chapter 1 - Knowledge on Line

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Capabilities Envisaged
Chapter 3
Technology Perspective
Chapter 4
DPP 2008 (Amendment 2009)
LTIPP (2012-2027)
Tech Needs to Achieve Joint War Fighting Capability (Sep 2004)
Indian Army Doctrine
INBR 08 Indian Maritime Doctrine
IAP 2000-07 Op Doctrine of IAF
Defence Science & Technology Strategy (Aug 2006)
Strategic Guidance for Naval Self Reliance
S&T Road map of DRDO
Self- Reliance has always been one of the avowed goals of the Indian
Armed Forces. The importance of being self-reliant in the defence sector needs
no emphasis as it is not only of critical strategic and national importance but also
an essential component of the national power of a sovereign nation.
In the 62 years since independence, the country has made significant
progress in achieving this goal. However there is still much to be done. The
MoD is conscious of this and recognises that progress needs to be accelerated by
harnessing our national capability in all its forms.
Indian industry has made rapid strides and has established itself on the
international stage. Developing the latest technologies, providing state-of-theart products to the customer and adopting best practices in management has
enabled them to not only hold their own in the global arena but also contribute
to India’s emerging status as an economic powerhouse. This coming of age of
the Indian industry must find expression in the defence sector as well. Steps
have been initiated through regular interaction between the MoD, individual
services and industry and there is a consensus on the need for greater industry
participation. However the modalities on how to achieve this optimally need to
be streamlined and the role that both sides i.e the MoD and industry are required
to play needs to be clearly defined.
Development of defence equipment and cutting edge technology with
defence application needs considerable investment in terms of time, money and
human resource. If Indian industry is to become a meaningful participant in the
national endeavour of achieving self- reliance in defence equipment, it would be
expected to make this investment. This, of course requires them to be aware of
the capabilities the Armed Forces are seeking and the technologies required to
achieve these over a reasonable period of time.
Induction of new weapon systems are cost and time intensive. Building
complex platforms like ships, submarines, tanks and fighter jets has a long lead
time which is constantly challenged by the race to keep pace with the relentless
march of technology. It is therefore imperative that the long term requirement
of capability be identified and understood for appropriate technology to be
developed and operationalised in an acceptable time frame.
The Armed Forces prepare a long term Perspective Plan which covers a
period of 15 years. This document identifies the shape and size of the services
over the designated time period based on foreseeable strategic trends. From
this document flow the 5 year plans which translate the 15 year plan into an
action plan with committed funding. These 5 year plans run concurrent with the
national 5 year plans. More immediate commitments and capital acquisitions are
included in the Annual Acquisition Plans to enable effective oversight of
committed funding vis-a-vis progress. The unpredictability of the global events
in an increasingly ‘Flat’ world necessitates a periodic review of the Long Term
Perspective Plan. This facilitates applying mid-course corrections based on the
more discernible emerging trends and the need to adapt the capabilities for
these. However the fundamental capabilities enumerated in the 15 Year plan
remain essentially the same.
Perspective plans determine the capability sought by the Armed Forces
which in turn drive the procurement of platforms and equipment and the
technology required to attain this capability. They focus on bridging the
capability gaps and building force levels to ensure that the Armed Forces are
optimally structured, equipped and weaponised to achieve the desired combat
potential across the entire spectrum of conflict.
It is an established fact that the future battlespace will be shaped by
technology and technological superiority is going to determine the outcome of
future battles.
It is therefore essential that technological self reliance remains
our mantra for the future and a collective national effort be initiated to achieve
this in the quickest possible time ensuring that developments in technology are
commensurate with our desired military capability.
The Indian Armed Forces have, over the years, identified technology
insertion required both in the existing inventory as well as development of future
capability. The Defence Procurement Procedure has articulated the means of
obtaining these either through the ‘Buy (Indian)’, Buy (Global), ‘Buy and Make’,
‘Make’ or the newly introduced ‘Buy and Make (Indian)’ categories. Inadequate
investment in R&D, inaccessibility to cutting edge technologies and an industrial
and vendor base not sufficiently large or mature enough to cater to the needs of
the Indian Armed Forces had led to frequently exercising the ‘Buy (Global)’
category of acquisition.This is not only an expensive proposition and a drain on
the country’s precious foreign exchange reserves, but could also compromise
the country’s defence preparedness at times of crisis, through imposition of
various technology denial regimes. At a strategic level, in the last two decades
preparedness of the Armed Forces was discernible.
The Ministry of Defence has, in the last few years, sought to untangle the
cobwebs associated with the Defence Procurement Procedure. The DPP 02 was
the first such attempt which was improved and replaced by subsequent DPPs.
Based on the experience gained and feedback obtained, further amendments to
DPP 08 have been carried out which have been implemented from 01 Nov 09 as
DPP 08 (Amendment 09). The inputs received from various sources have
enabled the MoD to not only simplify the procedure but also address the
challenges faced in keeping pace with rapid technological advancement.
Defence Procurement Procedure 2008 (Amendment -09) has incorporated these
inputs and Para 9a has addressed the industry’s request for more information to
be made available.
This document titled “Technology Perspective & Capability Road Map ‘
intends to provide industry an overview of the direction in which the Armed
Forces intend to head in terms of capability over the next 15 years which in turn
would drive technology in the developmental process. It is based on the Long
Term Perspective Plans of the Armed Forces. It will highlight the broad
capabilities envisaged by the Armed Forces and the technology perspective to
achieve these. Industry would be expected to interact with the MoD on a regular
basis and offer firm commitments in partnering the MoD in developing
contemporary and future technologies as well as productionalising
required by the Armed Forces. Effective participation based on mutual trust and
cooperation would go a long way in achieving the desired degree of self reliance.
This document highlights the capabilities and technologies currently
envisaged and would be updated periodically as and when further details
become available or changes occur in future iterations of the LTIPP.
The existing and emerging security scenario, both
global and regional, requires the Armed Forces to maintain a high degree of
preparedness across the entire spectrum of conflict. Identifying and developing
the capabilities required by the Armed Forces to maintain the decisive edge will
be the cornerstone of future defence planning. The tremendous advancement in
technology as well as the rapidly evolving scenario in the security environment
requires a well thought out capability road map adequately supported by
technology to achieve optimum combat preparedness. Achieving self-reliance in
providing the desired capability requires quality as well as quantity. Capacity
building is therefore an equally big challenge. Achieving both capability and
capacity will be possible only with proper planning and ensuring that a clear and
coherent way ahead is understood by all stakeholders to achieve optimum
utilisation of scarce resources. Synergy between the Ministry of Defence
including the Armed Forces, the DRDO and industry is essential to identify and
achieve the desired results. The ability to achieve this through indigenous means
should be a national endeavour. The Joint Military Strategy to counter the
envisaged external and internal threats and to fulfil the National Defence
Objectives would include
Strategic Deterrence
Full Spectrum Capability
Sea Control
Aerospace Capabilities
Special Operations
Defence Cooperation
Personnel and Leadership
Use of Technology
The effective harnessing of the scientific and technologically trained pool
of manpower, the R&D skills and the technological expertise available with the
public and private sector would be the key to achieve this goal through self
This chapter aims to identify the current capabilities of the Armed Forces
and highlight both, the augmentation of these and development of new
capabilities to achieve the desired level of combat preparedness. Although this
document serves to highlight the capability road map for the next 15 years, it
must be understood that this is a continuous process and the dynamics of the
evolving national and international scenario will require periodic review and
constant adaptability for it to become meaningful. Achieving the desired synergy
will require a pro-active approach from all agencies, a clear understanding of
their constraints and a focussed approach to address these and achieve the
desired progress. Definite timelines, committed finances and constructive
interaction at every stage would be of essence to achieve the desired results.
The current and future desired capability over a 15 year period from 2010
to 2025 is enumerated below as required by individual services as well as areas
where joint capability would be the optimal choice.
Joint Capabilities
The capability objectives required to enable the military to meet the
challenges of the future battlefield have been identified and the likely
technologies we would need to develop to achieve such capabilities have also
been drawn out. These capabilities had first been covered in detail in the form of
‘Joint War Fighting Capability Statements`, which form various chapters in the
2004 document ‘Technology Needs to Achieve Joint War fighting Capabilities’.
Some of these have also been taken up in S&T roadmap of DRDO and have been
included in DRDO’s XI plan. These capabilities are enumerated in the succeeding
Information Superiority.
encompasses the capabilities of Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and
Reconnaissance (ISTAR) and Command, Control, Communications and
Computers (C4) to acquire and assimilate information needed to dominate and
neutralise the adversary and effectively employ own forces. This will require IS
to include the capability for near real-time awareness of the locations and
activities of both own and enemy forces throughout the battlespace. It also
includes a seamless, robust C4 network connecting all own forces to provide a
common picture of the battlespace. The capability of information warfare is also
needed to affect enemy information systems while protecting one’s own.
Operational and functional capabilities needed to achieve IS are highlighted later.
Pursuing key IS technologies to develop a ‘system-of-systems’ will pave the
way for achieving IS.
Electronic Warfare.
Electronic Warfare is the capability to disrupt
and degrade an enemy’s defences and protect our own through the use
of the electromagnetic spectrum including directed energy systems. It
includes the capability of deceiving, disrupting and destroying the surveillance
and command and control systems as also the weapons and sensors of an
enemy’s integrated air defence network. It should also include the capability to
detect similar attempts by the enemy and initiate countermeasures and also
protect own systems through redundancy and hardening.
Area Missile Defence. Joint Area Missile Defence is the capability to use
AD assets of the three services in conjunction with the surveillance sensors of
other agencies to detect track, acquire and destroy incoming theatre
ballistic and cruise missiles. It encompasses the seamless flow of information
on missile launches by specialised surveillance capabilities, through tracking by
the sensors of the services as also other associated agencies, to missile negation
and destruction.
Combat Identification. In any battlefield scenario it is imperative that
the war fighter is able to have a clear and unambiguous awareness of the
identity of all those present in the area. Being able to identify ‘Friend from Foe’
as also to have a clear picture of all neutrals present is critical for ensuring
successful engagements with optimal utilisation of armament, avoiding fratricidal
engagements and minimising collateral damage. Modern technologies in
surveillance sensors, communication & computing have enabled the task of
achieving, sharing and maintaining battlespace awareness. However, combat
identification remains a major challenge. Present IFF systems can at best enable
a confirmation whether a contact is friendly or not. What is essential is to know
further whether it is hostile or neutral as also its type, size and other details, if
battlespace awareness is to be truly achieved. This would require an effort in the
direction of identifying various technologies, which need to be developed for
Combat Identification. The aim is thus to develop a capability with which we can
positively identify potential targets as friend, foe or neutral in sufficient time with
the highest possible level of confidence and at the requisite range to support
weapon release and engagement decisions.
Precision Force. This is the capability to destroy selected targets
with precision using the information available through enhanced battlespace
awareness and utilising the best-placed platform for ordnance delivery. It
includes the requisite sensor to shooter C4I capability for the responsive and
timely application of such force, which includes the surveillance and targeting
capabilities for the employment of Precision Guided Munitions (PGMs).
Military Operations in Built-Up Areas (MOBUA). This
capability to undertake operations in built-up areas so as to achieve military
objectives with minimum casualties and collateral damage. It includes the
appropriate precision weapons as also non-lethal weapons, surveillance sensors,
navigation means and communication systems that are effective in confined,
built-up urban areas. In a broad sense, our combat forces must be able to fight
and survive better than their adversaries. The key operational capabilities
required are firepower, force protection and manoeuvre. C4I and the
associated situation awareness would enable each of the operational capabilities.
The challenge is to integrate the technologies into coherent interoperable
systems optimised for MOBUA.
Combating Terrorism. This includes the capability to oppose terrorism
throughout the threat spectrum including anti-terrorism (defensive measures to
reduce vulnerability) and counter-terrorism (offensive measures to prevent, deter
and respond). It includes protection of personnel, assault, explosives detection
and disposal, investigative sciences and forensics, physical security and
protection of infrastructure, surveillance and collection. Support to land, sea, and
air forces would be achieved by the use of improved detection, monitoring and
tracking, intelligence and logistic communications, training and planning. The
principal goal of Combating Terrorism is to protect lives and resources
and allow forces the freedom of action required to accomplish assigned
missions. Combating terrorism leverages optimal utilisation of limited resources
and focuses on technologies that offer significant improvement in force
protection capability. Successful execution of the wide range of R&D efforts cited
in this plan will greatly improve the capability of the soldier by reducing the
terrorist threat to the nation.
Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Warfare Defence and
Protection. The threats posed by the nuclear, chemical and biological warfare
capability available in the neighbourhood are a reality. There is thus a need to
provide our forces with nuclear, chemical and biological warfare defence and
protection. The requirement is to enhance joint warfighting capability so
that our forces are capable of operating in an NBC environment both
for offensive and defensive missions. Chemical and Biological warfare
threats, however, need to be assigned a higher priority over the nuclear threat.
Accordingly, the aim is to highlight the desired strategy for achieving future
capabilities required by our armed forces to operate in such an environment.
Logistics Support. The capabilities which enhance mobility,
employability, and sustainability – attributes that are essential for the armed
forces of 2010 and beyond cannot be achieved without a revolutionary change in
the concept of logistics support. A Revolution in Military Logistics (RML) will
have to be an integral part of any technological advance used to bolster
warfighting capability by the enhancement of readiness for joint operations.
There is a need to use technological breakthroughs to transform logistics into a
distribution-based logistics system that substitutes logistics velocity for logistics
mass. Technology has to be leveraged to fuse new organisational structures,
concepts, transportation techniques, information systems, and logistics systems.
This would fundamentally reshape the way the services are projected into
operations and sustained thereafter. Investments in technology are needed
which would reduce the bottlenecks that directly impede or delay the capability
to support fighting forces. In order to do so, military capability must concurrently
maintain the military advantage in key areas, develop new areas of military
advantage, and deny asymmetric advantage to the adversary. It entails adapting
existing capabilities to new circumstances whilst experimenting with new
capabilities whose development is made feasible with new technologies.
In addition the following Joint Capabilities would need to be developed /
Special Forces
Space Warfare
Develop key enablers for Military Diplomacy in IOR
Out of Area Contingency (OOAC) and Strategic Intervention/
Disaster Relief’s Operations Capability
Enhance deterrence potential.
As emphasised earlier, these capabilities would require a synergised
approach to ensure that an optimum balance is achieved which would provide
the Indian Armed Forces and the Nation the capability to shape the environment
and create dependencies in our area of interest.
The joint capabilities listed above will also have to mesh seamlessly with
the capabilities envisaged by the individual services and enumerated in the
succeeding chapters. This would ensure that the desired National capability is
greater than the sum of its parts.
The Indian Army operates in varied and difficult terrain ranging from the
high Himalayas, the deserts of Rajasthan, the jungles of the North-East and
every kind of terrain in between. The sheer volume of equipment to be inducted
for an army of over one million makes the challenge even greater. Self-reliance
in equipping the army and providing it with equipment to achieve the desired
capability objectives should be of great importance to industry. The army would
be looking to augment and introduce the following functional capabilities:(a)
Augment and optimise force application capability.
Individual Protective Equipment for troops
Enhance detection and decontamination eqpt in quality and qty
Develop Integrated Field Shelters
Address Logistic voids and enhance logistic capability
Enhance mobilisation capability
Enhance C4I2SAR capability
Improve night fighting capability
Develop IW capability
Improve anti armour, SAM, ASM and SSM capability
Develop and introduce the ‘Land Warrior’ concept
(m) An aviation Quick Reaction capability
Indigenisation of bridging technology
Improve communication to effect manpower savings and derive
maximum benefit from the telecom network
Improve and develop Wide Area Network and Satellite
Communication Network.
