Synopsis of paleovegetation and paleoclimate evidence from Late Quaternary unconsolidated sediments on and along the Blue Ridge The Big Meadows site (BMS) in Shenandoah National Park comprises Late Quaternary to Recent sediments unconformably overlying the late Neoproterozoic Catoctin Formation (Allen, 1963; Gilmer, 1999; Eaton and Bailey, 2004). Previous coring has determined that at least 6m of unconsolidated sediment were deposited in the topographically lowest part of the BMS (Litwin et al, 2004a), although Quaternary deposits in the meadow are non-uniform in thickness and distribution. The altitude of the BMS (~3500’ asl) creates a cool microclimate; that in combination with a shallow perched water table within its alluvial sediments enable it to host a refugial cold-tolerant modern flora. The meadow supports small populations of balsam fir (Abies balsamea), red spruce (Picea rubens), Red-osier dogwood (Cornus stolonifera), and Canadian burnet (Sanguisorba canadensis). Each of these plants more typically thrives in environments at least 4-50 latitude north of this site, in New England and northward. It also hosts a pine species restricted to the cooler microclimate along the ridge crests of the Blue Ridge and Appalachians, Table Mountain pine (Pinus pungens; Little, 1971, 1976; W.B. Cass and R. Engle, NPS (SHEN), pers. comm.). The Blue Ridge generally is vegetated by a southern extension of the temperate Appalachian oak forest, and this forest surrounds the BMS (Küchler, 1964, 1975; Litwin et al., 2004a). The valley floor below the Blue Ridge is forested with a warmer, more mixed forest dominated by oak, hickory, and pine (Litwin et al., 2004a). Fossil pollen evidence has been recovered from sparsely distributed, small depositional units across the eastern flank of the Blue Ridge, in and around Shenandoah National Park. Recent debris-flow denudation locally along the Blue Ridge (Morgan and Wieczorek, 1996; Morgan et al., 1999; Eaton, 1999; Wieczorek et al., 2000; Eaton et al, 2003) presented an opportunity to identify and collect climate information from these isolated Late Quaternary deposits. Most of these samples were dated directly using AMS 14 C analyses. These samples indicated that the vegetation inhabiting the Blue Ridge changed repeatedly with changes in Late Quaternary climate (Litwin et al., 2001, 2004a). Figure 1 illustrates the general forest structure presently established along the eastern coast of North America, and indicates the location of Shenandoah National Park with respect to it. From south to north, these are: 1) southern mixed forest, 2) oak-hickorypine forest, 3) Appalachian oak forest, 4) northern hardwoods forest, 5) northern hardwoods-spruce forest, 6) spruce-fir forest (minor type), 7) boreal forest, and 8) foresttundra to tundra (Küchler, 1964, 1975). The modern mean annual temperature (MAT) isotherms for this same geographic area also are shown (Owenby et al., 1992; NCDC, 2002: Litwin et al, 2004a). Figure 2 shows a map of the Blue Ridge sites from which fossil pollen samples were collected (Litwin et al., 2004a). Figure 3 illustrates a preliminary relative temperature model for the pollen samples that were recovered, and estimates for the forest type that each pollen sample most closely resembled (forest types abbreviated). One of the first observations noted was that the dominant forest type covering the Blue Ridge today, Appalachian oak forest, did not exist in this area for most of the 45 ky of geologic record covered by these samples. It likely first established itself on the Blue Ridge no earlier than ~15 ka, based on the calculated paleo-insolation curve (Litwin et al., 2001; Berger, 1978). This pollen evidence also suggested that during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, ~21 to 25 ka) the valleys and foothills surrounding the Blue Ridge most probably were covered completely with boreal forest. With the additional temperature reduction imposed by adiabatic cooling, the ridge crests along the Blue Ridge probably supported only alpine tundra, especially at high elevation sites such as Big Meadows. The modern boreal forest southerly limit in North America is positioned south of the southerly limit of permafrost. The southerly boreal forest limit occurs at approximately 1.50 C MAT (Ecoregions Working Group, 1989; Litwin et al., 2004a). The southerly limit of permafrost occurs at approximately -1.00 C MAT (Brown et al., 1997). The vegetation signal from the Blue Ridge pollen data suggested a minimum