Big ideas assessment rubrics

Assessment Rubric— 2.1 What different environments exist?
It is expected that a study of Australian environments would be taught in Year 7. Most students would
then be at Level 4, working towards Level 5. The work of the student in progressing towards Level 5
demonstrates that the student can:
Geography skills
 Understand
 Identify the key
 Explain the ways in
 Understand the ways in  Understand the ways in
Australia’s major
characteristics of a
which natural
which human activities
which human activities
natural processes such
range of Australian
processes and human
and natural processes
and natural processes
as mountain building,
activities interact to
interact to produce
interact to produce
climate and erosion
produce variations in
variations between
variations within and
 Collect information
the Australian
between regions
 Compare the various
from a range of
 Analyse information
 Collect information
ways in which the
geographic media such
as choropleth maps,
 Collect information
from a range of media
from a wide range of
environment has been
aerial photographs and
from a range of data
to make a valid
geographic media
used by humans
satellite images
types and accurately
conclusion such as the
including atlas maps,
describe findings
influence of climate
satellite images and
 Interpret maps and
 Construct maps using
type on the distribution
correct geographic
 Construct accurate
of farming regions
photographs and an
photographs including
maps and interpret
ability to evaluate,
the identifying key
these maps to make
analyse and present this
features of the
valid conclusions
data in a range of
At Level 5, students use evidence to explain the variations in regions within Australia and surrounding regions. They describe differences in
culture, living conditions and environmental issues. Students collect information from a wide variety of sources including fieldwork and
present it in a range of forms using correct geographic conventions.
Thinking processes
 Develop geographic
questions to further an
 Evaluate information
for accuracy and worth
 Develop a range of
geographic questions
appropriate for an
investigation or report
 With teacher
guidance, use a range
of creative thinking
strategies for
exploring possibilities
and responding
appropriately to a
 Use appropriate
strategies to evaluate
information for its
validity in answering
questions or writing a
 With teacher
guidance, generate
multiple options and
solutions or responses
to problems or issues
 Develop their own
criteria to evaluate
 With teacher support,
apply creative
thinking strategies for
a variety of purposes
and problems
 Use a range of
appropriate strategies
to evaluate evidence
 Consider others’ point
of view
 Apply a range of
creative thinking
strategies to generate a
range of valid
responses to
geographic problems
At Level 5, students locate and select relevant information from varied sources when investigating a geographic landscape. They use a range
of appropriate reasoning and analysis strategies when identifying, synthesising and evaluating evidence and developing a point of view.
They use a range of discipline-based methodologies (e.g. geography).They demonstrate creativity and can solve problems using a range of
appropriate strategies
 Ask for clarification
when needed
 Organise information
clearly for
 Use of geographic
 Use geographic
 Integrate geographic
 Interpret complex
language such as
language in oral,
language clearly and
information and can
written and graphic
appropriately in a wide
evaluate it and adapt it
‘erosion’ and ‘rural
responses such as
range of responses
in written, oral and
population’ in verbal
block diagrams and
graphic presentations
 Appropriately select
and non-verbal
presentation forms
 Use specialised
 Recognise the
such as colours on a
language and symbols
 Understand the role of
connections between
map and clearly drawn
in presentations
maps and well drawn
ideas and information
block diagrams that
 Apply prior knowledge
diagrams in adding
in presented
give meaning to
such as map reading
meaning to written
complex ideas
skills to new situations
and contexts
At Level 5, students interpret complex information and evaluate the effectiveness of its presentation. When responding, they use specialised
language appropriate to the context and purpose. They provide and use constructive feedback to develop effective communication skills
Oxford Big Ideas Geography Level 5 ISBN 978 0 19 556570 6 © Oxford University Press Australia
Assessment Rubric—2.2 How do environments change?
