Technical Appendix 8 A geomorphic re-appraisal of the River Severn Roundabout GCR site Final Report Technical Appendix 8: A geomorphic re-appraisal of the River Severn Roundabout GCR site Contents Page List of Figures 2 List of Tables 4 Executive Summary 5 Acknowledgements 6 1. Project background 7 2. Project aims and objectives 9 3. Methods 9 4. River channel change at the GCR site 10 5. Floodplain morphology at the GCR site 10 6. Subsurface alluvial features and sedimentary sequences at the GCR site 11 6.1 GPR investigations 11 6.2 Coring investigations 26 7. Development of the Roundabout meander loop 26 8. Holocene valley-floor development at the GCR site 32 9. Justification of the proposed GCR site boundary 39 9.1 General criteria for the positioning of the GCR site boundary 39 9.2 The proposed GCR site boundary 39 10. Future research 40 11. A suggested revised GCR Statement of Interest for the Severn Roundabout site 40 1 Technical Appendix 8: A geomorphic re-appraisal of the River Severn Roundabout GCR site List of Figures Page Figure 1: Location of the River Severn Roundabout GCR site 7 Figure 2: The River Severn Roundabout GCR site 8 Figure 3: River channel change at the Roundabout 1845-2002 12 Figure 4: River bank erosion and channel deposition at the Roundabout 1845-2002 13 Figure 5: Digital elevation model of the Roundabout reach 14 Figure 6: Valley floor transect showing super-elevation of the floodplain between the flood embankment and valley side, and the natural levée 15 Figure 7: Geomorphological map of the Roundabout GCR site 16 Figure 8: Geomorphological map of the Roundabout meander loop showing the digital elevation model with a resolution of 25 cm 17 Geomorphological map of the Roundabout meander loop showing locations of GPR transects and cores 18 Figure 9: Figure 10: GPR survey of transect 1 showing three buried palaeochannels 19 Figure 11: GPR survey of transect 2 showing two sets of lateral accretion units interspersed with channel-fill sediments 20 Figure 12: GPR survey of transect 3 showing buried surface and palaeochannels 22 Figure 13: GPR survey of transect 4 showing lateral accretion units and palaeochannel 23 Figure 14: GPR survey of transect 5 showing lateral accretion units and natural levée 24 Figure 15: GPR survey of transect 6 showing palaeochannels and natural levées 25 Figure 16: Sedimentary sequence recovered in core 1 27 Figure 17: Sedimentary sequence recovered in core 2 28 Figure 18: Development of the Roundabout meander loop. 29 Figure 19: Erosion and deposition at the Roundabout meander loop between 1845 and 2002 30 Figure 20: Geomorphological map of the Severn valley at the northern end of the GCR site 33 Figure 21: Cores from multithread palaeochannels to the west of the current River Severn at the Roundabout 34 Figure 22: Location of valley-floor cross-sections 36 Figure 23: Valley-floor cross-sections from the Roundabout reach 37 Figure 24: Schematic valley-floor cross-section showing burial of preMediaeval floodplain and development of natural levées 38 2 Technical Appendix 8: A geomorphic re-appraisal of the River Severn Roundabout GCR site Figure 25: The current GCR boundary 41 Figure 26: The proposed GCR boundary 42 3 Technical Appendix 8: A geomorphic re-appraisal of the River Severn Roundabout GCR site List of Tables Page Table 1: Data sources used to reconstruct historical channel change Table 2: Radiocarbon-dated samples from the Buttington reach, River Severn 31 Radiocarbon-dated samples from the Roundabout reach 35 Table 3: 4 9 Technical Appendix 8: A geomorphic re-appraisal of the River Severn Roundabout GCR site EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This project was commissioned by the Countryside Council for Wales (CCW) to evaluate the Holocene fluvial geomorphology and river channel dynamics of the River Severn Roundabout GCR site, near Welshpool, with a view to re-appraising its boundary on a scientific basis. Holocene river channel dynamics at the site were reconstructed using interpretative geomorphological maps, ground-penetrating radargrams and 5 floodplain cores. Analysis of maps and aerial photographs dating from 1845 to 2002 showed that the river channel has been remarkably stable since the mid-nineteenth century with channel change restricted to small amounts of bank erosion and in-channel deposition on the outside and inside of meander bends, respectively. Natural levées border the current river channel and the construction of artificial flood embankments before the end of the nineteenth century has concentrated recent sedimentation within a narrow (<500 m) corridor along the present channel. Subsurface investigations focussed on the Roundabout meander loop suggest that the sinuosity of the channel increased significantly during a phase of rapid fine-grained sedimentation which is thought to have begun during the Mediaeval period. Investigations outside the present GCR boundary indicate that a slowly aggrading anastomosing river system existed in the reach from 4800 to 3200 BC. The conservation value of the Roundabout meander is very high because it is probably the only British example of a highly sinuous, multi-loop, meander which has persisted with little change for more than 150 years, in spite of having a very narrow neck. Based on the geomorphological evidence gained through this project it is recommended that the GCR site be reduced in size (shortened) and focussed on the Roundabout meander loop which is the main feature of geomorphological interest. The revised GCR boundary includes the entire Roundabout meander loop and also encompasses an area of valley floor which lies between the valley side to the east and an artificial flood embankment to the west. Rapid fine-grained sedimentation in this valley floor area, both before and after the construction of the flood embankments, led to the development of natural levees and also restricted lateral river channel migration; these processes