mean annual temperature shift of ~110 C (200 F), from the LGM to the present (Litwin et al., 2004a). This thermal difference is bounded between the coldest limit of the present forest in the BM area (Appalachian oak forest, at approximately 12.50 C (550 F)) and the warmest limit of the coldest forest type suggested by the pollen evidence at Kinsey Run (boreal forest, at approximately 1.50 C (350 F)). Evidence of LGM-induced cryogenic processes and cryogenic depositional features occurs throughout the Blue Ridge and Coastal Plain at northerly mid-latitudes. In and around the study area stratified slope deposits are exposed at Hoover Camp (~2300’ asl), and at Kinsey Run (~1160’ asl), which indicate that solifluction and gelifluction processes previously were dominant depositional processes in this area (Smoot, 2004a,b; J.P. Smoot, pers. comm.). Dropstone fabrics (i.e., ice-rafted pebbles and cobbles) also are present in the Kinsey Run section (J.P. Smoot, unpub. data). At Big Meadows, the shallow surface of the BMS has been interpreted as relict sod-bound tundra (J.P. Smoot, pers. comm.). In low-angle light this landform is visible as a series of shallow steps and risers covering the bowl-shaped depression at Big Meadows. Cryogenic processes also dominated the deposition along the Blue Ridge at Black Rock (Eaton et al., 2002). Corroborative periglacial evidence also exists abundantly just northeast of the BMS, out on the Coastal Plain. Recent LiDAR analyses there have led to the discovery of fields of parabolic dunes superimposed on river terraces along the Potomac River south of Washington, D.C. Optically-stimulated luminescence dating (OSL) and AMS 14C analyses have demonstrated that deposition of those dunes correlated with Late Quaternary stadial (cold) intervals (Markewich et al., 2009). Analogous modern parabolic dune fields currently are found in sites such as north central Sakatchewan and Ontario. These lines of geomorphic and textural evidence underscore the idea that the Late Quaternary-to-Recent landscape of the mid-latitudes notably was not in equilibrium with climate shifts or with present climate. Instead, the evidence above, as well as recent findings from others (Clark and Ciolkosz, 1988; Braun, 1989; Ciolkosz and others,1990; Gardner and others, 1991; Ritter and others, 1995) indicate that the present landscape in and around the Blue Ridge often displays a Holocene-age geomorphic and textural overprinting that incompletely modifies a relict periglacial landscape. In contrast, the fossil pollen evidence suggests that the past floras that have grown on these relict surfaces appear to have transformed regularly in near-equilibrium with past climate shifts over a 45 ky time period (Litwin et al., 2001, 2004b). The fossil pollen evidence suggests that the vegetation changes on the eastern flank of the Blue Ridge since the LGM have been frequent, abrupt, and strongly expressed. Forests appear to have shifted approximately every ~200 years on average over the past 45 ky (Litwin et al, 2004a). Some of these shifts probably have been quite abrupt. Current analyses of new, long (35 m) high-resolution cores taken along the Potomac River drainage are now testing the findings from these Blue Ridge paleovegetation and paleoclimate analyses. The new Coastal Plain data appears to suggest even more conclusively that vegetation shifts did not lag behind regional climate shifts (R. Litwin, M. Pavich, H.W. Markewich, and J.P. Smoot, pers. comm.). As suggested previously (but more sparsely) by the Blue Ridge data, the higher-resolution fossil pollen evidence in the Coastal Plain corroborates that Late Quaternary vegetation shifts mirrored the trends seen in the paleotemperature record of the Greenland ice cores (Johnsen et al., 1995; Jouzel et al., 1997; Litwin et al, 2001; Litwin et al., 2004a, 2004b; R.J. Litwin, pers. comm.). References Allen, R.M., 1963, Geology and mineral resources of Greene and Madison Counties. Virginia Division of Mineral Resources, Bulletin 78, 102 p. Berger, A.L., 1978, Long-term variations of caloric insolation resulting from the Earth’s orbital elements. Quaternary Research, 9:139-167. Braun, D.D., 1989, Glacial and periglacial erosion of the Appalachians: Geomorphology, v. 2 p. 233-256. Brown, J., Ferrians, O.J., Heginbottom, J.A., and Melnikov, E.S., 1997, Circum-Arctic map of permafrost and ground-ice conditions. U.S. Geological Survey CircumPacific Map Series, Map CP-45. 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