Enhance battlespace awareness
Enhance force protection capability
Navies operate in international waters well beyond the territorial limits of
a nation not only in war, but also in less than war situations and peacetime. The
Navy is a versatile and a flexible instrument of the nation state that can be used
in an increasingly wide ranging manner from destruction of the enemy to
coercive diplomacy. The navy is also a powerful instrument that can be used for
enhancing international cooperation, conflict resolution and for providing a
competitive edge to economic activity. Unlike the other two services the maritime
threats that can emerge in the future are dynamic, and it would not be
appropriate to limit this to particular ‘potential adversaries’. The Navy has
periodically articulated its roles and missions through various documents in the
open domain (INBR 8 Indian Maritime Doctrine). The full range of operations in
which a nation’s maritime forces may be involved is extremely wide, including
high intensity war fighting at one extreme and disaster relief operations at the
other. This broad range of operations can be broken into distinct roles each
demanding a specific approach to conduct of operations (Military, Diplomatic,
Constabulary and Benign Roles). Based on these, the capability road map is
being drawn up. The current and future capabilities required by the Navy are as
Sea Control with Carrier centric CBG capability to cover our Area of
Blue Water deployment and Power Projection with appropriate
force levels.
Networked Operations
Expeditionary and Amphibious Capability for one Indep Bde Group
Coastal Defence including Minesweeping
Sea Denial with adequate Sub surface capability including
submarine and ASW.
Maritime Surveillance (Space based and Airborne - Long Range,
Medium Range, Short Range)
AEW capability (Rotary & fixed wing)
Air to Air refuelling
Base infrastructure including development of new bases.
CI2SR capability – ship based, air based and UAV borne
Special Ops including covert launch capability
Salvage and Deep Diving capability and EOD.
Precision strike capability ashore
Establish credible submarine rescue capability
Enhance hydrographic survey force levels and technology
Air Force
The IAF’s vision is to acquire ‘Strategic Reach’ that serves the ends of
Military Diplomacy and enables force projection within India’s strategic area of
influence. The IAF, after assessment of the prevailing situation should be able to
undertake all operational and assigned tasks not only as a single service but also
in integrated ops with other defence agencies. In pursuance of its task, IAF must
display flexibility and effectiveness by continuously evolving, retaining the
technological edge, anticipate procurements and accommodate changing
patterns in training and operational tasks. The IAF must optimise its resources by
planned organisational changes, careful upgradations and incorporate force
multiplication philosophy. The overall aim must be to cater for the changes in the
environment to retain an edge over the likely adversary at all times.
The operational employment of the IAF under conventional threat should
focus on maintaining conventional superiority in terms of numbers and better
technology of assets. However, when it comes to unconventional threats in
support of the tasks, the op philosophy will have to change. The legitimate or
non legitimate nature of the source of threat includes all facets where the entire
nation could bear the consequences. Therefore, the aim of the Op philosophy
would be to amalgamate IAF assets with trained manpower to achieve the
desired effect in this variable environment. The operational windows for military
action will be restricted and there will be a requirement to plan for various
contingencies and to have rapid reaction capability.
The approach towards air operations must be to achieve air dominance
and undertake Effect Based Operations (EBO).
The Air Force is
augmenting/developing the following capabilities:(a)
Capability to maintain day and night ops in all weather conditions.
Modernise and upgrade the fleets of aircraft to meet challenges of
advancement in technology.
Develop stand-off weapon capability during day and night.
Develop Force Multipliers like FRA, AWACS, AEW&C, surface
surveillance, UAV, UCAV etc.
Develop future AD assets in terms of radars and SAGW to address
multi-level, multi-mode threats and to operate in networked
Develop multi-spectrum offensive and defensive IEW capability,
including space based capability and operational infrastructure for
analysis of data and real time transmission.
Develop space based assets for C4ISR, communication of all types,
navigation, meteorology etc.
Enhance op support infrastructure on an incremental basis in
conjunction with modernisation/induction of systems/equipment.
Capacity building of training infrastructures for larger numbers in
step with the advancement of technology.
Development and enhancement of indigenous R&D.
Introduction. Technology superiority is increasingly going to be the
decisive factor in future battles. The development of technology to meet our
future joint warfighting should aim at a broad based programme spanning all
defence related sciences. The strategy should be to ensure that we are able to
develop and transform superior technology into affordable and decisive military
capability keeping in mind affordability, timeliness, dual use, technology base
and modular design. The aim should be to adopt an approach towards
procurement of weapons and systems, that is warfighting capability driven. This
would enable the country’s R&D establishments to focus on specific capability
requirements and work out appropriate technologies needed to fulfil these
requirements. It would be possible to identify critical technologies that are likely
to be denied and efforts concentrated on indigenous development of these. The
focus has been to concentrate on newly emerging areas of warfare that have
been identified as essential for joint warfighting. There would be many
capabilities in single service specific areas that would have to be addressed by
respective Services and may need inclusion in future versions of LTIPP. The
previous chapter highlights the planned and envisaged capabilities. This chapter
is arranged in line with the document `Technology Needs to achieve Joint
warfighting capability’ produced by HQ IDS (WSOI Div) and the LTIPP as also the
Perspective plan of each Service.
The objective is therefore to ensure that the efforts of the country’s
defence technology R&D are aimed at supporting the future war fighting
capabilities needed by the armed forces. It is felt that own R&D Agencies (both
Public and Private) would be able to work out a detailed plan to develop the
needed technologies, including the necessary funding and their research
objectives in specific areas. This would include plans for the development of
capability in areas that are considered critical to own efforts to enhance
warfighting capability, and draw-up a roadmap towards achieving this capability
by tapping all available national resources including industry, both private as well
as government, and academia. The R&D agencies would also need to draw up
their specific objectives for developing technologies for the military that they
would develop or demonstrate, the specific benefits resulting from each
technological advancement, as also the funding required to achieve this
This is already hosted on MoD website under the title `Tech Needs to
Achieve Joint War Fighting Capabilities’.
Some of the areas of technology, which are considered to be of great
significance for the future, include the following:(a)
Artificial Intelligence.
Mobile computing.
Smart structures.
Mobile wireless Communications.
Compact power sources.
Surveillance sensors.
Electronic Warfare.
An overview of Indian Army’s futuristic technology requirements are
covered in the succeeding paragraphs. Some of this is already hosted on the CII
website as ‘Army’s Future Technology Requirements’. This is covered in two
sections; the first indicating key program areas for futuristic requirements and
the second covered arm and service wise so that the needs and specifications
are better understood. This would help the industry understand the organisation
so that inquiries at later stage may be referred to a particular arm / service. The
requirements are dynamic in nature and this list needs to be viewed as an
outline guide only.
Equipment and Technology Requirements. The following key
program areas have been identified for the futuristic modernisation requirements
of the Army:(a) Battlefield Transparency.
(b) Combat Systems.
(c) Communication Systems.
(d) Rockets and Missiles Systems.
(e) Directed Energy Weapons.
(f) Advanced Material Technology.
(g) Artificial Intelligence.
(h) Robotics.
(j) Nano Technology.
(k) Bio-technology
(l) Non Lethal Weapons.
(m) Combat Modeling and Simulation.
(n) Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Warfare Defence.
Battlefield Transparency. The Indian Army needs to exploit the
advances in Information Technology for providing all weather surveillance,
collation and instant dissemination of this information to facilitate increased
battlefield transparency. The following systems will be required:(a)
Battlefield Surveillance Radars and Weapon Locating
Radars. Battlefield Surveillance Radars and Weapons Locating Radars
with capabilities to detect vehicles and personnel movement at varying
ranges will be required for the Army.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). UAVs with advanced
sensors and weapons are going to dominate all facets of the future
battlefield and hence the need to acquire the necessary UAV’s expertise
indigenously. These should be capable of carrying payloads such as
weapons, SAR payloads, electro-optical devices, electronic intelligence and
communication intelligence.
Advanced Electronic Warfare Systems. Electronic warfare
systems have played a crucial role in recent conflicts. Various electronic
intelligence, communication intelligence, Radio Emitter Location and
Jamming Systems integrated with Command and Control centres will
provide enhanced battle field transparency to the commanders.
Combat Systems. The combat systems such as battle tanks, infantry
combat vehicles etc, are mobile protected platforms designed to defeat similar
systems of the enemy. In future, these combat systems will require all-round
protection against various forms of threats namely, enemy tanks, anti-tank
guided missiles (ATGM), armed attack helicopters (AAH) and anti-armour mines
etc. The technologies that the Indian Army will require are given as under:-
Develop improved and next generation small arm weapon system.
Develop a suitable light armoured multipurpose vehicle which
combines the essential requisites of mobility, agility, protection,
communication, navigation, stealth and observation for reconnaissance.
State of art night fighting systems.
Communication Systems. The following systems will be required:(a)
Integrated platforms to support voice, data, image, multimedia
applications and networking.
Real Time Secure Mobile Communication. Real time secure
mobile communication links are becoming the backbone of modern
warfare. Though some progress has been made in the civilian sector,
there is a need to catch up with military applications.
Indigenisation of critical components in satellite communication.
Rocket and Missile Systems.
Rocket Systems. There is a need to develop rocket systems of
the range of 120-150 km indigenously with reduced dispersion. The
ranges could also be enhanced to 120-150 km by developing Multi Barrel
Rocket Launcher (MBRL) systems in the 250-300 mm calibre class. Solid
propellants with high specific impulse should be developed for achieving
longer ranges with radar based Trajectory Correction Systems (TCS) and
inertial navigation systems.
Missile Systems. The aim is to develop missiles with longer
ranges and higher accuracies for surgical strikes on high value strategic
targets with minimum collateral damage. Anti missile active and passive
seeker defence technologies be developed for supersonic cruise missiles,
for short range missiles, long range sub-sonic cruise missiles.
Directed Energy Weapons (DEW). The needs of the Army in this field
are as follows:(a)
Anti UAV Weapon. DEW for engaging enemy UAV in the 8-10 km
range capable of being designated and controlled by appropriate detection
and tracking systems.
Precision Weapons and Dazzlers. These should be developed
for use by Special Forces/ Anti Terrorist forces to make operations swift
and surgical with minimum collateral damage.
AD Weapons & Air Deliverable PGMs. Air Defence weapons
from ground based mobile platforms capable of engaging all kinds of
projectiles like rockets, mortar/ artillery, UAVs, missiles, fighter aircraft,
helicopters, PGMs and other stand off armament .
Advanced Material Technology. Carbon composites, advanced
ceramics and metal matrix composites are going to be the main structural
materials for the future systems. These will enable weapon platforms to be made
lighter and tougher. These technologies would find their application in all weapon
platforms and support systems, especially in tanks / ICVs, protection suits for
armour/ personnel, missiles/ munitions/ war heads, artillery gun barrel/
loading/unloading/ firing mechanism, communication equipment/ systems and so
Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI is an inescapable need for numerous
military applications. Some possibilities are in the following areas:(a)
Imagery Interpretation. Image interpretation for target
identification and classification. Artificial Intelligence techniques could
automate the extraction of low-level map features from imagery.
Expert Systems. Expert systems for diagnosis and maintenance
of sophisticated weapon systems such as radars and missiles.
Intelligent Evaluation of Kill Zone. Missile – target range and
trajectory analysis for evaluation of kill zones and launch time and
simulation to assist in qualifying missile performance in various
Robotics. Robotic applications for the Indian Army are as under:(a)
Robots can be used to assist troops in combat for tasks such as
surveillance, reconnaissance, anti mine and anti IED role, urban area
combat, casualty extraction etc.
Robotic equipment can be used to provide precision targeting
support, carriage of ammunition and accuracy. Camera equipped and
shock-resistant platforms to fire the guns remotely are possible
Robotic vehicles equipped with cameras and weapons can be used
to perform tasks such as limited / spot surveillance and reconnaissance
Robotic Military Vehicles. These vehicles are required for a
variety of high risk jobs such as mine / IED clearance, obstacle breaching
and route opening. Man portable, light weight robotic systems would be
required for reconnaissance, surveillance and target acquisition missions
for sub-terrain/ urban operations. Robotic vehicles are also needed for
mine detection/clearing, obstacles breaching, clearing wire obstacles,
placing explosives, tactical deception, direct fire and communication relay.
Nano Technology. The applications for Army in the fields of nano
technology are as follows:(a)
Counter Terrorism Tasks. Possible applications are unobtrusive
micro audio bugs and video recording devices with high capacity data
storage to plant at likely meeting places of terrorists, over ground agents
and sympathisers, unattended micro ground or air sensors which can be
placed in advance and remotely activated on required basis and micro
sized energy devices which can power unattended sensors / audio / video
devices and a host of other applications in remote areas or places which
require extremely light weight power sources like light weight man
portable radars, missiles, UAVs and other systems.
Dynamic Camouflage. Fabric of uniform would act as a screen
for displaying terrain specific picture. Fabric would also have switch able
surfaces (E.g. cotton and polyester) for comfort and bio – chemical gas
detectors for chemical agent warning.
Other nano applications could include extremely rugged and safe
arming and triggering mechanism for appropriate weapon systems, solid
lubricants for weapon systems at high altitude areas.
Bio-technology. Some of the biotechnology applications for the Indian
Army are as follows:(a)
The bio-technological R&D should be extended to bio friendly /
green developments i.e. the development of biodegradable ammunition
which causes minimum damage to the environment.
Lighter food and fuel for carriage by individual combatants.
Bio production mechanisms to enable soldiers to generate food,
fuel and materials from raw materials in the field, allowing for extended
operation in remote areas.
Non Lethal Weapons. Sub-lethal or disabling military technology is
particularly suitable in an urban or complex environment. Some of the important
areas of research in this field having applications for the Army are as under:(a)
Stun Grenades. Low impact grenades which can stun or
immobilize adversaries.
Optical Weapons. Optical munitions to cripple sensors and
dazzle, if not blind, soldiers.
Acoustic Weapons. Weapons that emit sonic frequencies to
cause such sensations as disorientation, debilitating dizziness and motion
sickness or nausea, also generate vibrations of body organs resulting in
extreme pain or seizures.
Combat Modeling and Simulation. Simulation advances will transform
military planning and training. Today, virtual reality simulations can enable
soldiers to train in high fidelity mock-ups, at substantial reduction in risk and
spending. There is a need to exploit a range of tools and products that will
enhance the Army’s capabilities in the domains of training, development,
acquisition and decision support.
Nuclear Biological Chemical (NBC) Warfare Defence. Indian Army
will require protection from Chemical, Biological & Radiological hazards as per
the following:(a)
Individual Protective Equipment (IPE). There is a requirement
of developing common IPE equipment which can provide individual
protection in all kinds of contaminated environment.
Collective Protection. Both fixed and mobile shelters should be
portable, easy to assemble & pack, to give NBC protection in all types of
NBC Detection, Alarm & Monitoring. The equipment should be
portable, sensitive and electromagnetic pulse hardened to accurately
indicate the radiation dosages and chemical and biological contamination
level in real time.
Decontamination Equipment. In future the technology should
be developed to provide mobile decontamination station which can
decontaminate A & B vehicles, equipment and persons in a “tramline”
mode at faster rates.
Calculation of Nuclear Blast Parameters. The equipment
should be able to automatically calculate the various parameters of
nuclear blast like cloud and cloud bottom angles, illumination time, flash
to bang time for carrying out estimation of yield and to work out down
wind hazard distance. It should lend itself to integration with
meteorological sensors.
