LSOP COMMITTEE ISSUE 2233 TASK FORCE INTERIM MEETING JANUARY 17-18, 2002 PAGE 1 WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS Co-Issue Champion and Task Force Leader Jim Whinn of Verizon and LSOP Co-Leader Christine Cole of Verizon welcomed attendees. Participants performed self-introductions. Attendees are listed in attachment lc011702tfiman.pdf. THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 2002 DISCUSSIONS OBJECTIVE Mr. Whinn stated that his objective for this two-day task force effort was to prepare the contribution so that it would be able to be worked by the full LSOP Committee at OBF 77. ATTACHMENT 2233AT.DOC Mr. Whinn led participants through a review of attachments associated with this Issue provided in attachment 2233at.doc. Participants identified candidates for archive at the end of this meeting. The attachment was subsequently updated to show those attachments retired to the Issue’s archive zip file. 2233A1V2.DOC – ARCHIVED – SEE 2233A2V4.DOC Mr. Whinn provided a diskette copy of BellSouth’s comments he had received immediately prior to this meeting by email, file name 2233a1v2.doc. Mr. Whinn advised that attachment 2233a1.doc had been incorporated into the 2233a2 proposed Change Management Process (CMP) Guidelines, and that subsequently the 2233a1.doc had been retired to the Issue’s archive zip file ( Mr. Whinn was therefore concerned that the Task Force needed to review all of BellSouth’s concerns or comments. Monet Topps of SBC volunteered to compare this contribution to the proposed guideline language in 2233a2 during the CMP Guidelines discussions and would address any discrepancies as the Task Force conducted their review. Agreement: At the end of the meeting, participants agreed that the proposed guideline had incorporated all agreed upon concepts and 116105386 LSOP COMMITTEE ISSUE 2233 TASK FORCE INTERIM MEETING JANUARY 17-18, 2002 PAGE 2 issues, and the contribution 2233a1v2.doc was retired to the Issue’s archive zip file ( ATTACHMENT 2233A3V1.DOC – ARCHIVED – SEE 2233A2V4.DOC Mr. Whinn led participants through a review of 2233a3.doc, a contribution from AT&T containing proposed milestone timelines. Agreement: Participants agreed that the content in contribution 2233a3v1.doc would be transferred to the format proposed in contribution 2233a9.doc and added to the proposed CMP Guidelines documented in attachment 2233a3 as Appendix D. Participants agreed that the contribution 2233a3v1.doc would be retired to the Issue’s archive zip file ( ATTACHMENT 2233A4.DOC– ARCHIVED – SEE 2233A2V4.DOC Mr. Whinn led participants through a review of 2233a4.doc, a contribution from BellSouth. Co-Issue Champion Mike Usry of Sprint indicated that there might need to be forms included in the process after the review of the CMP Guidelines had been completed. Participants agreed to review the need for this form again at the end of the meeting. Agreement: At the end of the meeting, participants agreed that the proposed form would not be used, and the contribution 2233a4.doc was retired to the Issue’s archive zip file ( ATTACHMENT 2233A5.DOC – ARCHIVED – SEE 2233A2V4.DOC Mr. Whinn led participants through a review of the contribution 2233a5.doc. Co-Issue Champion Steve Moore of Sprint indicated that there are actually two existing processes in the industry. A more formal “form” approach and companies that do a type of “pole” or “ballot” process. Mr. Moore recommended that the Task Force hold this contribution for subsequent discussion after a determination has been made regarding whether forms would or would not be required. 116105386 LSOP COMMITTEE ISSUE 2233 TASK FORCE INTERIM MEETING JANUARY 17-18, 2002 PAGE 3 Agreement: At the end of the meeting, participants agreed that the proposed form would not be used, and the contribution 2233a5.doc was retired to the Issue’s archive zip file ( ATTACHMENT 2233A6.DOC – ARCHIVED – SEE 2233A2V4.DOC Mr. Whinn led participants through a high level discussion regarding attachment 2233a6.doc. Participants agreed to return to this contribution later in the Task Force meeting after discussion of the proposed Guidelines documented in attachment 2233a2 had been completed. Peggy Rehm of NightFire volunteered to compare this contribution to the proposed CMP Guidelines language in 2233a2 during discussions and would address any discrepancies as the Task Force conducted their review. Agreement: At the end of the meeting, participants agreed that the proposed guideline had incorporated all agreed upon concepts and issues, and the contribution 2233a6.doc was retired to the Issue’s archive zip file ( ATTACHMENT 2233A7.DOC – ARCHIVED – SEE 2233A2V4.DOC Mr. Whinn led participants through a high level discussion regarding attachment 2233a7.doc. Agreement: At the end of the meeting, participants agreed that the proposed guideline had incorporated all agreed upon concepts