The Northwestern Illinois Grazing Conference is an excellent workshop opportunity for livestock producers and others to fine-tune their knowledge about grazing through hearing from several successful beef, sheep and dairy graziers who have incorporated managed grazing in their operations. Given the rising cost of farm inputs, grazing may make greater sense in managing today’s farm expenses. Consider making plans now to join us in Stockton on December 8. It will be time well spent! Please keep in mind that reservations are due by December 1. Conference Guest Presenters Ed Ballard, Grazing Consultant; Farm Manager, University of Illinois Dudley Smith Farm. Guest presenter at numerous national, regional and local grazing conferences and schools, a co-author of grazing handbooks and recently retired Animal Systems Educator with Univ. of Illinois Extension, Ed has spent his entire career in animal agriculture working with producers and industry groups to enhance farm profitability and sustainability. Dr. Larry Tranel; Iowa State University Extension Dairy Field Specialist. Covering such topic areas as management intensive grazing, utilization of forages, new and remodeled freestalls, parlors and other livestock facility planning; and farm family labor/personnel management, Dr Tranel has been a guest presenter at numerous meetings and conferences. An extension professional since 1989, Dr. Tranel had also been a dairy producer from 1986 to 1999 transitioning to dairy grazing in the process. Freedom Hills Ranch/ Adolph Red AngusMt. Carroll, IL - Randy Adolph. Commercial beef & purebred Red Angus operation with 700 cows and over 1,000 cropping acres. Herds pastured on 1,400 acres of managed lands - 900 are open and another 500 acres divided into paddocks. All pastures are annually fertilized and sprayed for weed control. Northwest Illinois Grazing Conference ------------------------------ Gene Schriefer, Dodgeville, WI Multi-species livestock grazier whose operation currently includes beef (30 cows) and sheep (300 ewes). Also works for University of Wisconsin Extension as agriculture agent serving Iowa County. John Scidmore, Morrison, IL - Dairy grazier intensively managing 26 acres for lactating cows using poly wire to provide fresh breaks of one-third to one-half acre. 28 additional acres of rotated pastures for dry cows and 30 more acres for heifers and yearlings; 170 cropping acres and 50 acres for hay; 15 acres of sorghum-sudangrass for grazing and baleage in 2009; planted turnips in 2008 and 2009. CR VIEW Dairy, Stockton, IL - Delmar & Theresa Westaby. Certified organic dairy since 2002. Farm milks 81 registered Holsteins and includes 200 animals of all ages with all being homeraised. In addition to the 240 cropping acres, farm makes 160 acres of hay annually and utilizes 245 pasture acres for livestock grazing with 14 acres set up in separate paddocks with break wires for intensive grazing of the milking herd. DeKap Angus Farm, Lanark, IL - Duane Kruse Diversified livestock farm with a purebred 100 cow herd raising bulls and replacement females, and finishing cattle in the farm feedlot; operation includes 90 acres of pastures and aerial seeding of rye on 85 corn acres and 15 soybean acres in 2009. Jim Foster, Chadwick, IL - Dairy goat operation that is now milking 80 head. Currently utilizes 13 pasture acres mainly for dry goats and kids. A Grazing Conference Sharing Perspectives --------------------------------------Tuesday, December 8, 2009 9:30 a.m. – 2:40 p.m. Holy Cross Church 223 E. Front Ave., Stockton, IL Sponsors Northwestern Illinois Grazing Workgroup Carroll, Jo Daviess & Stephenson NRCS/SWCD Illinois Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative Illinois Forage and Grasslands Council Blackhawk Hills RC&D Northwestern Illinois Forage & Grasslands Council University of Illinois Extension Northwestern Illinois Grazing Conference Tuesday, December 8, 2009 Holy Cross Church, Stockton, IL (located ½ mile south of Rt. 20 & Rt 78 intersection near downtown Stockton; go one block east on Front Ave.) 9:30 a.m. Registration & Refreshments 9:45 a.m. Welcome - Mark Maidak, Northwestern Illinois Grazing Workgroup Coordinator 9:50 a.m. The Grazing Advantage – You Can Make It Happen Ed Ballard, Grazing Consultant and Beef Herd Manager 10:15 a.m. Break / Visit Exhibits 10:35 a.m. My 15 Year Experience Grazing Annuals in the Fall and Winter Gene Schriefer, Dodgeville, WI – Beef and Sheep Grazier 11:00 a.m. Grazing – How We Got Started, What We Have Learned John Scidmore, Morrison, IL – Dairy Grazier 11:15 a.m. Extending the Grazing Season to Reduce Stored Feeds Ed Ballard, Grazing Consultant Duane Kruse, Beef Producer (aerial seeding of rye into corn/soybeans) 11:50 p.m. Lunch / Visit Exhibits 12:50 p.m. $$ Million Dollar Farms through Dairy Grazing Dr. Larry Tranel, Iowa State Extension Dairy Field Specialist 1:10 p.m. Tips and Tricks from Observing Successful Graziers Dr. Larry Tranel, Iowa State Extension Dairy Field Specialist 1:30 p.m. Grazing – How We Got Started, What We Have Learned Theresa & Delmar Westaby, Stockton, IL - Organic Dairy Producers Randall Adolph, Mt. Carroll, IL – Beef Producer Jim Foster, Chadwick, IL – Dairy Goat Producer 2:25 p.m. Establishing a Grazing Network in NW Illinois 2:40 p.m. Evaluations & Adjourn University of Illinois • U.S. Department of Agriculture • Local Extension Councils Cooperating University of Illinois Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment. Registration Form NW Illinois Grazing Conference December 8, 2009 Name(s) Address City State Zip Phone ( ) Registration Fee Received by December 1: $20 per person Registration Fee Received after Dec. 1: $30 per person Make checks payable to University of Illinois Extension and mail to: Jo Daviess County Extension 204 Vine Street, Box 600 Elizabeth IL 61028 Phone: 815-858-2273 You may also register on-line and pay by credit card at If you need a reasonable accommodation to participate in this program, please contact Mark Maidak at 815-858-2273.