Armour has been constantly finding ways to increase mobility, protection
and fire power to enhance survivability. The proliferation of number of hand held
weapons, top attack munitions, land mines, Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs)
as well as involvement of armour in urban and 4th Generation Warfare has
necessitated a new look at these issues and enhance the vital ingredients of
survivability of tanks.
Automotive System : Diesels and Turbines. Developers of Armed
Fighting Vehicles (AFV) are expected to continue to desire more power, light
weight, a smaller package, and reasonably long life of propulsion system. In
order to achieve ‘extraordinary’ acceleration, it is necessary to couple
conventional diesel engine to a turbine. The ‘Hyberbar’ engine will be able to
accelerate from zero to full power at 1,500 hp in 2.8 seconds, while conventional
diesel engine requires 8-12 seconds. The quest for more compact power pack
has led to renewed interest in gas turbines, which needs to be explored.
All Electric Armoured Fighting Vehicles (AFVs). A fundamental step
in designing a diesel-electric drive involves coupling a high-power-density motor
with a magneto-electro dynamic generation and replacing the variable
mechanised transmission with a similar electromechanical model.
Tracks and Suspension. Continuous-band tracks are a design alternate
that reduces track weight, maintenance, and acoustic signal of light AFVs. Active
suspension system with sensors, control units, and a hydraulic power source in
combination, is needed to automatically alter the suspension characteristics to
more closely match the speed of the vehicle and the terrain profile, especially in
Indian terrain conditions.
Survivability. The survivability of armoured vehicles on the battlefield
involves basic principles of remaining undetected; if detected, avoid being hit; if
hit, stop the penetration; and if penetrated, survive. The most obvious way to
prevent being hit is to minimise the possibility of detection by making the
armoured vehicle small and compact and as difficult to detect by a variety of
battlefield sensors including radar, acoustic and electro-optical system, as
Signature Management. Current and expected future threat scenarios
require signature management measures of a multi spectral type, and they
require an extremely short reaction time. Indian Army (IA) requires signature
management in design measures, basic camouflage, additional camouflage and
temporary camouflage.
Armour Protection. The main battlefield threats against tanks are Anti
Tank Guided Missile (ATGMs), unguided anti tank rockets and grenades; shaped
charge High Explosive Anti Tank (HEAT) gun rounds; Kinetic Energy (KE) gun
rounds; and top-attack weapons like intelligent sub-munitions, terminally guided
artillery rounds, etc. There is a need for developing Explosive Reactive Armour
(ERA). Given optimised designs, integrated ERA offers tanks highly effective
protection against both the penetrators of Armoured Piercing Fin Stabilised
Discarding Sabot (APFSDS) projectiles and the jets of shaped charge weapons,
including those with tandem warheads.
Increasing the level of protection of a vehicle involves
considerations of cost and weight. We require high-performance armour system
with advance materials including:(a)
Reduced penetration by most lethal weapons.
Elimination of parasitic mass leading to a weight reduction.
Excellent corrosion resistance.
Inherent thermal and acoustic insulation properties.
Soft Kill Sensors. Our tanks need Infra Red (IR) detectors, target
identification systems, laser warning systems, radar warning receivers and
devices to coordinate their signal and instantaneously control a countermeasures
suite. These countermeasures fall into two categories: soft-kill system and hardkill system. The soft kill sensors must discriminate true and false targets and
they must discriminate between missiles or other rounds that threaten the
vehicle being protected and those that will miss or are aimed at other targets.
Hard-Kill System. We need Automatic Protection Systems (APS) for
tanks. The radar should determine threat levels adequately, and the self-defence
rockets should not cause high levels of collateral damage, particularly to
accompanying dismounted infantry.
Electronic Weapons. Conventional tube weapons are the product of a
mature technology, and have now reached a high level of performance.
However, on account of the gas-dynamic processes of thermally transformed
powder, the muzzle velocity of projectiles is theoretically limited to approximately
2,300 m/s. Contemporary tank guns still offer a considerable growth potential,
and electronic guns will be able to exceed this and become an attractive
Tank-fired Missiles.
Such missiles, which carry shaped-charge
warheads, were susceptible to various countermeasures, especially reactive
armour. Now, it seems reasonable to expect development of high velocity KE
missiles with heavy-metal, long-rod penetrators to defeat current and future
tanks both within and beyond line of sight. Such extended-range missiles would
enable armoured vehicles to engage targets beyond the direct fire zone.
Fire Control System (FCS).
Ground sensors, non-line-of-sight launch
system and the network capability will enhance soldiers’ understanding of their
situation in dynamic battlefield conditions by promoting a common perspective of
enemy and friendly locations on digital maps and provide timely actionable
Simulators for Training. Need to manufacture modern simulators
using lasers, micro-processors and magnetic tapes, thereby creating near actual
combat conditions during training.
Future Main Battle Tank (FMBT).
A futuristic design for an MBT to
meet our long term requirements should be pursued. Futuristic tanks could
incorporate the following technology:(a)
Develop an Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) system for our tanks,
to obviate chances of own tanks firing at each other in battle.
Reliable and secure mobile communication system capable of data
transmission, audio and video conference.
Stealth technology including paints/materials to provide limited
invisibility in IR/visible spectrum and for scrambling and avoidance of
Development of driving, gunnery and tactical simulators.
The high/medium-energy level (100 kJ) vehicle-mounted laser is
expected to be a lethality option against rockets, air vehicles, light ground
vehicles, antennas of armoured vehicles and electro-optical sensors.
Protection in the form of soft-kill system requires IR detectors, laser
warning, radar warning and devices to instantaneously integrate these
signals and control a countermeasure suite. Such systems are threat
specific so all would have to be carried on a vehicle to gain protection
against more than one part of the EM threat spectrum.
Hard-kill system to provide full-spectrum defence against top attack
weapons, ATGMs, guided missiles and gun-launched KE and HEAT rounds.
Hybrid electric vehicle technology.
Digital vehicle electronics (vetronics) will provide intra-vehicle and
inter-vehicle communication capability that will greatly improve sit
awareness and enhance operational effectiveness.
General. The current Infantry Combat Vehicle (ICV), BMP-2 will be due
for de-induction from service after few years. Operational requirements in the
short term will be met by qualitative upgrades in the existing equipment,
however, for the period beyond that, we will need a new ICV. Important factors
that merit attention for futuristic development of any FICV and technology
upgrades available world wide are given in succeeding paragraphs.
Basic System. The technology development and emerging trends are as
Platform. The technology is progressing from modular to scaled
hull with anti-mine blast floor. Latest development including Space frame
construction, nano-technology in materials, structural composites, metal
matrix composites and transgenic biopolymers need to be taken note of.
Electronics / Electrical. The technology is progressing from
system on chip (digital data) electrical drives to high voltage power
management (distribution, storage and transmission), reconfigurable LRU
architecture and system on chip (imagery data), thermal resistant circuitry
ultrasonic and nano-particle based wireless.
(c) Multi Mode Interface Systems. The technology is progressing
towards crew reduction via autonomy to heads-up display, predictive
diagnostics and nano-robotic repairs which needs to be exploited.
Protection. Various emerging technologies in protection are as under:(a)
Composite Armour. It has steel hull to defeat small arms and
ceramic armour for protection against 14.5 mm ammunition and 152 mm
air burst.
Slat Armour. It envisages a bar cage around vehicle’s hull with
intent to detonate RPGs before they reach vehicles. This has emerged out
of necessity of ICVs to operate in close country, Built-Up Area (BUA) and
in Counter Insurgency operations.
Reactive Armour. Requirement of reactive armour has been felt
to defeat HEAT projectiles.
Add-on Armour. Need to contemplate adding titanium armour
fitted to/welded at hull to protect against medium caliber threats.
Modular Armour. Need to contemplate ceramic based light
weight modular armour like Puma of Germany.
Multiple Self Protection System(MUSS).
We also need to
consider MUSS like Puma and Leopard 2A5. MUSS should provide
protection in 360o azimuth and 70 o elevations besides countering four
threats at a time.
Missile Laser Threat Alerting Sys (MILTAS). It can be
mounted on turret and linked to an active IR jammer and grenade
Fourth Generation Remote Sensing systems.
Miscellaneous. Other forms of armour like plastic armour,
responsive armour, re-enforced armour, spaced laminated armour,
ceramic armour, active armour and reactive armour needs to be
Armament /Ammunition. The emerging technologies include:(a)
Hunter-Killer Turret. Two men hunter-killer turret with 3035mm gun, Third generation missile system and Machine Gun (MG).
Hit Fist Turret. It again envisages two men turret with futuristic
weapon system.
One Man Turret.
cannon, missile and MG.
One man turret with stabilised dual feed
Non-lethal weapon, 25-40 mm Cannon, 3rd
generation ATGM on retractable launcher, hyper velocity missile with KE
Warhead, Combat KE Missile (CKEM), Integrated FCS, Electro Magnetic
Gun, Direct Energy Weapon, MM Wave KE Projectile Guidance etc.
The technology needs to progress from smart
munitions to adaptive recoil, higher lethality lower calibre (CTA Warheads)
munitions, electromagnetic weapons and laser energy weapons.
Mobility. Various emerging technologies in mobility are as under:(a)
Track/Wheeled. Band and rubberised tracks are emerging
alternative for segmented metal track. Light weight, continuous track
facilitate smooth traveling around suspension. Advance wheels,
chambered tyres and counter mine flat tyres are emerging as alternatives.
Suspension System.
Hydro-pneumatic drive train suspension to eliminate hull
vibration, stabiliser turret and gun control system.
Need to have power pack and suspension to accommodate
30 percent growth in vehicle weight without modification e.g.
Active suspension.
Additional Power Sources. Auxiliary engine/power units,
rechargeable power sources like disposables, solar energy, diesel rucksack
portable generator sets and portable fuel cells.
Navigation. Combined fiber optic gyro/GPS based autonomous
Land Navigation System (LNS).
The technology needs to progress from hybrid
electric drive (multi-engine) to hydrostatic suspension, band track active
suspension, energy recovery and ceramic engines.
Sighting System.
are as under:(a)
Various emerging technologies in sighting systems
Hunter-Killer Fire Control System.
New generation cooled thermal imagers (Amorphous Silicon) for
gunner and commander with independent panoramic sight.
Holographic Sights.
Survivability. Various emerging technologies in survivability systems are
as under:(a)
Defence aid suite (DAS) like automatic threat detection and
identification and hit avoidance.
Mine ploughs / remote mine activation system.
Detection Avoidance Technique. Need for signal management,
integrated multi spectral camouflage with inherent capability to be
effected in visual, IR and radar range.
Survival enhancers – stealth technology.
Camouflage and concealment capability.
(f) Survival / Protection. The technology needs to progress from
soft-kill DAS and hard-kill DAS (1st generation) to momentum transfer
armor, standoff explosive detection and hard-kill DAS (2nd generation)
including adaptive camouflage.
Interchangeable Role Modules. With the emerging concept of
container system, there is requirement to reduce the need for spares and
General. Artillery power will continue to remain a vital component of
the future battlefield. Its application must graduate from the quantitative to the
qualitative and from sheer mass to precise effect. The entire structure and
equipment profile must be tailored towards achieving Precision Force Capability.
Our future weapon systems will be based on 155mm caliber.
Equipment required for operations in different types of terrain and in support of
armoured/mechanised formations will comprise of towed guns, Ultra light, self
propelled(both wheeled and tracked) and mounted gun systems.
44. Artillery Mortar. There is a need to develop a mortar with improved
range, accuracy and lethality for mountains. It is desirable to induct mortar with
longer ranges while retaining the versatility of the system.
Multi-barrel Rocket Launcher (MBRL). For interdiction tasks, rocket
launcher system with ranges upto of 90 km are required. The weapon system
should have increased accuracy, enhance lethality and a variety of war heads to
include smart anti tank ammunition, bomb lets and mine lets.
Surface to Surface Guided Missiles (SSM).
In order to engage
critical targets beyond the gun range, there is a need to have surface to surface
guided missiles, with ranges varying from 90 km to 300 km. Earth penetrating
war heads and low Circular Error of Probability (CEP) should be essential features
of these SSMs.
Loitering Missiles. Artillery Fired Medium Range Loitering Missiles have
loitering capability like an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and can strike a target
with fully guided precision like a missile. Thus it has capability for acquisition of
targets and precision engagement. Each Artillery Fired Medium Range Loitering
Missile can carry out one combat mission. These systems are gaining popularity
as collateral damage and conventional missiles invite lot of criticism. We must
exploit technological challenges in this field.
Ammunition. A wide variety of ammunition is needed for each weapon.
Important ones are improved projectile designed to achieve longer ranges, highenergy propellant channels achieving longer ranges, high explosives with better
fragmentation effect, proximity fuzes, scatterable mines, incendiary ammunition,
fuel air explosives against bunkers/buildings, precision guided munitions and
autonomous homing projectile such as the `Trajectory Correctable
Munitions’ (TCM).
Essential Equipment and Instruments. In order to improve the
responsiveness of artillery system on the move, deployment, communication,
logistics and engagement of a target, the introduction of following equipment is
envisaged :(a)
Fast survey equipment.
Integrated Observation Post (OP) equipment.
Artillery metrological system.
Muzzle velocity measuring equipment.
Technical fire control (ballistic) computers.
Automated tactical fire control systems.
Palletised ammunition and ammunition vehicles with cranes.
Miscellaneous Support Equipment. Radio and line communication
need to be improved tremendously. Frequency hopping Radio Set (RS) with
inbuilt secrecy having a range of 40 km in the VHF mode need to be developed.
HF RS having ranges in excess of 70 km are also required. There is a need to
introduce suitably designed vehicles for command and control elements,
observation post parties, command post and communication equipment,
ambulance carriage and re-supply vehicles and these must possess matching
mobility and protection with the force being supported.
Surveillance and Target Acquisition (SATA) Equipment. To fulfill
their tasks in future the SATA units would require the following equipment:(a)
Long range battlefield surveillance radars.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), Unmanned Combat Aerial
Vehicles (UCAVs) with satellite communication links.
Long look optical system and remote delivery sensor system.
Weapon locating radars/Artillery meteorological system.
Latest survey equipment based on Global positioning System
(GPS)/Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS).
Cruise missile tracking Capability through airborne platforms.
Electronic Warfare (EW). Increasing introduction and employment of
Battle Field Surveillance Radar (BFSR) and SATA equipment for exploiting its
weapon systems fully, demand secure EW equipment. The ESM equipment
should have capability of picking up, analysing and storing EW Intelligence about
EW elements of the enemy in the complete EW spectrum used by noncommunication emitters. The ECM suite should include both passive (ELINT) and
active ECM capabilities.
Miscellaneous Equipment.
Security of Gun Areas.
There is a need to develop sensors
based on laser/acoustic/vibration and Thermal Imaging (TI) sights for
guns for night engagement /direct/Anti tank firing.
Containers. This concept should be developed and introduced
with new family of vehicles of following types:(i)
Command Post Vehicles.
Battery and Regiment
Command Post Vehicles, FDC and SATA CP.
Survey Computing Centres.
Ammunition Carrying Vehicles.
Precision Munitions. This should include multi spectral sensors,
guidance and control, technically, enhanced electronics, better airframes
for missiles and efficient power packs.
Electro magnetic rail guns and directed energy weapons.
SATA. Fusion, Technical Database Management System, Moving
Surface Target Imaging Radar, IR focal frame array, secure data links,
auto target recognising technology and target configuration technology.
Artillery Simulators.