and issues, and the contribution 2233a7.doc was retired to the Issue’s archive zip file ( ATTACHMENT 2233A8.DOC – ARCHIVED – SEE 2233A2V4.DOC Mr. Whinn led participants through a review of the contribution attachment 2233a8.doc. Agreement: At the end of the meeting, participants agreed that the proposed guideline had incorporated all agreed upon concepts and issues, and the contribution 2233a8.doc was retired to the Issue’s archive zip file ( 116105386 LSOP COMMITTEE ISSUE 2233 TASK FORCE INTERIM MEETING JANUARY 17-18, 2002 PAGE 4 ATTACHMENT 2233A9.DOC – ARCHIVED – SEE 2233A2V4.DOC Mr. Whinn led participants through a review of the contribution 2233a9.doc. It was determined that the layout would be acceptable, but not the content. Agreement: Participants agreed that the content in contribution 2233a3v1.doc would be transferred to the format proposed in contribution 2233a9.doc and added to the proposed CMP Guidelines documented in 2233a2 as Appendix D. Participants agreed that the contribution 2233a9.doc would be retired to the Issue’s archive zip file ( ATTACHMENT 2233A10.DOC – ARCHIVED – SEE 2233A2V4.DOC Mr. Whinn led participants through a review of the contribution attachment 2233a10.doc. Agreement: Participants agreed that Local Service Ordering Guidelines (LSOG) milestone dates would not be required in the CMP Guidelines. Participants agreed that the contribution 2233a10.doc would be retired to the Issue’s archive zip file ( ATTACHMENT 2233A11.DOC – ARCHIVED – SEE 2233A2V4.DOC Mr. Whinn led participants through a review of the contribution attachment 2233a11.doc. It was determined that the contribution would be incorporated into the working draft of the CMP Guidelines documented in 2233a2, and that placement would be immediately following the heading “Changes to Existing Specifications”. Participants transferred the information from 2233a11 into the aforementioned location. Task Force participants worked the language of that contribution within the proposed CMP Guidelines as documented in 2233a2. On Friday morning, January 18, 2002, Peggy Rehm of NightFire provided documentation wording updates for sections that had not been reviewed on Thursday, January 17, 2002 in contribution 2233a11v2.doc. The applicable revised documentation was overlaid into the working document, and the Task Force continued to work the language of that 116105386 LSOP COMMITTEE ISSUE 2233 TASK FORCE INTERIM MEETING JANUARY 17-18, 2002 PAGE 5 contribution within the proposed CMP Guidelines, as documented in 2233a2. Agreement: Participants agreed that the contributions 2233a11.doc and 2233a11v2.doc would be retired to the Issue’s archive zip file ( ATTACHMENT 2233AI.DOC Mr. Whinn led participants through a review of the Issue 2233 action items documented in 2233ai.doc. The action items that remain open are addressed below. Action Item 1 Discussions Action item 1 was held in open status, but was discussed by the Task Force participants. ACTION ITEM #1 Ask of all customers – are 5 calendar days sufficient for customer review of the change management meeting agendas? RESPONSIBLE: All participants DUE: OBF 77 Status: OPEN Several participants felt strongly that a minimum of seven days would be required for the review period. Mr. Usry clarified that the need for a minimum of 7 calendar days stems from the need for a customer, who has not previously seen the agenda, to have enough time to understand the actual content of the Change Management Meeting’s Agenda. During the discussion of the time required for review, Task Force participants further identified that the content of a Change Management Meeting Agenda should include detailed information, not just bullet information. Agreement: The Task Force reached consensus that there would be a minimum of 7 days required for the review period. However, it was also agreed that the action item should remain pending for other participants’ feedback at OBF 77. Action Item 5 Discussions Action item 5 was discussed briefly by the Task Force participants. 116105386 LSOP COMMITTEE ISSUE 2233 TASK FORCE INTERIM MEETING JANUARY 17-18, 2002 PAGE 6 ACTION ITEM #5 Develop timeline for Industry Guideline changes with respect to issue 1581. RESPONSIBLE: Issue Champions DUE: OBF 76 RESPONSE: 01/17/02 Contribution 2233a10.doc resolved this action item. Status: CLOSED Agreement: Participants determined that the contribution 2233a10.doc resolved this action item, and that the action item should have been closed at OBF 76. The action item resolution was noted and the action item status was updated to “closed”. On Friday, January 18, 2002, Task Force participants opened six new action items for this Issue, which are captured in the notes following, as well as in 2233ai.doc, and were assigned the new Actions Item numbers of 8 - 13. ATTACHMENT 2233A2 DISCUSSIONS Mr. Whinn led participants through a review of the CMP