR’s case investigated <419> vilified in press
3/1/90 - continued attacks during hearing <420>
3/7/90 - hearings end, TR exonerated <422>
around this time began to covet presidency <422>
5/10-11/90 - read Mahan’s book on Sea Power <424> real eye-opener for him rest of life
6/13/90 - finally report issued exonerating TR <425>
early 8/90 - finished writing history of New York <425>
9/1/90 - trip to Yellowstone & Medora w/family <425>
early 10/90 - returned Washington, met w/Harrison <426> who was frigid & rude
January 1991 - brother Elliott drinking self to death; now about to have bastard son
this really angered TR <431> also lots of attacks in Congress, culminating 2/14/91
3/24/91 - asked to investigate President Harrison’s supporters in Maryland <433>
3/30/91 - arrived Baltimore <434> issued report
4/1/91 - severely attacked by his party <435> President very angry at him
4/4/91 - Harrison sends TR message to dilute his report <435>
4/91 - wrote brilliant report <437> also now rec’d lying letter from brother
denying he
was father of bastard; 5/91 - Elliott went wild & angered TR in extreme
summer 1891 - pretty bad time all summer <443> all year <445>
6/7/91 - wrote letter to sister to cut Elliott off completely <438>
6/8/91 - letter from sister saying Elliott has d.t.’s <439> every letter worse news
6/91 - this plus still unreleased Baltimore report depressed him <440>
7/1/91 - bad meeting with President Harrison <441>
7/3/91 - left DC for Sagamore Hill <441> bad news, cousin killed & bastard’s mother
by end of July 1991 bastard’s mother paid off which ended threat of scandal
8/4/91 - sent advance copies of Baltimore report to administration <442>
8/17/91 - scandal of brother’s insanity broke in newspapers <442>
8/13/91 - BIRTH OF ETHEL <443> his 4th child, 2nd daughter
end 8/91 - left for Medora and Rockies <443>
10/10/91 - returned to DC to face fight w/Administration <443>
late 11/91 - severe bronchitis <445> through 12/91 really beat
1/9/92 - sailed to Europe to confront Elliott <445>
1/21/92 - “good” interview w/Elliott
1/27/92 - sailed back to US <446>
2/7/92 - returned DC <446> called to investigation in Kentucky
3/8/92 - Civil Service Reform Assoc. meeting suggests he call for a House investigation
3/92 - investigative trip to Kentucky <447>
early 4/92 - hunting at friend’s ranch in Texas <448>
4/19/92 - House votes to investigate TR’s allegations <448>
4/25/92 - Wanamaker’s whitewash testimony contradicts TR <449>
5/2/92 - TR’s rebuttal <449> permitted to see Wanamaker’s report, enraged him <45051>
5/25/92 - TR’s attack on Wanamaker <451> completely vindicated TR <452>
6/22/92 - House report condemned Wanamaker <452> triumph for TR
(this was main reason Harrison lost to Cleveland in ’92) <452>
summer 1892 - spent writing <453>
early 8/92 - trip to Dakota
8/25/92 - guest of honor at cowboy meeting <454>
9/92 - toured Indian reservations <454> shocked him, became more sympathetic to
11/8/92 - Cleveland beat Harrison <455>
12/7/92 - Elliott’s wife died of diptheria <456>
5/15/93 - Chicago World’s Fair <460>
Panic of 1893 hurt TR financially <471>
Late 1893 - published Wilderness Hunter (his best book) <471>
winter-spring 1894 - writing volumes 3 & 4 of Winning the West <471>
4/10/1894 - BIRTH OF SON <472>
1st week 8/94 - offered NYC mayorality <473>
8/13/94 - telegram brother Elliott very ill <474>
8/14/94 - Elliott died <474> really broke TR up, cried like a child
9/4/94 - left for hunting trip out west <474> depressed & ill, returned after 2 weeks
at Edith’s urging decided not to run for mayor (regretted this decision) <475>
10/94 - returned to work at Civil Service demoralized <475>
12/94 - sick for week w/bronchitis <475>
12/23/94 - new mayor NYC offered him Street Cleaning Commissioner. Declined <476>
1/95 - partying and socializing <476>
3/7/95 - met Rudyard Kipling, became friends <476>
4/3/95 - decided for NYC Police Commissioner job <478>
4/17/95 - rec’d appointment NYC Police Commissoner <478>
5/6/95 - sworn in <482> met Lincoln Steffens (who, w/Jacob Riis, became adviser)
immediately began to shake things up in the P.D. <488,491>
5/18/95 - decided to oust entrenched Chief of Police <491>
5/28/95 - TR won, Police Chief forced out <491> also fired another top cop 5/24/95
6/7/95 - TR & Riis began undercover (night) investigation of police negligence <493>
6/10/95 - TR called for strict enforcement of no drinking on Sunday law <497>
6/14/95 - 2nd night patrol <494>
6/23/95 - 1st Sunday law was enforced <498>
6/30/95 – major crackdown on saloons <500>
7/16/95 – speech defending his action – triumph for TR <503-4>
7/23/95 – another midnight prowl to check on cops <505>
8/5/95 – rec’d letter bomb (lots of antagonism now) <506>
8/7/95 – speech at teetotaler’s meeting <507> they ate it up