were critical to the development of the present morphology of the Roundabout meander loop. Inclusion of this area of valley floor within the GCR boundary, therefore, provides an important and necessary geomorphological context for interpreting the Roundabout meander GCR site. 5 Technical Appendix 8: A geomorphic re-appraisal of the River Severn Roundabout GCR site Acknowledgements We would like to thank all those who have assisted in any way with this project, particularly Stewart Campbell for acting as CCW’s nominated project officer. We are also grateful to Jonathan Morgan, Peter Evans and Tony Gittins (EA Flood Defence, Shrewsbury) for the provision of cartographic data, and to Dr Eric Johnstone, Dr Gez Foster, Matt Rowberry and Catherine Swain for their assistance with geomorphological mapping, coring and GPR survey. Finally, this work would not have been completed without the kindness and co-operation of the many landowners in the Severn Valley; we are most grateful to them for allowing us access to their land and for offering us their generous support. 6 Technical Appendix 8: A geomorphic re-appraisal of the River Severn Roundabout GCR site 1. Project background The River Severn Roundabout Geological Conservation Review (GCR) site, Powys, Wales, extends 2.7 km from near Trewern Farm (SJ 26901247) downstream to Rhydesgyn (SJ 28071500) (Figures 1 and 2). It is an exceptionally good example of a lowgradient multi-loop meandering channel that is currently laterally stable. Channel crosssections have low width-depth ratios and the bankfull channel capacity is lower than farther upstream so that that this part of the river is prone to flooding and is dominated by overbank sedimentation (vertical accretion) (Higgs, 1997). The site has been proposed by the GCR for notification as a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), but in the interim may be registered as a Regionally Important Geological Site (RIGS) (S. Campbell, pers. comm.). This project has been commissioned by the Countryside Council for Wales (CCW) to evaluate the Holocene fluvial geomorphology and recent river channel dynamics of the River Severn Roundabout GCR site with a view to re-appraising its boundary (see Mathews, 1997). Figure 1: Location of the River Severn Roundabout GCR site 7 Technical Appendix 8: A geomorphic re-appraisal of the River Severn Roundabout GCR site Figure 2: The River Severn Roundabout GCR site 8 Technical Appendix 8: A geomorphic re-appraisal of the River Severn Roundabout GCR site 2. Project aims and objectives The main aim of this project was to produce a full and up-to-date assessment of all active and relict geomorphological features of the River Severn Roundabout GCR site, enabling boundaries to be fixed on a scientific basis. Four objectives of the study were defined by CCW as follows: 1. To produce a rigorous justification of the proposed site boundary. 2. Systematically to classify all Holocene river terraces and palaeochannels at the site, and areas of the floodplain and channel. 3. To produce a single colour-coded geomorphological map of the site showing the location of features of interest (e.g. river terraces, palaeochannels, alluvial fans, mid-channel and point bars etc.). 4. To elucidate alluvial architectures and Holocene river development at selected locations within the site. From these evaluate the relationship between Holocene river development, climate and land-use change in the reach. 3. Methods To establish the Holocene alluvial history of this reach, including its historical development, a range of geomorphological and geophysical techniques was employed. Large-scale maps and aerial photographs of the River Severn (dating from 1845 to 2002) were used to determine recent patterns of channel change at the site (Table 1). For each map or aerial photograph, channel margins and bars were digitised using ARC/INFO™ and transformed to National Grid co-ordinates. Table 1: Data sources used to reconstruct historical river channel change. Date 1845 Source Tithe maps for the townships of Tirymynech and Varchoel, Burgedin and Rhetescyn in the parish of Guilsfield Scale 1:4,752 1884 1948 Ordnance Survey 1st series. Montgomeryshire sheets 16 SW and NW Ordnance Survey 2nd series. Montgomeryshire sheets 16 SW and NW B&W RAF aerial photography. Sortie No: 106G/UK/1698 1972 Ordnance Survey sheets SJ 21 SE and SJ 21 NE 1992 Colour GEONEX aerial photography. 2002 Colour CUCAP aerial Photography. Sortie No: ZknMU 1:10,56 0 1:10,56 0 1:10,00 0 1:10,00 0 1:10,00 0 1:10,00 0 1905 In order to reconstruct Holocene river dynamics at the site, detailed surface and sub– subsurface investigations were conducted. Initially, high-resolution topographic maps of the valley floor (supplied by the Environment Agency, originally compiled by the Severn 9 Technical Appendix 8: A geomorphic re-appraisal of the River Severn Roundabout GCR site Trent Water Authority in 1977) with contours at half-metre intervals and spot heights at 10 cm intervals, were digitised and used to construct a digital elevation model (DEM) of the site. Using the DEM, the 2002 CUCAP colour aerial photographs (Table 1) and a walk-over-survey, an interpretative geomorphological map of the site was then produced showing terraces, palaeochannels, valley margins and alluvial fans. Ground penetrating radar (GPR) transects (6 in total, covering 920 m) were carried out using PulsEkko equipment with 100 MHz antennae to establish sub-surface alluvial sedimentary structures and sequences. Differential GPS was used to provide the highresolution survey data necessary to correct the GPR traces for the effects of surface topography. Furthermore, two sediment cores were collected using a percussion corer to ‘ground truth’ the GPR survey, and to collect organic material for radiocarbon dating. Although surface and sub-surface investigations focussed on the existing Severn Roundabout GCR site, they were not solely restricted to this