Guidelines draft documented in attachment 2233a2v2.doc. All Task Force updates over the remainder of this two-day meeting would be documented in attachment 2233a2v3.doc. Highlighted Text Review Mr. Whinn explained that the 2233a2v2.doc contribution contained highlighted text that the Task Force needed to review for acceptance as the first step of this review process. The following items were reviewed: Introduction highlighted text was accepted. Scope highlighted text was accepted. Highlighted text referencing the new “Appendix A” created from the action item 7 response text was accepted. Page 19 highlighted text was accepted. Deletion of Appendix A2 and highlighted text was accepted. OSS Connectivity Rules & Policies During discussion of the highlighted text, Andy Fitzsimmons of AT&T suggested that the CMP Guidelines should include rules and policies 116105386 LSOP COMMITTEE ISSUE 2233 TASK FORCE INTERIM MEETING JANUARY 17-18, 2002 PAGE 7 governing interconnection for Operations Support Systems (OSS) connectivity. Agreement: Task Force participants agreed that the suggested information would be outside the scope of this issue, and would therefore require that Mr. Fitzsimmons submit a new OBF Issue. 2233a2 Page by-Page Review Mr. Whinn led participants on a page-by-page review of the entire document, one section at a time. Introduction Section Participants modified the Introduction to add a reference to the LSOG as documented in attachment 2233a2v3.doc Scope Section Participants reviewed this section and approved modifications as documented in attachment 2233a2v3.doc. Participants had a lengthy discussion regarding the scope of this document, particularly concerned with the words that address maintenance activities in a post implementation environment. Participants also discussed the appropriateness of removing the reference to manual processing that had been implemented at the August 2001 Task Force meeting. Agreement: Participants agreed that the electronic/manual process wording and the maintenance language should be revisited after the remainder of the documentation had been reviewed. On Friday, January 18, 2002, participants continued to express concern over the wording of this section. The following new action item was opened to address these concerns. ACTION ITEM #8 ESTABLISHED: 01/18/02 Review SCOPE of document to determine whether it reflects the body of the document as revised by the committee. RESPONSIBLE: All companies DUE: OBF 77 RESPONSE: 116105386 LSOP COMMITTEE ISSUE 2233 TASK FORCE INTERIM MEETING JANUARY 17-18, 2002 PAGE 8 ACTION ITEM #8 Status: OPEN Managing the Change Management Process Section Participants approved modifications as documented in attachment 2233a2v3.doc. Daryl Schulz of Accenture/Launch New requested clarification regarding the wording in this section for the terms ‘customer’ and ‘provider’. Participants discussed the terminology at some length, identifying that there was no distinction for a Service Bureau in the Guidelines. Agreement: It was agreed that Mr. Schulz and Andy Fitzsimmons of AT&T would work with other vendors present (Telcordia and NightFire) to draft a proposed Service Bureau definition for the contribution. Agreement: After a lunchtime vendor caucus, participants agreed that there would be no need to add the Service Bureau definition. Meetings Section Participants approved modifications as documented in attachment 2233a2v3.doc. Andy Fitzsimmons of AT&T requested that flow through documentation be added as an item for this section. Agreement: Participants agreed that this would not be the appropriate document for that type of information. Type of Interface Activities Section Participants reviewed this section and approved modifications as documented in attachment 2233a2v3.doc. Mr. Usry questioned wording that indicates that the provider can maintain up to two industry documents. Mr. Usry indicated that Sprint would treat LSOG conversions as flash cuts, maintaining only one version at any time. Ms. Usry expressed concern that the wording proposed would not adequately convey that a provider might only support one version. 116105386 LSOP COMMITTEE ISSUE 2233 TASK FORCE INTERIM MEETING JANUARY 17-18, 2002 PAGE 9 Agreement: Participants agreed that the wording adopted from the close of Issue 1581 does address that concern and that no additional clarification would be required. Requirements Review Section Participants reviewed this section and approved modifications as documented in attachment 2233a2v3.doc. Documentation Section Peggy Rehm of NightFire had provided documentation recommendation in attachment 2233a11.doc. This was transferred into the Guidelines as a new section. Participants reviewed this section and approved modifications as documented in attachment 2233a2v3.doc. The participants completed a partial review of this section before the time allocated