8/23/95 – Liquor Seller’s Assn. Seen to support TR – victory <508>
9/25/95 – attended German anti-temperance rally – victory <509>
10-11/95 – his stand would lose NYC votes in Nov. election so Republican party
distanced itself from him; after election he was abandoned by everyone
11/5/95 – landside Democratic victory in NYC angered him <513>
1/19/96 – 1st meeting w/Boss Platt <519> coldbloodedly fired TR <520>
1/20/96 – addressed meeting of ministers to attack Platt from the pulpit <521>
1/23-24/96 – start of groundswell pro-TR, anti-Platt in newspapers <521>
forced Platt to rescind his order to fire TR <521>
2/28/96 – 1st open break w/fellow commissioner Parker <522>
3/12/96 – further Parker treachery (using Police Chief as his tool) <523>
3/13/96 – 3 frustrated commissioners try to force issue <523> dined w/Parker <524>
3/24/96 – TR humiliated in the press <525>
all March 1896 a very tense and frustrating time <528>
3/30/96 – attempt by TR to overrule Parker in State Assembly <528>
4/9/96 – TR saw lying document circulated by Parker in State Senate to smear him <528>
TR’s truculence alienated Senate against him; also another letter bomb <529>
5/5/96 – big blowup <530> challenged Parker to a duel <531>
6/1/96 – police parade <533>
6/3/96 – showdown w/Parker <534> shoved gun in his face
6/11/96 – 7/8/96 – Parker trial; Parker won, TR lost <536,538>
this entire affair disillusioned TR with being Police Commissioner <538>
8/1/96 – attempted to get McKinley to name him Sec’y of Navy <540>
7/28/96 and 8/3/96 – meetings with Mark Hanna <545>
9/96 – hunting trip out west <549>
9/10/96 – returned to NYC <549>
9-10/1896 – campaigned for McKinley <551-2>
10/15/96 – triumphant speech in Chicago <552-3>
11/3/96 – McKinely victory <554> saved TR
11/10/96 – victory celebration ( but felt revulsion at Hanna) <554>
expected McKinley appointment not forthcoming <556>
12/9/96 – rec’d letter from McKinley, but not it! <554>
12/16/96 – TR betrayed old patron to better obtain Naval appointment <557>
Xmas 1896 – w/family Sagamore Hill <557>
1-3 /1897 still no news of Naval appointment; Police Commission bogged down <558-9>
3/17/97 – Mayor finally fired Parker, but unable to actually remove him <559>
McKinley afraid to appoint TR because he is a warmonger <560>
4/6/97 – Finally appointed Ass’t. Sec’y of Navy <560>
4/8/97 – TR’s nomination passed Senate <561>
4/17/97 – last Police Commission meeting <561>
4/19/97 – took office as Assistant Secretary of Navy <565>
immediately became leader of “Manifest Destiny” warhawks <568>
6/2/97 – great speech at Naval War College <569> call to arms <570>
caused a nationwide sensation <571-2>
6/16/97 – annexation of Hawaii – TR overjoyed <578>
6/97 – his boss on vacation, TR had free reign <575-6>
6/18/97 – met w/Senators on Cuban question <575>
6/30/97 – rec’d. Navy Dept.’s new war plan <576-7>
6/28/97 – met George Dewey <577> also met Leonard Wood about now <577>
early 7/97 – vacationed Oyster Bay for 10 days <578>
7/11/97 – cruised in torpedo boat <579>
mid 797 – toured naval installations <579>
7/23/97 – speech replying to Japanese criticism of Hawaii annexation <579>
this speech astonished and enrage his boss <579>
8/2 – early 9/97 – TR again took over for vacationing boss <580>
reveling in power – real power for 1st time in his life <580-1>
9/7/97 – attended gunnery exercise on battleship <583-4>
9/14/97 – meeting w/Mckinley <585> what TR had always wanted, direct access
positive meeting, McKinley like him & promised army commission if war <586>
9/27/97 – machinations to have Dewey appointed Asian commander <587>
9/28/97 – TR’s boss returned, angry at all of TR’s scheming <587>
9/30/97 – 2 week vacation Sagamore Hill <588>
10/15/97 – return to Washington w/family <588> immediately began campaign trail
11/19/97 – BIRTH OF 6TH CHILD, QUENTIN <589>
just before Xmas 1897 – new species of elk named for TR <589>
1/11/98 – Edith sick w/typhoid <594> (riot in Havana) <593>
1/13/98 – TR ready to go to war <594-5>
1/25/98 – (Maine anchored in Havana) <596>
late 1/98 – Edith very ill <596>
2/9/98 – scandalous Spanish letter published in Hearst papers <598> TR called for war
2/15/98 – 9:40 pm – (Maine explosion) <598>
late 2/98 – Edith gravely ill, TR called for specialist <601>
2/25/98 – in temporary absence of boss, ordered Pacific Fleet in readiness <602>
2/26/98 – boss discovered what TR did in his absence <603>
that weekend specialist recommended operating on Edith; TR demurred <604>
3/7/98 – Edith operated on <604>
3/8/98 - $50 million bill authorized Naval crash program (TR’s dream) <605>
3/28/98 – Maine explosion investigation report published <608>
4/11/98 – McKinley sent war message to Congress <611>
TR began trying to secure a commission <611>
4/19/98 – Congress declared war on Spain <612> TR resigned Navy Dept.