area. Geomorphological mapping and coring were also undertaken across the width of the valley floor; this provided additional data to augment interpretation of the Roundabout site. 4. River channel change at the Roundabout GCR site There has been very little river channel change in the study reach since 1845, and there have been no changes in overall channel planform (Figure 3). The channel pattern has been remarkably stable with only small changes occurring principally at the major meander bends. Figure 4 plots sediment erosion and deposition in the reach between 1845 and 2002 and illustrates the very minor changes which have taken place throughout the reach since 1845. The pattern of channel change in this reach provides a marked contrast with the River Severn GCR site at Caersws (Maas et al., 2001). The rapid changes in the Caersws reach have included a number of meander loop cut-offs, in contrast to the Roundabout site where the Roundabout meander loop itself has remained stable for over 150 years despite having a very narrow neck (10 m). There is also a great contrast in the geomorphological and sedimentological character of the two reaches. The river channel in the Roundabout reach has a low gradient (0.0004 m m-1) and is confined between high banks (4.8 m above water level) formed predominantly of silts and clays. In contrast, the Caersws reach has a higher gradient (0.0021 to 0.0029 m m-1), the river channel is largely unconfined and bounded by erodible composite gravel banks, which supply sediment to the numerous bars in the reach. 5. Floodplain morphology at the GCR site Figure 5 shows a DEM of the Roundabout GCR site and surrounding Severn Valley; two topographic features are clearly evident. First, the elevation of the floodplain decreases away from the present river channel indicating the development of natural levées on the east and west banks of the modern river channel (Figure 5). Natural levées are created by the vertical accretion process and form when suspended sediment from overbank flows preferentially settles out close to the river bank. Second, artificial flood embankments, built before 1884, run sub-parallel to the present river on both banks, but are discontinuous on the right (east) bank due to the proximity of the valley side. Between the artificial flood embankments there has been accelerated sedimentation, resulting in much higher floodplain elevations between the flood embankments than outside them (Figure 6). 10 Technical Appendix 8: A geomorphic re-appraisal of the River Severn Roundabout GCR site Figure 7 presents an interpretative geomorphological map of the Roundabout reach produced from combining data from the walk-over survey data, DEM and colour aerial photographs. The surface topography of the floodplain within the GCR site is very subdued except in the areas immediately adjacent to the present channel. Nevertheless, a large number of palaeochannels has been identified within the reach, many of which appear to show a similar sinuosity to the current channel. To the east of the river, four coalescing alluvial fans have been identified, which in places have been truncated by river erosion. In particular, the lateral extent of the most northerly alluvial fan (SJ 2800013700) suggests that it once occupied a much larger area of the valley floor. To the north-east of the Roundabout meander loop a single fragment of a much higher terrace has been identified; it lies approximately 3 m above the valley floor and is higher than some of the alluvial fan sediments. Figure 8 shows an enlarged section of the geomorphological map in the immediate vicinity of the Roundabout meander loop superimposed on the digital elevation model (DEM). This clearly shows the subdued nature of floodplain topography in the GCR site in that many of the features mapped in the walk-over survey cannot be identified even on a 25 cm vertical resolution DEM. 6. Subsurface alluvial features and sedimentary sequences at the GCR site 6.1 Results of GPR investigations Figure 9 shows the location of the six GPR transects which were surveyed in the Roundabout GCR site. The transects were located within, and adjacent to, the Roundabout meander loop with the aim of providing sub-surface data to aid interpretation of the meander’s development. A velocity of 0.065 m ns -1 was used for each transect on the basis of prior information about the likely nature of the sedimentary sequence which was thought to be dominated by silt and clay. The depths of individual units within the sedimentary sequence, and elevations above Ordnance Datum, are based upon this assumed velocity. Cores taken from this area (see Figure 9) confirmed that the sediments are dominated by silt and clay and the elevations given in the radargrams, therefore, provide a reasonable estimate of the true elevation. Transect 1 Figure 10 shows the radargram for GPR transect 1. This transect runs in an east-northeast direction from the neck of the Roundabout meander loop across the core of the meander. It shows three palaeochannels (Figure 10; 1-3), one at approximately 50 m from the beginning of the transect, the second at 120 m and the third at 200 m. All three palaeochannels are about 60 m wide. Palaeochannel 1 is approximately 1.25 m deep and asymmetric in form, with a bar developed at the western side of the channel. Palaeochannel 2 is around 1.75 m deep and appears to have a more symmetric crosssection. The bases of palaeochannels 1 and 2 are at approximately 58 m A.O.D. Palaeochannel 3 is shallower and flatter in form (approximately 0.5 m deep) with its base at approximately 57.5 m O.D. The different cross-sectional shape of this palaeochannel may be due to the transect crossing it obliquely. The similarity in the base elevations of these palaeochannels and the pattern of overlying sedimentary units suggest that they all formed on an old surface which has subsequently been buried by more than 4 m of fine-grained sediment which has smoothed over and hidden the subsurface topography. The water level in the current channels is around 59 m, according to the detailed topographic maps produced from aerial photographs. 