PROTEIN PURIFICATION SYSTEM MANUFACTURER: AMERSHAM BIOSCIENCES (GE) MODEL: ÄKTA Purifier 10 APPLICATION: High resolution chromatography device for proteins, peptides and nucleic acids purification. This device includes a series of prepacked columns for the different types of chromatography. INA ÄKTA Purifier 10 core system + Accessories. ÄKTApurifier 10 core system. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: Purification at µg-mg scale. 10 ml Pump & Base provides a liquid flow of 0.001 to10 ml/min. Loop capacity: 10- 150 ml. Equipped with Monitor UV-900 which allows multiple UV-wavelength monitoring of up to three wavelengths simultaneously. Monitor pH/C-900 expands ÄKTApurifier 10 and 100 systems to allow measurement of conductivity, pH, and temperature. Both pH and conductivity/temperature flow cells feature low cell volume and high linearity for accurate measurements. ÄKTA PURIFICATION SYSTEM CONFIGURATION BufferPrep Kit eliminates time-consuming manual buffer preparation and titration usually needed for pH changes in chromatography. For any pH and salt concentration entered, BufferPrep automatically calculates the composition of the buffer online. BufferPrep enables automatic buffer titration and eliminates errors occurring during manual preparation. ÄKTA design automation kits: ÄKTApurifier systems eliminate much of the tedious and time-consuming manual steps involved in sample application by bringing a greater degree of automation to the system’s setup. Examples of additional functionality that can be applied to ÄKTApurifier core systems using ÄKTAdesign automation kits. Our device was updated with the following automation kits: o o o o o Air sensor Kit, which is controlled by UNICORN software, detects air in the system, and pauses the purification run. The kit therefore prevents column damage caused by air and secures that the sample is completely injected. Buffer selection Kit manages buffer reagents effectively, allowing buffer screening and minimizing the risk of air entering the system. The kit enables automatic selection among up to eight different buffers to allow optimized purification. Buffer selection Kit eliminates manual changing of buffers and moving inlet tubing, ensuring that no air enters the system. Column screening Kit provides the necessary motor valves to allow automated method optimization, multistep purification, and easier column selection. Up to eight columns can be connected to the system in one go. Column performance can be easily compared while changing conditions in a run. Preset protocols prevent system overpressurization and prevent column breakage during use. Connecting two columns to one of the motor valves included in the kit enables automated column selection for optimizing both column and media performance, as well as column switching for two-step purification protocols. Reverse flow Kit contains motor valves for automated reverse flow through a column. Strongly bound target proteins elute more effectively, speeding up your purification. Resulting peaks are sharper and more concentrated target protein is recovered. The kit increases the life expectancy of your columns since reversing the flow efficiently rinses impurity away from the top of the column. Fractionation Kit enables collection of large volumes of purified sample. Up to eight vessels of any size can be used to collect fractions. Collection in large vessels rather than smaller vessels minimizes the risk of losing valuable target protein, improving protein recovery and giving you greater piece-of-mind. Fraction Collectors: Frac-920 allows collection of up to 175 fractions in 12mm diameter tubes, up to 95fractions in 10–18 mm tubes, as well as 40 fractions in 30-mm diameter tubes. Chromatography columns: o Analytical: Mini Q 4.6/50 PE 0,8ml Minispheres IEX Strong anion (NH4+). Mini S 4.6/50 PE 0,8ml Minispheres IEX Strong cation (methyl sulphide). SOURCE 15RPC ST 4.6/100 (PE/divinilbenzene) 2ml Reverse phase. RESOURCE RPC (polieteretercetona) 1ml Reverse phase. o Preparative: Mono Q 10/100 GL 8ml sphereIEX Strong anion. HiLoad 16/10 Phenyl Sepharose HP 20ml HIC (high m). HiPrep 26/10 Desalting (Sephadex G-25) 53ml GF tampon change (no salt containing). Superdex 200 10/300 GL 24ml GF proteins /DNA 104-5x10 D. UNICORN control software permits methods edition, automatic control, concentration and mg quantification, molecular mass determination and recovery calculations. Designed for Windows 2000 and Windows XP, UNICORN Control System software gives you real-time control of protein purification systems.