4/23/98 – TR named Colonel of special regiment <613>
declined in favor of being 2nd in command under Leonard Wood <614>
4/25/98 – TR’s & Wood’s appointments announced <614>
5/1/98 – (Dewey defeated Spanish navy Manila Bay) <615>
5/6/98 – TR rec’d commission <615>
5/12/98 – left for boot camp in Texas <615>
5/15/98 – arrived boot camp <620>
5/29/98 – moved from Texas to Florida <624>
6/2//98 – arrived in Florida <625> bogged down
6/6/98 – mounted maneuvers; but TR learned wouldn’t be allowed horses <628>
also not all his troops could go; difficult decision deciding whom to cut <630>
complete screw-ups for a week in Tampa bay <630>
6/14/98 – finally sailed for Cuba <631>
6/20/98 – arrived in Cuba <635>
6/22/98 – invasion <635>
6/24/98 – Battle of Las Guasimas <641>
last week 6/98 – camped out on ridge <648>
6/30/98 – rec’d Colonel rank & command on eve of battle for San Juan Hill <650>
7/1/98 – BATTLE OF SAN JUAN HILL – “the great day of my life” <650>
7/17/98 – Capitulation of Santiago <659>
7/20/98 – given command of whole brigade (due to illness of superior officers) <659>
began receiving letters & telegrams urging him to run for governor <659>
7/31/98 – wrote 8/3 letter urging evacuation due to illness <660> angered McKinley
8/8/98 – sailed out of Cuba <661>
8/15/98 – arrived US “The most famous man in America” <665>
precipitously accepted Independent nomination for governor – big mistake <667>
8/20/98 – left army camp for 5-day reunion w/family <668>
8/24/98 – 2nd meeting w/Independent Party leader <670> tried to back out
8/25/98 – return to army camp (for a week) <670>
9/4/98 – McKinley visit to army camp; heartily greeted TR <671>
9/13/98 – Rough Riders disbanded; poignant moment <673>
9/17/98 – meeting w/Boss Platt on nomination as governor <674> announced candidacy
9/22/98 – final insult to head of Independent Party <676>
9/24/98 – violent argument w/head of Independent Party whom he’d betrayed <676>
also, 9/24 newspaper story TR ineligible to run because not NY citizen <677>
Boss Platt figured that if TR won, who could prosecute him? <678>
9/25/98 – home, recuperating from exhaustion <678> rec’d word he’d been nominated
10/4/98 – formally given nomination <679>
10/5/98 – 1st campaign speech <680> he was ordered to stay home and shut up <681>
10/10/98 – campaign trip Rensselaer – a disaster <682>
10/12/98 – began stumping in earnest <683>
10/21/98 – campaign strategy meeting w/district leaders <684>
11/7/98 – WON GUBERNATORIAL handily <686>
1/1/99 – 1st day as governor, locked out of executive mansion, had to break in <689>
1/2/99 – triumphal march to capital <690> 1st annual message <691>
3/18/99 – 1st open clash w/Platt <695>
3/24/99 – storm of protest by Platt <696>
3/27/99 – capitulation to Platt <696>
4/7/99 – risked Platt’s displeasure by publicly supporting taxation bill <697>
4/12/99 – Senate passed TR’s bill <697> encourage TR further
April 1899 TR wrangled with Boss Platt all month
4/27/99 – TR made bold stroke to outflank Platt on taxation bill <698> but failed
4/23/99 – last day of session, TR emerged triumphant <699>
5/6/99 – threatening letter from Platt <701> his reply <702>
5/22/99 – TR’s session of legislature to fix up flawed tax bill <702>
5/27/99 – TR’s final victory on tax bill <702>
speaking engagements end May-mid June 1899, when vacationed Oyster Bay
6/25/99 – 1st Rough Rider reunion in New Mexico <703>
6/29/99 – return NY <704> announced not a presidential candidate (so as not to alienate
7/1/99 – wrote letter fishing for V.P. nomination in 1900 <705>
tired; spent July 1999 relaxing & writing; finished book 8/2/99 <706>
7/8/99 – quick trip to DC to meet w/McKinley <706> who offered Sec’y of Army <707>
9/99 – hit county fair circuit <708>
9/30/99 – led big hero’s march in NYC w/McKinley, Dewey, etc. <708>
11/21/99 – V.P. Hobart died; clear road now open for TR to be nominated V.P. <709>
mid 12/99 – clash w/Platt <713>
1/11/1900 – rec’d unexpected ammunition in war w/Platt <714>
1/13/00 – “ammunition” report finished <715>
1/20/00 – TR confronted Platt face-to-face <715>
1/23/00 – another confrontation w/Platt; TR won <716>
1/31/00 – NY Senate confirmed TR’s victory <717> here on V.P. nomination assured
2/1/00 – newspaper report that TR approached for V.P. nomination <717>
2/3/00 – learned that interests in NY he had hurt were behind his V.P. nomination <717>
2/10/00 – meeting w/Platt who wanted to kick him upstairs <719>
4/17/00 – named delegate-at-large to later Republican national convention <719>
March – May 1900 considering the matter (of 2 minds) <720-21>
5/11/00 – McKinley gave dinner in TR’s honor <721>
6/15/00 – Republican convention in Philadelphia <722> campaigned for V.P.
