Procedures for Rule Violations at South Frederick

North Bend Elementary Middle School
Consequences for Un-Bearable Behaviors
Level One Behaviors
1. Inform student of rule
Behaviors that:
1. do not require
2. do not
violate the rights
of others
3. do not appear
(Teacher Managed
With Team Support)
Refusing to follow staff directions
Excessive crying
Excessive talking
Unfocused or inattentive in class
Making inappropriate noises
Chewing gum, eating/drinking in class
Unprepared for class
Not completing class work or homework
Sleeping in class
Participating in horseplay
Caught in the hallway without a pass
Using locker at an inappropriate time
Arriving to class or school late
Out of uniform without permission
2. Describe expected behavior
3. Implement an intervention
*Proximity control
*Nonverbal cue to correct behavior
*Verbal warning to student(s)
*Student/Teacher conference
*In-class modified seating
*In-class time out
*Loss of privileges
*Planned ignoring
*Contact parent (note, e-mail, call)
4. Debrief and re-teach schoolwide behavioral expectation
5. Maintain anecdotal notes of
used intervention strategies
Level Two Behaviors
Behaviors that:
1. significantly violate
the rights of others
2. put self, others, or
property at risk or
3. are chronic Level
One behaviors
(Teacher managed
with Administrative
support as needed)
 Chronic Level I Violations (excessive
talking, refusing to follow directions, etc.)
 Arguing with teacher/talking back
 Using inappropriate language
 Cheating (copying peer’s work)
 Out of line or horseplaying during a fire
 Throwing things
 Misbehaving on the bus
 Minor Property Damage (writing on desks,
 Verbally harassing someone (teasing, verbal
attacks, bullying)
 leaving assigned area/running from class
Inform student of rule violated
Describe expected behavior
Implement an intervention
*Implement Level I interventions
*Out of class time with another teacher
*Contact parent (note, e-mail, call)
*Detention Center (if operational)
If behaviors continue after
intervention contact parent
*Parent/Student/Teacher conference
*Parent/Student/Team conference
*Refer to Guidance Counselor w/ referral
*Refer to Administrator w/ office referral
Maintain anecdotal notes of
used intervention strategies
North Bend Elementary Middle School
Level Three Behaviors
Behaviors that:
1. violate BCPSS
school discipline
code level II or
level III
2. are chronic Level
Two behaviors
3. require
Chronic Level II Violations
Writings or drawings that illustrate
violent behaviors towards self or
Making threats of harm to self or
Physically harming a teacher, admin,
or staff*
Fighting or physically harming self or
Spitting or biting
Verbal Abuse (making racial, ethnic,
religious, or sexual slurs, etc.)
Possessing weapon or look-alike
Cursing at a staff member
Participating in verbal assault
(bullying, threats to harm in a nonplayful manner)
Participating in sexual assault,
misconduct (exposure, sexual touching
of others) or harassment (sexual
advances, inappropriate sexual
conduct, etc.)*
Throwing food in the cafeteria
Cutting class or out of the building
Possessing a
Possession, Use, or Distribution of
Vandalism, Major property damage*
Participating in arson*
* These behaviors are possible level IV violations
that may result in expulsion.
1. Inform student of rule violated
2. Describe expected behavior
3. Complete Office Referral Form
4. Send student to office with
Referral Form and attach any
relevant Documentation Forms
(anecdotal notes)
5. Administrator will determine
consequences and provide
feedback to the referring staff
North Bend Elementary Middle School
Detention Process
In – School Detention:
In school detention will be held in the Alternative Learning Center (ALC). In school detention will be earned
by students who display Level Two Behaviors as defined on the Consequences for Un-Bearable Behaviors Document.
Teachers must complete an Alternative Learning Detention Form and send the form with the child along with
his/her assignment. If an escort is needed to bring the child to the Alternative Learning Center, please inform
the office. Students will earn 30 minutes of in school detention per infraction. This time will be used to reflect
on the issue by completing a Behavior Log, discussing the situation with an ALC Staff Member, and completing
class work sent from the referring teacher. Only Administrators can extend the time frame for in school
After School Detention:
After school detention will be held every Thursday from 2:50 pm – 3:50 pm in Room 41. During after school
detention students will be required to complete a Behavior Reflection Sheet and have the opportunity re-learn
school-wide behavior expectations and BCPSS Code of Conduct. No homework will be completed during this
time. After school detention will be earned by a student for the following reasons:
 Student has been sent to the ALC for in school detention more than one time in a day.
 Student has been sent to the ALC for in school detention three or more times within a week.
 Student was found cutting class by a staff member.
 Other disciplinary issues as deemed appropriate by the Administrative Team.
 Student has missed an assigned after school detention (he/she now earns 2)
Saturday School Detention:
Saturday school detention will be held one Saturday per month from 9:00 am to 11:00 am. During Saturday
school detention students will have the opportunity to reflect on ways to improve their behaviors, re-learn
school-wide behavior expectations and BCPSS Code of Conduct, and complete community service projects
within and around the school. Saturday school detention will be earned by the student for the following
 Student has missed two after school detentions.
 Student has earned two after school detentions within one week.
 Student was found cutting class two times in a week.
 Other disciplinary issues as deemed appropriate by the Administrative Team.
If a student does not attend the assigned Saturday school detention he/she will receive additional administrative
consequences to include suspension from school.
After school and Saturday school detention procedures:
The ALC Staff will be responsible for coordinating and communicating with the teachers/staff, parents, and
students when an after school or Saturday school detention is earned. A letter will be sent home and a phone
call will be made to inform the parent about the situation and earned consequence of detention. Each staff
member will receive a weekly memo in their mailboxes listing all students who are assigned after school or
Saturday school detention. Teachers will have the opportunity to facilitate after school and Saturday school
detention for a stipend. A sign up sheet will be disseminated each month.