Following type of simulators are essentially required both from the
point of view of providing realistic training and enhanced effectiveness:(i)
Sub Calibre Trainers for various types of guns and rocket
Forward Observation Simulators capable of training
Observation Post officers in shooting procedures, fire planning and
command and control systems.
Present simulators for Artillery training need to be further improved
to provide more realistic and comprehensive training to include the
Training of all trades i.e. Operators, Technical Assistants,
Observation Post Officers, Troop Leaders, Gun Position Officers and
Command Post staff both collectively and in stand alone mode.
System must cater for integration of related data viz
metrological and variation in muzzle velocity etc.
All type of shoots with all available ammunition/equipment
/fire control instruments must be feasible.
System should be applicable for all terrains and visibility
conditions. For better training analysis, 3D effect of terrain is
Radar. Technologies that need indigenous Research & Development
efforts include the following:(a)
Development of Multifunction Phased Array Radars. Phased
array technology permits rapid beam steering capabilities which provide
almost continuous all round track-while scan surveillance capabilities,
doing away with the limitations inherent to the rotating antenna.
Advancements in component technology has resulted in development of
solid-state microwave sub-system viz, oscillators, low-noise and low power
amplifiers, phase shifters, T/R modules using MMIC technology etc.
Development of Synthetic Aperture Radar. Synthetic Aperture
Radar (SAR) provides high-resolution three-dimensional imaging
capabilities, a technology which has considerably matured over the last
three decades. SAR combines all-weather and cloud-penetrating
capabilities with optical resolution imaging capabilities, and is essential for
effective and accurate airborne and satellite reconnaissance, including
missile guidance. Development/ procurement of SAR therefore need to be
accorded high priority.
Development of Millimeter Wave Radar (MWR). MWRs,
operating a millimeter-wave frequencies around 94GHz (frequency band
that coincides with a spectral region of minimal atmospheric absorption),
have potential to generate high-resolution two-dimensional imagery.
Development efforts on the related technologies need to be vigorously
Transmitters. Wide-band transmitters, capable of generating
complex signals for detection capability, need to be developed.
Development in these areas to evolve and optimise complex signals, need
indigenous efforts so that the terminal performance of the radar could be
Surface to Air Missile (SAM) System. Development / acquisition of
SAM system with longer ranges, detection and multiple engagement capability is
essential to enhance the stand off ranges and serve as a deterrent to the launch
platforms. These would need to have high acceleration, agility, intelligence,
ability to receive mid-course guidance and target recognition features to
successfully engage supersonic attack aircrafts and missiles. Development of
longer ranges and smart SAM system would involve the following technological
Propulsion System. Suitable propulsion system needs to be
developed for supersonic and hypersonic velocities as well as for long
ranges. This includes development of ramjet engine technologies.
Guidance and Control System. Development of improved midcourse guidance system by combining INS and GPS to provide lower
Circular Error of Probability (CEP) is becoming essential. Higher demands
would be placed on the control system on account of the super/
hypersonic velocities and high agility.
Seeker. With the development of longer range SAMs, development
of suitable seekers will need to be undertaken concurrently to ensure high
accuracies. These seekers will need to posses all weather capabilities and
incorporate advance Electronic Counter Countermeasure (ECCM) feature.
While the warhead technology has reasonably
matured, efforts to enhance its lethality would have to continue.
Directional radio fuses for warheads need to be developed for
concentrated fire power in the direction of the target and enhance
Guns. Apart from enhancement of ranges using latest technology in gun
design, improved ammunition and armament, guns are being integrated with fire
control systems or target designation systems to reduce reaction time. Improved
sighting system including Electro-Optical devices, TV cameras, Integrated Laser
Range Finders (LRFs) and Thermal Imaging (TI) sights for engagement in all
weather conditions and facility of automatic tracking by use of sighting system
are required.
Technology developments have provided guns with
enhanced ranges, better efficiency and destruction capabilities. These
developments are as listed below:(a)
Combination of electronics and projectile innovations.
Advance hit efficiency and destruction.
Pre-fragmented Pre-programmable, Proximity Fuze (PFPF).
Provides flatter trajectory, increase Muzzle Velocity and thus
greater range.
Provides area saturation upto 180 sq m.
Air Defence C&R. Improved C&R system for giving greater freedom to
weapons and more efficient air Space management. Complete automation of Air
Defence C&R and its integration with IAF IACCS.
Futuristic helicopters and aircraft will be required to
accomplish mission oriented tasks as part of all Arms Teams Concept and hence,
will require one or more of the following avionics:(a)
Integrated Architecture Display System(IADS). There is a
requirement to provide the primary flight displays, tactical scenario,
navigation displays, weather radar displays, engine and other system and
mission data etc on high resolution Multi Functional Colour Displays
(MFCDs). Information from a threat warning system superimposed on
the digital tactical map provides comprehensive picture to the crew.
Fly By Wire/Light Flight Control. The system with required
redundancy (quadruplex or triplex redundancy) is designated to give the
pilot excellent control and handling characteristic across the entire flight
envelope of the helicopter. The system provides continuous automatic
stabilization of the helicopter and aircraft by computer controlled surfaces
from appropriate motion sensors.
Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS). The system with
adequate redundancy (duplex) is designed to reduce pilot work and also
to provide good control response. Typically, AFCS consists of control
augmentation system, stability augmentation system and an autopilot.
With enhanced stability and autopilot features it would permit the pilot to
fly under conditions of poor visibility and by night. AFCS coupled with an
onboard navigation system, and integrated with suitable guidance system
to provide automatic terrain following or terrain avoidance will permit the
helicopter to fly at high speeds at very low altitudes (50-100ft AGL).
Navigation. Ability to fly low and also navigate at night and during poor
visibility in any type of terrain, is required to support the manoeuvre battle.
Following technological features will be required for precision navigation:(a)
Night Vision Capability. The operational role of IA demands that
the future helicopter should be capable of carrying out operations during
night and poor visibility conditions for which Third Generation night vision
system is required.
Integrated Surveillance Sighting System. An integrated
surveillance sighting system compatible with FLIR, CCS, LRF and laser
designator would be very effective.
Radio Altimeter. A instrument to give the terrain clearance
beneath, specially in hills is an essential feature of future helicopters.
GPS/INS Sys. INS are computer based self contained systems
and provide aircraft position information in terms of latitude, longitude,
speed, heading & track information, without any external input other than
the starting location.
Multi Mode GPS.
Multi mode GPS, which should be able to
receive signals both from NAVSTAR, IRNSS, GLONASS & GALELIO, would
be an effective communication aid.
VOR/ILS/DME. These equipments are a must for all the aircraft
that needs to be cleared for IFR flight. These would not only increase the
confidence of the pilot flying the aircraft, but would also be useful in
growing air traffic.
Helmet Mounted Display. The helmet mounted display would
be ideal equipment which would give all the details to the pilot in digital
form without him having to move his head and locating the instruments.
Ground Proximity Warning System (GPSW)/ Enhanced
GPWS (EGPSW)/Terrain Collision Avoidance System (TCAS). The
equipment like GPWS & EGPSW and TCAS provide aural and visual signal
to the pilot when the aircraft is in danger of impacting with the ground or
is in close proximity of any other traffic. This facilitates low flying by
giving the crew advance warning of terrain proximity. When it is coupled
to the Navigation System and AFCS it takes corrective terrain avoidance
action. The system contributes to safe and successful mission conduct by
permitting to fly low and undetected by enemy radars.
Global Positioning System (GPS). For pin point navigation
accurate GPS system is required. Own GAGAN system/a space based GPS
augmentation system to be launched shortly should be catered for the
military helicopters.
Doppler Navigation System (DNS). GPS accuracy can be
degraded, or its coverage disabled/reduced in times of hostilities, hence a
stand alone navigation system is mandatory. A Doppler Navigation
System is one such system that does not depend on external input
sources and must form a standard fitment on all Army Aviation
helicopters. The DNS could also be utilized in integrated mode with GPS
for better accuracy and redundancy.
Inertial Navigation System (INS).
INS is also a stand alone
system like the DNS. In addition, INS is effective as part of an attack
system and for weapon delivery from an attack helicopter. INS coupled
with surveillance system will help obtain targeting data for engagement by
precision guided munitions.
(m) Microwave Landing System (MLS)/Instrument Landing
System (ILS). This will help both fixed wing aircraft and rotary wing
helicopters for take off and landing in poor visibility and night conditions.
Weather Radar. Its use in weather mode and mapping mode
with a range of 150 Nautical Miles (NM) or more will permit safe flying
operations in most weather conditions and assure greater success
probability of a mission.
Digital Map Generator and Moving Map Display. A digitally
generated map of the area of operations with updated tactical information
enhances situational awareness of the crew. It is coupled to the
navigation systems of the aircraft and it contributes significantly to
mission accomplishment.
Reliability. The helicopters need to have adequate redundancy for the
primary systems and high Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) of all
components. This is achieved by incorporating the following:(a)
Health and Usage Monitoring System (HUMS). The system
monitors the health of important systems by recording their critical
parameters such as functioning of engine, gear box, vibration levels, loads
on critical structures etc. This forewarns the maintenance staff of a likely
problem, if any, and to take preventive maintenance action. Maintenance
activity and cost of spares is thereby reduced by change of components.
Use of Full Authority Digital Engine Control (FADEC) in all aero
engines would be mandatory. With helicopters and aircraft getting
computer heavy and mission systems being software intensive, there is a
need to have redundancy in both hardware and software on all critical
systems to enhance reliability.
Use of composites to increase the reliability of tail rotors, main
rotors and other airframe structures should be explored.
Survivability. Military helicopters operate under adverse Air Defence
environment in the Tactical Battle Area, in inhospitable terrain and in inclement
weather conditions. A degree of survivability needs to be built into the helicopter
and crew to survive in an intense battle field. Survivability philosophy is based
on the maxim, ‘avoid being seen, if seen do not be hit, and if hit, survive
to fight’. Technologies to enhance helicopter survivability are discussed below:(a)
ELT Interlinked with GPS. An equipment like this would give
out the position of the ELT activations thus saving the time in pin pointing
the location of the aircraft in distress.
Fire Protection System.
To negate the chances of fire, the
aircraft should be equipped with state of the art fire detection and fire
suppression systems both for electrical and other types of fires.
Integrated Oxygen System. An integrated Oxygen system is a
must for both crew and passengers especially in areas where the
operating altitude is beyond 8000 feet above sealed.
Enhanced Power pack is required for simultaneous operations and
running of air conditioners and all other ancillary equipment.
Means to Avoid Being Seen.
achieved by:-
Stealth in helicopters can be
Low Visual and Radar Signature by Design. Low radar
signature can be achieved by use of Rader Absorbent Paint/Material
Low acoustic signature can be achieved by tailoring the
blade profile to lower noise levels and reducing engine noise.
Lowering of Infra Red (IR) signature by use of IR
Means to Avoid Being Hit (If Seen).
IR Jammer.
An IR Jammer is an effective counter
measure against heat seeking missiles. In order to defeat a missile
it will have to be integrated with a Missile Approach Warning
System (MAWS) which will be a part of an Electronic Warfare Suite
(EWS) and also have heat dissipation mechanism to lower the
ambient temperature of the exhaust system to avoid detection.
Counter Measure Dispensing System (CMDS). CMDS
comprising of Flare Chaff dispensers provides protection against
fire control radars and IR seeking missiles. CMDS must be
integrated with EWS to be effective.
Electronic Warfare Suite (EWS). An EWS comprising of
Missile Approach warning System (MAWS), Radar Warning Receiver
(RWR) and Laser Warning Receiver (LWR) warns the crew against
missile threat. The EWS also displays the type and direction of
threat viz, search/ track/ fire control radar, or a laser
designator/range finder. EWS integrated with CMDS and IR
Jammer will considerably enhance helicopter survivability in the
Wire Strike Protection System (WSPS). Helicopters
operating at low altitudes are prone to wire strikes. WSPS is
required on all helicopters to survive wire strikes.
Armour Protection.
Armour protection to crew and
critical helicopter systems like flight controls, FADEC and hydraulics
is an essential requirement. This can be achieved by selective
armour plating to the helicopter.
Ballistic Tolerance of Rotor Blades. Build a degree of
ballistic tolerance into the main and tail rotor blades to survive
small arm fire and hits of 12.7mm Gun which is the caliber of a gun
mounted on an Attack helicopters.
Means of Survival (If Hit).
Redundancy for all critical systems and high damage
resistant design for systems like gear box which should be capable
of running dry without lubrication for 30 minutes or more.
Crashworthy fuselage and seat design that can take the
impact with minimum injury to crew in the event of a crash.
Self sealing fuel tanks with a flame suppression system and
provision of dumping of fuel in an emergency.
Fire Fighting Suppression. This will help the crew in Fire
Fighting and operation of extinguishing system.
NBC Capability. Helicopter would have to be pressurized and
NBC filters incorporated to enable operation for limited periods in
NBC contaminated areas.
Crew Ejection System. The helicopters should incorporate
vertical or sideways ejection system to ensure that crew can eject in case
of a mishap or if hit by enemy.
Cockpit Air Bag System (CABS). Cockpit Airbag System (CABS)
and electronic sensor devices ensure that airbags fitted in the cockpit
inflate as the aircraft crash lands on ground, there by cushioning the
impact and ensuring the survivability of crew.
Combat Search and Rescue. An airborne search and rescue
system for recovery of crashed aircraft/aircrew and for Special Heliborne
Operations (SHBO). The system must incorporate use of coded
transmission for safety of Special Forces and crew.
Digital communication is replacing analog
communication and future aircraft will need to have the following:(a)
Internal Communication System (ICS).
For effective
communication between the crew and the passenger, a good quality,
static free, ICS with utmost clarity with noise reduction is recommended.
Secure VHF/UHF and /or VHF (FM/AM) with frequency hopping
feature, covering the entire frequency range of radio sets operational in
the Army.
HF Single Side Band Radio sets.
Satellite Communication (SATCOM) links to enhance operating
Light weight Identify Friend or Foe (IFF).
Communication interface with other airborne surveillance systems
like UAVs/AWACS and Attack helicopters.
Downlink capability to pass real time battlefield information (Video,
Audio and Data) and capability for data fusion for real time situational
Radio management set for interface with avionic input.
Reduced Maintenance. Maximum availability of aviation assets can be
ensured to field commanders during operations if maintenance of helicopters can
be made easy, fast and less man-hour intensive in field conditions. This can be
achieved by following:(a)
Incorporating Built in test equipment (BITE) and to follow ‘On
Condition’ maintenance.
Modular construction to enable change of components and subassemblies in field conditions.
All first line servicing to be carried out without the use of
specialized equipment and maintenance stand (single tool concept).
Health and Usage Monitoring System (HUMS).
Turn Round Servicing (TRS) is kept as short as possible.
Low frequency or periodicity of servicing, and be able to operate
the helicopter and aircraft in field conditions for prolonged periods.
Where possible, servicing should be on need basis.
The nature of future wars is likely to be significantly different from the
ones we have fought in the past. Full scale conventional conflicts would recede in
occurrence giving way to sector specific, short, intense, high tempo and
destructive battles in a nuclear backdrop. More lethal and accurate weapons
would be used by both sides. The battlefield will be fully transparent making
decision cycle short and critical. Initiatives at lower levels would be the rule
rather than an exception. There will be information overload on the commanders
and electronic deception would be a major factor in the outcome of the war.
Threat of asymmetric war would concurrently exist and close combat in these
would significantly influence the results of the other war. In such a scenario, the
infantry soldier, the sub units and units would have to be optimally equipped,
trained and deployed to achieve ascendancy over the enemy. Infantry soldier
must be equipped to counter future threats which may emerge as a result of
technological developments.
