McNair Scholars Program WHAT IS IT? McNair Scholars Program prepares first-generation and multicultural students for doctoral study and eventual careers as college professors. The program matches each student with a faculty mentor in their major; provides resources for undergraduate research projects; enhances students’ quantitative, computer, test taking, research methods, and critical thinking skills; provides students with opportunities to present research findings at regional and national conferences; provides stipends for on-campus and external summer research internships. Funded by the U.S. Department of Education. WHO QUALIFIES? Applicants are required to meet the following criteria: 1. Low income and First generation 2. Groups underrepresented in graduate education (African Americans, Latinos, and Native Americans) 3. Minimum 2.75 cumulative G.P.A. 4. Earned 60 units by the end of term accepted into the program 5. Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident MCNAIR APPLICATION PROCESS 1. Turn in the following documents to 219 McCutchan Hall or electronically to Completed McNair Application Form Resume Personal statement outlining desire for graduate education 2. Meet with a McNair staff to review application materials, undergraduate research plan, and graduate school plans. Appointment will be made upon receipt of application materials. 3. Conduct formal interview with the McNair Faculty Advisory Committee. 4. Final decisions will be communicated via email no later than March 18th, 2015. 5. Sign the McNair Post-baccalaureate Achievement Program Agreement form MCNAIR STAFF Whitney Supianoski, Director Christopher Maniece, Graduate Assistant 220 McCutchan Hall CONTACT Phone: 262-472-2804 Fax: 262-472-2794 E-mail: Website: Program Components (Requires Two Years) ACADEMIC YEAR Individual research with faculty mentor(s) Prepare for graduate schools application McNair meets once every two to three weeks throughout the semesters for other updates Graduate school visits Mentorship/teaching practicum lecture Conferences/presentations: National McNair Research Conference and Graduate School Visit UWW Fall and Spring Undergraduate Research Day AMSLC National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) UW-System Symposium SUMMER RESEARCH: SEMINAR (FIRST SUMMER) Research seminar Develop research proposal Receive writing instructions/assessment Exposure to technology Exposure to Research (Ph.D. standards) Graduate school visits (UW-Madison, Roosevelt University, Marquette University, UW-Milwaukee, Edgewood College, Cardinal Stitch, & University of Illinois-Chicago) Research poster presentations (One on the UWW’s campus, and another at Beloit College or UWMilwaukee) SUMMER RESEARCH: INTERNSHIP (SECOND SUMMER) 1. For Phase 2 of the summer component, McNair scholars are required to apply to out of state summer research internship programs or research sites. 2. Students can apply through Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP), a direct placement, or through any other available program. 3. Instructions on how to apply to these programs will be provided by program staff. Student Application - McNair Scholars Program Application Deadline: February 1st, 2016 University of Wisconsin - Whitewater Name_________________________________________________________________Social Security #________________________ Last First Middle Home Address__________________________________________________________UWW ID #____________________________ Street City State Home Telephone_______________________________ Zip Cellular Phone____________________________ Sex M F School Address__________________________________________________________School Telephone______________________ Street City State Zip Major:__________________________________ Date of Birth________________ E-Mail Address:_____________________ Place of Birth____________________________ US Citizen Permanent Resident Y N Y N Father's Name__________________________________________ Occupation______________________________________ Mother's Name_________________________________________ Occupation______________________________________ Guardian's Name________________________________________ Occupation______________________________________ What is the highest grade level achieved by mother, father, and/or guardian? Mother__________________________ Father_________________________ Guardian_________________________ PERSON TO BE NOTIFIED IN CASE OF EMERGENCY (List relatives or neighbors who we can contact in an emergency.) Name_________________________________________________________ Telephone No._________________________________ Address_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ City State List persons in your family who have attended college: # Years Name Relationship Attended Name of College Zip Degree Obtained Year ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Indicate your ethnic background _____ African-American (Black) _____ Caucasian (White) _____ Native American (American Indian) _____ Asian American _____ Southeast Asian _____ Other (please specify) _____ Latino (i.e. Mexican-American, Puerto Rican, Hispanic) What are your educational goals? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please list the area of research you interested in: RELEASE OF EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION I hereby give permission to the McNair Program to release academic information to: departments; honor and awards programs; financial aid and scholarship agencies; other campus units; employers; graduate schools; groups and individuals who support students served by the McNair Program. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________ Student's Signature Date FAMILY INCOME STATEMENT (This form is only to be filled out by student and/or parent or legal guardian) MCNAIR SCHOLARS PROGRAM University of Wisconsin-Whitewater 220 McCutchan Hall Whitewater, WI 53190 262-472-2804 Give monthly amounts for each source of nontaxable income being received by your family (including applicant) from any of the following. BREAKDOWN OF NONTAXABLE INCOME Social Security $_____________________________ Unemployment Benefits $___________________________ Welfare (AFDC & GA) $_____________________________ Alimony/Child support Veteran's benefit $_____________________________ Other nontaxable income $___________________________ Total NONTAXABLE income received $___________________________ $________________________________ BREAKDOWN OF TAXABLE INCOME FOR THE YEAR Year 20______ Father, stepfather, or male guardian $_____________________________________ Mother, stepmother, or female guardian $_____________________________________ Student $_____________________________________ Total TAXABLE income received $_____________________________________ Please list below, the dependent children and other individuals whom the family supports. Name Age Relationship ATTACH SEPARATE SHEET FOR ADDITIONAL NAMES I declare, to the best of my knowledge, that the information on this financial statement is true, correct, accurate, and complete. I agree to provide, if requested, any documentation, including a copy of my federal income tax return, necessary to verify information reported on this statement. ___________________________________________________ Signature of Parent or Guardian ___________________________________________________ Date __________________________________________________ Signature of Student __________________________________________________ Date PLEASE ATTACH A CURRENT RESUME & PERSONAL STATEMENT. EMAIL DOCUMENTS TO MCNAIRASST@UWW.EDU.