11 Technical Appendix 8: A geomorphic re-appraisal of the River Severn Roundabout GCR site 1845 1884 1900 1948 1972 1992 12 N 0 Metres 500 1000 River channel Figure 3: River channel change in the Roundabout GCR site 1845-2002. 2002 Technical Appendix 8: A geomorphic re-appraisal of the River Severn Roundabout GCR site N Channel Deposition Erosion Erosion/deposition Metres 0 500 1000 Figure 4: River bank erosion (red) and channel deposition (blue) in the Roundabout GCR site 1845-2002. 13 Technical Appendix 8: A geomorphic re-appraisal of the River Severn Roundabout GCR site Figure 5: Digital elevation model of the Roundabout GCR site and surrounding Severn Valley showing the location of the cross-section in Figure 6. 14 Technical Appendix 8: A geomorphic re-appraisal of the River Severn Roundabout GCR site Figure 6: Valley-floor transect showing super-elevation of the floodplain between the flood embankment and valley side (a), and the natural levée (b). The base of the channel is likely to be 1-2 m below normal water level, which is comparable with the elevations of these palaeochannels. At the eastern end of the transect a series of steeply dipping reflectors indicates that the western bank of the current channel has experienced lateral accretion during this period of fine-grained sedimentation. This suggests that the river channel may have moved eastwards by approximately 40 m since the onset of rapid fine-grained sedimentation. Transect 2 Transect 2 runs from north to south within the core of the Roundabout meander loop. At the northern end there are sequences of steeply dipping reflectors, indicative of lateral accretion, interspersed with the flat-lying reflectors of a channel fill (Figure 11). This suggests that the channel may have moved northwards by as much as 95 m during the period of fine-grained sedimentation. To the south of this sequence are two channels, with their bases at about 57 m and 56 m O.D., which have no surface expression. The sedimentary pattern of the channel fills suggests that they have been inactive during the period of fine-gained sedimentation. At the south end of the transect is an alluvial unit boundary, with the older and higher surface to the south, which has only minimal surface expression despite being a pronounced form near the base of the visible sedimentary sequence. 15 Technical Appendix 8: A geomorphic re-appraisal of the River Severn Roundabout GCR site Figure 7: Geomorphological map of the Roundabout GCR site. 16 Technical Appendix 8: A geomorphic re-appraisal of the River Severn Roundabout GCR site 17 Figure 8: Geomorphological map of the Roundabout meander loop superimposed on the 25 cm vertical resolution DEM. Technical Appendix 8: A geomorphic re-appraisal of the River Severn Roundabout GCR site 18 Figure 9: Geomorphological map of the Roundabout meander loop, River Severn, showing locations of GPR transects and cores. Technical Appendix 8: A geomorphic re-appraisal of the River Severn Roundabout GCR site 19 Figure 10: GPR survey of transect 1 showing the three buried palaeochannels. Technical Appendix 8: A geomorphic re-appraisal of the River Severn Roundabout GCR site 20 Figure 11: GPR survey of transect 2 showing two sets of lateral accretion units interspersed with channel-fill sediments. Technical Appendix 8: A geomorphic re-appraisal of the River Severn Roundabout GCR site Transect 3 In transect 3 (Figure 12), which runs from south to north, there is a series of steeply dipping reflectors, interpreted as a lateral accretion sequence, at the southern end. To the north of this is a sequence of flat-lying reflectors, which is thought to correspond to the older alluvial unit apparent at the southern end of transect 2. The surface topography of this buried alluvial unit suggests that there may be at least two palaeochannels on it, which have no topographic expression at the current ground surface. At the northern end of transect 3 there is a channel which may correspond to the southernmost channel in transect 2. Transect 4 The fourth GPR transect (Figure 13), which runs from south to north, shows a steeply dipping sequence of reflectors at the southern end, suggesting lateral accretion and channel migration during the period of fine-grained sedimentation. Between 40 and 90 m from the southern end of the transect there appears to be a broad palaeochannel. The width of this channel (70 m), in comparison to other buried channels at a similar depth (60 m), and its flat cross-sectional profile suggests that the GPR transect may have crossed the channel obliquely. Alternatively, the ‘channel’ might have been a flat surface between two prominent natural levées. These features have no topographic expression at the current ground surface. Transect 5 Transect 5 runs from east-south-east to west-north-west on the west bank of the Severn, and lies to the north-west of the Roundabout meander loop (Figure 14). At the eastern end of transect 5 is a series of steeply dipping reflectors interpreted as a lateral accretion sequence. To the west of this is a natural levée and then a relatively flat surface. Near the western end of the transect is a pronounced palaeochannel which has its base between 56 and 57 m O.D. This palaeochannel is a prominent feature on the current ground surface. Transect 6 Transect 6 runs from north-north-east to south-south-west, almost perpendicular to transect 5. At the northern end of the transect there is evidence for a natural levée associated with the nearby palaeochannel (see Figures 9 and 15). The prominent palaeochannel visible in transect 5 crosses transect 6 at about 70 m from the northern end (Figure 15; 1). The asymmetrical profile of this feature in the radargram is consistent with its position on the outside of a meander bend. On the southern side of this palaeochannel there are two narrow lateral accretion sequences. These appear to have been formed during infilling of the channel and do not appear to have been associated with lateral channel migration. A second palaeochannel (Figure 15; 2), which has its base below 57 m A.O.D., lies between 40 and 50 m from the northern end of the transect. This palaeochannel, which has no topographic expression at the current ground surface, appears to have been partly buried by a levée associated with palaeochannel 1. 