6/16/00 – groundswell for TR nomination as V.P. <723>
6/19/00 – convention opened <726>
6/20/00 – nominated <729>
7–10/00 – campaigning <729>
11/6/00 – election, big victory <732>
11-12/00 – Albany & Oyster Bay <732>
12/31/00 – last day as governor
1/7/01 – hunting trip to Colorado (his 1st in years) <734>
2/23/01 – return to Oyster Bay after trip <734>
3/4/01 – inaugurated V.P.
3/8/01 – Senate adjourned (his last day of service as V.P.) <736>
spent spring 1901 w/family at Oyster Bay <737>
5/01 – trip w/Edith to Pan American exposition Buffalo <737>
7/01 – trip to Colorado
8/01 – trip to Minnesota <737>
9/4/01 – Vermont speaking engagement
9/6/01 – news that McKinley shot <738>
9/10/01 – McKinley out of danger; TR joined family in Adirondacks <739>
9/12/01 – climbed Mt. Marcy <739>
9/13/01 – NEWS OF McKINLEY’S DEATH <741> returned immediately
9/14/01 – 3:30 pm – SWORN IN AS PRESIDENT <15>
9/16/01 – dinner w/Mark Hanna <38> told not to think about a 2nd term
9/20/01 – 1st day on job at White House <43>
9/23/01 – dinner in White House w/sister <46> rose blessing from father
9/29/01 – Booker T. Washington 1st visit <47>
10/7/01 – TR appointed BTW 1st recommended judge appointment <50>
did this without consulting Hanna<50>
10/16/01 – BTW 2nd visit <52> brouhaha <54-6>
TR rather disappointed about this reaction <58>
11/12/01 – finished drafting 1st message to Congress <61>
11/13/01 – Northern Securities Trust announced <62>
11/18/01 – treaty for US to build canal <67>
11/22/01 – finished writing speech, went for sail <68>
12/3/01 – delivered address to Congress <70>, big success <77>
late 12/01 – manipulating patronage to augment his power at Hanna’s expense <78>
12/17/01 – chastised Commanding General Miles <79>
early 1/02 – machinations for Nicaragua canal <83>
1/9/02 – House of Reps approved Nicaragua canal bill <83>
late 1/02 – machinations for Panama canal <84>
1/24/02 – Gridiron club dinner <86>
2/5/02 – Attny Genl Knox suggests prosecuting Northern Securities <89>
2/20/02 – Antitrust suit against Northern Securities <89>
2/22/02 – meeting w/J.P. Morgan <91>
3/10/02 – formal complaint Northern Securities <92>
3/17/02 – Philippine atrocity scandal <97> a defeat for TR
4/11/02 – Gardener report on Philippines published <99>
4/15/02 – emergency meeting on Philippine situation <100>
4/22/02 – yacht party <103>
Edith pregnant (miscarried late 6/02) <103>
5/20/02 – Cuban independence <105>
6/4/02 – Panama Canal bill introduced <111>
6/13/02 – sent Congress special message on Cuba <114>
6/17/02 – National Reclamation Act <115> triumph for TR
6/19/02 –Panama Canal bill passed giving power to TR <116> triumph for TR
6/21/02 – his measure on Cuba failed <116>
6/24/02 – rec’d honorary degree from Harvard <116> pro-imperialist Philippines speech
Edith miscarried around this time <116>
7/5/02 – left DC to spend summer at Oyster Bay <120>
7/14/02 – rec’d verdict exonerating Philippine atrocities <127>
Philippine problem main concern now <129>
7/15/02 – 1st inspection of presidential yacht <127-8>
7/25/02 – 1st interview w/Oliver Wendell Holmes (to appoint to Supreme Court) <130>
summer 1902 – building crisis in coal
7/29/02 – riots in coal fields <134>
8/21/02 – provocative mine owners’ letter published, angered everyone <137>
8/23/02 – hard anti-trust speech <137>
end 8/02 stumping New England on behalf of Republican candidates <139>
9/3/02 – ACCIDENT his beloved bodyguard killed; start of his knee pain <141-2>
9/18/02 – “Iowa” idea – free trade vs. protectionism <148>
embarked Midwestern tour to tout status quo on tariff <145>
9/21/02 – arrived Detroit, in great pain from leg <147>
next days great pain, operated on <149>, appointed Root successor (thought he
might die) <148>
9/24/02 – return to DC
9/28/02 – his surgeon decided 2nd operation necessary <150>
cold snap that weekend sent coal prices soaring <150>
9/30/02 – drafted letter to coal mine operators <151-2>
10/3/02 – meeting w/mine operators & union <155> loggerheads
first major decision of his presidency <162> (was in wheel chair all this time)
10/11/02 – invited Grover Cleveland to head coal strike inquiry commission <164>