for day one elapsed. Agreement: Participants agreed to start the next morning on attachment 2233a2v3.doc with the new Documentation Section at the bottom of page 16. DAY ONE ADJOURNMENT Participants ended day one after completing a partial review of attachment 2233a2v3.doc and the meeting was adjourned. Second Day Agenda Adjustment It was identified that many of the participants would need to leave earlier than the agreed upon adjournment time of 5:00 PM on Friday, January 18, 2002 due to limited flight availability. Agreement: In the interest of completing as much work as possible while the majority of the Task Force was still available, participants agreed to reconvene the following morning at 7:00 AM. Participants further agreed that there would only be a 30-minute lunch break on Friday. Future Meeting Agendas LSOP Co-Leader Christine Cole of Verizon pointed out to participants that leaving earlier than the published final day end time was becoming 116105386 LSOP COMMITTEE ISSUE 2233 TASK FORCE INTERIM MEETING JANUARY 17-18, 2002 PAGE 10 an unacceptable trend. Participants discussed the fact that scheduling meetings to end on the final day of the meeting at 5:00 PM had proven to be non-productive. It was identified that due to the airlines’ current restriction of scheduled flights, and the now inordinate amount of time one had to be at the airport in advance of a flight, ending at 5:00 PM would no longer be feasible for face-to-face meetings. Agreement: Participants agreed that no future LSOP General Session and/or Interim Activity face-to-face meetings would be scheduled for a final day ending later than noon. FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 2002 DISCUSSIONS ATTACHMENT 2233A2 DISCUSSIONS 2233a2 Page-by-Page Review Continued Mr. Whinn continued to lead participants on a page-by-page review of the entire document, a section at a time. Documentation Section Participants started day two by completing the review stopped the previous day at the Documentation Section bottom of page 16. Peggy Rehm of NightFire provided documentation wording updates for sections that had not been reviewed on Thursday, January 17, 2002 in contribution 2233a11v2.doc. The applicable revised documentation was overlaid into the working document, and the Task Force continued to work the language of that contribution within the proposed CMP Guidelines. Participants reviewed this section and approved modifications as documented in attachment 2233a2v3.doc. Comment Cycle Section Participants reviewed this section and approved modifications as documented in attachment 2233a2v3.doc. After extensive conversation, participants determined that the comment cycle information should not only be in a separate section, but should also be contained with each discreet activity section of the CMP Guidelines. The following new action item was opened to address these concerns. 116105386 LSOP COMMITTEE ISSUE 2233 TASK FORCE INTERIM MEETING JANUARY 17-18, 2002 PAGE 11 ACTION ITEM #9 ESTABLISHED: 01/18/02 Will make sure that there is a section within each activity regarding Comment Cycle. RESPONSIBLE: Issue Champions DUE: At or before OBF 77 RESPONSE: Status: OPEN Issue Log Section Participants transferred the information regarding the Issue Log as a new section addressing Issues Log in a more generic manner. Participants reviewed this section and approved modifications as documented in attachment 2233a2v3.doc. Interface Testing Participants reviewed this section and approved modifications as documented in attachment 2233a2v3.doc. Corroborative End-to-End Testing Discussions Andy Fitzsimmons of AT&T requested corroborative end-to-end testing references be added to the Guidelines to accommodate flow through testing. Task Force participants expressed concern that Mr. Fitzsimmons had offered several new suggestions during this Task Force meeting that had taken the participants by surprise. Participants requested that in the future, AT&T provide an advanced copy of suggestions, such as those so far presented at this meeting. Mr. Fitzsimmons stressed that he was as entitled to make suggestions and offer comments as other participant companies do, and if his concerns were not addressed in the Task Force meeting, participants could be assured that they would be addressed at the OBF General Session. Agreement: Participants agreed that this would not be the appropriate document for corroborative end-to-end testing information. 