21 Technical Appendix 8: A geomorphic re-appraisal of the River Severn Roundabout GCR site Figure 12: GPR survey of transect 3 showing buried surface and palaeochannels. 22 Technical Appendix 8: A geomorphic re-appraisal of the River Severn Roundabout GCR site Figure 13: GPR survey of transect 4 showing lateral accretion units and palaeochannel. 23 Technical Appendix 8: A geomorphic re-appraisal of the River Severn Roundabout GCR site Figure 14: GPR survey of transect 5 showing lateral accretion units and the natural levée. 24 Technical Appendix 8: A geomorphic re-appraisal of the River Severn Roundabout GCR site Figure 15: GPR survey of transect 6 showing palaeochannels and natural levées. 25 Technical Appendix 8: A geomorphic re-appraisal of the River Severn Roundabout GCR site 6.2 Results of coring investigations In addition to the six GPR transects, two sediment cores were collected from palaeochannels within the Roundabout GCR site (Figure 9). These cores were collected to obtain organic material for 14C dating and to provide information on the sedimentology of the alluvial fill. Core 1 Core 1 was taken from a buried palaeochannel which was identified from GPR transect 1 (Figure 10); 5.5 m of sediment were recovered. The dominant size fractions in the top 5 m of the sequence were clay and silt (see Figure 16). However, below 2 m the sediment also contained sand and below 4 m gravels were present. In general, the sediments become coarser with depth, with sand and gravel dominating the sequence between 5.5 and 6 m below the surface. This corresponds well with the GPR data which show the base of the palaeochannel between 5.5 and 6 m. A negligible amount of organic material was recovered from this core and was deemed insufficient for radiocarbon dating. Core2 Core 2 was taken from a prominent palaeochannel to the west of the flood embankment (see Figure 9). It reached a depth of almost 3 m (see Figure 17). In the upper half metre of the core silt was the dominant size fraction. Below this was a layer of silty clay. The remainder of the sediments consisted of clayey silts interspersed with layers of sandyclayey silt. Sediments from the lowest metre appeared to be similar to the sandy-clayey silts recovered above although the majority of the sediment from this unit was lost during recovery. This core also yielded insufficient organic material for radiocarbon dating. 7. Development of the Roundabout meander loop In order to elucidate meander development mechanisms at the Roundabout reach, subsurface features (palaeochannels and lateral accretion deposits) visible in the radargrams have been plotted onto the surface geomorphology map (Figure 18). Buried palaeochannels are shown in green and the dark purple arrows show the direction of river channel migration based on the buried lateral accretion deposits. The distribution of buried palaeochannels and lateral accretion sequences suggests that the sinuosity of the channel increased significantly during the period of rapid fine-grained sedimentation, with foci of channel migration on the inside of the individual loops of the meander. A sequence of possible former channel margins, inferred from the locations of lateral accretion deposits, is shown as a series of black dotted lines in Figure 18. The observed patterns of sedimentation strongly suggest that lateral accretion sequences will also be present on three further meander loops associated with the Roundabout feature (pink dashed arrows). Figure 19 shows that the pattern of erosion and deposition inferred from sedimentary sequences is consistent with that shown in cartographic analysis of channel changes between 1845 and 2002. An approximate estimate of the onset of rapid fine-grained sedimentation within the reach can be obtained using the rate of deposition on the inside of meander loops during this period. The pattern of reflectors in the radargrams, particularly those in Figures 10 and 11, suggests that the appearance of lateral accretion units was simultaneous with the onset of vertical accretion; individual reflectors show both lateral 26 Technical Appendix 8: A geomorphic re-appraisal of the River Severn Roundabout GCR site Figure 16: Sedimentary sequence recovered in core 1. See Figure 9 for core location. 27 Technical Appendix 8: A geomorphic re-appraisal of the River Severn Roundabout GCR site Figure 17: Sedimentary sequence recovered in core 2. See Figure 9 for core location. 28 Technical Appendix 8: A geomorphic re-appraisal of the River Severn Roundabout GCR site 29 Figure 18: Development of the Roundabout meander loop. Technical Appendix 8: A geomorphic re-appraisal of the River Severn Roundabout GCR site N Channel Deposition Erosion Erosion/deposition 30 0 Metres 50 100 Figure 19: Erosion and deposition at the Roundabout meander loop between 1845 and 2002. Technical Appendix 8: A geomorphic re-appraisal of the River Severn Roundabout GCR site accretion on channel banks and vertical accretion burying palaeochannels and other features along their length. This pattern is indicative of a significant change in sedimentation style at that time. During the period 1845 to 2002 there was 17.25 m of lateral accretion at the apex of the northern loop of the Roundabout meander core; a rate of 0.11 m per year (see Figure 19). Extrapolating this figure based on the length of the lateral accretion sequence recorded in GPR transect 2 suggests that the onset of rapid