It is expected that a study of Australian environments would be taught in Year 7. Most students would
then be at Level 4, working towards Level 5. The work of the student in progressing towards Level 5
demonstrates that the student can:
Geography skills
 Understand
Australia’s significant
natural processes such
as weathering and
 Compare the various
changes that people
have made to the
environment through
mining and forestry
 Describe Australia’s
environments by using
a range of geographic
 Identify features from
maps, satellite images,
and oblique
 Identify Australia’s
geographic regions
 Identify and analyse
the issues of forestry,
climate change and
 Collect information
from a range of
geographic media such
as choropleth maps,
aerial photographs and
satellite images
 Construct maps using
correct geographic
 Collect relevant
information from a
range of sources
 Demonstrate creativity
in solving problems
 Identify appropriate
 Use a range of creative
thinking strategies to
solve complex
 Explain the ways in
natural processes such
as weathering and
human activities such
as farming create
variations and changes
in regions
 Understand policies
designed to protect
environments such as
national parks
 Collect information
from a range of data
types and the ability to
accurately describe
 Construct accurate
maps and interpret
these maps to make
valid conclusions
 Identify the differences
between Australian
regions and the reasons
for these differences
 Investigate proposals
designed to protect
environments such as
the protection of coral
reefs, rainforests and
coastal landforms
 Analyse information
from a range of media
to make a valid
conclusions such as the
influence of mining
methods on desert
 Demonstrate a
knowledge and
understanding of
Australia’s regions
 Understand the human
activities and physical
processes responsible
for changes in these
 Demonstrate an
understanding of
environmental issues
and sustainability
 Collect information
from a wide range of
geographic media
including atlas maps,
satellite images and
photographs and an
ability to evaluate,
analyse and present this
data in a range of
At Level 5, students use evidence to explain the variations in regions within Australia and surrounding regions. They describe differences in
culture, living conditions and environmental issues. Students collect information from a wide variety of sources including fieldwork and
present it in a range of forms using correct geographic conventions.
Thinking processes
 Identify and evaluate
 Generate multiple
options to dealing with
environmental issues
 Critically assess
 Select relevant
information for
information from a
appropriateness and
range of sources
 Identify appropriate
 Apply creative
creative thinking
thinking strategies for
strategies and use them
dealing with
to deal with complex
geographic problems
geographic issues
such as environmental
At Level 5, students locate and select relevant information from varied sources when investigating a geographic landscape. They use a range
of appropriate reasoning and analysis strategies when identifying, synthesising and evaluating evidence and developing a point of view.
They use a range of discipline-based methodologies (e.g. geography).They demonstrate creativity and can solve problems using a range of
appropriate strategies
 Interpret given
 Organise ideas
logically and clearly
 Appropriately use
 Appropriately use
 Integrate geographic
 Use specialised
geographic language
geographic language in
language clearly in
language and symbols
oral, written and
in presentations
 Understand the role of
graphic responses
 Appropriately select
 Apply prior knowledge
maps and well drawn
 Recognise the
diagrams in adding
presentation forms that
such as map reading
meaning to written
connections between
give meaning to
skills to new situations
ideas and information
complex ideas
and contexts
At Level 5, students interpret complex information and evaluate the effectiveness of its presentation. When responding, they use specialised
language appropriate to the context and purpose. They provide and use constructive feedback to develop effective communication skills
Oxford Big Ideas Geography Level 5 ISBN 978 0 19 556570 6 © Oxford University Press Australia
Assessment Rubric— 2.3 How do we protect special places?
It is expected that a study of Australian environments would be taught in Year 7. Most students would
then be at Level 4, working towards Level 5. The work of the student in progressing towards Level 5
demonstrates that the student can:
Geography skills
 Recommend ways of
protecting Australia’s
unique environments
 Identify and describe
human and natural
environments such as
national parks and
world heritage areas
 Identify and explain
issues surrounding the
protection of
Australia’s unique
 Collect information
from a range of
geographic media such
as photographs, maps
and tables
 Collect relevant
information from a
range of sources
 Demonstrate creativity
in solving problems
 Identify appropriate
 Use a range of creative
thinking strategies to
solve complex
 Present a point of view
on protecting places
through national park
or World Heritage
 Identify a range of
different viewpoints on
the ways in which
significant places
should be protected
 Understand the ways in
which national parks,
marine parks and world
heritage listing protect
sensitive environments
 Collect and describe
information from a
range of geographic
media such as
photographs, maps and
 Investigate and
evaluate the ways in
which people respond
to the protection of
unique environments
 Analyse information
from a range of
geographic media
 Demonstrate an
understanding of the
ways in which
protection aids the
sustainability of
 Collect, analyse,
evaluate and present of
information from a
range of geographic
At Level 5, students use evidence to explain the variations in regions within Australia and surrounding regions. They describe differences in
culture, living conditions and environmental issues. Students collect information from a wide variety of sources including fieldwork and
present it in a range of forms using correct geographic conventions.
