Section E: Your Business Idea

Business Idea Template
Stage 1
New Business Track
This template is for schools who are starting a business for the first time
This template should be completed by students with the support of teachers.
Please use the format provided as this is aligned to our marking scheme.
There are 8 questions. Please answer ALL questions. You may use extra pages. However,
please try and keep your submission to 5 pages maximum.
The numbers in brackets e.g. (10) indicates the highest number of points that can be
awarded for that question.
Follow our top tips to score high points and increase your chances of winning a prize!
You can also earn bonus points by including supporting documents in the Appendix of this
When you are ready to submit your completed business idea template to us, please follow
these instructions:- Log in to your account at:
- Go to the ‘Progress Report’ on the right hand side.
- Click on 1) ‘Submit Your Business Idea!’
- Choose your file and upload your completed Template. Click SUBMIT!
Any Questions
Contact the School Enterprise Challenge team at:E-mail:
New Business Idea Template 2015
Section A: Your Details
School name
Lead teacher
Business Name
Business Activity
No. of students in the school
No. of students involved in
coming up with the business idea
Section B: Your School
Tell us about your school. For example, What age are the students? Location? Environment?
There are no marks for this question; however, your answers to this question help us to understand
your school business better.
Our school is kajire girls secondary school,believed to be the centre of excellence in
curricular and co-curricular activities.its a place where students are imparted with
knowledge and skills,values and right attitudes.
The school is located alongside the Nairobi-mombasa highway ,7 km from voi town
and a few metres from the famous sagalla hills.
The school’s population is 352 students aged between 14-20 years.
The school is between the famous tsavo east,tsavo west national parks and Shimba
hill game reserve. In most cases, elephants from these parks disturb us. Although we
enjoy looking at them, they really cause an alarm to us and the surrounding
The famous sagalla hills,with vertical sedimentary rocks(the standing villas of the
sagallas).,the climate is the region is hot and wet. With May-July, experiencing a cold
season and a hot season in july-september.this is a semi- arid area.
The school is faced by several challenges such as water problems, insecurity from
wild animals and some financial problems since most people around the school, the
parents of many students in our school are not financially stable.
Section C: Your Resources
New Business Idea Template 2015
To help you score high marks in questions 2-4, we strongly recommend carrying out a Resource
Assessment. You can find a Resource Assessment Template in Weekly Guide 2 and in the ‘Resources’
section of your school profile!
What resources at your school could you use to start a business and how? E.g. ‘We have internet
at school and 3 computers so we could start an internet café.’ (2)
The reasons in our school include; internet for research and marketing our products 12 computers
printers and photocopier machine. Natural vegetation such as the woody plants,sisal,grass ,disposed
paper from printing and photocopying, plastics and nylons.
Since our business is concerns on arts and crafts, we utilise the woody plants, sisal, nylons, grass, and
plastics to make some souvenirs and other materials of skilled art such as drawings and paintings. Waste
paper has been used to make very beautiful beads that have fetched a high demand in the market.
How could you use your school’s location as a business opportunity? E.g. ‘Our school is near a
tourist attraction, so we could sell handicrafts to local tourists.’ (2)
The strategic location of our school has triggered us to start our business. Tsavo east and Tsavo west
national parks, a centre for tourism activities in Kenya has served us with ready market for our product.
There is a variety of resources surrounding our school, for instance the great Taveta-Mwatate-Voi sisal
plantations. We sell our products to both international tourists and the local interested people.
How could you use your existing skills to start a business? E.g. ‘Six students have cooking skills, so
they could help other students to start a café.’ (2)
Our business has a variety of members with different skills. seven students with beadwork and
also drawing, painting skills, they help in drawing and painting of many of our products, five with
video production skills perfect designers who help in product designing, two with computer skills
and help us to research and market our product our product. Two with good management skills
that help to see the business operates smoothly to a success.
Section D: Brainstorming
What business ideas did you think of when brainstorming? Please tell us your 5 best ideas E.g.
eggs, growing vegetables, bags, handicrafts (2)
1.Establishment of a greenhouse for tomato production
2.A fashion and design firm
3.Hand crafts and calligraphy painting firm
4.local and international tourism advertisement firm
5.young for life business firm(provide video editing and photography skills )
New Business Idea Template 2015
Section E: Your Business Idea
To help you choose the best business idea and to score high marks in this section, we strongly
recommend carrying out a Feasibility Study. You can find a Feasibility Study Template in Weekly Guide 3
and in the ‘Resources’ section of your school profile!
Which of your ideas did you choose as your Final Business Idea and why? (6). Please give 3
reasons why you chose this idea. Remember to use the results of your Feasibility Study in your
Hand crafts and calligraphy painting firm
The business we would like to set up is:
Reason 1:availability of enough resources
Reason 2:availability of market
Reason 3:effective available skills
How does your Final Business idea meet the People, Profit, Planet criteria? (6).
People: gained skills on art and design productions
:cultural improvement as they interact with tourists who buy our products
:earning foreign exchange that is shared to the local communities hence improving
their standards of living and reducing poverty
Profit: our products have attracted a large profit margin from our earlier sales we gathered ksh.
4000 in a day making a profit of ksh. 2500 the anticipated sales in future is ksh.10, 000.
Planet: the growth of vegetation in our environment as one of raw materials has improved the
beauty of our environment conserved our environment through use of disposed paper and plastics.
Section F: Start-up capital
New Business Idea Template 2015
a) Does your business need start up capital (money)? Please circle one: Yes /No
b) If yes, how are you planning to raise the start-up capital? (10) Please tell us in as much detail as
possible how you are going to raise the money needed to start up your school business.
Our bussiness needs a start up capital.for large scale production,inorder to satisfy the increased market
We have therefore decided to contribute the capital within the members, cultivate 50% of our profits back
to the bussiness,borrow some money from the school and also write emailsto charitable organisations to
give us some money to help in running the bussiness.
OR c) If no, why do you not require start up capital? (10)
Appendix (OPTIONAL Bonus Points)
If you have any additional information which supports your business idea, please add it in this space. E.g.
a completed Resource Assessment, Feasibility Study, reports or photos (4 photos Max). (5 Bonus Points)
We recommend that in case of any existing charitable organisations who will meet this idea, should
fund us so that we meet the increasing market demand.
We also recommend that the bodies involved protection of business ideas will help us to protect
ours for security purposes.
Our products:
Drawings of wild animals, African cultural practices,Kenyan economic activities,kenyas natural
Sculptures, paintings.
New Business Idea Template 2015
CONGRATULATIONS on coming up with a Business Idea! You have completed Stage 1! Submit NOW!
New Business Idea Template 2015