sedimentation occurred around AD 1020. However, rates of lateral channel migration are likely to have decreased significantly as the depth of fine-grained sediment increased. This suggests that this phase of sedimentation began somewhat later than AD 1020. This is consistent with the findings of a geomorphological survey 5 km upstream at Buttington undertaken to provide contextual information for an archaeological investigation (see Macklin et al., 2002). Radiocarbon dates from samples obtained at the Buttington site are shown in Table 2; conventional radiocarbon ages were calibrated using Oxcal version 3.5. The sample from Buttington core 1 was underlain by at least 2 m of clay indicating that the onset of fine-grained sedimentation occurred before deposition of the sample. The sample from Buttington core 3 was recovered from a channel fill of gravelly clay underlying more than 3.5 m of silt. The onset of fine-grained sedimentation appears to have occurred after sample deposition at this site. The sample from the river bank was recovered from below a structure associated with a much lower level of the floodplain and therefore probably also pre-dates the onset of rapid fine-grained sedimentation. These three dates suggest that rapid vertical accretion began at the Buttington reach sometime after the beginning of the tenth century and before the end of the thirteenth century. Table 2: Radiocarbon dated samples from the Buttington reach, River Severn Sample location and depth Laboratory number Conventional 14C Age (yr BP) Buttington core 1 Palaeochannel B Depth 2.75 m Buttington core 3 Buried palaeochannel Depth 3.75 m Buttington river bank Depth 3.31 m Beta 164537 820±40 Beta 166217 1040±40 Beta 164538 1010±50 Calibrated 14C Age (2 sigma calibration; calendar years) AD 1070 – 1090 AD 1120 – 1140 AD 1140 – 1160 AD 890 – 1040 AD 1100 – 1120 AD 1140 – 1160 AD 890 – 930 AD 950 – 1170 The twelfth century landscape at Buttington, including the remnants of the waterside structure, has been buried by alluviation to a depth of more than 3 m. Sedimentary sequences at the Roundabout show similar evidence of a buried landscape to those at Buttington. The subdued nature of the surface topography contrasts with the prominent features visible at depth in the GPR transects at both sites. It has been suggested that the 31 Technical Appendix 8: A geomorphic re-appraisal of the River Severn Roundabout GCR site River Severn may have had more than one active channel in the Buttington reach until the twelfth century but increased rates of sedimentation after this date rationalised the river into a single channel (see Macklin et al., 2002). The GPR data suggest that this is also a possibility for the Roundabout reach. The integration of geomorphological mapping, coring and GPR data at the Roundabout meander loop provides a model of valley-floor development in the reach during the last 1,000 years; recent and probably relatively rapid sedimentation has progressively buried the former valley floor, smoothing variations in former topography, and has partially ‘frozen’ the Roundabout meander loop in its present form through the restriction of lateral migration by increasingly high cohesive banks. 8. Holocene valley-floor development at the GCR site Geomorphological and sedimentological investigations of the valley floor outside the flood embankments have provided evidence of a significantly different fluvial landscape which existed in this reach before the Mediaeval period. Figure 20 presents a geomorphological map of the Severn valley floor at the northern (downstream) end of the Roundabout GCR site and shows that there is a significant difference in the morphology of the valley floor between those areas close to the current river channel, and within the present flood embankment, and those that are farther away from it. Those areas farther away from the modern river are characterised by a complex pattern of palaeochannels indicative of a multithread channel network. Sediment cores recovered from three palaeochannels (Figures 20 and 21) revealed a sequence of blue-grey clay-dominated sediments suggesting that an organo-clastic anastomosing river (Nanson and Knighton, 1996) previously occupied this portion of the Severn valley. Coarser sediments from the lower part of core 2 are thought to be a channel-fill sequence. Four organic samples from the three cores were submitted for radiocarbon dating and returned dates ranging from BC 3520 – 3120 to BC 4910 – 4680 (see Table 3 and Figure 21). These dates suggest that these anastomosing conditions were present for at least 1,180 years during the midHolocene and, since the youngest of these dated deposits lies more than two metres below the current ground surface, may have persisted until much more recent times. The radiocarbon-dated samples confirm that sediments of Holocene age exist to a depth of almost five metres in this reach. This contradicts earlier suggestions that glacio-lacustrine sediments are overlain by a thin veneer of alluvium in this area. For example, Thompson (1982), in a schematic valley cross-section, suggested that the thickness of recent alluvium in this area is little more than a metre and that glacio-lacustrine alluvium of unknown thickness underlies the entire valley floor and the neighbouring outwash plain. Although glacio-lacustrine alluvium has been found on both sides of the Severn valley in this reach, if it underlies the entire valley floor this must be at depths greater than 5 m. The older of the two radiocarbon-dated samples from core 2 (see Figure 21) was recovered from a unit of sandy-clayey silt overlain by a gravelly-silty sand. The sample was obtained from immediately below the boundary between the two units. The change in sediment size probably reflects a change in climatic conditions affecting the reach. The age of the coarser unit corresponds well to a period of increased flood frequency and magnitude identified in investigations on British rivers (see Macklin et al., in press). 