Personal Weapons and Ammunition.
There is an urgent need to
develop rifles, carbines and light machine guns of 5.56mm caliber to replace the
existing INSAS class of weapons. The hall mark of new weapons should be
reliability, robustness, night firing capabilities and modular cum inter changeable
parts. The weapons themselves are of little use unless supported by compatible
and indigenously manufactured ammunition.
Medium Machine Guns. It would be desirable to develop a Medium
Machine Gun to fire 5.56mm ammunition.
Automatic Grenade Launcher. For increased lethality and antipersonal role, a light weight Automatic Grenade System-30 is being introduced in
the Army (including Rashtriya Rifles). Further research should be taken up in this
Grenades. The development of a light, more effective and safe (from
the point of view of the thrower) anti-personal grenade is desirable.
Surveillance and Night Vision Device. The need for surveillance and
Night Vision Device requires further development to improve the system in this
Rifle Simulator. Further developments should be undertaken in this
field to reduce cost of training and enhance skills so as to increase operational
Personnel Protection Suit. Personnel protection suit for soldiers
incorporating light weight body armour, multi-spectral camouflage, ballistic
helmets needs to be developed to provide enhanced protection.
Remotely Operated Weapon Station (RWS). There is a requirement
of a vehicle-mounted system that enables remote operation of weapons with axis
stabilized mount that contains a sensor suite and fire control software, allowing
on-the move target acquisition and first-burst target engagement. It should be
designed to mount on a variety of vehicle platforms and support the Automatic
Grenade Launcher, Medium Machine Gun and Anti Material Rifles to increase
engagement range, first-round hit probability and operation response time. It
should have sensor suite including a daytime video camera, second-generation
Forward Looking Infra Red and Laser Range Finder enabling target engagement
under day and night condition.
Rifle Combat Optics. This will improve the capability to recognize and
engage targets upto 500-600m with the existing weapons. The optics will allow
troops rapid transition between long and close quarter engagements without
degrading the ability to conduct reflexive fire technology. The optics can be used
to scan an area for acquiring and engaging targets. When a target is acquired,
the ranging reticule within the optics can be used to obtain an accurate range to
the target. An appropriate aiming point on the reticule can then be selected to
accurately engage the target.
Futuristic Soldier. Soldier as a system is gaining popularity and our
qualitative requirements have been formulated. A wired and net connected
soldier integrated with battle field management systems need to be developed
Built Up Area (BUA) Operation-Modular Shotgun System. It could
be designed to be fitted on the modular weapon system and fire lethal and
house clearing ammunition. It provides a capability to transition between lethal
and non-lethal rounds and can serve as a stand-alone shotgun.
Light Weight Laser Designator Range Finder (LLDR). It is a manportable, modular, target location and laser designation system. The system
consists of a target locator module and a laser designator module. LLDR provides
troops a man-portable capability to observe and accurately locate targets,
digitally transmit target location data and laser-designate high-priority targets for
destruction by precision munitions.LLDR greatly increase the ability to recognise
targets at night.
Anti Tank Missiles.
Accurate, reliable, night firing capable missiles
mounted on highly mobile vehicles operated by infantry crew is required in large
numbers. The industry needs to tap this potential and develop this technology
with expertise from DRDO and other development partners.
Miscellaneous Aspects. Other new system that need consideration are
as under:(a)
Flexible display screens to provide the troops with light weight,
compact displays that can be worn, rolled up and stored.
Simulators and virtual environment technology for
commanders and unit for operational rehearsal and training.
Medical technology for self diagnosing and treatment at individual
Genomic, DNA-based vaccines to sustain troops and unit combat
Military bridging plays a vital role in opening and keeping open routes
across dry and wet gaps, both natural and artificial. The equipment has to cater
for various load classes due to multifarious equipment in our inventory.
Some of the bridges required in the near future are as given below:(a)
Modular Bridge. These bridges are mechanically launched with a
span of 40 to 46 m with a load class 70 Tons. The components should be
modular in nature which can be quickly assembled in field using
mechanical means.
Floating Foot Bridges. Floating foot bridges with a span of 50m
which can be easily carried and quickly constructed are required for water
currents of upto four knots.
Aerial Cable Ways. Aerial cable ways of 400m span with load
carrying capacity of minimum 500kgs are required for remote areas.
These cable ways should have motorized haulage mechanisms.
Heliportable Bridge System. Light weight bridges of upto class
24 which can be constructed in plains and carried under slung by
helicopters are required.
Mat Ground Surfacing (MGS).
MGS of various load
classifications are composite material extrusions linked to each other to
enable quick passage of vehicles in inaccessible areas. These should be
polymer based and light weight.
The bridging components should have the following features:(a)
Light Components.
Larger unsupported gaps.
Higher load classes.
Mine Warfare
Majority of mines and explosives are dealt by government controlled
factories, however few related equipment can be developed indigenously:(a)
Automated Mine Field Recording System. The equipment is
based on GPS with GIS background and is used for recording of the mines
Mechanical Mine Layers (MML). MMLs based on high mobility
vehicles to lay a variety of mines in different terrain conditions.
Glue/foam based anti traction obstacle systems.
Considerable progress has been made in the industry for mine detection
and mine breaching equipment.
A few of the mine breaching equipment
envisaged in the near future are as given below:(a)
Robotic vehicles for mine detection/clearance and to destroy
Improvised Explosive Devices (IED).
IED/mine detectors based on multi sensors including standoff
detection capability.
Light weight anti mine boots and protective gear.
Counter IED Equipment.
IEDs are extensively employed by the terrorists as a low cost option.
There is a requirement to continuously upgrade the search, detection,
neutralization and disposal equipment to counter the newer technologies and
methods used by the terrorists. Some of the areas for improved equipment
technologies are as given below:(a)
Standoff explosive detectors.
Cellphone jammers.
Electronic circuit detectors.
Remotely operated vehicles for identification and disposal of threat.
Bomb suppression blankets and containers.
Laser based Remote Ordnance demolition system.
Material Handling Equipment (MHE)
Engineer tasks have always been manpower intensive, requiring haulage
of bulky items or lifting of heavy loads. Induction of a variety of material
handling equipment is being given priority to save time and effort. Some of the
equipment being considered are as given below:(a)
Multi purpose tractors with a number of attachments.
Skid Steers.
High Mobility Vehicles mounted cranes.
Rough terrain fork lifts with extendable forks.
Industrial fork lifts.
Truck mounted knuckle boom articulated cranes.
Water Supply Equipment
Water supply is an essential task undertaken by the engineers in all types
of terrains and operations. It requires employment of varied equipment and
techniques depending on the sources and quality of water and the terrain.
Concerted efforts are being made to upgrade the present vintage water supply
equipment. A few of the envisaged equipment are as follows:(a)
High yield portable pumps of capacity 15000 ltrs/hr.
High head portable water pumps for mountains with head upto
Ultra filtration based water purification equipment of capacity
13500 ltrs/hr.
RO based desalination plants for brackish waters.
High mobility vehicle base boring rigs.
Lighter and collapsible water storage and carriage tanks.
Flexible HDPE pipelines.
Snow melters for glaciers.
Camouflage Equipment
The requirement of modern day battlefield is to ensure camouflage of vital
equipment from surveillance devices which operate in almost the entire range of
the electromagnetic spectrum from visual to near IR to mid IR to far thermal and
also in the millimetric range like radars. The sensors could be ground based, air
borne, ship borne or positioned in space. Some of the envisaged equipment and
technologies are as follows:(a)
Synthetic camouflage nets which are reversible lighter and more
durable than jute nets.
Multi spectral camouflage nets for protection against visual, near
IR, thermal IR and radar homing/ detection.
Multi spectral personal camouflage equipment such as ponchos,
sniper suits ad personal screens.
Smoke generators to blind the enemy.
Paints to reduce thermal emissions and polymer based paints for
visual and near IR range.
Dummies of various critical equipment such as tanks, guns etc.
Stealth technology based camouflage system.
The Indian Army is in the process of modernization with the ultimate
objective being able to harness the power of Information Technology, fully
capable of executing Network Centric Warfare. The process can not be
completed in one go and will necessarily be executed in phases where legacy
integration issues will always be important. Although, the ultimate aim is to
transform the Indian Army info a force capable of Network Centric Warfare, and
as such bulk of the procurement/development actions will be aimed at this
objective. However, a few procurements may be aimed at meeting the
immediate objectives/ short comings and may not be immediately perceived to
be contributing directly to the stated aim. The modernization process to be
successful will need a very active participation from Indian industry. The
succeeding text gives a broad overview of the envisaged process of
modernization and indicates opportunities for the Defence Industry in General
and Indian Defence Industry in particular. Detailed inputs will be made available
on need to know basis as the process unfolds.
Capabilities being Developed
The capability development envisaged in the immediate future covering
next 3-4 years is discussed below :(a)
Strategic Network.
Core Network.
The core network is being designed on a
captive OFC media which will be based on IP/ MPLS technology.
The Network will be of a very high capacity and will include
security layer which is indigenous. Adequate redundancies in
terms of physical paths and switching devices is being catered for.
(ii) Access Network. The access network will be all IP with
captive OFC rings covering all military stations.
Tactical Networks. The present Tactical Network is based on a
low bandwidth, low data rate System which is being replaced by a high
capacity Tactical Communication system. The architecture would be IP/
MPLS with Field Wireless Systems addressing the needs of the mobile
users. The systems will create a high mobility backbone serving highly
mobile users, fully integrated with the Strategic NW.
Radio Communication. The Radio communications based on
point to point Combat Net Radio (CNR) sets capable of data transfer,
though capable of addressing the present requirements are gradually
being replaced by IP Radios which implement MANET and offer greater
bandwidths. The aim is to create our own indigenous Software Defined
Radio (SDR) program that will serve the needs for all future Soldier Radios
in the Army.
Satellite Communication.
High bandwidth high mobility
satellite terminals are being planned that are served off captive satellite
resources. The focus is to provide high bandwidth secured data and voice
to the user. The satellites terminals will also be used for providing bridges
in the strategic portion of the Network.
Applications. A host of applications are at various stages of
implementation/ conceptualization that can work seamlessly across
Strategic and Tactical Networks. The applications range from General
Messaging Softwares to Situation Awareness, Sensor Data Sharing,
Command and Control applications, Battle Field Management Systems and
Decision Support Systems.
The ultimate capability envisaged is to convert the Armed Forces into a
Network Centric Operation capable force. This would require establishment of a
robust high capacity backbone and a high capacity Tactical Communications
system,. The Network created will seamlessly support high density flow of
converged voice, data and video through multitude of applications, with
acceptable latency. The details are discussed below:-
Strategic Networks. The Strategic backbone network would be
a high
capacity captive OFC NW suitably augmented by Satellite
links and microwave links. The networks with IP/MPLS would employ the
existing protocols at any given time, by continuously upgrading and
refreshing the technology.
Access Networks. High capacity IP access networks will allow
users to reap the benefit of applications that support Network Centric
Tactical Networks. A state of the art Tactical Network based on
high capacity, frequency hopping Radios would form the backbone of
Tactical NW. The end users would be served using Field Wireless System
with 3G/LTE/WiMax technologies. The system would seamlessly integrate
with the backbone Network.
Radio Communications. The Radio Communication would be
ultimately based on SDR being produced by an indigenous program.
These would cater to diverse needs of forces by incorporating a multitude
of specialized wave forms and would be available in a variety of form
factors. MANET feature would allow use of these radios seamlessly in the
Tactical Networks for data transfer and exploitation of applications.
Satellite Communications. The aim is to be able to exploit S
band, Ku band and Ka bands for providing high data, highly mobile
Satellite Communications through a few captive satellites. These terminals
would meet the needs of forces in remote areas and would also be used
as bridges to provide redundancy to Strategic Networks.
Applications. A full suite of C4I2 applications would need to be
developed as the network rollout progresses. Since considerable work on
some applications has already commenced, Integration would remain a
continuous challenge and opportunity for the Industry.
Opportunities for Industry
93. In view of the foregoing, general areas of opportunities for the industry
are summarized below:(a)
Backbone Infrastructure.
Transmission Systems (Dense
Switching Systems. (IP/MPLS)
Access Systems. (IP)
Tactical Communication Systems.
High Capacity Radio Relays. (8MB/34MB/STM 1)
Frequency Hopping Radio Relays. (2/8/34MB)
Ruggedised Tactical Switches. (IP/MPLS)
SDR including MANET features. (SCA Compliant)
Field Wireless Systems. (3G/CDMA/LTE/WiMax)
Optical Fibers including Tactical Optical Fibres.
Power Generation and Power Management Systems.
Containerisation of Communication Platforms.
Generic IT hardware.
Battle Field Management Systems.
Situational Awareness Systems.
C4I2 Systems.
Decision Support Systems.
Satellite Systems including S, Ku, Ka Band Terminals.
Bulk Encryption Devices that are scalable using the same box.
Aerostat /UAV based Communication Platforms.
Field Wireless Systems.
Military WiMax.
of Legacy
The existing infrastructure and repair capabilities of EME caters for repair
and Over Haul facilities Armoured fighting vehicles, artillery guns, Engineer
Equipment, Bridging Equipment , Air Defence System Specialised Vehicles like
Kraz, Zil, Ural & Scania, Radars, Optical and Fire Control Instruments, computers
and peripherals.
The following modernization plan is under way:-.
Modernisation of two Army Base Workshops.
Over Haul facilities for the following major equipment:(i)
Stella and OSA AK Msl Sys.
Improvement of Over-Haul facility of T-72 and BMP-II.
Creation of new Overhaul facilities for ARV VT-72B and ARV
Component level repair facility for ANTPQ-37 WLR.
Implementation of Enterprises Resource Planning (ERP) in EME.
Modernisation of field workshop and Corps Zone Workshop.
With the improvement in the infrastructure and enhanced repair facilities,
the technology capability is likely to improve as follows:-
Modernisation of Army Base Workshop.
Enhanced over head facilities for all major equipment held by the
Creation of over head facilities for vintage Air Defence System,
being retained in service to enhance their ‘in service’ life.
Development of new facilities for providing base repair to certain
new equipment and enhancing the engineering support Capability.
Improvement in specialist repair facilities at nodal workshops to
reduce down time of equipment.
Enhanced repair facilities for specialized equipment in field army.
Development of diagnostics and repair facility for Network Centric
Warfare (NCW) equipment.
Decision Support System
Limited ‘Decision Support’ by the application software including
customized GIS has been implemented. Customised application software & GIS
are being added based on user requirements. Improved hardware for supporting
new application is under development/ procurement.
Capability Envisaged.
Convergence of different functionalities on single machine and
access based on rights/ requirements is envisaged.
Exploitation of latest technology to assist in integration of different
protocols implemented for various components.
Battlefield Surveillance System
Identify new technology in sensors to render advice in procuring/
upgrading sensors held in the Army. Latest Communication technology to
provide higher bandwidth and larger ranges is required.
Battlefield Management System (BMS)
100. There is a requirement to provide a shared situational awareness to all
elements operating in the TBA to include individual soldiers and platforms by
providing computing devices interfaced with data radios to form adhoc networks
which would provide the information grid on which sensors and shooters would
plug in on as required basis.
101. Capability Envisaged.
Self synchronizing and self healing high
bandwidth data network, low power consuming computing devices and reliable
and accurate GPS.
Artillery Combat, Command & Control System
102. Artillery Combat Command and Control System is a fully digitized,
integrated and networked system comprised of military grade tactical computers
automating and providing decision support for all operational aspects.