10/13/02 – Root & J.P. Morgan offer compromise <166> TR now on crutches
10/14/02 – Corsair agreement (breakthrough in stalemate) announced <167>
10/15/02 – Discussion of Corsair agreement w/union pres. – modifications <167>
“Tweedledum & Tweedledee “ breakthrough <168-9> a great triumph
fall 1902 his prestige very high, made ’04 election seem a certainty <170>
also his leg was better <171>
early 11/02 – hunting trip to Mississippi to shoot bear <171-2> bad luck 11/14 <173>
bear incident – that winter saw invention of “Teddy” bear <174>
12/02 – moved into refurbished White House – work on 2nd presidential message <178>
Venezuelan crisis w/Germany <177-180> sent navy to Caribbean <180>
11/25/02 – Britain & Germany threaten move against Venezuela <182,185>
12/8/02 – message to Kaiser to back off <186>
threatened <187>
12/9/02 – Venezuelan situation at crisis <187>
12/14/02 – German ambassador says Germany will ignore TR’s ultimatum <189>
12/17/02 – Germany bows to TR’s pressure <191>
12/19/02 – formal invitation from England & Germany for TR to arbitrate <191>
1/5/03 – last session of Congress – TR pushed his program hard <195>
1/8/03 – diplomatic reception <196>
early 1/03 – Negro issues <199>
1/22/03 – meeting w/Senators on deadlocked Panama Canal Treaty <202>
1/31/03 – meeting w/German ambassador Sternburg (his friend) <204>
2/7/03 – meeting w/French ambassador <207> also TR shrewdly manipulated antiRockefeller anti-trust publicity to get his own bill through
early 2/03 – working to get his bills passed <207>
2/14/03 – Signed Commerce & Labor Act <207> also Venezuelan breakthrough
early 3/03 – special session of Congress to get Naval appropriation <211>
3/3/03 – but southern senator who disliked TR blocked the Naval build-up vote <211>
4/1/03 – left DC (difficulties w/Congress & lung sickness) for major trip out west <214>
4/2/03 – Chicago speech “Speak softly and carry a big stick.” <215>
4/7/03 – North Dakota, happy, met up w/ old buddies <217-8> nostalgia
4/8/03 – Yellowstone (spent 2 weeks there, through 4/24/03) <218-221>
4/8/03 – also Court upheld TR’s Northern Securities Anti-trust case <219>
his 4th political victory in less than 4 weeks <219>
4/24/03 – whistle-stop trip out west <222> speaking urging conservation
5/7/03 – California (1st visit) <226>
5/8/03 – Los Angeles flower festival <226>
5/12/03 – San Francisco speech on expansionism <228>
5/14/03 – Yosemite visit through 5/17 <231> loved it
5/23/03 – Seattle – getting burned out by journey <231>
5/24/03 – Mark Hanna telegram – 1904 nomination challenge <232>
TR’s reply forced Hanna to showdown; TR triumphed <233>
5/27/03 – Butte Montana “square deal” for Negroes speech <233>
6/5/03 – return DC <236> got to work on Panama Canal issue
6/8/03 – apparent decision to take drastic action against Colombia if rejected <240>
6/13/03 – decision to support Panama independence if Colombia rejects <241-2>
this was a threat to Colombia; even the date of Panama revolution known <243>
6/15/03 – meeting w/Jewish leaders over Russian pogrom <244>
6/23/03 – news of Delaware lynching depressed him <250>
6/27/03 – arrived at Oyster Bay for summer <251>
7/5/03 – statement condemning Russia for pogroms etc. <253>
7/703 – Sec’y State Hay visit; was going to resign but didn’t <254>
7/12/03 – news that Columbians angered by American threat <255>
7/14/03 – Jewish petition to Russia <255>
7/22/03 – warned of impending financial panic <260>
7/23/03 – Wall Street collapse <201>
8/9/03 – public statement against racism <261>
8/12/03 – Columbia puts unacceptable riders on treaty <263>
8/17/03 – proudly reviewed fleet <214,406> also news of Columbia’s final rejection
9/1/03 – ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT <266> shook him, didn’t realize labor against him
9/7/03 – utopian speech at Syracuse
9/26/03 – return DC, Root wanted to resign <269>
9/29/03 – return to work <270> AFL leaders (Gompers) <271>
meeting w/AFL leaders made open shop official gov’t. policy <272>
10/10/03 – met Bunau-Varilla 1st time, saw he could help w/canal <275>
late 10/03 – machinations to support Panama revolution <279>
10/23/03 – sick w/malaria <279>