32 Technical Appendix 8: A geomorphic re-appraisal of the River Severn Roundabout GCR site 33 Figure 20: Geomorphological map of the Severn valley at the northern end of the GCR site. Technical Appendix 8: A geomorphic re-appraisal of the River Severn Roundabout GCR site 34 Figure 21: Cores from multithread palaeochannels to the west of the current River Severn at the Roundabout. Technical Appendix 8: A geomorphic re-appraisal of the River Severn Roundabout GCR site Table 3: Radiocarbon-dated samples from the Roundabout reach. Roundabout Grid Sample Lab. ID Conventional Calibrated 14C Age 14 Reference Type Number C Age (yr (2 sigma) BP) SJ 263 148 Plant Wk 15770 4611±36 BP 5470 – 5350 material or BP 5340 – 5280 or BP 5170 – 5130 or BP 5110 – 5070 Roundabout SJ 267 140 Wood Wk 15771 4481±36 BP 5300 – 5030 or BP 5020 – 4970 BC 3350 – 3080 or BC 3070 – 3020 Roundabout SJ 267 140 Wood Wk 15772 4708±43 BP 5590 – 5500 or BP 5490 – 5320 BC 3640 – 3550 or BC 3540 – 3370 Roundabout SJ 267 142 Wood Wk 15773 5906±46 BP 6860 – 6820 or BP 6810 – 6630 BC 4910 – 4870 or BC 4860 – 4680 Sample Location Calibrated 14C Age (Calendar Years) BC 3520 – 3400 or BC 3390 – 3330 or BC 3220 – 3180 or BC 3160 – 3120 Figures 22 and 23 show the location and topography of three valley-floor cross-sections, and illustrate the height relationship between those areas formed by an anastomosing and aggrading river channel during the mid-Holocene and those adjacent to the current river channel. All three cross-sections show that the highest elevations on the valley floor are found between the flood embankments. Elevations decrease outside the flood embankments. The lowest floodplain elevations are found in areas between 0.7 km and 1.5 km from the current river channel. Evidence for a slowly aggrading anastomosing river system is found in areas of the floodplain with low elevations (see Figure 20). The presence of natural levées along the current river channel has been shown at a larger scale in Figure 6. This provides a model of Holocene valley-floor development at the site which is illustrated schematically in Figure 24: a slowly aggrading anastomosing river system deposited the blue-grey sediments (pre-Mediaeval alluvium) and produced a relatively flat floodplain. In the Mediaeval period there was a significant increase in sediment supply to the reach. The anastomosing river system was rationalised into a single channel. Natural levée formation began adjacent to the river channel. The building of flood embankments near to the river channel concentrated the deposition of overbank sediment in areas close to the river producing the marked difference in elevation between areas within and outside of the flood embankments. Dating of the change in rate of sediment supply is currently based on extrapolation of recent rates of channel change and correlation with the Buttington reach, 5 km upstream. Further field investigations at the site may yield datable organic material from the area adjacent to the current river channel which would enable this approximate date to be confirmed or modified. Additional field investigations may also enable this model of Holocene valley-floor development to be refined. At present two issues remain outstanding. Firstly, the current model suggests that blue-grey sediment deposited by the anastomosing river system should be present in the banks of the current river channel, most probably on the outside of meander bends. Exposure of channel-bank sediments within the reach are 35 Technical Appendix 8: A geomorphic re-appraisal of the River Severn Roundabout GCR site Figure 22: Location of valley-floor cross-sections. relatively poor but it is still surprising that an outcrop of this material has not yet been found. Secondly, comparison of the former floodplain surface apparent in GPR radargrams with the floodplain in areas where sediments deposited by the anastomosing river are found close to the ground surface shows a discrepancy in elevation of up to 2 m. For example, the floodplain surface associated with buried palaeochannels in GPR transect 1 (see Figure 10) lies at a depth of approximately 5 m below the current floodplain surface. The floodplain surface in areas of multithread palaeochannels associated with anastomosing river conditions lies up to 3 m lower than the floodplain surface adjacent to the current river channel. This difference is not yet adequately accounted for in the model of Holocene valley development. 36 Technical Appendix 8: A geomorphic re-appraisal of the River Severn Roundabout GCR site 37 Figure 23: Valley-floor cross-sections from the Roundabout reach. Technical Appendix 8: A geomorphic re-appraisal of the River Severn Roundabout GCR site 38 Figure 24: Schematic valley-floor cross-section showing burial of pre-Mediaeval floodplain and development of natural levées. Technical Appendix 8: A geomorphic re-appraisal of the River Severn Roundabout GCR site In summary, geomorphological and sedimentological evidence from the River Severn valley floor at the Roundabout reach contain a detailed record of Holocene valley development dating back to at least BC 4910 – 4680. The development of the valley floor in this reach has been complex, involving a phase of slow aggradation under anastomosing river conditions as well as a more recent phase of rapid sedimentation along the margins of the current single-thread channel. The large width of the valley floor in this reach coupled with the lack of datable organic material from more recent sediments mean that the pattern and timing of valley-floor formation are not yet fully understood. Further research at this site will aim to address these problems in order to refine the current model of valley development and precisely date the various stages. 