Thinking processes
 Identify and evaluate
 Generate multiple
options to dealing with
 Critically assess
 Select relevant
information for
information from a
appropriateness and
range of sources
 Identify appropriate
 Apply creative
creative thinking
thinking strategies for
strategies and use them
dealing with
to deal with complex
geographic problems
geographic issues
such as environmental
At Level 5, students locate and select relevant information from varied sources when investigating a geographic landscape. They use a range
of appropriate reasoning and analysis strategies when identifying, synthesising and evaluating evidence and developing a point of view.
They use a range of discipline-based methodologies (e.g. geography).They demonstrate creativity and can solve problems using a range of
appropriate strategies
Civics and Citizenship
 Recognise a range of
 Recognise viewpoints
 Explain different
viewpoints and some
and form a plan for
perspectives on
possible solutions to
protecting a significant
problems connected
protection and
with environmental
formulate and justify a
At Level 5, students examine a range of perspectives on contemporary issues such as the protection of significant natural and cultural
Oxford Big Ideas Geography Level 5 ISBN 978 0 19 556570 6 © Oxford University Press Australia
Assessment Rubric Transferring Ideas – Ningaloo Reef:
why do environments change?
It is expected that a study of Australian environments would be taught in Year 7. Most students would
then be at Level 4, working towards Level 5. The work of the student in progressing towards Level 5
demonstrates that the student can:
 Investigate a
significant Australian
environment and make
about its protection
 Interpret an atlas map
and use geographic
concepts such location,
scale and sustainability
 Identify and analyse
the use and protection
of Ningaloo Reef
 Collect information
from a range of
geographic media such
as photographs, maps
and written
Geography skills
 Understanding policies
currently in place to
manage an
environmental issue
such as national and
marine park status
 Collect and describe
information from a
range of geographic
media such as
photographs, maps and
written information
 Investigate and
evaluate the
sustainability of a
proposal for World
Heritage listing for
Ningaloo Reef
 Analyse information
from a range of
geographic media
 Demonstrate an
understanding of
environmental issues
based on inquiry and
propose ways of
ensuring the
sustainability this
 Collect, analyse,
evaluate and present of
information from a
range of geographic
At Level 5, students use evidence to explain the variations in regions within Australia and surrounding regions. They describe differences in
culture, living conditions and environmental issues. Students collect information from a wide variety of sources including fieldwork and
present it in a range of forms using correct geographic conventions.
Thinking processes
 Use the information
 Solve problems and
 Complete activities
 Complete activities
 Complete activities
they collect to inform
make decisions in
focusing on problem
focusing on problem
focusing on problem
decision making about
activities about
solving and decision
solving and decision
solving and decision
making which involve
making which involve
making about
protection which
variables and other
an increasing number
involve a few variables
possible solutions
of variables and
 Develop reasoned
protection which
arguments using
involve a few
supporting evidence.
At Level 5, students locate and select relevant information from varied sources when investigating a geographic landscape. They use a range
of appropriate reasoning and analysis strategies when identifying, synthesising and evaluating evidence and developing a point of view.
They use a range of discipline-based methodologies (e.g. geography).They demonstrate creativity and can solve problems using a range of
appropriate strategies
Civic and Citizenship
 Present a point of
view on protecting the
Ningaloo Reef
 Identify a range of
different viewpoints on
the ways in which
Ningaloo Reef should
be protected
 Recognise a range of
 Recognise viewpoints
 Explain different
viewpoints and some
and the formation of a
perspectives on
possible solutions to
plan for protecting
problems connected
Ningaloo Reef
protection and
with the use and
formulate and justify a
management of
Ningaloo Reef
At Level 5, students examine a range of perspectives on contemporary issues such as the protection of significant natural and cultural
Oxford Big Ideas Geography Level 5 ISBN 978 0 19 556570 6 © Oxford University Press Australia