11/3/03 – Panama revolution <289>
11/6/03 – cabinet meeting on Panama <293>
12/4/03 – meeting w/Mark Hanna <300> saw he wouldn’t be an opponent
12/7/03 – presidential message to Congress (on canal) <301>
12/9/03 – leaked news of attempted subornation by businessman <303>
these machinations w/view to 1904 election went on for 2 months <304>
12/11/03 – met w/Republican National Committee <304>
12/13/03 – they endorsed him for 1904 <304>
mid 12/03 – lots of successes and money, inheritance (began to be rich) <305-6>
1/7/04 – diplomatic reception <307>
1/27/04 – met W.H.Taft returned from Philippines to succeed Root as Sec’y War <308>
2/1/04 – Taft sworn in as Sec’y War <309>
2/4/04 – Hanna diagnosed w/typhoid, TR visited his wife <310>
2/8/04 – Russo-Japanese War began <311>
2/11/04 – TR announced neutrality in Russo-Japanese War <311>
2/15/04 – Mark Hanna died <311>
2/23/04 – Senate ratified Panama Canal treaty <312>
3/14/04 – Supreme decided Northern Securities case <313-6>
triumph for TR but O.W.Holmes’ dissent made enemy of TR
5/19/04 – Moroccan kidnapping of Americans <324-5> TR sent warships
5/28/04 – TR read Moroccan kidnappers’ demands <328>
6/8/04 – US Navy presence forced Sultan to accede to kidnappers <329>
6/15/04 – kidnappers made more and more demands <330>
6/20/04 – Republican convention opened in Chicago <331>
Republican convention – TR shoo-in, orchestrated every detail <328>
6/21/04 – Moroccan crisis came to head <334>
6/23/04 – TR nominated by acclamation <336>
6/24/04 – ransom paid, Moroccan crisis ended <337>
7/27/04 – formal notification of TR’s nomination <343>
7/28/04 – return to Washington for emergency meeting <347>
8/8/04 – growing crisis with Turkey <349>
8/11/04 – NY Sun endorses TR <351>
9/22/04 – TR returned to DC from vacation <355>
mid 10/04 – sag in TR’s campaign <357-8> “October scare” <359>
10/20/04 – meeting w/Harriman to overcome October scare
10/24/04 – mild flap over TR’s accepting improper campaign contribution <360-1>
11/8/04 – ELECTION LANDSLIDE <363-4> declared wouldn’t run in 1908 <364>
11/26/04 – visit to St. Louis world’s fair <367>
1/1/05 – Russians surrender Port Arthur to Japanese <368>
began losing sight in left eye due to boxing injury <376>
3/4/05 – 2nd Inauguration <375>
3/10/05 – offered to mediate between Russia & Japan <378>
3/17/05 – Eleanor & Franklin wedding, TR gave away bride <378>
due to Hay illness, TR became own Sec’y of State <378>
late 3/05 – Kaiser Wilhelm ploy in Morocco embarrassed TR <379>
grew closer & more dependent on Taft <380>
mid 4/05 – hunting trip out west <380>
4/18/05 – Japanese agree to let TR mediate <380>
late 4/05 – hunting bears in Rockies, began to feel ill <382>
4/25/05 – Japanese agreed to TR’s terms to negotiate <382> that night TR delirious with
malaria <383>
5/8/05 – return from hunting trip <383>
5/27/05 – Japan destroyed Russian fleet at TsuShima <387>
5/31/05 – urgent message from Japan for TR to negotiate (Tsar was stalling) <389>
6/7/05 – Tsar agreed to negotiate <391>
6/10/05 – 1st retreat with wife at Pine Knot, little place they bought <392>
6/12/05 – return to DC <392>
6/05 – happily negotiating Russo/Japanese war settlement <394>
7/1/05 – death of John Hay; left for summer at Oyster Bay <395>
California state vote against Japanese embarrasses TR <397>
7/25/05 – Taft & Alice Roosevelt arrived in Japan <399>
7/27/05 – Taft secured Japanese peace objectives <399>
8/5/05 – meeting of Russian & Japanese delegations at Oyster Bay <403ff>
8/18/05 – deadlock in negotiations, TR stepped in <411>
8/25/05 – TR submerged in submarine <413>
8/28/05 – negotiations at utter impasse <413>
8/29/05 – Japanese capitulate, breakthrough <414>
9/5/05 – Portsmouth Peace Treaty signed <414> TR highly praised <415>
9/30/05 – return to DC after summer at Oyster Bay <419>
9-10/05 – articles & books published <419>
10/19/05 – trip to southern US <424> a triumph
10 or 11/05 – Alice engaged to Nick Longworth <425>
early 12/05 – wrote message to Congress <417>
winter 05-06 – pushing for formation of Interstate Commerce Commission <423>
12/5/05 – message to Congress, railroad rate control, ICC etc.