9. Justification of the proposed GCR site boundary The Roundabout meander is the main feature of interest in the GCR site, being a unique example of a highly sinuous meander loop which has persisted with little change for more than 150 years, despite having a very narrow neck. Other low-sinuosity meander bends within the present GCR site are much less noteworthy and are an almost ubiquitous feature on most British rivers. Since the River Severn Roundabout GCR site was first established the flood embankments (argae) have been realigned and enlarged and a significant number of field boundaries, used to define the original limits of the GCR site, have disappeared (see Figure 26). Based on the available geomorphological evidence presented above, several criteria were used in the re-evaluation of the GCR boundary. 9.1 General criteria for the positioning of the GCR site boundary The proposed GCR site should include geomorphological features of direct relevance and interest to the Roundabout meander loop. We believe that the present GCR site is too large and should be shortened and centred upon the Roundabout meander loop. Ideally the GCR boundary should follow geomorphic boundaries. However, given the subdued surface topography in the reach, flood embankments and field boundaries have been used as well. In practice, the boundary follows hedge lines, roads, argae and other permanent linear features. Where it has not been possible to follow such features, the boundary follows a straight line between two permanent features (e.g. two hedge lines). Although the interpretation of the development of the Roundabout meander loop has involved the use of both surface and sub-surface data, the proposed revised GCR boundary only respects surface features. Given the fact that most sub-surface features are buried by at least 4 m of alluvium, and are unlikely to be damaged by normal agricultural activity, we do not see the need to include within the revised GCR boundary buried features which presently lie outside the boundary. 9.2 The proposed GCR site boundary The following section describes the location of the proposed GCR boundary, based on the criteria outlined above. The description commences from the southwestern corner of the proposed boundary (west side of the river), and is described in a clockwise direction (see Figure 26). 39 Technical Appendix 8: A geomorphic re-appraisal of the River Severn Roundabout GCR site The upstream limit of the boundary crosses the River Severn west-north-west of Trewern Farm; on the east side of the river it follows field boundaries in a east-south-east direction towards Trewern Farm, where it turns north. After 300 m it turns east until it meets the minor road to Trewern Farm. It follows this road north and then east to Old Mills. The boundary then follows field boundaries around Old Mills and continues north for approximately 300 m. It then follows a field boundary east for 100 m before turning north across a field to meet another field boundary. It follows field boundaries north for approximately 300 m and then west for 100 m to meet the river. The boundary then runs upstream west along the centre of the river channel around a small meander loop, generally heading west. It then joins the argae at the point where the course of the argae begins to run parallel to the river. The boundary then follows the argae to the upstream end of the site. The GCR boundary proposed in this report is shorter than the current GCR boundary. The total area of the proposed GCR site is 0.46 km2 compared to 0.83 km2 for the original boundary; this is a decrease in area of 44 %. 10. Future research This study has identified the main surface and subsurface geomorphological features in the Roundabout meander loop and has attempted to identify the controls on meander and valley-floor development. Nevertheless, a more detailed understanding of river valley development can be achieved through further geomorphological investigations. Some of the main avenues for further research are outlined below. Analysis undertaken by Macklin et al. (1994) and cited in Taylor and Lewin (1996) upstream at Welshpool has shown that the floodplain sediments contain heavy metals which can be used to date historic alluvial deposits and determine rates of floodplain sedimentation. It is likely that similar levels of heavy metals exist at the Roundabout site and that the technique could be used to complement radiocarbon dating. Further subsurface investigations could be used at the Roundabout site to examine the nature of the buried alluvial surface and more accurately determine its depth. Similar methods could also be used to determine the location and nature of the buried boundary between the mid-Holocene surface and that which existed prior to the onset of fine-grained sedimentation. 11. A suggested revised GCR Statement of Interest for the Severn Roundabout site The Roundabout meander on the River Severn, near Welshpool, mid-Wales, is an exceptionally good example of a low-gradient multi-loop meandering channel that is currently laterally stable. A detailed history of the Roundabout meander loop, and of valleyfloor development during the last 7,000 years, has been established from geomorphological and sedimentological investigations. The Roundabout meander loop increased in sinuosity and became partially ‘frozen’ in its current form due to rapid finegrained sedimentation which probably began during the Mediaeval period. This accounts for both its tortuous planform and its persistence and stability. This period of rapid sedimentation has also buried the previous floodplain surface in parts of the valley floor, forming the prominent natural levées along the current river channel. Previously, a slowly aggrading anastomosing river system was present in this portion of the Severn Valley. 40 Technical Appendix 8: A geomorphic re-appraisal of the River Severn Roundabout GCR site Figure 25: The current GCR boundary. 41 Technical Appendix 8: A geomorphic re-appraisal of the River Severn Roundabout GCR site Figure 26: The proposed GCR boundary. 42