Capability Envisaged.
Capability for simultaneous passage of voice and data over radio in
an encrypted from.
Secure wireless communication in military band with encryption for
Air Defence Control System
104. Multi Sensor Tracking (MST).
In case of Army Air Defence in TBA
where the individual sensors are located on mobile platforms, the data fusion of
target reported is much more difficult and warrants developing of complicated
105. Tracked Command Post. A standard tracked vehicle fitted with comn
devices, power source and environmental control need to be produced in house
to meet the command post. This should be a standard platform which facilitates
fitment of electronics pertaining to a particular progress, and thereby converting
to a tracked command post.
106. Digitised Combat Net Radio (CNR). CNR with better EW Capability
and offering data transfer Capability up to 64 kbps needs to be developed.
Military Survey
107. Capability Envisaged. High resolution mapping using high resolution
satellite imageries needs to be developed.
108. Intelligence Dissemination Systems.
Compose and manipulate
maps, manage and transfer overlays, digital terrain modelling, image integration
and fly through, programmed briefing sequence, secure e-mail and file transfer
protocol, efficient data handling and retrieval, secure transfer of data on the
network, replication of data base user friendly graphic user interface.
109. No amount of latest weaponry and networked battle field can be
successful till efficiently supported by a well established and efficient logistic back
up. Need for the future is :(a)
Seamless Logistics System. Networking of logistics with efficient
supply chain management and Automated logistics networks with
decision support system suitably linked with Communication data
transmission networks.
Latest Diagnostics and maintenance tools
embedded with automotive technology.
Asset Visibility and Management.
Timely and accurate
information on location, move, status and identify of units, personnel,
equipment and supply. Efficient storage and retrieval of inventory with
latest technology in RFID, Automated Warehousing and GPS based
tracking of assets.
(d) Reduced Energy Requirements. Alternate power generation in
field, Fuel technology, efficient vehs, engines and generators can reduce
the logistic loads.
(e) Air Conditioned (AC) Containers. War fighting is prolonged affair
in an inhospitable and environment unfriendly atmosphere. For
maintaining the rations and supplies fresh at all times highly mobile and
rugged AC containers are required.
110. Satellite Based Communication. A number of technology advances in
satellite system are likely to take place in the near future. Indian Army would be
looking forward to a few of the technologies given below:(a)
Use of Ka Band. This would provide larger bandwidths, increase
total capacity per satellite, and result in power and cost reduction of
ground stations.
On-Board Processing (OBP) Techniques. These provide
flexible manipulation of base band by allowing connectivity between user
of different transponders or in different beams and use of multiple beams
in place of single wide beam coverage. Steerable beams to provide
communication in less frequented areas. High bandwidth, polar micro
communication satellite net work, cryptography, data compression and
satellite cross links.
LEO/MEO Satellite System. To reduce propagation delay
associated with geo-stationary satellites, lower orbit satellite system
similar to the commercial system like Globe Star and Teledesic, may be
111. Satellite System for Intelligence Surveillance & Reconnaissance
Imagery Techniques. Need to developing capability for expl of
the following three types of imageries:-
Panchromatic / Colour. Panchromatic (black & white) or
Linear Imaging Self Scanning (LISS) colour with mono and
stereoscopic images.
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR). SAR images can see
through cloud cover and night.
Hyper Spectral Images. These use the spectrum of
colours to differentiate between different surface textures of an
Common Synthesised Image. There is also a need to
develop capability to obtain common synthesised image using all
the above three techniques.
Automatic Target Recognize (ATR) Technology. This would
require data fusion from all the sensors, comparison of the data with
archives, retrieval of data as required and in a user friendly format.
Satellite system with sub-meter resolution capability and automatic
analysis of data.
Satellite Based ELINT.
Need to indigenously design &
development and validate a simple micro satellite with ELINT payload.
112. Satellite Based Positioning, Navigation & Time (PNT). The
capability to provide precision navigation facility to various users and to deliver
precision weapons on targets through combination of IRNSS and internal inertial
navigation system is essential for future military operations. The GPS system
currently in use, through providing high accuracy to NATO forces, provides
degraded accuracy to other users. Following need to be developed:(a)
Need to develop capability to establish indigenous satellite
constellation for Position, Navigation and Tracking (PNT) requirements of
the Services.
Integrated precision positioning of targeting and telemetry sigs.
Enhance navigation and guidance by integrating guidance system
of SSMs with our IRNSS.
EMP hardening of satellite & sensors and satellites against AntiSatellite (ASAT).
Development of ASAT for electronic or physical destruction of
satellites in both LEO and Geo – synchronous orbits.
114. Self Reliance in Defence Production is a lofty goal and involves
contribution from a myriad of diverse sectors. One of the critical sectors that
would directly affect defence production as far as the Indian Navy is concerned
would be Ship Building and Repair. While India started early in its quest for
self reliance in warship building, it did not increase capacities in consonance with
demand, resulting in current capability being grossly inadequate to meet own
naval requirements. As per Indian Navy’s long term plan over 95 ships and
submarines are due for acquisition by 2022. Indigenous construction of these
assets requires an estimated annual capacity of 107 Standard Ship Units (SSUs).
The combined capacity available in the three DPSU shipyards is presently for
construction of only 39.25 SSUs. If the requirement of the Coast Guard (158
ships till 2017) is also included the gap in Strategic warship building capacity
further widens. Thus it is evident that demand exists for Warship building
Capacity and repairs. Policy options for consideration and the effect on goals
for achieving Self reliance in this field are enumerated in ‘Strategic Guidance for
Naval Self Reliance’. Indian Navy is also publishing ‘Roadmap for Self Reliance:
2009 -2025’ which would describe in detail the Roadmap for production of
various equipment and systems.
115. The Navy as a customer, the Designers of equipment and systems and the
Industry as a supplier need to have a clear understanding of the requirements
and the plan for induction and indigenisation. To this end Indian Navy had
prepared a ‘15 Year Indigenisation Plan’ in 2003, to be reviewed after every five
years. Present status of various indigenisation activities has also been included
for maintaining continuity and to avoid duplication of efforts. Further, to focus
efforts of development agencies a forecast requirement of equipment and
systems has also been worked out and placed at Appendices ‘A’ to ‘E’. The
document has since been revised based on requirements up to 2022 and
formulated under the following major heads: (a)
Marine Engineering.
Electrical Engineering
Weapons and Sensors
Submarine Equipment and Systems
Project – 75 Equipment and Systems
116. Major equipment and systems such as propulsion plants, prime-movers for
power generation, air conditioning and refrigeration plants employed on board
ships are specifically designed for marine application or are derived (marinised)
from successful commercial models. Commercial off the shelf (COTS) equipment
are also existing in the IN inventory. Indigenous development of Engineering
equipment and systems is being undertaken through a combination of ab-initio
development, adopting off the shelf designs and the process of re-engineering.
In this connection it is also important to understand that Warship equipment are
designed to inherently meet the following requirements:(a)
Assured performance in the presence of six degrees of ship motion,
significant of which are roll and pitch.
Ability to withstand shock loads.
Appropriate material and metallurgical composition to withstand
corrosion and erosion.
Assured performance when submerged /partially submerged.
Wide temperature variation in machinery spaces.
Attenuation of airborne and structure borne noise by appropriate
vibration mountings.
Modularity in design to assure high level of maintainability in
heavily congested machinery spaces.
Reliable operation in the presence of high levels of humidity.
Utilisation of seawater for cooling systems / heat exchangers.
117. Engineering equipment have been broadly tabulated into following
categories for highlighting the requirements: -
Main Propulsion Equipment.
Prime Movers for Power Generation Equipment.
Auxiliary Equipment.
Machinery Control Systems/Equipment.
Miscellaneous Equipment
Main propulsion equipment
118. The main propulsion plant of a warship should have the following essential
characteristics: (a)
Capability of high maximum speed as well as low speeds for
loitering and patrolling.
Good endurance in order to be able to stay on patrol for a long
period of time.
High availability and maintainability
Reversing capability
High power to weight ratio
Compact and modular construction
119. Indian Navy currently employs the three conventional propulsion modes
i.e. steam plants, diesel engines and gas turbines. Sufficient developments have
been made in respect to steam propulsion plants and small diesel engines.
Indigenously manufactured steam turbines of BHEL, main propulsion diesels of
Kirloskar Oil Engines Limited, are already in use onboard ships. However there
exists a perceptible gap in high power diesel engines and gas turbines.
120. Gas turbines. Gas turbines, in the range of 11-15 MW and 20-25 MW are
required for fitment on board future ships as main propulsion units. Presently all
gas turbines, fitted in Naval ships are of foreign origin. There is an urgent need
to develop indigenous gas turbines. Indigenisation initiatives taken in this regard
include the following
General Electric’s LM 2500 gas turbine is being inducted on the
basis of its licensed manufacture in India with progressive increase in
indigenisation. The first set of two gas turbines have been assembled and
tested by HAL, Bangalore.
Development of a fully indigenous Kaveri Marine Gas Turbine
(marine derivative of LCA gas turbine) is in advanced stages at GTRE,
121. Diesel engines. Diesel engines in the range of 1-7 MW are used as main
propulsion units. The primary requirement is for low noise levels, high availability
and reliability. Though there exist a great degree of self-reliance in lower power
range, the high power diesel engines to Naval specifications are largely imported
or assembled in India. Indigenous manufacture / development of high power
diesel engines to naval specifications will greatly reduce our dependence on
imports. In addition to above the following specific requirements also exist:(a)
Motor Boat Engines. The Survey motor Boats (SMB) and the Rigid
Inflatable Boats (RIBs) are powered by diesel engines in the power range
of 100-250 HP. These engines are to be of lightweight and rugged in
design and having a high Mean Time between Overhaul /Failures
(MTBO/MTBF). The survey motorboats are operated at sea for 8 to 10
hours continuously.
Non Magnetic Engines. The minesweeping vessels are fitted with
non-magnetic 250HP engines. Due to the specific role of the ships for
undertaking minesweeping operations, it is essential that engines having
nonmagnetic characteristics be installed onboard. Presently, no indigenous
diesel engine manufacturer is manufacturing non-magnetic engines.
Indigenous manufacturers could enter into strategic tie-ups with reputed
foreign manufacturers of Non Magnetic diesel engines viz. MTU Germany
to develop indigenous competence and capability in this field for meeting
requirements of the Navy.
122. Reduction Gear. For efficient power transmission to the propeller marine
gearboxes should possess the following essential features
Higher hardness of pinion and gear materials with attendant higher
gear tooth loadings.
High efficiency and reliability
Long life
Low noise levels.
123. Gearbox generated noise is a major factor in the overall under water noise
signature of ship. Indigenous development of ultra low noise gearbox to achieve
quieter operations is the need of the hour. Presently some gearboxes of ship are
being manufactured in India under joint ventures with foreign firms such as M/s
MAAG Switzerland, M/s Renk Germany. However the import content in the
assembled gearboxes is high. There is a requirement of gearboxes with greater
indigenous content in the range of 1-50 MW for the new construction ships.
124. Air Independent Propulsion Solutions for Submarines (AIP).
Indian Navy is also exploring AIP solutions for powering submarines as it offers
considerable tactical flexibility by cutting down the indiscretion ratio thereby
considerably improving the survivability of a non-nuclear submarine. Operational
considerations like quietness, shallow water capability, size and manoeuvrability
issues have rekindled interest in non-nuclear AIP solutions of many frontline
navies. Some of the AIP solutions tried out by foreign navies are Stirling
Engines (Gotland Class of Royal Swedish Navy), Closed Circuit Diesel(CCD)
Thyssen Nordseewerke (Germany and RDM Netherlands) ,Fuel Cells (German
and Italian Navy’s U212 with a PEM fuel cell pack by Siemens) and French
MESMA Steam Turbine system. Sterling engines and closed cycle diesel AIP
solutions are most developed and commercially available however
electrochemical fuel cell and MESMA have good potential and have been focus of
much of recent research. Indigenous competence in this field is still lacking or at
a very nascent stage and is required to be built up to supply AIP solutions of the
range of 225 to 250 KW for retrofitment on the existing submarines/
incorporation in the new designs.
Prime Movers for Generators
125. Diesel engines, Steam turbines and Gas Turbine Prime Movers.
Diesel engines, steam turbines and gas turbine prime movers are presently used
onboard IN ships for power generation. Diesel engines in the medium power
range (50KW - 1500KW) are used for power generation. Steam turbines are used
for generating power in the range of 500 KW to 1000 KW. Turbo alternators are
presently being manufactured by HAL under license from M/s Allens UK.
126. Indigenous development / licensed production of diesel engine and gas
turbine prime movers in the higher power range (1 to 3 MW) will enable
import substitution and also provide prompt and reliable product support for the
Machinery Control Systems
127. Machinery Control Systems. To ensure substantial indigenisation in the
next 15 years, the design of all machinery control systems for future shipbuilding
programmes are being evolved around open architecture standards. This will
ensure indigenous availability of core hardware as well as software of machinery
controls on all new construction ships. For existing ships, conversion to
indigenous equivalent designs has been planned for Corvette, SNF, Godavari
Class, LST (JM) and P-16A class ships in the next 10 years and identification of
suitable design is in progress.
128. Engineering Instrumentation. DME Specifications have been
formulated for indigenisation and standardisation of all engineering
instrumentation (Pressure gauges, 4-20mA gauges, pressure / temperature
switches etc). Compliance to DME specs is mandatory for supplying
instrumentation for the new construction ships and progressive replacement of
the imported instrumentation fit for the ships in commission.
Auxiliary equipment
129. Shafting/ Controllable Pitch Propellers (CPP). At present some
headway has been made in indigenous development of fixed pitch propeller
shafting systems with foreign collaboration where the critical components such
as propeller, stern tube bushes, ‘A’ Bracket Bushes, Plummer block bearings are
still being imported. The import content in case of CPP shafting systems is much
higher. There is need to indigenously develop CPP shafting systems with a
greater indigenous content of critical component for the future indigenous ship
construction projects.
130. Propeller Shaft Sealing Arrangements. Shaft sealing devices are
required to prevent ingress of seawater through the stern tube. At present these
shaft seals are being imported from foreign firms viz. Deep Sea Seals UK etc.
There is a need to develop a reliable indigenous gland sealing arrangement for
the shafting system of the new construction ships and also for replacing the
imported assemblies installed on existing ships as and when due for renewal.
131. Stabilisers/Steering Gears. These constitute hydraulically powered
stabilizers / steering systems with digital controls adapted for Naval warship
applications. The systems include high pressure hydraulics including variable
delivery pumps, hydraulic manipulators and rams having predominantly high
precision high reliability hydraulic components. Presently, all critical hydraulic
items (hydraulic pumps & control valves etc) and controls are being imported.
Indigenous expertise in this field is yet to consolidate and may be facilitated by
technical tie-ups with reputed foreign manufacturers.
