1. University of Chicago 专业排名 2, 综合排名 16 Master of Science in Financial Mathematics 专业:http://finmath.uchicago.edu/new/msfm/home/index.php 申请:http://finmath.uchicago.edu/new/msfm/prospective/plan_admission.php 要求:数学、物理背景,否则需要读 Financial Mathematics Preparation Course。 计算机背景,Matlab and C++,需要 GRE & Math Sub 成绩,不接受 GMAT TOEFL Institution Code 1832,Department Code 72 GRE Institution Code 1832,Department Code 0799 要求 GRE + Sub Deadline: Deadline for application submission is Friday, January 4, 2008. IBT subsection>=26 no exception Enquiry: terri@math.uchicago.edu paul.delcolle@anreder.com 2. New York University 专业排名 3, 综合排名 39 Courant Institute of Mathematics Sciences Department of Mathematics Master of Science in Mathematics in Finance 专业:http://math.nyu.edu/financial_mathematics/ http://www.math.nyu.edu/degree/ms/index.html#MS_in_Math_Finance 申请: http://math.nyu.edu/financial_mathematics/content/05_prospectiveStudents/05.html http://www.math.nyu.edu/degree/ms/application.html Deadline: Feb 15 list code 2596 for the NYU Graduate School in your request to the Educational Testing Service for forwarding official GRE and TOEFL scores. The departmental code for the GRE is 0703; for the TOEFL it is 72. 只接受 GRE, 学校推荐申请人考 Sub(mathematics, physics or another highly quantitative discipline) mathfinapp@cims.nyu.edu expect to receive a printed letter containing your UID in 3 weeks. 3. Columbia University 专业排名 4, 综合排名 9 M.S. Financial Engineering (Summer-July admission Only) The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science 专业:http://www.ieor.columbia.edu/pages/graduate/ms_financial_eng/index.html 申请:http://www.ieor.columbia.edu/pages/admissions/index.html Deadline: Dec 1 Application Fee: $45 GRE, Institution Code 2111, 只接受 GRE,不接受 GMAT Check the status: However, if it is necessary to inquire about your status email seasgradmit@columbia.edu or call 212-854-2941. jj19@columbia.edu/gms19@columbia.com https://admissions.columbia.edu/? To check the status: jm2388@columbia.edu 4. Stanford University 专业排名 5, 综合排名 6 Department of Mathematics Interdisciplinary Master of Science Degree in Financial Mathematics 由多个院系共同授课,包括 the Departments of Mathematics and Statistics, the Departments of Economics and Management, Science & Engineering, the Graduate School of Business 专业:http://finmath.stanford.edu/index.html 申请:http://finmath.stanford.edu/admissions/requirements.html 只接受 GRE 申请 Deadline: Dec 4 Application Fee: $105 institution code for the GRE and TOEFL is 4704. No department code is required 极其看中数学背景,偏微分方程&概率论 finmathinfo@lists.stanford.edu 5. University of Michigan 专业排名 12, 综合排名 26 MSE in Financial Engineering, Summer Admission Only,只接受 GRE 专业:http://interpro-academics.engin.umich.edu/fep/ 申请: http://interpro-academics.engin.umich.edu/fep/prospective_students/admissons.htm Application Fee: $75 Deadline: Dec 15, Feb 1 Toefl Institution code: 1839. GRE 1839. 2 required essays. submit a 2-3 minute DVD presentation introducing yourself and why you want to pursue this degree. (Please mail the DVD to the Financial Engineering Office.) University of Michigan 1542 H. H. Dow Building 2300 Hayward Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2136 Comments: regardless how Umich MFE program's quality, the name of Umich is good enough to secure many interviews for u. whether u can find a job starting from there really depends on individuals.. there are a lot Umich MFEers in WS as far as I know..and some of them are doing very well.. 6. Cornell University 专业排名 16, 综合排名 13 School of Operations Research and Information Engineering MS Engineering (Option in Financial Engineering) 专业:http://www.orie.cornell.edu/orie/fineng/masters/requirements/index.cfm 申请: http://www.orie.cornell.edu/orie/academics/meng/programdescription/apply.cfm Application Fee: $70 Deadline: Feb 1 (Fall), Sep 15 (Spring) GRE:University Code 2098,Department Code 1301 or 1302 TOEFL: University Code 2098,Department Code 67 只接受 GRE Interview: Cornell 面试,如果你没有 FE 相关经验的话,最好要先了解清楚 FE 到底是什么,如果有的话, 基本上谈谈你做过的事就没有问题了。反正不管你说什么,他都会找你的漏洞,问到你无语,然后他就会 叫你转专业。所以最好还是先有心理准备。 Graduate Admissions School of OR&IE 201 Rhodes Hall Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853 USA http://www.engineering.cornell.edu/student-services/orgspe/academic/master-engineer ing/application/index.cfm inquiry at http://www.orie.cornell.edu/orie/contact.cfm kmk23@cornell.edu check Rls. 7. Carnegie Mellon University 综合排名 22 Tepper School of Business Master of Science in Computational Finance 学校喜欢技术背景的申请人,比如 mathematics, computer science, engineering or economics,要求 C, C++ 专业:http://business.tepper.cmu.edu/default.aspx?id=141030 申请:http://business.tepper.cmu.edu/default.aspx?id=142111 Deadline: Nov 6, Jan 8, Mar 20 Application Fee: $100 接受 GRE/GMAT,GRE’s score Preferred GRE institution and department codes 2074 and 4399 IBT institution and department codes 2074 and 02 Two required essays Enquiry: Alesha Lynn mscf-admissions@andrew.cmu.edu CMU interview questions: 1. Why cmu, why mscf. 2. Which other schools did u apply for, and what's the result? 3. What do u want to do after graduation? 4. (better to prepare if u want to do S&T, was not asked )How's the market? What's ur opinion? suggestion for all the mscf applicants: try to get a related summer internship in big bank before u come to US. Will help a lot!! 8. Columbia financial math Our ETS code for the GRE and TOEFL is 2162. We do not use department or program codes. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences 107 Low Memorial Library, MC 4304 535 West 116th Street Columbia University New York, NY 10027 GSAS Admissions Office Columbia University 107 Low Memorial Library 535 West 116th Street, MC 4304 New York NY 10027 gsas-admit@columbia.edu 无法查状态的学校: Stanford, CMU.