116105386 LSOP COMMITTEE ISSUE 2233 TASK FORCE INTERIM MEETING JANUARY 17-18, 2002 PAGE 12 New Interface Testing Participants inserted the proposed CTE Testing environment paragraphs provided in the NightFire contribution 2233a6.doc. Participants reviewed this section and approved modifications as documented in attachment 2233a2v3.doc. Training Section Participants reviewed this section and agreed that there were no modifications required. Post Implementation Management Section Participants reviewed this section and approved modifications as documented in attachment 2233a2v3.doc. Attachment 2233a2 Path Forward Participants completed the review of attachment 2233a2v3.doc. The attachment version was updated to 2233a2v4.doc, and all track marks were accepted to prepare the contribution for LSOP Committee review at OBF 77. Agreement: Participants agreed that attachment 2233a2v4.doc would be the working contribution baseline of the CMP Guidelines for presentation to the full LSOP Committee at OBF 77. Agreement: Participants agreed the contributions 2233a2v2.doc and 2233a2v3.doc would be retired to the Issues archive zip file ( ISSUE 2233 PATH FORWARD Andy Fitzsimmons of AT&T opened discussion once again regarding the intent of the documentation. Mr. Fitzsimmons shared the AT&T concern that wording of this guideline could impact specific customer/provider negotiation agreements that are currently in place. Discussions evolved back to the scope of this document, and then became focused on the actual meaning of the word “interface”, as used throughout the proposed guideline. 116105386 LSOP COMMITTEE ISSUE 2233 TASK FORCE INTERIM MEETING JANUARY 17-18, 2002 PAGE 13 New Attachment 2233a12.doc Mr. Usry offered a diskette contribution of a draft he had been preparing to expand the Definitions Section of the guideline, hoping that his definition of the various types of interfaces might alleviate some of the Task Force’s concerns. Agreement: Participants accepted this contribution and named the file attachment 2233a12.doc. This new contribution was added to the Issue’s attachment zip file ( Additional Action Items for OBF 77 Participants identified all of the unresolved topics that Mr. Fitzsimmons’ concern had raised, and it was agreed that a larger overriding concern regarding the intent of this Guideline had been identified. The following new action items were opened to address the concerns identified during these discussions. Action Item #10 Established: 01/18/02 Investigate removal or rewording of the Production Stopped and Production Degraded sections of the POST IMPLEMENTATION MANAGEMENT that is highlighted in attachment 2233a2v4.doc to ensure that change management processes are implemented when there are documentation changes. Responsible: All Due: At or before OBF 77 RESPONSE: Status: Open Action Item #11 Established: 01/18/02 Identify for the Scope Section a recommended list of items that this document does and does not cover. Responsible: All Due: OBF 77 RESPONSE: Status: Open Action Item #12 Established: 01/18/02 Provide your definition recommendation(s) for “Interface”, and identify the sections/paragraphs that your definition would impact in the working contribution (attachment 2233a2v4.doc). Responsible: All Due: OBF 77 RESPONSE: Status: Open Action Item #13 116105386 LSOP COMMITTEE ISSUE 2233 TASK FORCE INTERIM MEETING JANUARY 17-18, 2002 PAGE 14 Action Item #10 Established: 01/18/02 Review definition contributions in Attachment 2233a12.doc and provide comments to Issue Champions at or before OBF 77. Responsible: All Due: OBF 77 Status: Open NEXT TASK FORCE ACTIVITY PLANNING Participants agreed that due to the OBF LSOP General Session agreed upon time limitation that supported only two hours of discussion per Issue, there would continue to be a need to work on the CMP Guidelines after OBF 77. Participants agreed upon the following tentative schedule. Type Meeting: Face-to-Face Interim Meeting Location: St. Louis, MO – logistics to be determined Host: Monet Topps Attendees: Task Force Only Admin Support: Not Required Dates/Times: April 10, 2002 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM CST April 11, 2002 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM CST April 12, 2002 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM CST Objective(s): Finalize the 2233a2v4.doc to bring to the full LSOP Committee. Agreement: Participants agreed that the Issue Champions would request LSOP Committee approval for this tentative meeting at OBF 77. The pending approval scheduling form 2233tfim.doc is located in the Issue’s attachment zip file ( There was no further business identified and the meeting was adjourned. VIRTUAL MEETING NOTES DISTRIBUTION These meeting notes are submitted by Donna Martin, Cap Gemini Telecom Media & Networks U.S., Inc., LSOP Administrator, and have been reviewed and approved for distribution by: Jim Whinn Verizon, Issue 2233 Task Force Leader, LSOP Committee 116105386 Steve Moore Sprint – Primary Company Contact, Issue 2233 Co-Champion, LSOP Committee LSOP COMMITTEE ISSUE 2233 TASK FORCE INTERIM MEETING JANUARY 17-18, 2002 PAGE 15 Jason Kempson (for Deb Christopher) Telcordia Technologies, Issue 2233 Co-Champion, LSOP Committee 116105386 Mike Usry Sprint, Issue 2233 Co-Champion, LSOP Committee