WORD - Ponderosa High School

Ponderosa Band Information 2013–14
Mike Gunderson, Director of Bands
Welcome to the Ponderosa Band family! We are fortunate to have wonderful students and equally
wonderful parents involved in the band program. Our program consists of three major performing
groups: Marching/Symphonic Band, Concert Band, and Jazz Band, with 139 students participating.
It takes a significant amount of money to run the band program as it is now. To give you an idea of the
costs, here are some examples—one new song for concert band: $75-$100; drill & music for marching
band: $2,000; one bus for a group to perform/compete in the Sacramento area: $600–800; feeding the
marching band at one competition/event: $600 (four this year); entry fee for one festival/competition for
a band: $175–300 (approximately 10 this year).
Our Band Boosters and I have come up with an estimated budget of approximately $30,000 to maintain
the activities that we have attended in the past. We are asking families this year to help offset the
costs of the band program by making donations to the Band Boosters or to the Band ASB
Account. Many music groups in the area have fees for instrument use, meal costs, uniform fees,
transportation and participation fees—we do not. As an example, the Granite Bay HS band’s minimum
donation per student is $650.00. We could fund-raise forever (the company gets 60% and we get
40%), or we could ask you to donate money and we get 100% and you get a tax deduction.
Our boosters and I have come up with a suggested donation of the following amounts per
family for this school year to make sure that the music students are provided with the
educational experiences that they deserve. Symphonic/Marching band students would be asked to
donate $250 for the year. The Jazz band student donation would be $150 for the year. Concert band
student donation would be $75 for the year. This donation is on top of any costs for our Spring
Heritage trip. Donations could be spread out through the year, perhaps at the beginning of each
Scrip: This program is a successful (and easy) way to earn money for your child’s costs and for raising
money for the Ponderosa Bands. Encourage your friends and family members to sign up for this and
indicate “Ponderosa Band” as the account. Forms are available at school, from the District Office or
online at http://www.eduhsd.net/scrip.html. The Scrip Coordinator is Kelly Parker: 530.622.5081, ext.
7234 or kparker@eduhsd.net.
Program Costs: Our students incur some of the costs of the band program if they are able to.
Marching band members purchase their own shoes and pay for uniform cleaning. The Symphonic
band boys have chosen to rent tuxedos (~$60 per person) for their performances, and the girls
purchase matching black dresses through the school (~$75). These items will be provided to the
students at no charge if you are not able to incur the cost. The cost of the Spring Trip (not a required
event) to the Heritage Festival in Santa Clara has been paid for by students ($290 each) and the
transportation ($5,500) by the boosters and/or ASB band account.
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Fund-raising: We will have two student fund-raisers with the band students this year. The first one
will be selling Magazine Subscriptions/renewals through the Great American Opportunities fund-raising
company, with all proceeds going to the Band ASB account for general use. In years past, this has
earned approximately $2,000.
In February, we will sell cookie dough, with the proceeds being credited to the individual students to
help pay for the cost of the spring trip (Heritage Festival) or other costs for the band, such as marching
shoes, tuxedo rental, etc. Students have generally earned around $2,000 total from this fund-raiser.
Band Boosters: Our Band Boosters provide invaluable support and assistance to ALL of our
performing groups. The Marching Band is the beneficiary of most of their efforts during the fall
semester; transporting equipment, feeding the students, chaperoning, and countless other things. The
Concert Band and Symphonic Band are featured along with our feeder schools, Pleasant Grove and
Camerado Middle Schools, at our Invitational Concert that the Band Boosters coordinate. Springtime
has the Boosters busy providing support at Jazz Festivals, Golden Empire Festival and especially on
our spring trip to the Heritage Festival in Santa Clara, where ALL of the groups have participated. You
will receive information for joining the Band Boosters directly from our boosters. Kay Wells is the
President, and she may be reached at 530.676.8677 or pondobandboosters@yahoo.com. Please
email or call to help. The Band Boosters need your participation to raise money to support the
band program and students.
Honor Bands: Our students have the opportunity to participate in three honor bands: Capitol Section,
All-Northern, and All-State. Think: “All-Star Teams” for musicians, in that students audition for these
groups in various geographic areas and then get together for a weekend to practice and then perform.
It is lots of fun, a lot of work and very rewarding to all involved. Your child should be busy now
preparing their scales and solo for their audition recording. Dates of these events are on the Calendar
of Events, and interested students should see Mr. G for audition materials and forms.
Grades: Performance Attendance–50%; Tests–30%; Class Preparation/participation–20%
No late work is accepted. Illness or other school activities are the only excused absence from a
performance/rehearsal and prior written notice must be given to Mr. G.
Communication: All written communication that is sent home is also posted on the school web site:
http://bruin.eduhsd.net, follow the Band link. I generally send home a detailed information memo about
one week before each activity and these are also emailed via the Band Boosters. I may be reached by
phone at 530.677.2281, ext. 2239 or by email at mgunderson@eduhsd.net
Thank you for the support and encouragement that you provide to your child while they
participate in the Ponderosa High School Band Program!
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