1/16/06 – Morocco conference convened <432>
1/27/06 – Tr’s railroad rate legislation submitted to House <433>
2/8/06 – House voted overwhelmingly for railroad bill <433>
2/17/06 – Alice Roosevelt marriage <437>
2/21/06 – Pure food bill passed Senate overwhelmingly <438>
2/28/06 – Senate opponents manipulations threatened railroad bill <438>
3/17/06 – address to Gridiron Club (anti-muckrakers) <439>
TR invented the word “muckraker” <440>
3/06 – Morocco conference at stalemate; both sides wanted TR to intervene <440>
3/19/06 – Kaiser seemingly adopted TR’s proposal <442>
all March ’06 Senate conservatives stalemated railroad bill <442>
3/31/06 – Progressive Midwestern Senators came to TR;s rescue <442-3>
4/14/06 – Muckraker speech redux at public forum <443> proposed progressive income
5/4/06 – revised (to help TR) railroad bill introduced in Senate <445>
TR did a big switch, jettisoned democratic allies <445>
5/6/06 – rec’d H G Wells <445>
5/18/06 – railroad bill finally passed Senate <447>
shortly afterward Pure Food & Meat Packing bills passed <447>
6/8/06 – signed Antiquities Act (national monuments) <449>
all June ’06 lots of major TR legislation passed <448>
6/30/06 – Pure Food & Drug Act <448>
7/1/06 – went to Oyster Bay for summer <449>
8/16/06 –news of Negro soldiers’ outrage in Texas <453> ; uprising in Cuba <456>
8/29/06 – decisive evidence that Negro soldiers were culpable <455>
9/3/06 – review of fleet <455>
9/8/06 – Cuban govt. asked for US intervention in revolt <456>
summer ’06 – simplified spelling fiasco <460>
9/28/06 – Foraker telegram on Cuba angered TR <459>
9/29/06 – Cuban govt. resigned – US had to intervene <461>
10/1/06 – returned to DC from summer vacation <462> - cashiered Negro soldiers
involved in outrage <463>
10/12/06 – meeting w/friend Arthur Lee <463>
end 10/06 – Taft returned to DC <464>
10/24/06 – report on Negro outrage – the Negroes all remained silent <465>
10/30/06 – meeting w/Booker T. Washington over race problems <465>
11/3/06 – B.T. Washington wrote TR supplicating clemency (to no avail) <465>
11/05/06 – order punishing Negro soldiers <467>
this angered American Negroes greatly <467> “Brownsville” incident – TR
wrongly punished Negro soldiers – “major mistake of his presidency” <535>
mid 11/06 – trip to Panama to inspect canal digging <468>
11/21/06 – in Puerto Rico, rec’d Taft telegram saying much agitation caused by
punishment of Negro soldiers <471> - press brouhaha saying Negro soldiers were
punished unfairly <471>
12/4/06 – message to Congress condemning lynching <472> - however Senate
investigation into Negro soldiers’ case blew up also
1 week 12/06 – notified he’d been awarded Nobel Prize <473>
12/8/06 – Gridiron Dinner, pressed for 3rd term <473>
12/19/06 – message to Senate upholding his decision to punish Negro soldiers <474>
Senate (Senator Foraker) not impressed <474>
late winter ’07 son Archie very sick, almost died <489>
1/14/07 – special message to Congress defending his actions vis a vis soldiers <477>
however his congressional enemies pressed for investigation <477>
1/18/07 – consented to review International Harvester trust status <478>
1/26/07 – Gridiron Club dinner <478> - attacked Senate enemy publicly <479-80>
enemy rebuttal; a bad night for all concerned and caused big scandal <480>
2/4/07 – Senate investigation of Brownsville began <482>
2/13/07 – problem of California segregation of Japanese students <482-4>
war scare w/Japan; naval appropriations increased <485>
2/18/07 – relief & release of tension with Japan problem <485>
2/25/07 – TR rec’d bill limiting his power to set aside land for parks <486>
3/2/07 – TR adroitly saved huge forest reserves from Congress <487>
3/14/07 – stock market crash <488>
5/18/07 – on vacation, saw rare birds <491>
6/27/07 – meeting w/cabinet over California persecution of Japanese <492-4>
preparing for war w/Japan <443> decided to send fleet to Orient as
demonstration <494>
early 8/07 – Standard Oil anti-rebate case – stock market slump again <495>
8/10/07 – TR criticized for having caused slump because targeted big business <495>
10/1/07 – Paddle wheel trip down Mississippi and bear hunt <496>
10/4/07 – announced coming environmental conference <496>
mid 10/07 – more stock market jitters <497>
10/18/07 – stock market crash <498> worse than March or August
financial / liquidity crisis tarnished TR’s reputation with wealthy <504>
10/23/07 – TR returned DC in huge financial crisis <498>
10/24/07 – crisis peaked and passed <499>
11/4/07 – TR approved trust deal to save economy <499>
11/11/07 – call for national conservation conference <499-500>
12/4/07 – message to Congress <501-506>
inheritance & income tax, national incorporation of interstate business, govt.