132. Propulsion System Integration. Naval Ships are powered with suitable
propulsion plants to meet the specified targets of speed, endurance, and
manoeuvrability as per their envisaged roles. The propulsion plant could consist
of a Diesel Engine, Gas or Steam Turbine or combination of these. In-depth
studies are required for selection and integration of the prime mover, Gearbox
and shafting arrangement for evolving an effective propulsion system to match
the ships hull and tonnage. The propulsion system design and integration studies
are presently being sub contracted to foreign ship designers and vendors. With a
large number of indigenous ship building programmes envisaged in the future,
there is a need for Indian industry to acquire adequate expertise and in house
competence in Propulsion system machinery selection, design and integration
133. Air conditioning and Refrigeration Plants. Air conditioning plants in
the navy range from 30 tons to 500 tons capacity. Indigenous manufacturers are
providing the lower range AC plants. Although Indian manufacturers are capable
of supplying the higher range AC plants the import content for such plants is in
the order of 50-70%. Also in the light of IMO regulations for phasing out of
ozone depleting CFCs there is requirement to convert existing R-11 plants to
operate on R- 22 refrigerant. Indigenous industry has a large role to play in
developing associated technologies for converting AC plants to run on R-22 /
non-CFC based refrigerants. Also there is a requirement to indigenously develop
screw compressors for higher capacity AC plants.
134. HP Air Compressors. Air Compressors are employed on board for
variety of requirements like providing air for charging of breathing apparatus,
starting of diesel engines and operation of weapon systems. The capacity,
pressure and quality of discharged air is dependent on the end use. The large
dependence on foreign sources for shipboard HP compressors in the required
range has been reduced significantly by developing some Indian sources for
replacing the imported compressors of existing ships. However there exists a
large inventory of Soviet origin compressors of varying discharge pressure (200
to 400 bar) and capacity (upto 100 cubic mt / hour) and there is ample scope for
indigenous substitution in this field.
135. Control Air Compressors. In order to provide oil and moisture free air
required for operation of machinery controls, servo air compressors of import
origin are fitted on board various ships. Recently M/s Atlas Copco, Pune, have
successfully proved and supplied their control air compressors for
Leander/Godavari class ships. Ample scope exists for other indigenous
manufacturers to meet the requirements of new construction ships and
replacement of imported compressors for ships in commission.
136. Desalination and RO Plants. All marine vessels, large and small require
equipment for producing potable water for domestic consumption. In addition
there is also a requirement of desalination plants to produce high purity water
with maximum chloride content of 1 PPM for use as boiler feed water, Aircraft
services and Battery fluid for submarine batteries. The Reverse Osmosis plants
are being procured from a single indigenous source, which also has large import
content. There is a requirement to develop additional indigenous sources of
supply of the RO plants with considerable reduction in import content.
137. Centrifuges. A large number of Russian Origin Lube Oil and Fuel
centrifuges are presently in use on board ships. Indigenisation of fuel oil
centrifuges is in progress. Efforts are in hand to identify/ develop indigenous
sources for manufacturing of lube oil centrifuges of capacity 1000 to 4000 litres
per hour as replacement for soviet origin centrifuges.
138. Centrifugal Pumps. Fire pumps, AC and Ref plant seawater pumps,
dewatering pumps, and fresh water pumps of Russian origin are fitted on ships.
These pumps are of discharge pressure ranging from 2 kgf/cm² to 12 kgf/cm²
and capacity 10 tons per hour to 250 tons per hour. Indigenous substitutes of
these pumps are being developed through reputed Indian pump manufacturers.
The volumes involved are quite substantial and should prove attractive for more
Indian industry players to venture and meet the growing demands for new
construction ships and replacement for imported pumps on existing ships.
139. Gear/Screw Type Pumps. Gear and Screw pumps are widely used on
board for conveying POLs and combustible fluids due to their less turbulent
pumping action. A small beginning has been made with replacement of Lub oil,
fuel oil and AVCAT pumps of foreign origin with indigenous pumps developed by
M/s Alekton and Tushaco Pumps. However, given the large numbers and
diversity of the pumps there is ample scope for other manufactures to venture in
his field.
140. HP Air and Hydraulic System Valves. Air and hydraulic system valves
for high-pressure application (up to 400 bar) are not available indigenously and
are being imported from UK and Russia for all the indigenous shipbuilding
projects. These could be taken up for development by Indian valve
141. Sea Water System Valves. Sea water system valves are widely used in
the critical systems of ships viz. fire main system, cooling water systems,
prewetting system, ballasting/ de-ballasting systems etc. There is a recurring
demand for valves in large numbers of sizes 25 mm to 250 mm. Premature
failure of Gun metal sea water system valves has been experienced on some
ships and Navy has now specified Nickel Aluminium Bronze (NAB) valves for sea
water systems. This relatively low technology but high volume field presents an
attractive opportunity for the industry to step in and supply reliable and quality
products for Navy’s current and future requirements.
Miscellaneous Equipment
142. Fire Fighters Thermal Imaging Camera. Thermal Imaging Camera’s
(TIC’s) are used onboard ships by Fire Fighters for locating the source of fire in
smoke filled compartments and also to locate trapped personnel. The TIC works
on the principle of IR imaging with detector / sensing element with a vidicon
tube or microbolometer. Presently fire fighters Thermal Imaging Cameras are
being imported and there is a requirement to develop these TIC’s indigenously.
143. NBC Protective Suits. The Navy has a requirement of Nuclear,
Biological, Chemical protective suits for use by personnel in an NBC
environments. The NBC suits should be of reusable type with preferably,
spherical carbon adsorbed based technology. Also suits with non-woven / woven
carbon fibres are acceptable subject to the condition that they meet all user
requirements. Presently only the DRDO is in the process of developing re-usable
NBC suits. Indigenous manufacture of the suits with technical collaboration from
established manufacturers abroad would serve the large requirements of all the
three services.
144. Fire Fighters Protective Clothing. There is a requirement to develop
Nomex based fire fighters approach suits for use onboard ships during fire
fighting operations. The Nomex based protective suit should meet the Naval
requirements, which are based on EN 469 an International Standard for fire
protective clothing.
145. Acoustic Enclosures. Gas turbines, Diesel engines, forced draught
blowers etc are inherently noise generating equipment. With increasing emphasis
on stealth, Navy is engaged in finding ways and means to attenuate the radiated
noise levels. Acoustic enclosures are one of the ways to suppress the airborne
noise to acceptable levels. Suitably marinised versions of COTS acoustic
enclosures can be readily adapted for auxiliary machinery.
146. Infrared (IR) Suppression Devices. Significant improvements in IR
sensing devices make ships increasingly vulnerable to IR detection and IR
seeking missiles. There is a need to develop IR suppression devices to reduce IR
signatures of the ships and increase its survivability. These devices include
suppression devices for exhaust gases from Gas turbines and Diesel engines and
active hull cooling systems for reducing solar heating of the hull. This is a
practically unexplored field for the industry and they can work in consultation
with the DRDO organization for an initiation into IR suppression systems.
Forecast Requirements
147. A list of forecast requirement of Engineering equipment and systems for
the next 15 years is placed at Appendix ‘A’.
148. Products like Generators up to 500KW, Automatic Voltage Regulators
(AVRs), Switchboards, Air and Moulded Case Circuit Breaker, Automatic Flood
Warning and Fire Alarm System, Electrical cables of different capacities, Lighting
Systems, Automatic Emergency Lanterns (AELs), Hot Plates and Deep-fat Fryers
for ship's galley etc. have been developed and supplied by the Industry.
149. In the recent past, resources of the indigenous industry have been tapped
for products like Microprocessor Based Air Circuit Breakers, Automated Power
Management System (APMS), 1MW Generators, Command and Control Systems,
Multi-Function Displays, ATM based data bus, Control System for Remote Control
Target Boat (RCTB), Rotary and Static Converters/ inverters etc. In addition to
the above the participation of the industry for production of the under mentioned
Electrical/ Electronic equipment, amenable to indigenisation needs examination.
Gyros. Till recently all Western & Russian gyros in use by Indian
Navy worked on the principle of rotating mass for angular measurement
reference. However, presently Navy is inducting new generation gyros like
Ring Laser Gyros (RLG). These are being procured from abroad and Navy
would like to have manufacturing of such gyros based on latest
technology (like RLG or fiber optics) to be available in India for better
system availability and product support.
Logs. Navy is using Logs to obtain ship’s speed based on
electromagnetic measurement concept and these Logs are required to
give a high accuracy for integration with various weapon control systems
and for navigation. The output of the Log gets affected by shape of the
ships hull. Though M/s Keltron has indigenised Log systems for the Navy,
the technology is of late 80’s vintage. Indigenous development of modern
logs and their data transmission units is thus required to be undertaken
completely in India.
Echo Sounder. The echo sounders play an important role in depth
sounding especially for a ship’s navigation. M/s Keltron is presently
supplying echo sounders for Naval ships. However, Navy is looking for
modern indigenous echo sounders, which can be networked with ship’s
data bus system for real time information availability.
INMARSAT. Indian Navy is presently dependent solely on
INMARSAT consortium for satellite communication needs. However, Navy
plans to go in for a secure mobile satellite network based on indigenous
INSAT satellites for its tactical and strategic communication to avoid
dependency on the foreign INMARSAT satellites whose security could be
GPS. With evolution of technology, GPS has become necessary
navigational equipment for ships and its data is used as reference for data
transmission amongst various shore & sea based units. USA controls the
GPS satellites and the higher accuracy of the system is provided for use
exclusively to NATO countries. (Navy is interested in a secure higher
accuracy positioning system in similar lines as GPS). Whilst setting up a
network of GPS satellites in the country is beyond the scope, it is
proposed that at least the GPS receivers are indigenised with capability to
be interfaced with ship’s weapons and sensors.
Microprocessor Based ACBs. The conventional Air Circuit
Breakers (ACBs) of various ratings are currently sourced from different
indigenous vendors including GEPC, Siemens etc. L&T has also offered
their ACBs for evaluation. However, recently, microprocessor based
release mechanism for the ACBs have been introduced, which though
available locally, are being sourced from abroad. There is a need to
indigenise these microprocessors so that the state of the art ACBs are
totally indigenised.
Static Frequency Converters. The required specific secondary
supplies for systems like gyros & radars are derived from the ship’s main
supplies by using separate rotary frequency converters which have
inherent maintenance problems due to moving parts along with EMI/EMC
problems. Static frequency converters are better suited for such
applications and need to be designed and developed in India.
New Generation Zero Maintenance Batteries. Onboard ship
batteries are used for providing control, firing and back-up supplies for
various systems. Presently, lead acid batteries are being used for these
purposes but they have many problems related to their maintenance and
handling onboard a ship. Advanced generation maintenance free batteries
with high cranking amps & high deep discharge capability are going to be
a suitable replacement for lead acid batteries.
Flat Panel Displays (FPD). Presently CRT based displays used
for various systems onboard ships are getting obsolete and there is a
requirement to replace these with FPDs. This will involve development of
various custom based form fit displays for the various systems.
System Integration Capability. In any new construction ship
the integration of weapons, sensors and other equipment onboard ships is
generally carried out onboard a ship after all equipment have been
installed and individually tested/proved. The data flow between systems
uses highspeed data bus which by it self also needs to be tested at the
first instance. All these activities lead to an inordinate delays leading to
non-availability of a fully capable ship in time. There is an urgent need to
develop expertise within the country, who can take on the role of a
System Integrator.
Energy Efficient Fluorescent Lights. Substantial advancement
in the technology related to lighting and associated systems have take
place in the last decade such as evolution of systems like DALI (Digital
Addressable Lighting Interface) for remote & intelligent control of lighting
circuits. Use of Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs) and LED cluster for
lighting are replacing the conventional incandescent lamps. These
developments have special relevance for Navy from the point of view of
exploitation onboard a ship with regards to various EMI/EMC aspects,
shock & vibration and installation issues.
(m) Automatic Fire Detection System with Intelligent Sensors.
With advent of intelligent sensors now more sensitive fire detection
sensors are available with false alarms and transducer maintenance issues
being overcome with integration of sensors & centralized control. It is
possible to integrate intelligent lighting system with fire detection & fire
fighting system via a common data bus.
Automated Power Management System (APMS). APMS is a
new system being planned for induction by Navy for the first time and is
yet to be proved for new construction ship. There is however no
technology Know how and Know-why of such systems within country. In
order to exploit the automation in power generation and distribution
systems, these systems are going to be installed onboard all future
Soft Starters. Onboard a ship, a number of different types of AC
induction motors are used with their associated Star-Delta/DOL starters
for starting. Presently, soft starters are another form of reduced voltage
starters available for induction motors hich have better protection &
reliability features. Soft starters employ solid state devices to control
applied voltage and hence the current to the motor.
Modems. Navy is in the process of incorporating a high speed
online data & voice encryption/decryption device in the existing Satcom
systems in order to obtain message security as per defence approved
crypto overlay. Such devices have not been developed/productionised by
any manufacturer within India.
Electronic Chart Displays. The overall objective of the ECDIS is
to enhance navigational safety of a ship. ECDIS equipment provides the
necessary ability to select, display, and interpret relevant information,
including the use of navigational functions associated with route planning
and monitoring; and knowing what proper action to take in case of
malfunction. There is a need to have production of the system in India
along with training to overcome ECDIS-related limitations, particularly
those associated with errors of interpretation & over-reliance.
Nav Radars. The X-band navigation radars used onboard a ship
are required to be incorporated with various ECM features like low
probability of intercept (LPI) without degradation in system performance
in a complex electro-magnetic environment. These radars are generally
extremely low power CW radars with complex signal processing and
capable of detecting targets beyond 24 NM without being picked up by
ships EW systems. Development of such radars within the country could
be explored.
Command & Control System. Command, Control, and
Communication (C3) system is an information system employed within
Navy which incorporates strategic and tactical systems like a combat
direction system, tactical data system, or warning and control system with
associated human function. It is an integrated combination of people,
procedures, and hardware used to enhance the ability of the individual
performing command and control. Thus, it must necessarily complement
the needs of the commander. The increasing need for responsive
Command & Control systems is being driven by the rapidity with which
weapons can be deployed. In a complex multi-threat combat environment,
automated combat direction systems make it possible for people to deal
with a large number of targets and compressed reaction times of modern
warfare. The complex C3 functions required to keep track of hundreds of
friendly, neutral, and enemy ships, aircraft, and weapons, while engaging
only those permitted by the current rules of engagement, would be
impossible by manual methods. In Navy it is felt that C3 system needs to
be systematically designed as, in many cases, isolated systems were
introduced in response to perceived needs or to take advantage of
existing technology. C3 systems are required to be developed to
incorporate following areas in support of commanders engaged in
command and control:
(i) Reconnaissance and Surveillance.
(ii) Environmental Observation and Forecasting
(iii) Intelligence Analysis
(iv) Electronic warfare
(v) Navigation
(vi) Management
(vii) Strategic and Tactical Weapons Deployment
(viii) Logistics and Supply
Development of Indigenous High Speed Data Link for CAIO.
The Indian Navy has developed inhouse V/UHF Data Link capability for its
tactical messaging requirements of the Fleet, Air assets and
establishments. The requirement now exists to identify indigenous sources
capable of development of futuristic High Speed Data Links for U/VHF and
L Band operations.
Multifunction Consoles (MFC). Integration is the key to
successful system design. In MFC, Sonar, TV video, radar video etc can all
be displayed on the same console, using an embedded system or based
on a standard workstation or PC. Such a system needs to be
productionised within the country for better system availability and
product support.
LBTS. New construction ships have a plethora of sensors and
weapons from diverse sources, which are required to be integrated
together with Combat Management Systems and Data Networks onboard.
These systems are typically ready only towards the end of ships
construction schedule. The Navy is looking towards vendors capable of
development of test beds where ship borne systems could be integrated
and de risked prior attempting integration onboard.
Forecast Requirements
150. A list of forecast requirement of Electronic/ electrical equipment and
systems for the next 15 years is placed at Appendix ‘B’.
151. With the restricted availability of critical weapons and sensors spares from
erstwhile USSR, and denial of license to import critical components from USA
under sanctions, greater thrust has been given to indigenisation of critical
systems. Indigenous developments, in the case of weapon and sensor systems in
the Navy, are being undertaken through ab-initio design and development route.