control of railroad rates, 8 hour day, more battleships
12/11/07 – announced once more wouldn’t run in 1908 <502>
12/16/07 – great fleet began sail around world <502>
1/6/08 – Supreme Court struck down a Roosevelt reform <505>
1/31/08 – special radical message to Congress to upstage political opponents <506-7>
2/29/08 – gentleman’s agreement w/Japan to limit emigration (fleet threat) <510>
3/10/08 – Senate committee vindicates TR in Bownsville (Negro outrage) incident <511>
5/14/08 – conference on conservation of natural resources <514>
led to TR creating National Conservation Commission <519>
about now got idea of African safari
6/16/08 – Republican convention opened (Taft a shoo-in) <525>
6/20/08 – left for Oyster Bay for summer <528>
7/24/08 – meeting w/Taft <529>
disaffection w/Taft setting in <534-5>
9/23/08 – return to DC from summer vacation <536>
10/18/08 – meeting w/Taft <537>
11/3/08 – Taft elected (vindication of TR) <539>
11/7/08 – joined staff of Outlook magazine <541>
12/8/08 – message to Congress <541> pretty dictatorial <542>
12/12/08 – Gridiron Club dinner satirizing TR <543>
12/17/08 – Cabinet dinner <544>
1/4/09 – message to Congress <546> a debacle <547>
1/22/09 – Congressional approval of 2 more battleships <548>
2/22/09 – Great White Fleet returned from around-the-world cruise <549>
“apotheosis of Roosevelt” <TR - 642>
3/4/09 – Taft inauguration <550>
3/09 – left office and immediately left on African safari <642>
3/09-3/10 – one-year safari in Africa <654> published in series of articles
after safari traveled through Egypt, Europe, met Kaiser Wilhelm <661>
6/16/10 – returned to US <669> “a changed man” <670>
summer 1910 – trip out west, made speeches outlining “New Nationalism” <676>
late 9/10 – NY state Republican convention <679> won inter-party fight for control
1/11 – learned he would become a grandfather <682>
1-2/11 – invited by LaFollette to join new “Progressive Republican League” <683> but
1-4/11 – series of articles on Progressive Nationalism <684>
3-4/11 – trip to California (to visit new grandson in CA) <685>
9/30/11 – wife Edith riding accident <693> two months’ recuperation <694>
this coincided with his decision to run in 1912 <694>
11/11 – Ohio Republicans (Taft state) endorse Roosevelt for 1912 nomination <697>
2nd week 2/12 – governor’s letter urging him to run <702>
2/12 - announced candidacy at Ohio state convention <703-4>
6/12 – Republican national convention Chicago <716>
“We stand at Armageddon and we battle for the Lord” <716>
1st week 8/12 – Progressive Party Convention nominated TR <718>
late 8/12 – began barnstorming campaign across US <720>
10/14/12 – SHOT <720>
11/5/12 – lost election to Wilson (but beat Taft) <724>
2/13 – magazine serialization of his autobiography (writing memoirs) <730>
4/13 – daughter Ethel’s wedding <729>
7/5/13 – trip out west <738>
end 12/13 – made president Am. Historical Assoc., gave address Boston <731>
2/27/14 – great adventure in Amazon <740ff>
ran out of supplies, sickly, jungle fever <742>, lost sight in eye <754>, bad shape
4/14 – arrived at trapper’s home, finally knew they would be okay <743>
5/14 – return NYC <743>
8/14 – World War I broke out
11/14 – Progressive Party defeated everywhere but CA – major setback <747>
end of the Party – TR considered leaving politics for good
spring 1915 – libel suit <759> improved his popular image <760>
1916 – moving towards 1916 election, attacked Wilson’s war policies <760ff>;
advocated preparedness; paranoiac hatred of Wilson <765-6>
6/16 – Republican national convention Chicago nominated Hughes <768>
summer 1916 – grudgingly campaigned for Hughes <774>
4/6/17 – US declared war
4/10/17 – TR met w/Wilson <780>
a good visit; TR asked to lead a division <781> nothing came of it <782>
6/17 – meeting w/Kansas City Star editor – gave him job of editorial writer <787>
2/18 – entered hospital for surgery <794>
7/16/18 – news of son Quentin’s death <797> still hoped maybe only captured
7/18/18 – addressed Republican state convention <799>
7/20/18 – confirmation of Quentin’s death <800> distraught, never got over it <802-3>
summer-fall 1918 – against Wilson’s 18 point peace program <805>
11/5/18 – elections returned Republican congress <807>
fall 1918 – after elections got sicker and sicker <810>
11/11/18 – returned to hospital until 12/24/18 <810>
1/5/19 – felt ill again <811>
1/6/19 – 4:15 am – died of coronary embolism <811>
1/18/19 – buried <815>