This option has been further enforced due to denial of critical core technologies
to the nation as well as lack of adequate in-house R&D facilities existing with the
industry. Accordingly, design of prototype weapon and sensor systems is
undertaken by DRDO.
152. The Development and Evaluation model (D&E), thus developed, is
subjected to extensive user evaluation trials and the design frozen before
clearance for production. At this stage, production agency is normally selected on
competitive basis. In this option of ab-initio design and development, dedicated
user evaluation trials is required before freezing of the system design thereby
causing delays in induction of the system. Most of the design efforts in the field
of Anti-Submarine Warfare, in terms of sensors and Weapons, are being
indigenised through this route.
153. However, in the case of indigenisation of weapon systems through
Reverse Engineering, the industry is approached directly, to undertake a pilot
sample. Batch production clearance (BPC) is accorded after trials of the pilot
sample and meetings of Naval staff quality requirements (NSQRs). Industries for
indigenisation of these components are selected from the set of industries
registered with DQAN as meeting the requisite QA standards in terms of
production and material usage. In the case of weapon launchers, involving
mostly micro-controllers based elector-mechanical systems, the second option of
reverse engineering is adopted.
154. Private industry has been involved in manufacture of various components/
spare parts of Naval weapon and sensors. A few leading examples are
enumerated below :(a)
Manufacture of SSM Loading Gear of P-20/21/22 Missiles.
Fabrication of Magnetic Influence Mine Sweeping Cables TEM-3 and
Development of Torpedo Guide Strips for Submarines.
Manufacture of Emergency Recovery System for Towed Array
Manufacture of Hydraulic Test-jigs for Towed Array Sonar
155. Indigenisation of spares and components are being progressed on a case
to case basis. Some of the spares which are being indigenised are as follows:(a)
Electronic components like Diodes, Capacitors, Resistors, etc.
Transformers of various ratings.
Fuses & Fuse Links of various ratings.
Lamps of various sizes, voltages, wattages and colours.
Electrical switches and switchgears of various ratings and sizes.
Electro-mechanical relays of various sizes, voltages and contacts.
Mechanical components of Guns like Rollers, Bushes, Catch units,
Connectors, male and female, of various sizes, ratings and types
Forecast Requirements
156. Technology for development of following is also being looked into by the
Indian Navy
Ship launched / recovered UAVs and UCAVs with integrated
radars/IR/LASER/video surveillance system.
Fibre optic technology to replace wave guide.
LASER based systems for detection and imaging of targets.
LASER based wake detection.
Low frequency transducers for underwater detection.
Improved ammunition for increasing the range and lethality of
SR/MR guns.
157. A list of forecast requirement of Weapon systems and sensors for the next
15 years is placed at Appendix ‘C’.
Existing Submarines
158. Indigenisation in submarines has been limited to few low end technology
items and important critical weapon systems. This probably is due to the fact
that submarine equipment and systems are required to conform to stricter and
superior material and quality standards as compared to surface ships. This may
be seen along with the fact that we as a technology driven nation is still evolving
as submarine designers and more so in the design of equipment and systems
catering to under sea applications. The indigenisation requirements of the
submarines of erstwhile Russian origin are limited due to the declining residual
life of these classes of submarines.
159. Not withstanding the above, private industry has been the corner stone of
whatever indigenisation that has been undertaken by the Navy for the
submarines. Some examples of indigenisation, which are undertaken in the
recent past include:(a)
Hydraulic oil accumulators
Fuel flow meters
Various system filters
Various pumps
Various types of cables
Submarine batteries
System coolers
Various types of sensors and indicators
Project -75 Submarine
160. GoI has concluded contractual agreements with the French Government
for design, construction and TOT of Scorpine class submarines. This has offered
an excellent opportunity for indigenisation of equipment and systems as per the
provisions of the contracts. Equipment and systems proposed to be indigenised
are as follows:(a)
HP Air Bottles
Heat Exchangers
Bladder Accumulators
Various Filters
Air Conditioning Units/ Ref Plants
Air Conditioning Plants/ Valves/ Flaps
Air Conditioning Plants/ Heat exchangers
HP Air Compressor
Various Pumps
Forecast Requirements
161. A list of forecast requirement for EKM and SSK class of submarines is
placed at Appendix ‘D’.
162. A list of forecast requirements for Project – 75 submarines is placed at
Appendix ‘E’.
Technology Requirements of the Indian Air Force
163. The technical advancement will dictate and influence as to how a force
would operate in the future. The thrust areas that have shaped the formulation
of the IAF technological needs are as follows:(a)
Replacement/modernisation of combat aircraft, transport aircraft,
helicopters and training aircraft.
Induction of Force Multipliers
Acquisition of modern armament and weapon systems.
Strengthening of Air Defence Networks/systems/weapons.
Building up of Information and Electronic Warfare capability.
Setting up of reliable and secure communication facilities.
Space based systems and their exploitation
Integrated Air Operations Command & Control System (IACCS).
Modernisation of training facilities.
Development of operational infrastructure.
Airborne Platforms
(a) Fighter Aircraft The present fleet of combat aircraft will be
upgraded from time to time to meet the technological challenges of
modern warfare. The newer multi-role combat aircraft will replace the
present ageing fleet in future. Future combat fleet will be a mix of
medium technology upgraded aircraft and high technology modern
combat aircraft with multi-role capability.
Transport Aircraft
There is a need to enhance heavy lift
capability. Newer generation medium lift ac are required to bolster the
transport capability and fill the void between LTA and HETAC.
Helicopters Build and sustain helicopter fleet to cater for the
requirements of strategic and effect based operations. Acquire LCH and
attack helicopters to enhance required capability in this area. Upgrade
existing helicopters and induct MLH and HLH to address the short comings
of helicopter fleet.
Force Multipliers/Supporters/Enhancers
FRA and AEWACS Acquire adequate numbers to cater to
the requirements of full spectrum operations.
UAV Increase with additional induction. The pay load an d
sensors to be upgraded with changing technology. The UCAV is
also an important element in this cycle.
165. Intelligence/Information Collators. The strategic forces need to be
facilitated/supported by real time information. These will include satellites that
produce sub metric resolution and backed up by UAVs with great staying power
in the area of interest.
166. SAGW
The AD in critical and vulnerable areas requires to be
bolstered. SAGW for protection of airfields and other Vas/VPs will be required to
be augmented and heightened.
167. Communication The IAF needs supporting architecture and
infrastructure towards achieving network centricity. Towards this a defence
communication system with encryption with adequate band width is essential.
This must also include data linking facilities.
168. Weapons
Advance Air to Air and Air to Surface weapons are
IEW Systems
Latest IEW capability is required to be acquired.
170. Aerospace Applications Satellites are being utilised for meeting
communication requirements. New programmes are required to encompass
growing needs to data intensive modern weapon systems.
Areas that merit special concern are mentioned in the succeeding paragraphs.
Communications SATCOM would be the conjoint medium using
MF/TDMA technology for broadband communication. Such a system is to
also cater for critical redundancies (during contingency).
Navigation ISRO is working on Indian Regional Navigation
System (IRNS) comprising three navigation satellite in the GEO and four
navigation satellites in the inclined Medium Earth Orbit (MEO). Also, ISRO
has developed Indian Space based Augmentation System for GPS called
the GAGAN. There is a need to enhance its accuracy.
Synthetic Aperture Radar.
sensors for all weather Imagery.
IAF needs satellites with SAR
Geo-stationary satellite and constellation of
LEO satellites for near real time high resolution weather data re required.
Data processing facility within IAF for processing MET data from
satellites and generating various meteorological products would be
required for weather forecasting.
171. Although the direction and pace of the modernization plan as well as that
of technology cannot be predicted accurately, foregoing is a fair assessment of
the direction most likely to be followed by the modernization program of the
Armed Forces. The exact details could be shared with the Industry in greater
detail as and when projects actually come up for implementation.
Self-reliance in meeting the requirement of defence equipment for the
Armed Forces is a strategic milestone in a sovereign nations power projection
capability and status in the global arena. Accelerating this pace of indigenisation
is now a priority area for the MoD for which the active participation of industry,
both the public and private sectors, is very important at every stage of the
developmental process. Various mechanisms are proposed to be introduced to
institutionalise this. Positive interaction between all concerned agencies is vital
for progress to be tangible and viable. HQ IDS has initiated measures to develop
this relationship through interaction at various levels which have been articulated
through letters files, seminars etc. A MoD sponsored study has been carried out
by CENJOWs and the report is awaited. Projects are also underway on
‘Exploitation of National R&D Infrastructure for in house R&D by Services’.
This document has attempted to create awareness in industry of the
capability and technologies required by the Armed Forces over the next 15 years.
It is hoped that this addresses the industry’s concern about a level playing field.
On the part of industry, it is hoped that this document will encourage them to
put forth firm proposals for participating in the self reliance process in terms of
R&D. financial, production and product support commitments. It is also
envisaged that the industry would be proactive and in future suggest options to
the Armed Forces vis-à-vis their capabilities and available technologies.
(Refers to Para 147 of Chapter 3)
Total (No)
20 GT(20MW
06 GT(10 MW)
Gas Turbine
Diesel Engines
1-2.5 MW
2.5-10 MW
15 mw
24(900 KW)
02 (15 MW)
12 (5 MW)
120 (1MW – 2.5 MW)
14 (6 MW)16 (~ 2.5 MW)
Gear Boxes
<1 MW
1-2.5 MW
2.5-10 MW
15 MW
30 MW
24 (900 KW)
02 (15 MW)
06 (10 MW)
06 (30 MW)
14 (30 MW)
16 (~ 2.5 MW)
<1 MW
1-2.5 MW
2.5-10 MW
15 MW
30 MW
24 sets
02 sets
06 sets
122 sets
Steering Gear
Rotary vane
12 (rotary vane
02 sets
06 sets
108 sets
03 sets
06 sets
14 sets
03 sets
26 sets
Machinery Control
DAs (Prime
100-250 KW
0.5-1 MW
>1 MW
24 (12-250 KW,
12-150 KW)
04 (2 MW)
12 (500 KW)
120 (100 KW-200 KW)
03 (1 MW)
24 (1 MW)
24 (500 KW)
40 TR
144 TR
18 (40 TR)
03 (144 TR)
15 (40 TR)
-18 (144 TR)
42 (144 TR)
18 (40 TR)
Refrigeration Plants
Air Compressors
12 (10 TPD)
03 (30 TPD)
09 (30 TPD)
-9 (30 TPD)
21 (30 TPD)
16 (4 TPD)
10 TPD
30 TPD
<10 TPD
Bow Thrusters
Azimuth thrusters
Replacement Material for
Boiler of SNF
Propulsion Integration Study
FD Blowers
750 KW
Thermal Imaging
Fire Fighting Suits
AIP Solutions
NBC Suits
Acoustic Enclosure
Sea Water
Stm. Systems
1200 Psi
HP Air
IR Suppression
Marine Valves
Large Quantities
Propulsion Control System
Diesel Oil Transfer Pump
(Refers to Para 150 of Chapter 3 )
Automatic Fire Detection System
New generation Helo Starting
GT Starting Rectifier (1241 RE)
GT Starting Rectifier (SNF/
GT Starting Rectifier
Dynamic Loading Device for GT
Starting Rectifier
New Generation Rotary
Development of Navigational
Radars (X Band) with LPI
of capability
for integration of various
surveillance/weapon delivery
Multi Functional Radars
Development of New Generation
Development of New Generation
Development of New Generation
Echo Sounders duel as well as
single channel
40 each
(Refers to Para 157 of Chapter 3)
Missile System
Missile System
Front Safety
Dummy Missile
Safe and Arm
Auto pilot
Power supply
Proximity fuse
Platform for
Cross piece
Display Unit of
AKPA 6.3
Radio Altimeter
Delay Line
Torsion bar
AK-100 Gun Spares
13 types
13 types
30mm Kashtan Gun spares
12 types
12 types
A-190E Gun Spares
13 types
13 types
AK-726 Gun Spares
92 types
SRGM 76/62 Gun Spares
103 types
103 types
Safety Solenoid for 7.62mm Air
92 types
(Refers to Para 161 of Chapter 3)
AC CW Pump with motors
Piston Bilge Pump-I
Piston Bilge Pump-II
Propeller Shaft
Bush (SACH-NR-144280)
Bush (SACH-NR-014598)
Cockpit Mast Snorkel
Pneumatic Ejecting Device
Piston Rod (FWD)
Piston Rod (VR)
Piston Rod (AP)
Pressure Cylinder (Type 64DIA
Pressure Cylinder (Type 64DIA
Pressure Cylinder (Type 64AZ/P2-DN
Pressure Cylinder (Type 64AZ/P2-DN 400)
Generator Tacho
Battery Breaker
Armature breaker
Electric Bilge Drying Pump
DC network insulation measuring 3
AC network insulation measuring 3
Unit P 12 G
Indication System
11 WMC
Refrigerating Plant (without
Lub Oil Priming Pump
Generator Air Cooler
Main Motor Cooler
Reserve Motor Air Cooler
Cooler for Closed Loop
Ventilation of Batteries
Depth Gauges (0-40)
Depth Gauges (0-400)
Hydraulic Manipulators
(GEM 2-10-5)
Hydraulic Manipulators
(GEM 4-6-5)
Electromagnetic Blowing Valves
Electromagnetic Blowing Valves
`Q’ Tank
Three Position HP Air Column
Group Valves
Two Position HP Air Panel Valves
Electromagnetic Drain Valves of
Auto Blowing System
HP Air Reducers 45 to 06
Sea Water Valve (Shut Off Angle
Union D 20 P 100)
Sea Water Valves (Shut Off
Brass Angle Union D 10 P 100)
Sea Water Valves (Angle Union
Shut Off D32 P 100)
Air System Valves (Angle Stop
Valve D 32 P 400)
Air System Valves (Angle Stop
Valve 10 P 400)
Air System Valves (Angle Stop
Valve D 15 P 400)
Breaker Circuit
2XAB 50-42
Tacho Generator Type (G) 12T3
Hydrogen Burner (P) (D)-3ATM4
Fan PCC 2.5/25, 1-2.9 K (P) 0,
AC Blower
Fan PCC 216/10-1,1.9(L) 0,
Galley Blower
Fan PCC 216/10-1, 1.9(L) 270
Compartment Blower
Electric Fan PCC
63/40-1-29:K(L) 90
Supply Blower
Electric Fan PCC
63/40-1-2-9:K(L) 90
Exhaust Blower
Fan PCC 8/25-1-1-9(L) O,
Standard Blower
Fan PCC 100/40 P Main Motor
DC Motor Generator Blower/HYD
DC Motor Main Motor Blower
DC Motor AMK-10
DC Motor EK-10
DC Motor Supply/EXHST, Blower
Circuit Breaker Type A 20
(Refers to Para 162 of Chapter 3)
HP air bottles
04 sets
04 sets
Heat Exchangers
04 sets
04 sets
Battery: Battery cells. Fitting and
Bladder Accumulators : Separate
olepneumatic accumulators
Various Filters
04 sets
04 sets
04 sets
04 sets
04 sets
04 sets
Air conditioning Units / Air
Heaters and refrigeration Plants
04 sets
04 sets
Air conditioning Plant: valves/
Air conditioning Plant: Heat
HP Air Compressor
04 sets
04 sets
04 sets
04 sets
02 sets
02 sets
Pumps- Various types of Pumps
02 sets
02 sets
Note: One set comprises of various quantities